TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER | KATY | MEMORIAL CITY | NORTHEAST NORTHWEST | SOUTHEAST | SOUTHWEST | SUGAR LAND | THE WOODLANDS Relentlessly pursuing the highest level of care. At Memorial Hermann, we are advancing health. By resetting the bar across multiple specialties, from neuroscience to cardiovascular care to orthopedics and more. By practicing an interdisciplinary team approach, so every patient benefits from our comprehensive network of experts. And by promoting wellness across Houston, as the largest not-for-profit health system in Southeast Texas. It’s all part of how Memorial Hermann is advancing health. Find one of the nation’s top doctors at memorialhermann.org WE ARE A BODY OF EXPERTS


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T E X A S M E D I C A L C E N T E R | K A T Y | M E M O R I A L C I T Y | N O R T H E A S T

N O R T H W E S T | S O U T H E A S T | S O U T H W E S T | S U G A R L A N D | T H E W O O D L A N D S

Relentlessly pursuing the highest level of care.At Memorial Hermann, we are advancing health. By resetting the bar across multiple specialties, from neuroscience

to cardiovascular care to orthopedics and more. By practicing an interdisciplinary team approach, so every

patient benefits from our comprehensive network of experts. And by promoting wellness across Houston, as the largest

not-for-profit health system in Southeast Texas. It’s all part of how Memorial Hermann is advancing health.

Find one of the nation’s top doctors at memorialhermann.org




PUBLICATION:Opportunity HoustonINSERTION:Winter 2014MATERIALS DUE:01-03-14 Friday

LATITUDE JOB NUMBER: MHH-13-0049 CLIENT: Memorial Hermann HealthcareJOB NAME: Body of Experts AdLIVE: 7.5" x 9.5"TRIM: 8.375" x 10.875"BLEED: 0.125"COLORS: 4cp; SWOP280; 133ls FORMAT: Press Ready PDF X + 1 Proof FedExQUESTIONS CALL: Pat Hartman @ 214-696-7913

MHH130049_BOE-DoctorsAd_OPPOR_04comp.indd 1 12/30/13 10:39 AM