Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel Processed By Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering XAVIER BOULNAT, MICHEL PEREZ, DAMIEN FABREGUE, THIERRY DOUILLARD, MARIE-HE ´ LE ` NE MATHON, and YANN DE CARLAN Oxide-dispersion strengthened ferritic steel was produced by high-energy attrition, leading to a complex nanostructure with deformed ferritic grains. After mechanical alloying, the powder was then consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) using various thermo-mechanical treatments. Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) was also performed on the same powder for comparison. Above 1123 K (850 °C), SPS consolidation-induced heterogeneous microstructure composed of ultra- fine-grained regions surrounded by larger grains. Spatial distribution of the stored energy was measured in the bimodal microstructure using the Kernel average misorientation. In contrary to large recrystallized grains, ultra-fine grains are still substructured with low-angle grain boundaries. The precipitation kinetics of the nano-oxides during consolidation was determined by small-angle neutron scattering. Precipitation mainly occurred during the heating stage, leading to a high density of nanoclusters that are of prime importance for the mechanical properties. Other coarser titanium-enriched oxides were also detected. The multiscale charac- terization allowed us to understand and model the evolution of the complex microstructure. An analytical evaluation of the contributing mechanisms explains the appearance of the complex grain structure and its thermal stability during further heat treatments. Inhomogeneous dis- tribution of plastic deformation in the powder is the major cause of heterogeneous recrystal- lization and further grain growth during hot consolidation. Then, the thermal stability of coherent nano-oxides is responsible for eective grain boundary pinning in recovered regions where the driving pressure for recrystallization is lowered. This scenario is confirmed in both SPSed and HIPed materials. DOI: 10.1007/s11661-013-2107-y Ó The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2013 I. INTRODUCTION HIGH-CHROMIUM ferritic oxide-dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels displayed considerable inter- est for high-temperature applications. [13] These materi- als exhibit excellent creep properties due to a specific microstructure reinforced by a very fine and homoge- neous dispersion of nano-oxides. This requires the use of powder metallurgy where yttria particles and pre- alloyed ferritic powder are mixed together. Then, hot isostatic pressing (HIP) and/or hot extrusion (HE) are conventional processes to consolidate the materials. [4] Recently, spark plasma sintering (SPS) has emerged as a novel tool to process nanostructured materials. [58] This technique has been assessed for mechanically alloyed ODS ferritic steels, providing dense materials with a fine and heterogeneous microstructure. [9] The appearance of bimodal grain structure composed of ultrafined grains with coarser grains has been referred to enhance ductility when comparing to monomodal nanostruc- tured materials. [913] Srinivasarao et al. [14] tailored the nanosized to coarse grains ratio to obtain excellent compromise between tensile strength and elongation with a milled iron powder consolidated by SPS. Au- stenitic and martensitic steels also show heterogeneous microstructures after SPS consolidation, depending upon the use of dry or wet milling process. [15] Other metallic materials such as Fe-Mo, [16] Mg-Mn-Zr [17] showed similar properties. As these materials are produced by powder metal- lurgy, the link between the initial nanostructure and the resulting microstructural features and mechanical prop- erties of the final compacts needs to be better under- stood. More specifically, ODS steels involve second- phase particles that are known to drastically influence either the subgrain or the grain growth. [1821] Heteroge- neous grain structure is often reported in ODS steels but such structure is tough to tailor and make reproducible. One of the main reasons is that the whole precipitation state in ODS steels depends upon numerous factors among which the consolidation parameters and the content of yttrium and titanium. Many studies were focused on nanosized particles, [22,23] rarely with an XAVIER BOULNAT, Ph.D. Student, and YANN DE CARLAN, Researcher, are with the Service de Recherches Me´ tallurgiques Applique´ es, CEA, DEN, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Contact e-mail: [email protected] MICHEL PEREZ, Professor, DAMIEN FABREGUE, Associate Professor, and THIERRY DOUILLARD, Researcher, are with the Universite´ de Lyon, INSA-Lyon, MATEIS UMR CNRS 5510, 69621 Villeurbanne, France. MARIE-HE ´ LE ` NE MATHON, Researcher, is with the Laboratoire Le´ on Brillouin, CEA-CNRS, CEA/Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Manuscript submitted July 10, 2013. Article published online November 9, 2013 METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A VOLUME 45A, MARCH 2014—1485

Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

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Page 1: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic SteelProcessed By Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering


Oxide-dispersion strengthened ferritic steel was produced by high-energy attrition, leading to acomplex nanostructure with deformed ferritic grains. After mechanical alloying, the powder wasthen consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) using various thermo-mechanical treatments.Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) was also performed on the same powder for comparison. Above1123 K (850 !C), SPS consolidation-induced heterogeneous microstructure composed of ultra-fine-grained regions surrounded by larger grains. Spatial distribution of the stored energy wasmeasured in the bimodal microstructure using the Kernel average misorientation. In contrary tolarge recrystallized grains, ultra-fine grains are still substructured with low-angle grainboundaries. The precipitation kinetics of the nano-oxides during consolidation was determinedby small-angle neutron scattering. Precipitation mainly occurred during the heating stage,leading to a high density of nanoclusters that are of prime importance for the mechanicalproperties. Other coarser titanium-enriched oxides were also detected. The multiscale charac-terization allowed us to understand and model the evolution of the complex microstructure. Ananalytical evaluation of the contributing mechanisms explains the appearance of the complexgrain structure and its thermal stability during further heat treatments. Inhomogeneous dis-tribution of plastic deformation in the powder is the major cause of heterogeneous recrystal-lization and further grain growth during hot consolidation. Then, the thermal stability ofcoherent nano-oxides is responsible for effective grain boundary pinning in recovered regionswhere the driving pressure for recrystallization is lowered. This scenario is confirmed in bothSPSed and HIPed materials.

DOI: 10.1007/s11661-013-2107-y" The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2013


HIGH-CHROMIUM ferritic oxide-dispersionstrengthened (ODS) steels displayed considerable inter-est for high-temperature applications.[1–3] These materi-als exhibit excellent creep properties due to a specificmicrostructure reinforced by a very fine and homoge-neous dispersion of nano-oxides. This requires the use ofpowder metallurgy where yttria particles and pre-alloyed ferritic powder are mixed together. Then, hotisostatic pressing (HIP) and/or hot extrusion (HE) areconventional processes to consolidate the materials.[4]

Recently, spark plasma sintering (SPS) has emerged as anovel tool to process nanostructured materials.[5–8] Thistechnique has been assessed for mechanically alloyed

ODS ferritic steels, providing dense materials with a fineand heterogeneous microstructure.[9] The appearance ofbimodal grain structure composed of ultrafined grainswith coarser grains has been referred to enhanceductility when comparing to monomodal nanostruc-tured materials.[9–13] Srinivasarao et al.[14] tailored thenanosized to coarse grains ratio to obtain excellentcompromise between tensile strength and elongationwith a milled iron powder consolidated by SPS. Au-stenitic and martensitic steels also show heterogeneousmicrostructures after SPS consolidation, dependingupon the use of dry or wet milling process.[15] Othermetallic materials such as Fe-Mo,[16] Mg-Mn-Zr[17]

showed similar properties.As these materials are produced by powder metal-

lurgy, the link between the initial nanostructure and theresulting microstructural features and mechanical prop-erties of the final compacts needs to be better under-stood. More specifically, ODS steels involve second-phase particles that are known to drastically influenceeither the subgrain or the grain growth.[18–21] Heteroge-neous grain structure is often reported in ODS steels butsuch structure is tough to tailor and make reproducible.One of the main reasons is that the whole precipitationstate in ODS steels depends upon numerous factorsamong which the consolidation parameters and thecontent of yttrium and titanium. Many studies werefocused on nanosized particles,[22,23] rarely with an

XAVIER BOULNAT, Ph.D. Student, and YANN DE CARLAN,Researcher, are with the Service de Recherches MetallurgiquesAppliquees, CEA, DEN, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Contact e-mail:[email protected] MICHEL PEREZ, Professor, DAMIENFABREGUE, Associate Professor, and THIERRY DOUILLARD,Researcher, are with the Universite de Lyon, INSA-Lyon, MATEISUMR CNRS 5510, 69621 Villeurbanne, France. MARIE-HELENEMATHON, Researcher, is with the Laboratoire Leon Brillouin,CEA-CNRS, CEA/Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

Manuscript submitted July 10, 2013.Article published online November 9, 2013


Page 2: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

overall view of the precipitation state in the alloy. This iswhy the influence of precipitation on grain growth hasbeen scarcely studied. Therefore, one needs to under-stand both the role of the initial structure due to powdermetallurgical processes and the coupling between graingrowth and precipitation in industrial ODS alloys.

In this sense, this work aims to use multiscalecharacterization at each processing step for both SPSand HIP to describe how the grain structure and theprecipitation state evolve and influence each other.Specially, SPS was used as a tool for obtaining differentmicrostructures. The numerous microstructural featuresacquired in this study were used as an input to discussthe heterogeneous recrystallization and the furtherstability of such microstructure.


A. Materials Processing

The base powder of high-Chromium ferritic steel wasproduced by gas atomization by Auvert and Duval. Thepowder particles were spherical with a mean diameter of70 lm. They were composed of iron matrix withchromium (14 wt pct), tungsten (1 wt pct), and otheralloying elements such as titanium, manganese, andsilicon. The ferritic powder was milled with yttriaparticles (D< 100 nm) at Plansee SE, using an indus-trial high-energy attritor under hydrogen atmosphere.The two powders were directly fed into the stainless steeltank with no premixing and agitated by a vertical shaftrotating at high speed for 12 hours. This duration wasfound to be a good compromise between homogeneityand minimization of eventual contamination in carbonand aluminum. The milled powder was produced bybatches of 10 to 13 kg. The composition of the milledpowder measured by electron probe microanalysis isreported in Table I. The powder was then compacted byvarious thermo-mechanical treatments in the SPS deviceHP D 25 of FCT Systeme Company. SPS compacts werecylindrical pellets of 20 mm diameter and 6 mm height.An average sintering pressure of 76 MPa was applied.The latter was applied before heating at a rate of500 K min!1 up to the holding temperature, which waschosen at 1123 K, 1323 K, and 1423 K (850 !C,1050 !C, and 1150 !C). The dwelling time at maximumtemperature was 5 minutes. Finally, cooling was in-duced by direct contact with water-cooled punches. Twocompacts were made for each dwelling temperature. Theoptimized processing parameters for fully dense com-pacts of larger dimensions (60 mm diameter, 20 mmheight) resulting in excellent mechanical properties arereported in Reference 9. In this study, remaining

porosity was observed on the samples consolidated attemperatures lower than 1423 K (1150 !C). The tem-perature given in this work was measured by a verticalpyrometer and tailored by an optimized PID controller.In order to compare the microstructural behavior ofnovel SPSed ODS materials to more conventional ODSmaterials, HIP was performed on the same milledpowder. Hot consolidation was performed at 1423 K(1150 !C) for 3 hours with a heating rate of 5 K min!1

under an average pressure of 100 MPa. HIP compactswere cylindrical parts of 60 mm diameter and 50 mmheight.

B. Characterization

For microstructure characterization, specimen havinga cross-section with 10 mm 9 10 mm and a thickness of1 mm were machined from the center region of thecompacts to avoid edge effects. Yet, microhardness andglobal SEM observations confirmed that there was noevidence of microstructural variation between the centerregion and the edge regions.

1. Electron microscopyGrains were characterized by a scanning electron

microscope (SEM) Zeiss Supra 55 VP with field-emis-sion gun (FEG) associated with an electron backscatterdiffraction (EBSD) Oxford system for orientation andgrain size measurement. Acquisition step size rangedfrom 10 to 60 nm with a tension of 15 kV. Cross-sectioning and imaging on milled powder particles wereperformed using a FIB/SEM workstation combining aSIINT zeta FIB column (Seiko Instruments) with aGemini column. The NVision 40 platform was alsoequipped with a multiple SIINT gas injection system(GIS).Grain size distributions were measured by EBSD and

calculated with the post-processing software Channel 5.The size distribution was plotted in area fraction insteadof number fraction, the latter not being pertinent forheterogeneous grain structure.[24,25] Therefore, the meandiameter DA

mean was calculated as:

DAmean ¼

Pmi¼1 Ni #D2


! "DiPm

i¼1 Ni #D2i


i¼1fAi #Di; ½1%

where Ni, Di; and fi are the number of grains, theaverage diameter, and the area fraction of each class i,respectively. For comparison, the mean diameter calcu-lated from classic arithmetic mean DN

mean is alsoreported:

DNmean ¼

Pmi¼1 Ni #Dið ÞPm

i¼1 Ni¼Xm

i¼1fNi #Di: ½2%

Table I. Mean Composition (in Weight Percent) of MA Powder and the Consolidated SPS Sample at 1423 K (1150 !C)Measured by Electron Microprobe

Element Fe Cr W Y O Ti Si

Powder (ref.) bal. 14.6 ± 0.1 0.99 ± 0.02 0.16 ± 0.02 0.15 ± 0.01 0.32 ± 0.02 0.19 ± 0.01Compact sample bal. 14.5 ± 0.1 1.01 ± 0.02 0.16 ± 0.02 0.15 ± 0.06 0.32 ± 0.03 0.18 ± 0.01


Page 3: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

2. Electron microprobe analysisAt microscale, chemical homogeneity of both MA

powder and sintered samples was characterized by elec-tron probe microanalysis using a device SX 100 CAME-CA. Samples were mechanically polished with a finishingusing Silica suspension solution. The column conditionswere a voltage of 15 kV and a current of 100 nA.

3. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS)SANS experiments were performed at the Laboratoire

Leon Brillouin CEA Saclay, using the PAXY small-angle scattering spectrometer for high resolution in q-space, under strong magnetic field (1.7 T). As mentionedin Reference 26, a magnetic field of magnitude 1.2 T issufficient to separate the magnetic and nuclear contri-butions. SANS experiments were set to determine thedistribution of particles smaller than 15 nm in radius.This corresponds to a scattering vector q between 0.1and 1.6 nm!1. This was obtained by selecting neutronwavelengths of 0.6 and 1 nm (±10 pct due to mono-chromator dispersion) and a distance between sampleand detector of 2 and 5 m, respectively. A 2D detectorwith area 64 9 64 cm2 was used to collect scatteredneutrons. Recently, the technique has emerged as apowerful tool for nanoscale characterization of ODSsteels, often associated to TEM analysis.[4,22,26] Asdetailed in Reference 27, a direct modeling was used inthe current study. The scattering function was calculatedfor a given distribution of nano-scatterers and comparedto the experimental function. A least squares methodwas used to obtain the best fitting parameters. Theparticles were assumed spherical—as demonstratedexperimentally in Ti-added ODS steels[28]—and ofconstant chemical composition. Particle mean radiusrm of the scattering population was calculated assuminga normalized number density function of radii h(r).Given these assumptions, one can write the scatteringintensity as:

Iðq; rÞ ¼ Dq2NpV2pFsphðq; rÞSðq; rÞ; ½3%

where Np is the scatterers density, Vp the volume of ascattering particle, Dq the difference of diffusion lengthdensities between the matrix and the scatterers.Fsphðq; rÞ is the shape factor for spheres:

Fsphðq; rÞ ¼ 3sin qrð Þ ! qr cos qrð Þ

qrð Þ3

" #2½4%

S(q,r) is the structure factor resulting from theparticles interaction. If the volume fraction of precipi-tates is observed to be less than 1 pct (diluted system),S(q,r) tends to 1. A Gaussian distribution of sphericalparticles was chosen for direct modeling:

h Rð Þ ¼ 1

rffiffiffiffiffiffi2pp e!


2r2 : ½5%

Considering that the matrix is ferromagnetic, one canverify the global chemical composition of the nano-scattering particles by decoupling the nuclear and

magnetic contrasts.[4,27] Indeed, the scattering ratio Ais given by:

A ¼ 1þ DqM


$ %2

; ½6%

where DqM and DqN are the magnetic and nuclearcontrasts, respectively. Regarding ODS steels, the ratioA depends upon the composition of the steel and thenature of the oxides. In Fe-14Cr steel, typical values are2.5 for pyrochloric structure Y2Ti2O7 and 3.2 for cubicY2O3, as demonstrated in Reference 27.


In ODS steels and particularly in the current study,the grain structure is heterogeneous and exhibits strongthermal stability. To understand how this specificmicrostructure can form and why it shows significantresistance to grain growth, one needs to understand andquantify which mechanisms are involved and what arethe main driving/dragging pressures that compete ingoverning the microstructure. The latter are described inSection III–A. Then, Section III–B describes the Kernelaverage misorientation (KAM) as an experimental toolto measure the stored energy in deformed materials.

A. Driving Pressures for Recrystallization and GrainGrowth

The Gibbs free energy of a system composed of twograins A and B separated by a grain boundary is given by:

G ¼ gAVA þ gBVB þ cS; ½7%

where gA and gB are the volume Gibbs free energy, VA

and VB are the volume of the grain A and B, c thegrain boundary energy, and S the grain boundary sur-face. The driving pressure for grain growth is derivedfrom the energy gradient through the grain boundarythat can be written as:

P ¼ ! dG

dV¼ gb ! gað Þ þ c


dV¼ Pv þ PC: ½8%

(i) The driving pressure for recrystallization due tothe difference in stored energy between each sideof a grain boundary can be written as:

PV ¼ aGb2ðqb ! qaÞ ½9%

where G is the shear modulus, b the Burgers vectormagnitude, and qa and qb the dislocation density inthe grain A and B, respectively.

(ii) Assuming spherical grains, the capillary drivingpressure for grain growth is described as:

PC ¼ cdS

dV¼ c


¼ 2cR; ½10%

where R is the mean radius of the grain. Typicalvalues of grain boundary energies are 0.2 J m!2 for


Page 4: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

low-angle grain boundary and 0.5 J m!2 for high-angle grain boundary.[29] Calculations of thispressure are reported in Table II, considering threetypes of grains: ultra-fine grains (R1 = 0.2 lm),micronic grains (R2 =2 lm), and coarse grains(R3 =20 lm). The dragging pressure impeding thegrain growth is due to heterogeneities that consistof obstacles for solvent atom diffusion. They can besolute atoms that can either segregate at grainboundaries, or form second-phase particles withfull, partial, or no coherency with the matrix.

(iii) The solute drag effect is due to solute atoms(impurities) that reduce grain boundary migra-tion.[30] The lowered mobility M¢ is dependent onthe solute concentration:

M0 ¼ 1

Mpureþ adragXi

$ %!1½11%

where adrag is temperature dependent and thereforedefined by an activation energy, Xi the solute con-centration. For instance, Cram et al.[31] evaluated theinfluence of tin content in pure copper and high-lighted that the solute effect is considerable at lowtemperature but much less effective at higher temper-ature. In the current study, the solute effect wasneglected due to the considered temperature range.

(iv) If solute diffusion is high enough and miscibilitylow enough to form second-phase particles, thelatter can induce a pinning effect, whose efficiencyis related to their distribution.[32] The influence ofthis particles dispersion on grain boundary mobil-ity can be modeled using a tough boundary.[33]

The resulting pressure exerted by a particle distri-bution is then:

PZ ¼3

2cfprp; ½12%

where fp and rp are the volume fraction and meanradius of the precipitates, respectively.The maxi-mum size that a grain can reach is defined by anequilibrium state where driving pressure and pin-ning pressure are equal:

Rc ¼ Crpfp; ½13%

where C is a constant depending upon the hypoth-esis.[34]

Considering typical microstructural features that aredescribed in the next section (grain size, dislocationdensity, precipitation state), the driving and draggingpressures for grain growth were calculated using Eqs. [9],[10], [12] and reported in Table II. Grain boundaryenergies are taken 0.2 J m!2 for ultra-fine grains (UFG)and 0.5 J m!2 for coarse grains because UFGwere foundto be surrounded by low-angle grain boundaries (LAGB)whereas coarse grains by high-angle grain boundaries.

Dq was assumed to be equal to the average dislocationdensity, meaning that influence of dislocation density inrecrystallized grains was neglected. Pinning pressure wascalculated assuming a volume fraction of 1 pct ofprecipitates of three different radii, 2 nm correspondingto the nanoparticles measured by SANS. The criticalgrain sizes were calculated using Eq. [13]. This evalua-tion was used to advance a scenario detailed inSection V.

B. Study of Recovery and Recrystallization by KernelAverage Misorientation

Deforming a metal generates a drastic change ofproperties due to the increased number of defects in thematerial that make it unstable. Dislocations havesignificant influence on the behavior of a deformed

Table II. Driving and Pinning Pressures Governing Grain Growth

Capillary Pressure (i) Capillary Effect

Experimental internalvariables (inputs)

grain radius (lm) 5 9 10!2 2 9 10!1 2 20grain boundary energy c (J m!2) 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5

Calculation output: capillary pressure PC (MPa) 8 2 5 9 10!1 1 9 10!2

Driving pressure (ii) Stored Energy Effect

Experimental internalvariable (input)

variation of dislocationdensity Dq (m!2)

1016 1015 1014 1013

Calculation output: driving pressure PV (MPa) 23 2.3 2.3 9 10!1 2.3 9 10!2

Pinning Pressure (iii) Pinning Effect

Experimental internalvariables (inputs)

precipitate radius (nm) 2 20 200volume fraction 10!2 10!2 10!2

Calculation outputs; critical grain size (lm)(where C = 4/3[33])

2.7 9 10!1 2.7 27

critical grain size (lm)(where C = 1/6[34])

3.4 9 10!2 3.4 9 10!1 3.4

pinning pressure PZ (MPa) 3.8 3.8 9 10!1 3.8 9 10!1

Calculations of PC, PV, and PZ are independent and performed using typical microstructural features measured on either as-milled powder orconsolidated materials (SPS and HIP).


Page 5: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

metal during subsequent annealing or thermo-mechan-ical treatment. Consequently, various methods to mea-sure the stored energy have been used for the lastdecades. Dislocations density can be derived by calo-rimetry for some metals with well-known stackingfault energy.[35,36] Yet, annealing behavior of adeformed metal does not only depend upon theoverall stored energy but more importantly on itsspatial distribution, especially in heterogeneous grainstructure. On a local scale, inhomogeneity of storedenergy will affect the onset of recrystallization, andlarger scale heterogeneity will influence the growth ofthe new grains. Recently, EBSD technique hasemerged as a powerful tool for determining anorientation map within a grain structure.[37] Thispermits to highlight local metallurgical heterogeneitiessuch as specific orientation gradient, for instance atphase boundaries in dual-phase steels[37] or aftermechanical testing on ODS Fe-9Cr alloys.[38] In thecurrent study, the KAM has been calculated fromEBSD orientation maps. The KAM evaluates themean misorientation of a pixel based on the compar-ison of the orientation of n layers of neighboringpixels that constitute a Kernel. Misorientations abovea certain value—2 or 5 deg are standard thresh-olds—are excluded in order to avoid the influence ofgrain boundaries. Only the first layer of neighboring

pixels has been considered in this calculation. Foreach pixel i surrounded by n pixels, the KAM value isgiven by:

hKAMi ¼ 1



j¼1Dhij ½14%

where Dhij represents the misorientation between thepixels i and j. Contrary to the global mean misorienta-tion of a grain, which is defined by the mean misorien-tation between every pixel constituting the wholegrain, the KAM does not depend on the grain size.Thus, this gives pertinent information for the study oflocal heterogeneity. The KAM can be related to thegeometrically necessary dislocations density (GND) toaccommodate plastic deformation using the equa-tion:[37,39,40]

q GNDð Þ ¼ 2hKAMm

&ub; ½15%

where hKAMm ¼


i¼1hKAMi is the average misorientation

calculated by KAM in radians, b = 0.248 nm theBurgers vector in ferrite, and u the unit length definedby u = na if n is the number of neighbors layer and athe EBSD step size. In opposition to the KAM,dislocation density does not depend upon the acquisi-tion parameters.

Fig. 1—(a) Atomized Fe-14Cr powder, (b) mechanically alloyed powder, (c) powder particle milled by focused ion beam (FIB) cross-sectioning,(d) corresponding SEM-FEG image of the nanosized grain structure.


Page 6: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel


In this section, the as-milled powder is described first.Then, the multiscale characterization of ODS materialsprocessed by SPS/HIP is presented in Section IV–B.

A. As-milled Powder

As microstructural and mechanical properties ofcompacts strongly depend upon the original nanostruc-ture, it is of prime importance to characterize the initialgrain structure before sintering. The as-atomized pow-der particles are spherical with an average diameter of70 lm (Figure 1(a)). After mechanical alloying (MA),the particles are highly deformed, describing stratifiedcold-welded structure with an angular shape(Figure 1(b)). In order to characterize the deformedmicrostructure, powder particles were milled by FocusedIon Beam (Figure 1(c)) and characterized by EBSDusing a SEM-FEG with resolution down to 10 nm.Figure 1(d) illustrates the nanostructure observed on across-section. A few particles enriched in yttrium andoxygen were scarcely dispersed in the powder, asillustrated in Figure 1(d). These phases are most likelyremaining fragments of yttria particles that were intro-duced into the ferritic matrix during MA but not fullydissolved into solid solution. The heterogeneous nano-structure is reported in Figure 2(a), where black pixelscorrespond to the most cold-worked grains that couldnot be indexed. The grain size distribution is wide, withultra-fine grains from 50 to 800 nm, defining a meandiameter of 250 nm.

B. Consolidated Materials

In this section, the evolution of the microstructureduring consolidation by SPS and HIP and after heat-treating at 1373 K (1100 !C) is described. Grain growthis reported in Section IV–B–1, the annealing behavior inSection IV–B–2, and precipitation in Section IV–B–3.

1. Grain growthAs temperature drastically influences grain growth,

SPS cycles were performed at different soaking temper-atures at a constant dwell time fixed at 5 minutes. Theheating rate was 8.3 K s!1 (500 K min!1). Figure 2illustrates the evolution of the microstructure as afunction of SPS soaking temperature, then duringfurther annealing. Figure 2(f) also describes the micro-structure of the HIPed sample. The microstructure ofthe compact SPSed at 1123 K (850 !C) is composed ofisotropic grains from 50 nm to around 1 lm for thelargest ones (Figure 3(b)), which is very close to whatwas observed on the as-milled powder. At this state, thestructure is composed of ultra-fine grained zones wheresubgrains of same or close orientation are surroundedby LAGB. Primary recrystallization may occur aroundthis temperature.When considering the grain structure of the sample

SPSed at higher temperatures [T = 1323 K or 1423 K(1050 !C or 1150 !C)], there is no evidence of largegrains with equivalent orientation. Thus, the largerecrystallized grains do not form from the substructuredgrains but more likely from new nuclei with randomorientation. Moreover, ultra-fine grains or substruc-tured grains are very stable in size, although they

Fig. 2—(a) EBSD maps of as-milled powder, (b) SPSed ODS at 1123 K (850 !C), (c) at 1323 K (1050 !C), (d) at 1423 K (1150 !C), (e) SPSed at1423 K (1150 !C) and heat treated at 1373 K for 16 h, (f) HIPed ODS at 1423 K (1150 !C)—ez is the axial direction during SPS/HIP consolida-tion.


Page 7: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

represent a much lower volume fraction after high-temperature SPS processing. From 1323 K (1050 !C),the grain size distribution drastically broadens, with thelargest grains reaching an equivalent circle diameter of20 to 25 lm.

This distribution is comparable to that of the SPSedcompact processed at 1423 K (1150 !C), showing acertain stability of the grain structure within thetemperature range 1323 K to 1423 K (1050 !C or1150 !C), with no significant growth of the smallestgrains that seem to be still stable at these temperatures.These results point out the reproducibility of suchstructure, which is necessary to justify when seekinggood and repeatable mechanical properties. Whenlooking at the sample SPSed at 1423 K (1150 !C)subsequently treated at 1373 K (1100 !C) (roughly equalto 0.8 times the solidus temperature for steels) for16 hours, the grain size distribution indicates that (i) thesmallest grains keep showing a strong resistance tocoarsening, (ii) the critical size of the largest grains doesnot increase whereas their volume fraction increases.These observations illustrate that pinning has an effi-cient effect on the whole grain structure. Finally, theHIPed material contains a higher volume fraction ofcoarse grains, demonstrating the benefit of short SPStreatments (Table III).

2. Recovery study using Kernel average misorientationAs MA is well known to introduce huge amount of

plastic work into the milled powder, one can expect astrong influence of the stored energy on the microstruc-tural behavior during hot consolidation. This sectiondescribes how the KAM was used to characterize the

spatial distribution of this stored energy and how itannihilated during hot processing. The linear relation-ship between KAM and dislocation density (Eq. [15])allows a direct comparison between deformation levelswithin the same EBSD map. Thus, the evolution of thestored energy was measured on different metallurgicalstates depending upon the consolidation temperature,which is reported in Figure 4. First of all, the MApowder contains various levels of plastic deformation.Some grains are poorly deformed whereas the majorpart of the nanosized grains underwent drastic coldwork, which are the unindexed grains (black areas). Thekinetics study clearly shows that some grains are alreadyrecovered at 1123 K (850 !C) whereas some others arestill deformed.Above 1373 K (1100 !C), the large recrystallized

grains show very limited local misorientation. Themajor part of the local misorientation is contained inultra-fine-grained zones with low-angle grain bound-aries. The GND was derived for each microstructurefrom the whole KAM distribution, as shown inFigure 5(a). GND drops from 1 9 1016 m!2 for theas-milled powder to 1 9 1015 m!2 for the ODS SPSed at1423 K (1150 !C). This decrease of only one order ofmagnitude is expected to be due to dislocations recov-ery. GND logically decreases with consolidation tem-perature. The comparison between SPS and HIP showshigher volume fraction of recrystallized grains, whichhighlight the effect of heating rate during consolidation.This kinetic effect is exacerbated in SPS consolidationbecause very fast heating induces partial appearance ofthermally activated phenomena, such as recovery mech-anisms. Thus, a plateau value of (5 ± 2) 1014 m!2 is

Fig. 3—Grain size distribution in area fraction determined from the EBSD maps of (a) as-milled powder, (b) ODS steels SPSed at 1123 K(850 !C), (c) at 1323 K (1050 !C), (d) at 1423 K, (e) SPSed at 1423 K then annealed at 1373 K for 16 h and (f) HIPed at 1473 K.


Page 8: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

reached on a SPSed compact annealed at 1373 K(1100 !C) for 16 hours, versus 1.4 9 1014 (±5 9 1013)m!2 for the HIPed materials. Competing recovery andrecrystallization of the grain structure play a role on thisreduction. Large recrystallized grains have low disloca-tion density when ultra-fine grains contain non-negligi-ble amount of stored energy.[41] These areas are definedby a network of LAGB. The stability of such subgrainboundaries has been assessed with a heat treatment at1373 K (1100 !C) for 16 hours. The extreme stability ofthe grain structure is highlighted in Figure 5(b). One cannotice the network of LAGB within the UFG whenlarge grains are uniquely separated by high-angle grainboundaries (HAGB).

3. PrecipitationAnalyses by SEM-FEG for coarse oxides and by

small-angle neutron scattering for nanosized precipitateswere carried out. The precipitation state is composed ofat least two types of particles.Ti-enriched oxides from 50 to 250 nm in diameter

were observed in both the SPSed and HIPed materials atgrain boundaries but mainly in the largest grains(Figure 6). Electron microprobe analysis showed Ti-Oenriched lines, the major part of which had no yttriumcontent. The typical distance between precipitates linesis 10 to 70 lm, which corresponds to the size range ofMA powder particles. This emphasizes the influence oftopology in powder metallurgical microstructure, espe-cially coarse precipitation.[16] This was confirmed bySakasegawa et al.[42] from TEM replicas on an ODSsteel of composition Fe-14Cr-1.0Ti-0.25Y2O3 (in






























































DN mean(lm)








DA mean(lm)








Fig. 4—Evolution of local intragranular misorientation from (a) mil-led powder to (b) ODS processed by SPS at 1123 K (850 !C) and (c,d) at 1373 K (1100 !C). Unindexed black areas and green dots high-light the local concentration of plastic deformation. Blue grains arecompletely recrystallized. (c, d) illustrate the evidence of entire recov-ery in small grains around large recrystallized grains, lowering thedifference in stored energy (Color figure online).


Page 9: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

wt pct). Other coarse oxides of more than 50 nm indiameter were also found by de Castro et al.[43]: Al-Y-O,Cr2O3, and Y-Cr-V-O. These coarser particles may havetwo consequences: (i) the decrease of titanium andoxygen contents available for nanoparticles precipita-tion, therefore the decrease in volume fraction ofnanosized oxides, (ii) a potential pinning effect depend-ing upon the size and number density of the coarseparticles, which will be discussed in the next section.

Nanoparticles, having a mean diameter of 3.2 nm,were detected by small-angle neutron scattering (Fig-ure 7(a)). They were also measured in HIPed materials,as reported in Table IV. This highlights the importanceof adding titanium to refine the distribution, as demon-strated by Ukai and confirmed by Ratti.[1,44] Further-more, although a slight decrease in number density isobserved with increased processing time, the meanvolume fraction of detected nanoparticles is constant

and equal to 1 pct. The volume fraction for SPSed ODSat 1323 K and 1423 K (1050 !C and 1150 !C) for5 minutes is overestimated, as the theoretical maximumvolume fraction of Y2Ti2O7 would be 0.9 pct. Localenrichment in oxygen, iron or chromium could explainhigher volume fraction detected by SANS.[4] In thissense, atom-probe tomography would be necessary toquantify the composition of the nanoparticles.The scattering A-ratio (Eq. [6]) measured in SPSed

and HIPed ODS steels was constant and equal to 2.3.This value is fairly consistent with Y-Ti-O complexnanoparticles. For instance, in a ferritic steel hotisostatically pressed at 1423 K (1150 !C), Alingeret al.[4] determined a ratio of 2.04 and 2.60 for Y2Ti207and Y2Ti05, respectively. The value of A depends on theatomic volume, thus on the crystallographic structure.The latter was assumed to be of pyrochlore type, asreferred in Reference 28. Various studies by transmis-

Fig. 5—(a) Dislocations density according the cumulated processing time at 1423 K (1150 !C) and annealing time at 1373 K (1100 !C). The plot-ted points correspond to the mean value of two measurements for each state. Even if the highest standard deviation (obtained on the milledpowder) was 32 pct, more conservative error bars were set at 50 pct. (b) Grain boundaries measured by EBSD [blue: 2 to 6 deg; red: 6 to 10 deg;white: over 10 deg] on a sample SPSed at 1423 K (1150 !C) then annealed at 1373 K (1100 !C) for 16 h (Color figure online).

Fig. 6—SEM-FEG images (BSE mode) of ODS steels (a) SPSed at 1423 K (1150 !C) and (b) HIPed at 1423 K (1150 !C). This reveals coarseoxides (black dots) within the large grains.


Page 10: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

sion electron microscopy,[42,45–47] atom-probe tomogra-phy,[23] or small-angle neutron scattering[4,27] report atleast two kinds of nanoparticles:

– Complex Fe-Cr-Y-Ti-O non-stoichiometric nanocl-usters (d ~ 2 nm) that are fully coherent within thebcc matrix

– Nanosized oxides (d ~ 5 to 15 nm), mainly having apyrocholoric structure composed of Y2Ti2O7 even ifY2Ti05 have been observed as well.[48]


Grain growth and precipitation are strongly linked incomplex systems such as ODS steels. Appearance ofheterogeneous grain structure, as described in thiscurrent study, has been often reported. Second-phaseparticles are known to strongly pin either grains orsubgrains. Although numerous on-going studies clearlyreport the extreme stability of the oxides with less than10 nm in diameter, other larger particles were found inthe sintered materials. The composition of these‘‘coarse’’ oxides has a high content in titanium andoxygen. Such coarse precipitation, mainly at grainboundaries, is most likely due to:

(i) initial chemical inhomogeneity within the as-milledpowder particles. Even nowadays high-energy

milling is known to be efficient enough to producehomogeneous ODS powder, one should keep inmind that a perfect solid solution of several kilo-grams in batch production is difficult to achieve.Besides, the oxygen content has been reported byWilliams et al.[23] to come from contamination dur-ing consolidation, rather than from the yttria pow-der itself. They introduced either FeY2 or Y2O3

with no relevant change in oxygen content in theconsolidated materials.

(ii) A large gap between titanium and oxygen diffusioncoefficients with respect to that of other solutes,such as yttrium, and tungsten.

Due to their size, these large particles most likely havea weak pinning effect (Table II). Thus, grain boundariesmay surround these particles with no drastic change intheir mobility. This is why they are mainly localized inlarge grains. Using the same criteria, one can explain theextreme stability of UFGs pinned by nanosized parti-cles. The latter have been observed to delay the onset ofrecrystallization of mechanically alloyed iron-base andnickel-base alloys.[49] Bhadeshia suggested that triple-junction pinning might stabilize these alloys. In additionto basic pinning due to geometrical interaction betweengrain boundary and particles, an effect of topology wasemphasized.The grain structure of SPSed ODS steels may be

explained by the following scenario:

Fig. 7—(a) Magnetic scattering intensity measured by small-angle neutron scattering on samples SPSed at 1423 K (1150 !C) and then annealedat 1373 K (1100 !C) and (b) the corresponding nano-oxides distribution in number density. Horizontal errors bars in (b) take into account theuncertainty of 10 pct in rm due to direct fitting.

Table IV. Nanoparticles Detected by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering

Consolidation Parameters Annealing rm (nm) r (nm) fv (Percent) A-Ratio

SPS 1423 K (1150 !C) 5 min — 1.4 0.3 1.54 ± 0.4 2.31373 K (1100 !C) 1 h 1.6 0.3 1.03 ± 0.2 2.31373 K (1100 !C) 16 h 1.8 0.3 1.03 ± 0.2 2.3

HIP 1423 K (1150 !C) 3 h — 1.6 0.2 1.14 ± 0.2 2.31373 K (1100 !C) 1 h 1.6 0.3 1.03 ± 0.2 2.31373 K (1100 !C) 16 h 1.6 0.4 1.14 ± 0.2 2.3


Page 11: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

(a) The initial nanostructure contains highly deformedultra-fine grained zones. The stored energy due toplastic work is considerable and somehow inhomo-geneous in a powder particle. Thus, the drivingpressure for recrystallization is significant (above20 MPa; Table II). Heterogeneous, competingrecovery, and recrystallization occur when heatingthe material. At moderate temperatures duringSPS/HIP consolidation [T< 1123 K (850 !C)],substructures may be annealed to form dislocation-free subgrains. Stored energy of recovered cells,consequently the driving pressure for grain bound-ary mobility, are sharply decreased. This inducesexceptional stability of ultra-fine grains.

Simultaneously, new grains nucleate on favorablesites such as plastically strained zones. Since there is asignificant difference in stored energy between cleannuclei and their deformed and unrecovered neighbors,grain boundaries of recrystallized grains are highlymobile, which favors their growth at the expense of thedeformed ones. This mechanism can be much quickerthan dislocation recovery. Moreover, temperature gra-dient effects may enhance this discontinuous evolution.Grains located at the powder particle upper shell have ahigher probability to recrystallize, as local temperaturegradients can be generated by reactive heating at freesurfaces in the SPS furnace. Indeed, Ji et al.[6] arguedthat this effect could be responsible for the onset ofrecrystallization within a Fe-Al alloy. Yet, the currentstudy demonstrates that the hypothetic SPS heatingeffect must be moderate because the heterogeneousrecrystallization was observed on HIPed materials aswell.

(b) At higher temperature [T = 1123 to 1423 K(850 !C to 1150 !C)], precipitation occurs. Grain

boundaries and dislocations are favorable sites fornucleation.[50–52] De Castro et al.[43] observed het-erogeneously distributed unrecovered zones wheredislocations and nanoparticles were numerous. Thenumber density of nano-oxides is high enough toinduce precipitation in the bulk as well. BothUFG and large grains contain nanoparticles. Oxi-des pinning effect is efficient enough to annihilatethe subgrain mobility in UFG. Thus, the subgraingrowth mechanism inducing large grains is ex-cluded.[53] In this study, pinning pressure was notdecreased due to limited coarsening of nanoparti-cles (Table II), as observed by others.[43] Indeed,thermal stability of nanoparticles can be extremein ODS steels, as they do not coarse at tempera-tures up to 0.8 Ts, with Ts being the solidus tem-perature of the alloy. The mean diameter of thenanoparticles was 3.2 nm after annealing of theSPSed materials at 1373 K (1100 !C) for 16 hours.Such stability can be explained by a full latticecoherency between the ferritic bcc matrix andnanoparticles that decreases the interface energyand consequently boosts the oxides’ stability.[28,54]

Coarse particles (d> 50 nm) were also observed,but their contribution to pinning is much lower.Once precipitation has occurred, one can expectthe capillary driving pressure and the pinning pres-sure to compete with each other. If considering thepinning effect induced by the nanoparticles with avolume fraction of 1 pct, the pressure is high en-ough (3.8 MPa; Table II) to impede grain growth(Figure 8). However, a quantitative study of grainboundary mobility in ODS steels is still lacking.Measurement of grain boundary mobility can bedone by determining the velocity of boundaries ina well-known system with constant driving pres-

Fig. 8—Evolution of the contributing mechanisms to grain growth along the processing route. Pressures are calculated according to the mea-sured microstructural features, as recalled in Table II. Pinning pressure is taken negative due to its competition with the driving pressures. Inter-actions between grains (1/2 and 2/3) are described along the process. Nano-oxides are represented by blue dots (Color figure online).


Page 12: Microstructure Evolution in Nano-reinforced Ferritic Steel

sure for grain growth.[29] This kind of data is diffi-cult to obtain in mechanically alloyed industrialsteels where driving pressure is unlikely a constant.


A mechanically alloyed ferritic ODS steel was con-solidated by SPS and HIP. A multiscale characterizationwas performed after consolidation and subsequent heat-treating, providing substantial insight on the graingrowth mechanisms.

1. The resulting grain structure was observed to beheterogeneous with both ultra-fine grains and muchlarger grains. Appearance of this structure wasexplained by the initial heterogeneous spatial distri-bution of stored energy due to high-energy attritionof the MA powder, which induced inhomogeneousrecrystallization of the grains. The local drivingpressure is so high that new nuclei rapidly grow atthe expense of the deformed ones. Until recoveryhas been completed, recrystallized grains are highlymobile even if precipitation has started. Thus, plas-tic work due to milling is the cause of the so-calledabnormal growth. Consequently, this scenario couldbe applied to any metallic materials that have beendeformed in a heterogeneous manner, particularlyby high-energy milling.

2. Only completed recovery and precipitation are ableto impede grain growth. Once the stored energy hasbeen lowered, the dense dispersion of nanoparticlesis effective to pin grain boundaries. The strongresistance to coarsening of the nano-oxides formedduring consolidation justifies the extreme thermalstability of the ultra-fine grains. Calculations of crit-ical grain size due to pinning effect from Zener andRios give rise to a range of grain mean radiibetween 40 and 270 nm, respectively (Table II).This corresponds to the size range of remainingultra-fine grains.

3. Precipitation is not the major cause of abnormalgrowth but is responsible for thermal stability ofheterogeneous fine structure. This highlights theimportance of precipitation that not only bringseffective Orowan strengthening but also is a key-factor for the stability of the UFG that enhancesHall–Petch hardening.

Further work will be focusing on in situ studies ofmicrostructural instabilities of such milled powder toquantify the kinetics of recovery and recrystallizationwith respect to precipitation in order to be able tomanage the grain structure during consolidation.


The authors express their gratitude to F. Mercierand G. Bonnefont for the excellent technical assistance

for SPS consolidation and to D. Hamon and S. Urvoyfor their contribution in materials characterization.Thanks are also due to the CLYM (Centre Lyonnaisde Microscopie) for the access to the FIB/SEM deviceused in this study. This work was partly supported bythe European community within the FP7 ProjectMATTER and performed with financial support forthe French CNRS GdR GEDEPEON. This study wasmade in the frame of a tripartite agreement betweenthe CEA, AREVA NP, and EDF.

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