Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview May 31, 2012 Abstract This paper provides guidance and tips for migrating code assets built using the Windows 8 Consumer Preview released in February 2012 to the Windows 8 Release Preview. It includes porting guidance, a change manifest, and helpful details for developers who are tasked with migrating apps from the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. It assumes that the reader is familiar with the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. This information applies to the following operating systems: Windows ® 8 Release Preview Windows Server ® 2012 The current version of this paper is maintained on the web at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=251943 Disclaimer: This document is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet website references, may change without notice. Some information relates to pre-released product which may be substantially modified before it’s commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here. You bear the risk of using it. Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred. This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes. © 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Microsoft, DirectX, Visual Basic, Visual Studio, Windows, and Windows Server are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release

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Page 1: Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release

Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview

app to Windows 8 Release Preview

May 31, 2012


This paper provides guidance and tips for migrating code assets built using the Windows 8

Consumer Preview released in February 2012 to the Windows 8 Release Preview. It includes

porting guidance, a change manifest, and helpful details for developers who are tasked with

migrating apps from the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. It assumes that the reader is familiar

with the Windows 8 Consumer Preview.

This information applies to the following operating systems:

Windows® 8 Release Preview

Windows Server® 2012

The current version of this paper is maintained on the web at:


Disclaimer: This document is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet website references, may change without notice. Some information relates to pre-released product which may be substantially modified before it’s commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here. You bear the risk of using it.

Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred.

This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes.

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Microsoft, DirectX, Visual Basic, Visual Studio, Windows, and Windows Server are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Page 2: Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release

Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —2

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

General porting guidance ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Visual Studio project recommendation ............................................................................................................................................. 9

WRL ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

Visual Studio projects and XAML templates ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Windows.UI.Xaml ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Parameter name changes in a few XAML APIs ........................................................................................................................ 10

Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation ............................................................................................................................................................. 11

Unsealing AutomationPeer.GetPeerFromPoint and making it override able ............................................................. 11

Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers ................................................................................................................................................. 11

Changing AutomationControlType for SemanticZoom control ....................................................................................... 11

Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls .................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Frame.StopLoading has been deprecated ................................................................................................................................ 12

MediaPlayer control has been deprecated ............................................................................................................................... 12

Removing public constructor for OrientedVirtualizingPanel type .................................................................................. 13

Moving CarouselPanel to Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives ..................................................................................... 13

Introducing new Auto ScrollMode ............................................................................................................................................... 14

Changing ScrollViewer's IsTabStop default to false .............................................................................................................. 15

Removing PreferIncrementalLoading property from ListViewBase ................................................................................ 16

Unsealing AppBar and sealing panels......................................................................................................................................... 17

WebView.AllowedScriptNotifyUris type change ..................................................................................................................... 17

Renaming MediaElement.Video3DMode to Stereo3DPackingMode ............................................................................ 18

Changing ToggleButton’s visual states ...................................................................................................................................... 18

Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives ............................................................................................................................................... 19

Removing IScrollInfo, IItemContainerGenerator and IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator interfaces ............... 19

Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls, Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation....................................................................................................... 19

WebView control Navigation updates ........................................................................................................................................ 19

Windows.UI.Xaml.Data ............................................................................................................................................................................ 20

Removing ISupportPlaceholder interface .................................................................................................................................. 20

Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging ...................................................................................................................................................... 21

Change in SurfaceImageSource base class ............................................................................................................................... 21

Windows.UI.Xaml.Input .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21

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Radian value to degrees for Rotation, Angular, DesiredDeceleration, DesiredRotation properties ................. 21

Only one active ISurfaceImageSourceNative::BeginDraw() operation allowed per device ................................... 22

Replacing Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.PointerEventArgs with Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.PointerRoutedEventArgs

.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22

Replacing Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.KeyEventArgs with Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.KeyRoutedEventArgs ............ 23

Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation .................................................................................................................................................. 23

Renaming TapUp/TapDown Theme Animations .................................................................................................................... 23

Non-namespace changes ...................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Removing legacy VSM fallback to MouseOver, Selected and Dragging state ........................................................... 24

Changing names of system provided resources..................................................................................................................... 26

Changes to default AppBar MinHeight and ProgressRing MinWidth/MinHeight values...................................... 26

Parameter checks for required parameters and UI thread checks .................................................................................. 27

Removing support for clr-namespace construct in XAML ................................................................................................. 27

Windows Store ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28

Windows.ApplicationModel.Store...................................................................................................................................................... 28

New method CurrentAppSimulator.ReloadSimulatorAsync .............................................................................................. 28

New and updated method to get signed receipts for purchases ................................................................................... 29

App manifest .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31

Lock screen notifications and certain background tasks are now mutually required ............................................. 31

Language Requirement ..................................................................................................................................................................... 33

Impact ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33

App manifest (minor) breaking changes ................................................................................................................................... 34

HTML5/CSS/JavaScript ................................................................................................................................................................................. 37

requestAnimationFrame API ........................................................................................................................................................... 37

IndexedDB numeric constants have been removed ............................................................................................................. 40

Fixing your code ................................................................................................................................................................................... 41

CSS Flexbox: moving to latest W3C syntax ............................................................................................................................... 41

Un-prefixed versions of web performance, CSS transitions, and CSS animations, and font features settings

APIs now available .............................................................................................................................................................................. 44

HTML Views: Scrollboundaries act as a limit on scrollLeft/scrollTop ............................................................................. 48

Update to getClientRects, getBoundingClientRects, and offsetLeft, offsetTop, width, and height ................... 48

Updating backface-visibility to latest CSS3 spec .................................................................................................................... 49

COM interfaces for SVG Filters have been removed............................................................................................................. 49

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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —4

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SafeHTML validation for inline event handlers on unattached elements .................................................................... 50

Change to CSS3 property transform-origin ............................................................................................................................. 51

CSS animations and transitions with display:none no longer runs ................................................................................. 52

HTML Views: msSetPointerCapture no longer triggers manipulations ......................................................................... 52

HTML Touch Views: Changing coordinate space for RTL boundaries/snap-points and renaming -ms-scroll-

boundary-* APIs ................................................................................................................................................................................... 53

UTF-8 encoding with byte-order mark required for Windows Store onboarding ................................................... 54

Default context menus have been removed from HTML media elements .................................................................. 55

Remove default error page for top-level document navigation errors in Metro style apps using JavaScript

and HTML ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 56

Improved error handling .................................................................................................................................................................. 57

WinJS.UI.optionsParser no longer defaults to using "global" context........................................................................... 57

Removal of reveal and hide PVL animations from Windows Library for JavaScript (WinJS) ................................ 58

WinJS.Fragment.render and WinJS.UI.Pages.get only support “same context” access .......................................... 58

Tweak to JavaScript camel-casing rules ..................................................................................................................................... 58

‘name’ property of promise cancellation error objects now ‘Canceled’ ....................................................................... 59

JavaScript exceptions returned to Windows Runtime treated as unhandled ............................................................. 60

window.MSPointerEvent ........................................................................................................................................................................ 61

MSGestureStart, MSGestureChange and MSGestureEnd require additional developer setup work ................ 61

MSGestureTap and MSGestureHold require additional developer setup work ........................................................ 63

MSGesture transforms now report delta transforms ............................................................................................................ 64

Limiting msReleasePointerCapture DOM API to the current markup ........................................................................... 65

Deprecating DOM event method getPointerList ................................................................................................................... 65

Deprecating MSGestureDoubleTap ............................................................................................................................................. 65

Deprecating msGetPointerCapture DOM API .......................................................................................................................... 66

Deprecating MSPointerXXX.preventMouseEvents() .............................................................................................................. 67

New “isPrimary” property on MSPointer events (impacts use of initPointerEvent method) ................................ 68

Syntax .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 68

Parameters .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 69

.NET ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 70

Blocking dynamic invocation of nonpublic members in Metro style apps ................................................................. 70

[WinMDExp] Use WriteOnlyArray/readOnlyArray for arrays and blocks usage of In/Out for other cases ..... 71

[WinMDExp] Two minor breaking changes .............................................................................................................................. 73

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Reduce the .NET surface area to remove unnecessary access points to memory .................................................... 73

.NET Core Profile (Metro style apps) API changes ................................................................................................................. 75

Hide IPropertyValue and IReferenceArry<T> .......................................................................................................................... 75

Visual C++ ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 76

Platform::Array^ input parameters need to be marked as const .................................................................................... 76

Protected fields are not permitted on ref classes .................................................................................................................. 77

Nested types are not permitted in private ref classes .......................................................................................................... 78

Virtual methods need to be explicitly specified as ‘virtual’ (and ‘override’ if needed) ........................................... 78

Non-Windows Runtime C++ exceptions will fail-fast when reaching the language boundary (rather than

turning into E_FAIL) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 79

Public ref classes need to be marked as either ‘sealed’ or have a non-public constructor .................................. 80

Newslot methods are not allowed in interface classes or ref classes (either implicitly or explicitly by using

the ‘new’ keyword) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 81

Private/internal ref classes need to follow the same authoring restrictions as public ref classes ..................... 81

Instances of types with the marshaling behavior != Agile used as field or global will issue a warning

recommending use of Platform::Agile<T> ............................................................................................................................... 82

Public templated ref classes, its explicit instantiations and public templated methods are not supported . 83

Can no longer derive from Platform::Exception ...................................................................................................................... 84

Explicit [Windows::Foundation::Metadata::Guid] attribute cannot be specified anymore on interfaces or

classes (only [uuid] is legal) ............................................................................................................................................................. 84

Graphics & Gaming ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 86

DirectXMath ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 86

Windows Parental Controls and Game Definition Files (GDF) .......................................................................................... 87

COM ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 89

CoWaitForMultipleHandles function and CoWait_Flags ..................................................................................................... 89

Namespaces ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 90

Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core ................................................................................................................................. 90

toString, toFileAsync rename .......................................................................................................................................................... 90

Windows.Devices.Sms ............................................................................................................................................................................. 91

Windows.Foundation.Collections ....................................................................................................................................................... 91

PropertySet marshaling behavior is changing from non-agile to agile ........................................................................ 91

Windows.Globalization ........................................................................................................................................................................... 91

ApplicationPreferences removed .................................................................................................................................................. 91

Calendar.Compare method ............................................................................................................................................................. 93

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Windows.Globalization.Fonts ............................................................................................................................................................... 94

LanguageFontGroup property changes ..................................................................................................................................... 94

Windows.Graphics.Printing ................................................................................................................................................................... 96

IPrintDocumentPackageTargetFactory and IPrintDocumentPackageStatusEvent are not accessible to Metro

style apps ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 96

Additional parameter to pass while creating DXGI surface for printing ....................................................................... 97

CMetroTemplatePrinter object to call StartPrint() method ................................................................................................ 98

Windows.Management.Deployment ................................................................................................................................................ 99

(Minor) Breaking change and new additions to Package Manager Inventory APIs ................................................. 99

Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer ................................................................................................................................. 101

Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer API updates ................................................................................................. 101

Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators .................................................................................................................................... 102

Service metadata changes ............................................................................................................................................................ 102

Provisioning metadata changes ................................................................................................................................................. 104

Windows.Networking.Proximity ....................................................................................................................................................... 108

Windows.Networking.Proximity.PeerFinder renames ........................................................................................................ 108

Windows.Networking.Sockets .......................................................................................................................................................... 108

Windows.Networking.Sockets property name changes ................................................................................................... 108

Windows.security.authentication.OnlineId .................................................................................................................................. 111

Moving to IIterable and removal of caption from API ...................................................................................................... 111

Windows.Storage ................................................................................................................................................................................... 112

Default collision option change for file create in StorageFolder and DownloadsFolder .................................... 112

Transacted streams and CreateFileAsync options............................................................................................................... 113

Windows.Storage.ApplicationData ................................................................................................................................................. 116

Changes to IApplicationData::SetVersionAsync exception handling .......................................................................... 116

Removal of IApplicationData::get_RoamingStorageUsage() .......................................................................................... 116

Windows.Storage.Streams ................................................................................................................................................................. 117

DataReader::DetachStream and DataWriter::DetachStream will fail ............................................................................ 117

Windows.System .................................................................................................................................................................................... 117

New restrictions on the protocols that Metro style apps can launch and register for ........................................ 117

Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation .......................................................................................................................... 120

Converted getting user names to asynchronous methods ............................................................................................. 120

Samples ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 120

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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —7

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Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow ........................................................................................................................................................ 121

Close method now fails when called on main window ..................................................................................................... 121

ICoreWindowPopupShowingEventArgs .................................................................................................................................. 121

Deprecation of Invoke and InvokeAsync methods and addition of RunAsync ....................................................... 123

IInternalCoreWindow interface moved to private .............................................................................................................. 123

Method calls on a proxy CoreWindow will fail even if the object is smuggled back to the UI thread ......... 124

Windows.UI.Input ................................................................................................................................................................................... 125

Additional API support for mouse button transitions in IPointerPointProperties ................................................. 125

Changes in swipe and translation deltas ................................................................................................................................ 126

Windows.UI.Input.Inking ..................................................................................................................................................................... 128

Ink API will now return a vector of runtime classes instead of a vector of appropriate interfaces ................ 128

Windows.UI.Notifications ................................................................................................................................................................... 129

Query strings for tile/toast notifications not appended by default ............................................................................. 129

Windows.UI.ViewManagement ........................................................................................................................................................ 131

ViewStateChanged event removed ........................................................................................................................................... 131

Windows.Web.Syndication................................................................................................................................................................. 133

Windows.Web.Syndication property name changes ......................................................................................................... 133

Remove ToString method from ISyndicationText ............................................................................................................... 133

Appendix: Summary of API name changes ...................................................................................................................................... 135

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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —8

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.


Welcome to the guide for migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview.

This document helps developers who have written apps or samples that worked with Windows 8 Consumer

Preview and who now must update their Metro style apps to work with the Windows 8 Release Preview. A lot

has changed since February 2012!

The goal of this guide is not to provide an exhaustive list of breaking changes or potential issues, but rather

point out the most relevant “gotchas.” This should save you time, and get you to “80%” much faster than you

would have gotten there otherwise. There are also descriptions of some of the new features in the Windows 8

Release Preview.

At the time of writing, the Windows 8 Release Preview was not available in its final form. As such, this guide

may contain inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

General porting guidance

Although we have worked hard to keep churn and breaking changes to a minimum since the Consumer

Preview, it was inevitable that we would have to make some changes to enhance the developer experience and

to have a clear and consistent API surface. Because version 1 of an API surface like the Windows Runtime is a

huge commitment, we wanted to make sure that any breaking changes were made with the right trade-offs

between developer pain and long-term benefits in mind.

This document offers tips for getting up and running as fast as possible as you migrate your apps from the the

Consumer Preview to the Release Preview. The information is organized first under high-level headings (like

Visual Studio®

projects, Windows Store changes, App manifest changes) and then by low-level categories like

individual Windows Runtime namespaces.

Here are the high-level steps for migrating your app from the Windows 8 Consumer Preview to the Release


Step 1 – Migrate your Microsoft Visual Studio project.

Step 2 – Migrate your app manifest.

Step 3 – Fix compiler errors caused by the breaking changes, by referring to this document.

Step 4 – Review breaking changes in the namespaces that you use and make updates as necessary.

Step 5 - Review the Windows Store API changes and make updates as needed.

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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —9

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Visual Studio project recommendation

There have been nontrivial changes to the XAML and Visual Studio templates (StandardStyles.xaml and VS

project templates), so we recommend that you start over with new projects. This will involve creating a new VS

project for your app from latest preliminary Microsoft Visual Studio release that comes with Windows 8 Release

Preview, which will generate the new XAML templates.

Following are the details of all breaking changes that resulted in the preceding recommendation.


The __WRL_STRICT__ flag is turned on now, which adds extra validation. The following are the scenarios in

which it adds more compile-time checks:

1. Force users to use the InspectableClass macro since the Runtime class will not provide implementation for

GetRuntimeClassName and GetTrustLevel

2. Add strict verification for RuntimeClass template parameters:

a. No possibility to use the IUnknown interface unless it’s the first template parameter.

b. No possibility impacto use the IInspectable interface unless it’s the first template parameter.

c. Force developers to respect RuntimeClassFlags -> WinRt can be used with WinRt, ClassicCom can

be only used with ClassicCom, WinRtMix can be used with both.

d. Verifies that SimpleActivationFactory can create WinRt interface and not ClassicCom.

e. Verifies that SimpleClassFactory can create ClassicCom interface and not WinRt.

Who is impacted:

Sample developers and teams external to Windows.

Action to take:

Samples authors whose samples that fail to compile must fix their usage.

Teams external to Windows may work around this issue using the __WRL_CONFIGURATION_LEGACY__ flag,

which Windows uses to avoid the stronger validation.

The following error may occur:

error C2338: 'I' has to derive from 'IUnknown' and must not be IUnknown and/or IInspectable.

If you receive this error, make sure that your interface is not IUnknown and is not IInspectable. When using

WinRtClassicComMix, make sure that the first RuntimeClass template parameter is IInspectable based.

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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —10

May 31, 2012

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Visual Studio projects and XAML templates


Parameter name changes in a few XAML APIs

Brief description:

The return value parameter names in the following API’s have been changed from the generic “property” to

more relevant names in order to avoid using reserved keywords:

Before Changed to

HRESULT Register([in] HSTRING name, [in]

Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName propertyType, [in]

Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName ownerType, [in]

PropertyMetadata* typeMetadata, [out, retval]

DependencyProperty** property);

HRESULT Register([in] HSTRING name, [in]

Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName propertyType, [in]

Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName ownerType, [in]

PropertyMetadata* typeMetadata, [out, retval]

DependencyProperty** dependencyProperty);

HRESULT RegisterAttached([in] HSTRING name, [in]

Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName propertyType, [in]

Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName ownerType, [in]

PropertyMetadata* defaultMetadata, [out, retval]

DependencyProperty** property);

HRESULT RegisterAttached([in] HSTRING name, [in]

Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName propertyType, [in]

Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName ownerType, [in]

PropertyMetadata* defaultMetadata, [out, retval]

DependencyProperty** dependencyProperty);

HRESULT RaisePropertyChangedEvent([in]


property, [in] IInspectable* oldValue, [in] IInspectable*


HRESULT RaisePropertyChangedEvent([in]


automationProperty, [in] IInspectable* oldValue, [in]

IInspectable* newValue);

HRESULT FindItemByProperty([in]


derSimple* startAfter, [in]


property, [in] IInspectable* value, [out, retval]


derSimple** returnValue);

HRESULT FindItemByProperty([in]


derSimple* startAfter, [in]


automationProperty, [in] IInspectable* value, [out,



derSimple** returnValue);

HRESULT GetCustomProperty([in] HSTRING name, [out,

retval] ICustomProperty **property);

HRESULT GetCustomProperty([in] HSTRING name, [out,

retval] ICustomProperty **customProperty);

HRESULT GetIndexedProperty([in] HSTRING name, [in]

Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName type, [out, retval]

ICustomProperty **property);

HRESULT GetIndexedProperty([in] HSTRING name, [in]

Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName type, [out, retval]

ICustomProperty **customProperty);

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details Any code that used the above API’s in the following format will need to change

to use the new names:

MethodName(property: myProperty, …)

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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —11

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Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code


RaisePropertyChangedEvent(property: myProperty, …)

Must now be changed to

RaisePropertyChangedEvent(automationProperty: myProperty, …)


Unsealing AutomationPeer.GetPeerFromPoint and making it override able

Brief description:

The GetPeerFromPoint event has been unsealed and a new overrideable API GetPeerFromPointCore has been

added to AutomationPeer in order to enable app authors to support ElementFromPoint for Custom controls.

Languages C#, C++


Changing AutomationControlType for SemanticZoom control

Brief description:

The AutomationPeer.AutomationControlType for SemanticZoom control has been changed from “Custom” to


Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your automation test cases were expecting SemanticZoom control to return a

AutomationControlType of “Custom”, these will be broken.

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Any reference to SemanticZoom control’s AutomationControlType must be

changed from “Custom” to “SemanticZoom”.

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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —12

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Frame.StopLoading has been deprecated

Brief description:

Frame.StopLoading was designed to stop async Frame navigations. However Frame navigations are always

synchronous, so Frame.StopLoading has been removed.

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details Compilation will fail with an error similar to the following:

Samples usage

or steps to take

to migrate code

Remove any instances of Frame.StopNavigation()

MediaPlayer control has been deprecated

Brief description:

MediaPlayer control has been deprecated from the XAML framework for Windows 8. Moving forward, all media

scenarios must utilize the MediaElement API.

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your app uses a MediaPlayer control, errors similar to the following will occur:

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

Remove any instances of MediaPlayer control and replace them with

MediaElement API. Building transport controls around MediaElement control is

explained in detail in the BasicMediaPlayback SDK sample available with Windows


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You can also refer to http://playerframework.codeplex.com for a full end to end

solution to support multiple features including CC and IIS smooth streaming.

Removing public constructor for OrientedVirtualizingPanel type

Brief description:

The public constructor for OrientedVirtualizingPanel type has been removed so this type cannot be instantiated


Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your app tries to instantiate OrientedVirtualizingPanel, errors similar to the

following will occur:

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Use VirtualizingStackPanel or WrapGrid instead of OrientedVirtualizingPanel

Moving CarouselPanel to Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives

Brief description:

The CarouselPanel control is being moved to Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives from

Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls. This type is used as part of ComboBox and not meant to be used independently.

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your app contains CarouselPanel but does not use

Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives, the following errors will occur:

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Replace any instance of Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CarouselPanel with


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Introducing new Auto ScrollMode

Brief description:

1. A new ScrollMode – “Auto” - has been introduced to not show overscroll bounce in the direction that

has been configured if the content fits the viewport. For example, if HorizontalScrollMode=”Auto” and

if the content is zoomed in small enough to completely fit inside the viewport horizontally, there will

be no overscroll bounce effect when the user tries to pan the content in the horizontal direction. If the

content is zoomed in to become bigger than the viewport, panning in horizontal direction will be

automatically enabled.

2. The ScrollMode for “Rails” has been moved to a separate property in ScrollViewer. App authors can

now disable/enable rails along horizontal/vertical direction independent of ScrollMode being

Enabled/Auto. When ScrollMode is Disabled, however, enabling/disabling of rails is irrelevant.

Based on the above changes:

1. ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollMode and ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollMode now have the following

valid settings:




2. ScrollViewer has the following new properties:



3. The default behavior is exactly the same as old defaults. That is, Rails has been retained as the

default ScrollViewer experience.

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your XAML code sets HorizontalScrollMode and/or VerticalScrollMode =

“Rails”, a runtime exception as shown below will occur and the app will crash:

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Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Any references to ScrollMode.Rails have to be changed to use the new


For example:

<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollMode="Rails" … />

Must be changed to:

<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollMode="Enabled"

IsHorizontalRailEnabled="True" … />

Changing ScrollViewer's IsTabStop default to false

Brief description:

ScrollViewer's IsTabStop default value has been changed from True to False. This will impact apps that have

content in a ScrollViewer that cannot receive focus (like Image Control). This change was made in order to cater

to the scenario of moving focus to the content inside a ScrollViewer instead of the ScrollViewer itself. This was

found to be a more common scenario than tabbing to the ScrollViewer and hence the default has been

switched to false. This was exasperated by the fact that ScrollViewer does not provide a default focus visual.

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details No errors will be occurring. This is a behavioral breaking change.

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Apps that have content that can get focus inside a ScrollViewer will not need to

change their code. If your app contains a ScrollViewer with only non Control

elements like Image, VSIS etc., the following change needs to be made:

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Before Now

<ScrollViewer ... >

<my non focusable content>


<ScrollViewer IsTabStop=”True” ... >

<my non focusable content>


Removing PreferIncrementalLoading property from ListViewBase

Brief description:

PreferIncrementalLoading property on ListViewBase has been removed. Data interface

ISupportIncrementalLoading is available for virtualizing data. Classic (or random access) virtualization can be

achieved by using IObservableVector or INotifyCollectionChanged interfaces and can be used in conjunction

with ISupportIncrementalLoading.

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your app references PreferIncrementalLoading within GridView and/or ListView

controls, errors similar to the following will occur:

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

Any reference to PreferIncrementalLoading has to be removed.

For example:

<GridView PreferIncrementalLoading="True" /> <ListView PreferIncrementalLoading="False" />

Can no longer be used.

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Unsealing AppBar and sealing panels

Brief description:

AppBar control has been unsealed in order to enable other Edge UI behavior. VirtualizingPanel,

VirtualizingStackPanel and OrientedVirtualizingPanel controls have been sealed since they are not meant to be


Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your custom control extends VirtualizingPanel, VirtualizingStackPanel or

OrientedVirtualizingPanel, you will encounter build errors as shown below:

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Any extensions of VirtualizingPanel, VirtualizingStackPanel or

OrientedVirtualizingPanel need to be removed.

For example:

public class UserControl1 : VirtualizingPanel

needs to be removed.

WebView.AllowedScriptNotifyUris type change

Brief description:

The WebView.AllowedScriptNotifyUris property has changed type from IIterable to IVector. This will now return

an empty collection instead of returning NULL as a default. This makes it easier for app developers to simply

add entries to the collection.

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Any reference to AllowedScriptNotifyUris must be changed from defining using

IIterable to IVector.

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Renaming MediaElement.Video3DMode to Stereo3DPackingMode

Brief description:

Video3DMode API on MediaElement Control has been renamed to Stereo3DVideoPackingMode.

Stereo3DVideoRenderMode property is also being introduced to match the app building experience for

JavaScript apps media developers. Stereo3DVideoRenderMode will have “Mono” and “Stereo” as the available


Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your app references Video3DMode, the following errors will occur:

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Any reference to Video3DMode must be changed to


For Example:

<MediaElement Video3DMode="None" />

Must be changed to:

<MediaElement Stereo3DVideoPackingMode="None" />

Changing ToggleButton’s visual states

Brief description:

ToggleButton VisualStates have been changed. The following are the new VisualStates for ToggleButtons:

Normal, PointerOver, Pressed, Disabled,

Checked, CheckedPointerOver, CheckedPressed, CheckedDisabled,

Indeterminate, IndeterminatePointerOver, IndeterminatePressed, IndeterminateDisabled

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

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Removing IScrollInfo, IItemContainerGenerator and IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator


Brief description:

IScrollInfo, IItemContainerGenerator and IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator interfaces have been removed from

XAML since these interfaces are not useful in their current shape to be consumed by 3rd

party panels. However,

the properties, methods and events (PME) of the interface are now on the types that implemented them. All

API’s that existed in IScrollInfo have now been added to ScrollContentPresenter, OrientedVirtualizingPanel and

CarouselPanel classes.

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your class implements IScrollInfo, IItemContainerGenerator and/or

IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator, the following build errors will occur:

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Any references to IScrollInfo, IItemContainerGenerator and

IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator have to be removed. Instead of implementing

these interfaces, you can directly extend one of the 3 classes

(ScrollContentPresenter, OrientedVirtualizingPanel or CarouselPanel) as the need

may be and inherit the methods and properties.

Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls, Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation

WebView control Navigation updates

Brief description:

Developers using the WebView control had no way to know if a particular navigation failed. The typical pattern

was to issue a navigation request via the WebView.Navigate() method and then hook the

WebView.LoadCompleted event to know when the page was successfully loaded. If the navigation failed, they

received no indication and would continue to wait for the LoadCompleted event to fire, which it never would.

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The WebView control now supports reporting of navigation errors. NavigationFailed event has been added to

WebView control which will be fired whenever there is a navigation error. This event uses a new event arg

called WebViewNavigationFailedEventArgs which has WebErrorStatus and Uri properties.

As part of this change INavigatingCancelEventArgsFactory, INavigationFailedEventArgsFactory and

INavigationEventArgsFactory interfaces have also been removed since they were not being used.

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your app references NavigatingCancelEventArgs, NavigationFailedEventArgs

and/or NavigationEventArgs, build errors will occur that the type/namespace

could not be found.

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Any references to NavigatingCancelEventArgs, NavigationFailedEventArgs and

NavigationEventArgs have to be removed.


Removing ISupportPlaceholder interface

Brief description:

The ISupportPlaceholder interface has been removed. All XAML Controls have been modified to support

null/nullptr as the value that will trigger the Placeholder VisualState.

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your class implements ISupportPlaceholder interface, build errors similar to the

following will occur:

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Workaround is to remove implementations of this interface and return null/nullptr for


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Change in SurfaceImageSource base class

SurfaceImageSource runtime class used to inherit from Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.BitmapSource. The change is

that now it inherits from Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.ImageSource which BitmapSource inherits from.


Radian value to degrees for Rotation, Angular, DesiredDeceleration, DesiredRotation


Brief description:

Radian value to degrees for Rotation, Angular, DesiredDeceleration, DesiredRotation properties.

Properties Old New



Radian Degrees



Radian Degrees



Radian Degrees


Velocities. Angular

Radian Degrees



Radian Degrees


Velocities. Angular

Radian Degrees



Radian Degrees


Velocities. Angular

Radian Degrees

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Properties Old New



Radian Degrees



Radian Degrees


Replace the degrees value from radian for above property usage.

Only one active ISurfaceImageSourceNative::BeginDraw() operation allowed per device

What’s changing?

By default, a XAML SurfaceImageSource or VirtualSurfaceImageSource will now allow only one active

BeginDraw() operation at a time per IDXGIDevice. Previously, one active BeginDraw() was allowed per

SurfaceImageSource/VirtualSurfaceImageSource. Further restricting this API enables additional performance

optimization. In practice this means that once ISurfaceImageSourceNative::BeginDraw() has been called on a

SurfaceImageSource associated with a given device, an app must now call

ISurfaceImageSourceNative::EndDraw() before it can call BeginDraw() again.

Impact / Required Action

Any app using a SurfaceImageSource or VirtualSurfaceImageSource that calls

ISurfaceImageSourceNative::BeginDraw() multiple times per device before calling EndDraw() must be modified

to instead call EndDraw() after each BeginDraw() call.

Replacing Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.PointerEventArgs with


Brief description:

Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.PointerEventArgs is being replaced with

Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.PointerRoutedEventArgs in order to avoid conflict with


Languages C#, C++

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Issue and details If your app references PointerEventArgs, the following errors will occur:

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

Replace any instance of Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.PointerEventArgs with


Replacing Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.KeyEventArgs with


Brief description:

Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.KeyEventArgs is being replaced with Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.KeyRoutedEventArgs in

order to avoid conflict with Windows.UI.Input.KeyEventArgs

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your app references KeyEventArgs, the following errors will occur:

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Replace any instance of Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.KeyEventArgs with



Renaming TapUp/TapDown Theme Animations

Brief description:

In order to be consistent with PVL animation names, the following changes have been made:

1. TapUpThemeAnimation has been changed to PointerUpThemeAnimation

2. TapDownThemeAnimation has been changed to PointerDownThemeAnimation

Languages C#, C++

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Issue and details If your app references TapUpThemeAnimation and/or TapDownThemeAnimation, the

following errors will occur:

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

Any reference to TapUpThemeAnimation and/or TapDownThemeAnimation must be

changed to PointerUpThemeAnimation and/or PointerDownThemeAnimation.

For example:

<Storyboard x:Name="tapstoryboard"> <TapUpThemeAnimation … /> <TapDownThemeAnimation … /> </Storyboard>

Must be changed to:

<Storyboard x:Name="tapstoryboard"> <PointerUpThemeAnimation … /> <PointerDownThemeAnimation … /> </Storyboard>

Non-namespace changes

Removing legacy VSM fallback to MouseOver, Selected and Dragging state

Brief description:

VSM states for Selection were added newly in Windows 8 XAML during Consumer Preview. For PointerOver the

fallback code for MouseOver was retained to not break existing apps or legacy XAML from Silverlight. This is

now being deprecated. To be consistent, the VSM fallback for the Dragging state in GridView/ListView when a

MultipleDraggingPrimary state is not present is also being deprecated.

The following table lists the before and after state names:

Before Now



<VisualState x:Name=”MouseOver”>



<VisualState x:Name=”PointerOver”>

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Before Now







<VisualState x:Name=”Selected”>











<VisualState x:Name=”Dragging”>









Languages C#, C++

Issue and details

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Replace any instance of MouseOver with PointerOver etc.,

For example:

VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, "MouseOver", true);

Must be changed to:

VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, "PointerOver", true);

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Changing names of system provided resources

Brief description:

All Resources (brushes, metrics) provided by the runtime, referred to as "theme resources", have names

changed and in some cases removed. These resources are brushes and metrics that are used (directly or

indirectly via project templates) in XAML {StaticResource resourceName} lookups. The actual name changes can

be found in the following table:

Appendix: Summary of API name changes

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your app has a reference to one of more the theme resources from the above list

(either through Visual Studio Project Template or through your own Control

Template), the following errors will occur:

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Replace your usage with the updated name from the above list.

For example:

<Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundBrush}">

Must be changed to:

<Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">

Changes to default AppBar MinHeight and ProgressRing MinWidth/MinHeight values

Brief description:

XAML AppBar control’s default MinHeight value has been changed from 68 to 88. XAML ProgressRing control’s

default MinHeight and MinWidth have been changed from 60 to 20.

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If your app was relying on the defaults to set up Width and Height of Appbar

and ProgressRing controls, your visual effect will now be changed considerably.

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

You can retain the default visual experience by manually setting the width and

height to previous defaults.

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For example:

<ProgressRing .../>

can be changed to:

<ProgressRing Width=”60” Height=”60” />

if you want to retain your previous visual experience.

Parameter checks for required parameters and UI thread checks

Brief description:

Two new types of checks have been added to all XAML Public API’s:

1. UI Thread check: XAML will throw when API’s are accessed from threads other than UI Threads.

2. Null checks for parameters: E_INVALIDARG (ArgumentException) will be raised with information

on which parameter was invalid when passing in an invalid parameter or setting an invalid

property that is required

Languages C#, C++

Issue and details If an app was calling an API from a non-UI thread and that API didn’t already do a

thread-check, it may have failed unexpectedly before. With this change, it will fail

consistently and predictably.

If an app was previously passing in NULLs to parameters in API’s that are now

required, it will fail with an (argument) exception.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

Removing support for clr-namespace construct in XAML

Brief description:

Support for clr-namespace construct in XAML namespaces is being removed. This construct was designed for

common language runtime-based apps, and is not appropriate for the Windows Runtime.

Languages C#, C++

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Issue and


If your app tries to use reference using clr-namespace, errors similar to the following will occur



usage or

steps to take

to migrate


Before Now change to












Windows Store


New method CurrentAppSimulator.ReloadSimulatorAsync

Brief description:

Added ReloadSimulatorAsync API.

We are adding a method to make the offline testing of Windows Store APIs easier for developers. It will allow

the CurrentAppSimulator class state to be reloaded with new simulator settings from an XML file. Our current

runtime already supports loading the file from a specific file in a known location on startup. This API however,

will allow them to load the file directly from any local file path at any time, which will simplify this process


Languages JavaScript, C++, .NET

Issue and details New API for testing code ISVs write with Store APIs against various license


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Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

JavaScript sample code:

var currentApp =


var simulatorSettingsFilePath =


ion.path + "\\proxy1.xml";



function (settingsFile) {



New and updated method to get signed receipts for purchases

Brief description:

Added GetAppReceiptAsync and GetProductReceiptAsync and added a parameter to

RequestAppPurchaseAsync and RequestProductPurchaseAsync APIs.

These new methods are available as members of CurrentApp and CurrentAppSimulator. They allow an app

which might have a valuable web service, to request a receipt signed by the Store web service to prove to the

app’s web services that the user/app calling has indeed acquired the app or product from the Store. The receipt

can be used as a proof to activate content or features on the ISV web service based on purchases made from

within the app.

To support getting receipts in the most efficient manner for various purchase scenarios, we’ve also added an

addition Boolean includeReceipt parameter to the existing purchase operations so they will be able to return the

receipt directly in the purchase operations as well.

Note that GetProductReceiptAsync will not be implemented for Windows 8. Calling it will return an HRESULT

error code of E_NOTIMPL.

Languages JavaScript, C++, .NET

Issue and details New API for acquiring an app receipt and an additional parameter added to

request purchase APIs.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

JavaScript sample code for new APIs:

var currentApp =


//var currentApp =



function (appReceipt) {

// add code here to send the app receipt to your

web service for verification;


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JavaScript sample code showing impact of update to purchase APIs:

You’ll need to add a Boolean parameter to the call. The parameter value to

match original API implementation behavior should be to put a value of “false”.

Most developers will not need receipts so this would be set to “false” for most


var currentApp =



JavaScript sample code using the updated APIs for apps that want to get the

receipt in the purchase transaction:

var currentApp =


//var currentApp =



function (appReceipt) {

// add code here to check if the purchase was

successful then send the app receipt to your web

service for verification;


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App manifest

Lock screen notifications and certain background tasks are now mutually required

Brief description:


At app installation time it is now enforced that if a lock screen notification type is specified in an app manifest,

an appropriate background task must also be specified. In addition, if an appropriate background task is

specified, a lock screen notification type must also be specified. The types of background tasks that require a

lock screen notification (and the types that must be specified when a lock screen notification type is present)


· Control Channel

· Timer

· Push Notification

Why is this change needed?

Without this change, if apps specify either a background task or lock screen capabilities, but not both, their app

will not be able to run in the background or appear on the lock screen. It will not be able to successfully call

the APIs allowing it to request access to these items, nor will it appear as an option in Windows UI. This change

will allow developers to be informed of the problem ahead of time to avoid head-scratching investigations

trying to figure out why their app isn’t behaving as expected.

Who is impacted?

Developers who have Metro style apps that specify only one of lock screen or background capabilities in their

manifest, but not the other, will see their apps fail to install.

Action required:

If you believe that your app will be affected by this change, you must do the following:

If your app only specifies a background task, but not a lock screen notification:

If your app truly needs one of the background rights called out above, you must specify a lock screen notification in your app manifest

If your app does not need one of the background rights called out above, you can remove the background declaration from your app manifest

If your app only specifies a lock screen notification type, but not a background task:

If your app truly needs to be on the lock screen, you must specify a background task type of either Control Channel, Timer, or Push Notification in your app manifest

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o Control Channel should only be used if your app truly needs it since there is a limit of 3 apps that may use this at any given time

If your app does not need to be on the lock screen, you can remove the lock screen declaration from your app manifest

If none of the above steps are performed and your app only specifies one of lock screen or background, but not

the other, it will fail to install.


Sample Manifest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/2010/manifest"> <!--IDENTITY--> <Identity Name="Microsoft.SDKSamples.LockscreenApps.CS" ProcessorArchitecture="neutral" Publisher="CN=Michael McCormack" Version="" ResourceId="NorthAmerica"/> <Properties> <Framework>false</Framework> <DisplayName>Basic Mosh App</DisplayName> <Description>Basic Mosh App Prototype</Description> <PublisherDisplayName>Microsoft Corporation</PublisherDisplayName> <Logo>Images\Logo.png</Logo> </Properties> <Resources> <Resource Language="en-us"/> </Resources> <Capabilities> <Capability Name="internetClient" /> </Capabilities> <Applications> <Application Id="LockScreenAppsCS.App012345678901" Executable="BasicMoshApp.exe" EntryPoint="main"> <VisualElements DisplayName="Basic Mosh app" Logo="Images\Logo.png" SmallLogo="Images\SmallLogo.png" Description="Basic Mosh App description" BackgroundColor="#AA00AA" ForegroundText="light" ToastCapable="true"> <DefaultTile WideLogo="Images\WideLogo.png" ShortName="BMA" ShowName="allLogos"/> <LockScreen Notification="badgeAndTileText" BadgeLogo="Images\badge.png"/> <SplashScreen Image="Images\SplashImage.png"/> </VisualElements> <Extensions> <Extension Category="windows.search"/> <Extension Category="windows.shareTarget"> <ShareTarget>

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<DataFormat>text</DataFormat> </ShareTarget> </Extension> <Extension Category="windows.backgroundTasks" Executable="BasicMoshApp.exe" EntryPoint="main"> <BackgroundTasks> <Task Type="timer"/> </BackgroundTasks> </Extension> </Extensions> </Application> </Applications> <Prerequisites> <OSMinVersion>6.2</OSMinVersion> <OSMaxVersionTested>6.2</OSMaxVersionTested> </Prerequisites> </Package>

Language Requirement

Apps uploaded to the Store must have at least one or more Store-required language declared in the package

manifest. The Package.storeassociation.xml schema has changed this requirement. This file is generated by

Visual Studio when the project is being associated with the Store or if a package is being built for the Store.


All existing apps that have previously been associated with the Store or built a package for the Store will receive

the following error:

The Language attribute of the Resource element in the app manifest must have a value that is within

the set of languages supported by the Store. The languages that Store supports are listed at


The fix is to remove the Package.StoreAssociation.xml file from the project and re-associate with the Store.

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App manifest (minor) breaking changes

Brief description:

Languages None (schema changes only)

Issue and details The app manifest format has a couple very minor breaking changes, in

addition to a few additive changes to support new scenarios for our

platform. Build 8296 and later will have the updated manifest schema and

binaries for the Windows 8 Release Preview. Included in this doc is a

summary of all the changes for developers to review to get their apps

ready for the Release Preview.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

If your manifest contains any of the elements/attributes that are being

changed, then your app packages will fail to install with the error “Invalid

Manifest schema”, until you rebuild the packages with the updated

schema. The AppxManifest.xml manifest file will need to be fixed as per

the changes mentioned below.

Details of all manifest changes

(Additive/Non-breaking) changes

Affected Element/Attribute Change description/





The character limit is increased to 40 chars (from 13

chars) for the attribute “ShortName”. Tiles made a

change to allow up to 2 lines of text for ShortName

on tiles, which means we are able to show more text

than just 13 chars.



The schema for ShareTarget extension data type

“ST_DataFormat” now also supports URLs.

We expanded the allowable characters, to enable

developers to include characters that could appear

in a URL: {., /, \, :}. The new schema is as follows:

<xs:simpleType name="ST_DataFormat">

<xs:restriction base="ST_NonEmptyString">

<xs:maxLength value="255"/>



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1. The schema for ACIDs is updated to allow

Unicode characters (was ASCII only) to meet

GB18030 requirement for certification in China.

The new schema for these 3 fields in the

manifest is as follows:

<xs:simpleType name="ST_ActivatableClassId">

<xs:restriction base="ST_FileNameCharSet">

<xs:pattern value="([^.]+)(\.[^.]+)*"/>

<xs:maxLength value="255"/>



2. Removed semantic validation of disallowed

language keywords for these fields. We were

validating that Windows Runtime activatable

class IDs (aka ACIDs) don’t use identifiers from a

list of known keywords. However, the list of

keywords was not comprehensive across the

four languages Windows Runtime supports.

Furthermore, these languages can change

independently causing us to get in a situation in

the future where we won’t be able to block new

keywords because of app compatibility.

Breaking changes

Affected Element/Attribute Change description/


Package/Properties/@Framework Framework package cannot contain the following




We want to disallow frameworks from declaring

capabilities. Since different versions of frameworks

can co-exists for a user, allowing frameworks to

declare capabilities invalidates several of our design

assumptions for app containers. Additionally, it also

does not make sense for a framework package to

have user-visible tile or implement app specific

contracts. This validation is enforced semantically in

the Manifest API.




We are updating the schema to disallow specifying

an empty InitialRotationPreference element. Please

note that specifying InitialRotationPreference is still

optional. The new schema just ensures that if you

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specify InitialRotationPreference, you have at least

one Preference specified. You can't leave it blank.

Old schema New schema





































The below XML was

considered valid with

the old schema:





The new schema

enforces there is at

least one rotation

element defined:








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requestAnimationFrame API

The requestAnimationFrame API, or msRequestAnimationFrame as it is currently implemented, is being

updated to match changes proposed in the W3C Web Performance requestAnimation and High

Resolution Time specifications. Though this API is only available in prefixed format, it is widely used for

script based animations within WWAs and websites. As such, please evaluate how this breaking change

may impact your collateral.


# Change Old IDL New IDL

1 Changing the time base of



callback parameter

callback FrameRequestCallback

= void (DOMTimeStamp time); callback

FrameRequestCallback =




2 Removing


attribute in favor of



partial interface Window {

unsigned long long



partial interface

Performance {




3 msCancelRequestAnimationFr


renamed to


partial interface Window {



long handle);


partial interface

Window {



long handle);


Change Description

The detailed description for each change is given below:

#1 Changing the time base of the msRequestAnimationFrame callback parameter

Previously, the time parameter of the msRequestAnimationFrame callback was defined to be a

DOMTimeStamp. For most other purposes, this definition of time is sufficient as that value represents

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time to millisecond precision for any instant that is within approximately 285,616 years from 01

January, 1970 UTC.

In practice, DOMTimeStamp time values are subject to both clock skew and adjustment of the system

clock. The value of time may not always be monotonically increasing and subsequent values may

decrease. Further, the resolution provided by DOMTimeStamp may not be sufficient for tasks related

to animation script.

A high resolution, monotonically increasing time value is desired in the following cases,

When calculating the animation state from script, developers will need to accurately know the

amount of time that has elapsed in the animation in order to properly update the next scene of

the animation.

In order to cue audio to a specific point in an animation or ensure that the audio is synchronized

with the animation, developers will need to accurately know the amount of time elapsed in the

animation and audio.

When calculating the instant frame rate of a script based animation, developers will need sub-

millisecond resolution in order to determine if an animation is drawing at 60 FPS. Without sub-

millisecond resolution, a developer can only determine if an animation is drawing at 58.8 FPS or

62.5 FPS.

This change will update the interface as follows:

Before the change

partial interface Window {

long msRequestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback callback);


callback FrameRequestCallback = void (DOMTimeStamp time);

After the change

partial interface Window {

long msRequestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback callback);


callback FrameRequestCallback = void (DOMHighResTimeStamp time);

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The DOMHighResTimeStamp represents time values in sub-millisecond resolution, as measured from

the beginning of the navigation of the document, and not subject to system clock skew or

adjustments (monotonically increasing).

#2 Removing window.msAnimationStartTime attribute in favor of window.performance.msNow()


As a part of the change to move to a high resolution, monotonically increasing time value measured

from the beginning of the navigation of the document, we needed to provide an API that gives the

current time in that time base: window.performance.msNow() is that function. As

window.msAnimationStartTime used the old time base, we will be removing the

window.msAnimationStartTime attribute in favor of window.performance.msNow() function. The

window.performance.msNow() API surface will resemble the Date.now() API more closely.

Before the change

Whereas before the change, you would have written code as so:

var start = window.msAnimationStartTime;

function step(timestamp)


var progress = timestamp - start;

d.style.left = Math.min(progress/10, 200) + "px";

if (progress < 2000)






After the change

Now, you will write code as so:

var start = window.performance.msNow();

function step(timestamp)

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var progress = timestamp - start;

d.style.left = Math.min(progress/10, 200) + "px";

if (progress < 2000)






#3 Renaming msCancelRequestAnimationFrame to msCancelAnimationFrame

We are renaming the msCancelRequestAnimationFrame function to msCancelAnimationFrame in

order to be interoperable with other vendor implementations and the specification:

Before the change


After the change


Action to Take

If your app or code you own relies on animating using the msRequestAnimationFrame API, you will want

to evaluate the new behavior and adjust your code to restore the expected behavior.

IndexedDB numeric constants have been removed

In order to be w3c spec compliant the numeric constants have been removed and replaced with string values:

Affected properties on the current spec and their string values:

Interface Previous New Value


unsigned short readyState DOMString readyState;

const unsigned short LOADING = 1; “pending”

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const unsigned short DONE = 2; “done”


unsigned short direction; DOMString direction;

const unsigned short NEXT = 0; >>> “next” “next”

• const unsigned short NEXT_NO_DUPLICATE = 1 "nextunique"

• const unsigned short PREV = 2 “prev”

• const unsigned short PREV_NO_DUPLICATE = 3 “prevunique”


unsigned short mode DOMString mode;

const unsigned short READ_ONLY = 0 “readonly”

const unsigned short READ_WRITE = 1 “readwrite”

const unsigned short VERSION_CHANGE = 2 “versionchange”

The following methods are impacted by these changes:

• IDBDatabase.transaction(any storeNames, optional DOMString mode);

• IDBObjectStore.openCursor(optional any? range, optional DOMString direction);

• IDBIndex.openCursor(optional any? range, optional DOMString direction);

• IDBIndex.openKeyCursor (optional any? range, optional DOMString direction);

Fixing your code

The largest impact is when using the IDBDatabase.transaction method. This table provides examples of

changes to make to your code:

Consumer Preview Release Preview

db.transaction(“objectStore0”, IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE);

db.transaction(“objectStore0”, IDBTransaction.READ_ONLY);

db.transaction(“objectStore0”, “readwrite”);

db.transaction(“objectStore0”, “readonly”);

CSS Flexbox: moving to latest W3C syntax

The CSS Flexbox syntax was modified to move to the latest W3C specification. The new syntax is functionally

equivalent to the old syntax, and the table below describes the changes and substitutions to make to existing

CSS properties. In some cases (e.g. “-ms-box” -> “-ms-flexbox”) a simple find-and-replace is all that is needed,

while in others (e.g. “-ms-box-flex” -> “-ms-flex”) different properties values and combinations of properties

may be needed to achieve the same affect.

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Property Value New Property New Value Update strategy

display -ms-box display -ms-flexbox Find and replace

display -ms-inline-box display -ms-inline-flexbox Find and replace

-ms-box-align before -ms-flex-align start Find and replace

-ms-box-align after -ms-flex-align end Find and replace

-ms-box-align middle -ms-flex-align center Find and replace

-ms-box-align stretch -ms-flex-align stretch Find and replace

-ms-box-align baseline -ms-flex-align baseline Find and replace

-ms-box-pack start -ms-flex-pack start Find and replace

-ms-box-pack end -ms-flex-pack end Find and replace

-ms-box-pack center -ms-flex-pack center Find and replace

-ms-box-pack justify -ms-flex-pack justify Find and replace

-ms-box-direction normal -ms-flex-direction row or column combines -ms-

box-direction, -


-ms-box-direction reverse -ms-flex-direction row-reverse or


combines -ms-

box-direction, -


-ms-box-orient horizontal -ms-flex-direction row or row-reverse combines -ms-

box-direction, -


-ms-box-orient vertical -ms-flex-direction colum or column-


combines -ms-

box-direction, -


-ms-box-orient inline-axis -ms-flex-direction row or row-reverse combines -ms-

box-direction, -


-ms-box-orient block-axis -ms-flex-direction colum or column-


combines -ms-

box-direction, -


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Property Value New Property New Value Update strategy

-ms-box-lines single -ms-flex-wrap none combines -ms-

box-lines and -



-ms-box-lines multiple -ms-flex-wrap wrap or wrap-


combines -ms-

box-lines and -





normal -ms-flex-wrap wrap combines -ms-

box-lines and -





reverse -ms-flex-wrap wrap-reverse combines -ms-

box-lines and -



-ms-box-ordinal-group <value> -ms-flex-order <value> New default value

is 0, old default

value was 1. Code

that assumes the

old default of 1

and doesn’t

initialize it to a

specific value will

need to update to

take this new

default into


-ms-box-flex <value>


#foo {

width: 100px;

-ms-box-flex: 1;

-ms-flex <value, auto>


#foo {

width: 100px;

-ms-flex: 1

The new syntax

allows developers

to specify positive

or negative flex.

Default positive

flex is 1, default

negative flex is 0.

The preferred size

is now specified

as a value

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Property Value New Property New Value Update strategy

} auto;



#foo {

-ms-flex: 1



provided to -ms-

flex rather than

through the

“width” property.

In general, most

uses of the old

syntax will simply

find and replace

the old property

for the new

property and

append “auto” as

a second value.

Un-prefixed versions of web performance, CSS transitions, and CSS animations, and font

features settings APIs now available


The following Internet Explorer platform features are now available without a Microsoft prefix. These newly-

added, un-prefixed APIs are "aliases" of the prefixed versions--they redirect to the same implementation (no

behavior change). The additional un-prefixed name is shown in parentheses:

Aliased JavaScript APIs:

- Media Queries

msMatchMedia (matchMedia)

- Indexed Database

msIndexedDB (indexedDB)

- Page Visibility

msVisibilityState (visibilityState)

msHidden (hidden)

- Animation Timing

msRequestAnimationFrame (requestAnimationFrame)

msCancelRequestAnimationFrame (cancelAnimationFrame)

msAnimationStartTime (animationStartTime)

- Efficient Script Yielding

msSetImmediate (setImmediate)

msClearImmediate (clearImmediate)

- CSS Transforms

msTransform (transform) msTransformOrigin (transformOrigin)

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msPerspective (perspective) msPerspectiveOrigin (perspectiveOrigin) msTransformStyle (transformStyle) msBackfaceVisibility (backfaceVisibility)

- CSS Transitions

msTransition (transition) msTransitionDelay (transitionDelay) msTransitionDuration (transitionDuration) msTransitionProperty (transitionProperty) msTransitionTimingFunction (transitionTimingFunction) - CSS Animations

msAnimation (animation) msAnimationDelay (animationDelay) msAnimationDirection (animationDirection) msAnimationDuration (animationDuration) msAnimationFillMode (animationFillMode) msAnimaionIterationCount (animaionIterationCount) msAnimationName (animationName) msAnimationPlayState (animationPlayState) msAnimationTimingFunction (animationTimingFunction) - CSS Font Properties

msFontFeatureSettings (fontFeatureSettings)

Aliased CSS Properties:

- CSS Transforms

-ms-transform (transform) -ms-transform-origin (transform-origin) -ms-perspective (perspective) -ms-perspective-origin (perspective-origin) -ms-transform-style (transform-style) -ms-backface-visibility (backface-visibility)

- CSS Transitions

-ms-transition (transition) -ms-transition-delay (transition-delay) -ms-transition-duration (transition-duration) -ms-transition-property (transition-property) -ms-transition-timing-function (transition-timing-function) - CSS Animations

-ms-animation (animation) -ms-animation-delay (animation-delay) -ms-animation-direction (animation-direction) -ms-animation-duration (animation-duration) -ms-animation-fill-mode (animation-fill-mode) -ms-animation-iteration-count (animation-iteration-count) -ms-animation-name (animation-name) -ms-animation-play-state (animation-play-state) -ms-animation-timing-function (animation-timing-function) - CSS Font Properties

-ms-font-feature-settings (font-feature-settings)

- CSS Keyframes

@-ms-keyframes (@keyframes)

Aliased Events:

- Page Visibility

"msvisibilitychange" ("visibilitychange")

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- CSS Transitions

"MSTransitionStart" ("transitionstart")

"MSTransitionEnd" ("transitionend")

- CSS Animations

"MSAnimationStart" ("animationstart")

"MSAnimationEnd" ("animationend")

"MSAnimationIteration" ("animationiteration")

Important: Due to the duality of supporting both a prefixed and un-prefixed version of the above APIs, this is a

breaking change for the following:

Note: Existing apps and frameworks (e.g., Windows Library for JavaScript and jQuery) have already been

statically analyzed and do not appear to rely on any of the following breaking changes.

1. Event.type -- where the event is: "MSTransitionStart", "MSTransitionEnd", "MSAnimationStart",

"MSAnimationEnd", "MSAnimationIteration"

2. CSSRule.type – where the reported value is 8 or 9

3. document.createEvent -- where the parameter is "MSTransitionEvent", "MSAnimationEvent"

4. initMSTransitionEvent/initMSAnimationEvent

5. MSTransitionEvent, MSAnimationEvent, MSMediaQueryList, MSCSSKeyframesRule,


Note: The following may but probably won't be problematic. If you believe your app could be impacted,

please use the attached run-time code checker which will report any of the previously noted and following

potential issues.

cssText (reading-only, "+=" usage is OK), TransitionEvent.propertyName, style.msTransitionProperty

(reading-only, "+=" usage is OK), getAttribute("style") – where the string returned contains one of

the above-mentioned Aliased CSS Properties.

Further details

The breaking changes just listed are described below in more detail:

1- event.type

The event.type will always report a string that corresponds to the un-prefixed version of the dispatched

event. Thus, if a "MSTransitionEnd" event was registered via addEventListener, the dispatched event's "type"

property will report "transitionend". Previously it reported "MSTransitionEnd".

Affected usage pattern: if (event.type == "MSTransitionStart") {

// This code will now be skipped


2- createEvent("MSTransitionEvent") or createEvent("MSAnimationEvent")

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The createEvent API will no longer work with the legacy prefixed interfaces. Instead, code that

programmatically creates transition or animation event objects will need to use the un-prefixed form:

createEvent("TransitionEvent") or createEvent("AnimationEvent") respectively.

Affected usage pattern: var te = document.createEvent("MSTransitionEvent");

3- initMSTransitionEvent(...) or initMSAnimationEvent(...)

These event initializer methods (for transition and animation event objects) will no longer be available after

this change. Code that needs to initialize transition or animation event objects will need to use the un-

prefixed form: initTransitionEvent(...) or initAnimationEvent(...)

Affected usage pattern: // building on the above affected usage pattern...

te.initMSTransitionEvent("MSTransitionStart", false, false, ...);

4- Style serialization via cssText or getAttribute("style")

Style serialization (creating a string representation of a set of CSS style rules) will no longer emit the

prefixed form of the CSS Properties affected by this change. Rather, the style serializer will emit the un-

prefixed form. For example, previously setAttribute("style", "-ms-transition:...") would be retrieved via

getAttribute("style") as the string "-ms-transition:...", but after the change would be returned as


Affected usage pattern: if (element.getAttribute("style").indexOf("-ms-transform") != -1)


if (element.style.cssText.indexOf("-ms-transform") != -1)


5- Interface renames

The following interface names (exposed to JavaScript) are being renamed. Usage of the old name will no

longer work after this change. Affected code should be updated to use the new name instead:

MSMediaQueryList -> MediaQueryList

MSTransitionEvent -> TransitionEvent

MSAnimationEvent -> AnimationEvent

MSCSSKeyframeRule -> CSSKeyframeRule

MSCSSKeyframesRule -> CSSKeyframesRule

Affected usage pattern: // Adding new prototype props...

MSTransitionEvent.prototype.myTransitionProperty = function() { ... }

// Patching existing props...

Object.defineProperty(MSTransitionEvent.prototype, "propertyName", {

get: function() {..}, set: function() {..}});

6- Keyframe(s) constants renamed

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The following keyframe constant values are being renamed and their numbers are changing to match the

standard. Code relying on the old name or number will no longer work after this change. Affected code

should be updated to use the new names (and numbers) instead:



Affected usage patterns:

CSSRule.MSKEYFRAME[S]_RULE references.

7- CSSRule.type value updated for keyframe(s) rules

The value of the CSSRule object's "type" property is being adjusted when the actual rule instance is a

keyframes or keyframe rule. Previously the type property returned 8 for a keyframes rule and 9 for a

keyframe rule. After this change, the type property will return 7 for a keyframes rule and 8 for a keyframe


Affected usage patterns: var sheetRules = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules;

for (var i=0; i < sheetRules.length; i++) {

if (sheetRules[i].type == 8) {

// Hard-coded literal value, rather than CSSRule.MSKEYFRAME[S]_RULE




Note: this change also updates the developer tools for Internet Explorer (and Visual Studio) for inspecting CSS

styles and tracing CSS Styles. These tools are updated with this change to display the un-prefixed form of any

of the above aliased CSS properties (whether specified with or without a prefix).

HTML Views: Scrollboundaries act as a limit on scrollLeft/scrollTop

Since //BUILD, we have been communicating both externally and to internal partners that the –ms-scroll-limit-*

properties act to constrain the possible values of scrollLeft/scrollTop. This change is to fix bring the

implementation in-line with that definition. After this change the following equations dictate valid values for


-ms-scroll-limit-x-min <= scrollLeft <= -ms-scroll-limit-x-max

-ms-scroll-limit-y-min <= scrollTop <= -ms-scroll-limit-y-max

Prior to this change, the following equations dictated the behavior:

-ms-scroll-limit-x-min <= scrollLeft <= -ms-scroll-limit-x-max – viewPortSize

-ms-scroll-limit-y-min <= scrollTop <= -ms-scroll-limit-y-max - viewPortSize

Update to getClientRects, getBoundingClientRects, and offsetLeft, offsetTop, width, and


We have updated a related set of issues that currently result in several APIs resolving dimensions incorrectly.

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1. Updated dimensions in CSS3 Regions to be computed in document space, rather than relative to the

fragment in which an element appears.

2. Fixed getClientRects to correctly resolve against the layout viewport rather than the visual viewport

established in certain zoomed scenarios.

3. Fixed getClientOrigin, getElementRects, and getBoundingClientRect to not offset a containing

display:none iframe’s position (which currently results in negative values since these APIs all return 0

when an element is display: none).

4. Fixed getClientRects, getBoundingClientRect, offsetTop, offsetLeft, width, and height to correctly return

results that are relative to their containing document when they are in a frame. Currently they are

affected by any (e.g.) transforms on the containing iframe or an ancestor of the containing iframe.

Updating backface-visibility to latest CSS3 spec

The "backface visibility" property determines whether or not the "back" side of a transformed element is visible

when facing the viewer. With an identity transform, the front side of an element faces the viewer. Applying a

rotation about Y of 180 degrees (for instance) would cause the back side of the element to face the viewer.

Earlier the backface-visibility was calculated as follows:

1. Compute a matrix representing the accumulated transform from the viewport, taking the translations

due to the CSS visual formatting mode, the perpsective and transformation matrices into account, in a

similar manner to the computation of the accumulated transform for an element in a 3D rendering


2. If the component of the matrix in row 3, column 3 is negative, then the element should be hidden,

otherwise it is visible

This has been updated to match the latest spec as follows:

1. For an element in a 3D rendering context, compute its accumulated 3D transformation matrix. For an

element not in a 3D rendering context, compute its transformation matrix.

2. If the component of the matrix in row 3, column 3 is negative, then the element should be hidden.

Otherwise it is visible.

COM interfaces for SVG Filters have been removed

This change will affect anyone using COM interfaces for SVG Filters. This will not impact authors of Metro style

apps using JavaScript and HTML.

The COM interfaces for all SVG Filters have been removed. This includes the removal of:

· ISVGFilterElement

· ISVGBlendElement

· ISVGFEColorMatrixElement

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· ISVGComponentTransferFunctionElement

· ISVGFECompositeElement

· ISVGFEDiffuseLightingElement

· ISVGFEDistantLightElement

· ISVGFEPointLightElement

· ISVGFESpotLightElement

· ISVGFEDisplacementMapElement

· ISVGFEGaussianBlurElement

· ISVGFEImageElement

· ISVGFEMorphologyElement

· ISVGFEOffsetElement

· ISVGFESpecularLightingElement

· ISVGFETurbulenceElement

Use JavaScript with the IDispatch interface instead. It also has performance benefits over the COM version.

COM interfaces for other SVG content are still available.

We don’t anticipate many users being affected as some of the SVG Filters COM interfaces for haven't been

working correctly since 2/29 without noticeable breakages.

SafeHTML validation for inline event handlers on unattached elements

What’s changing

For Windows Metro style apps using JavaScript,, local context functions that can accidentally include script and

markup are validated with the SafeHTML library. In particular, innerHTML, outerHTML, insertAdjacentHTML,

document.write(), document.writeln(), DOMParser, and pasteHTML are all validated to prevent accidental

insertion of unsafe content. These functions will throw an exception if they are used to inject unsafe content

within the local context. The exception for unsafe content inserted into unattached elements is deferred, and

only thrown if the unattached element is attached to the DOM. For example, the following code will not throw

an exception, as long as the <div> is not attached to the DOM.

var d = document.createElement("div");

d.innerHTML = "<script src='foo.js'/>";

Unfortunately, script included in some inline event handlers is able to execute, even if the element is not

attached to the DOM. To mitigate this security issue, we will throw an exception immediately if an inline

event handler is dynamically added to an unattached element, such as the onload and onerror event


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Who is Affected, and What to Do

If you have any code that sets inline event handlers on unattached elements with the functions listed above,

you will be affected by this change. For example, the following code will be affected due to the onerror event

handler -

var d = document.createElement("div");

d.innerHTML = "<img src='' onerror='foo()'>";

In most instances, the content should be sanitized with window.toStaticHTML().

For more information about SafeHTML validation and secure practices for Metro style apps using JavaScript,,

please see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh849625.aspx

Change to CSS3 property transform-origin

This scoped change to make us compliant with CSS3. This change will *not* impact developers who have

correctly set the value of transform-origin. This change will only impact if the value of transform-origin was set


Transform-origin supports the following values:

[ <percentage> | <length> | left | center | right | top | bottom]



[ <percentage> | <length> | left | center | right ]


[ <percentage> | <length> | top | center | bottom ]

] <length>?

With this change if any input value for transform-origin is incorrect, we will ignore the entire string.


Input: transform-origin: left center 0%

Before this change: Transform-origin would be set to “left center”

After the change: Transform-origin would be set to “ “ or null.

Input: transform-origin: left center ABC

Before this change: Transform-origin would be set to “left center”

After the change: Transform-origin would be set to “ “ or null.

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CSS animations and transitions with display:none no longer runs

This may be a breaking change for display:none on elements with (or on elements that have children with) CSS

Animations and Transitions. For interoperability, general utility, and performance reasons, elements that are not

rendered do not run CSS Animations and CSS Transitions.

With this change, elements with display:none or with an ancestor with display:none do not run CSS animations

and transitions. The change affects unrendered elements, in contrast to visibility:hidden elements which are

rendered but not visible. visibility:hidden elements will continue to run transitions and animations.

When an element’s or an ancestor element’s display property value changes to none, any currently running

animations and transitions immediately stop. The animating properties behave as if the –ms-animation-* and –

ms-transition-* properties were removed. When an element’s or ancestor element’s display property value

changes from none, any applied animations and transitions begin as if the –ms-animation-* and –ms-transition-

* properties had just been applied. CSS Animations will restart from the beginning. CSS Transitions will not

occur until after the display property change has been computed.

Most users will not experience broken content. For those who do, a workaround is to use visibility:hidden

instead of display:none to ensure your animations/transitions continue to run even when content is not visible

to the user. Content containing CSS Transitions with the following coding pattern may also experience broken


elem.style.display = "visible"; // display value was previously "none"

elem.style.transitioningProperty = newValue; // transitioningProperty was previously defined as a transitioning

property for the element

Previously, a transition would occur. With the change, a transition will not occur on the transitioning property

because the value change is synchronous with the display property value change. Workaround:

elem.style.display = "visible";

window.getComputedStyle(elem).display // forces format computation of the display property

elem.style.transitioningProperty = newValue;

HTML Views: msSetPointerCapture no longer triggers manipulations

The behaviors around triggering a pan or a zoom on an element via msSetPointerCapture had several

unintended side-effects that motivated removing support.

1. Manipulations triggered in this fashion do not follow parent promotion or chaining semantics resulting

in unintended side effects. In fact, arbitrary chains of elements that can pan or zoom can be


2. Building scenarios that rely on the approach of preventing a manipulation and then triggering it via a

procedural call incurs a performance impact that prevents delivery of a polished experience on low-end

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hardware. The feature itself pushes consuming developers towards an approach that will not scale to

low-end hardware.

3. A change in delegate gesture recognition expanded on the existing –ms-touch-action (which from a

manipulation standpoint previously only allowed suppressing all) to allow developers to be more

specific about what behaviors they want to suppress, reducing the need to trigger manipulations after

the fact.

As just mentioned, -ms-touch-action was extended with the following additional properties:

pan-x – finger swipes that are along the horizontal axis result in panning.

pan-y – finger swipes that are along the vertical axis result in panning.

pinch-zoom – converging/diverging more than one finger results in optical zoom.

manipulation – shorthand for specifying the three preceding properties.

Omitting any of these properties results in the pointer messages being delivered to the UI thread and therefore

JavaScript event handlers. For example, to specify something like a ListView item where a user should be able to

pan horizontally, optically zoom on the list, but wants to receive messages to implement vertical cross-slide, the

developer would specify –ms-touch-action:pan-x pinch-zoom.

HTML Touch Views: Changing coordinate space for RTL boundaries/snap-points and

renaming -ms-scroll-boundary-* APIs

Breaking change is to fix three issues:

· Current implementation of boundaries/snap-points introduces an additional coordinate system for

developers to worry about.

· 3rd

party developers are forced to recalculate boundaries/snap-points whenever content is

added/removed, since the origin of the coordinate system changes with the content.

· The naming schema of the properties implies a different coordinate system that does not align with the


Renaming -ms-scroll-boundary-* APIs

To address the third bullet, the –ms-scroll-boundary APIs are being renamed to use min/max to make it explicit

that logical values are being used. The naming convention that follows aligns with the coordinate space that

will be introduces in the next section:

-ms-scroll-boundary-left -> -ms-scroll-limit-x-min

-ms-scroll-boundary-right -> -ms-scroll-limit-x-max

-ms-scroll-boundary-top -> -ms-scroll-limit-y-min

-ms-scroll-boundary-bottom -> -ms-scroll-limit-y-max

-ms-scroll-boundary -> -ms-scroll-limit

-ms-content-zoom-boundary-min -> -ms-content-zoom-limit-min

-ms-content-zoom-boundary-max -> -ms-content-zoom-limit-max

-ms-content-zoom-boundary -> -ms-content-zoom-limit

· order for specifying –ms-scroll-limit is as follows: ms-scroll-limit-x-min -ms- scroll-limit-y-min -ms-

scroll-limit-x-max -ms-scroll-limit-y-max

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· order for specifying -ms-content-zoom-limit is as follows: -ms-content-zoom-limit-min -ms-content-

zoom-limit-max in that order.

Changing coordinate space for RTL boundaries/snap-points

The first two bullet points are fixed by changing both the origin and direction of the coordinate space for RTL.

In order to illustrate the change, the following diagrams show how the boundaries work horizontally and how

the compare to scrollLeft. Note, the change in coordinate space is specific to RTL; LTR code should work by

simply updating strings to the new values listed above.

UTF-8 encoding with byte-order mark required for Windows Store onboarding

Brief description:

UTF-8 encoding with a byte-order mark (BOM) is now required for all files in Metro style apps using JavaScript

and HTML and that have a .js, .html, .htm, or .css extension. This is enforced through the Windows App

Certification Kit and the onboarding certification process. The purpose of this change is to ensure all Metro

style apps using JavaScript and HTML that are onboarded to the store are able to take advantage of the

performance benefits of bytecode caching feature for JavaScript files. HTML files previously necessitated this at

runtime, so this requirement merely moves enforcement of the requirement to onboarding time. CSS files

follow this same rule for consistency among the most common file types for HTML5-based Metro style apps.

This requirement applies only to files with these specific extensions. Failures to meet this criteria show up in the

event log at deployment time and in the report from the Windows App Certification Kit.

Languages JavaScript

Issue and


JavaScript, HTML, and CSS files must be UTF-8 encoded with a byte-order mark (BOM).

Without this, they fail Windows App Certification and cannot be onboarded to the

Windows Store.

Windows 8 enables a feature called bytecode caching when an app is deployed on the

system, which can garner as much as a 20% performance improvement when running

the JavaScript in your Metro style app using JavaScript and HTML5. During the first

deployment of your app, JavaScript bytecode is pre-generated and cached on behalf

of your app. This only happens when you are not running through Visual studio F5

deployment, however. This bytecode is automatically consumed by the JavaScript

engine whenever the engine requests a JavaScript file. This saves the JavaScript engine

from having to take the time to generate the bytecode each time it is asked to process

that .js file and significantly improves startup and ongoing execution times. Samples

usage or

steps to take

to migrate


When you see a File Encoding failure in the Windows App Certification Kit report, you

must perform the following steps to fix each failing file.

Open the file in Visual Studio

Select File | Save <filename> As… from the menu

Click the drop-down next to the Save button and select Save with Encoding…

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Confirm you’d like to replace the file

In the Encoding drop-down, select Unicode (UTF-8 with signature) –

Codepage 65001

Select OK

Note that files newly created in Visual Studio will not see this problem; you will

typically only see this problem when creating files outside of Visual Studio or copying

in scripts from the web, etc.

Default context menus have been removed from HTML media elements

Brief description:

The default context menus for the HTML <audio> and <video> tags have been removed for Metro style apps.

Languages JavaScript

Issue and details In the Consumer Preview by default every <video> and <audio> element in a

Metro style app using JavaScript had a context menu that contained play/pause

and mute/unmute commands. This allowed end-users access basic controls on

media elements even when the developer had not provided their own controls or

used the ‘controls’ attribute on the audio/video tag.

For the Windows 8 Release Preview the default context menus on <video> and

<audio> elements have been removed. Developers should specify the default

controls using the ‘controls’ attribute or provide their own custom controls using

the AppBar. By removing the default context menus on media elements we

ensure that developers take the time to give their users the best control

experience in media and that end-users get a consistent experience across Metro

style apps using JavaScript, Metro style app using C#, C++, or Visual Basic®

, and

XAML, and browsers implemented as Metro style apps.

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

Apps must provide their own controls for media elements. This can be done by

specifying the controls attribute on the <audio> or <video> tag. A developer

can also create their own custom controls using the AppBar.

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Remove default error page for top-level document navigation errors in Metro style apps

using JavaScript and HTML

Brief description:

When navigation errors occur in the top-level document, the WWAHost currently shows a default error page (if

the app did not provide a custom error page). However, a change was made in M3 that restricts top-level

document navigations to packaged content only. Therefore, error cases for the top-level document only occur

when then developer did not configure the package properly. A Top-level document navigation error is

comparable to the crash of the app. In order to be consistent with rest of Windows behavior, WWAHost will

now terminate the app instead of showing the default error page.

Languages JavaScript only

Issue and details Navigation error in

Top-level document

Navigation error in


Default Terminate the app* Display about:blank

With Custom error


Terminate the app* Display custom error


As shown in table above, we now have the following logic:

For top-level document navigation errors, terminate the app and send a

WER report and ETW event (if we are not in debug/development mode)

For iframe navigation errors:

o If the package includes a custom error page (msapp-error.html),

navigates to it

o Otherwise, navigates to about:blank and sends a WER report

Developers will now get WER reports details in the Dev Center for top-level

document navigation errors, or for iframe navigation errors when a custom error

page is not provided.

* Resulting behavior due to design change.

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code


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Improved error handling

A new flag has been introduced to opt into in order to improve your Windows Library for JavaScript (WinJS)


To enable the new behavior, you call:


Now, any function resolved for data-win-control or as a right-hand-side in data-win-options, or used as a

binding initializer in data-win-bind, will require a property on the function definition

Consumer Preview Release Preview

// this can’t be used from markup now

function myCoolFunction() {


// this can be used from markup now

function myOtherFunction() {


myOtherFunction.supportedForProcessing = true;

WinJS.UI.optionsParser no longer defaults to using "global" context

What's Changing

The options and binding parser APIs will be changed to require an explicit "lookup context" parameter, and

lookup of names will only be resolved in the lookup context. Previously, if no such context was provided, or if it

was provided but the name wasn't present in the context, the parser would then automatically go to window

and look the object up there. That fallback behavior will be removed.

There will be no changes to the behavior of the data-win-* attributes.

Who is Affected

Code that is calling the options or binding parser APIs directly. Callers who did not pass a lookup context

previously relied on the fallback to window; they will now have to explicitly pass window as the context.

Before change:

var options = WInJS.UI.optionsParser("{onclick: clickMe}");

After change:

var options = WinJS.UI.optionsParser("{onclick: clickMe}", window);

The amount of non-test code calling the options parser is expected to be extremely small. Most users interact

with these parsers via data-win-* attributes in HTML and a WinJS.*.processAll call (UI, Binding, Resources). These

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calls will be updated so that when they call the parsers they will behave exactly the same way they did before

this change.

To reinforce: data-win-* attributes will continue to work exactly the way they did before.

Removal of reveal and hide PVL animations from Windows Library for JavaScript (WinJS)



These animations were meant for opening and closing drop-down controls, but were unused by the select

control for Metro style apps using JavaScript and HTML, and were out of date with expected design. As they are

not needed, we removed them from the Windows Library for JavaScript.

WinJS.Fragment.render and WinJS.UI.Pages.get only support “same context” access

WinJS.Fragment.render and WinJS.UI.Pages.get only support “same context” access

Previously Fragment.render and by transitive property Pages.get supported loading content from any network

resource for which your app had access. This meant that a local context piece of code could dynamically load

code from the web, provided it had internet capability (which is request by default in the VS templates).

With this change Fragment.render and Pages.get will only support package content (ms-appx://) requests in the

local context. When running in the web compartment the old behavior is still honored.

If you have an app that is blocked by this, you will need to partition your dynamic fragment or page loading

into a web context IFRAME.

Tweak to JavaScript camel-casing rules

Brief description:

Camel-casing rules for JavaScript view of Windows Runtime APIs changed for member names starting with

three uppercase letters followed by a lowercase letter.

Languages JavaScript

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Issue The JavaScript camel-casing rules previously conflicted with Windows Runtime API

Naming guidelines in their treatment of legal names with 2 letter acronym prefixes,

such as IPInformation. While Windows Runtime required this to be IPInformation

instead of IpInformation, JavaScript camel casing made the former ipinformation

(unexpected) and the later ipInformation (expected).

In the Windows 8 Release Preview, we changed the camel-casing rule to handle this

special case in Windows Runtime API Naming guidelines in the expected way.

Specifically, names beginning with three uppercase letters followed by a lowercase

letter will have the first two letters lowercased.

This change only impact a small number of property names in Windows APIs – listed


Windows Runtime JavaScript Before JavaScript After


UICaptionsFont .uicaptionsFont .uiCaptionsFont


UIHeadingFont .uiheadingFont .uiHeadingFont


UINotificationsFont .uinotificationsFont .uiNotificationsFont


UITextFont .uitextFont .uiTextFont


UITitleFont .uititleFont .uiTitleFont

‘name’ property of promise cancellation error objects now ‘Canceled’

Brief description:

Change ‘name’ property of promise cancellation error object from ‘Error’ to ‘Canceled’.

Languages JavaScript

Issue and In the Consumer Preview, the error objects produced by cancellation of a promise were slightly

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details different for the Windows Runtime (WinRT) and the Windows Library for JavaScript (WinJS) as

shown below.

In Windows 8 Release Preview, Windows Runtime promises will set the name property of

cancellation errors to ‘Canceled’. Code checking for whether a promise is cancelled can now

consistently switch on the “name” property instead of “description” or “message”.

Property Windows Runtime promise

Windows Library for

JavaScript promise

name Error Canceled

description Canceled Canceled

message Canceled Canceled

JavaScript exceptions returned to Windows Runtime treated as unhandled

Brief description:

A previous change in the Consumer Preview caused Metro style apps using JavaScript to terminate on

unhandled exceptions returned to Web APIs. However, that change did not also include the case where

unhandled exceptions are returned to Windows Runtime callbacks. This Windows 8 Release Preview change

extends the same unhandled exceptions behavior to all exceptions which leave JavaScript. In particular, if a

Windows Runtime delegate invocation calls into JavaScript which throws an exception, this will trigger the

window.onerror handler in user code, and unless onerror suppresses the error reporting, will terminate the app

and issue a Watson report. This matches the existing behavior for exceptions returned to web platform APIs in

Metro style apps using HTML and JavaScript.

Languages JavaScript

Issue and


A previous change in the Consumer Preview caused Metro style apps using JavaScript to

terminate on unhandled exceptions returned to Web APIs. However, that change did not

also include the case where unhandled exceptions are returned to Windows Runtime

callbacks. This Release Preview change extends the same unhandled exceptions behavior to

all exceptions which leave JavaScript. In particular, if a Windows Runtime delegate

invocation calls into JavaScript which throws an exception, this will trigger the

window.onerror handler in user code, and unless onerror suppresses the error reporting, will

terminate the app and issue a Watson report. This matches the existing behavior for

exceptions returned to web platform APIs in Metro style apps using HTML and JavaScript.

This change will cause some previously silent failures to become app crashes. App code

which wants to continue to ignore these failures can use either of the techniques that are

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available today for Web APIs:

- Hook up a window.onerror handler to return ‘true’ for certain classes of exceptions,

indicating they should not be treated as unhandled

- Add try/catch around failures and provide appropriate code in the case of failure.

Samples usage

or steps to take

to migrate



// Trident Event


window.onmousedown = function (ev) {

throw new Error("Goodbye");


// Current: Process is terminated


// Windows Runtime Event


var geolocator = new


geolocator.onpositionchanged = function (ev) {

throw new Error("hello");


// Consumer Preview: Process is not terminated

// Release Preview: Process is terminated.


MSGestureStart, MSGestureChange and MSGestureEnd require additional developer setup


Brief description:

As part of changes to make MSGesture more configurable by developers, we have made a breaking change to

MSGesture that will require apps that consume these events to perform some extra work in order to receive


Languages JavaScript

Issue and details MSGestureStart, MSGestureChange and MSGestureEnd are DOM events that are

fired in response to ongoing touch gestures. Until now, all the developer had to

do to receive these events was to register an event listener for them. The implicit

gesture support model that provided this capability has proven to be too

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simplistic and limiting for many scenarios, and the new model requires some

additional overhead work on the part of developers.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

If an app requires any of these “dynamic” gesture events, the app must new or

allocate an MSGesture object, configure it to fire events at the appropriate target

element, and associate one or more touch contact ids with it.

Developers who want to use gestures should take a close look at the new gesture

model, as it supports many scenarios impossible to implement under the old

model. Among other things, this model allows the developer to have multiple

gestures in play at the same time (simply create two gesture objects, associate

them with targets and contacts, and listen for the events). It also allows a single

contact to participate in more than one gesture, and to target more than one

gesture at a single element (the event listener can differentiate between them by

the gesture id property of the gesture event). Gestures can be targeted

independently of the pointer event hit-test target, and (unlike the old model),

there is no implicit pointer capture for gestures.

For developers simply porting existing code to the new model, the following

boilerplate emulates the old implicit behavior:

var g = new MSGesture();

function onLoad()



element.addEventListener("MSPointerDown", assignPointer, false); // Do this

for every gesture handling element



function assignPointer(evt) {

try {

g.target = evt.target; // Emulate old implicit targeting

} catch (err) {} // If gesture has already started, catch and ignore

if (evt.target==g.target) {

g.addPointer(evt.pointerId); // Emulate implicit pointer association



Developers who want to use gestures should take a close look at the new gesture

model, as it supports many scenarios impossible to implement under the old

model. Among other things, this model allows the developer to have multiple

gestures in play at the same time (simply create two gesture objects, associate

them with targets and contacts, and listen for the events). It also allows a single

contact to participate in more than one gesture, and to target more than one

gesture at a single element (the event listener can differentiate between them by

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the gesture id property of the gesture event). Gestures can be targeted

independently of the pointer event hit-test target, and (unlike the old model),

there is no implicit pointer capture for gestures.

MSGestureTap and MSGestureHold require additional developer setup work

Brief Description: As part of changes to make MSGesture more configurable by developers, we have made a

breaking change to MSGesture that will require apps that consume this event to perform some extra work in

order to receive gestures.

Languages JavaScript

Issue and details MSGestureTap and MSGestureHold are “static” gestures that are fired in response

to tap and “press and hold” touch gestures. Until now, all the developer had to

do to receive these events was to register an event listener for them. The implicit

gesture support model that provided this capability has proven to be too

simplistic and limiting for many scenarios, and the new model requires some

additional overhead work on the part of developers.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

Developers who are using MSGestureTap and MSGestureHold should consider

moving to simple onclick and oncontextmenu events, as these are independent

of input modality and can be fired by mouse, pen and keyboard activities. If an

app requires MSGestureTap or Hold, the app must new or allocate an MSGesture

object, configure it to fire events at the appropriate target element, and associate

one or more touch contact ids with it.

The following boilerplate emulates the old implicit behavior for developers who

need to do this:

var g = new MSGesture();

function onLoad()



element.addEventListener("MSPointerDown", assignPointer, false); // Do this

for every gesture handling element



function assignPointer(evt) {

try {

g.target = evt.target; // Emulate old implicit targeting

} catch (err) {} // If gesture has already started, catch and ignore

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if (evt.target==g.target) {

g.addPointer(evt.pointerId); // Emulate implicit pointer association



MSGesture transforms now report delta transforms

Brief description:

The DOM MSGestureStart/Change/End events support properties (rotation, scale and translation) that describe

an ongoing interactive manipulation gesture. Going forward, there properties provide a delta from the

previous value rather than a cumulative transform from the beginning of the gesture.

Languages JavaScript

Issue and details Common scenarios for gestures in Metro style apps written using JavaScript and

HTML typically require applying the gesture transform to an elements position

and orientation within a container element. A simple coding technique for this is

to get the transform representing the current position and orientation and

update it by concatenating it with the gesture transform. For such a scenario, the

delta transform is easier to use since it doesn’t require the app to remember the

initial positioning transform from the beginning of the interaction. In addition,

the cumulative transforms provided by the gesture recognition engine are

conditioned by a gesture pivot point offset which itself changes throughout the

interaction. Using deltas enables apps to take that change into account.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

If a developer is already using the gesture transform to position content, he will

need to update that code to consume a delta rather than cumulative transform.

We recommend using code patterns based on MSCSSMatrix such as:

function manipulateElement(e) {

var m = new MSCSSMatrix(e.target.style.msTransform); //Get the

current xform

e.target.style.msTransform = m.

translate(e.offsetX,e.offsetY). //Move the

transform origin under the gesture pivot point

rotate(e.rotation*180/Math.PI). //Apply R

scale(e.scale). //Apply S

translate(e.translationX,e.translationY). //Apply T

translate(-e.offsetX,-e.offsetY); //Move the

transform from the gesture pivot point


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Limiting msReleasePointerCapture DOM API to the current markup

Brief description:

The DOM API msReleasePointerCapture can now only be called within the scope of the same markup as the

capturing element.

Languages JavaScript

Issue and details The DOM API msReleasePointerCapture can now only be called within the scope

of the same markup as the capturing element.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

Developers should not need to release capture on contacts that have been

captured by an element in a different markup.

Note to writers: this is a security measure. I’m not sure if there are guidelines for

discussing changes that reflect security hardening (since such discussion may

stimulate attackers into giving heightened scrutiny to the change.)

Deprecating DOM event method getPointerList

Brief description:

We are removing a DOM pointer event method

Languages JavaScript

Issue and details DOM pointer events have a method property getPointerList() which can be called

to get information about all the pointers active within the app. Since some of

these pointers may be being used to drive markup in a different security context,

there is a potential information disclosure issue here. The method is being

removed from the Pointer event.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

Developers who want to track points within the scope of a particular security

context such as a markup, can do so by tracking pointer events at the root node

during their bubble phase.

Deprecating MSGestureDoubleTap

Brief description:

The DOM MSGestureDoubleTap event has been deprecated, since the browser now consumed double-tap

interactions for purposes of zooming.

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Languages JavaScript

Issue and details MSGestureDoubleTap was a DOM event. Since the browser now uses double-tap

for purposes of invoking quick zoom, the event has been deprecated.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

Developers who need a secondary invocation or activation mechanism like

double-tap can still listen for double-click, which the browser will fire even after

double-tap has been consumed for purposes of quick zoom.

Deprecating MSGestureInit DOM events

Brief description:

The DOM event MSGestureInit is no longer useful, and has been removed.

Languages JavaScript

Issue and details MSGestureInit was an event that was designed to provide developers with an

opportunity to prevent default browser manipulation through touch by calling

preventManipulation() on the gesture event. The browser manipulation feature

has been changed to require the use of CSS decorations to declaratively block

manipulations, and preventManipulation() no longer has any effect. Accordingly,

MSGestureInit no longer serves any purpose and has been removed.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

Developers who listen for MSGestureInit to prevent manipulations need to move

the CSS declarative model (documented and supported in the Consumer Preview

release.) Any MSGestureInit handlers should be removed.

Deprecating msGetPointerCapture DOM API

Brief description:

We are removing an API which the app can emulate if necessary.

Languages JavaScript

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Issue and details The DOM API msGetPointerCapture was intended to allow the app to determine

which, if any, element had captured a particular touch contact by calling the

msSetPointerCapture API. This is a “convenience” API which the app can easily

emulate if needed.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

Developers who need to keep track of which element has captured the pointer

can emulate this functionality by handling MSGotCapture events at the root node

of the tree during their bubble phase.

Deprecating MSPointerXXX.preventMouseEvents()

Brief description:

The DOM events MSPointerDown/Update/End used to support a method preventMouseEvents() that would tell

the browser implementation not to fire corresponding mouse events for this input event. This has been

deprecated in favor of the more generic preventDefault() method.

Languages JavaScript

Issue and details HTML/JavaScript apps have two ways to listen for locator input events in

Windows 8. The simplest way is to listen for unified MSPointer events, which are

fired by either mouse, pen or touch input; but for web compatibility purposes, we

also continue to support mouse events, which, by default, are also fired after

MSPointer events are fired (a process called pointer to mouse promotion).

Developers who listen for both classes of events may want to selectively prevent

the firing of mouse events when the event has been handled as a MSPointer

event. For example, a simple implementation of a checkbox UI could listen for

either pointer down and up, or for mouse down and up. However, it would not

want to toggle the state of the checkbox for both, since it would be toggled once

while handling the MSPointer event, and toggled again (undoing the first toggle!)

while handling the mouse event.

preventMouseEvents() was a method that the developer could use to achieve the

goal of suppressing mouse events; this method has been deprecated in favor of

the more generic browser preventDefault() method.

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Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

Developers who use preventMouseEvents() should consider migrating to

preventDefault(). In some cases the developer may not want to prevent all

browser default processing, but may need to prevent mouse events. In that case,

we recommend moving to only handling MSPointer events.

In rare cases, developers may need to provide both a mouse-based

implementation (for example, to run downlevel where pointer events are not

available) and a pointer-based implementation. In those cases, we recommend

detecting the availability of pointer events at page load time, and based on that

availability, installing either a set of pointer event handlers, or a set of mouse

event handlers, but not both at the same time.

New “isPrimary” property on MSPointer events (impacts use of initPointerEvent method)

Brief description:

DOM MSPointer events now support an additional Boolean property, evt.isPrimary, which tells you whether the

event is coming from the primary contact in a multi-touch interaction. This can be useful when the desired UX

uses the first contact down (the primary pointer) to condition how other contacts should be processed by the

app. Developers who synthesize MSPointer events from JavaScript by using the initPointerEvent method need

to include this new property as an input argument.

Languages JavaScript

Issue and details Developers processing multi-touch interactions are sometimes interested in

treating the first contact down differently than the remaining contacts. This

“primary” contact is the only multi-touch contact that will be converted to a

mouse input event by Trident default processing. The new DOM event property

evt.isPrimary returns true or false to enable the developer to make this


Developers who synthesize MSPointer events using the method initPointerEvent

need to include the isPrimary flag as an input argument.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

If you use the initPointerEvent to synthesize MSPointer events, you will need to

include the isPrimary flag as an additional input argument. Here is the updated

syntax and argument list for that method:


var retval = MSPointerEvent.initPointerEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg,

cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg, screenXArg, screenYArg, clientXArg,

clientYArg, ctrlKeyArg, altKeyArg, shiftKeyArg, metaKeyArg,

buttonArg, relatedTargetArg, offsetXArg, offsetYArg, widthArg,

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heightArg, pressure, rotation, tiltX, tiltY, pointerIdArg, pointerType,

hwTimestampArg, isPrimary);


typeArg through h2TimestampArg are unchanged; the only new parameter is the

last one, isPrimary:

isPrimary [in]

Type: boolean

Indicates whether this is the primary pointer that is used to control the

mouse position in a multi-touch scenario.

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Blocking dynamic invocation of nonpublic members in Metro style apps

These changes only apply to Metro style apps. Classic .NET apps are unaffected.

“Dynamic invocation” will refer in this context to:

Using reflection APIs such as method/constructor Invoke, Get/Set property or field values, and

adding/removing event handlers

Light-weight code generation or Expression tree construction scenarios where methods are called,

objects are instantiated via certain constructors, properties, fields, or event handlers are accessed; or

where types are used in formal parameter lists or return signatures

Reflection Emit where types are inheriting from certain types

Invoking via the dynamic keyword

What’s changing

Dynamic invocation will be blocked when APIs not present in the public surface area for Metro style apps,

including Portable Library, are used. Additionally, we are blocking unsafe and marshaling APIs.

This is not affecting third party APIs, nor Windows Runtime APIs (1st or 3rd party)


Customer code attempting to invoke APIs not in the public area for Metro style apps will fail at run time. The

exception being thrown is InvalidOperationException

A few corner cases involving the use of the dynamic keyword are additionally impacted. These are:

Calling members that are public in implementation, but not in the pulic surface area for Metro style apps,

when such member is an override of a member on a public Metro style apps type or an implicit interface

implementation of a Metro style apps public interface. For example:

dynamic d = myDelegate.BeginInvoke(…);

in the preceding example, myDelegate is some delegate. The underlying type of d is

System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult. This type is not public for Metro style apps but public in

the underlying implementation. However, BeginInvoke types it as IAsyncResult, which the above type

implements *implicitly*. The following line will now fail:


Had AsyncResult implemented IAsyncResult *explicitly*, the preceding call would have failed because of the

introduction of the dynamic language feature, due to an existing bug in the C# dynamic binder.

Similar to the above, when the member is an override. For example:

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MethodInfo mi =

typeof(object).GetMethod("Equals", new Type[] {typeof(object)});

ParameterInfo pi = mi.GetParameters()[0];

dynamic value = pi.DefaultValue; //this returns DBNull, which is not in

the Metro style apps API

value.ToString(); //this will fail


When the result of an invocation to a dynamic object is known to be of some interface type, cast to that

interface first, in order to avoid the existing bug in the binder, as well as the potential that the

implementation of the interface is implicit, case in which the limitation introduced by this feature can be

also avoided.

When the result of an invocation to a dynamic object is known to be of some base type with a known

member, cast first to that base type. In particular, for ToString() calls, cast to object.

[WinMDExp] Use WriteOnlyArray/readOnlyArray for arrays and blocks usage of In/Out for

other cases

What’s changing

1. When using WinMDExp to export methods with array parameters, you’ll need to mark these

parameters with either [System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.ReadOnlyArray] or

[System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WriteOnlyArray]. The exception to this rule is when

there is a reasonable default , such as returning an array, or passing array out by reference, and in

those case the default will be automatically applied without the need to mark with attributes.

2. [ReadOnlyArray] means the contents of your array parameter will only be read in the function

implementation, while [WriteOnlyArray] means the contents of your array parameter can only be

written to in the function implementation. Note that the usage of the array parameter is not enforced

by the compiler, and the attribute value is only used when crossing language/apartment boundaries,

where marshaling are required.

3. [System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute] and [System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute] are

now blocked, except when passing parameter as [Out] by reference, such as <Out()> ByRef in Visual



WinMDExp will fail to export following code:


public sealed class Test


// Must mark [ReadOnlyArray] / [WriteOnlyArray]

public void Func(int[] args)



// [In] is not supported anymore

public void Func2([In] int[] args)



// Please use [WriteOnlyArray] or ‘out’ modifier

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public void Func3([Out] int[] args)




Visual Basic Public Not Inheritable Class Test


` Must mark [ReadOnlyArray] / [WriteOnlyArray]

Public Sub Func(ByVal args as Integer())

End Sub

` [In] is not supported anymore

Public Sub Func2(<In> args as Integer())

End Sub

` Please use <WriteOnlyArray> or <Out()> ByRef modifier

Public Sub Func3(<Out> ByVal args as Integer)

End Sub

End Class

Passing arrays out by reference or returning arrays are not affected. Following code can still be exported by


C# public sealed class Test


public int[] Func(out int[] outArray)


// …



Visual Basic Public Not Inheritable Class Test

Public Func(<Out()> ByRef outArray as Integer()) as Integer()

End Func

End Class

For non-array parameters, usages of [In] / [Out] are also blocked by this change, except for <Out()> ByRef in

Visual Basic.


For impacted scenarios (see above), you’ll need to explicitly mark your array parameters as [ReadOnlyArray] or

[WriteOnlyArray] :


using System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime;

public sealed class Test


public void Func([ReadOnlyArray] int[] args)


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Visual Basic

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime;

Public NotInheritable Class Test

Public Sub Func(<ReadOnlyArray> args as Integer())

End Sub

End Class

If you have any existing code that explicitly use [In]/[Out] attribute, please remove [In] attribute from your code,

and replace [Out] attribute with either ‘out’ modifier in C#, or <Out()> ByRef in Visual Basic.

[WinMDExp] Two minor breaking changes

There are two possible breaking changes due to recent bug fixes in WinMDExp:

Optional parameters – we issue a warning now when you use those, since the value will not show up for

JavaScript and C++ callers. If you built with warnings as errors, then you may see an error. The mitigation is that

you can pass the warning number to winmdexp via the /nowarn flag in order to stop the warning from firing.

Custom Attributes – we used to incorrectly generate non-functional custom attributes via winmdexp. We’ve

blocked their generation since 3rd party custom attribute generation isn’t a scenario we support. A scan of all

Marketplace apps shows that none of them were trying to generate a custom attribute, which makes sense

since the attributes themselves didn’t get generated correctly in metadata.

Reduce the .NET surface area to remove unnecessary access points to memory

What’s changing:

The following list of .NET APIs are no longer be supported for use in Metro style apps. For the complete list of

supported APIs, .NET for Metro style apps.


These are the API's being removed:









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.NET Core Profile (Metro style apps) API changes

What's changing:

The following namespaces have been removed from the Metro style apps API:


System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting System.ComponentModel.Composition.Primitives


Hide IPropertyValue and IReferenceArry<T>

What’s changing:

The .NET Metadata Adapter will no longer expose two types which are treated specially by Windows Runtime:

IPropertyValue and IReferenceArray.

These types were never meant to be exposed. Currently, it is possible for managed developers to write code

using these types which breaks both the CLR and Windows Runtime type systems. This leads to undefined

behavior in cross language scenarios.


Minimal. Code that implemented this interfaces almost certainly did so accidently (these are the only cases

we’ve seen) and the code frequently wouldn’t work correctly. For example, IPropertyValue today cannot be

correctly dispatched against in managed code and it cannot be correctly implemented by managed code.

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Visual C++

Platform::Array^ input parameters need to be marked as const

Brief description:

Developers will need to explicitly mark Platform::Array^ input parameters in functions and property as const.

This is because the corresponding metadata need to be marked as [in] and not [in,out]. No changes are needed

for output Platform::Array^ parameters or for Platform::Array^ return types. The compiler will emit clear errors

with the changes that need to be made to the source code.

Languages C++

Issue and details Compilation will fail with warnings and errors similar to the following:

error C3952: 'Platform::Array<__TArg> ' : Windows Runtime does not support 'in/out' arrays. Use 'const Array<>^ for 'in' and WriteOnlyArray for 'out' on public APIs.' with [ __TArg=Platform::String ^ ]

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

Add const keyword as needed, like in the example below (the added keyword are in


public /*or private*/ ref class R1 {


void foo(Array<int>^ a) {} // ERROR: Windows Runtime does not

support 'in/out' arrays. Use 'const Array<>^ for 'in' and

WriteOnlyArray for 'out' on public APIs.'

void foo(const Array<int>^ a) {} // ok


int bar(int i, String^ s, Platform::Array<bool>^) { return 3; }

// ERROR: Windows Runtime does not support 'in/out' arrays. Use 'const

Array<>^ for 'in' and WriteOnlyArray for 'out' on public APIs.'

int bar(int i, String^ s, const Platform::Array<bool>^) {

return 3; } // ok

property Platform::Array<String^>^ MyArray {

void set(Array<String^>^ newArr) // ERROR: Windows

Runtime does not support 'in/out' arrays. Use 'const Array<>^ for 'in'

and WriteOnlyArray for 'out' on public APIs.'

void set(const Array<String^>^ newArr) // ok


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m_arr = ref new Array<String^>(newArr);


Array<String^>^ get()


return m_arr;




Protected fields are not permitted on ref classes

Brief description:

Fields which may be exposed to metadata in public or private classes with protected accessibility are

disallowed, as they would result in invalid Windows Runtime metadata. This is a more specific case of the

general “no non-ABI permitted types visible to metadata” breaking change from Consumer Preview Update but

was not properly diagnosed by the compiler in the case of protected fields. This bug in the compiler has been

fixed, resulting in this breaking change.

Languages C++

Issue and details Compilation will fail with warnings and errors similar to the following:

Error: a non-value type cannot have any public data members

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

Mark fields as private protected:

public ref class DirectXBase abstract



virtual void Render() = 0;

virtual void Present();



protected: // Error: a non-value type cannot have any public data


private protected: // ok

Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ m_window;



D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL m_featureLevel;



Windows::Foundation::Rect m_windowBounds;

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float m_dpi;


“Private protected” means that the field is treated as protected within this

component, and is private externally (that is, not visible across metadata).

Nested types are not permitted in private ref classes

Brief description:

Nested type definitions (classes/enums/etc) cannot be metadata-exposed (public or protected) in private

classes. This restriction was previously in place for public classes, but should have existed for private classes as

well; however there was a compiler bug which caused the compiler to not issue a diagnostic in this case. This

bug has been fixed, resulting in a breaking change.

Languages C++

Issue and details Compilation will fail with errors similar to the following:

error C3989: 'R::E' : a nested type cannot be public

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

Mark nested types as internal or private:

/*public*/ ref class R sealed { //public: internal: /* or private */ enum class E {a, b}; };

Virtual methods need to be explicitly specified as ‘virtual’ (and ‘override’ if needed)

Brief description:

Developers will need to state explicitly whether a method is virtual and whether it overrides a base class


Languages C++

Issue and details Compilation will fail with warnings and errors similar to the following:

warning C4488: 'FooClass::Func' : requires 'virtual' keyword to implement the

interface method 'IFoo::Func'

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error C3766: 'FooClass' must provide an implementation for the interface method

'void IFoo::Func(void)'

error C4492: 'BarClass::Func' : matches base ref class method 'FooClass::Func', but is

not marked 'override'

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

Add virtual and override keywords as needed, like in the example below (the added

keyword are in green):

interface class IFoo { void Func(); }; ref struct FooClass abstract: IFoo { virtual void Func(); }; ref struct BarClass sealed: FooClass { virtual void Func() override; };

Non-Windows Runtime C++ exceptions will fail-fast when reaching the language

boundary (rather than turning into E_FAIL)

Brief description:

When a C++ exception (e.g. std::exception) reaches the C++ language boundary, it will bring the process down.

The intent is to have developers handle in their code any non-Windows Runtime exceptions that they expect,

and recover from such exceptions. If an exception is not handled (for example, in a truly exceptional case that

the app cannot recover from) we provide meaningful crash dumps. Platform::Exception type will work as usual.

Languages C++

Issue and details You will not see a compilation problem, but if you do not specifically handle C++

exception like std::exception, you will see the program either crash in the debugger

while debugging or create a crash dump as close to the failure as possible.

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

When the app logic expects an exception and can recover from it, surround it with a

try/catch that catches the specific exception and take corrective action to leave the

app in a valid stat and return a Platform::Exception type where you expect that C++

code may throw exceptions specific to C++.

try { // user code here

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} catch (exception& e) { // new code here // usually you want to translate the C++ exception // to the appropriate Platform::Exception }

Public ref classes need to be marked as either ‘sealed’ or have a non-public constructor

Brief description:

Constructors of unsealed ref classes cannot be ‘public’. They can only be ‘internal’ (‘public private’), ‘private’ or

‘protected private’. If an unsealed class only has compiler-generated constructors, the compiler will implicitly

generate the constructor as ‘internal:’.

Languages C++

Issue and details Compilation will fail with warnings and errors similar to the following:

error C2456: 'Foo' an unsealed ref class cannot have a public visible constructor.

Seal the class, or specify constructor as 'internal', 'protected private' or 'private'


Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

(a) If your class was not meant to be a base class, do mark the class as “sealed” (see

added keyword in green):

public ref class Foo sealed





(b) If you want to allow other C++ ref classes in the same compilation unit to inherit

from the class and if the derived classes don’t need to be public, simply remove

public from the base class:

public ref class Foo



ref class Bar: Foo



(c) If you still want to allow other C++ ref classes in the same compilation unit to

inherit from the class and one or more of the derived classes has to be public, mark

the constructor of the base class as internal. This will allow C++ in-module

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derivation, and output both the base class and derived class to the .winmd.

However, since the constructor of the base is private, the base class will be neither

activatable, nor composable from outside the module (i.e. the base class becomes a

NARC – Non-Activatable-Runtime-Class):

public ref class Foo


// in case no constructor is provided, the implicit

// constructor will be internal




public ref class Bar: Foo



Newslot methods are not allowed in interface classes or ref classes (either implicitly or

explicitly by using the ‘new’ keyword)

Brief description:

We’re introducing some limitations around hide-by-sig methods in derived classes and methods marked with

“new”. We’re reserving this “newslot” syntax for future releases.

Languages C++

Issue and details Compilation will fail with warnings and errors similar to the following:

error C3660: 'IBar::Func' : hides inherited member 'IFoo::Func'

error C3659: 'BarClass::Func' : override specifier 'new' is not supported

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

The recommended mitigation is to avoid introducing newslot methods in

further derived types. Do rename your methods if you want to introduce a

new version of the method.

Private/internal ref classes need to follow the same authoring restrictions as public ref


Brief description:

Compiler will enforce that non-public Windows Runtime types follow the same authoring rules as public ones.

This means that compiler will no longer allow, for example, public fields or public methods that use non-

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Windows Runtime typed parameters. These constructs are still legal as long as they are made internal.

Languages C++

Issue and details Compilation will fail with warnings and errors similar to the following:

error C3987: 'func': signature of public member contains native type 'type'

error C3984: 'Foo' : a non-value type cannot have any public data members

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

Mark all the types and methods which use non-Windows Runtime types as

“internal”, just as you would do with a “public” ref class. If you have this code:

private ref struct FooClass { public: int _i; void func(void** o);


You will need to add the “internal” keyword:

private ref struct FooClass { internal: int _i; void func(void** o);


Instances of types with the marshaling behavior != Agile used as field or global will issue a

warning recommending use of Platform::Agile<T>

Brief description:

Class members and globals of a type that isn’t advertised in metadata as agile (i.e. marked with a

[MarshalingBehavior(Standard)] or [MarshalingBehavior(none)]) will cause a compile time W3 warning.

Languages C++

Issue and details Compilation emit warning level 3 similar to the following:

warning C4451: 'Foo::_gr' : Usage of ref class 'Windows::UI::Input::GestureRecognizer'

inside this context can lead to invalid marshaling of object across contexts

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Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

Consider using Platform::Agile<T> (from agile.h) instead of T^ to correctly marshal

the instance in case it may get called from different apartments.

Code that looks like this:

Windows::UI::Input::GestureRecognizer^ global; ref class Foo sealed { public: int Test(); internal: Windows::UI::Input::GestureRecognizer^ _gr; };

Should be converted to:

#include <agile.h> Platform::Agile<Windows::UI::Input::GestureRecognizer> global; ref class Foo sealed { public: int Test(); internal: Platform::Agile<Windows::UI::Input::GestureRecognizer> _gr; };

Consider silencing the warning only if you can guarantee that the component will

never be accessed from another apartment than the one it was created in.

Public templated ref classes, its explicit instantiations and public templated methods are

not supported

Brief description:

Previously legal but causing unexpected metadata generation, publishing instantiated templates (classes or

methods) to metadata is not legal anymore.

Languages C++

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Issue and details Compilation will fail with warnings and errors similar to the following:

error C3401: 'Foo' : invalid assembly access specifier - only 'private' is allowed on

class templates

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

If you have code like this:

template <class T> public ref class Foo { };

consider marking the class as private:

template <class T> private ref class Foo { };

You can use the pointer-to-implementation (Pimpl) pattern to embed private

templated ref classes into public ref classes, if needed.

Can no longer derive from Platform::Exception

Brief description:

Inheriting from Platform::Exception (even if the class is not sealed) is specifically inhibited in C++/CX.

Languages C++

Issue and details Compilation will fail with warnings and errors similar to the following:

error C3125: 'MyException' : type cannot directly or indirectly derive from


Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

No mitigation. You cannot inherit from Platform::Exception.

Explicit [Windows::Foundation::Metadata::Guid] attribute cannot be specified anymore on

interfaces or classes (only [uuid] is legal)

Brief description:

Specifying a [Guid(…)] attribute on an interface is not allowed anymore.

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Languages C++

Issue and details Compilation will fail with warnings and errors similar to the following:

error C3979: 'IFoo' : use attribute 'uuid' instead of


Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

If you have code like this:

[Windows::Foundation::Metadata::Guid(0x31992907, 0xfeb9, 0x4ab7, 0x83, 0x9f, 0xca, 0x29, 0x2d, 0x28, 0x4f, 0x36)] public interface class IFoo { int Test(); };

Change it to look like this:

[uuid("31992907-FEB9-4AB7-839F-CA292D284F36")] public interface class IFoo { int Test(); };

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Graphics & Gaming


Windows 8 Release Preview includes DirectXMath version 3.03. The Windows Developer Preview included

DirectXMath version 3.00, and the Windows Consumer Preview included DirectXMath version 3.02.

There were some potentially breaking changes made as part of this new revision.

Steps to migrate

Languages C++, unknown

Issues Build error C2039 when using DirectX::XMMATRIX

For example:

test.cpp(16) : error C2039: ‘m’ is not a member of ‘DirectX::XMMATRIX’ test.cpp(21) : error C2039: ‘_14’ is not a member of ‘DirectX::XMMATRIX’

Resolution DirectXMath inherited the original declaration of XMMATRIX which provided a union:






FLOAT _11, _12, _13, _14;

FLOAT _21, _22, _23, _24;

FLOAT _31, _32, _33, _34;

FLOAT _41, _42, _43, _44;


FLOAT m[4][4];


This allows individual element access directly with XMMATRIX, but this generates poorly

performing code. Version 3.03 removes the union and leaves only the r vector members


If individual element access is required, either use the correct vector accessor method with .r

such as:


float a = m._23;

should be:

float a = XMVectorGetZ( m.r[1] );

If several operations on individual elements is being performed on the same XMMATRIX

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instance, then use the matrix equivalent types such as XMFLOAT4X4 to efficiently move it from

a SIMD form to a struct form.


XMStoreFloat4x4( &tmp, m );

// reference elements in tmp instead of m

NOTE: The original union is still defined when using the scalar version of the math library via the

control define _XM_NO_INTRINSICS_

Languages C++, unknown

Issues Build error C2440 or C2679 when using DirectX::XMFLOAT2, DirectX::XMFLOAT2A,

DirectX::XMFLOAT3, DirectX::XMFLOAT3A, DirectX::XMFLOAT4 or DirectX::XMFLOAT4A

test.cpp(32) : error C2440: ‘initializing’ cannot convert from ‘float [4]’ to ‘DirectX::XMFLOAT4’ Constructor for struct ‘DirectX::XMFLOAT4’ is declared ‘explicit’ test.cpp(40) : error C2679: binary ‘=’ no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type ‘float [4]’ (or there is no acceptable conversion)

Resolution Most single-parameter constructors in XNAMath/DirectXMath have been marked explicit to

avoid subtle runtime bugs. Version 3.03 marks the last few remaining constructors explicit. If

you have code of the form:

float f[4] = { 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f };

XMFLOAT4 vec = f;

vec = f;

it should be changed to:

XMFLOAT4 vec(f);

vec = XMFLOAT4(f);

Windows Parental Controls and Game Definition Files (GDF)

Windows 8 Release Preview includes some changes to the Windows Parental Controls ratings systems. If your

app makes use of a Game Definition File Editor (GDF) and has populated game ratings, be sure to update the

GDF accordingly using the latest GDFMaker tool in the Windows SDK


The following ratings systems were added:

Classification Operations Board (Australia)

Department of Justice (Brazil)

Film and Publication Board (South Africa)

Office of Film and Literature Classification (New Zealand)

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The artwork for PEGI ratings were updated and support for the “Online” and “Gambling” descriptors was added.

The PEGI-Finland and Office of Film and Literature Classification (Australia) rating systems have been

deprecated and removed. The Finland region now uses the standard PEGI rating system, and Australia now uses


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CoWaitForMultipleHandles function and CoWait_Flags

Brief description:

CoWaitForMultipleHandles function is no longer supported in Metro style apps. In addition the following

CoWait_Flags have been removed:



Languages C++

Issue and details CoWaitForMultipleHandles function is no longer supported and the


flags have been removed.

Mitigation or Migration


If your code was using CoWaitForMultipleHandles in order to perform a

blocking wait on an ASTA thread that requires reentrancy, you will need to

consider using the Windows Runtime async pattern to offload the work to

process on another thread without blocking the ASTA.

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toString, toFileAsync rename

Languages JavaScript, C++, .NET


1. Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core.ResourceCandidate.toString() renamed to

valueAsString as a property.

2. Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core.ResourceCandidate.toFileAsync() renamed to


Who is impacted?

Anybody using the ResourceManager to retrieve resources.


C# Samples

var map = Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core.ResourceManager.current.mainResourceMap; String string = map.getValue(‘Resources/String1’).valueAsString; StorageFile file = await map.getValue(‘Files/images/logo.png’).valueAsFileAsync();

JavaScript Samples

var map = Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core.ResourceManager.current.mainResourceMap; var string = map.getValue(‘Resources/String1’).valueAsString; map.getValue(‘Files/images/logo.png’).valueAsFileAsync().then(function(file){ });

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SMS functionality is only available to mobile operator apps and Metro style apps given privileged access by

mobile network operators. Mobile network operators specify privileged apps through service metadata. For

more information on service metadata, see Mobile Broadband SMS.


PropertySet marshaling behavior is changing from non-agile to agile

Brief description:

The Windows.Foundation.Collections.PropertySet Windows Runtime API’s marshaling behavior is changing

from non-agile to agile.

Languages C++, C#

Issue and details When the PropertySet becomes agile and is used from multiple apartments, event

notifications may now be fired from multiple apartments.

Impact: Developers who use agile notifications may start seeing notifications

delivered by an MTA thread instead of by an (A)STA thread.

Broken Scenario: Developer code in the PropertySet notification callbacks that

directly interacts with UI elements may no longer work. Since these callbacks

may not always execute on an (A)STA (as they previously did), the UI code may

execute in the context of an MTA and fail.

Mitigation or Migration


Update the developer code to:

Option 1: Request for the UI code to execute on the UI thread (i.e.: via


Option 2: If using C++, use Platform::CallbackContext::Same to specify a non-

agile delegate.


ApplicationPreferences removed

Languages JavaScript, C#, C++

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Brief description:

There is a small set of changes intended to make the behavior of app language preferences more transparent.

In particular, the default Globalization.Language() constructor is misconstrued as referring to the preferred

current runtime language. It should not be thus understood and will be removed. Instead, apps should use the

ApplicationLanguages class. The breaking changes:

1. The default constructor for Windows.Globalization.Language is removed. You can still construct a

Language object by passing in a language tag.

2. The Windows.Globalization.ApplicationPreferences class is removed. Its sole property

PreferredLanguage, is moved to Windows.Globalization.ApplicationLanguages and renamed

primaryLanguageOverride. This is a writeable property that allows an app to set an override value on

the top language of the app language list.

These are accompanied by a non-breaking change which will expose the current app language list through


This is a computed list of languages that merges the app’s declared supported languages with the user’s

ranked list of preferred languages. This list (ApplicationLanguages.languages) is the recommended source of

the best current runtime language value(s) preferred by the user. (Note that it will yield the same values as the

language list exposed via Resource Manager in


The new ApplicationLanguages class will also expose a property that gives the app’s declared supported

languages: Windows.Globalization.ApplicationLanguages.manifestLanguages

Who is impacted?

1. Anyone using the default Windows.Globalization.Language() constructor.

2. Anyone using Windows.Globalization.ApplicationPreferences. (Typically you would be using this

class to set a preferred runtime language for your app in response to some expressed user



JavaScript Samples

Language Constructor Before: // Get current system language var language = new Windows.Globalization.Language(); Language Constructor After (recommended): // Get top user preferred language var topUserLanguage = Windows.System.UserProfile.GlobalizationPreferences.languages[0]; var language = new Windows.Globalization.Language(topUserLanguage);

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Preferred Application language Before: var preferredLanguage = Windows.Globalization.ApplicationPreferences.preferredLanguage; Preferred Application language After: var preferredLanguage = Windows.Globalization.ApplicationLanguage.primaryLanguageOverride;

Calendar.Compare method

Languages JavaScript, C#, C++

Brief description:

The static Compare method in Windows.Globalization for comparing calendar objects will be removed and

replaced by an instance method.

Windows.Globalization.Calendar.Compare(a,b) becomes a.Compare(b).

Also a set of redundant methods are removed and have been supplanted by existing methods:

Previous method Replaced by

toDateTime() getDateTime()

fromDateTime() setDateTime()

.now setToNow()

.minsupported setToMin()

.maxsupported setToMax()

Who is impacted?

Anyone using Windows.Globalization and working with calendar objects (getting, setting, comparing)


JavaScript Samples

// Obtain today's date. var calendarDate = new Date(); // Create a calendar based on the current user and set to today’s date. var calendarA = new Windows.Globalization.Calendar(); calendarA.setDateTime(calendarDate); // Create a second calendar and set to that calendar’s min value var calendarB = new Windows.Globalization.Calendar();

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calendarB.setToMin(); // Compare the calendars var number = calendarA.Compare(calendarB);


LanguageFontGroup property changes

Languages JavaScript, C++, .NET


The Windows.Globalization.Fonts.LanguageFontGroup class has properties that return font recommendations

for a given language for different style/usage categories—each property corresponding to a different

style/usage category. The naming of some of these properties has been changed to provide better consistency

in naming as well as greater clarity:

Old property name New property name

UICaptionsFont UICaptionFont

UINotificationsFont UINotificationHeadingFont

Also, for some combinations of language and a style/usage category, no font recommendation is available. For

example, for the fixed-width text category, font recommendations can be provided for only a small subset of

the scripts supported in Windows. The LanguageFontGroup properties for which this is relevant are:




Before this change, if one of these properties is accessed when the language / script passed in the

LanguageFontGroup constructor isn’t supported for that property, an exception would be thrown. The new API

behaviour is that a LanguageFontGroup property will return Null if no font recommendation is available for the

given language/category combination.

Who is impacted?

Anybody who is uses the LanguageFontGroup class and accesses the affected properties.

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C# Samples:

Property name change: Before: LanguageFontGroup lfg = new LanguageFontGroup("hi"); // Hindi LanguageFont captionFont = lfg.UICaptionsFont; LanguageFont notificationHeadingFont = lfg.UINotificationsFont Now: LanguageFontGroup lfg = new LanguageFontGroup("hi"); // Hindi LanguageFont lfCaption = lfg.UICaptionFont; LanguageFont notificationHeadingFont = lfg.UINotificationHeadingFont

Property exception change: Before: LanguageFontGroup lfg = new LanguageFontGroup("hi"); // Hindi LanguageFont lf; try { lf = lfg.FixedWidthFont; } catch (System.Exception e) { if (e.HResult == -2147023727) { // do some fallback } else throw e; } Now: LanguageFontGroup lfg = new LanguageFontGroup("hi"); // Hindi LanguageFont lf = lfg.FixedWidthFont; if (lf == null) { // do some fallback }

JavaScript Samples:

Property name change: Before: var lfg = new Windows.Globalization.LanguageFontGroup("hi"); // Hindi var captionFont = lfg.uiCaptionsFont; var notificationHeadingFont = lfg.uiNotificationsFont Now: var lfg = new Windows.Globalization.LanguageFontGroup("hi"); // Hindi var lfCaption = lfg.uiCaptionFont; var notificationHeadingFont = lfg.uiNotificationHeadingFont

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Property exception change: Before: var lfg = new LanguageFontGroup("hi"); // Hindi var lf; try { lf = lfg.FixedWidthFont; } catch(err) { if (err.number === -2147023727) { // do some fallback } else { throw err; } } Now: var lfg = new Windows.Globalization.LanguageFontGroup("hi"); // Hindi var lf = lfg.FixedWidthFont; if (!lf) { // do some fallback }


IPrintDocumentPackageTargetFactory and IPrintDocumentPackageStatusEvent are not

accessible to Metro style apps

Brief description:

In documenttarget.idl, only IPrintDocumentPackageTarget is supposed to be for Metro style apps. The rest of

the interfaces: IPrintDocumentPackageTargetFactory and IPrintDocumentPackageStatusEvent are for desktop

apps only. However, all of them were marked as Metro style app interfaces in the idl file. This has been

resolved and the “const” decoration has been removed from

IPrintDocumentPackageTarget::GetPackageTargetTypes. This change introduces a signature change in the

public interface IPrintDocumentPackageTarget.




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Issue and


In documenttarget.idl, only IPrintDocumentPackageTarget is supposed to be for Metro style apps.

The rest of the interfaces: IPrintDocumentPackageTargetFactory and

IPrintDocumentPackageStatusEvent are for desktop apps only. However, all of them were marked

as Metro style app interfaces in the idl file. This has been resolved and the “const” decoration has

been removed from IPrintDocumentPackageTarget::GetPackageTargetTypes. This change

introduces a signature change in the public interface IPrintDocumentPackageTarget.


usage or

steps to

take to



If apps use ID2D1PrintControl, there is no change needed. The change in the system component

covers the fix.

If apps generate their own XPS OM and call GetPackageTargetTypes, then there is small change for


Before change After change

UINT targetCounts = 0;

Const GUID* targetTypes = NULL;

hr = IPrintDocumentPackageTarget-


nts, &targetTypes);

UINT targetCounts = 0;

GUID* targetTypes = NULL;

hr = IPrintDocumentPackageTarget->


(&targetCounts, &targetTypes);

if (targetTypes)




Additional parameter to pass while creating DXGI surface for printing

Brief description:

While initializing a DXGI surface for printing, in addition to the D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET flag that needs

to be passed, a new flag needs to be passed. The new flag is D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE. This change

was made for performance improvement for print preview.

Languages: C++ or C# apps printing via D2D print control

Who is impacted?

1. Native D2D apps that create a DXGI surface directly to print are impacted.

2. Metro style apps written using JavaScript and HTML, that use the standard HTML print path via

MSApp.GetHtmlPrintDocumentSource(), need no change because Trident creates the DXGI surface and

already includes this flag.

3. Metro style apps written using C#, Visual Basic, or C++, and XAML, also do not need to change,

because the framework creates the DXGI surface and already includes the flag

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C++ Samples

From Direct2DPrintingFromMetroStyleApps Sample in D2DPageRenderer.cpp: void PageRenderer::DrawPreviewSurface( _In_ float width, _In_ float height, _In_ float scale, _In_ D2D1_RECT_F contentBox, _In_ uint32 desiredJobPage, _In_ IPrintPreviewDXGIPackageTarget* previewTarget ) { // We are accessing D3D resources directly without D2D's knowledge, so we // must manually acquire the D2D factory lock. // // Note: it's absolutely critical that the factory lock be released upon // exiting this function, or else the entire app will deadlock. This is // ensured via the following RAII class. D2DFactoryLock factoryLock(m_d2dFactory.Get()); CD3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC textureDesc( DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, static_cast<uint32>(ceil(width * m_dpi / 96)), static_cast<uint32>(ceil(height * m_dpi / 96)), 1, 1, D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET | D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE ); ... }

CMetroTemplatePrinter object to call StartPrint() method

Brief description:

StartPrint method needs to be called on the CMetroTemplatePrinter to ensure that the JavaScript print

template is initialized and ready to print. This change was made to avoid race condition where the

CMetroTemplatePrinter object in Trident receives printing notifications from the OS before the JavaScript print

template which it serves has had a chance to initialize the necessary event handlers. The call should be made

after the event registration occurs.

Languages: JavaScript apps that print

Who is impacted?

Web apps that use a custom print template to support customized experience for print

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JavaScript Custom Print Template Samples:

From PrintSample/js/print-templates/Scenario4.htm: /// <summary> /// Initializes the custom print template. /// </summary> function init() { // Attach Metro style app printing events printer.onpaginate = handlePaginate; printer.onpreviewpage = handlePreviewPage; printer.onprint = handlePrint; printer.onprinttaskoptionchange = handlePrintTaskOptionChange; // Start the preview/printing process printer.startPrint(); oPageStyleClass = findStyleRule(".pagestyle"); oLorStyleClass = findStyleRule(".lorstyle"); // Set the page dimensions setPageLayout(); }


(Minor) Breaking change and new additions to Package Manager Inventory APIs

Brief description:

Fix how a null/empty user SID parameter is interpreted for the following two Package Manager Inventory APIs

that accept a User SID and incorrectly interpret a null/"" user SID value as all-users instead of currently logged

on user.

1. FindPackagesByUserSecurityId

2. FindPackagesByUserSecurityIdNamePublisher

The table below lists the full set of Package Manager APIs available for enumerating Metro style app packages.

The 3 new APIs are in purple, the 2 impacted APIs are in red:

Overload name Interface method name All


Requires admin

FindPackage FindPackageByPackageFullName Yes Yes

FindPackages FindPackages Yes Yes

FindPackagesByNamePublisher Yes Yes

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FindPackagesByPackageFamilyName Yes Yes

FindPackageForUser FindPackageByUserSecurityIdPackageFullName No if user != caller

FindPackagesForUser FindPackagesByUserSecurityId No if user != caller

FindPackagesByUserSecurityIdNamePublisher No if user != caller

FindPackagesByUserSecurityIdPackageFamilyName No if user != caller

FindUsers FindUsers Yes Yes

Languages C++, .NET

Issue and details In many Windows APIs, a null user SID parameter implies the current user

while a special Everyone SID (S-1-1-0) indicates all users. These APIs should

do the same. This makes it most convenient to the caller as well as they do

not need to first retrieve the user SID when calling in the context of current


A secondary motivation is that since we are adding new APIs to support

inventorying packages using monikers – PackageFullName and

PackageFamilyName. We would like to implement the right behavior for

null/”” user SID for these new APIs, and also like for this behavior to be

consistent with the existing APIs.

Samples usage or steps

to take to migrate code

Make the following replacements to any code that references these APIs

with a null/"" user SID:




type Meaning Comments

NULL Specifies the currently logged-

on user.

If you were using null or “” to

enumerate packages for all

users on the machine, replace

it with the special everyone

SID s-1-1-0 or use the

corresponding all-users APIs:






Specifies enumeration for a

particular user in the system.

Requires admin privileges, if

SID is not of currently logged-

on user. An example of user

No change required.

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SID is "S-1-3-64-2415071341-




Specifies enumeration across

all users in the system.

Requires admin privileges.

No change required, s-1-1-0

was not previously

implemented as a way to

enumerate all users.


Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer API updates

Brief description:

Languages C++, .NET

Issue and details If you use the

Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer APIs, you

must update your code to the following new



If you used BackgroundDownloader you will need to update your code to the new API.

Previous Name New API

SetRequestBodyFile CreateDownload, CreateDownloadFromFile,


SetRequestBodyStreamAsync CreateDownload, CreateDownloadFromFile,



If you used BackgroundUploader you will need to update your code to the new API.

Previous Name New API

SetSourceFile CreateUpload





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SetSourceStreamAsync CreateUpload






Service metadata changes


All service metadata for mobile broadband in Windows 8 will need to be recreated for the Release Preview

build. This is because there is a change in how the HWID values are encoded and represented in Release

Preview which is a change from the Consumer Preview build.

The HWID values are encoded representations of the SIM’s IMSI, ICCID, or the CDMA provider ID or provider

name values.


Because the encoding algorithm has changed between Windows 8 Consumer Preview to Windows 8 Consumer

Preview Update – partners who wish to test their implementation on Windows 8 Consumer Preview Update will

need to create new metadata packages using either:

Metadata authoring tool that comes with Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 RC

HWID generation tool that comes from the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) for Windows 8 Consumer

Preview Update

These tools have been updated to generate the expected HWID values that match the new format that

Windows 8 Release Preview will be using when trying to match the user’s SIM card (or CDMA based modem)

with a metadata experience.

If you have been developing on Windows 8 Consumer Preview Update and Consumer Preview Update 2 builds,

service metadata created on Consumer Preview Update will not work on Consumer Preview Update 2. Service

metadata that was created using Consumer Update 2 will work on Windows 8 Release Preview.


The Windows Hardware Developer Center Dashboard will use the Windows 8 Consumer Preview Update 2

HWID encoding algorithm for mobile broadband in the Windows 8 Release Preview. Before this you will not be

able to submit mobile broadband service metadata created in Consumer Preview Update or Consumer Preview

Update 2 to the Windows Hardware Developer Center Dashboard. If you need to test before the next release, it

is recommended that you enable test signing and test locally by placing your metadata package in the device

metadata store.

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You will be able to successfully test the end to end download and install process for mobile broadband service

metadata when Release Preview is available. At that time you will be able to use the service metadata you

created with Consumer Preview Update 2 or with Release Preview to submit to the Windows Hardware

Developer Center Dashboard.

Behavior change

If you used IMobileBroadbandDeviceInformation::DeviceId you will need to update your code to the new API.

The property IMobileBroadbandDeviceInformation::DeviceId was changed to return a device instance path. It

previously returned the IMEI (mobile equipment ID) of the mobile broadband device. The IMEI is now exposed

through a new property (MobileEquipmentId).

Removed type

The enum Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.CellularClass was redundant with

Windows.Devices.Sms.CellularClass. This type in NetworkOperators has been removed. The minority scenarios

where an app needs to compare the value, it can reference the one in Sms.

New properties

The following properties of IMobileBroadbandDeviceInformation provide information about the current

connection on the device.





The new property IMobileBroadbandDeviceInformation::MobileEquipmentId returns what

IMobileBroadbandDeviceInformation::DeviceId used to.

The following properties of INetworkOperatorNotificationEventDetails have been added to help write

background notifications handlers in multi-carrier networks:

RuleId - Provides the identifier of the provisioned rule that matched and triggered the notification.

SmsMessage - If the transport for the notifications was Sms, returns a message object so that further

SMS message details can be retrieved.

New Method

IMobileBroadbandNetwork::ShowConnectionUI() allows a mobile operator app to open the available

connections Flyout.

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Provisioning metadata changes

Provisioning of Wi-Fi Hotspots

In order to reduce the number of WLAN profiles on a system, the schema has been modified to constrict the

number of WLAN profiles and SSIDs which can be provisioned. Carriers are encouraged to instead place

multiple SSIDs per profile.

Carriers with extensive Wi-Fi roaming networks which cannot fit within the new limits may take advantage of

new functionality in the HotspotAuth section of the profile, enabling the hotspot configuration for a

provisioned profile to be inherited by user-created profiles if the user ever manually connects to these

networks. This section can include not only fixed SSIDs, but prefixes matching all SSIDs which begin with a

given string.

Carriers should place their highest-priority and most common SSIDs in the standard WLAN profile. Reserve the

Hotspot Profile SSIDs for less-common SSIDs which most users will not encounter, but which should

authenticate using Wireless Internet Service Provider roaming (WISPr) if a user connects to them.

Core Provisioning

<!-- Wi-Fi info -->

<xs:element name="WLANProfiles" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">



<xs:element ref="wlan:WLANProfile" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>





<xs:element name="SSIDConfig" maxOccurs="256" maxOccurs="1">



<xs:element name="SSID" maxOccurs="256" maxOccurs="25">




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<!-- extension point for other namespaces -->

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"

maxOccurs="unbounded" />





<xs:element name="HotspotProfile">





<xs:element ref="BasicAuth"/>

<xs:element ref="TrustedDomains"/>



<xs:element ref="ExtAuth"/>

<xs:element ref="TrustedDomains" minOccurs="0"/>



<xs:element name="UserAgent" minOccurs="0" type="xs:token"/>

<xs:element ref="SSIDConfig" minOccurs="0"/>

<!-- extension point -->

<xs:any processContents="lax" namespace="##other" minOccurs="0"



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<xs:element name="SSIDConfig">



<xs:element name="SSID" maxOccurs="250">



<xs:element name="hex">


<xs:restriction base="xs:hexBinary">

<xs:minLength value="1" />

<xs:maxLength value="32" />




<xs:element name="hexPrefix">


<xs:restriction base="xs:hexBinary">

<xs:minLength value="4" />

<xs:maxLength value="32" />




<xs:element name="name">


<xs:restriction base="xs:string">

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<xs:minLength value="1" />

<xs:maxLength value="32" />




<xs:element name="namePrefix">


<xs:restriction base="xs:string">

<xs:minLength value="4" />

<xs:maxLength value="32" />










Validity and Ordering of Message Parsing Fields

The schema has been updated to disallow invalid combinations of fields (UsageTimestamp is required if any

other Usage* field is specified). As a by-product of XSD, this imposes a specific ordering on the Fields as

declared in the XML. The fields may still occur in any order in the SMS message being parsed.

Added field “RuleID” on Message Rules

The Rule ID allows an operator to assign a token to a message rule. Upon receipt of a message of this type, the

Rule ID is passed back to the operator to assist them in identifying the message and how it should be parsed.

This allows the Operator App not to duplicate the parsing and identification logic which Windows has already

applied. (See “RuleId” attribute added to INetworkOperatorNotificationEventDetails, below.)

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Windows.Networking.Proximity.PeerFinder renames

Brief description:

Some PeerFinder property renames, remove ProximityStreamSocket in favor of StreamSocket, including moving

SessionKey to StreamSocketInformation.

Languages JavaScript, C++, .NET

Issue and details Some PeerFinder property renames, remove ProximityStreamSocket in favor of

StreamSocket, including moving SessionKey to StreamSocketInformation.

Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

Windows.Networking.Proximity.ProximityStreamSocket is being removed. Instead use


Windows.Networking.Proximity.ProximityStreamSocket.SessionKey is being moved.

Instead use Windows.Networking.Sockets.StreamSocketInformation.SessionKey.

Windows.Networking.Proximity.ProximityStreamSocket.SocketType is being removed.

This had limited value and would be difficult to move to StreamSocketInformation.

Windows.Networking.Proximity.PeerFinder.AllowTcpIp is being renamed to


When an app is launched by proximity, a LaunchArgs string is passed via

LaunchActivatedEventArgs.Arguments. This string is changing from

“Windows.Networking.Proximity:ProximityStreamSocket” to



Windows.Networking.Sockets property name changes

Brief description:

A number of properties on the Windows.Networking.Sockets changed for improved readability

Languages <JavaScript, C++, .NET>

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Issue and details If you use the Windows.Networking.Socket APIs,

you must update your code to the following new



If you use DatagramSocketInformation you will need to update your code to the new names in the table below.

Previous Name New Name

DatagramSocketInformation.LocalHostName DatagramSocketInformation.LocalAddress

DatagramSocketInformation.LocalServiceName DatagramSocketInformation.LocalPort

DatagramSocketInformation.RemoteHostName DatagramSocketInformation.RemoteAddress

DatagramSocketInformation.RemoteServiceName DatagramSocketInformation.RemotePort


If you use DatagramSocketMessageReceivedEventArgs you will need to update your code to the new names in

the table below.

Previous Name New Name













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If you use HostName.NetworkAdapter, you will need to update your code to the new name.

Previous Name New Name

HostName.NetworkAdapter HostName.IPInformation.NetworkAdapter


If you use MessageWebSocketInformation.BandwidthStatistics you will need to update your code to the new

names in the table below.

Previous Name New Name

BandwidthStatistics.InboundInstability BandwidthStatistics.InboundBitsPerSecondInstability

BandwidthStatistics.OutboundInstability BandwidthStatistics.OutboundBitsPerSecondInstability


If you use StreamSocketInformation, you will need to update your code to the new names in the table below.

Previous Name New Name

StreamSocketInformation.LocalHostName StreamSocketInformation.LocalAddress

StreamSocketInformation.LocalServiceName StreamSocketInformation.LocalPort

StreamSocketInformation.RemoteHostName StreamSocketInformation.RemoteAddress

StreamSocketInformation.RemoteServiceName StreamSocketInformation.RemotePort

StreamSocketInformation.sslStrength StreamSocketInformation.ProtectionLevel


Note: The RemoteHostName and RemoteService APIs still exist in the namespace, but their behavior has

changed. Previously, they were the resolved address and port, now they are the original data as set.


If you use StreamSocketInformation.BandwidthStatistics you will need to update your code to the new names in

the table below.

Previous Name New Name

BandwidthStatistics.InboundInstability BandwidthStatistics.InboundBitsPerSecondInstability

BandwidthStatistics.OutboundInstability BandwidthStatistics.OutboundBitsPerSecondInstability

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If you use StreamSocketListenerInformation, you will need to update your code to the new name in the table


Previous Name New Name

StreamSocketListenerInformation.LocalServiceName StreamSocketListenerInformation.LocalPort


If you use StreamWebSocketInformation you will need to update your code to the new names in the table


Previous Name New Name

WebSocketInformation.LocalHostName WebSocketInformation.LocalAddress


If you use StreamWebSocketInformation.BandwidthStatistics you will need to update your code to the new

names in the table below.

Previous Name New Name

BandwidthStatistics.InboundInstability BandwidthStatistics.InboundBitsPerSecondInstability

BandwidthStatistics.OutboundInstability BandwidthStatistics.OutboundBitsPerSecondInstability


Moving to IIterable and removal of caption from API

Languages All


1. Caption/HeaderText is being removed from the API so partners cannot specify a string in the UX.

This is because of issues with concatenation and localization.

2. OnlineIdServiceTicketRequests is now made IIterable instead of IVectorView. It is easier for

developers to implement and follows the patterns other Windows Runtime namespaces do

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Who is impacted?

1. The change to IIterable from IVectorView affects only partners who use native C++

2. The change to no longer support headerText/Caption affects all developers who pass a caption or

headerText and should no longer be passed.


C++ samples

ComPtr<IVectorView<OnlineIdServiceTicketRequest*>> spTargetsView; No longer needed

MX_CHK(hr = spTargets->GetView(&spTargetsView)); No longer needed

MX_CHK(hr = spAuthRequest->AuthenticateUserAsyncAdvanced(

spTargetsView.Get(), This must be changed to spTargets.Get(),

nullptr HeaderText/Caption is no longer supported, delete this.




Default collision option change for file create in StorageFolder and DownloadsFolder

Languages JavaScript, C++, .NET


The current default behavior of the following APIs in case of a file/folder name collision is to generate unique

name (NameCollisionOption.GenerateUniqueName):






This default behavior changed to return a failure in case of name collision


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Who is impacted?

Anybody who is using any of the following APIs will be impacted since the default behavior is different now:






If you intended any of these APIs to fail in case of name collision, no change is needed in your code. But if you

intended these to succeed in case of a name collision, you will now have to pass

NameCollisionOption.GenerateUniqueName explicitly as an option.


C# Samples

Before: StorageFile file = await localFolder.CreateFileAsync(“file.txt”); // This used to succeed even if “file.txt” exist in the folder, and results in “File(1).txt” getting created. Now: StorageFile file = await localFolder.CreateFileAsync(“file.txt”); // This will throw an exception if “file.txt” exists in the local folder. So in order to get the old behavior, you would have to change your code to: StorageFile file = await localFolder.CreateFileAsync(“file.txt”, CreateCollisionOption.GenerateUniqueName); Or if you want the APIs to fail in case of collision, you should handle the exception.

Transacted streams and CreateFileAsync options

Languages JavaScript, C++, .NET


1. Default file open behavior changes from Transacted to Non-transacted (fileAccessMode.eadWrite).

2. Transacted streams are now separated into a new runtime class StorageStreamTransaction. Commit

semantics of transacted streams are getting decoupled from FlushAsync to a new method

CommitAsync in StorageStreamTransaction.

3. As a result, the following options are getting removed from CreateFileAsync to simplify the interfaces:

var fileAccessMode = {

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read : 0,

readWrite: 1,

readWriteUnsafe : 2,

readWriteNoCopyOnWrite: 3


4. FlushAsync is now no longer needed for transacted commits, and additionally is generally not needed for

non-transacted streams either as it has a performance impact since it makes the write durable on disk.

Who is impacted?

1. Anybody who is using ReadWriteInPlace (old name: ReadWriteUnsafe) or ReadWriteNoCopyOnWrite is

immediately impacted because the values no longer exist. ReadWriteInPlace (ReadWriteUnsafe) callers

will be changed directly to ReadWrite with no impact and we will make all these changes.

ReadWriteNoCopyOnWrite uses have various possibilities:

Caller just wanted an empty write stream. This can be accomplished with OpenAsync(ReadWrite) +

put_Size(0) and is the assumption we’re making when making changes, it should be reviewed by

feature owners to see if they want the next case below.

Caller wanted empty write stream plus transactions. This can be accomplished with

OpenTransactedAsync(ReadWrite) + put_Size(0), this is currently applied only to some internal


Caller wanted empty write stream plus a separate simultaneous read stream. This was a confusing use

case and is part of why we’re getting rid of it, this can be accomplished instead with an

intermediate in-memory stream and stream copy.

Existing ReadWrite cases have similar scenarios:

Caller just wanted a writable stream. By doing nothing they still get a writable stream, but the call to

FlushAsync that was previously necessary is now no longer necessary. This is the default state most

callers will be in and they will be unchanged with the check-in, but they should review to see if

they need to remove FlushAsync or use transactions.

Caller wanted transactions. Caller will have to update to use OpenTransactedAsync.

2. All file opens will now be non-transacted by default. Please review your usage and if you intended to

have transacted writes for your scenario, please make the changes as indicated in the attached


3. CLR – we are in contact with CLR team to absorb the changes.


C# Samples

// Save the current session state static async public Task SaveAsync() { var localFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder; // Get the output stream for the SessionState file.

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StorageFile file = await localFolder.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); StorageStreamTransaction transaction = await file.OpenTransactedAsync(); IRandomAccessStream raStream = transaction.Stream; // Serialize the Session State. DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Dictionary<string, object>), knownTypes_); serializer.WriteObject(raStream.AsStreamForWrite(), sessionState_); await transaction.CommitAsync (); transaction.Close(); }

JavaScript Samples

writeText: function (fileName, str) { var that = this; return that.folder.createFileAsync(fileName, sto.CreationCollisionOption.replaceExisting).then(function (fileItem) { return fileItem.openTransactedAsync(); }).then(function (transaction) { var writer = new Windows.Storage.Streams.DataWriter(transaction.stream); var count = writer.writeString(str); return writer.storeAsync().then(function() { return transaction.commitAsync ().then(function() { transaction.close(); return count; }); }); }); }

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Changes to IApplicationData::SetVersionAsync exception handling

Brief description:

Throwing exceptions in SetVersionAsync will terminate the process.

Languages JavaScript, C++, .NET

Issue and details IApplicationData::SetVersionAsync is being changed so that

exceptions thrown in the caller-provided callback will terminate the


This is in alignment with similar breaking changes for exceptions

during async calls.

Prior to this change, SetVersionAsync had depended on the callback

to throw an exception as a means of canceling the pending version-

change. This is not a desired design pattern, and doesn’t work well

when the callback defers completion of the operation.

Samples usage or steps to take to

migrate code

Do not throw exceptions back to the

IApplicationData::SetVersionAsync call

Removal of IApplicationData::get_RoamingStorageUsage()

Brief description:

The get_RoamingStorageUsage() method has been removed.

Languages JavaScript, C++, .NET

Issue and details IApplicationData::get_RoamingStorageUsage() has been removed.

Samples usage or steps to take to

migrate code

Remove calls to IApplicationData::get_RoamingStorageUsage().

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DataReader::DetachStream and DataWriter::DetachStream will fail

Brief Description:

Calling DetachStream while an async operation is in flight on the data reader or data writer will result in failure

– the stream will not be detached.

Languages C++, C#, Visual Basic

Issue Previously when calling DetachStream method on a data reader or data writer, it

will yield a stream that may still be in use by the underlying data reader or data

writer if an asynchronous operation is still outstanding. The results of this will be

unpredictable – calls on the returned stream may fail, the stream may have

discontinuities, etc…

With this change, the call will now fail in this case therefore providing predictable


Mitigation or Migration


If a call to DetachStream on a data reader or data writer fails with an invalid

ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION)), ensure that no asynchronous operations are

outstanding when calling DetachStream. If necessary, move the detach to after

completion handling of the outstanding asynchronous operations.operation



New restrictions on the protocols that Metro style apps can launch and register for

Brief description:

To increase end-user confidence in their Metro style apps additional restrictions have been put in place on what

protocol schemes an app can launch and register for.

Languages JavaScript

Issue and details In the Consumer Preview the Windows.System.Launcher API allowed an app to

launch any type of protocol. This enables apps to launch protocols like http:,

mailto:, feed:, etc., which in turns enables legitimate end-user scenarios. However

it also means that apps can launch protocols like telnet, and ierss,, which do not

have legitimate scenarios in a Metro style app. Allowing apps to launch these

unneeded protocols opens up additional attack surface in the platform.

For Windows 8 Release Preview, apps are blocked from launching any protocol

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scheme that is handled by an OS component that does not provide a legitimate

scenario for a Metro style app. This change reduces the potential attack surface

that malicious Metro style apps can target in Windows 8. The full list of blocked

protocol schemes is listed below. These protocols are only blocked when they

are handled by an OS component or a desktop app.

Protocol Scheme





















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In addition to blocking the launch of certain protocols for Metro style apps there

are also a few additional protocols that Metro style apps will not be allowed to

register for. These protocols are used internally by Explorer and should not be

taken over by an app.










Samples usage or

steps to take to

migrate code

No apps should use these protocols so in general no action needs to be taken. If

an app is using these protocols then they must reevaluate their scenario to see if

it fits the Metro style app model. If so they will need to use Windows Runtime

APIs and other platform tools to achieve the scenario.

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Converted getting user names to asynchronous methods

Languages JavaScript, C++, .NET


Retrieving the user names can involve retrieval of information from the network, and can therefore be slow.

Apps should not hang as a result of this latency, so the retrieval has been updated to be asynchronous. Hence

we converted the retrieval of user name properties from synchronous to asynchronous methods:

Removed DisplayName property and replaced it with the method GetDisplayNameAsync

Removed FirstName property and replaced it with the method GetFirstNameAsync

Removed LastName property and replaced it with the method GetLastNameAsync

Who is impacted?

Anyone using the following properties from the UserInformation object:





C# Samples

Before: string displayName = Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.DisplayName; string firstName = Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.FirstName; string lastName = Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.LastName; Now: string displayName = await Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.GetDisplayNameAsync(); string firstName = await Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.GetFirstNameAsync(); string lastName = await Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.GetLastNameAsync();

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JavaScript Samples

Before: var displayName = Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.displayName; var firstName = Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.displayName; var lastName = Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.displayName; Now: Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.getDisplayNameAsync().done(function (result) { if (result) { // result is the Display Name } }); Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.getFirstNameAsync().done(function (result) { if (result) { // result is the First Name } }); Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.getLastNameAsync().done(function (result) { if (result) { // result is the Last Name } });


Close method now fails when called on main window

Languages C++, C#, Visual Basic

Issue This change will cause calls to CoreWindow::Close to fail for the main

window of an app.

Mitigation or

Migration processes

Symptoms Resolution

CoreWindow::Close returns E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL

In the unlikely event this behavior is necessary, call CoreApplication::Exit instead


Languages C++

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1. New ICoreWindowPopupShowingEventArgs interface created, with a TrySetSize method.

2. This event args is passed to the ICoreWindowDialog and ICoreWindowFlyout Showing event handler so

that the client can set the size of the CoreWindow from the Showing event handler:

[eventadd] HRESULT Showing([in] Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler

<Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow *,

Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindowPopupShowingEventArgs *> *handler,

[out, retval] EventRegistrationToken *cookie);

3. There is a new runtime class CoreWindowPopupShowingEventArgs.

4. This change removes the need for clients to get the CoreWindow’s hwnd and to call SetWindowPos on it

to set its size. (This method will not be possible with some other upcoming changes.)

Who is impacted?

1. Any user of CoreWindowDialog and CoreWindowFlyout will need to change their code to pass the new

event args down to their Showing event.

2. They will also need to call TrySetSize instead of SetWindowPos.


C++ Samples

auto agileCallback = Callback<Implements<RuntimeClassFlags<ClassicCom>, ITypedEventHandler<CoreWindow*, CoreWindowPopupShowingEventArgs *>, FtmBase>>([](ICoreWindow *pCoreWindow, ICoreWindowPopupShowingEventArgs *pShowingEventArgs) -> HRESULT { HWND hwndContent = nullptr; HRESULT hr = IUnknown_GetWindow(pCoreWindow, &hwndContent); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwDeferCookie = 0; hr = CoreWindowHostedHWNDElement::Create(hwndContent, EC_MultiTouch | EC_PreserveAlphaChannel, nullptr, &dwDeferCookie, &g_peHostedInCoreWindow); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ValueRef vrSize; const SIZE *pcSize = g_peHostedInCoreWindow->GetExtent(&vrSize); // (Or some other way to get the preferred size) Windows::Foundation::Size size; size.Width = pcSize->cx; size.Height = pcSize->cy; Windows::Foundation::Size sizeRes; pShowingEventArgs->TrySetSize(size, &sizeRes); g_peHostedInCoreWindow->SetWidth(sizeRes.Width); g_peHostedInCoreWindow->SetHeight(sizeRes.Height); g_peHostedInCoreWindow->SetVisible(true); g_peHostedInCoreWindow->EndDefer(dwDeferCookie); } }

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if (FAILED(hr)) { pCoreWindow->Close(); } return hr; }); hr = agileCallback ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { EventRegistrationToken cookie; // bug, registration leaked hr = spCoreWindowDialog->add_Showing(agileCallback.Get(), &cookie); ... }

Deprecation of Invoke and InvokeAsync methods and addition of RunAsync

Brief description:

We are eliminating one schedule API and updating a second one so that CoreWindows dispatcher functionality

is in line with Windows Runtime guidelines for Async processing.

Languages C++

Issue and details The CoreWindow Invoke API is a blocking all, and the InvokeAsync API, while not

blocking, does not use the Windows Runtime Async pattern. We are eliminating

the Invoke API to improve the reliability of Windows and Windows apps (by

removing code paths that can lead to deadlocks), and we have replaced

InvokeAsync with RunAsync, a new API that has Windows Runtime Async support.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

Apps should use the new RunAsync method to schedule callbacks on the window

thread. Callers can use the returned IAsyncAction object to set a completion

routine to get the completion status.

If the app does not need to know about the completion of the callback then they

do not have to set the callback and ignore returned IAsyncAction object

IInternalCoreWindow interface moved to private

Brief description:

An interface used for communication between shell and CoreWindow was incorrectly marked as public and has

been made private.

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Languages C++

Issue and details The IInternalCoreWindow interface is an internal interface used so that events

associated with Win32 Window Messages can be forwarded from CoreWindow to

other Windows Runtime objects that raise Windows Runtime events.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

The interface is no longer available to app developers. In general, developers

interested in events such as theme changes have Windows Runtime access to

these events through other Windows Runtime objects. (In one case,

ViewStateChanged, that event has been deprecated in favor of resize events.)

Method calls on a proxy CoreWindow will fail even if the object is smuggled back to the

UI thread

Brief description:

We are returning an error in a scenario where we used to return success (but with invalid data); the scenario is

one that does not and cannot work, so we are now letting the app know there is a problem here.

Languages C++

Issue and details When an app using CoreWindow is doing processing on a non UI thread, the

CoreWindow object is a proxy object, and the CoreWindow API infrastructure

does not maintain state properties such as foreground status on the proxy object.

There is code in CoreWindow to check that these properties are only called on

the right (UI) thread, but those checks are bypassed if the developer uses the new

RunAsync CoreDispatcher API. In that scenario, the UI thread does the

processing, bypassing the checks, but returns invalid data (since the state in

question is not maintained on the proxy object.)

We are treating this as a breaking change, but note that the only scenarios it will

break are scenarios that already do not work properly.

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

If this change breaks app code, it is only serving notice that the method call has

been returning invalid data. An app that hits this breaking change needs to make

method calls on the real core window object, not on a proxy.

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Additional API support for mouse button transitions in IPointerPointProperties

Brief description:

PointerPointProperties for mouse input now provides a) the state of the X1 and X2 mouse buttons as well as b)

the button state change (if any) associated with the pointer event.

Languages C++, .NET

Issue and details IPointerPointProperties provides two new properties:

[propget] HRESULT IsX1ButtonPressed([out, retval] boolean *value)

[propget] HRESULT IsX2ButtonPressed([out, retval] boolean *value)

These can be used to get the state of the X1 and X2 buttons.

In addition, another new property:

[propget] HRESULT PointerUpdateKind([out, retval] PointerUpdateKind


can be used to find out if any mouse button has changed state as part of this

event. PointerUpdateKind has these values:

typedef enum PointerButtonChange {

None = 0,










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} PointerButtonChange;

Samples usage or steps to

take to migrate code

No changes are required to migrate code. However, prior to this change, apps

that wanted to take action on button state changes were required to track button

state on each pointer event and compare them to detect differences. The new

PointerButtonChange property makes this much simpler, and developers should

consider moving to use this property.

Changes in swipe and translation deltas

Brief description:

Gesture recognition uses a distance threshold to distinguish taps from drags. By default, we now remove that

distance from some drag-based gestures in order to minimize a perceived “jump” at the start of the interaction.

Developers can opt-into the old behavior and get exact manipulations if they choose to do so.

Languages JavaScript, C++, .NET

Issue and details The issue:

When using the GestureRecognizer or InteractionContext for pan or swipe interactions, a

small but noticeable jump occurs when the manipulation begins.

The change:

To remove this “jump” when we determine it is a drag-based gesture and being sending

gesture updates, we changed the default behavior of the GestureRecognizer and

InteractionContext to no longer include the “tap threshold” distance in the initial update.

This will occur in the following manipulations:

1. Pan (all directions)

2. Cross-slide (both horizontal and vertical)

Samples usage

or steps to take

to migrate code

No code changes are needed to use the new default behavior. If you wish to retain the

prior behavior (in which deltas include the tap threshold, yet have the jump behavior

described above) you can do so with GestureRecognizer flags or by setting

InteractionContext configuration flags.

Gesture recognizer flags (using C++)

Windows::UI::Input::GestureRecognizer^ gestureRecognizer;

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gestureRecognizer->ManipulationExact = true;

gestureRecognizer->CrossSlideExact = true;

Interaction Context configuration flags:







initial jump at manipulation start














initial jump at cross slide start






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hr = SetInteractionConfigurationInteractionContext(






Ink API will now return a vector of runtime classes instead of a vector of appropriate


Brief description:

Returning a vector of runtime classes instead of a vector of appropriate interfaces – which means that four of

Windows.UI.Input.Inking.* collection of interfaces are becoming collection of runtime classes

Languages C++, C#, ABI

Issue and details 1. At the moment ISVs need to use (e.g.) both InkStroke and IInkStroke

(the second is used when dealing with collections). This introduces

unnecessary noise and may confuse ISV community. with this

change we are exposing only runtime classes (interfaces need not

be used at all).

2. Marshaling annotations are not supported for interfaces, and hence

in C++ binding all four affected interfaces are annotated as

‘standard’ and not as ‘none’ (appropriate runtime classes are

annotated as ‘none’). this is how the issue was discovered. we are

solve this problem by returning runtime classes instead.

Samples usage or steps to take to

migrate code

previous (green highlighted letter ‘I’):

interface IVector<IInkStrokeRenderingSegment *>;

interface IVector<IInkStroke *>;

interface IVector<IInkRecognizer *>;

interface IVector<IInkRecognitionResult *>;

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interface IVector<InkStrokeRenderingSegment *>;

interface IVector<InkStroke *>;

interface IVector<InkRecognizer *>;

interface IVector<InkRecognitionResult *>;


Query strings for tile/toast notifications not appended by default

Languages: JavaScript, C++, .NET

Brief description:

In the original Consumer Preview, including images that start with http:// or https:// in the notification

payload for tile and toast notifications are automatically appended with query strings that denote the scale,

contrast, and language of the client PC.

For example:

Notification xml contains: www.website.com/images/hello.png

On Consumer Preview builds, Windows attempts to download:


After Consumer Preview, query strings will no longer be appended by default to the image URL. An optional

attribute will need to be added to the payload in order for Windows to append query strings to the image URL.

In order to opt in for Windows to append the query string to the web image URLs, the optional Boolean

attribute addImageQuery needs to be added to the visual, binding, or image element in the xml payload.

Additionally, the parameters have been changed to be Microsoft specific:

Old New

scale ms-scale

contrast ms-contrast

lang ms-lang

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For example, by default, Windows attempts to download www.website.com/images/hello.png .

If you opt-in to query strings, Windows attempts to download www.website.com/images/hello.png?ms-


Who is impacted?

This will affect owners of web servers who host images that are used by tile or toast notifications AND using the

query strings. If your web server was depending on the query string parameters to be present to construct an

image, you will need to either :

1. Update your web server to not depend on those images.


2. Update your web server to use the renamed parameters and update your notification sending code to

include the new optional attribute addImageQuery.


All of these examples opt-in to query strings and are valid:

<tile> <visual addImageQuery="true"> <binding template="TileWideImageAndText01"> <image id="1" src="www.website.com/images/hello.png"/> <text id="1">Hello World!</text> </binding> </visual> </tile>

<tile> <visual> <binding addImageQuery="true" template="TileWideImageAndText01"> <image id="1" src="www.website.com/images/hello.png"/> <text id="1">Hello World!</text> </binding> </visual> </tile>

<tile> <visual> <binding template="TileWideImageAndText01"> <image addImageQuery="true" id="1" src="www.website.com/images/hello.png"/> <text id="1">Hello World!</text> </binding> </visual> </tile>

<tile> <visual> <binding template="TileWidePeekImage05"> <image addImageQuery="true" id="1" src="www.website.com/images/hello.png"/>

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<image id="2" src="www.website.com/images/hello.png"/> <text id="1">Hello World!</text> <text id="2">Hello World again!</text> </binding> </visual> </tile>


ViewStateChanged event removed

Languages: JavaScript, C++, .NET


ViewStateChanged event was removed from the API surface. To know when view state has changed for

your app, please register for the window resize event, and query for the view state in the resize


The pattern of using the window resize event already works in the Consumer Preview. You don’t need

to wait for the Release Preview to respond to this change. We recommend apps move over to the

recommended pattern (outlined below) as soon as possible.

Note Window resize will always fire whenever view state changes.

Who is impacted?

All apps that currently listen for and handle ViewStateChanged event.


JavaScript Samples

Previously, your app would do something like this to handle view state changes:

// Register for the viewstatechanged event

var appView = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView;

appView.getForCurrentView().addEventListener("viewstatechanged", onViewStateChanged);


function onViewStateChanged(eventArgs) {

// Obtain view state from the event payload

var myViewState = eventArgs.viewState;


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Now apps should do this:

// Register for the window resize event

window.addEventListener("resize", onResize);


function onResize() {

// Obtain view state by explicitly querying for it

var myViewState = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.value;


C# Samples

Previously, your app would do something like this to handle view state changes:

using Windows.UI.ViewManagement;


// Register for the viewstatechanged event

ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().ViewStateChanged += ViewStateChanged;


private void ViewStateChanged(ApplicationView sender, ApplicationViewStateChangedEventArgs e)


// Obtain view state from event payload

ApplicationViewState myViewState = e.ViewState;


Now apps should do this:

using Windows.UI.ViewManagement;


// Register for the window resize event

Window.Current.SizeChanged += WindowSizeChanged;


private void WindowSizeChanged(object sender, Windows.UI.Core.WindowSizeChangedEventArgs e)


// Obtain view state by explicitly querying for it

ApplicationViewState myViewState = ApplicationView.Value;


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Windows.Web.Syndication property name changes

Brief description:

A number of properties of Windows.Web.Syndication changed for improved readability

Languages C++, .NET

Issue and details If you use the Windows.Web.Syndication APIs,

you must update your code to the following new


This does not impact JavaScript, since the language

binding will camel case the names.


If you used RetrievalProgress you will need to update your code to the new name.

Previous Name New Name

RetrievalProgress. bytesRetrieved RetrievalProgress.BytesRetrieved

RetrievalProgress. totalBytesToRetrieve RetrievalProgress. TotalBytesToRetrieve

TransferProgress. bytesRetrieved TransferProgress.BytesRetrieved

TransferProgress. totalBytesToRetrieve TransferProgress. TotalBytesToRetrieve

TransferProgress. bytesSent TransferProgress. BytesSent

TransferProgress. totalBytesToSend TransferProgress. TotalBytesToSend

Remove ToString method from ISyndicationText

Brief description:

We have removed the ISyndicationText::ToString method. The Windows Runtime does not support methods

named ToString.

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Languages <JavaScript, C++, .NET>

Issue and details The ToString method in SyndicationText and

SyndicationContent has been removed.

XHTML content can be retrieved as a string using

the Text property. If an app needs to manipulate

XHTML content as XML, the Xml property is


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Appendix: Summary of API name changes

Area Current Value New Value

AppBar AppBarFillBrush AppBarBackgroundThemeBrush

AppBar AppBarItemBackgroundBrush AppBarItemBackgroundThemeBrush

AppBar AppBarItemDisabledForegroundBru



AppBar AppBarItemForegroundBrush AppBarItemForegroundThemeBrush

AppBar AppBarItemHoverBackgroundBrush AppBarItemPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

AppBar AppBarItemHoverForegroundBrush AppBarItemPointerOverForegroundThemeBrush

AppBar AppBarItemPressedForegroundBrus



Application ApplicationHoverTextBrush ApplicationPointerOverForegroundThemeBrush

Application ApplicationPageBackgroundBrush ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush

Application ApplicationPressedTextBrush ApplicationPressedForegroundThemeBrush

Application ApplicationSecondaryTextBrush ApplicationSecondaryForegroundThemeBrush

Application ApplicationTextBrush ApplicationForegroundThemeBrush

BackButton BackButtonBackgroundBrush BackButtonBackgroundThemeBrush

BackButton BackButtonDisabledGlyphBrush BackButtonDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

BackButton BackButtonGlyphBrush BackButtonForegroundThemeBrush

BackButton BackButtonHoverBackgroundBrush BackButtonPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

BackButton BackButtonHoverGlyphBrush BackButtonPointerOverForegroundThemeBrush

BackButton BackButtonPressedGlyphBrush BackButtonPressedForegroundThemeBrush

Button ButtonBackgroundBrush ButtonBackgroundThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxDisabledBorderBrush ComboBoxDisabledBorderThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxFocusedTextBrush ComboBoxFocusedForegroundThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxHighlightBackgroundBrus



ComboBox ComboBoxHighlightFillBrush ComboBoxSelectedBackgroundThemeBrush

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Area Current Value New Value

ComboBox ComboBoxHighlightHoverFillBrush ComboBoxSelectedPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

ComboBoxItem ComboBoxItemHighlightFillBrush !!!!Split into two

ComboBoxItem ComboBoxItemSelectedBackgroundThemeBrush

ComboBoxItem ComboBoxItemSelectedForegroundThemeBrush

ComboBoxItem ComboBoxItemHighlightHoverFillBr




ComboBoxItem ComboBoxItemPointerOverFillBrush ComboBoxItemPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

ComboBoxItem ComboBoxItemPressedFillBrush !!!!Split into two

ComboBoxItem ComboBoxItemPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

ComboBoxItem ComboBoxItemPressedForegroundThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxNormalBackgroundBrush ComboBoxBackgroundThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxNormalBorderBrush ComboBoxBorderThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxPointerOverBorderBrush ComboBoxPointerOverBorderThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxPointerOverFillBrush ComboBoxPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxPopupBackgroundBrush ComboBoxPopupBackgroundThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxPopupBorderBrush ComboBoxPopupBorderThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxPopupTextBrush ComboBoxPopupForegroundThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxPressedBorderBrush ComboBoxPressedBorderThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxPressedFillBrush ComboBoxPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxPressedTextBrush ComboBoxPressedForegroundThemeBrush

Control ControlBorderBrush cut (not used)

Control ControlDisabledBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

Button ButtonDisabledBorderThemeBrush

RepeatButton RepeatButtonDisabledBorderThemeBrush

Control ControlDisabledFillBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

Button ButtonDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

RepeatButton RepeatButtonDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

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May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Area Current Value New Value

ComboBox ComboBoxDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

Control ControlDisabledTextBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

Button ButtonDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

RepeatButton RepeatButtonDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

ToggleButton ToggleButtonDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

RadioButton RadioButtonDisabledBorderThemeBrush

RadioButton RadioButtonContentDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxDisabledBorderThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxContentDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

ComboBoxItem ComboBoxItemDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

ListBox ListBoxItemDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxArrowDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

ListBox ListBoxDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

Control ControlForegroundBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

Button ButtonForegroundThemeBrush

Button ButtonPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

RepeatButton RepeatButtonForegroundThemeBrush

RepeatButton RepeatButtonPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleButton ToggleButtonForegroundThemeBrush

ToggleButton ToggleButtonPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

RadioButton RadioButtonContentForegroundThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxContentForegroundThemeBrush

Control ControlGlyphBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

CheckBox CheckBoxForegroundThemeBrush

ComboBox ComboBoxArrowForegroundThemeBrush

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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —138

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Area Current Value New Value

Control ControlGlyphPressedBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

RadioButton RadioButtonPressedForegroundThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxPressedForegroundThemeBrush

Control ControlHeaderBrush cut (not used)

Control ControlHighlightBrush cut (not used)

Control ControlNormalFillBrush cut (not used)

Control ControlNormalStrokeBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

Button ButtonBorderThemeBrush

RepeatButton RepeatButtonBorderThemeBrush

Control ControlPointerOverFillBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

Button ButtonPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

RepeatButton RepeatButtonPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

Control ControlPointerOverStrokeBrush cut (not used)

Control ControlPressedFillBrush cut (not used)

Control ControlPressedTextBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

Button ButtonPressedForegroundThemeBrush

RepeatButton RepeatButtonPressedForegroundThemeBrush

ToggleButton ToggleButtonPressedForegroundThemeBrush

Control ControlTransparentFillBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

HyperlinkButton HyperlinkButtonBackgroundThemeBrush

HyperlinkButton HyperlinkButtonBorderThemeBrush




DefaultTextBrush DefaultTextForegroundThemeBrush

Slider DisabledTransparentOutlineBrush SliderDisabledBorderThemeBrush

FlipView FlipViewButtonBackgroundBrush FlipViewButtonBackgroundThemeBrush

FlipView FlipViewButtonBorderBrush FlipViewButtonBorderThemeBrush

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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —139

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Area Current Value New Value

FlipView FlipViewButtonPointerOverBorderBr



FlipView FlipViewButtonPointerOverFillBrush FlipViewButtonPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

FlipView FlipViewButtonPressedBorderBrush FlipViewButtonPressedBorderThemeBrush

FlipView FlipViewButtonPressedFillBrush FlipViewButtonPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

FlipView FlipViewGlyphArrowBrush FlipViewButtonForegroundThemeBrush

FlipView FlipViewGlyphArrowPointerOverBrus



FlipView FlipViewGlyphArrowPressedBrush FlipViewButtonPressedForegroundThemeBrush

FocusVisual FocusVisualBlackStrokeBrush FocusVisualBlackStrokeThemeBrush

FocusVisual FocusVisualWhiteStrokeBrush FocusVisualWhiteStrokeThemeBrush

HyperlinkButton HyperlinkDisabledBrush HyperlinkDisabledThemeBrush

HyperlinkButton HyperlinkPointerOverBrush HyperlinkPointerOverForegroundThemeBrush

HyperlinkButton HyperlinkPressedTextBrush HyperlinkPressedForegroundThemeBrush

HyperlinkButton HyperlinkRestColorBrush HyperlinkForegroundThemeBrush

Control InputControlDisabledFillBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

RadioButton RadioButtonDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

Control InputControlDisabledGlyphBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

RadioButton RadioButtonDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

Control InputControlGlyphBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

RadioButton RadioButtonForegroundThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxForegroundThemeBrush

Control InputControlNormalFillBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

RadioButton RadioButtonBackgroundThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxBackgroundThemeBrush

Page 140: Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release

Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —140

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Area Current Value New Value

Control InputControlPointerOverFillBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

RadioButton RadioButtonPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

Control InputControlPointerOverStrokeBrus


!!!!DELETE and replace with:

RadioButton RadioButtonPointerOverBorderThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxPointerOverBorderThemeBrush

Control InputControlPressedFillBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

RadioButton RadioButtonPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

RadioButton RadioButtonPressedBorderThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxPressedBorderThemeBrush

Control InputControlStrokeBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

RadioButton RadioButtonBorderThemeBrush

CheckBox CheckBoxBorderThemeBrush

Control InputControlTextBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

ComboBox ComboBoxForegroundThemeBrush

ListBox ListBoxForegroundThemeBrush

ListBox ListBoxFocusFillBrush ListBoxFocusBackgroundThemeBrush

ListBox ListBoxItemHighlightFillBrush ListBoxItemSelectedBackgroundThemeBrush

ListBox **NEW** ListBoxItemSelectedForegroundThemeBrush

ListBox ListBoxItemHighlightHoverFillBrush ListBoxItemSelectedPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

ListBox ListBoxItemPointerOverFillBrush ListBoxItemPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

ListBox ListBoxItemPressedFillBrush ListBoxItemPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

ListBox ListBoxItemPressedForegroundBrush ListBoxItemPressedForegroundThemeBrush

ListBox ListBoxNormalBorderBrush ListBoxBorderThemeBrush

ListBox ListBoxNormalFillBrush ListBoxBackgroundThemeBrush

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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —141

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Area Current Value New Value

ListViewItem ListViewItemCheckGlyphBrush ListViewItemCheckThemeBrush

ListViewItem ListViewItemCheckHintGlyphBrush ListViewItemCheckHintThemeBrush

ListViewItem ListViewItemDragBackgroundBrush ListViewItemDragBackgroundThemeBrush

ListViewItem **NEW** ListViewItemDragForegroundThemeBrush

ListViewItem ListViewItemHighlightBrush ListViewItemSelectedBackgroundThemeBrush

ListViewItem ListViewItemKeyboardFocusBrush ListViewItemFocusBorderThemeBrush

ListViewItem ListViewItemOverlayBackgroundBrus



ListViewItem ListViewItemOverlaySecondaryTextB



ListViewItem ListViewItemOverlayTextBrush ListViewItemOverlayForegroundThemeBrush

ListViewItem ListViewItemPlaceholderRectBrush ListViewItemPlaceholderBackgroundThemeBrush

ListViewItem ListViewItemPointerOverBrush ListViewItemPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

ListViewItem ListViewItemSelectedPointerOverBor


!!!!Split into two

ListViewItem ListViewItemSelectedPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

ListViewItem ListViewItemSelectedPointerOverBorderThemeBrush

ListViewItem ListViewItemSelectedPointerOverBru



ListViewItem ListViewItemSelectingCheckmarkBru



ListViewItem ListViewItemSemiTransparentHighlig



ListViewItem ListViewItemVeryTransparentHighlig



ListViewItem MediaPlayerControlPanelBrush cut

ListViewItem MediaPlayerDownloadProgressIndic



ListViewItem MediaPlayerErrorPanelBrush cut

Page 142: Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release

Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —142

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Area Current Value New Value

ListViewItem MediaPlayerTextBrush cut

ListViewItem MediaPlayerVolumePanelBrush cut

ListViewItem MouseScrollBarShadowBrush cut

ProgressBar ProgressBarBorderBrush Reuse but update its value based upon the


ProgressBar ProgressBarFillBrush ProgressBarForegroundThemeBrush

ProgressBar ProgressBarTrackBrush ProgressBarBackgroundThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarButtonPointerOverBorderBr



ScrollBar ScrollBarButtonPointerOverFillBrush ScrollBarButtonPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarButtonPressedBorderBrush ScrollBarButtonPressedBorderThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarButtonPressedFillBrush ScrollBarButtonPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarFaceBrush ScrollBarPanningBackgroundThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarGlyphArrowBrush ScrollBarButtonForegroundThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarGlyphArrowPointerOverBru



ScrollBar ScrollBarGlyphArrowPressedBrush ScrollBarButtonPressedForegroundThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarShadowBrush ScrollBarPanningBorderThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarThumbBorderBrush ScrollBarThumbBorderThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarThumbFillBrush ScrollBarThumbBackgroundThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarThumbPointerOverBorderBr



ScrollBar ScrollBarThumbPointerOverFillBrush ScrollBarThumbPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarThumbPressedBorderBrush ScrollBarThumbPressedBorderThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarThumbPressedFillBrush ScrollBarThumbPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarTrackBorderBrush ScrollBarTrackBorderThemeBrush

ScrollBar ScrollBarTrackBrush ScrollBarTrackBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderInlineTickMarkDisabledFillBrus



Page 143: Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release

Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —143

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Area Current Value New Value

Slider SliderInlineTickMarkFillBrush SliderTickMarkInlineBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderOutsideTickMarkDisabledFillBr



Slider SliderOutsideTickMarkFillBrush SliderTickmarkOutsideBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderThumbDisabledBorderBrush SliderThumbDisabledBorderThemeBrush

Slider SliderThumbDisabledFillBrush SliderThumbDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderThumbHoverBorderBrush SliderThumbPointerOverBorderThemeBrush

Slider SliderThumbHoverFillBrush SliderThumbPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderThumbNormalBorderBrush SliderThumbBorderThemeBrush

Slider SliderThumbNormalFillBrush SliderThumbBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderThumbPressedBorderBrush SliderThumbPressedBorderThemeBrush

Slider SliderThumbPressedFillBrush SliderThumbPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderTrackDecreaseDisabledFillBrus



Slider SliderTrackDecreaseNormalFillBrush SliderTrackDecreaseBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderTrackDecreasePointerOverFillB



Slider SliderTrackDecreasePressedFillBrush SliderTrackDecreasePressedBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderTrackDisabledFillBrush SliderTrackDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderTrackNormalFillBrush SliderTrackBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderTrackPointerOverFillBrush SliderTrackPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

Slider SliderTrackPressedFillBrush SliderTrackPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxBorderBrush TextBoxBorderThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxButtonBorderBrush TextBoxButtonBorderThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxButtonFillBrush TextBoxButtonBackgroundThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxButtonGlyphBrush TextBoxButtonForegroundThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxButtonHoverBorderBrush TextBoxButtonPointerOverBorderThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxButtonHoverFillBrush TextBoxButtonPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

Page 144: Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release

Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —144

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Area Current Value New Value

TextBox TextBoxButtonHoverGlyphBrush TextBoxButtonPointerOverForegroundThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxButtonPressedBorderBrush TextBoxButtonPressedBorderThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxButtonPressedFillBrush TextBoxButtonPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxButtonPressedGlyphBrush TextBoxButtonPressedForegroundThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxDisabledBorderBrush TextBoxDisabledBorderThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxDisabledFillBrush TextBoxDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxDisabledTextBrush TextBoxDisabledForegroundThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxFillBrush TextBoxBackgroundThemeBrush

TextBox TextBoxTextBrush TextBoxForegroundThemeBrush

Thumb ThumbBorderBrush ThumbBorderThemeBrush

Thumb ThumbFillBrush ThumbBackgroundThemeBrush

Thumb ThumbPressedBrush ThumbPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleButton ToggleButtonBackgroundBrush ToggleButtonBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleButton ToggleButtonBorderBrush ToggleButtonBorderThemeBrush

ToggleButton ToggleButtonCheckedFillBrush ToggleButtonCheckedBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleButton ToggleButtonCheckedBorderBrush ToggleButtonCheckedBorderThemeBrush

ToggleButton ToggleButtonCheckedTextBrush ToggleButtonCheckedForegroundThemeBrush

ToggleButton ToggleButtonCheckedPointerOverFil



ToggleButton ToggleButtonCheckedPointerOverB



ToggleButton ToggleButtonCheckedPressedFillBru



ToggleButton ToggleButtonCheckedPressedBorde



ToggleButton ToggleButtonCheckedPressedTextBr



ToggleButton ToggleButtonCheckedDisabledFillBr ToggleButtonCheckedDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —145

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Area Current Value New Value


ToggleButton ToggleButtonCheckedDisabledTextB



ToggleButton ToggleButtonDisabledBorderBrush ToggleButtonDisabledBorderThemeBrush

ToggleButton ToggleButtonPointerOverFillBrush ToggleButtonPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchCurtainBrush ToggleSwitchCurtainBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchDisabledCurtainBrush ToggleSwitchCurtainDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchDisabledForegroundBr



ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchDisabledHeaderForegr



ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchForegroundBrush ToggleSwitchForegroundThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchHeaderForegroundBru



ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchInnerBorderBrush ToggleSwitchTrackBorderThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchOuterBorderBrush ToggleSwitchOuterBorderBorderThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchOuterBorderDisabledBr



ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchPointerOverCurtainBru



ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchPressedCurtainBrush ToggleSwitchCurtainPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchThumbBrush ToggleSwitchThumbBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchThumbDisabledBrush ToggleSwitchThumbDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchThumbPointerOverBru



ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchThumbPressedBrush ToggleSwitchThumbPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchThumbStrokeBrush ToggleSwitchThumbBorderThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchThumbStrokeDisabled



ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchThumbStrokePointerO



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Migrating your Windows 8 Consumer Preview app to Windows 8 Release Preview —146

May 31, 2012

© 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Area Current Value New Value

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchThumbStrokePressedBr



ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchTrackBrush ToggleSwitchTrackBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchTrackDisabledBrush ToggleSwitchTrackDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchTrackPointerOverBrush ToggleSwitchTrackPointerOverBackgroundThemeBrush

ToggleSwitch ToggleSwitchTrackPressedBrush ToggleSwitchTrackPressedBackgroundThemeBrush

ToolTip ToolTipBackgroundBrush ToolTipBackgroundThemeBrush

ToolTip ToolTipBorderBrush ToolTipBorderThemeBrush

ToolTip ToolTipForegroundBrush ToolTipForegroundThemeBrush

TransparentOutlineBrush !!!!DELETE and replace with:

ProgressBar ProgressBarBorderThemeBrush

Slider SliderBorderThemeBrush