Migrant Roma youth in Brussels: education and vocational training 8 th European Platform for Roma Inclusion Biser Alekov Ann Trappers Integration Centre “Foyer” 27-06-2013 © Foyer

Migrant Roma youth in Brussels: education and vocational training 8 th European Platform for Roma Inclusion Biser Alekov Ann Trappers Integration Centre

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Page 1: Migrant Roma youth in Brussels: education and vocational training 8 th European Platform for Roma Inclusion Biser Alekov Ann Trappers Integration Centre

Migrant Roma youth in Brussels: education and vocational training

8th European Platform for Roma Inclusion

Biser AlekovAnn Trappers

Integration Centre “Foyer”27-06-2013

© Foyer

Page 2: Migrant Roma youth in Brussels: education and vocational training 8 th European Platform for Roma Inclusion Biser Alekov Ann Trappers Integration Centre

© Foyer

The Foyer family

• Regional Integration Centre– Interculturalisation &

social cohesion– Legal Support– Roma & Travellers Service

• Dar Al Amal women’s centre

• Youth centre

• Foyer Training Centre & T-Impact

• Neighbourhood workshop

• Foyer Youth Work Team & BIS Foyer (integration through sports)

Page 3: Migrant Roma youth in Brussels: education and vocational training 8 th European Platform for Roma Inclusion Biser Alekov Ann Trappers Integration Centre

© Foyer

Foyer in context• Since 1969• Government-funded non-profit organization• Active in Brussels at local, regional and international level• Working for the integration of people of immigrant

background, with particular focus on particular groups, including Roma & Travellers

• Roma population in Brussels: – Estimate: 7 000– Main countries of origin: Romania, Bulgaria, Western Balkans,


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Roma and Travellers service 1. Support Point Roma & Travellers

2. Mediator team

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Roma and Travellers service Support Point Roma & Travellers

Information, support and reinforcement of schooling

2nd line:Target groups: schools, services, public institutions in BrusselsActivities: information, advice, training, mediation, collaboration

1st line:Target groups: Roma & travellersActivities: mediation, family support, information, guidance, referral, reference adress

© Foyer

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Roma and Travellers service Mediators teamStrengthen ties of confidence between families and schools by improving communication and collaboration, in view of improvement of schooling

Social vulnerabilityRebuilding bridges

Target groups:Schools and schooling services in BrusselsSocial and judicial servicesRoma families

Film: http://www.telebruxelles.net/portail/emissions/magazines-a-voir-en-ligne/terre-urbaine/13745-170311-a-lecole-avec-les-roms (5’13”: 4.02-9.15)

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Mediators team: resultsImproved schooling of minors:

• Training Centre Foyer:» NJA 30% relative to 2007» Bridge projects 8 23 in 2 years» Flow to labor market

• Primary school n°7 Molenbeek & n° 8 Schaarbeek:» NJA 40% tov 2007

• Subscriptions non schooled children during school year

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Roma and Travellers service

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Personal pathways at ‘Vormingscentrum Foyer’

© Foyer

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The Flemish educational system:secondary education

Our work is situated here: part-time vocational secondary education

Alternance training system

Full-time commitment of 28h/week

•15h ‘learning’

•13h ‘on the job learning’

© Foyer

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© Foyer

“On the job learning”:The youngsters get systematic pathway-to-work-guidance

• Youngsters who do not yet have any clear career perspectives and remain indecisive about the training programme they wish to pursue can follow a preparatory pathway (of up to 312 hours).

• Youngsters who are prepared to work but still need to develop their work attitudes and skills can avail of a bridging project to get 40 weeks' work experience (800 hours maximum) with a public administration or a non-profit association.

• Socially vulnerable youngsters who are not yet ready for labour market-oriented training are offered a personal-development pathway “POT” by a Centre for Part-time Training

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© Foyer

Personal-development pathways

Are very flexible, they may comprise the following combinations:• a personal-development pathway totalling 28 (50-minute) periods,

comprising the components 'learning' and 'on-the-job learning' (no labour-market participation).

• a personal-development pathway totalling 15 (50-minute) periods, comprising the component 'learning' in combination with a bridging project or a preparatory pathway;

• a personal-development pathway totalling 13 (50-minute) periods, comprising the component 'on-the-job learning' (no labour-market participation) in combination with part-time education at a Centre for Part-time Education, CDO.

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© Foyer

Who are the youngsters at Vormingscentrum Foyer?

• 15 to 18 years old• Registered in part-time vocational secondary schools • Socially vulnerable youngsters, due to social / personal / multiple / complex problems• Not yet able to work in a labour-oriented fashion • In need of a safe and encouraging learning environment

This schoolyear, 2012-2013: • 61 youngsters in ‘POT’(39 boys, 22 girls) of whom 46 are Roma (mostly from Romania)• 54 ‘direct applications’, 7 youngsters were sent by the school • 19 youngsters combine their POT with ‘bridging projects’ (= on the job training)

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© Foyer

Our goals1. Re-establishing the contact with the youngster

– Truancy prevention– Participation in training activities within a clear structure – Stimulating involvement

2. Reinforcing the youngster as a person within his pedagogical context– Increasing well-being and self-confidence– Allowing to “catch his breath” and calm down– Exploring future perspectives – Strenghtening social skills, autonomy, team spirit, sense of responsibility– Catching up linguistic deficiencies, help with individual problems

3. Repairing the link between the youngster and society, i.e. with both components of alternance learning

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© Foyer

The PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PATH is a success if the youngster can move on...

• to alternance learning system• to (full-time) employment• to (full-time) education / training

AND if the ties with society have been repaired in other aspects of life, such as

• taking part in leisure activities • a better sense of well-being and (self) confidence • involvement, as opposed to alienation

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General subjects training

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Training computer skills

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Training practicaladministrative skills

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Creative workshops

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Citizenship / empowerment: workshops by the colleagues of the ‘Roma service’

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When their pathway is completed, our youngsters get...

A certificate stating their acquired skills

Help with their transfer to employment or education / training

Aftercare and follow-up if they need further help (e.g. adapting their CV)

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Some youngsters at work

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