So, I was curious about the recent disappearance of flight MH730. I can’t say I am a huge conspiracy guy but I am intrigued with uncovering facts and information. This document is not intended to solve the mystery of MH730 . Its basic purpose is to retain my research on this particular event. Feel free to follow along and make your own conclusions. *All websites and images used are not produced by me (except the last one) and again I do not claim any of this information to be true or false. Also, I am sorry if I use any personal names or information in this document, I am not trying to point fingers or anything I just am stating information found on the internet. So draw your own conclusions from this. And please ignore any spelling errors or poor grammar, IDGAF. So, what started me on this journey was the possible theory of MH730 being linked to the island Diego Garcia. The article I read can be found here. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2014/03/island-of-di- ego-garcia-factors-into-mysterious-malaysia-flight-theories/ After reading that I thought to myself, hmmmm... interesting. I’m a visual kind of guy so I had to see this island for myself. I went to Google maps and typed in Diego Garcia. Then I clicked the satellite view so I can see the type of terrain. Wow, it looks beautiful from up here! And holy crap a huge landing strip and definitely looks like a military base to me. You guys can research more into the island if you want but I believe it’s a US Naval Support Facility. Cool. If you don’t know this feature yet Google lets you right click and select “What’s Here?”. Which does exactly what it says; good job Google. So okay, Google says, “Diego Garcia Airport” is here. Yes, indeed I can see that haha. But this brings me to my next step. I clicked the photo gallery because who doesn’t want to see some photos around the island. 21 photos, it says. So, I begin to scroll through them hoping to see a picture of a 777 parked on the runway, yeah right. Instead, I come across my next clue! I like clues, by now I feel like a damn detective. This photo had a few words on it. NEST CLASSIFIED OPERATIONS - DIEGO GARCIA, oh snap sounds legit. But wait, before anyone goes off on me saying this is just a screen capture from Transformers; I know bitch. One, I don’t care. Two, this is my next clue. Me being the stalker type I clicked on the username who posted it. Aditya Pradana, sorry buddy but I am tying you into my story. Don’t be offended.

MH730 Theory

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So, I was curious about the recent disappearance of flight MH730. I can’t say I am a huge conspiracy guy but I am intrigued with uncovering facts and information. This document is not intended to solve the mystery of MH730 . Its basic purpose is to retain my research on this particular event. Feel free to follow along and make your own conclusions.

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Page 1: MH730 Theory

So, I was curious about the recent disappearance of flight MH730. I can’t say I am a huge conspiracy guy but I am intrigued with uncovering facts and information. This document is not intended to solve the mystery of MH730 . Its basic purpose is to retain my research on this particular event. Feel free to follow along and make your own conclusions.

*All websites and images used are not produced by me (except the last one) and again I do not claim any of this information to be true or false. Also, I am sorry if I use any personal names or information in this document, I am not trying to point fingers or anything I just am stating information found on the internet. So draw your own conclusions from this. And please ignore any spelling errors or poor grammar, IDGAF.

So, what started me on this journey was the possible theory of MH730 being linked to the island Diego Garcia. The article I read can be found here.


After reading that I thought to myself, hmmmm... interesting. I’m a visual kind of guy so I had to see this island for myself. I went to Google maps and typed in Diego Garcia. Then I clicked the satellite view so I can see the type of terrain.

Wow, it looks beautiful from up here! And holy crap a huge landing strip and definitely looks like a military base to me. You guys can research more into the island if you want but I believe it’s a US Naval Support Facility. Cool.

If you don’t know this feature yet Google lets you right click and select “What’s Here?”. Which does exactly what it says; good job Google. So okay, Google says, “Diego Garcia Airport” is here. Yes, indeed I can see that haha. But this brings me to my next step. I clicked the photo gallery because who doesn’t want to see some photos around the island. 21 photos, it says. So, I begin to scroll through them hoping to see a picture of a 777 parked on the runway, yeah right.

Instead, I come across my next clue! I like clues, by now I feel like a damn detective. This photo had a few words on it. NEST CLASSIFIED OPERATIONS - DIEGO GARCIA, oh snap sounds legit. But wait, before anyone goes off on me saying this is just a screen capture from Transformers; I know bitch. One, I don’t care. Two, this is my next clue. Me being the stalker type I clicked on the username who posted it. Aditya Pradana, sorry buddy but I am tying you into my story. Don’t be offended.

Page 2: MH730 Theory

Okay, woopty freakin doo. But wait, theres another clue. You apparently work for The White House. Congrats, I don’t believe you. Now why did you post this picture? Are you a fan of trans-formers? Let me know in the comments.

Well, this turned out to be kind of a dead end for now but I still have a strange feeling about this guy. Find out more in my next theory document, I plan on releasing.

So, I hit up good old Google and typed in “NEST classified operations” with the quotes because I wanted to view the results of those exact terms. First link stupid, second link inter-esting, third link I don’t care, fourth link fuck it let’s go with the second link.

I get to this site and first thing I think is damn did I go back in time. Shit looks like it was designed in the 90’s. Here’s the link go and see for yourself.


It only takes me a few seconds to realize I’m on some DOE National Security Information website. Hopefully, no one comes after me for posting this but I think if it’s Google-able I am okay. Plus it says this shits from 1976. US government please don’t come after me, I don’t know what I’m doing haha. I read a few more lines and quickly come to the conclusion NEST is a real thing or was and not just some movie shenanigans, cool I learned something.

If you didn’t know NEST stands for Nuclear Emergency Search Team. And all this information is available through the The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) https://www.fas.org/about/index.html

I begin exploring more of this site and bam I get to Chapter 8 titled “HIGH ALTITUDE NUCLEAR WEAPONS EFFECTS INFORMATION.” https://www.fas.org/irp/doddir/doe/cghr1d.html#ZZ36

Now this is what I am looking for, something I can speculate on in possible relation to MH730. So, if you contin-ue reading Chapter 8 and refer to the paragraph on high altitude phenomenology it states...

“High altitude phenomenology refers to effects of weapons detonated above 100,000 feet which is outside or largely outside the atmosphere. With no air to interact with the radiation to form the radiation opaque fireball or to attenuate radiative outputs, the radiation can travel great distances while remaining at significant energy levels. One result can be widespread radio and radar blackout.”

Page 3: MH730 Theory

If you are still following all this, great, you deserve a medal. You might be thinking the same thing I am at this point. What if this US Naval Support Facility is somehow linked with High-Altitude Nuclear Weapons and is testing them near the Diego Garcia base? It blew my mind that this could be feasible but highly unlikely. So, I Googled “high altitude phenomenology” and came upon a Youtube video called Declassified U.S. Nuclear Test Film #66. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdrirktDT2Y

I suggest you watch it, it’s 20 mins long and I swear it’s the same guy from those vintage 1950’s nuclear education films. Refer to this link if you don’t have a fucking clue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-DHRXNEGokw

So back to my theory, what if somehow flight MH730 came into contact with the blast from a High-Altitude Nuclear Weapons test over the Indian Ocean at a high altitude of 35,000ft? Any mad scientists out there know if this is feasible

According to this website http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/nuclear/hane.html by Wm. Robert Johnston, high-altitude nuclear explosions have occurred in the past all ranging from the Operation Fishbowl - Tight-rope at 21 km (68897.6 ft) to the highest Argus III which was at 540 km (roughly 1,771,650 ft).

Now if someway somehow this type of testing is still going on flight MH730 could of possibly flown into a shit storm of Electromagnetic pulses (EMP). Thus, causing an interfere with radar and radio communications of the plane or nearby radar towers. Thus, fucking shit up big time.

Now , I am not claiming this to be the case and I am not a rocket scientist or anything; I am simply going off what I have read and putting the facts and numbers together.

I truly believe people have the right to know what happened and if this is a huge cover up on behalf of a certain military intelligence shame on them. Own up to your mistakes and let the families grieve their losses.

Above is a chart I found that shows just how big EMP area is. If the initial explosion happened over the Indian Ocean somewhere I do believe the blast radius could of overlapped with MH730 flight course.

Page 4: MH730 Theory

1500 Miles

1000 Miles

500 Miles

Burst Altitude30 Miles

Burst Altitude120 Miles

Burst Altitude300 Miles

Estimate Flight Path

Based on Gary Smith’s (good guy Gary), "Electromagnetic Pulse Threats," testimony before the Subcommittee on Military Research and Development, Committee on National Security, U.S. House of Representatives, July 16, 1997. I mapped a rough trajectory of the bust radius that could of potentially interfered with MH730. Again, the possible high-altitude nuclear explosion (HANE) epicenter could have taken place anywhere over the Indian Ocean. However, using Gary’s data and the relativity to the US Naval Support Facility located on Diego Garcia Island I believe the plane could have been damaged from the blast.

Which also leads me to question if any surrounding countries reported any electronics acting weird? Like I said I am not an expert on this subject so this could be all wrong.

Overall, my research has me concluding that this just could be a huge coincidence. What are the chances that Diego Garcia or a surrounding island could be linked to a top secret Nuclear test facility in which a particular government is testing EMP weapons over the Indian Ocean. It’s just as likely the plane could actually be on Diego Garcia at this very moment or anywhere else in the world. It’s all speculation and what you want to believe. Hope-fully, we do get the hard facts and get to the bottom of this. Well, thanks for reading and hopefully I didn’t bore you to much. Just remember anything is possible and I am sure there are hundreds of people who already said the exact same thing I have. Take care.