Thus, I am positive that, a picture from the site mikenai countries can exhibit my civilization to the world. Second important thing is that a picture can depict the history of my country. Surely, the picture from the past can Illustrate each illustrates each story lands. On the walls of the mikenai we can find some frescos about ancient peoples wars and their destiny. For example, we can see a lithogrophy the which shows the war between the Indonesian community netherlands Emprore and that's the story. Thus, I am certain that, if people see the image from mikenai they will be familiar with my country's history. In my opinion the best choice for representing my country in a exhibition is an image from mikenai site. Because it can Illustrate our civilization, history, and finally our culture. In my view point, by examining each contry's History of country know that we can completely and it must be very attractive to other countries.


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Thus, I am positive that, a picture from the site mikenai countries can exhibit my civilization to the world.

Second important thing is that a picture can depict the history of my country. Surely, the picture from the past can Illustrate each illustrates each story lands. On the walls of the mikenai we can find some frescos about ancient peoples wars and their destiny. For example, we can see a lithogrophy the which shows the war between the Indonesian community netherlands Emprore and that's the story. Thus, I am certain that, if people see the image from mikenai they will be familiar with my country's history.

In my opinion the best choice for representing my country in a exhibition is an image from mikenai site. Because it can Illustrate our civilization, history, and finally our culture. In my view point, by examining each contry's History of country know that we can completely

and it must be very attractive to other countries.