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� Bien que les WP ne soient pas encore officiellement publiés, la mobilisation des

acteurs doit se faire maintenant afin de pouvoir monter dans des consortia ou de

lancer des idées et de monter des projets.

� Bien que les Work Programmes soient toujours officiellement à l’état de drafts, les

versions sont aujourd’hui fiables avec un convergences des textes qui ses stabilisent.

� Les premières recherches de partenaires apparaissent et les premiers consortia sont

déjà en cours de montage.

� La mobilisation des acteurs est aujourd’hui d’autant plus importante que les places

seront limitées et que face au rush, la mobilisation en amont est essentiel.


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� Dans la thématique Content, le calendrier suit le calendrier de l’appel LEIT-ICT. L’appel

sera ouvert le 11/12/13 et se clôtura le 22/04/2014


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� Rappel de l’arborescence d’H2020

� L’ICT est partout, devenu transversal.

� Cette présentation va se concentrer sur le piller 2 : LEIT-ICT (Leadership in Enabling

and Industrial Technologies).


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� La thématique LEIT-ICT couvre un large panel de thématiques. En tout le Work

Programme LEIT-ICT couvre grands chapitres :

- Challenge 1 – A new generation of components and systems

- Challenge 2 - Advanced Computing

- Challenge 3 – Future Internet

- Challenge 4 – Content technologies and information management

- Challenge 5 – Robotics

- Challenge 6 – Micro- and nano-electronic technologies, Photonics

- ICT Cross-Cutting Activities

- Horizontal ICT Innovation actions

- International Cooperation actions

� Cette présentation va s’atteler au Challenge 4 Content technologies and information



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� Dans cette présentation, nous n’allons que parlé de ce qui peut vous intéresser en

tant que partenaire d’un consortium. Seront seulement présenter les topics ayant

comme instrument les CP 100%, les CP 70% et les CSA.

� La liste des topics fournit ne couvre pas l’intégralité des topics au sein des Work

Programmes, les topics avec des instruments ne finançant pas des activités de

recherches (PCP, PPI, Prizes), à l’exception des CSA, ayant été retirés pour plus de



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� Les topics du Challenge 4 peuvent être regroupés en 3 grands groupes couvrant la

chaine de valeur « media & content ».

- l’échelon hardware, aspect technologique pour des technologies créatives.

- L’échelon Contenus, la création et la gestion de contenu media

- L’échelon utilisation du contenu, management ou analyse du contenu pour

une activité économique/industrielle.


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� Premier échelon : hardware.

� 2 topics :

- Technologies for creative industries, social media and convergence.

- Technologies for better human learning and teaching

� ICT 19 Technologies for creative industries, social media and convergence.

a) New technologies and tools

- Objectives : Foster new or emerging technologies for digital content

creation and to unlock complex information and media and interacting

with them.

- Research in new technologies and tools to support creative industries

in the creative process from idea conception to production.

- Requirements:

• should improve understanding and supporting of the

dynamics of collaboration and user-community interaction

• cost effective

• intuitive

• demonstrated in real-life environments

• relevant for the creative industries

(such as advertising, architecture, arts, design, fashion,

films, music, publishing, video games, TV and radio)

b) Demonstration of the viability of new technologies and validation of

innovative solutions


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- convergence & social media

• New services, pilots, large scale demonstrations (70%

funding) on…

- Interactive / Convergence

• Integration of broadcasting, Internet

based services, audiovisual and social


- Multimodal multidisciplinary search

• Any type of content: 3D, user

generated, real-time, social media

- Immersive environments

� ICT 20 Technologies for better human learning and teaching

- Objectives :

• Development & Integration of digital technologies for learning

• Building blocks of the digital learning ecosystem

• Boost European market for and innovation in educational


- Research & Innovation projects on Smart Learning Environments

• Adaptive and personalised learning & assessment

• Multi-modal/sensory interactive technologies / Advance interfaces

• Capacity building & Networking

• Multidisciplinary, (neuroscience, learning theories, educational


• Application: formal & informal education (incl. Workplace learning)

- Research & Inoovation projects on Learning Digital Platform

• To provide framework & roadmap for stakeholders

• Innovative technologies for learning

•Learning analytics, mobile learning, Standards, Adaptation to

learning scenarios

- Innovation actions on Large Scale Pilots

• Support large scale pilots in real settings

• Solution& services for learning & teaching

• Specific target:

•Adults & Children with mental/physical disability

•Lifelong learning


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� Deuxième échelon : contenus

� Premier topic : Cracking the language barrier

- Objectives : Explore new avenues, methods, approaches to achieve significant

improvement in translation quality in fully automatic MT

- Approach :

• Self-learning/self-improving, fully automatic systems, making best use

of available data and language resources

• Systems dealing with huge volumes, high variety of languages and text


• Systems delivering results in reasonable time

- European context and implications

• Emphasis on all (difficult, small) EU languages as target language

• Special focus on the EU languages "facing digital extinction"

• close collaboration and clustering with other H2020 actions and

among all actions supporting a language resource infrastructure

(META, CLARIN-ERIC, Connecting Europe Facility, national programs,

structural funds...)

a) Research and innovation project : One deep and broad research project

• kick off a multidisciplinary research action

• focus on points where current systems fail (adaptation, quality, need of

large corpora...)


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• break the glass ceiling of quality improvement

a) Innovation projects:

• test, validate, evaluate quality improvement in realistic use situations,

e.g. online services

• address "poorly served" languages

• connect, contribute & make use of platforms and infrastructures for

language resources, open data…

b) One Coordination Action

• promote a common infrastructure for MT benchmarking, best

practices evaluation, interoperability, metadata harmonisation...

� Expected impact:

• By 2025, an online EU internal market free of language barriers, delivering

automated translation quality, equal to currently best performing language

pair/direction, in most relevant use situations and for at least 90% of the EU

official languages

• Significant improvement in quality, coverage and technical maturity of MT for

at least half of the 21 EU languages that currently have "weak or no support"

or "fragmentary support" of MT solutions, according to the META-NET

Language White Papers

• Large contributions of language resources and language technology tools to a

single platform for sharing, maintaining and making use of language

resources and tools; establishing widely agreed benchmarks for machine

translation quality and stimulating competition between methods and



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� Deuxième échelon : contenus

� Deuxième topic : Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies

- Context:

• Support R&I on digital games applied in non-leisure contexts for the

emergence of a prospering market

• Requiring development of new methodologies and tools to produce,

apply and use digital games and gamification techniques in non-

leisure contexts, as well as building scientific evidence on their

benefits - for governments, enterprises and individuals

- Objective:

• Increase collaboration between industry & research community,

intermediaries and users

• Increase effectiveness of Digital games;

•people with disabilities

•risk of exclusion

•unsuited for education

- Research & Innovation projects on advanced digital gaming technologies

and components

• Game engines, emergent narrative, virtual characters, interaction


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systems and alternative human-machine interfaces, 3D, textures,


• Leading to a repository of core reusable, open components

• Enabling specific games applications in non-leisure contexts

- Innovation actions on advanced digital gaming technologies and


• Innovation actions to stimulate technology transfer and new non-

leisure applications by SMEs traditionally working on digital games

• Coordinating and incubating small scale experiments

• For learning and skills acquisition, and for empowerment and

social inclusion


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� Deuxième échelon : contenus

� Troisième topic : Multimodal and Natural computer interaction

- General objectives:

• achieve transparency and invisibility of technology

• effortless, effective human-machine dialogue

• easy use of complex and powerful systems, easy access to


- Multidisciplinary research: communication technologies, language/speech

processing, cognitive & behavioural analysis, creative industries…

- Various uses: search, information retrieval, elderly, people with special needs,


a) Research & Innovation projects on advanced human machine interaction:

- To improve multilingual speech processing and bridge the gap

between recognition and synthesis, exploiting metadata and other

contextual data

- To increase the automatic inferences capacities on rich context thanks

to improved language understanding, sensed environments/objects,

use of social media and agent’s experience

• interactive, intuitive, multimodal systems: natural ways of

delivering answers to user queries

• human-like social agents: communicative, conversational,


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affective and social capabilities

• autonomous: able to learn and react proactively to new


• conversational/spoken interaction: able to cope with

spontaneous dialogue, in multiple languages

• knowledge-based agents: able to find, retrieve,

combine/integrate information from many sources

• multiple delivery platforms for developed technologies

• research based on and/or producing freely available &

reusable resources

a) R&I projects on Multimodal and Natural interaction

- Develop multi modal & adaptive interfaces (inc. BNCI) to assist

people with disabilities

- Research:

• User interaction with intelligent systems

• user modelling

• How to detect behaviours

- Interoperability standards

- Interaction and cooperation between machine and human


- Advance human machine interaction to enable disabled/ elderly to

participate fully in society

b) Innovation projects on multimodal interfaces

- more efficient and natural ways of interacting with computers

- improve users' experience.

- Create non-intrusive interaction with humans where real and virtual

content are blended.

- Starting From one or multiple smart devices and sensors (scene

analysis, voice recognition, human position, gestures and body

language detection,…)

- Built with a user centric approach

- Result expected:

• cost effective;

• address clear market needs

• be validated (in domains such as those of the creative

industries fields.)

• Enable better uses of ICT technologies within the creative

industries by providing directly usable solutions addressing

their specific needs.

• Provide a large spill over of the knowledge acquired to a

maximum of European industries.

• Improve the competitive position of the European industries

through the provision of cost effective, innovative and high-

value products and services.


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� Deuxième échelon : contenus

� Quatrième topic : Support the growth of ICT innovative Creative Industries SMEs

- Objective: Stimulate the adoption and deployment of innovative ICT solutions

by the creative industries SMEs.

a) Innovation projects:

• Small projects: EUR 0.5 <-> 1 million; 6 <-> 18 months (does not

preclude the submission and selection of proposals requesting other

amounts or durations)

• Consortium:

o Driving seat: creative industry SMEs

o Contributors: Research and innovation centres

• Target: Leveraging emerging ICT technologies for the development

of innovative products, tools, applications and services in the

creative industries.

• Technologies exemples: 3D, augmented reality, advanced user

interfaces, visual computing, …

• Requirements: User-needs driven, Existing market demand, Cost-

effective, Market-ready, Target international markets.

b) Coordination and Support Actions.

• Target: To stimulate the take up of advanced ICT in the European

creative industries on a broad geographical coverage.

• Will provide:

� Investor readiness support


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� Connect creative industries SMEs with

o appropriate sources of funding

o international business networks

� Increase the international market access of the creative

industries SMEs.

• Expected impact:

� An sustainable network of ICT-driven innovation multipliers

active in the creative industries sectors.

� Fruitful businesses relations enabled by the network.


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� Troisième échelon : Utilisation du contenu

� 2 topics dans cette thématique :

- Big data and Open Data Innovation and take-up

- Big data – research

� Il s’agit de 2 topics qui vont être extrêmement prisés. L’intérêt scientifique et l’impact

économique ou industriel qu’ils peuvent générer sont très alléchants pour les acteurs



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� Troisième échelon : Utilisation du contenu

� Premier topic : Big data and Open Data Innovation and take-up

- Objectives: Help EU companies build innovative multilingual data products and

services by addressing systemic and technological barriers

a) Collaborative projects

i. Innovation project : Establishment of a EU integration and reuse

incubator for SMEs to foster the development of open data supply

chains (1 CP)

ii. Innovation project : Innovation and technology transfer projects in

multilingual data harvesting and analytics solutions and services


b) CSA:

i. Lay the foundation for effective exchange and reuse of data assets

ii. Design and Coordination of EU skills centres for big data

technologies and business development

iii. Creation of a Big Data integrator platform in support of H2020 user

communities (1 CSA)


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� Troisième échelon : Utilisation du contenu

� Deuxième topic : Big data Research

- Fundamental research in Big Data technologies, addressing analytics

• data mining

• machine learning

• language understanding

• Visualization

• Scalability

• Responsiveness

- User defined and industry validated challenges.

� Ce topic est prévu pour l’appel 2015


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� Un consortium composés de profils différents et de différents niveaux d’implication.

Vous pouvez intervenir en tant que :

- End-users

- Sous-traitants

- Experts mondiaux

� L’excellence du consortium vient de sa complémentarité et pas uniquement de

l’excellence individuelle de chaque partenaires

� Vous pouvez aussi être impliqués de différentes façons en tant que porteur de

projets, porteurs d’idées ou porteur d’expertises.


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� Quand on rencontre des entreprises ou des chercheurs, on s’aperçoit qu’il existe en

gros deux situations de départ typiques:

• Certains ont une idée précise et déjà un ou deux partenaires connus

• D’autres on une expertise à mettre à contribution

� Dans presque tous les cas, les gens préfèrent ne pas assumer la coordination des

projets. Mais il est aussi tout à fait possible de coordonner un projet.

� Dans ces deux cas de figure, il y a deux attitudes possibles.


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� La voie passive, c’est se faire connaître du NCP (réunion, mail, téléphone) pour

présenter ses compétences. Le NCP veille et vous contact si une opportunité se

présente (recherche de partenaire,…)

� C’est pertinent si :

• Vous n’avez pas de projets prioritaire, de sujet urgent à creuser

• Vous êtes déjà actifs dans de nombreux projets

� Les risques :

• De laisser passer une opportunité (appel ouvert maintenant – après c’est trop


• De ne pas être prêt quand l’opportunité se présente (on vous contact)


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� La voie active: la plus efficace (et ça rime)

1. Contacter le NCP pour signaler votre idée/compétence:

i. identification du topic/appel

ii. recherche de partenaire/coordinateur ciblée

2. Activer votre réseau wallon ou international pour manifester votre intérêt à déposer

un projet.

Commencer par la personne à côté de vous… il y a peut-être déjà quelqu’un qui

travaille sur un projet, connait un coordinateur

3. Participer à l’infoday et/ou aux autres événements de matchmaking organisés le plus

souvent à Bruxelles

i. vous donner une visibilité: présenter vos compétences/idée de projet pour

trouver des partenaires/un coordinateur

ii. serrer des mains

Si vous avez déjà une idée précise et des partenaires ou si vous voulez simplement

contribuer votre expertise à un projet plus large, cette voie est la plus efficace, sans

forcément nécessiter un gros investissement en temps de votre part. Le principal, c’est

d’identifier la bonne locomotive et de s’y accrocher au bon moment.


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