Mgmt Information System

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  • 8/7/2019 Mgmt Information System


  • 8/7/2019 Mgmt Information System


  • 8/7/2019 Mgmt Information System


  • 8/7/2019 Mgmt Information System


    yy The Internet is a global system of interconnectedThe Internet is a global system of interconnected

    computer networks that use the standard Internetcomputer networks that use the standard Internet

    Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of usersProtocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users

    worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists ofworldwide. It is a network of networks that consists ofmillions of private, public, academic, business, andmillions of private, public, academic, business, and

    government networks, of local to global scope, that aregovernment networks, of local to global scope, that are

    linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and opticallinked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical

    networking technologies .networking technologies .

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    yy This gigantic network of networks began in theThis gigantic network of networks began in theearly 1970early 1970s as a U.S. Department of Defenses as a U.S. Department of Defensenetwork to link scientists and universitynetwork to link scientists and universityprofessors around the world .The first Asianprofessors around the world .The first Asian

    institutions to use something that resembled theinstitutions to use something that resembled theInternet were Japanese universities in 198Internet were Japanese universities in 1984.4.

    yy Most homes and small businesses connect to theMost homes and small businesses connect to theInternet by subscribing to an internet serviceInternet by subscribing to an internet serviceproviderprovider..

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    Technologies operate over existing telephone lines to carry voiceTechnologies operate over existing telephone lines to carry voice,data, and video at transmission rates ranging from 385 kbps all,data, and video at transmission rates ranging from 385 kbps all

    the way up to 9Mbps.the way up to 9Mbps.

    Provided by cable television vendors use digital cable coaxialProvided by cable television vendors use digital cable coaxial

    lines to deliver highlines to deliver high--speed Interne access to homes andspeed Interne access to homes and

    businesses. They can provide highbusinesses. They can provide high--speed access to the Internet ofspeed access to the Internet of

    uptoupto 10Mbps.10Mbps.

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    .com Commercial organization/ Commercial organization/business

    ..eduedu Educational InstitutionsEducational Institutions

    .mil U.S. U.S. military

    .biz Business Business firms

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    The Internet was not originally designed to handleThe Internet was not originally designed to handle thethe

    transmission of massive quantities of data and billions of users.transmission of massive quantities of data and billions of users.

    Under development is a new version of the IP addressing schemaUnder development is a new version of the IP addressing schema

    called Internet Protocol Version 6(IPV6),which contains 128called Internet Protocol Version 6(IPV6),which contains 128--bitbit



    Internet2 research groups are developing and implementing newInternet2 research groups are developing and implementing new

    technologies for more effective routingtechnologies for more effective routing practices,practices, different levelsdifferent levels

    of service depending on the type and importance of data beingof service depending on the type and importance of data being

  • 8/7/2019 Mgmt Information System


    transmitted and advanced applications for distributedtransmitted and advanced applications for distributed

    computation, virtual laboratories, digital libraries,computation, virtual laboratories, digital libraries,

    distributed learning anddistributed learning and teletele--immersion.immersion.

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  • 8/7/2019 Mgmt Information System


    yy The internetThe internet is based on server technology . individualis based on server technology . individual

    using the internet control what they do through clientusing the internet control what they do through client

    applications on their computers.applications on their computers.

    yy INTERNET SERVICESINTERNET SERVICES-- A client computer connecting toA client computer connecting tothe internet has access to a variety of services .the internet has access to a variety of services .

    yy EE--mailmail enables messages to be exchanged from computerenables messages to be exchanged from computer

    to compute , with capabilities for routine messages toto compute , with capabilities for routine messages to

    multiple recipients.multiple recipients.

    INSTANTMESSAGINGINSTANTMESSAGING--It is a type of chat service thatIt is a type of chat service that

    enables participants to create their own private chartenables participants to create their own private chart

    channels .The instant messaging system alerts the userchannels .The instant messaging system alerts the user

    whenever someone on his/her private list is online.whenever someone on his/her private list is online.

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    y The internet has also become a popular platform for voice

    transmission and corporate networking.


    y In the past ,each of the firms networks for wired and

    wireless data , voice communications, and video

    conferencing operated independently of each other .

  • 8/7/2019 Mgmt Information System


    yy What if you had a marketing group charged withWhat if you had a marketing group charged with

    developing new products and services for your firm withdeveloping new products and services for your firm with

    members spread across the United States. you wouldmembers spread across the United States. you would

    want to be able to ewant to be able to e--mail each other and communicatemail each other and communicate

    with the home office without any chance that outsiderswith the home office without any chance that outsiders

    could intercept the communication.could intercept the communication.

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  • 8/7/2019 Mgmt Information System



    A web search engine is designed to search for information onA web search engine is designed to search for information ontheWorldWidetheWorldWideWeb.Web.

    yy The information may consist of web pages, images, informationThe information may consist of web pages, images, information

    and other types of filesand other types of files..

    yy market share of web search engine, showed Google is 84.65%,market share of web search engine, showed Google is 84.65%,

    Yahoo is 6.69%, Baidu is 3.39%, Bing is 3.29% and other isYahoo is 6.69%, Baidu is 3.39%, Bing is 3.29% and other is


    yy TheThe Google's worldwide market share peaked at 86.3% inGoogle's worldwide market share peaked at 86.3% in

    April, 2010April, 2010..

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    yy The termWeb 2.0 is associated with web applications thatThe termWeb 2.0 is associated with web applications that

    facilitate participatory informationfacilitate participatory information sharing.sharing.

    yy Xml is used in web 2.0.Xml is used in web 2.0.

    yy AJAX (AsynchronousAJAX (Asynchronous JavascriptJavascript and XML) programmingand XML) programming

    techniquetechnique a technique that generally speaking adds ana technique that generally speaking adds an

    element of realelement of real--time interactivity toWeb pages that mighttime interactivity toWeb pages that might

    otherwise be veryotherwise be very static.static.

    yy Google'sGoogle's Gmail eGmail e--mail service, for example, uses AJAX to keepmail service, for example, uses AJAX to keep

    your view of the inbox updated as new mail arrivesyour view of the inbox updated as new mail arrives withwith outout

    having to refresh the entireWeb page.having to refresh the entireWeb page.

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    yy Web 1.0 was about reading,Web 2.0 is about writingWeb 1.0 was about reading,Web 2.0 is about writing

    yy Web 1.0 was about companies,Web 2.0 is about communitiesWeb 1.0 was about companies,Web 2.0 is about communities

    yy Web 1.0 was about clientWeb 1.0 was about client--server,Web 2.0 is about peer to peerserver,Web 2.0 is about peer to peer

    yy Web 1.0 was about HTML,Web 2.0 is about XMLWeb 1.0 was about HTML,Web 2.0 is about XML

    yy Web 1.0 was about home pages,Web 2.0 is about blogsWeb 1.0 was about home pages,Web 2.0 is about blogs

    yyWebWeb 1.0 was about lectures,Web 2.0 is about conversation1.0 was about lectures,Web 2.0 is about conversation

    yy Web 1.0 was about advertising,Web 2.0 is about word of mouthWeb 1.0 was about advertising,Web 2.0 is about word of mouth

    yy Web 1.0 was about services sold over the web,Web 2.0 is aboutWeb 1.0 was about services sold over the web,Web 2.0 is about

    web servicesweb services

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    yy An intranet is a private computer network that usesAn intranet is a private computer network that uses

    Internet Protocol technology to securely share anyInternet Protocol technology to securely share any

    part of an organization's information or networkpart of an organization's information or network

    operating system within thatoperating system within that organizationorganization

    yy An intranet is built from the same concepts andAn intranet is built from the same concepts and

    technology used for the Internet, such as clienttechnology used for the Internet, such as client

    server computing and the Internet Protocol Suiteserver computing and the Internet Protocol Suite

    (TCP/IP)(TCP/IP)..yy Web is available to any one, intranet is private it isWeb is available to any one, intranet is private it is

    protected from public visit by firewallprotected from public visit by firewall

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    yy An extranet is a computer network that allows controlledAn extranet is a computer network that allows controlled

    access from the outside, for specific business oraccess from the outside, for specific business or

    educationaleducational purposespurposes..

    yy AdvantagesAdvantages

    yy Exchange large volumes of data using Electronic DataExchange large volumes of data using Electronic Data

    Interchange (EDI)Interchange (EDI)

    yy Share product catalogs exclusively with trade partnersShare product catalogs exclusively with trade partners

    yy Collaborate with other companies on joint developmentCollaborate with other companies on joint development


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    yy Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a generic termRadio frequency identification (RFID) is a generic term

    that is used to describe a system that transmits thethat is used to describe a system that transmits the

    identity (in the form of a unique serial number) of anidentity (in the form of a unique serial number) of an

    object or person wirelessly, using radio waves. It'sobject or person wirelessly, using radio waves. It's

    grouped under the broad category of automaticgrouped under the broad category of automatic

    identification technologies. RFID is in use all around us.identification technologies. RFID is in use all around us.

    In addition, RFID is increasingly used with biometricIn addition, RFID is increasingly used with biometric

    technologies for security.technologies for security.

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    yy The data transmitted by the tag may provide identification orThe data transmitted by the tag may provide identification or

    location information, or specifics about the product tagged, suchlocation information, or specifics about the product tagged, such

    as price, color, date of purchase, etc. RFID technology has beenas price, color, date of purchase, etc. RFID technology has been

    used by thousands of companies for a decade or more.used by thousands of companies for a decade or more.

    yy Asset TrackingAsset Tracking

    yy ManufacturingManufacturing

    yy Supply ChainManagementSupply ChainManagement

    yy RetailingRetailing

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    AWireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of spatially distributedAWireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed

    autonomous sensors toautonomous sensors to monitormonitorphysical or environmentalphysical or environmental

    conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure,conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure,

    motion or pollutants.[, and to cooperatively pass their datamotion or pollutants.[, and to cooperatively pass their data

    through the network to a main location. The more modernthrough the network to a main location. The more modernnetworks are binetworks are bi--directional, enabling also todirectional, enabling also to controlcontrol the activity ofthe activity of

    the sensors. The development of wireless sensor networks wasthe sensors. The development of wireless sensor networks was

    motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance.motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance.

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    yy Power consumption constrains for nodes using batteries or energyPower consumption constrains for nodes using batteries or energyharvestingharvesting

    yy Ability to cope with node failuresAbility to cope with node failures

    yyMobility of nodesMobility of nodes

    yy Dynamic network topologyDynamic network topology

    yy Communication failuresCommunication failures

    yy Heterogeneity of nodesHeterogeneity of nodes

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  • 8/7/2019 Mgmt Information System


    yy In 2001, a Reserve Bank of India survey revealed that of 46 majorIn 2001, a Reserve Bank of India survey revealed that of 46 major

    banks operating in India, around 50% were either offeringbanks operating in India, around 50% were either offering

    Internet banking services at various levels or planned to in theInternet banking services at various levels or planned to in the

    near future. According to a research reportnear future. According to a research report,, whilewhile in 2001, India'sin 2001, India'sInternet user base was an estimated 9 lakh; it was expected toInternet user base was an estimated 9 lakh; it was expected to

    reach 90 lakh by 2003. Also, while only 1% of these Internet usersreach 90 lakh by 2003. Also, while only 1% of these Internet users

    utilized the Internet banking services in 1998, the Internetutilized the Internet banking services in 1998, the Internet

    banking user base increased to 16.7% by midbanking user base increased to 16.7% by mid-- 2000.2000.

    yy Many of the major banks like ICICI, HDFC,Many of the major banks like ICICI, HDFC, IndusIndIndusInd, IDBI,, IDBI,

    Citibank, Global Trust Bank (GTB), Bank of Punjab and UTICitibank, Global Trust Bank (GTB), Bank of Punjab and UTI

    were offering Internet banking services. Based on the abovewere offering Internet banking services. Based on the above

    statistics and the analysts' comments that India had a high growthstatistics and the analysts' comments that India had a high growth

    potential for Internet banking, the players focused on increasingpotential for Internet banking, the players focused on increasing

    and improving their Internet banking services.and improving their Internet banking services.

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    yy As a part of this, the banks began to collaborate with variousAs a part of this, the banks began to collaborate with various

    utility companies to enable the customers to perform variousutility companies to enable the customers to perform various

    functions online. ICICI's 'Infinity,' which was already a leader infunctions online. ICICI's 'Infinity,' which was already a leader in

    the Indian Internet banking arena, began to allow its customers tothe Indian Internet banking arena, began to allow its customers topay their online real time shopping bills. HDFC, through itspay their online real time shopping bills. HDFC, through its

    'payment gateway' feature, allowed its Internet banking'payment gateway' feature, allowed its Internet banking

    customers to make online and real time payments for theircustomers to make online and real time payments for their


    HDFCHDFC also entered into tiealso entered into tie--ups with various portals to provide theseups with various portals to provide these

    businessbusiness--toto--customer (B2C) ecustomer (B2C) e--commerce transactions. Centurioncommerce transactions. Centurion

    bank acquired an equity stake in thebank acquired an equity stake in the portal to bringportal to bring

    together buyers, sellers, suppliers, registered brokers andtogether buyers, sellers, suppliers, registered brokers andassociations in the tea market and eliminate the need for theirassociations in the tea market and eliminate the need for their

    physical presence at various auctions. As more banks enteredphysical presence at various auctions. As more banks entered

    Internet banking arena, the competition between the banks alsoInternet banking arena, the competition between the banks also


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    yy This compelled the banks to focus on capturing new marketsThis compelled the banks to focus on capturing new markets

    and customers and adopting advanced technology on theand customers and adopting advanced technology on the

    Internet. In the light of these developments, industry watchersInternet. In the light of these developments, industry watchers

    remarked that Internet banking had arrived in a big way.remarked that Internet banking had arrived in a big way.Though it had a long way to go compared to the globalThough it had a long way to go compared to the global

    standards, it was beginning to be seen as a replacement for thestandards, it was beginning to be seen as a replacement for the

    traditional banking set up in the future.traditional banking set up in the future.