Microsoft brand template - .NET Framework

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Cortana helps you honor commitments and manage the important everyday stuff.


Cortana exists on multiple platforms and device types. She is wherever you are.


By getting to know you, Cortana can provide tailored and intuitive experiences.


Cortana works with her team of experts (that’s you) to help users get things done.

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Cortana’s knowledge

User preferences & habits - e.g.

• Cuisine preferences

• Where I live and work

User context - e.g.

• I’m leaving home

• My next meeting location

Users access Cortana across devices and platforms

Android, iOSWindows Devices Home and Car

(Cortana Devices SDK)

Cortana Skills KitDeveloper platform connecting users with experts

Cognitive Services


Bot Framework

Cortana ChannelSkill Deployment


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Build your own skill at developer.microsoft.com/cortana Starting now, you can reach 60M+ Cortana users in the U.S. Other markets coming in the future

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Developers Cortana

Bot Framework Messaging Endpoint

Register endpointsand metadata

Build and deploy

End Users

Hold conversations

Invokes on request

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Create your skill

logic using the

Bot Framework

• Build a bot using

the Bot Builder SDK

• Use Cognitive

Services (LUIS) for

natural language


Add the

Cortana channel

• Register your bot as

a Cortana skill

• Configure Cortana-

specific data and


Publish your


• Make your skill

discoverable by all

Cortana users

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Immediate deployment of the skill to the

developer’s MSA

Used for early testing


Share a skill with one or more MSA users

User consent must be given to have the

skill appear

Used for beta testing a skill with users


Skill becomes automatically available to all

MSA Cortana users in the USA

Requires validation and certification

Skill will appear in Cortana’s skill listings

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var response = context.MakeMessage();

// For display text, use Summary to display large font, italics - this is to// emphasize this is the Skill speaking, not Cortana// Continue the displayed text using the Text property of the response messageresponse.Summary = $"Welcome to the Hotels finder!";response.Text = $"We are analyzing your message: '{(await activity).Text}'...";

// Speak is what is spoken outresponse.Speak = @"<speak version=""1.0"" xml:lang=""en-US"">

Welcome to the Hotels finder!<break time=""1000ms""/></speak>";

// InputHint influences how the microphone behavesresponse.InputHint = InputHints.IgnoringInput;

// Post the response messageawait context.PostAsync(response);

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HeroCard heroCard = new HeroCard(){

Title = hotel.Name,Subtitle = $"{hotel.Rating} stars. {hotel.NumberOfReviews} reviews. From ${hotel.PriceStarting} per night.",Images = new List<CardImage>()

{new CardImage() { Url = hotel.Image }

},Buttons = new List<CardAction>()

{new CardAction(){

Title = "More details",Type = ActionTypes.OpenUrl,Value = $"https://www.bing.com/search?q=hotels+in+" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(hotel.Location)




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// Add a single media URL for Cortana to playMediaUrl murl = new MediaUrl("https://{yourstreamurl}"); MediaUrl[] medias = new MediaUrl[] {murl};

// Create a new AudioCard and attach your media URLAudioCard audioCard = new AudioCard() { Media = medias, };

// Add the attachment and send the replyAttachment audioCardAttach = audioCard.ToAttachment(); reply.Attachments.Add(audioCardAttach);reply.InputHint = InputHints.AcceptingInput; await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(reply);

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[Serializable][LuisModel("YourModelId", "YourSubscriptionKey")]public class RootLuisDialog : LuisDialog<object>{

…[LuisIntent("Help")]public async Task Help(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result){

var response = context.MakeMessage();response.Speak = @"<speak version=""1.0"" xml:lang=""en-US"">Hi! Try asking me" +

"things like 'search for hotels in Seattle' </speak>";response.InputHint = InputHints.ExpectingInput;await context.PostAsync(response);context.Wait(this.MessageReceived);


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Improved speech recognition for skills Use LUIS intent models to build upon Cortana’s speech recognition


New output mechanisms MP3 SSML playback in skill responses

New ways of interacting with skills Use text input to invoke skills

Flexible authentication Skills that can authenticate user mid-stream

General stability updates26

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New devices

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bool hasDisplay = true;var deviceInfoEntity = context.Activity.AsMessageActivity().Entities

.Where(e => e.Type.Equals("DeviceInfo")).SingleOrDefault();if (deviceInfoEntity != null){

hasDisplay = deviceInfoEntity.Properties.Value<bool>("supportsDisplay");}

if (hasDisplay) …

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Get Today’s Skill Code:


https://dev.microsoft.com/cortanaBuild Your Own Skill:

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