•70L. <r NO.J46. 1 1 ® ^ wmm . - . Artuokle and Sherman in Paja- S mas,.Bathrobes and Slippers, J - Receive Qiie^s at Lahor Day < P a i^ lii S L fw ls _ [ MISSPPPE^AKESSEAT ■; . ON SEHEE WITH h o st ; ---------- . <1 J Decl^<eB that the >notim Was Pdttod Drossed bat i w ith -& Ir zieraoged and ^ ]CoauiDe:'izi A^ooy ' j 8A.V PRANCISCO, c»l,'(ff) — Mim I Zeh 'Prcroat, one of tbo show ^rl« par ticJpatliig ill Bo#eOfl ft (Fatty) Artnc- '' -kle’s fa^tel ^ a u d i n rty irhleli Ici] in the death of Uiss .Vir<tni& B»pP(, WM tho firrt tritncM-todiy ia tho Ar- bneUe audffiehiirge hetrlng in police eourt. . . , _ laP»Jio««ndB»tlinb«. \^bo-Jde, U iu ^ppd, &friL Bamblna it. Dolaont, U ub Auee BLake, Alfred a6mi«li«t' ftttd LoweU Shermaa 'ff«io - in Arbueklfl's suite when «ho jobed I- the |>arty, she teitlficd. Arbuelcfo and c flhrnnan were drcjsed In pojamu, y balhrobemiiid iHpper*, ahe sftla. J < . l£Ju ^ p p o was loated on a settee t 4 lAt Arlmriilo’s side, neeordlttfc' to tho i V witBM^.who said ahe saw “ a JitUo t bit" tif driBUng. il Prod Pisehbach latrr Joined tho par- ■|r, Uir* Provost added,Utid others -wero I ' in .md oat of the roon. v ' “ Did yoB BOO U iu Bappo leaTO tho J I room nt any ttaef" asm AssUtant C Diiitriet Attorsey UUton IT'Ben. HIM Bappo LMds W i^. I "Aboat an boor later," ihb replied, i Art)uckli] followed Utw Itappo into the t room prtJelRlng the om whne tho party { ' ' ' Wu Rathetfld, cloils); the door. M ist t , .. ?nrpti eoaUnnod. ( Aboat three quarters of.an hour loter , [«icu)rdiug to the Tritne^Viibe^aad'Urs. - •, * Delmonr tapped oa Um door aiid tbo ' Mrtt<rr«ekod-it,"*aylng.toudljr^Dplea . . ti64M nI;iruit.toipf|U pto Arbiieidb opened u e door, w n .P rfi- . voat Uglified, and stepped Into room * 1120, tbe leeoe of tbe feitlvltios wbero- ^ upon she and Mrs. Delmont went into , room 1210 and found Tlrginia Rappo j In led. ; "Sbe v u tolly dressM, ber t hoir vas banging down, du v u ( moanliig," tbo vitneaa added < ' "U n . .Delmont and l.v ta t o m t and asked her vhat vas ^ zu«t-. « tor.*’, MM fterost Mid. “ Bbe .la id 'l aiQ dying, t am dying. I i ’ know la m going to die.* - i - " ‘Oj no, you'w not golng;to^,'.' ^ T tep\W . "ftnd tbTO-aTfirjiftt^^Tia-bei , snd atarted to tear off her watrt and , |i itocklnffi. Mr. Arbucklo. t*on-eamo ‘ / In and siartod to he)ip poll' a t' ber •alst,'*. -lOss Bappe’a elothe* then were tok - en off, according to tbo witpesr, and i ; .n»in was pnt on a bed. 1 ''Tlie’i sbe started to cry Incain- ‘I ' sm dying. Ho hurt me.' ".Raid Mt*»- t Prerod. " * EeitoratiTe; Canses n in e » ;t . . A rc>!torativo Riven tho jrir'l cnused * ber to Iretomo sick at hor stomach, tbo wiinctw continued. Thon Flicbbaeh entered tho room and Ml« rappo,,was dipped in n tub of cold water, Aceordltfjr to the testimony. . .,/^^C ontinned on Page PiTo) A”i|— ~ ' ' . - -------------- j: Today’s Games National league 'j {Flrit Oaoe) -W m : a. H. B. V BwoUya ' — L:_____________6 (J- 1 . ...Z Boston " ____________8 0 0 (Seeoad Oame) Score end 7lht a S. E. Breoklya ___ , ■ 0 ■ B o ito a ------- • •_ ____________ 0 B. H. .E. Clnqlimtl' - ....... 8 11 0 Score end <lb: B. H. a I’hliadelphla i________ ______i • . • PittaWirb ------------ ---------- 8 Batrnlei; Winters and Hesline: ' Olanier nnd Oooeb. ' ' Ameilcan Leagne. ' Pint gamo: It. H. £. Boston ____ ________ ;_______ C 0 J Philadelphia ________________ 0 10 a Batteries: Karr and Wnltcrs; Jtomme: aiid 'Perkins, Soeond { ^ e : B. H. E. iloiton ___L ',; _______ 8 15 0 I’hiladalpbla __ 14 4 \ . natlories: Bosh and Wnlters; SiilH- O van and Uyatt. / Bnd&lh: B . ET. E . 8 t. W u i » ------------------------------ 2 Now Ycrk __________________ 0 * Battoriei: Tboeker and Collins; Hnr- . per nnd 8cbang. ~ ID ^ O ’WHAJHEa.. . Tonight and Wedneiday fllr ' N FA ^Mfeinca's^ Would Kli ftain 10,306 Miles Long . . Eallway Staiiflticians Give a •y Striking IlinBtration ol, In. 1 1 creasiDg Foreign Trado . LO(J18VILLE,,Ky.,.(;^7-Amorlea'a ' . exports‘for •, Ujo lim six-months, of , l]a* 1D2I iMondlo'd by ono train woiiid ro'. f quir6 l,2>GO,4jO freight cars and mako a trnin ,10,303-miles longj nearly-half lav tbe circumfercneo of tho earth; tho . • Soutbcm r^lway foreljjn freight de- partment annoanced; today. . Tho aunouneemont asserted that-dur- ing Uio present period of depression when Uio United States export-busines<i [ QT was reputed to bo stagnant,..tbo prinei^ .- pal'exports of tlio.country exceeded in quantity limiiar shipments in tho first ras 45S0 eariiiads.' The In- « ctcaac, it wat stated,, was' yrlncipoUy b a t in wboat, corn, Iron pipe, eotionseed ^ oii, Bieol, apples, mnlt bontoi nad la ri aiiiB ii I m m m lice ____ j; Increasing Flow o f' American n , ' -PrcduotB Moves AorosB,the- " Atlantic ptiring Jnly , t Sd WASn'lNQTON, D. C., (^>-Ameri- and cais trodo'with Europe revived some " las, wliat during August as comparod with " July b'U'commcrco between the. Unii.''' tteo ted Bt'ites and South Africa as Uken tbo ia tbe nggrcKate remained almost rta- tUo tionary, according to figures iuued to day by tho department of eommcrce. S »r- Expflit(( to Europe iast month totalled ^ rero I203,£)0ft00a-as. compared with a val-. t^ uiUloA of >180,000,000 in' July while u tho imwrta wero ICO,000,000 against $S7,- « ant 000,000 in Julj’. ti &[>(<rti to Soulh America (unounteJ P to 114,000,000 in August ns compared t to 110,000,000 In Juiy bu! comparison » ied, with Aufpist 1020 rhows n decline-of <• tbo moro' tl.an two third. Imports from 1' irtf Soath Atnotlra were ♦2S,C(W,000 laat n ilist montli nRninit <50,000,000 in July. Government Bonds,in ^ Demand ori Exchange S ’’ . NEW TOIii(, S^^H he?im «rm o».| purfliO^c* of Llborty bonds ond Vletorv notes ovcraliadowcd oU olliot dcalluKB , , on tho stock oxchango this morning. Tho firet hfiur's »lcs of bonds npprox- PP® iinated. <0,000,000 an.l fully 75 per ccnt of this was roprcscDted by United a State* Kovtmmcnt irsucs. Almost nil 1 u domestle war flotations roso to bigh- i L cst quutatioiis of the yenr, but tho fea- i JT turo wus tho Vletory 4 .Ws, which ad- (: t-. vanced f^DO 1-2. ^ le .This l^uo wOji taken In blocks run- \ I ning from'smnll Amounlr to 1250,000 i aiid i<00,000, Ono lot of il,000,00u r ■^y,' changoil hands. t lA i *■ S ••a Two Men Wounded in ' ”! . Fighting at Belf(ut Ink- BEtirABT, mrn m™ J and wounded during ncnttered shooting af- i frays here last night, but in (lie eaatorn < , ‘I scetlon of Ilm rlty where serious rot* j ittsK- o«urr<’d yesterday, tho ‘ night .passed , quietly. Crown troops todny occupied strategic points in the disturbed aro:^ ised ' '■ — -■■■" ■- tbo ~ r, riASHES FRO }ny. mTBBUEQH, (ffy-A nJgbt shoot vUI bo staged by tiapsbooten of veil ' - dab saxt Tbniflday nlgbt QAIXSBtmO, HL, (/fV-Bererly ; Snox college star pole Taalter, had hU : epbosfrpeleoovbUbhe vaivofklng&i todcjr, bot vaa nsconidoaa. S BAVAKA, (A>)-Tvo notailQU bl j- i nlfes, captored I«at<rai^ of Oelba 0 0 hose Studay, bnt releaaed him after n advices ftoaM atanua. Bi a figbt bel E, N nt to captore' tbein, Sergeast Prasdac IKDIAKAPOIIB, Inl, iroz- "baby poit" of tbc^.Orand A n^-lt cb of ttie E. 0. Boome ^ Vo. 42, of H< .E. two yean ago, Ur. ^ le aaya- Ofr«dii 1 0 Andtb«Orayaanerg»nl^tlonor-Tat«r 2 0 <^te azmiea vbo now meet togetber 'la 1 CBDAB BAPIDS, lova, B. ' aottla grand lodge baa inoed a proclac • . • vWcb, after lUUng tbat it bad beoa li la effect an adjunct to Free Uaeoozr, line: onranliAUon like tbe Ea Elox Elan It t la la direct violation of tbs teaehingi i E. CONSTABULARY BATTLES WITH PARTY OF MOROS Claab oa laland of Job Besults In tbe [. E . , Death of nilpiso Ueatenaat, and i 0 Several BnlUted Uen 11 ,111. MANILA, P. I., (/p)_\ right be tween n detachment of i’hilippine con- I. E. sUbulaty and a bnnd of Uoros at Par- ang, iflaod of Jolo, resulted in.tho death * of a Filiploo lieutenant of the consl/ib- Jlor- ijlftry forces fond two members of the , >foro Imru, aceording to advices receir- cd bera. One Filipino’ lieutenant of constabulary, soveral onlisted )aen aud one Uoro were wounded, snid thc dis- p-atcb. . ' ''' jisioCiATfID PHESSNi lL L S TWIN FALL8. IDAHO, pfflPW lI 'jysEirffl ILOi«E .'a ' _____ _ Massachusetts Labor -Depart- S ment Official TOIs the Con- f; • ferees' Many hen Will Not Work for Reduced Stipend ir- . FEDER’M . GOVERNMENT to “ “ ■CALLED BAD EXEMPLAR st •' ------ -- Spokesman for OItU Serrloe Employea Says Nation Has Bees OoQtribcting Cause to Present iBttaatlon WASniNQTpN, D. C.. W VAver: S sion of iabor to -nccepling work at re duced wages was assigned as a cause of soi'ie uncmploypient by Borweli F. Phelpi, director of labor. statisUcs of tho K^iuuiaehusctte labor deporCnont; tho first witneu beard today by tbe kn national employment confcrenro's com- mitteo on unemployment statirties, which rjr to work to determine tho ex* . tynt^and volumo of tho nation's InvoI- untaVy idle. ri. I "Unemployment'is dne .n some mens- IP lire," Ur. I^elps told thc committee, th "to thrt fnct that labor will not accept ,1^ reduced wages." Vwatlonal TiiiAlng Belpa. 0 Harry D. Jaeob^ prMldent of the Ee> SerTlee Uen's Employment.bureau of ,d Kew York) tb» next; witnetf, utim atei il. tbat there vere 76,000 unemployed for* lc Wer Roldlo9 In New Tork City, and J,. said the establishment of Toeatlona' trabinz Bchooli In army camps OS pro- ;j posed Ly tho (^vernment would solvu od the unemployment problem fit far ar 3n the unskilled world wiu veteran was of rDncorned. Thoro will no tronblo fmd- ,ni Ing work for skilted . formor service i t men, Ua sold. K i . PHelpQ declared - thAt tbe troable la Hasiachnietta at present waa t^ t tbat there vai act eaploy- meiit bni that people eoald net fbd W the jlclis at the vagea they vaated.' be aald. He added that aome im- uJ ptoTeSenfltaa bean notedto-Mau- ' iy achsiotta, Vhere nov the figures u, ahov but 13 applicants for each po* iltbii offered as compared vlth SO ,±. appUcaats for each’ poiltldn b nt -May. ed Ltitlier CV 8teTTaxd,.pre*iderif of the all Nntionnl PedctalioTi of r e d e r a l TEin- ;h- ployes, presented a prepared statemenl •a- ill whitih lio declared thnt "tho federnl .d- Kavorninont In its capacity ns employer hns beiM a contributing eauso to the in- present uDemployment situation, where 00 it shonld'~havo beon nn dlloviatinf Ou ngcney.’.' lUf statement was rcferrec to tho sub-fommittoe on emergency stnte nnd municipal measures nnd pub* lir works. 1 , Qlveti Bnildlng Trado Plgnres. ^ it. R. Lutz of Ihe national industrial cimfercaeo board presented a report mndo,-by the board of a survey of tho 14,000,000 manufnettirbg nnd buildint trodo workers in .the countrj'. 'On Juno I, bo said, one qnarter of theso wngo cflTnet# ntlronted at 3,500,000 (Continued oa Page Four) IOM THE WIRE. iboot, under tH* gbre of powerful U^ti^ vestem Penasylvanla at the Pltcalm Qua rly Elggasos, of SaoxTllle, B l. fonner .hlB aeek bnkea iriien heiell ttm • tel- ig ber* Ut» yeaterday. He vaa tUll alive X banditi, Banoa Artoyo aad JuUd 'Sa^ ;elba Uocho) M atanw pibvlaee, bmc hU er Tvcelvlng 110,000 ransom, accotdlsg to t betveen the bandlta aad » detachment Saoches.vas honor ef belag oosmaader o'f the, tt claimed by 0. J. Boao. Ealathehead f PloddA. This post «aa orgaaJxed only ' «xUtaot vltb It ll the pcft of the Blues ret«raas of ]>oth the UUoa aad Ooafeder- ''la ^eace, Qittid Uaster AlbeiCa, of tha leva Ua- KlactfAliRi.ta t&e U asm s of the sUte la en totlroated that the Eo Slax w»n v u lazy, he declares that afflUa^ea vltb an 1 la oapatdotla He told Uasona that "It Igs aad traditions of masooxy*’' • MINERS HALT DEBATE O lT 3S KANSAS STRIKE CASES the Snpportera of H ovtt Win BoU- Otl I Vote fhat Will Occupy Oonventlon'i Attentlaa' Boeing Day be INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., (/p)-By ai on- overwhelming vote furtho* debate-oi nr- the Ko!i(aa strike cases thnt'have beci ith beforo tho .-convention of- tha Unitcv fib- Mine'Workorf. of America for fou the day*) was shut off soon after tbo con ir- vention opened today. Supporters o. 0? Alexander Howat, president of thi «d Kaasaa dialrict, tbta-wen a roll, til lis- \-ote. I: wai expected mosl of the daj woutd be neees«iry for the roll call. ' yEWSFAPER IN TWIN f D A II BO, XUEHDAy, SEPTEUBBB 27,1021. lUrs. Lyda to ise oh ' ee, ^ Alleged'ilayer of four haibaadi and ont ”1 dlitnct court here oa a charge of flrrt ^ Bftmsd P. U ejtr. Tbe photognpt ha .* Cisco last June vhen Ura. Senthaid ani j^i her vay foTwla PaUi lo'aa5ver’lo''fhe. ^ ^ bavo ^ - L / dear husband to stick by me ras liko tbis!". Wilh a glint of • id* fun In her oyo Urs. Southord asked tho question of a reporter at the ^ eonrt bonse y^orky. Southard I sits ot her sldo b court hour after ( hour, only oecailonaliy leaving for a fow minutes duriog iotermlsilons. I, Mrs. Southard doea not in any / manner resemble (be ^rimlnol'of tra* dition. Bhe dow not appear to havo'" • " ahythin? to-bide.''" H er‘manner Is-* i neither bold nor reserved. She is cot obviously nervous ot notlwably eaUn. 9 She hal nu predominant chonuteris- 5 ilili" i H ii Ky J ab* Democratic Senators are Left Prea to Act on Treaties as * Eaoh Sees Pit V ^ rial . --------- ort WASEIKaTON, m Oeao- tho cratlo senators la conference today ini; deoidetl that the peatoe tieatleg. On vlth Gemuuiy, Autrla aad Hsa- ' eso gary verb not matterB for party ac- xo tioa. Individual demoarMa, it naa <said, vonld be left to foUov thUr own Judgment In voting oa ratlflca- -— uon. . —, Tbe democrats vere aald to be "vldely divided," vlth a larger number fam rbg than oppoatng . utlflcatloa. I Tho eonferoneo did not conclude its sessions today and o(^cod to meet ^ again Thurs^y, when'tho question of reservntioni probably will bc consid- , rrod. IT - -Leaden for Bttlfleatloa 1- Senator Underwood of Abb&ma, al- e nority Iead,er, and Senator .lUtcheoek of Nebraska, rankbg democrat on tho .. foroign relations eommittee, were .rcr I- ported to bate l«d the dlasuuloa today is In favor of mtiflcatloQ, with Senator 0 Olau of 'Virginia, and Har^n of ;t Uhsiuippl tbo loaders of tho oppon- ents. ^ 0 diaeussion, senators aald, did nol S bvolve the probable attitude oa rati- fication of formor President Wilson, y' Senator Hitcheoek, .referring to, reporti d * In circulation tbnt Ur. Wilson had ex* r- pressed'himself to one or .two'other .. denoemtio'senators as against ratifi- cation, sold.ho knew nothing about It. I- Borah.-Oalla::fof' Infonnatlon . Cobeidont tij^'th tbo demwratb'coB- feroneo, Scnatot Borah,-otldabo, a ro- ° publican opponont-nif ratification, In- troduced a nrsoluUon roquoslbg tho state department toladvlio the tonntq whether tbo United States bas uy "represontativo or agonl" serving in 1 any capacity with alllod mombon of tho reparations commission. FOUR PERSONS INJURED IN CAR STRIKE RIOTING Etrlkers and'Sympathiseni at St. Joh:^ Kev Bmnnrlck, Attack Tranu as. -on Demoastratloa naale - lecn I ■■ ited ST. JOIIK, N. B., petson.*t four Tvcro injured in a riot last' night, when con- strike »ympathizerr attooked streot 1 of rtirsXi'-td with passengor* at tho close the flf A sireet parade of siiikln;; anion call street ta t workera. ' day /The stiikera have boon out for so»t '' time following a redaction in wager. f FALLS COVNTr' V i m ia Southard ' | one brotbsr-^*lav li nov on tzlal la 4q [ht'degree^urdtt Of ber fourth husband, {„ hen t«s»due«& v u takm ia Saa Pnb- urived there’^'^'& stody front Honoluia,oa q, the.muri^ chjusy. __ — y.»«. ol ' Imkiy^ * . gives the Impreuion of belng'aW i^ ^ talk just as freely vhen she has noth- P- Ing to say as when she has. ■— ' le As a womu ibe Is of a putzling -d though common type. Sbo Is so. ex; -jj it tremely ordbarr in mennft and ap* . )r pearanee that t^ero is -aothing upon ^ s. ’ whielt to boso an opinion as to tho . ly /'womnn hossolf. Sho may be utterly a- »liollow‘-and wholly superficial, an ro '' inuocent, iraoran^'victim of a lerlu j, is-*' of'flx(r<ivrdlaaiy;roiaeidOteos. or she Bt may bo ono of tho dooposi, cleverest ' a. and mnsl viciously cold-blooded worn* is- i-ii aiaea tho days of Borgia. ^ I Southard Counsel ■ ; Objects to Hints jJ of Other Charges; , W. I'. Qutbrio, chief counsel for tho {l defense in tbo caso of Urs. Lyda t> ^ Soulharil, on trial hero for first degree o'' murder nf her ^urtb husband, £dwa^l ^ F. Meyer, today offer«il_t^ie fo'Upwl/iip "] i. Islatcmeiit: , , ji r Our nttentiiia .has boon oollcd to -a ti j-ublljhcd statement purporting it J quote Mr. Collins, who claims to be tho . county attorney ot Bllhogi, Uont., * rhrrrin he states that if Mrs. Southard ' Is acqOltted of tho eharge b this fm n she woirldr bo arrested and taken to si UoQtana for trial upon thc, cborgo of ti havlag lioUoUQd Uarlan Lewis. e * la tba first ptaco wo question wheth' fi ® ' er, at an officer, ho hod a legal right to n ' 'ilivulgo sueh information, oven if tme; [ and in tbo second place, coming at this v lime, Wl' bcllovo it to bo nn offort to T ,, furtiier j.oison publie tentlmcnf, pro n judifo Ibo further selection of tho fury t nnd ri flngrant nttcmpt to Intlmidato t • tho defendant. T This stnlement, tnken in conncetlop I with olliiT efforls to influence tho pub- 1 thn mind, does not in tbe least causo *1 Mrs. Pdutliard any anxiety, and if sho t should br'tnod'in Montnna after her ' .igj aeqdttol here, ahe believos ihs will bj > «f rompVlcly exonorated. aiio wlll ba < laldod In such defense by Ker many } friendi »nd her counsel (ho same as in r the prcseat coao. Wo oxccodingly regrol a public offi cial should-eo far forget tbe dignity gjlj- and function of his offiee. ex- ===== I Grand Army Vi - “Last WUl am Jn- ' ----------------- tho mtq. ' INIHANAPOLIK. Ind., m — Mom- ] My b'e'rs, of Ihc Grand Army of the IlYpub* * I *u li,., realizing that tho organltatlon'is , ' ° growing old, oro planning, thnt durbg the flfiy fiftb annual oncompment aow being hrld hero, (irrnngemeati shal) ,b> - made ffli- finnl disposition of tbo pVop- NG crty of the order. •• Frank M. Storrott of Troy. O.. Isl»i-l Oh:^ to have ready for prosonlAtlon, fit onc- M. of ’the businesf sessions probably to- day, a resolution which would provide for w^iat ho torms tho "last will and loas tcitom^nt of the Q. A. R ." 'hen Provision would bo mndo for dispo- reot sition iit thu property of the .Grand lose Army whrn tbo lnsl members are gone lion" ■ Although tbo encflmpment started b : formallv; {Sunday, tbo !li))t basinets lei; o a t sloa was.not held until loday. - Com- T. ' mandf^in■CbIef William A. Eetcbni of ......--------- . . • .-bi E W 'S PBIOB p p H 'o r a l * iim ffii FIBST r a IF i i m Majority of Men Summoned in ' Trial of Mrs. Southard Have Never Before Been Jurymen In Criminal Case STATE USEs I ts FIRST PEIIEMPTORY CHALLENGE Tilt Between Ooansel;(hrer tbe ^ Prosecntbg Attorneys Hb- . lished Statement E nliv^^' Tedious Piooeedings . T MBN NOw'w'jirBT BOX m m Jinla, Twin Palta. ao9rge‘KcPh«ion,.Edhl W. & Parker, BuhL H. a atoekton, Bnhl. . 0. D. McBaley, PUer. Oeorge & Txaableod, Haimn. . Azthar B. Sholtoa, nisr. . James PlUftrald, Twla AUa. L. B. Brovn, PUsr. ^ . Oeorge Plsher, Unrtaoglt. ' . ^ A. 0. '7enabl^ Hansi. P. H. Deckff, Slabs4r. An unusual feature of the case of the state of Idaho ‘Ogaiasl. Ura. L y ^ Meyor'Southord for the murder of her fotmer buabaad, Edward P. Meyer, now b ita second day, developed'tUi aon* Ing wben it become apparantthat« Bk* jorlty'-ot all tbe taleimeft so far exaa-' incd fjr jury servlee had never .before sat as .'urymon In a crtm bal ease, here: or elsewhere. 'While. the penoanel of the IS men nov b the box auy dif*. fer.naLertaily fr6m that of the Jury aa' -rnally’ selcetod, tbe sane is true with... X J ^ e t to tbe entire doaen, now eeen- ; pybg seats. ‘ ' Pesemptoir ObaUeBfi.' ' ' Tlto (tale thla m om b^ exerelMd the first of its peremptory ehailenges, ^ - i qualifying J. B. Stono of Kimberly who wns yesterday passed for cause b r th<r proseeutloB. From this poiat en it'.'b * expected ibat tbo aeteeUon vUl pm eed moro raiudly altbough tt will,probablrr,r lie 'i|omo yet.W bi^ tbe Jory i i '. complcvtel V v>,' & R. Collins, eooiily preeeeutor of Yellon-florio eounty, Uontsaa, tbe heme of Iho defendant and ber h u ib iu d j. Horion 0. Irfwis, nt tbe time of the latter's death has a seat ot the. attor* ley's table bnt.has not beea eater^. ' ns of •counsel by th'o slate. ''Discarm.'Plztd Oplalea A. A. Davis of Hler, passed for eauie by tho proseeution yesterday^ thb morning roso b hli leat in the b iy box ' end-ngoln askod that be. he diimlHHd' from rcrvice. Ho itated that be had ;^fr 100 [oeres of land'b.-bttrv«H.with '>a':-'.' threshing ercw oa the ground and ao dne to look'after ii. QueaUoned by Attorney Gutbrlo ho odded that he did not sleep well lait algbt tod that tbbkW -tho matter oyer be foand.that . Uc U ad-niU i^*«n4 definite opinion ., ' to which he had given cxpressida -wub iespcet to'Vlio f^'ilt or Innoeenee of the . defendant. H o . w a i, exeused. DravB Defenss Flie. n . fl. Stockton, who resides 8 miles ; northwest of B'nbI, (tune in for a good^ f share of attention at tho bands of At-' j tornoy Outhrlo after being paued for cnuse by Prosecutor Stephan. Ur. Stockto.i ndmltted that ho had formed ,. , nnd stiu held eertab deflnlte.oplnl?as In tho case but Insisted that these : Wonld not interfero with a &ur and !m-l . I partial trial. Ro bad Mver served M' a juror beforo but would be guided-by . > the'testimony nnd the-iostmetlons of , the court. Attorney Outhrie, hovBrer.' was not satisfied with tho oniwers:?*: ' t lurned bv lho tnlesmna. " II Ton vere , . bebg tried b (i caso like this,” " he, ; J asked, "would yon wtut » juryman to • 3 sit in tho box and pasi upon a eSM- , P wlirmr n-md wns In the same cendUlea "• J as vouri now isf" . The taIoeman,.lu>w- . , ever stnrk to it that his,state of o b d would, not affect bia service ar jory- ; , man. He. wai net challenged. , Attenuys in Pint tu t The fint tilt betveen attomeya c*n,e ? _ ... ----------- (Ooatbned on Pag« PI t*). , Veterans Praft fid Testament” ladlfentpoUi^ KM to deliver -his’ ad f „ dresfc Beglmontol and brlffade reualo^ v' * wili occupy mneh of tbo tine todv*'- - J ..Wliit^{Uja;;vaUriih>- are 'aoetbti'a---'-'' r numb^'%f.-a]^ild-organlsa|i«»;vilUii»'<^' , l;f;ji*-^'*«sioB.- ..Thtf .|8o»,^-V diw »M ' •• ^ wlll-opon ticfr^’ortiettf Mtiiial e n ^ f r - ment. Tho Wcman'i-Bfijjofjcorpi vrt)l, hold ciU.rflrst basInw .iV ^B ... 1 Union j.rhoocra. ofl c- will meet ond the-' Soai df Vetarfuu'. I- ouxlIiarA’ will be;'ln leaiion.'. e . The rcteratts m n t mtfh tlmo tqdiiy 3 getting In trim for the anaual puvde which Is lo be hold tomoitov. , )- Little groupi held tmpronptu por»d«i d todiy and one of the proudest posts.: i i was that of Pasadena, l^ '!t» 'a sm * i-'’ I: bera stopping inappUy' heblad' I: tbelr mutioiaai vho.ljang'oat.^'j^'* ' »• bW ” n» Iuatily as if they'ifw yW^.V.v if dfomm*ir boyi at|iln.

^Mfeinca's^ Would Kli ftainpfflPWlI wmm 10,306 Miles Long ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_TF24/PDF/1921_09_27.pdf|r, Uir* Provost added,Utid others

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•7 0 L . < r N O .J46 .

1 1 ® ^ w m m .


. A r t u o k l e a n d S h e r m a n in P a j a - S

m a s , . B a t h r o b e s a n d S l i p p e r s , J

- R e c e iv e Q i i e ^ s a t L a h o r D a y <

P a i ^ l i i S L f w l s _ [

M I S S P P P E ^ A K E S S E A T ■ ;

. O N S E H E E W IT H h o s t ;

---------- ■ . <1J D ec l^ < eB t h a t t h e > n o t im W a s

P d t to d D r o s s e d b a t i

w i t h - & I r z i e r a o g e d a n d

]C o a u iD e :'iz i A ^ o o y ' j

8A.V PRANCISCO, c » l , '( f f ) — M im I Zeh 'P rcroat, one of tbo show ^ r l« pa r ticJpatliig i l l Bo#eOfl f t (F a tty ) A rtnc-

'' -k le ’s fa^tel ^ a u d i n r t y irh le li Ici] in the death o f U iss .Vir<tni& B»pP(, WM tho f i r r t tr itncM -tod iy i a tho Ar- bneU e a u d ff ie h i irg e he trln g in police eourt. ’ . .

, _ ■ l a P » J i o « « n d B » t l i n b « .

\^ b o -J d e , U i u ^ p p d , &friL Bamblna i t . D olaont, U ub Auee BLake, A lfred a6 m i« li« t ' ftttd LoweU Sherm aa 'ff«io

- in A rbueklfl's suite when «ho jo b e dI- the |>arty, she te itlf icd . Arbuelcfo and c

flhrnnan w ere drcjsed In p o ja m u , y■ ba lhrobem iiid iHpper*, ahe sftla. J

< . l£ Ju ^ p p o was loated on a settee t 4 lAt A rlm riilo’s side, neeordlttfc' to tho i V w itB M ^.w ho said ahe saw “ a JitUo t

b i t " tif driBUng. ilProd Pisehbach la tr r Joined tho par-

■|r, Uir* P rovost added,Utid others -wero I ' in .md oat o f the roon. v

' “ D id yoB BOO U iu Bappo leaTO tho J I room n t a n y t t a e f " a s m A ssU tant C

Diiitriet A tto rsey UUton IT'Ben.

H IM Bappo LM ds W i^ . • I

"A b o a t an boor la te r ," ihb replied, i Art)uckli] followed U tw Itappo into the t room prtJelRlng th e o m w h n e tho p a rty {

' ' ' W u Rathetfld, cloils); the door. M ist t , .. ? n r p t i eoaUnnod.

• ( A boat th ree quarters o f.an hour lo te r , [ « ic u ) r d iu g to the T ritne^V iibe^aad 'U rs. -

•, * Delmonr tapped oa Um door aiid tbo ' M rtt< rr«ekod-it,"*ay lng .toudljr^D plea .

’ . t i6 4 M n I ; i r u i t . to ip f |U p toArbiieidb opened u e door, w n .P r f i - .

voat U glified, and stepped Into room *■ 1120, tbe leeoe of tbe feitlv ltios wbero-

upon she and Mrs. Delmont w ent in to , room 1210 and found T lrg in ia Rappo j In le d . ;

" S b e v u to lly dressM , b e r tho ir v a s banging down, d u v u (m oanliig ," tbo vitneaa a d d ed <

' " U n . .Delmont and l . v t a t o m tand asked h e r v h a t v a s ^ zu«t-. « tor.*’ , M M f t e r o s t Mid. “ Bbe

. l a i d ' l aiQ dying, t am dying. I i’ know l a m going to die.* - i

- " ‘ O j no, y o u 'w no t g o l n g ; t o ^ , ' . ' T te p \W . " f tn d tbTO-aTfirjiftt^^Tia-bei , snd a tarted to tear o ff her w atrt and ,

|i itocklnffi. M r. Arbucklo. t*on-eam o ‘ / In and s iartod to he)ip p o l l ' a t ' ber

•a ls t,'* .-lO ss Bappe’a elothe* then w ere to k ­

en off, according to tbo witpesr, and i ; .n»in was p n t on a bed. 1

''T l ie ’i sbe s ta rted to cry Incain- ‘ I ' sm dying. H o h u r t m e.' " .R aid Mt*»- t P re ro d . " *

EeitoratiTe; Canses n in e » ‘ ; t . . A rc>!torativo Riven tho jrir'l cnused

* ber to Iretomo sick a t hor stomach, tbo wiinctw continued.

Thon F licbbaeh entered tho room and M l« rap p o ,,w as dipped in n tub of cold w ater, Aceordltfjr to the testimony. .

. , / ^ ^ C o n t i n n e d on Page PiTo)

■ A”i|— — ~ ' ■' . - — --------------

j: Today’s GamesN ational le ag u e

' j {F lrit O aoe)- W m : a . H . B.

V Bw oU ya ' — L:_____________6 (J- 1. . . .Z Boston " ____________8 0 0

■ (Seeoad Oame)Score end 7 lh t a S . E.

Breoklya ___ , ■ 0 • •■ B o i t o a ------- • •_____________ 0 • •

B. H . .E.C ln q lim tl ' - ....... 8 11 0

Score end <lb: B . H . aI’hliadelphla i________ ______i • . •P itta W irb ------------ ---------- 8 • •

B a trn le i ; W inters and H esline:' O lanier nnd Oooeb.

' ' Ameilcan Leagne.' P in t gamo: It. H. £ .B o s to n ____ ________ ;_______ C 0 JP h ila d e lp h ia ________________ 0 10 a

B atteries: K arr and W nltcrs; Jtomme: aiid 'P erkins,

Soeond { ^ e : B. H . E.iloiton ___L',;_______ 8 15 0I’hiladalpbla __ — 1 4 4

\ . n a tlo ries: Bosh and W nlters; SiilH- O van and U y a tt.

/ B nd& lh: B. ET. E.8 t. W u i» ------------------------------ 2 • •Now Y crk __________________ 0 ♦ *

Battorie i: Tboeker and Collins; Hnr- . per nnd 8cbang.

~ I D ^ O ’W H A JH Ea... Toni ght and W edneiday f l l r '

N F A^M feinca's^

Would Kli ftain 10,306 Miles Long

. . Eallway Staiiflticians Give a • y Striking IlinBtration ol, In.11 creasiDg Foreign Trado .

L O (J18V IL L E ,,K y.,.(;^7-A m orlea 'a ' . e x p o r ts ‘for •, Ujo l i m six-m onths, o f , l]a* 1D2I iM ondlo 'd by ono tra in woiiid ro'. f

quir6 l,2>GO,4jO fre igh t cars and mako a trn in ,10,303-miles longj nearly -half

l a v tbe circumfercneo o f tho e arth ; tho .• Soutbcm r ^ lw a y foreljjn freight de­

partm ent annoanced; today.— . Tho aunouneemont asserted that-dur-

in g Uio present period of depression w hen Uio U nited S tates export-busines<i [

Q T w as reputed to bo stagnant,..tbo prinei^ .- pa l'expo rts of tlio .country exceeded in quantity lim iiar shipments in tho f irs t

ras 45S0 eariiiads.' The In- «ctcaac, i t w at stated,, w as' yrlncipoUy

b a t in wboat, corn, Iron pipe, eotionseed ^ oii, Bieol, apples, mnlt bontoi nad l a r i

a i i i B i iI m m mlice ____ ■ j;

Increasing Flow o f ' American n , ' -PrcduotB Moves AorosB,the- "

Atlantic ptiring Jnly , t

S d WASn'lNQTON, D. C., (^> -A m eri- and cais tro d o 'w ith Europe revived some " las, w liat during August as comparod w ith "

Ju ly b 'U 'com m crco between the. U n ii.''' tteo te d B t'ites and South A frica as Uken tbo ia tbe nggrcKate remained almost rta- tUo tionary , according to figures iuued to

day by tho departm ent o f eommcrce. S » r - Expflit(( to Europe ia st month totalled ^ rero I203,£)0ft00a-as. compared w ith a val-. t

uiUloA of >180,000,000 in' Ju ly while u tho im w rta wero ICO,000,000 against $S7,- « a n t 000,000 in Ju lj’. ti

&[>(<rti to Soulh America (unounteJ P to 114,000,000 in August ns compared t

• to 110,000,000 In Ju iy bu! comparison » ied, w ith Aufpist 1020 rhows n decline-of <• tbo moro' tl.an two third. Imports from 1' i r t f Soath A tnotlra were ♦2S,C(W,000 laat n ilist montli nRninit <50,000,000 in July.

Government Bonds,in ^ Demand ori ExchangeS ’’ . NEW T O Iii(, S ^ ^ H h e ? i m « r m o » . |

purfliO^c* of L lborty bonds ond Vletorv notes ovcraliadowcd oU olliot dcalluKB

, , on tho stock oxchango this morning.Tho f ire t hfiur's » lc s o f bonds npprox-

PP® iinated. <0,000,000 an.l fully 75 per ccnt of this was roprcscDted by United

a S tate* Kovtmmcnt irsucs. Almost nil 1 u domestle w ar flotations roso to bigh- i L c st quutatioiis o f the yenr, bu t tho fea- i JT turo wus tho Vletory 4 .Ws, which ad- (: t- . vanced f^DO 1-2. ^le .T h is l^ u o wOji taken In blocks run- \ I n ing from 'sm n ll Amounlr to 1250,000 i

• aiid i<00,000, Ono lot o f il,000,00u r ■^y,' changoil hands. • t lA i • *■ S

••a Two Men Wounded in ' ” ! . Fighting at Belf(utInk- B E tirA B T , mrn m ™ Jand wounded during ncnttered shooting af- i

frays here last night, but in (lie eaatorn <, ‘ I scetlon of Ilm r lty where serious rot* jittsK- o«urr<’d yesterday, tho ‘ night .passed ,

quietly . Crown troops todny occupied stra teg ic points in the disturbed aro:^

ised ' '■ — -■■■" ■-tbo ~

r, riASHES FRO}ny. —

m T B B U E Q H , ( f fy -A nJgbt shoot vU I bo staged by tiap sboo ten o f v e i l

' - d a b s a x t Tbniflday n lg b t

Q A IX SB tm O , HL, ( /fV -B ere rly ; S n o x college s ta r pole Taalter, had h U :

— e p b o sfrp e le o o v b U b h e v a iv o fk ln g & i todcjr, b o t v a a nsconidoaa.

S BAVAKA, (A>)-Tvo notailQ U b l j - i n lfe s , captored I«at<rai^ o f Oelba0 0 h o s e S tuday , b n t releaaed him a f te r n

advices f to a M a ta n u a . B i a f ig b t bel E , N n t to captore' tbein, Sergeast P rasdac

• ■ IKD IA K A PO IIB , I n l ,iroz- " b a b y p o i t " o f tbc^.Orand A n ^ - l t cb

o f ttie E . 0 . Boome ^ Vo. 42, o f H< .E . tw o y e a n ago, U r. ^ l e aaya- O fr«dii

1 0 A n d tb « O ra y a a n e rg » n l^ tlo n o r -T a t« r2 0 < te azmiea v b o now m eet togetber ' l a 1

CBDAB BAPIDS, lo v a ,B. ' aottla g rand lodge baa in o e d a proclac

• . • vW cb, a f te r lU U ng tb a t i t bad beoa li• • l a e ffec t an adjunct to F ree U aeoozr, line: onranliAUon like tbe E a E lo x E la n I t t

la la d irec t violation of tb s teaeh ing i i

E . C O N S T A B U L A R Y B A T T L E S •


Claab o a la land o f J o b Besults In tbe [. E . , D eath o f n i lp i s o U ea te n aa t, and i 0 Several BnlUted U en

11,111. M ANILA, P. I., ( / p ) _ \ righ t be tw een n detachm ent of i’hilippine con-

I. E . sU b u la ty and a bnnd of U oros a t Par­ang , iflaod of Jolo, resulted in.tho death

• * o f a F iliploo lieutenant of the consl/ib- Jlor- ijlftry forces fond two members o f the

, >foro Im ru, aceording to advices receir- cd bera. One Filipino’ lieutenant of constabulary, soveral onlisted )aen aud one U oro were wounded, snid thc dis- p-atcb. . ■

' '''



p f f lP W lI' j y s E ir f f l

I L O i« E.'a ' _____ _

M assachusetts L abor -Depart- S m ent Official TO Is th e Con- f ; • fe re e s ' M any h e n Will Not

W ork fo r Reduced Stipendir- . •


S p o k e s m a n f o r O ItU S e r r l o e

E m p lo y e a S a y s N a t io n H a s

B e e s O o Q t r i b c t i n g C a u s e to

P r e s e n t iB t ta a t l o n

W A SniN Q TpN , D. C.. W V A v e r:

S sion of iabor to -nccepling work a t re duced wages w as assigned as a cause of soi'ie uncmploypient by Borweli F. Phelpi, d irector o f labor. statisUcs of tho K^iuuiaehusctte labor deporCnont; tho firs t w itneu beard today by tbe

kn national employment confcrenro 's com- m itteo on unemployment sta tirties, which r j r to w ork to determine tho ex*

. tynt^and volumo o f tho n a tio n 's InvoI- untaVy idle.

ri. I "U nem ploym ent'is dne .n some mens- IP lire ," U r. I^ e lp s to ld thc committee, th " to thrt fnct th a t labor will n o t accept , 1 reduced w ages."

V w atlonal T iiiA lng Belpa.

0 H arry D . Ja eo b ^ prM ldent o f th e Ee> SerTlee U e n 's E m ploym ent.bureau of

,d Kew York) tb » next; w itnetf, u t im a te i il. tb a t there v e re 76,000 unemployed for* lc Wer Roldlo9 In New T ork City, and J,. said the establishm ent o f Toeatlona'

t r a b in z Bchooli In arm y camps OS pro- ; j posed Ly tho (^vernm ent would solvu od the unemployment problem f i t fa r ar 3n the unskilled world w iu veteran was of rDncorned. Thoro will no tronblo fmd- ,ni Ing work for skilted . form or service i t men, Ua sold.

K i . PHelpQ declared - thA t tbe troable la H asiachn ie tta a t present waa t ^ t tb a t there v a i a c t eaploy- meiit b n i th a t people eoald n e t f b d

W the jlclis a t th e v agea th e y v a a te d . 'be aald. H e added th a t aome im-

uJ p toT eS en fltaa bean n o te d to -M au - ' i y a chsio tta, V here n o v th e figures u , ahov b u t 13 applicants fo r each po*

il t b i i o ffered as compared v l th SO ,±. appUcaats f o r e a c h ’ po iltldn b n t -M ay.ed Ltitlier CV 8teTTaxd,.pre*iderif o f the all N ntionnl PedctalioTi of red e ra l TEin- ;h- ployes, presented a prepared statemenl •a- ill whitih lio declared th n t " th o federnl .d- Kavorninont In its capacity ns employer

hns beiM a contribu ting eauso to the in- present uDemployment situation, where00 it shonld'~havo beon nn dlloviatinf Ou ngcney.’.' lU f sta tem ent was rcferrec

to tho sub-fommittoe on emergency stnte nnd municipal measures nnd pub* lir works. 1

, Qlveti Bnildlng Trado Plgnres.

^ it. R. L u tz o f Ihe national industrial cimfercaeo board presen ted a report mndo,-by th e board o f a survey of tho 14,000,000 m anufne ttirbg nnd buildint trodo w orkers in .th e countrj'. 'O n Juno I, bo said, one qnarter o f theso wngo cflTnet# n tlro n te d a t 3,500,000

(Continued oa Page Four)

IOM THE WIRE.iboot, under tH* g b re of pow erful U ^ ti^ v e s te m Penasy lvan la a t th e P ltca lm Qua

rly E lggasos, o f SaoxT llle, B l . fonner .hlB aeek b n k e a iriien h e i e l l t t m • tel- ig ber* U t» yeaterday. H e v a a tU ll alive

X band it i , B a n o a A rtoyo a a d JuUd 'Sa^ ;elba Uocho) M a ta n w p ibv laee , b m c hU e r Tvcelvlng 110,000 ransom , accotdlsg to t b e tv ee n th e bandlta a ad » detachment


honor e f be lag o osm aader o'f the, t t claim ed by 0 . J . Boao. E a l a th e h e a d f PloddA. T his post « a a orgaaJxed only ' « xU tao t v l tb I t l l th e p c f t o f th e Blues ret«raas o f ]>oth th e U U oa a ad Ooafeder- ' ' l a ^eace,

Q ittid U as te r A lb e iC a , o f th a le v a U a- KlactfAliRi.ta t&e U a s m s o f th e sU te la en to tlroa ted th a t th e E o S l a x w » n v u lazy, h e declares th a t a ff lU a ^ e a v l tb an1 la o a p a td o tla H e to ld U asona th a t " I t Igs a ad trad itions o f masooxy*’ '

• MINERS HALT DEBATE O lT 3S KANSAS STRIKE CASESthe Snpportera o f H o v t t W in BoU- Otl I V ote f h a t W ill O ccupy Oonventlon'i

A tten tlaa ' B oeing Day

be IND IA NA POLIS, Ind., ( /p )-B y aion- overwhelming vote furtho* debate-oinr- the Ko!i(aa str ik e cases thn t'h ave beciith beforo tho .-convention of- tha Unitcvfib- M ine 'W orko rf. o f A merica for fouthe day*) was sh u t o ff soon a fte r tbo conir- vention opened today. Supporters o.0? Alexander H ow at, president o f thi

« d K aasaa d ia lr ic t, tb ta - w e n a roll, t i llis- \-ote. I : w a i expected m osl o f the daj

woutd be neees«iry fo r the roll call. '



lUrs. Lyda


ise •

oh '


^ A lleged 'ilayer o f four h a ib a a d i and ont”1 d l i tn c t court he re o a a charge o f f l r r t^ B f tm sd P . U e j t r . Tbe p h o to g n p t h a

.* Cisco la s t Ju n e v h e n U ra. S en thaid a n ij^i h e r v a y fo T w la PaU i lo 'a a 5 v e r’lo ''fhe.

^ bavo ^ -L / dear husband to s tick by me

ras liko tb is !" . W ilh a g lin t of •id* fun In her oyo U rs . Southord asked

tho question o f a reporter a t the eonrt bonse y ^ o r k y . Southard

I s its o t her sldo b court hour a fte r ( hour, only oecailonaliy leaving for

a fow minutes duriog iotermlsilons.I , Mrs. Southard doea no t in any /

m anner resemble (be ^ rim lnol'o f tra* dition. Bhe dow not appear to havo '"

• " ah y th in? to -b ide .''" H e r ‘m anner Is-* i ne ither bold nor reserved. She is co t

obviously nervous o t no tlw ab ly eaUn.9 She h a l nu predominant chonuteris-

5 ilili"i H i iKy Jab* Democratic Senators are Left

Prea to Act on Treaties as * Eaoh Sees P it V ^

rial . ---------o r t W A SE IK aTO N , m — O eao- tho cratlo senators l a conference today ini; deoidetl th a t th e peatoe tieatleg.On v l th Gemuuiy, A u t r la a ad H sa - ' eso ga ry v e rb n o t matterB fo r p a r ty ac- x o tio a . Ind iv idua l demoarMa, i t n a a

< said, von ld b e le f t to foU ov thU r own Judgm ent In voting o a ra tlflca-

-— uon . .—, Tbe democrats v e re aald to be

" v ld e ly d iv id ed ," v l t h a la rger num ber f a m r b g than oppoatng . u tlf lc a t lo a .

I Tho eonferoneo did no t conclude its sessions today and o(^cod to meet

^ again T h u rs^ y , w hen 'tho question of reservntioni probably will bc consid-

, rrod.

IT - -L ead en fo r B ttlf lea tlo a 1- Senator Underwood of Abb&ma, a l - e nority Iead,er, and Senator .lUtcheoek

of N ebraska, ra n k b g dem ocrat on tho .. foroign relations eommittee, were .rcr I- ported to b a te l«d th e d la su u lo a today is In favo r o f m tiflcatloQ , w ith Senator0 O lau o f 'Virginia, and H a r ^ n of ;t U h s iu ip p l tbo loaders o f tho oppon­

ents.^ 0 diaeussion, senators aald, did nol

S bv o lv e the probable a ttitu d e o a ra ti­fica tion of form or P residen t Wilson, y ' Senator H itcheoek, .referring to, reporti

d * In circulation tb n t U r. W ilson had ex* r- p ressed 'h im self to one or .tw o 'o th er .. d e n o em tio 'se n a to rs as again st ra ti f i­

cation, so ld .ho knew noth ing about It. I- Borah.-Oalla::fof' In fonna tlon .“ C obe idon t tij 'th tbo dem w ra tb 'coB -

feroneo, S c n a to t B o ra h ,-o tld ab o , a ro- ° publican opponont-nif ratification , In-

troduced a nrsoluUon ro quoslbg tho sta te departm en t to la d v lio the tonntq

— w hether tbo U nited S ta te s bas u y "rep reson ta tivo or a g o n l" serving in

1 any capacity w ith alllod mombon of th o repara tions commission.


Etrlkers and 'Sym path isen i a t S t. Joh:^ K e v B m nnrlck , A tta ck T ran u as.

-on D em oastratloa n a a l e -lecn “ I ■■ited ST. JO IIK , N . B., petson.*tfour Tvcro injured in a rio t last' n igh t, whencon- strike »ympathizerr a ttooked streot1 of r tirsX i'- td w ith passengor* a t tho closethe flf A siree t parade of siiik ln ;; anioncall s tre e t t a t workera. ' day /The stiikera have boon out fo r so » t

'' tim e following a redaction in wager.


V i m

ia Southard ' |

one b ro tb sr-^ * lav l i n o v on tz la l la 4q [h t 'd e g r e e ^ u r d t t Of ber fourth husband, {„ h e n t«s»due«& v u ta k m ia S a a P n b -

u r iv e d there’ '^ '& s to d y front H onoluia,oa q, th e .m u r i^ chjusy. __ — y.»«. ol

' Im k iy ^ *. gives the Im preuion of b e l n g 'a W i ^ ^

ta lk ju s t a s free ly vh en she has noth- P- Ing to say as when she has. ■— '

le As a w o m u ibe Is of a putzling -d though common type. Sbo Is so. ex; -jj i t trem ely o r d b a r r in m ennft and ap* . )r pearanee th a t t^ero is -aothing upon ^ s. ’ whielt to boso an opinion as to tho . ly /'w om nn hossolf. Sho m ay be utterly a- »liollow‘-and wholly superficial, an ro ' ' inuocent, irao ran ^ 'v ic tim of a l e r l u j, is-* ' of'flx(r<ivrdlaaiy;roiaeidOteos. o r she Bt may bo ono of tho dooposi, cleverest ' a . and mnsl viciously cold-blooded worn* is- i-ii aiaea tho days o f Borgia. ^


Southard Counsel ■; Objects to Hints

jJ of Other Charges;, W. I'. Q utbrio, chief counsel fo r tho {l

defense in tbo caso of U rs. Lyda t> Soulharil, on tr ia l hero fo r f irs t degree o''

murder n f h e r ^ u r tb husband, £dw a^ l ^ F. Meyer, today offer«il_t^ie fo'Upwl/iip "]

i. I s la tc m e iit : , , jir Our n tten tiiia .has boon oollcd t o - a ti ■ j-ublljhcd sta tem ent purporting i t J

quote Mr. Collins, who claims to be tho . county a tto rney o t B llhogi, Uont.,* rh r r r in he s ta te s th a t i f Mrs. Southard' Is acqOltted o f tho eharge b th is f m n

she woirldr bo arrested and taken to siUoQtana fo r tr ia l upon thc , cborgo of tihavlag lioUoUQd U arlan Lewis. e

* l a tba f i r s t ptaco wo question wheth' fi ® ' er, a t an officer, ho hod a legal right to n

' 'ilivulgo sueh information, oven if tm e ; [ and in tbo second place, coming a t this v lim e, Wl' bcllovo i t to bo nn offort to T

, , furtiier j.oison publie tentlmcnf, pro n judifo Ibo fu rth e r selection of tho fury t nnd ri f ln g ran t n ttcm pt to Intlmidato t

• tho defendant. TThis stnlem ent, tnken in conncetlop I

w ith olliiT e ffo rls to influence tho pub- 1 thn mind, does no t in tbe least causo *1

Mrs. Pdutliard any anxiety, and if sho t should b r 't n o d ' i n Montnna a fte r her '

. ig j a eq d tto l here , ahe believos ihs will b j > «f rompVlcly exonorated. aiio wlll ba <

laldod In such defense by Ker many } friendi »nd h e r counsel (ho same as in r th e p rcseat coao.

Wo oxccodingly regrol a public offi cial should-eo f a r fo rget tbe dignity

gjlj- and function o f his offiee.

ex- = = = = =

I Grand Army Vi- “Last WUl am

Jn- • ' -----------------tho

mtq. ' INIHANAPOLIK. Ind., m — Mom- ] M y b'e'rs, of Ihc G rand Arm y of the IlYpub* * I *u li,., realizing th a t tho o rg an lta tlo n 'is , ' ° growing old, o ro planning, thnt d u rb g

the flf iy f if tb annual oncompment aow being hrld hero, (irrnngemeati shal) ,b>

- made ffli- finnl disposition of tbo pVop- NG c rty of the order. •• •

F rank M. S to rro tt o f Troy. O.. Isl» i-l Oh:^ to have ready fo r prosonlAtlon, fit onc- M. of ’the businesf sessions probably to ­

day, a resolution which would provide for w^iat ho torms tho " la s t will and

loas tcitom ^nt of th e Q. A. R ."'hen Provision would bo mndo for dispo- reot sition iit thu property of the .Grand lose Army w hrn tbo lnsl members are gone lion" ■ Although tbo encflmpment started b :

formallv; {Sunday, tbo !li))t basinets le i; o a t sloa w as.no t held until loday. - Com- T. ' mandf^in■CbIef W illiam A. E e tcb n i of

— ......---------

■ . . • .-bi

E W ' SPBIOB p p H 'o r a l *

i i m f f i iFIBST r a IFi i m

M ajority o f Men Summoned i n ' T ria l of Mrs. Southard Have N ever Before Been Jurym en In Criminal Case


T i l t B e t w e e n O o a n s e l ; ( h r e r t b e

P r o s e c n t b g A t t o r n e y s H b - .

l i s h e d S t a t e m e n t E n l i v ^ ^ '

T e d i o u s P i o o e e d i n g s . T

■ MBN NOw'w'jirBT BOX m m J in la , T w in Palta. a o 9 rg e ‘K c P h « io n ,.E d h l W . & P arker, BuhL H . a atoek ton , Bnhl. .0 . D. M c B a ley , PUer.Oeorge & Txaableod, H aim n .

. A zthar B. Sholtoa, n i s r . .Jam es P lU f tra ld , T w la A U a.L . B . B rovn , PU sr. ^ .Oeorge Plsher, U nrtaoglt. ' . ^ A . 0 . '7 en ab l^ H a n s i .P . H . D eckff, S l a b s 4 r .A n unusual fea ture o f th e case of ■

the s ta te of Idaho ‘Ogaiasl. U ra. L y ^ M eyor'Southord fo r th e murder o f her fo tm er buabaad, E dw ard P . M eyer, now b ita second day, developed 'tU i a o n *Ing wben i t become a p p a r a n tth a t« Bk* jo rlty '-o t a ll tbe taleim eft so f a r e x a a - ' incd f j r ju ry servlee had never .before sa t as .'urymon In a c rtm b a l ease, here: or elsewhere. 'W h ile . th e pen oane l o f th e IS men n o v b the box a u y d if* . fer .naL ertaily fr6m th a t of the Jury a a ' -rna lly ’ selcetod, tb e s a n e is tru e w ith ... X J ^ e t to tb e en tire doaen, now eeen- ; p y b g seats. ‘

' Pesem p to ir ObaU eBfi.' ' '

Tlto ( ta le th la m o m b ^ exerelM d the f ir s t o f i t s perem ptory ehailenges, ^ - i qualify ing J . B. Stono o f K im berly who wns yesterday passed for cause b r th<r proseeutloB. From th is po ia t en it '. 'b * expected ib a t tb o aeteeUon v U l p m e e d moro raiud ly a ltbough t t w ill,p robablrr,r lie 'i|omo y e t .W b i^ tbe Jo ry i i '. complcvtel V v>,'

& R. Collins, eooiily preeeeutor o f Yellon-florio eounty, U on tsaa , tbe heme o f Iho defendant and ber h u i b i u d j . Horion 0 . Irfw is, n t tbe tim e o f th e ‘ la t te r 's dea th has a seat o t the . attor* le y 's tab le b n t.h a s no t beea e a t e r ^ . ' ns of •counsel by th'o slate.

''D is c a r m . 'P lz td O pla lea A. A. Davis o f H le r, passed for eauie

by tho proseeution yesterday^ th b morning roso b h l i l e a t in th e b i y box ' end-ngoln askod th a t be. he diim lH Hd' from rcrvice. H o ita te d th a t be had ;^fr 100 [oeres o f la n d 'b .-b ttrv « H .w ith '> a ':- '.' threshing ercw o a th e ground and ao dne to l o o k 'a f t e r ii. QueaUoned by A ttorney G utbrlo ho odded th a t he did no t sleep w ell l a i t a lg b t t o d th a t tb b k W -th o m a tte r oyer be fo an d .th a t . Uc U a d - n iU i^ * « n 4 definite opinion ., ' to which he had given cxpressida -wub ie spcet to'Vlio f^ 'ilt or Innoeenee of the . defendant. H o . w a i , exeused.

DravB D efenss F lie. n . fl. S tockton, who resides 8 miles ;

northw est o f B'nbI, (tune in fo r a good^ f share o f a tten tion a t tho bands of At-' j tornoy O uthrlo a f te r being p a u ed for cnuse by Prosecutor Stephan. U r. Stockto.i ndm ltted th a t ho had formed ,.

, nnd s tiu held e e r ta b deflnlte.oplnl?as In tho case b u t Insisted th a t these

: Wonld no t in terfero w ith a &ur and !m-l . I p a rtia l tr ia l. Ro bad M ver served M'

a ju ro r beforo bu t would be guided-by .> th e 'te s tim o n y nnd the -iostm etlons of , the court. A ttorney Outhrie, hovBrer.'

was no t satisfied w ith tho oniw ers:?*: ' t lurned bv lho tnlesmna. " I I Ton v e re ,. b e b g tried b (i caso like th is ,” " he, ;J asked, "w ou ld yon w tu t » ju rym an to •3 s it in tho box and pasi upon a eSM- , P wlirmr n-md wns In the same cendUlea " • J as vou ri now is f " . The taIoeman,.lu>w- ., ever stn rk to i t th a t h is ,s ta te o f o b d

would, n o t a ffec t bia service a r jo ry- ; , man. He. w ai n e t challenged.

, A tte n u y s i n P i n t t u t The f i n t t i l t b e tveen attom eya c*n,e

? _ . . . — -----------(O oa tbned on Pag« PIt* ) . ,

Veterans Praft fid Testament”■ ladlfentpoUi^ KM to deliver - h is ’ a d f „ dresfc

Beglmontol and brlffade r e u a lo ^ v ' * wili occupy mneh of tbo t in e to d v * '- - J ..Wliit^{Uja;;vaUriih>- are 'a o e tb ti'a - -- '- '' r n u m b^ '% f.-a ]^ ild -o rgan lsa |i«» ;v ilU ii» '< ^ ' , l;f;ji*-^'*«sioB.- ..Thtf . |8 o » ,^ -V d iw » M ' •• ^ wlll-opon t ic f r^ ’ortie ttf M tiiial e n ^ f r - ment. Tho W cm an'i-B fijjofjcorpi vrt)l,

hold c iU .rf lrs t b a s I n w . iV ^ B . . .1 U nion j.rhoocra . o f lc- will m eet ond the-' S oai d f Vetarfuu'.I- ouxlIiarA’ will be;'ln leaiion.'. e . The rc te ra tts m n t m tfh tlm o tqdiiy 3 ge tting In trim for th e anaual pu v d e

which Is lo b e hold tom o itov . ■ ,)- L ittle groupi he ld tm pronptu por»d«i d to d iy and one o f th e proudest posts.: i i was th a t o f Pasadena, l ^ ' ! t » 'a s m * i - ' ’ I: bera stopping inappU y' heblad 'I: tb e lr m utio iaa i v h o . l j a n g 'o a t .^ 'j ^ '* ' »• b W ” n» Iuatily as i f t h e y 'i f w yW ^.V .v if dfomm*ir boy i a t|iln .

■ 1 3

m i i E W . lB altim ore an d Ohio Official Q

G lv es |n te re s tin g Conclusions ■from Road’s Cam paign to ' IReduce M otorists’ Risks r

. BOSTON, (flV A tttom ob ile acciilcBtj . “ n l 'p a d e cro u lngs !j the moat inpor- tflDt o f a ll o<!cidoDt questions th a t eon- fron t fn« railroad* of tho coantry a t the prcwDt tim e, C. W. Galloway, vice , L— prediioQt tho Baltimoro abd Ohio m rnilroS'l, told the Steam Floilroad sec- f tlon 0 fhe teo lh annual conjcrcM' oC ^ tho Xnlional Sa fe ty Council bere to ­day. - I

“ I t l/i now noceasary for coffioeorB lo consider a ll construction from the , ^ nfandpoinl o f safe o p e ra tio n /’ Mr.Goilowuy iW d. ■ ‘*I'Ni'n before tho hu-

-mas u lem es t-en te ri a p lant, selenee har done' its p o r t fo mako conditions soio and ^OEitary’. T h ta comp about, p r i­marily, b reau ie o f cconowlc neecalty .

Tracea. Ono E oad 'b rrogreae

“ 1 hi.ve watched tho jjrogrcre o f tbo • J safe ty v.ork-«n.tho BaUimoro and-Ohio ' J parllcu la tty for many years, and i t ' i i i m w ith .n o littlo prido iM t I point fo " ' ■ some o ( t h e oecomptlabmODlJ fo r saf«>- ^ ly . I n ^ l 5 tho casualties am ong eni* I I p lo y c a 'lo lle d 9,030; Ip, 1020..tho cas-. , unities bmoni; employes to ta led 0,941, o r a dcrreoae in caxualtios o f 2S per cent. / Iw 1915 th e , jjfoas fon mlloage C wa* •J3,SW,710,000; j n 10:0 the gTOBS ‘ ^ tf'i^ mileage waa -in,807,602,000, or nn ‘ -•'i increoao o f 20 por - ^ t . l l i a t m eou. th a t in 1920, coraparcd w h h " t t l 6, tlio : '. : - r .r r increase In tra in mlleajre, both fre ig h t j g J Y a ^ and pdairnger, waa 13 per ccnt) and o t 05 p( tbe uuno tlm o our eoeualtics docrcaaed

pareleaanaes on liicn i^Q i/ m onths 1

■•With each recuirlnR year tho in- f.!!jl” cnt creaao in ih e num ber of nutomobilej ‘ <11,, ii and fhe (jrowinj*' carotcssnrsi o f fho drivers mako It ver>- lmpoit,nnf thnf wo jh ii - dovoto aome ex traord inary e ffo rt to v n iio in ’ leesen cre iden ta n t grade crossinRs. Wi. , o j . aro con fron ted 'w ith tho fa c t th a t there a re 'te n /in il lio n m otor vohlrlcs now in Iuto in fhu U nited S In te i. o T hu

“ I t Ttoa w ith Alarm tho t I noticed J . fho repotfa o f Rrndo crosiioR nccidonta “(how in j inereaaoj m onth by month in »'>' 1910, and I determ ined to apply n rem- on onu s ody. I fe lt th n t If .tho drivers o f pors jjUjgj 4., could b t rcoehed intinvilH y they would , v . . heod Wbminga. Wo tfo rfrd the cam- ^ , ro ign by ptoeinR obsorvcW a l a fow “ " T , croMlnjca w here trave l woa hcovy. “1 . W hen th e obsorver noticed tho driver of an nutomobilo opprbaeii tho crossing I and doal. -over i t w ithout 'tok ing any •"“* J ” precautionary meaauros to oaruro him '‘I'I"''*'’ lo lf th u t fhero wa* no fra in romlnc, tbe lleen*e n u m b ^ co f tbo mochlno waa commis.- jiaeed i-n tbe card . The^o cords were „ m t rorworded to autom obile pommbsion* , / ira according to tJio *«nfo which Iniood 1®“ , ' i e lieei&ea. Tho eommlssloncr* for- !l'‘ rardfld tho cards to the ow ners o f the 1’“ ''**'*^)' iiochlnei. ' ‘“ K*-'”

“ Tlieso card fi a f te r rec iting tlie “ W ith 'net* .■>f tho obaervatlon,, w orned tho opcrotld; Irlvcrs o r ow ners o f outomoblte* tho* do finU o ' holr lives and property had been risked dents a t innoffiiuarily, and t l m .1 repetition con lie 1 n igh t l.ring dlsoater. In the greot mo- o f fhe n Iority o f cotes tho recipient of tbo card ' • •eallMrl th a t ho had boon eorelCBS ond I ■greot mnny even w ro te ,th e fr appro- “ WVrc 'lajk in o f our u ffo rts to aave them from m an wIid n jury . T heto waa n groilunlly declin- tho grci' n g jv rcen tago o f failures to tnko pro- pen,' ho tautloaa. drcd thl

“ W hen wo Inaugurated tbo obaervn- on ' tbo Jon lllan, wo found th a t S-1 p e r eent Sunday, )f. automobile* failed to take proper Wodaesil irocautlona w hea esroealng troeks. In 19, and ho thrco m onths o f Novem ber, Dcecm- to indict >er, lOlK, Ja n u ary , lD:iO,‘wo mado 1033 is morj ibacrvotions and thoro wna a to to l o f th a n Ihc

“ T I

All. : i - ■ ]

patiriee 2:]

■ .TWO,- ' • 5- TWIN FALLS DAILY :

Let tKi-Wedjing Belle. Rim6 0 YOUn. \ ( c e t3 T A lN U v l |

- F A M JU '/ \ \ i T t S - 7• O N E O F THC \ V

O L D tS T tN j ^ '

_________________ < e J L _- / ■ ' S ------\ / W HAT 15 ^ .1 . /

■■ ' f .

'■'owntfUJWt. n a tl

fake lafoty proeantions, j moro of25 p rr cent. . on Sund:

"D uring- the year of 1920, wo ox- . ‘‘Atided nur obsm o tio iu . In tbe 12 t i n t uinths of Ihnt yenr Ihcro wore 49,00.’! poa waurvafinn* wIth-'S23Q. fniliires or 10 Thlfl «r reo(. - . take a"III 1U2I, our olnorvcfH becnmo-ovon than giro n rlive nnd In the flrat alx months <<Thuth is yi.'.ir; fhero were 218,088 obser- j . - j !

Uoii.1 made, nnd tbo fniluros reaehed ' ,l y 8 7 J 7 . ' , . r 3 1 .2 , , a , c . . l . j

Eesorta to P rin ters I n k . ' ; «pon th

‘Thu ri-sulfa o'f our obscrvotioii tesUised ux to hnvo prinfcd moro than ajjiiiiiM iir million wnrning Icaflnts, showing 'fo r luiini onu sido a boy wom ing an automo

iat t-> atop boforo ho e roucd a track. B A T S & flfo rcverso tido la a photogroph of

mncninu ruduced tn splintor* wher LONDuek by o tra in a t tho crossing.,W o i•angl'd tl) Bfnd out the leaflet* in jrovi-rnmi.11 tbnt would reach tlio autoiata. I t from Kna foiinil llA t every-buaincaa bouti* lican U‘i|iral>--l tu glndly conaented to coop- lu jined I ite In the campaign. The antomobile iimis.-i[onora o f the d ifferen t Staton». , T h r m‘ There was one other mean* to ^ieh llie ownor ond driver, of tho ou- Oiorrhoe nobl>. iTliat \^fa through newfpaporijHelty. Ono atory te lling of th e j<j„iiger4 c a re lc u aufomoblllata expoie univonalmsolvcs to was eent o u t and rearhed i^Jthou*00.000 readers. uao-i •W ith gonuino and sympalhotie co- eonal—«■ratlin by oil tho rallroadr- in som»* _*______'inifo plan o f eam pilgn, tbo aeci-Its a t grodo croaalngs In thia country ,I be c u t to leas thon ono per eont ^ K l Ihc machine* ualng fho croiiings. - ■ ■ j S

' W ednuday 'e ^ 1 H ighest H B

‘ Were I to o*k ibe nverago rallroailII wliot day In tho week ho believed V m W I g rcvter nunibcr o f'npcldonta hap V f l T1, 'h e would say Sunday. Quo bun- •d fhlrty -rlg lit, acrldcnfa happened

tbo following days of tbo wock: aday, 15; Monday, 25; Tuesday, IS; idaosday, 27; 'Thursday, 17; Friday, “ P and Soturday, 20. I t wonld aeem O n J r H

Indlcato th o t tho hutomobllo truck moro llkoly to aecldent a t cfoaringi F o a o ta ,n Ihe ploaauro car for thore aru

N (



2:15 USU


ANCeSTOB-5 ^ p ; ^ C A t v ^ C OVBB.1 .)m

/ ) \ M A Y FLO W ER .

/ T * \ V

\ - 1

, remaitV 20 t o ;

T F e >

[ - I O O R A O tH C y )I U K E O O O A T /V 7 r™;

:--------^ / ; cationlon* 0

' dcr p<in 191

wlnorlfh o .g

lho 20

S 3 II3 of fbem 'in use on week daya than Jundaya.“ A nother nxpzlslflf f a c t wi>» i u u r l y a ll tho ocddenta hap- a . w hile tb o v M tlie r v a s c la tr . llfl Rcenu to i nrtlrflt* <ii«t p m o o s k e more cbaoces in claox v e a tb n on whon i t la raining o r snowing.Thu qucatlon of automobllo oecI-' a r ,t ^ a d o crossings In, l eonsldor, m m t im porion t ono Ihs rnllrbadr I fu deal w ith , and I cannot impress 1 thl* body of snfcly- men too ugly tho neeciaity of Inaugurating’ ■ , vigorouA educational campoign p iiM nrcldcnts ot th ia .charactcr both i Iiuiiiniir ond I’ronoinlr roosunr. >

n : 6 E T FO B DlflPATOH 0 P -L L 0 7 D OBOEOB’a B E P L T

5N D 0N, yP) - Prim o M inister <1 Gtiorgo will acml Iho Britiah rnm en t’* answer to tho bitcat notn I Knmonn do Valera, Irish repub- 1 loader, on W ednesday, i t wa? ii'd here M o n d a y . ' •

A Prononnced Sntxesa lie uniform sueeesi fhat haa attend- ho use of Chamborlaln's Colie and 'rhoen Domedy In the re lief and euro lowel complainta, botb for cblldren adiiltf, baa bronght I t Into a lm oit oraal uae, so .tha t i t la prartlcally lout a rival and aa overyono who uaed it knows. I t I* w ithout on

1 —«dT.


InnK d*N O C O O IO N a

I r o o d - D r in k '* for A l l A g ^ - fc V I^ tn c hOQtaiDS. AtkforHORUaCS.“ AgfliiT Im rh tfn n a ■ ■ ■ ■

O W S H (

O l v ]




MDliMili ENDS' ClEBflFBSlW w.

. ' 'i - .■ ( d a y 'a i

abaniti Gobs to Bottom-when J 2 i 'Aerial' Boinbers Bain Ez- up Tht

. plo'flives on'Hulk *compla

(OliFO IiK , T n ., O T - A SOOO-iKnuanb ended .tho eaioer o f tho old bat- about :ihip A labam a a t 12:15 Monday. A army 1it io bomber f ly ing o ro r .the old war- waa cip anchored o f f T an g ie r ' island In by th r!*apeako boy, fore o f f her moat, de- road wlyed tho supew tructuro oad tu n e d other 1

over on hor aide in ahallow wntor. nnd thiothor planee a lm o |t abnultaneoosly threats

nod 1000 nnd ?000-ponlid bomba on away 1hulk aa rbo w ont dbwn. ,F on r h it as botlven el aa sho tum bled over aod tbe —......

lolndor landed in tbe w ater w itbln '

.....- - ,; Di'ine Making Season ji

Opens in California ''X)8 ANOEHES, C«l., ( J t y - T t t » ln« P e n iu klng-seoson ia on in the Sixth In - p o j oal R o v ^ n o .d ia tr le t bore, and 'ind i- ions oro th a t only tw o million gal- s of w lno 'w ill bo m onufaclorod tin*

perm ll oompored w ith four mllUon OHIl 1919. M annfaeturo of wine by large the Po: corn* will bo lim lfed to l i p o r tbreo sented lerles, o tb e rr have arranged to dry board (grapes. T hero havo been n a n y o f th o

'lleationf b y p riv ate fam lliw onder agonoz 200-gallon l im i t was of

f i l G C L O







D NNGTHIr o S E ES and 25


Uiee in Search of Stcfai Crippled Bandit Trio S , 'f

ifASIUNOTOW, W5— T l'“ !"■ S r " ' r 'o ro looking fo r th ree h lgbm yaoQ gbould I pples, two on em lches ond tho otbor iblln^ on a cone, who on Sundoy h d d Thomol^ Payne, o f tb ls c ity and rob Itb lin of $20, aocording to Poyno’s nplaliil. Pa^no to ld tho polleo he s b lu ing in . hia nutomobilo, oceoD' liod by a young w oman, on a rood mt 100 varda f r o n th o W alter Ilecd ^ ny hnnpltal when a t p U to l'p o in t he ' | J a ciimmanded tb loavo tbo machlno \ ( i throo men who botjblod aero** tbe AlJ J w ith him, tw o o a erutciios and the N cr on a cano, ap p ropria ted tho |2 0 ,1 thon, ordering him baek to tho car. eotoned to shoot unless ho drovo • J P ay alowly. -Ho deacrlbod a ll threa bot leas and eoatlesr.

iiS H iiii.TO ESSMPiNI

nnsylTania Bailroad Inter, poses Objeotion to P o li^

of Federal Agency ^

JHICAGO, WP)—B eprosentotivea of APonusylvanla ra ilroad M onday pro- ^

ted tb f U nited S ta te s railroad labor ^ ird w ith a lo iter denying tho righ t: f d tho board to en ter tbo rcoJm o f tnnn- .„ I n ® 0Dt of ihe-road. N o ora) a rg u n e n t 1 offered .' Tbo board 'announced U


Wednesday and 1 September 28th c

MSMMTOOSDEIi:Measurements taken on tt

in expert direct from Chic Branchaud—representing c sst Made-to-Order clothing

SUITS' in price as reasona down suits or overcoats.

You’Have the AdvamSelecting a s iiit a t a p rice to sui

■ Selecting v o u r own m ateria l in Selecting tiie s ty le YOU w ant— Selecting tiie trim m ings YOU we

You cnn buy exncfly w hat ''Y O U '* wont, and fo lako, whon buying a hand-mo-down sull

nnd-mc-down »ults o r o v o r e o a t i . ____


t o , $30.0a, $33.00, !iFlundreda o f Fu ll. Size Sobiples to aolect fro There f* a ccrtaln sa tlifoc tion in w earing a n

ot ge t nut o f 0 hand-mo-down suit—and TUA

Remember theJ)ate—Wt Thursday, September tlfe

(A amall deposit wUl hold your suit un til j u t go t your now sa lf^or overcoot for Fall HBI Yours for Better-O lothlng.


f E S l

lEATRE5 I T ! "


5c Night

iEgTEMBER'27, 1921'

' ■ 1 . .. - •

3 moko k'nqwi ita d e . ' l i i b n 'i t '“n , 7 date, r Tho board p ferlo n tly bad '

fed . tho . railroad to ’ca ll a - new * b n of cmployoo repreaonta tirea to jfttc w ith tho c o m ^ y bu t tkp r held the quesUbna involved d bo deeiddd by -tho i ^ a g e m e n t

. G E N U I N E ,

m u 't o b a c c o m a k e s S O

: 4

MEIN YEARS!Thursday and 29th


‘ STVIES 8MBJIITEED 'these two days by icago—Mr. K. A.’ one o f the larg- g manufacturers.lable as hand-me-

^tdge of— )fsuit Y O U R 'Purse-^ ' ' in tiie colors YOU w ant

w ant— ■ ' •ind 'no t w bat you are OBLIG- suit, w ith no ex tra coat over


$36.50 and npfrom.a modo-to-ordor an lt you can*HAT I S IND IV ID U A LITY .

Vednesday and e 28th and 29th1 you’aro ready te take It— "[EBB). . ,

Twin Falls, Idalio

r :

t7:15 <

■ B mG r a n d , | l n i ) y , , C o m m a n d e r , A d -

d r e K l n g - N a t i o n a l ^ n c ^ p -

m e r i t , C a l l s fo r, J i e v e 'r e n c e t o

, M e m o r y o f S o l d i e r s

uilDrANAPOLIS, Ind., (flV -P ro U e.. tW a-of-M em bJial’dnjr from conm ordnl-

Um aa.l <#n»eemlbn of the d a y to tho * m e o o rr of tb e soldiers o f »11 tho n&

tioa .'f w a n shonld b o .a a aim of Uin Qrond A nny^of tho Bopoblie and Ita al-

' Ued orgnDUatloiftli’ OommBndeHa-Chiof WUlbun A. Se ie h am deelorrd in Lla ad* d rew t^ d sy «( ^ 0 ' t i n t boalneta tc t- slots n f' tbe ilf ifty jfifth natloBal en- ownppsaat.;'. E ailuw to protoct tlio doy from dcsMibtioQ will be a reproach to the Omnd Army, Its leader eoid.

O raod A i ^ ' s H oly Day

I . “ Tho M ll io f M B y iao u rH o ly ;D iiy ,"1 - said tho tommiuider-lQ-ehlef. " W i In* ' V "^ titu tc d i t and ^o r fif ty -th ree ybars wd , haru , iiu ra ln or shioo, alood a t tlic

'■■»brji>o.t e ! m a wbo-dJpd th a t Jhe.notloii mifiht live (and paid tr ib u te to thoir aMRiorlci. N o d a y in tho y e a r ahonld I1B iRoro abtolutftly free from commer- elall*m or any lontim cnt except t i n t ^ o f revcrcne* and devotion lo memory . o f tlio (lead. We still note w ith pa in f - th a t in too n o n y locall'ioa s p o r ts 'o f • ODO icind or anothor ore talcing OTKiy tbo a tten tion of th e rIslnR generation from th r obiervanco o t t h h day. In m aay ita te s b y , legislation i l is p ro ­tected frora desecration, and in a ll It a ^ i l bo. I f ; w ith tho a<»btanco of

_ j S f a h h and devoted auxiJla jy and al* i J ites, <ro are no t able to lacnlcato a L l deeper rovercnco fo r the memory o f the F I dead, I t will bo a ropioachi to u j .” ■ I

S c o rn ^ - S l n z B evival \ ' llovival of th e K u K lux K lan was

coodcmoed by Commander Ketcham alon^'.wllb o the r organitalion t. Whllo tbc GiOnd Arm y has scant influence in the ntato in which thc Klon U incor- (wralcd (he um m onder declared tlie

.0 . A. IL "ah'ould see to it th n t any or- Kaoizalipn w ith ao o ffc n sv o and dir* trod itcd n name ahould no t bo permit-

. led to Invado alalo llnca where wo T-r atill hftvp Inflnenco and a tro n g th ." U I

“ ,\Vo ought to »Dt our k tec i Hko ( f l in t ," said Commander K etcbain, “ agaiDi.1 aU the evils o f lho modern

' day Ihiit aro th reatening—Rolahovlsm,, I. V . \v.ifm, anarchy, Ku Klux K lajis■ — whatnver th e ir name m ay — tba t

tenil to throw n bligh t on iho fa ir name of tlm la n d - th a l wc saved nnd still

U love .” . ^^ ' • D eath lU w s H e«»7 Toll

~ D eath-ha* U ksn,aJiC»v.v {oil o f the T ?? O rtnd Army m em ben durian the la s i | " ^ year, the commander said, hav ing , ta-

• ken tw o pflat eommandcrs.m-chlcf, for- , ty-fivc paat d o n a r t^ n ^ jo m m a a d e rs .

tho U8»l»itanl ad ju tan t general, threo ‘‘‘'V membnr'/ o f tho council o f adm inistra- , tion, and 0,281 of tho raotnbers. |

........i i M f i i i i i D i i

. i ! ID ID i i l i L”______■ , TiRt

0*ccho.Slovak Forelfn Minis- £ ter is Beliered to Have In-

floonoed Hungarians. iq— = — Pilll

I’IIAQUE, (/P)—Dr. E iluard Bone.’ , the . Croclio’blovok, foreign raitiister, has rc cntli 'tu rned from -Bnim, where ho conferred the w ith I f . B anffy, former foreign tninfa- qs d te r o f H ungary, rolativo. to thc Burgou- cr. fcind ftonlrovcrsy between A ustria and 'b , □ungar;'. I t Is bolloved hero th a t bU mc-ilitlon b as been aueecsrful unless lho alllfa object to tho general lines of o)i t tin- Qgrtemcnt.

I t is 'u n d crilo o d th a t the proposals Foiild involve' tho rcllroiuent of Hun- , g arlan forccs from west H ungary, w ith It trea ty by vrhich A uitrln w ould re* <p| tu rn to Hungnrj* tho tow n of .Oedon- burg, jicrhaps in oxrhnngc for oconomL- eoncostlons. . j

This KCltlng logflthcr o f irungnry, , i . Aualria and C ioehcSlovakia ia regard- “ J’"' ' bd licro as one of thc most im portant

doveiopmcnta in centrnl FJurope aiiico .. tho war, reflecting, aceording to somo views, rmanclpatlon from lho tulelago of the alllcK. Tl

--------- fraroN BW CABINET COMPLETED thc

£n r.O Z £O E O .ai.O rA E F ltB M I£R gmn< - PBAQIIE, Ciecho-SlovakJa, (fl* )- wns I'romter Dcpca' now cabinet waa defi- ono. uilely roropieted la st nigW. robbf- — — . . . . plav

A n o t h e r C 0 NI3E R E N C & 0 F , , ‘z ,G O V E R N O R S | g P R O P O S E D ™


■ K o b n f la '^^V o BxocnUro floggosU a, H ee tJag .to O onildw P ra tg iit Botos ^ “ "1

UKOOLN, N»b„ ( iP h -A p iolK m a 'cnnferenco .of govotnors from tho Btatof o f Michigan, Wisconsin, HHnols, Mis- « « •ouri, ^ o b ra ak n ,,Colorndo, ^ io rth Da* *o“ . ko la ao'l,Soulh D akota, lo consider the fre igh t rate a iluatlon and unemploy- 8pet meot, contained in n le tte r to OoTcmor

. McKolvic. of N ebraska from GOvemti^ esss Kecilall of Iowa, to bo held a t Dos, U otaei, a t tho convenience o f aU er- ocutlv<n, Monday w nt urged by G oven I

.' nor M eKelvio'ln reply to .th e Iow a o i- ' nou tlvbs loiter. “ The f a r l le r - i t can bl’ hcl-1 tho b e l te r ," Governor McKel-

• vie said. ■ ,•' ' I ' - . h


■ NKW YORK, (5>)-A pIiIoI ba ttle in ■ A thlriH ieor corridor of tho Grand Cell. I

tiAl stntlon, in which oighloen ahntx J wpic flted, TPsiilled M onday In. Ihren * i;«'ij-i/l*'rliiB.fcfl;i:t-.jftttcm|itlhB !o hold !>|ilWii taiiroad tinploypa who h rd ,n <nii'hpl of rash.



^ 1 i r W C ( BJHI

, WKtlNOWsiwl*/ f i n . H I N f r '1 i r

I ■,- '

1 ( ^ - c - e "


: ■ . '

o i / t v o o a a p j r .t S ' .

U t i e v i N i - i o i H e

; ' - iv re

; j p a m r m r o A w r

i - u p 'im - IH 6 B O M - f o ^ -


‘ ( "; '^diay^Spor

^ F i i r p u i f s l i s: IBJECrSPECilI l u p p i m i i' Unusual Plays' and Brillii ’ Other World Championsl : Thinking of What May ; Features Tending to Brii ; to Individuals are Recal’ NEW YOBK, yP) — U nuiual plays. Ity £

brillian t' per/onDooces o f indivldoal lalei . playora and freaky things havo entered wou r lRt« m any c f the.'sorics o f w orld’s base. Gitu [ ball championthip. Such oceurronecs Eng

aro recalled each yoar la fandom and run-, lend to tbo speculative In terest In tbo aont

I rboniplonahlp games about to be played. Yorli 1^10 ou tstanding feature of tho series In

in lOOB, in which tho Chicago Oahs do- Glai fented tho D olrolt Tlgors, waa tho barl* In I Ing of pllcheta Overall and Brown of duel tho Cuba. Overall wnn two games, tho nml second J o which ho nliowed D etroit four ond

I h its and won six to- ono, and .the f if th inni in which ho allowed threo b its and won Bnn two to nothing. Drown sh u t out tho lotic T igers In tho fourth game, three to pitcl nothing. Tho Tigors ge tting bu t four gam

' h its o ff his weird delivery.

A dom i W os 0 S ta r if;I n 1000, " D a b o ” Adama, tbo velcran |>rcg

P itlsbnrgh hurlor, won threo games for won > tho P ira tes, tho first, tho llftli and sev-* poni

entli. against D etroit. Ilnns W agner, ninf ■ lho I’iralo aliorhtop, played briyiontly , worl

ns did M oriarty , the D olrolf third-sack* .Tohr or. “ bo

Bender and. Coombs pitchcd and won ]|]gt( thu entire scries fo r (he AthloUes gnm agiilnst tl|o. Cubs in 1010 Coombs won a ba a ll threo games in which ho atarted and th o : won ono nnd lo st ono. Eddio Collios cros pcrforinod brillinn tly alliold and a t b a t TJ fo r tho Mnckmen. The Cuba w_ero fav* Duf' oritcs to win In th irso r le sT " ’ ' iwct

Thd homo »uns o f f ‘rnnk '‘ 'Home-Bun‘' .nlel iBaXcr contributed largely to tho Athlot- kcr ■ icn victory over thu Oianta in tho acriea inni o f i o n . In the second gamo B ak er 's Uin

' homer p u t Ihe A thlotics in tho load and run Ilia Iiomi-i in the th ird *Knme tied the r.ollt acnrv a fte r tlio Q lnnls appeared to have Ale>

' thc gamo on ice. .P in s 8 « t ThiU ls ~

T hrills ap lenty were had In lho 10ii£ games between Iho Boston Red 6ox an<l ( Ihc New York Giimts. I n th e eighth "

. game a t Boston, on O ctober 10, tho score ^ wna t i e f U tho n in th . Tlio G iants scored ono in th'e to n l i and Jed. H arry Rcopc^ robbed them of a run th a t may hove plaved off defeat by loaning over the fonro aad tnk ing Doylo'a long’h i t which wpnld have boen a homer, 'i^en 'd lsas-

I t e r ‘befell tho Giaiits in Boston’s hoDT.Snodgrasa muffed a losg fly by Eagle

who batted ia placo o f Wood, tho Boitoh i bu tler, whoso hand w as-in jored io tho A p ro rkns 'ino ing whon ho stopped Catcher Xloyer'a hard liner. E ogl^ took second on tho m uff. Snodgrass, tbon ipado’a mngnilicent eatch of Iloepor'a f ly which seemed good for three basei. Mathow* son tried a ll his eunning to striko oo t . Ycrkes, -but failed, Yerkes walldag. Speaker h it tho f i r s t ball p itched fo r m oaay foul which should hav« been caught

WE PAY]higher cosh markot prlop for yonr Onions, Apples and Fotatoos,

J. JOHNSON & GO. 1.114 2nd Avo. So. 2

' - T W I N F M ^

\K S . P l7 U «^ j O O N E E iT U F f g l - w ^ e e p o l .

W V eB .S T U F f M ^

1 i

^W m - ^

t f

, I 'T’- n e r , 1,

H iM llilllil lM M IM ii

- — ^ ^

iHingfjews "■' ■ aci

m m r | m i n i s T *

IGTITtEBTOl------------- - . . . . . toi

lliant Performances in nship Games-Starts Fan' ™ jy Happen This Year— li, iring Glory and Renown called. ' '•_______ ' a*hy lirstbascm an Morkle. A s i t o(icurred la ter, iy _ c a p tu r ln 5’ th is lo u i Morkle would hove saved tho game for lho G ia n ts ,i /o r Speaker singled, sending Ie Engle' across tho pnn wRlr tho lle ing es rutr. Y'erkos stopped a t third . Gardner fo aont a b n g fly sncrlflco to Devore and mi Yerkes t ^ d across w ith tho w inning run- th

In 1D13, tho A thle tics won from tho a i Giants ogaln.* One o f tbo b righ t spots of In Ihia series w as .t lie g rea t pitching = duel liclWcon Mnthowson of the Gianls nml I’lank, o f the A thletics, in tho .see* . ond game. Tbe G ian ts won in 'tho lenth ,' inning, b a ttin g ' F lan k for tbrep rons. Bnrry. Collins ond Bokor, tbo n e a t Atlk lelic intlolders perform ed welL Bonder pitched Philadelphia to viotory In two games.

Johim jr B r e r 's O reat Boner.

The Boston Bravos, who had made 0 jjrcat fight in tho N ational loaguo nnd won llieir. w ay fropj thu cellar to the pennant, up se t a ll dope in 1014 by win* ning four gam es stra igh t from the w n rld 'i ehompioo A thlotics, U ttlu .Tohn'Evcrs pulled ono of tho greatest “ bouc-head” playa In w orld 's scries history in tho ten th inn ing of tho third gnme. W ith th o bases fnll. Baker b it a bard grounder to Jobn . John joggli'd the ball and looked dumb whilo two mes crossed 'tbo p lo te . .

The h itt in g and fielding of Qoorgo Dufy Lewis fea tn red tho 1015 series be- , tween th’e Boston Bed Box and the P h ik - .idelphia N ationals . Ho drovo in 6peq- kcr witli'tho. Box's only run in the eighth inning, f lrst gam e.' In the f d i i r l i r ^ e Ilia twQbagRcr sen t across tho winning run for Bontoii in the slxlii Inning. Ho r,allcctcd threo of h ls 'te am 's six h its off Alexander in th e th ird gnmo which the

Special PricesON



10 DaysOome,'in and let as show

.you thc merits of this fur- uace.


tizee HelaHforlis& S 7 B « i^ A T e .& n o M l O '


Hox won in 'th e n inth on bis single which J I drove In 0 run. Moro lhati 43,000 per- * aons w itnessed tbe game, £

BensatlooH arry Uoopor, o f tho Boston ned'Box, i

tho samo p layer who saved hia toam the series Jn lo lS by oo tcb lsg D oyle 's long B l h it as I t wont ovor tbo ;feoce, played a . b rilliaa t game to r bU t o m I b th e eerln of 1010 again st Brooklyn. H e batted .133 and played scnaatlonally atUoId. IIU hlls wero a ll tim ely and cotilrlb'uted to 1 the Bed Sox vietory. >- dec

“ B abo” Ruth, now .the home-run w i champion a n d a m oober o f tbo New Vn York Y'ankees, pitched the Red.Sox to wil two victories over tho Chicago Cuba In 1018. T y le r’s pitching and h ill in g d so the helped the Sox to win tho scries Carl ley -llaya, who al<o Is a mvmbcr o f thc Ynn- iipr ke'cs th is year/'w on two games for Boa- 1 ton by h b a irt ig h t hurling. To

Laat year the trip le play mode by .W ambganss o f Cleveland In the fif th lo- ning of the fifth gamo agninat Brooklyn; Elmer B nlltb 'a homer, irith throe on in tho firat inn ing df the fiflh game and B aghy's homer w ith two on in the fourth Inning o f th e same gamo were fea tures.' S^& ker, tb e G ero land man­ager plnyed wolL

• T lu Ideal PurgatlTO

As a purgative. Cham berlain 's T ab­lets aro the exact th ing required. Stronv enoQgh f o r tb e m art robust, mild enough for children. ^ 0 canso on agreeable movement of tbe bowels w ithout any of th a t te rrib le griping. They are easv and p leasan t to talfo and agreeable In e ffe c t—A dv. I *■

■ f O N E O N EOnei

All our sk finest tobaccc CAMEL,.

In to this I HotUng is to possible to m

Camel QUj '•excTusive stai

mellow-mild iiavor ot ch

■ cigaretty a f t And remet

only—20 ciga saving in p: straight into can get Cami

I] iDAH g t u e ^ a y ; s e p


B m d por

^ r ~ p” ®


U sc

L‘,-L I .jA have

T ..■ Ore.,coKi- Aggi

■ W uabI

. e lau

i l J j j M H * IU


BasehaU Will Be F lay ed tn ' SoQthem O allfom ia 'A ftaln

This S easonBRAWIiKY. Cal., {>?)—I’lana jin- un­

der way fo r thc organltatlon o f thc W inter Hnsebnll loaguo of tho Im perial Valley for Ihe coming jonron, whleh will briiin In November nnd eloso in r # b n u iy or Mareh, In tlm o to pemtU tlio big Ipnguo playora who jo in tho val­ley ti’nhiH to ri'joln tb rlr own clubs for apring |>racllcc.

This ia ono of the few sections In tho r o lte ^ .S ta te s where baseball ie ployed ■

A fEW THOUSAND OilW e h a v e a fe w thousand

lo an s o n fa rm s , s u b u r b a n I

ARTHUR^L. SWIMBank and Trust

e T r BE Q U A L I’Size Padsliill, facilities, and lifelong knc ccos are concentrated on this o

s ONE BRAND, we p u t the ! too good for Camels, They are make a cigarette,UALITY isfllways maintained a( itandar-d.^'Yoii'can always deper Id refreshing smoothness—the ' choicest tobaccos— and entire iftertaste.lember th is ! . Camels come in on fg a re tte ^ ju s t the righ t size to m

production and packing. Tbi ito Camel Quality. That’s one n imel Q uali^ a t so moderate a pi

Here’s another. "We ] frills on the Camel packai wrappers!” Nothing just

, ' Such things d t not imp: any more than premiums oi

\ their added cost mnst go a • or dome out of the quality. [a One thing, and only one H for Camels great and groM

—that is CAMEL QUA

L a m

B.J.REYN01i^TOaACC6cO.,W buto

!!PTEMBER27,192i: ;

[iroughouf tbe w inter, aadiB luy. aguo playcra have been teen betQ ih }i- srmor seasons. ' '

------ r," '■»' ■ ■ '.-----

'Iminoniah Short , Gridiron Players

' M Year's Team : :'ortland football Ooaoh Soonr-

ing Country for Hen to Hako Eleren

POUTLAND, Ore., {/FV-Poiiure' of, ^verol Ntnrs tn ro p o rt.-fo r - fo o tto ii raetlc'i a t the M ultnom ah’ A w te u r ' Ihloliu elub licro has dflmpenod the:i]|eN ,if tho club mcmbori, fo r 0 win* ' Ing i- ltvcn .,Qoorgo Philbrook, fondt a t tho olnb ,- scouring tbo ita to of Oregon for na*

irlol for tho team to toko th e plae^e riglually assigned ,to fopner college'. >1 '^tlio a to not i>i,-lhf e ity or,.Trho .' »vo no l reported. ,Multnomah's f irs t game is -against

niUman college hero O ctober 1. Oa ' c%ber 8 'the team goes to C orraU ia .,,- re., to play tho Oregon Agrienltnrol )l(egc. Philbrook th{pka tho Orogoo gglcs will be the best team in Iho Pu fie Northwest tb lr year, so hepoa to like \ ihow ing agninst tbem.

(Continued on A ige Bo t u .)

W hat II useless to yon n a y b« ra]- ' ib le to i lb e n — advsrtiro i t in tb*.. a u i f l e d . '


f OR SALE], Best Bushel Peaoh and

Apple Baskets. AUo for packing, corrugated Paper ' Oaps and Apple Boxes.

Would be glad to figara with you for yoor Feadies, Apples and' Potatoea for reliable'people.

E. D. KELLOGG,'AptPhone’flSO-S P. O. Box7(l«

iOLLARS TO LOAN.!m d d o lla rs a v a ila b le (o r

1 t ra c ts a n d d w e llin g s .

M& COMPANY1st fiuilding .

1rry*kage :nowiedge of the

one c ig are tte -

outmost quality, re as-good'as ifs

at the same high; .' ,' lend.on the same';.I taste and rich, s freedom from .; ,:■/

one size package nake the greatest H , his saving gora " ' reason why you ■&

! p.ut no useless i ; tage. - No “ extra .1st for show! ■ 'iprove the smoke ■' j .or coupons. And 'B ' * -;o onto the price , .0 ,

' ' 1 ' : 'ne, is responsilile B .. owing popularity FALITY. ' ' _ , '

l e l

l l i i LOST » liSiiGDFw SUi|i£ll-fii

: W ater Sw eeps In Throusli t o r - wi,™ pedo Tube L eft Open and [J;,,;

: Sends Subm ersible to Bot- tom o f.S an Pedro H arbor Icliioa

HAK PEDRO, Col., (/P h -O n lr two lufa lo rt Ihnir lives whoo tho ■ulimiirinf

■R-0 annk lo Saa Pedro h n rlo r laat alfflit i t , w w officially onnounccd. Jodny by { ., R ear Admiral H crtnan 0 . StlBkncy, rtiBimnDrtDr of the Pacific f lee t troln, f > " and nn c jc w ita e u of i«irt 6f jth o dl*' fuiter. A tJilrd m as who waa m uslat; aad who for a timo wfl« thought a pos- „ siblo viftim o f-th e octident, h a t been , ftccounfcd for, logeUiiT w ith a ll othor offieor" and won « f the eubmarlne. **'®

Tho (leaa ore:partm

J . K. D RE FPE IN , iieamnn, Qan Pedro m cut. , PR A N K 0 . SPAULflBUKO, lonman, ,„orc.. Cower* Lake, & D. '<Ci

I T teow n from Towor. .Q rtffia waa drowned w hen, oa lljc

! U-O lank , ho waa thrown into .the har- gectloi bOr watom from the open coDoib;; tow* •

I cr. Ill* liody was reeovem l. jjjPaiilrberg, i t was utatcd, had un- ,j, ,,51,

questionably been rauRhl in tho sink- j( Injf venkrl and had boen drowned wh^n ,,nlviT

I th e w ater pouted into thu c ra f t througli , open v u itn .a n d coonlni; tow or., .

Arcordinjr to .H ear A dmiral StlekneT, rotroai I the ncH Jcnt resulted from a torpedo

tube havlni; bc(>n le ft open and tliroagh ' whieh w ater nwept from n llRht awell I In tho hnrbor;.

Sisks In

Through thn t openinR pnd n number hin po ' of ven ti and tho conninf; towor, a1io ordorli

unclospd bceau£c o f tho w aim yi p f tho compa ■ a i«h t, the h iih o f tho wator aooa gain* slons 1

ed c re a t headw ay and tho c ra ft sank ■ “ l’n in tw o mlnulM.- - ' lUo d<

D ivers were working in .15 foot of rotro.ii w at«r th is m orninc alonRside-tho B-0 spirit, endeavorintr to f ii 'h aw sers to the cra fl riRhli. which would moko i t possiblo lo raliP niiidv i h e r to the rurfaco. I t wa!s possible, it doi’ according to naval men, th a t anyone dnto r

' <n»U1e TuigU have .entapcfl to an l l r j\m rn tlRht ff-mpartmoat, in whieh lifo mlRht into K

I be suttAlned fo r 48 hours.I , . Twoat7 U w A b o u l ' . J Q C I

' Tho IVO, w hlfh wns of tho Holland f lU U l typo c f submarine, buill In M18, was W iao tibnjpiSiJo of tho »ul»mailuc moth* UR e r sh ip n t tho harbor la st n igh t, mooro l Ull by haw sert to th ree slsto r submarines.

1 wiUi which sho was sehoduled to pro- 1 eecd tb is mornluK to battio practico l iO ra L onlalde tho harbor. Ijo r crow of 20 in f ■ wore inside tho hull •pe tting torpedoM 1 rBafly (o r Iht; p ra tl lto , w ben th e craft

benan ta ship w nter from tho stern, In- dlcntinff, afcor.UnK to offlecrs, the rea r ' (orpcdo fnho mny hnvo yJoldod to tea r ‘‘

" S r ? r 1 r.whn^ ’tiro u g h Ihe: ronninR tow er when, oe- « cording lo witncMcs, there w m an ex- ^

’’S c n m r h lle a sn ih r hnd cu t the RO *1“" . froo frc.m It* sis ter »ul>mnrinof, ^nd it sank im mediatoly. Lleutonnnt I. R.Clmmfiers, commandlne the c rnft, was justice, one o f tbe lasl. to rcaeh safely.

HnlPniTtonnAeddimL .iThn U O, navnl qficers hero recalled nent pr

l o d ; ^ met w ith an aecldent in 1010 eronomt ^ c n alif w as-tw cpt by a hlfih gale onlo Ri-mhly

'l iln e k Pnek n t the ontraneo to tho har- ran- ofbor n t New London, Conn. ' A l th n l gta to"lime, ns losl nlg lit wlion sbc eaak in the nsoLon AncclM linrbor, tho R'O wna moor- to It* ncd to llic molher ship Cnmdcti. Al- jjoiod tthough Hwcpt upon tho rocks,,tho sub- d i nf jm arine v.-ae no l liadly damagyd and w ai gjiutc la tor f lc a u d off. Sho then camo to ] the Pacific coast.

Bolsheviki Ready toGive Greeks Battle r.!".'

. — nlder 111P A T l’M, {flV 'T w o diTiiions of bol- liclweet

Ahovik troops a rc rcpoTte-l to b e cn p icstcJeamped on tho T urkish fro n tier and o e n t, 1ready tc en ter T orkish te rrito ry if tho bring tnationnllst« are dofcatod by tho Oreekn. pgain.. A n ti bolshevikl .who wero doporlrd •

from Cunstantinoplo and wero 9n the ir n c M l lway ha;ik to Rustlfl havo jum ped over- ^ ‘- ‘*'1 liOMd ivloni: tho Turk ish « M t . They declare they profer s tay ing in Aaia M l' nor to Tctnrnlng to Knssln, a« thoy fear belnj; m eculcd by Iho bolsheviki. ^

Spaniards Beat OffAttack Upon Convoy ^ t r '

--------- A fonsp'M BLIIX A , - y o o riih tr lk e w o n gubjeet*

yestordny launched a vlgorou; a ttack Gordon upon n 'S p an b h convoy proceeding into ed ^ n .^ tho oaatem zone o f hoitilltles from hero by th ii^d ty , i t is announced officially, the "T h ey i a ttack , how erer, w as reptilsed 'a a d th e U aso n '( Uoora w o w , driven o ff w ith heavy U ntil lo s jo t Mason 1

■ ft NowtTWBM PLOTMlEarr. ; whieh h

. (Cootlaued from P »*8 C m ) moto at

woro idle u compared Tdlh a normni .unomploymoat o f 1^00,000. A cenmi made by the board in the In tto r part. I® ’ o f Aumist nnd tho f ir s t pn rt o f Sep- !tem ber, he added, showed fro m '2 0 to 25 per eent few er wago earners era- ployed, tlm n in 1020. Normal nnem- " 7 ployment In theso indiislHcs, be stated,WM nbonl 12 per eent, ______ ^ “

Unem rloym bnt in M incfota wnr es- ; ^ 1 tim ated by J . D. •wnHams’ p f tho in- dnstrlnl commission of th a t s ta te a t ‘'i aboat 52,000, I lo declared labor do- • rarlm cn t estim ates o f onem ployiaoat Jn ? L . „ Mlnnbapolisr S L > a n l and Duluth woro

Tho r f ja n i t te e oxhancted lho lUt- o fw llaoues w ith in on hou r and a ha lf Ontario-ifttT I t cottteood a n d ad ioB rncl M tU {jdayadditional w ltneues have boen snm- nn comi

• dividend

WUl « .

SiSPBmiEiHIS liM n s mmn''

Interpretation of Court Docls- I ioQ Bostriots Application of


JIB.XICO CITV', (yP H Property m" ulrcd by oil oorporatlona prior .to May 1, 1017, cuiinut bo conatrucii n l conijji;,- A llo i Avllliiu thu provisions of arllplo 27 of J Iho Mexk'aii 'conslltu tlo .i, which na- tionaliz'ij petroleum deposits.- This is Iho vir.w of several legiil authorities, who la.«: n ight e inm ined lho form al dc- . ■ cisiou iu tlio T uta* comvany Junpato ' cftse, H'hirh wus linudod down Im t night “8?*” by Ihu M i'*i«iu suprem e.court. Mem- "" '0 1 bers of Iho court ndm ilted th a t pnrn- sonab Wraph J. of article. 27, contnlncd “ per- aoven p lex ln j'p rob lem s,” hu t they'coac.urrcii ta in o ill tho (•ecision th a t th is nrtioio could ployet no t Im itiit tltk 's to p roperty pcrfccteil bling. before ih r constitution w ent ino effect, were

Snmmorlla O btains Oopy. strnin. • \ . Tho

Qcor({u IT. Summerlin, Ami’ricnn police cluirgo d ’liffairc't hero obliilned u copy and 1 of the uv^Ulon last nlghl. Ifu-will for T hem w ard \\ 5miuct3inte\y to the s ta le du- Byo” parlm ent in W nshingtoa. The doci- 3 m cut. w nt very lengthy, containing iiiore.lhan..nOOO words. lon w

"CnnHidering nrticio 27 non-rotroac- jj, live, WJ find it 1" in hnnii'ony w ilh tho Frmciplus set fo rth in Ih - paragraphs Immediately p rrceding i t , " aaid one section c f the decision. "T hoso deal ^ w ith private property. Wo olso find it ^ , in hormoijy w ilh the rcctlona rolatlsjr r . ^ , lo petroleum which follow ll. rV om oll u ji.aj this it U understood th a t, according to I’niverM lly applied rules which have Itoen necopted for ilie in torpretntion of lows, parngrnph 4, of nrtlclo 27, la no t .. . rolroaetive in fh a t it doe« no t impnir rlRlils previously and legilim utely ae-

Upholds OairanzB.

The fupu'iuo «'ourt, however, d id not P B Q fioil »hat President Cnrrnnza ezcecded U | | l | Ills powert .when he issued the decree ordcrlii,f the dcnuncintlon of tho Tcxa-H company’s properties nndor the provi- jlons of n rllrlu 27.’

“ I’niftjfraph ■>'of nrlic le 27,” saiii Lho docision, “ eannot lio tCRatdfld n-i T r a f i rctro.ietlve,, eillier iu its tex t, or ils j_ ,. in irit. I t dous no t n ttnck acuirerl righls. No n tlnck upon thojo righ ts is mnde in lliu toz t:4if tlio nrlicle, hcrnux' it doi’i not contnin an .express man-' lU Into ri'gnrding its non-refroactivity..\or fft’s -any, such Implication lie read inlo 11. " pnnt 1

i n l l l f i u X iE niiH iiH i'

------- enee njord Bobert Cecil Qivofl Warn, w n, ii

ing: of XBaguo Booomtaf "Snpor-Stato" ,

■ . w onts'OENEVA, (/Ph-D ebato on tho varl- can pr

lUS phases of tho economic blockado as demani I weapon against n a tlo n i which viola ta ahierit ho covenant 0/ tho loaguo of nations, itringc fas resumed by Uio assem bly o f -th o tions, j DiiKue of nations today.

A t tho opening o f th ia m orning 's bob- lon, I ’resident Vnn K nrnebeck nn- ounccd th a t, Cuba had ra tified ths tatutoa of tho. in tornatlonal eourt o f . istico. . L —

OecU Sounds-W arning Lord Robort Cecil, jopiesontlnR th e Pt&a

’nion of Soulh A frica, took a promi- daught en t part In tho debate rolativo lo tho p lb , d ronomlo blockado. Ho w arned tho ns- Lakes -•mbly ngainst ^he dnnger tho longue ness fi m -o f earning th e namo o f a “ super- parent! :nto’’ if i t tried to .m ako ils rules fo r brothei10 nse of tho blockado too im pcrntlvo I'alU,1 it* membljrfL For th n t reason lie op- of SheDsed the nm ondm tot g iv ing tho coun- a t tho11 nf the Icaguo pow er to f ix tho ab- ment. ilute dalo upon which tho blockadeould, bo applied. M rt.

bollT l# P ro p s Dem and diod laInstriictiona woro roceived by .tho Do- vian dclegntion today from tho Lapnz y . ‘ ovcrnment, dlroetlng th a t tho demand , )r the aw rm bly of tho league to con- ^ , der lho rev is ion 'o f tho tr e a ty of'lOOl , etween Bolivia and Chile shonld no t bo , , , tested fvstthcr. Tho B olivian govern- icnt, howovcr,- rcser%-ed tho Hght to ring the m a tte r beforo tho assembly

' mortua)

l E N I E S P A R T I N P L O T T O

ftR lf l B R IT I S H IN I R E L A N D ™ ™ '

ttom ey fo r Ooorgo Oordon E orkft Un- ‘ ' der A n p t in W asliington, Says tho ,

^ r o n g J ^ l s B o l 4 . I’J " ;

W AHillNOTON, (/Ph-Com plete dc- { .M a L al of Ihe (^argo o f being engaged in ronspirney to furnish arm s lo British b BA! b je e n in Ireland, upon whieh Ooorge irdon Rorke, of this c ity , was nrre it- ': In. New York la st night,, waa m adf TO by R orko’c flUorney, Ouy Mason.Thejf fcaTO a rrested tho w rong m an,” - (ison di-elared.U ntil tw o or tbreo months ago, Mr ason sta ted , Rorko was salesnuin fo r Now York firm m arketing flrporms liieh bo sold on a commission basin, irko had no knowledge o f the ulti- ^ lUs aortinalloa « dlspo iai o f guns I 111 by him, tbo ntto rney added- 1Ocorjo Oordon Horkc o f W ashlng- n, arrested on orders from Atto.moy inernl DaugherlJ* na the* resu lt o f nn = tempt lo ship r io t gunj to Ireland, J D mnn'led au 'im m edia to he.iring when Tftlcmd hefore U nltod S la te s C oa- “ lnslon'T Ilileh fo rk todny. • A t the rc- f i ,est o f A sslslnnt D islrie t A ttorney . nltncK however, tha hearing was set *® r October 10, Rorko being permSlted 00 >erty under J3000 bail.Rorko said tha t ho wns no t guiUy of y rtim c nitd wob13 bo plend n l the Uj

___________ sa

U LW A T D2 0 LA EBS n n a x • ^D IV ID EN D I N 17 MONTHS L

YORK, { /P i-T h e Nnw Y ork, T J \ .tnrio ond W estern Kallwoy companyJay dcflnrea a t'W p e r cen t dividend T T

common etock. This, is tho f irs t f f i C.•idend on this stock s in re A pril. 1920. T t I


M m m ^ :ffi M i l* i

POLICE r a i lUlogatlons of Qamblliig and

Possession of Intoxioaiits Uade Against Fair c

— hooA police forny, conducled la st night

ga inst wbnt Is designated as tho 'W orkiuKmen’s (,'lul>,” yielded n-rea- yng onablo supply of “ moonshine" liquor, flgl overai paekfl o f cards, chips ond eer- ain other paraphernalia said (o be em- loyed In certain form s of card gam- 'ling. In nfldillon two colorcd mon J ^ore nrrested and nro now under ro- L - Irn iat a t the eounty. jolL ,Tho raid was eondueted by Chlof o f u n

olice John Dock, Patrolmen A ustin •■I nd P a tton shortly boforo midnight, ho men under a rre s t a re F rank “ Ono- :yo” Lewis, aged 47, ond Lonblo Boy- In, 34. Tho fo rm or'is accused o f op- rating a gambling game, his eom pts- I in w ith illegally possessing in tozleat- lg liquor.A rcording to Chief Boek the raid w as c ndo under au thority of a seoreh wor- grei in t token out yesterday aftom oon. jn y

bottlo coutoining about two-thirds Jlqu ( n q ua rt o f “ m oonsh ine" w as found com ick o f a countcr in tho club room. In tho shed behind tho place two jugs, each nan Ditoining liquor wore found, tho po- od i EO deelaro. Tho jugs, with contonts c a , ' •e on exhibition a t the sh e riff 's of- jcril cu. Boykin Is eald to be proprietor Dee ’ the club, which 1» operated as a so- <i.« a l elub fo r colorcd men. . . ^ ra t

--------------------------- 8 '


______^ • • c .

raffic Expert W ay Telia of tho t o u ! Improved Oonditions in tho com

District .

A lU’cided bettorm cnt-of eonditions i s0 enr servicc to th is dn iin rt hns beon jatc. i t e d b y ir a l f le service o lliccrs in tb e clos ist fow daya Tbe sitoation as to d j,,, nuts of ]K)tato and npple Bhippers has Qi ■Ull definitely and ' probably pormn- vnniintly rellovod. Groin men B tl l l havo th e nme CUU50 fo r complaint,, according to p j,'onard Wuy, head nf tho Southern „trei laho R a f f le assoelaUon.Mr. w uy fjient yi-slcrday in eonfor-lee w ith shippem in Kimberly, I lnn- CJn, llazo lloa and Eden w itb referm eo jjl.G-^tlio citr situation, and found llttlo C(m p h in t anywhere. The rnilroml j 'o.mpany is s a id 'to havo supplied a ll Qian ts 'fo r pototo and f m it loading, and whiln probably be depended 'to m eet the Rimands for g rain loading w ith oquol u laerity , Mr. W ay believe*- TJio l»tt«T Tiringency la noted chiefly n t w ay sta- c ims, i t is said. , Pc

f ----------------- ------- Lt............ --------- ' Ri

D e a t h s „P ra ac ts M. Chtaaplin, 31 yoM» old, ■ ughtiT of Mr. ond Mrs'. I*. \Y. Cham- in, died a t tho 'fa m ily homo on Dluo ikes lioulcvard foilowiii;; n sliort ill ss friiin typhoid fever. Besides her rents dccuosed is «urv:ved by her, other H enry Champlin of Twin ills, and a sislor, M rs. EmUy ila w ,

Shcrldnn, Wyo. 'T hu body is held tho ii<‘W itt nnderlnkiiig cslnblish-

; n t . -------

Mri. llnnnnh W illiams, ngud .IO years id las* evening n t the homo of her ugliler, M rs. M. W . Goldman a l 330 ' n th nvonuo e.isC Tlie decc.-ised wan icken by ajKiploxy nbout six .w oeks0 whllo on a v is i t here frora Boise til her husband, W. J . \Villinmr. She survived l>v her husband, four ehil- m; Mrs. Goldman, Mr*. L . T . M*r- lil of Jorome, Roy W illiams of Boiso, a Fred Williams living ne.ir Twinlla. Tho body Is a t the D oW ltl ' rtuary chapel. Funerol nrrange- n ts nro n o t eomploted. '


s'KW ORLEANS, Lo., 'es on vegethblns from Cnlifornin n ts \o New Orleans wil! bo mado b>1 lin-s O clobcr tl, i t was nnnounccd ay. The nuw ralo will bo $1.40 n iflreJ poMiids instead of ♦LCfl 1-2.


] DofcctlTa flaos aro respon-1

Elblo f o r 13 poT cen t of all

fires. A ro your f liu s safe

for UM th is w ln tar? An

otmeo -of firo proren tion li

wortb a pound of flro ex-

U ngB i^er. B u t a t t l s samo timo bo sure you ara

. innirod.


D f M T T H BU BO a M A B JP IT que P irrS B U R O H , Pa., (flV -A lJ R tadei \

o f cmdo oil quoted io tbo Pittsburgh m nrket wero ndvnnced todny by tlio p rindp itl pureh|ia!ng ageoeles a t fol- , lows: - J V

'rp n a sy lv a n b Cmdo 2S cents a ba n e l lo $2.5'J; Corning 25 cen ts to $1.45; Ca-' ^ bol 30 cents to «L41; Someraot 10 centa ^ to 41.20; Somerset lig h t 20 cents to | >1.43; Kaglond 25 eonta to 85 centa. •■ Increajtcd demand from rflfinoticf •• ^ w as .given oa tho couso of Ihe ad- ' 1“ « - • . ■ (,

‘ M A T O H 'fO E EOPHE. « c i

CHICAGO, C P )-B o b Boper, Chieogo lioavywelght boxer,, has aignod^ a con- trac t -to m eet on. opponent y c i to ' bo -’t, limned n t W lnnil»g oa O stobar 17. Nc- gotlationa aro being made for oaatern ' ' engagements following the W innipeg

' 0________________________. nooi

' P o d n y a l i ^ ^ r k . e t s

‘ ----------- . C


______ atroLower Oco&n r r t i g h t E ato# tn d H igher 8

Fo reign Excliwige-Brlng A botit Bx- po rt BuylDtf O ffse tting Decline

CillCAGO, ( / ^ A b s e n c e of any ag- J ’J'®: jresslvo support lod to lowor pricos to- ia y fo r w heat. T heto wos scattered Iquidation on tho p a rt of holders, w ith q; lomdilsiion houses tak ing genororlly to qqq. ho selling side, Boorish aipeets o f f i- gt^ . laneiai and Wonomio cobditlona receiv- d irgood deal o f notice. Opening pric* |^ o ; a , wliich Toriod from tho tomo aa yos- erdoyA fin ish to 1 3-4 ccn t lower, w itli Jecembcr >1J24 to 1.21 1-2 nnd Moy jj ii.28 to 1.28 1-2, woro followed by mod- g| ra to se tbacks a ll around.

Subsequently prices hordened as a eault u f word th a t lower ocean fre ig h t atos a&d higher forolga oxc h u g o had ^ q' , irought about Bomo uxport buying. Tho .losu wns unsettled, 3-4 to 1 3-4 ao t " ctwcr, w ith D ccem ber-*li23 1-4 to 1.23 -2 aad M ay ♦IJJ? 3-4. jpy,.

Corn and oata declined w ith * h e a t, au'ust prices y o t th is season beiag ouchcd by September ami Dccumber orii. A fter openiug 1-8 to l-4c o ff, in- gg]j luding Decembor o t 51 1-2 to 51 58e, '. ho corn m arkot sagged s till fu rth e r < leforo beginning to react.. . v cat

L ightness of rural offerlnga helpod ' l te r - to rally tho m arket a little- Tho lose was slendy a t 1-8 to 3-8c net do- “ line, w ith December Cl 3-Bc.O als s ta rted 1-8 lower to a shado ad-

ancu, Decembur 37 1-8 to 37 3-8 and lien beconiu ensier fo r a ll deliveries. Provisions wero firm er owing to tho

trongth in tho hog m arkol. •

O aa i Q uotations Je t.CHIOAGO, (/P) — W heat—No. 2 red

1.24 to 1.20; No. 2 hard $1.24. “ i»Corn No. 2 mixod 51' l-4»to 51 3-4e; eomi

ro. 2 yellow 51 M to B2c. CentO ats No. 2 w hite 30 to 37e; No. 8 »how

rhito 33 1-4 to 34c. ' “ dRyo No. 2 <1 3-4. AsplBarloy 54 to (!2e.Timotliy seed «4:25 to ,4.75.«- ColuiClover seed $12 to 18., f ”"Po rk nominal. ' ^ '*teL ard ^10.22. resurR ibs >7.25 to 8.25.' . 'o r y

for IM inneapolis F lou r and Grain • pu

M IN NEA PO LIS, (yP)-F lonr 20 to 25e othei


BOOTH SH' Children’s Shoes

■■----- SIZES 5 TO 8------

K i d to p s , p a t e n t v n m p s , b n t t o nU la c k k W , b u t t o n .............................W h i t e k i d t o p s , p a t e n t v a m p s ,b u t t o n I-.............................. .........................U r o w n I r i d . t o p a , p a t e n t y a m p a ..C l m n ip a f 'n o k id , b u t t o n ..........B l a c k k i d , I m t t o u ............... .. .............B l a c k k id , l o c o ................................ .B r o w n c n l f , i io p s c o tc l i , b r o a d fo I n f a i i t « ’, 2 1 -2 t o 5 ............. :...............

ChUdren*8 Shoes------SIZ E S 8 1-2 TO 11------

B l a c k k id t o p s , p a t e n t v a m p s ,n a r r o w w i d t h s ......................................B r o w n k id , la c o ....................................B r o w n c a l f , l a c e , n a r r o w w id th . . .B r o w n c a l f ................................... . . . . . . .

- B r o w n c a l f , h o p s c o t c h ....................

Children*8 HoseB l a c k .............................................................B l a c k a n d b r o w n ....................... 3 5 c J

BOOTH M‘'Another Pl

.LS, IDAHO, TUESDAYSlower. ' I n carload lots, ^ l l y ^ a t e s t s tmdquoted o t $8.40 to 8.60 a b o rro l unse

B ran 418 to 14, IngW hcAt-rBoeeipts 254 compared w ith ortlc

510 c a r r a year, o g o .' alon Cosh N o. r N orthern $1.47 1-2 to 1.40

1-2; ^ p ta m b o r $1.45 S-4; Diceombor ^$1.87 1-2; M ay $1.30. ^

Com No. 3 yellow 44e nominal.O ats No. 8 w hito 31 1-2 to 32 l-2e.Barley 42 to 86c. ' ,

. Ryo No. 2 ,0 5 1-2 to DO l-2e... Flox No. 1, $1.08 1-2 to 2.01 1-2.

CMcago Produce c ^ .

CIIICAQO, (iip)—B u tte r — U nsottled; -creamery ex tra s 43oj standards 87 l-2oj NJfirsts 33 to 41e; seeonds 20 to 81e. ; auca

E ggs-U nchangod ; reeelp ti 7,828 cas- menl

' I ’oullry—AIlvo liighcr; fowls 10 to 27c; springs 22c.

Omaha U re s to d c And

O.MAUA, (fl>) - H o g s-R o ee ip ts 4,- j S , 500; strong to 15c h ighe r; bulk, modi- - a " um ond ligh t bu tchors $7.25 to 7.75; n[ a' top $8.10; bu lk pack ing sows $0.10 to W 0-W- , V loeal

Cattlc - Boceipla 5,500. Fod atoora g ‘ steady; top ycarliag# $10.25; w esterns thom Bteody to 16o h igber; eho-stoek S5e j] , h igher; bulls strong to 25o higher; veols oaaje steady; stockera und feeders, steady to jg strong. ■ . I - t]

Sheop Boeelpts, 4fl,000; k illing jnted classes s teady; fow early sales, lam bs mark weak; bulk w estern lam bs $7 to 7.75; *50 ^ top $8 ; yearlings $5; wothorg $4.25; 71, owes $3.50; feeders slow ; .early top bor . feeding lamba $0.25.

^ Ohlcago tlT e# tock * ens 1 OUICAGO, (flV -C a tU o -ro c e ip U 13,.

000; dosirablo yeaxjings and com fod steers steady to 15e h igher; o thers slow ; - lop yoarlings $10.75; bu lk beof stoors ' ^0.25 to 0.23; sho-stock ond calves dull; canners and b u tli s te ad y : stoekors and . feedera weak. _ '

Hog—receipta 23,000; opened steady lo slrong; la to r m arkot octivo, 1ft to 13o liighcr than yosto rday 's average; top rs.30; bulk ligh ts and ligh t butchers »7.D0 to 8.15; bulk pocking sows $0.35 to 0.75; 'pigs scarce, mostly steady; bulk deairablo $7.25 to 7.50. Cal

Sheep — receipU 32,000; f a t n a t i r e vcal, iambs strong' to 25c h igher; w esterns Ho ipeni’d fully s teady; top n'ativca early Sht ;o c ity butchers $8.76; $8.25 to pack* Po' .’rs; culls $5 lo 5.50;, good to choice ivestcrns eorly $8.50 to 8.05; best no t lold; sliccji seorco; ligh ts f irm : heav­es 25 to W i h igher; feeder lamlis firm Flour i t $0.75 tu 7; somo hold 'h igher; top Sugai .-caterdoy $7.25. Sugar

New Y ork Stock M a rk e t P o ta t NEW YORK, VJV^ProIcBslonal in-

:urcsls wuro in cuntrol of today 's .s tock _ narket. Suiitim cnt omong traders bo- » , , , mmo' mote bearish as money rate s „ , i^'lilegeil nnd.pubUc in to rest diminish- ^>d. Bales approxim ated 425,000 shares,

Leaders w ere under .fu rth e r pressure j.It the opening of toS ay ’s stock m ar- le t. Shorts availed themselves o f a i»w-low rccord for O ennan tnarks os I p ir lia l reason f o r ’ oi^tending the ir iommitmenta. M exican Petroleum,Jentral L eather and OonornI E leetrie howed enrly losses o f 1 to 1 1-2 points md llaldwin, Studebakpr and aen e ra l y u t t t \spha lt were fraetionftlly lower. Road- ng. Railway Stool Spring, Coca Colo, ;olumbio Gas, Union D ag and Ameri- gtei nn Icc comprised the firm fea tures. fOQoj ixten/iivc buying of L ibe rty bonds w as Bob esum ed.'the th ird 4 1-4's 'a n d tho, Vic- ^ u to , o r y 4 3-4’s .m aking new -high roeorde or tho year. I f j

Furlher selling o f Pennsylvnnin, an- ad»en thet- reaclion in Moxieon Pctroloum find 3

i u c i iBETTER KI]\

aOE DEPARies Misse

— SIZ E S :

■■■■ m n c t o p ” . .............. 5 a .Z0 (Nnrroi

’’ - - „ Brown kid, lace, m.......... '•narrow width .........................' • ....... g g 5 Brown calf, w elt6C.......... narrow w id th ...........................

..............j 2 !q O I ••••iToe....$2iO. . Black kid, lace ...............$1.65 Black calf, la c e .......

^ • .Growir~ ------ SIZES

$3.60 BrowTi c a l f ............. $3.45 Brown c a lf ...............,h....... $3.60 Brtnvu c a lf .............

,g. Misses’S■ 2 6 c 8 J - 2 to 1 0

6 c ; i ' c , 6 0 c S i » . « 1 -2 til 1 0 ......

iERCANTII^ackage From Bi

, SEPTEMBER-27,1921'nd th e 'wookses# o> (oeondaiy atoels nM ttled pricos again :lat«r, - The olos- ' lg w as heavy. Bonds, Inelading i j b - rties, wero Irfognlar, Yletory i s .4 », lono holding /In n ., ;

Po tM ow V CUIOAQO, ( f i^ P o ta to M .w e ^ ; re<

iip ts 80 cars; to ta l U.. 9 . sbJpmoaU .571; Idaho Boaod W hite $3.20 to 2X6 iv t; W isconsin, socked 12.10 to 2.80 v t.; bu lk $2.20 to 2:85 ewt.; Minno- )ta B ed Biver'O hios, sacked and bo lk 2.25 to 2.40 ewt.; H oiae $2.85 to 'a.46 irt.


NEW - YOBK', m - T h e fea ture in the Igar m arkot today was the onsotinoe- ont by th V so g a r finaneo oooraittee iSt i t had rodoced the pries of Cuban igoT'from S - M o 'to 2 S4e cos^ a sd e ight, oanal to $4.23 fo r e e n tr ifo ttl id th a t they had sold 200,000 bags a t lot level to local, rdfiners. Uneon- Olled sugars, howoVer, ware 'unchW g- l o t $118 fo r u o t r i l ^ , n l e t .' 87,000 bogs. , ,I n raw sugar fularoB some,senU6r.ed cal so iling ’eansed a decline of 2 'd r

points in t i e ' aetive 'ppsltioES, al- lOugh trad in g w « lig h t Tho m o rk e t fo r r ^ n e i ; 's u g a r 'w a a isicr and priees wsro redtieed 10 to . point# by two o f th e local refiners ' the b a s is , of $5.50 fo r fine grMn* tod, ow ing to t i e decline Io th# spot a rke t. O thers w o ro 'sn d ia ag ? a “ 'i lt1-05. * . ,There wns o n ly 'o n e lo t o f Septem- ir changed hands in refined fo tnre* .•

$0X5, or nnchoagsd from the p re r l. - ' J IS close.

I W m FA L L S H A B S B 39 ‘ O rain '

'nm ishcd by Twin Polls Flour Milla. heat, No. 1, cwt. $L35 •

Fw dnc*.itatoes, Bnrals, nwt- ........ $ i . « ‘itte i'fa t - .... • - .... '____________'8«( •mch h o tte r _______ i - . ............. 40cr g a -----------------------— 30e ■

L J r t r to d t Furnished by Indepeidont Meat

M arket ‘ ‘Cattlo—Cows 4@4 J-2c; aUers, 5e; a l, C@7c. I •Hogf—Prim e, 8@ 10c.Sheep—MutloB, 4c; lamba, Oe. Pouliry-r.nens, I5c; fryers, 20c. ^

HO USE W IF E ’S OOIDB.(Retail Priees)

3ur, ns-lb. sack .v_______ $3.B5®2.f>6 .g a r beet, 100 l b s . ---------$8.16@8.£lgor, cono, 100 lbs_____ Vo quolotiontatocfl, new, IbJ------------------------ 2ct m cheese __________________ 20eick cheese _______________30:one — ___,------- ------ ' ...........- Orttuee, leaf, lb ______________.^ . '. lO cs a d ______ ______________ :____- ;10ct te ry ( c r e a m e ry ) ---------- --- 4Cc''t te r (raneh) _________ _ •:------ 40.:RS ( ra n ch ) , d o a ._____________30<*ic k e n s ____________________ 35cn s _____________ :______ ______ -3Ceeon _________________________ 36econ, slleod - 40<: • ^m ..... ...........................S8em , s l i c e d --------:---------------- -— 45fl ^tk ehops --------------- ------------2 5 f 30c . ^itton ciiops ---- ------- ------------S5®30c i frk r o a s t .____________

Iteak—Sirloin;" 30ei' T-bon«, * 'nd, SOe; ehnek, 20e. •Joef—P o t roast, 20e; nick 17 3-2e; to , Ifl l-2q ; b ro k e t, 10c.

t yoor property Is desirable, and in rertlsed in the classified — you'll d yoo r b o y tr . __

S i s 'ND

ITMENTtet Shoes8 11 1 -2 'to 2------

atent vam ps......... $6,50TOW W idths) .

robber heels,............................... $5.76sole, broad toe,....................:..... . $5J25.................... ...........$3.95................... _____ $3.26.......... ! . . . Z .......... .$3.25 '

ting GirJ^S 2 1-2 to 8— ■

.............................6 0 -

......................— * 6 .0 0 ■

.......................................... * 6 ,6 0

3 0 L I D S H O E ■

Sport Bose...................... .. ...............$ 1 5 5


LE CO. ,hoth’s ”

iSiPLWEH■ ([G flP F ii

• J ---------------------------------bfl

. T o p S h o o p a n d S w i n e O o ip - ” ,. i - m o o d e d A t t e n t i o n a n d l ^ e w u

L a r g e P r e m im n B «

' “ iAith'oogh th e ‘8l»«9p Indtialry in th ^ d litrlc t ba» ahown a dccllno in tho p w

, f W Toara in te to r t 'ta .e x W M U ofcliiii of domcatlD ao lm n l,a t.tl8 .c o o n tyW r, naa 'm ain tilnea .this year, accord- ”

, that.eSgbt cxhibltori eUowod H animal* ..' r f fh? threo la a to g .brooda. B ooboall- . ,

'W a a n d iH m n je ilw i piodoininntod. •'■’ Tho fa ir IwBta j a l d on t 1168 aa p rea - inma in thla ^epnrtm ont, tfao caah prix- *’l ; f Aolng: .dialiitintod to tho 'fo llow ing ed'oxH bitori:'' coi" L , h . Brcckeqridife, MS.SO;. OiUottA abBljO^p.Co., W9.6Q; Clark and Co,, *15| c »Thotuiand fipringt Fami> $0; n . H . pr<

■ * Schlldrn'an, 110; 0 . W. McOlonla, 11.00; op! and 0 . L. Dudley, I27.S0. th<

. Tho aum of 1008,wna paid in premi* toi J UD}« to exhibitor! of awino. O f thla tio ^ amount lho aum of <300 wae furniibod no

.by tho National Doroe Joraoy aasocln- fo tlon Iq tho fnluriUoa. Tho rem^^nflor set WM.pald ooi from tho goncral rccelpta li o f tho fair . . .. • >">i

. Tlio dljtrJbution of money in tho ao- nidr' and jna io r fu tu rities is oa woa: '■ a . a A r» a •10*, W . n . R uobo • IM ; Vti t t l . McUaator W3; J . P. H un t $16; L . cm 8'; Otto 111: H unt and O tto «25j Alfred i>ai e lm n k « 0 : N . R n a rrU .» 3 0 ; Maurice . Harrla *18; Clifford CaJdwoll *85 O. H. mc DUon.IQ. . . ■ • • i"S

Tlio P ig Club Fu tu rity promiuma were paid to: . ' 1

'A lf re d '6 tm n k tC l; M aurieo H arris an! ♦35; Clifford Dnvis »19; Bobort W eav- j},] er $10; L citor D lttor t \ l - , Milo D avis . |8 ;,H flT ye^ W o o d 'tM ; Clifford Cold- well 120^ ■ . ' fllfi

I d the “ open c la sa -a li broodi” , tho fj,,; premiuma amoonted to WID, paid out aa bo

. followa: . • - thoW. H. Rambo JOO; O tto ft Arms W ; bo

T. W. HclIcr *13; C. A. U oM astor $8; to J . P . H unt t i ; L. 8 r O tto $20; R. 8. c t Amia (7 ; A lfred S tm nk $20; N . D. Hot- j ris $2; B .B . Heller $1; H un t nnd O tto ,vai $10; A. L. 'ffllBon $111; Loa H oller $25;- af-r Clydo Taylor ?8.' wit

Bpenklnfc w ith rcspect to thc swino i:,!. oxhiblta Mr. M arkel poy# tho following iric tribute; lloi' ‘"This dlBWbuUon of neatly $1,000 „ ■ among tho breeders of purebred l^rin#, for sccna to bo joatified by th e quality o f daj stock th a t la making tb is eounty fam- “i OUI aniODg atoekmen ovorywhero. tali

" W . n , K«mbo o t Bnhl n id A U ttd [ „ Strunk cach drow $170 and a tlll bavo

w the ir swino which were doubled- in vnl* his uo by havlag woa ao m any prixes ita

T against keen conjpetltlon. Thl* awlno jon ahow'aloao'wM w ortb 'one admission.'* die

__________ ________ “ VOI& L'BELATES OOOVEBEKOES hoy

' wai(Continned from Pago One; - Mo;

"S lio c tlcd loudly fiBftln vrlion aho was p i t back o n 'th e bed,” Miss Pro- voft iiaiil

"T hon Arbuckle aaid 'K you d o n 't stop ycllhiK r n throw you o u l of tjio • window* ” • • _ E

■ Arbucklo then w ent back Into th.' Vul other room, MIsj Provost continued, in ’ but roon returned, npplytni: ice to Mini " ill Rnnpo wltli tho slatcm ont: “ T h at'll tria niaKo hrr come to ." . , o f t ■In nn nnswor to n queslioii from the C.,1

'pToacsution Misr Provont said sho did ant, not henr Mrs. Delmont say, “ Roscoc, uro you Will Imvo your liltlo jo k e . ' ' cnt

No Kotorioty W anted. . lo I' Somo one put In n tolophoDO call for

nid, M i« provost sta led , I'Ut aomo oth- - ’ or person jerked nwny llic reccivor, . J ‘

saying i>n notoriety wns wnnted. , / while Arbuckle nnd Mira Bappo

vero OUI of tho room, aho salQ. tlwro was music being plnyed Tind ‘ 'p len ty "1®" ofneis-i.’ ' - j’” *'

On oxnminatlon by tho dofenso U is i T Prevost s ta ted th a t sho received an *®* ‘ invltat\on by telophono to come to At-

• , bncklo 'j party. 0 ho had mot the como- dian fc.Jong time bofore, Kho eatd, b u t ‘ho he did 'not remember hor. Sho did hol know rho- tho Invllntlon camo from, sho laii], and when aho entered Arb'ur- ' k lo 's suito thero wero no introduetloni,

A merely a request to " ta k e « u r h a t off fjan imd mako yourself a t homo.^' cuto

' of nS T A N D IN Q O F O L U B S wou

I PA O m O OOABT LBAQUB ' juryClubs— t r . Xj. p f t soat

San F tan tlsfo ______104 77 .575 to - iLos A n g o le s________102 78 .COD tlioflacrnmonte _________ 102 78 .500 chai.S c a t l lo ______________ 08 '7£> .555 tornp a k U n i .c _________ 05 84 .581 theVernon — ;j ______ 04 87 .523 daniS J t L a k o ------- 02 104 .« 0 fornPortland --------— 48 128 .200 Okli

N A U O N A L LHAflUB l u tC I u ^ Ww L. P e t J .

Now Y ork ------------ 93 • 62 ..021 theP lttrb iiig h ,.^ .- :--------- ,88; Cl .501 alsoa t . Louis ----------- 8 4 ' . C5 and

• Boslon _______ 77 72 'J I 7 7,“ ,■ Brooklyn — ..J .------- 7S 74' . m nocc

C ln c in n n ti_________j 00 80 .403C h Jc a io _____________ 01 87 .412P h U a d e lp h la ________60 OC J542

AMEBI0A17 LBAQITB' ‘ MC lu b s - , W. h . .Pet.

Now York ..........:____ 04 C4 .035 ‘'® 'Cloveland ...... .. 03 - 57 .020 =Bt. Louis ................. 78 . 73 .510 r —W ash in g to n ______ 76 72 .614 T lBoston- ____________ 72 74| .403 ■ ’D etroit __________:__ 71 80 .40P t*

-------— .......... c : « i JS 7 S ;P h i la A o lp h u ________52 04 .357

^ Think of Thla, Bachelora.- ' ^ ITie hnppy m arried m an dlon In ROod

«tno a t homo, anrrouhded by bla wo«ik to* wlfo nnd children. Tho old bach*•Io r don 't dlo a t nil—h e ,ao r t. o f ro t i iw ay . llko a pollywog'a ta ll.—A rtcm n i t j Wa r t In "The D ra f t In B nldlnsrllle ."

■ ' - -- f

V m a H M E N 'a B T n B S r T A B T B fai

(Continned from Page Onej' ‘ - fla

o ff'd u rln g the oxamlnotlon of Vonlro- thi man C. D. M oKinley, residing near {j. Filer, 'when A ttoijs^y Outhrie, - chlcf ] counsel fo r tho dofcose, endeavored tn got tho p rospective 'jo rym an to adm it u,j

_ thaC ho had read a certain newspoper q_i I Interview given ou t by County Prosocu- _yj I to r 'F ra n k u Btciiluin und published B somo weeks ago. M r. Bltiphan roso im- l . * modiatoly, sta tin g tha t ho desired to

bo hoard on tho m atter. U o iras inlet- 1. .

F, m ptod by M r.'G uthrie w ith ' tho sl^to- -oj mont tha l probably Mr. Stophair was na woll fjuollflcil aa anyone to tocsmcnl on tho cnso, Mr. S lephnn’a roply to . th is brought an Immediate re s^ n sc

J . from Uuthrie to the effec t thn t he wos ^ no t attem pting to co st any reflection; '

on thu proac'cution. Tho Incident clos* thi j_ Cli K-illi an insfnicllon by Judgo Bab- )jn

cock to th n a tto rneys to contlnuo the ‘ m n in a l io n . thi„ iTJie ii'cldcnt while of uo Importance

In itself ecrvod to crcato a break In p],, u tho monotony of 'tho long drawn ou t j

job of e za m in b g tnlesmon. gj,

a . . B zam lnttiona R apid .' - - »u> ^V ork 'of se lecting 4 ju ry wns rcaum-

Jg ed Immrdlatoly upon the oponlng of conrt thia morning. An .average o^

t« about ten minutes lr occupied by tho [<■< 5 | examination of each • venireman by >”'1 n . Prosecuting A ttorney Stcphnn.' Puted 0; opinion n s .te .th o g u ilt or innocence of

tho defendant; prejudice on account o t . ll* sox; idllingnesa to follow tho inatruc- , lla tlons of tho court, form the l^ sls of Dd most of Ihe interrogatories addressed q n- lo talum eny Mere unw illingnctt. to or serve uusupportcd by defiaito reason* . . ta Is not, Al th is Binge of the proceedings,

being ncceptod aa grounds fo r excuse.0- D efendant Booms Uoconcanisd.

Tho ilofcndnnt and her husband, Paul 1; Vlnean’. ^ u lU a rd , occupied theU oc-L customed teals , ne ither m arJfesting any 3d particular in terust In tho proceedings 9 J so Tho nudience, small n t tho beginning J . Increased steadily, a largo number be

ing womon.re S o a th a rt TaU u F 1WI7 . . '

Paul V incent’ Southard,- the defejid* j '*» a n t 's husband, spoke freely of the t*isf am

Ihis mocniog, saying In p a rt: t,,-:« “ M}' w ife Is lii-Kood hcallh and In L ,„ “ • fac t is feeling fjne. 8ho ea tc .w ell'and , |„

sleeps well, which Indicafes th a t her coiiscicnce is clear. N a t(H a lly ^ H ^ ilf |^ ,„ y bo a little nervoun during tlie Irlnl of -4],

' the caj<o b u t no t so much so as miRht 5; be crpocted. She k is been a good w lfi

lo me. I will bo hero during the trial,3- cf courw ” - 1,5,r* Mention of poison for tho first time ,^ wos Injectcd Into tlio coso o f 'th e sta le . ' >;■ against L yaa-M eyor Southard, charged

with tlie murd'or o f-her fourth husband,10 Bilward F. Meyer, which openeil in dis- e tr ie t court yfisterday, in the examina­

tion of 11. P . Mbscley n prosiiectlvo jur- . " lO nr by WiUiam V . O u tb rk , th ie f counael •j for the defense, a t a lalo hour yester-

d a y ^ te rn o o n .’• “THtorney O uthrlo drew from tho

talesman the sta tem ents th a t ho had 4 formed no doflnllo opinion "as* to tha '0 guilt or innocence of tho acenscd, th a t 1* his mind wns frco of bias nnd th a t the 5* state-m ust provo its caso beyond n rea- 10 jonabio doubt in order to obtain a ver- ' d iet of gulily. Then eamiTlho question,

“ Would you require tbo stalo to prove hoyond a reasonablo doubt th o t poison was found in tjie body of Kdward P. Moyer nnd th a t stich poison was ndmlh-

* iatcred by tlio defendant Avlth inten t to ® i-niiHo llc a tb i” There was a notlccnble ’■ sllcncp in the room as tho 'talcam an an- sivored th n t he wonld.

0 . U ontana A ttorney H ereE. K Collins, county proseculoi* of

Yullowslono county,.M ontnnn, arrivod 1, in Twill Pnlls yeslcrdiiy' afiernoon nnd1 will remnin in ntteiid.tiice upon the I trial. Billings, M ontano, was tho scene

of the death on Ju ly 0,1010, o f Harlan c C.,1jCwIs, th ird buabnnd of thu defend- 1 an t, nnd -In thc event of tho s ta te ’s fall- , uro to securo a conviction in tho proa-

cnt (aso h() stntea I t to b irh is intcation to begin oction on a charge of first de-

, greo murdor ngainat th e ffomtm I m i , upon the denth of Lewi*.

Kxamlnatlon of the premises'occupied ' by tho thon.^Mfa. Lowla in Billings a t , tho time of tho doath of Lowis by Idaho J ttutliorlllcs is M-ld te dlstlosod , idence of on Incriminating^ naturo which

eridencb Is declared to have conslsttid I in p a rt of a quantity of poison mater- I Ial and which 'will bo bronght into the , p resen t'case If the eourt pormlla tho . introduction of nny cvidcnce against : tho defendant outsldo tho rase o f tho

death of Meyor., M any V en lra n as E x an lae d -1

■ W. B. Parker, a fan n er of BuW, and> n resident o f the w est end for 14 years;

clared under exam ination by Profc- cutor Slephnn yesterday tha t he 'knew of no prejndice or b ias on hla p a rt tha t would interfcfo w ith U a acrvice as a juryman and waa allowed to re ta in his seat. Peter L ink, who was subjected

i to -a n exhaustive oxamlnotlon during> tlio forenoon and allowed to rem ain an*I challenged waa dismissed during the nf- i ternoon setilon becauso of his views on ' the proposition of c ircum stantial ovi*■ dance. A. M. K lcof o f Twin Palls,' formerly a farm er who came horo from ' Oklahoma, was allowed to reta in hla

seat following oxaminnlion by -the lU te .

J . M. Picrce of Berger n i d ho Jtnow tho defendant oa Mra. Pooley and was nlso acquainted w ith he r parents, Mr.

■ and Mr*. W. J . TruoWood. -He stated tha t h la opinions aa to tho gu ilt o r In-

‘ 'nocenco of fhe dvfendant were fU ed ; a ad unalteinble and fo r this reason he ' was oxcosed.

. B is 7 I0W8 TJnaltorablo M. A. Thomelr. who hns resided n l

T hom eti fo r a a n y ycnr* declared th o t he waa a neighbor of Ihe Trueblood

' — — ' .

TWIN FA LtS-DO ISE STAGELeaving Tw in P olls a t 8 a. . s . (local tim e); a rrivo Boiso 3:30 p. m. (lo­cal tlihe).

Make connectlos 'w ith Ko. 10 going .west, a t M oitntala Home. Giving one hoar fo r d inne r beforo the ar­rival o f 10, going w ort. 'P o rq ia»« aa r a l l io a i

T B A S K B R O S . S T A G E C 0 . | | _

- TW1N>AIXS DAILY J.family and know ih e ontiro fam ily for ov e r'iC years.' B e s ta ted th a t ho hold flxbd nnd definite vlowa on -th e caso nnd declined to ndm it hla certain ty tha t

‘ these ylew* could bo a ltered bx thc 'ov- ; ideaco. H o wos oxcuseiL

L.- T . W righ't Vfw oioueeO, a fte r a ’ b rie f exam ination • on the statem ent \ th a t, bo had already foimed a dofinito ' opinion on Ihe caso. II. M. Holler, pro*‘ p rie to r of the Bogerson Annex aod an old -resident o f T w in Paljs, atated th a t

ho know b o lh 'lh o defendant and be r ' husband Poul V incent Southard, thv

le tte r being a guest a t his hotel. He ' referred to his stnto of health as a ro a- . son why bo desired to bo axcuscd bnt ' was still In the box ^ h e n court olosod . fo r the day.

I Oonld PoUow Instn ic tlonsWilliam W altera, an old resident of

■ tho Tw in P n lU country, s ta ted th a t ho j knew Mr. Trueblood, th a t ho had no

unalterable opinions on the case and th a t he would bo Prepared to fellow tho c o u rt's instructions. He was not

I challenged. ' 'D. E. Chlpman, .farm er of Filer, was

excused fo r tho lorm, declared upoa ox- nmlDatlon th a t his tJowb open the a a t -

. te r In hand woro fixed and unalterable.' th a t ho knew the Trueblood family and• had heard th o case discussed and 'tb a t hi]I felt tliat ho could no t rond6r a fa ir and - Impartial ve rd ic t na jurym an.

W illing to Oo Eotno , A. A. D avis, o f iH lct, while a d a ltte d - ; l.v ivilllDg to bo excused, s ta ted th a t he , did not know e ither th e defendant o r

her p.ironts oltboDgh he knew A ttorney I Outhrlo. H e had' no fixed opinion as I lo giiUt or innocence of.tho ocAised onu

helioved t i o t he. could render scrvfce In a fa ir and Impartial manner. He would follow tho instruellons of the court-iio sa id . Asked If tho fac t th a t tho de fe n d an t'w as a 'w om an would in any m anner a ffec t hla ab ility to render 0 ju s t verd le t he la id he wouldn't con­v ict nny quicker bocauso the dcfeadant wna a woman. Ho added lha t be knew of nothing lo disqualify him except the facL th n i h e w anted to bo cxcused and go heme. Ho was no t challenged.

Lloyd Brown, a farm er o f ICimberly nnd a resident o f tho Tw in Falls coun-

■ try for 13 years, was excused o n .tho iRtiiunil of f ixed opinions.. Vfilllam Aus-• tin of Bock Crook and who came h o r e 't

• f/rom .N orth 'Car<i,linn 'In IflH , sold lie , cou ld 'cast a voto w ithon t w aiting fo r , tho conclusion of tho tr ia l, i f necessary. UtB mind w aa a tre idy mado up . H e w as ' oxeuscd fo r the lerm. W ill Qoodman,n farm er a t M urtaugh, whore ho has re­sided for 8 years, mim oxtuaed 'on tlii! 'samo genoral ground. B. L. McKInater o f Tw in FaUa llkowiae.-

Tw o BetAln Seat*A rthur E. Scholton who cnmo to H -


This fashion’s

■ construct ■ fu llo f th

This ^ a b l e pricf

/ ^ e s that a:

' “Ano

f l ip w s . TWHjJ FA LLSir ler from K ansas in 1016 declared him- i

self willing to follow the c o u rt's In- M strucllons and b a d ’ no 'pnrtl.eular p ie j- kt udice ngnlnst c lrcum stantiai evidence.

Hu said ho knew of notliing In his views tn d isqualify him as n juryman In ^nsc. Mo w as no t challenged. "

i t W. H . llrowor, residing 0 inllos north- ;« west o f Buhl, was examined and allow- ' >- od to reta in his seat. C. A. B lckford 'o f i a Twin Falls was excused upon his stato- ' it mont th n t hu thought his oplnlona m ight < ir disqualify him.

M. E. W right, fo r 10 years a resident :e o f K im berly whero he is cngngod in tho I - nursery business, adm itted prejudice it and waa excused. J . R, Btono of Kim*- J berly said ho m ight-be inclined to fav ­

or tho dofcndant becauso of her sox bu t on tho whoio believed th a t his a t ­titude tow ards a woman under tho elr-

‘f cumstancea wonld bo tho same aa tha t tow ards a man.

^ Pixod V iew s In terfere,T Thomaa M. Baird waa challenged and ,t excused, na was A rt W. Nelson of Mur-

taugh. Mr. Nelson aald he camo from a M urlaugh S ycaia ago frhero ho w aa 'I. engaged in tho goaeral contracting bns- (. iness. H e said th a t he was unablo ta ). view tho ease w ith an unprejudiced d mind.

W. P . Mlkcsell declared him self not d wheUy fre » from prejudice in the caao

and so t anre aa to tho w eight to be placed npon eiream atan tla l ovidenee. l ie doubted if ho could construe th e

I- ease im partially and waa excused for e tho term. M. B. Corcoran of. Twin Palls •r declared th a t ho waa posseiaod of fix- y od opinions th a t i t would bo d ifficu lt .» to alter, was choUenged and e x e a se i u D avid Jc n k s s ta ted upon examination e th a t ho thought he,could bo fa ir in his e judgm ent, th a t -ho 'would not bo proju- e diced because of the sex o f tho defond- t an t and was willing to follow-, tho0 c o u rt's instructions. Uo was passed r fo r cauae. , •I- — I ,ii » I -t DEMOCRAT EBSIQNB AB IV T A B IF P COMMISSION lO JA D jP W ASHINQTON, ypW Tlwm ns W.>' Page, u f V irg ln b , appoinicd chairman

of tho ta r i f f com m luion by Preaident y Wilson, haa rerignod from the rhalr-' manship b u t will, rem ain a member. -® Dr.*]*ago, who Is a dem ocrat, is u'l- '* dcrstou.1 to have w ritten Mr. H ard ing c 'th a t.iu ] fe lt the p resent adm inistrationc nhould indicate ita own <Ioslro as- to a cljalrnmn.'

' ~ 1d a h o o l e a n e e s a n d IDYEES

. OHAB. E . ROW OLIPFB b 00 .Phone Sie-W

120 Bboihone St. W est Pronch D ry oieaaliig

■ R ep airin g -D y ein g |


1 Season’s yI t BOi

s large department is dail ’s latest creations. Our < cting the most beautiful ir the newest in materials.

,s department is offering ( ices. Ladies and Children' are attractive.

other FackagiBOOTH MERC


I Gives New Schedule ;i J- of Rates on Grains0- , ______________________ loj’ -W A SU I.vniO N , .1), I-., U P i- ) i ™J "chcJulo a t i;ralu raicr fur thc N orth '

A tlantic scrvlce, Ihe-ouleome of n jo in t confcrenco of shipping companion in

J. New York recenlly wns nnnnunced to- «s:dny liy lho shipping bonrd. Rates on th

W hyinvestigat

Schoolbefore bu

Good, durable/all . Black, brown, kid . lish toe. All sizes

Infants’, 5 to 8, for ■ Childs’, 8'l-2 to 11

Misses’, U 1-2 to 2 .Girls', 21-2 to 8, foi



<atest lIliiK m H ’slily in.' receipt of new mod r expert makers are capa in hats and our work roor

? extraordinai’y hWs aJ: r( sn’s Hats are.here for you a

From Bootli;CANTILECO.

■ I— — I,.—

w heat' iic4.!.com'’ pcf hundred '^ a n S | w ill bo 1" rents ta tho U nited Kingdom,10 1-2 cvntn to A ntw erp and 18 qen ^ l o , Hnoiburg. W heat flour will eomo under Iho eamo rates -with tho usoa! d if fe ren tb l of 5 c c g l f . '.

Classified advertUlng Is the eheap- vst th ing you ean boy—n e a n r e d by* the proflia I t n a y h r b g yon.

N o tite these


,11-leather shoes, d and calf; Eng- . ,3S.

• -ff- ' '

o r ...... ?;.95-11, fo r ........2, fo r ..... . .$ m

o r ..............$335


' .V ‘

■ I

lery -

)dels of lable of : jms are



n v *

■ r - ’............ - r - - ' i

TWIN FALLS DAILY Nl' luucd ov'orT ft/tornooQ excopt SundAjr

Twin PntU Nawi PublUhlnf Co.. Iae.(EBUblUhod »0«)

iu)T READ;o n K a HARVEr .............■'......................... • • • • .?

CnIuoK d UII a«cond cU u Ruill RiAllcr April fi, Itll ^ lo fr ic e n( Twin nilU . Iditio. under Uia Act of I

.! SUOiSCRIPTION RATEBbnti yrar ..........................................................................I D.sntli* .......I aonth# ...........................................................................I luonUi ...................................... .................................

JtKMIlEll OK ,\tiSUC:iA1'KD I'KKSS ..Thr A*»oclai*.l Prriui I- «K luilvfly antUled to

f * fcpubllcailoii of till nor* dUpnichti cr*dlted to |i «lhWT*lrfo crcdUed. In thl* paper. «nd ftho Jh# -10c 0ubllth»d U enln .. All rlslitk of rspubllullorf Of ip r pslclifts licrein urr alio; rcMr^'td.

’'N o reecuili'Ibllliy t»"«»»uincd for-tbe c»fe of un m atiutcripu'I’hoiosrapli* or oihor eonlrlbultd n u it Uolea submltir-1 for publknilon will b« used or no dUcretlon of ihu edilor acid no iiunuacrlpt will ba i urlrM uccompdiiird by necnBMry poauce.

" I c A ^ l l N llRlMlEdBNTATIVES • OcorKe B. Uiivid Co.. Inc., IJI MadUon Avp.. Nf A.. IL KMior. 1411 lliiriford Hulldlnj. Cnie»fo,

, The Newa I* a member' of ilie Audit B u ru u Of tionx. from «lioiii full (nfOrmadan oa to clrcuUll be oOlulnci] upon iippllciilloi> Deullod Informall p:ied locally upon nfiurat.

OAm>OIt A N D j u :m b s .MJiun lliroputs glory in rocorda gf tr ii

•botrinK tbo cx teat to irhioli citlxens called oa prc ju ro r i will aolvmhiy a u « rt th a t th o j labor unde catublislied cuDvictiona wltli' roapcet to tbc caufo wfi{eh eoav^Rtions, formed oftontimoB u a ro!» tucru re’cilul ol' aome' o f (Iio salien t foatUTes' uT t cannot bi'v^tialicn lijr tcatimony given under oath

A sad sfltft^of 'affaira, certainly, would be rev . ia n mojority o f these caacs the exact tru th w by every caadidato fo r tho ju ry , and justlficatlo indeed bo fotiiij} fo r tbc belief th a t A m erlcaa cil by and larfrc ia p re tty much a hide-bouod, uarrov l o tV Most of lis, liowcvor, p refer to believe, th a t t ^ ju ro r who aaya th a t bis c o n v ie tio u cannot b< b y ovidonco ia s o t aotually te lling the exact t jibougb tbey may, and probably do believe lmj)Iie: tlioy have ro rr« t,)y dlscloicd tho sta te o f ^th miods.

; There is alw ays to bo remembered in thia c'o th a t th f admiasion of au unsbakcablo oonvietioi ^ c l i und easy exit from- service as a ju ror, and t th e candidate for thU icrvico will porbaps oncoi perm it himself (o bo inflnenced by th is eonaldori

I t would be a deprcHing t,hing to boliove tly i t ' a degree o f prejudice exists aa m ig h t be su m is cAservation o ^ ih ese eases.'-T bem an who m a k e s ' o f admission -wUI«vory Jikely be th o -f irs t to r tb a t the country a n d 'i ts citizenship would be ii v a y if all men were so minded fla he professes to bo.

Perhaps, u Htllo more candor with his own co on tho p a rt o( 'the prospecllvo ju ro r would brln a more satisfac tory tU tc of affoira. V •


ThOK who havn nevor beon ou t of a Job, withe sy and w ithout friends to whom appeal may bi lannot npprcciafc the position in whleJi many th if able-bodied' men dow find themiclvos. - I t hi Bid lh a t tJie licst rccipo for ge ttiiig a Job ia to hi i man who bas w ork .finds I t easier to ge t othe r,Another w ay o f s ta ting tbo illea. Porbaps th ia i r h y .l t ia so d ifficu lt fo r tho jobless to g e t plocec When placcs aro so acarce thero Is d iff ieu lty in lot irospect. ' . . .

I lu n tisg a t random for .work I t like ly to bo f


Itato D opaitm ent B elaata and A jlm ln l dARDU B ristol Bomatna a t O oiutastlnopl* Hngs ou|>l

L a ^ m n d a •'

o o N m N T i N o m : , c»- •ablishmont of Admiral'..Mark U Bris- I''*' f’*bJ, th j Uniltil S tates !iij!li commis- • . " j 'ioncr here, w hlrh is .still reforroil to fiyinjj iK-ia th r “ A incrlaui <;mba.\i7 ' ' bas Ju^t importv'] liracillbcinif cloned as a result of tho foro. f;nl0*1 ( . 0 v i n i ; and nn offorl bjr the "j''"* la lf< !ep iirliii( 'n t to Introiliire ocono-

Admirul Bri*lol, lm* li.id au ex tra ttl- t)wanr<j o( J l-’.'i .i niimtii and tl.'l,000 ;i ,, , h ,.* cnr for tho nmintenftnci' nf the “ cm-OAay." Till' form rr sum had to eover n r o C D *li« font of '(iriiil nitert.iiiim ents and U C o b Khe InttiT paid fnr rlork hire, aervoats r piCMonRiTJi. Icl'-iihoiirn, rablini;, repair* ' nd o lhrr I'xpi-nsM ronnc'itod w ith ir —iTffe offii-tf nud rcsldcnro, Bometimca DlapUccmidmiriil ilrintol Iirn Imd to use hia.aal- A ry to ii.oci. bin bills. ' 'Rccontly Ihc f l .’i.OOO wa* rcduccd by

1)0 s lo t ; 'de|iarlnicnt lo $0000. I t roem- SA N Bla th a t the cldKinp « f thn “ cmbaM y” plarem rnt>aa the only nol'utiou. Many devicM cnm ct ab•ero supcfstcii fo r increasinpr tbe “ cm* const, uh loasy” iniujnie so il m ich t'k eep opoa. w orth f.nino joculnr *uKKc*tion was th a t a erlr* of liliarlty n rn efit be held. , in Son B?A fte r a good deal o f correipondenco crl. Mnr

rith the stnJr • deportm ent, fthowjn;? )iavc Iii’tnm t tho pre-w ar *15,000 had lost mncb inj; flimr-if itJi’ tfnlue dno to thd liieh cost o f liv- ing b1«oI,Jg he rr , an increase of J.'iOOO waa al- mnking pi. )wed find the “ cmbnss.r” is s lili opon, I displace ii

I » I I. filumlnuin


n u t W oikor. E x » a U 7 . HMKIt o n ■ T*" ’^'1 E f fo r t to r o n » '7oto on Order Send-

. In* S triker# to Wortc The mc, , ywirs o f t

.IN D IA N A I’OMP, Ind.. ( /p )-E ffo rtji fed. but t r fmiij>orter* o f Alexander Ilow nt, a slender rrsldriir df Ih r ivnnsar miners, to however, i >ree u vo tr in H ie.ronvontion of the occiisionoll n ited Mini- \VorIierfl of Ami-rirti, on arliclo o f resldijnt .Tohn L . Lowin' rfcommenda- tutlon, ra t on th a t IJow nt-bo required to order tion aud t Tiker« back .to work were blocked yes- InGiV^nbl ■rday l y Yi).r Presiden t M urroy,-wbo I n r i p n ^ i pre.«iding o ffieer,'dco lsted ho WTJUld' done, then Dt in rm il convention to bo stam- age man>s }d#d ip to m aking its decision, DU- age.—A ir t rdsf unosjT tb o delegatoa m arked tha - . orninit aearion. . BBAD 1

■ N E 3 W S reporter In Now 'yorkm atte r w as offered t ir e o ;

■day ' them involved p a n n a l laborIQQ, which a g rea t percentage

. _ ■ nood havo recourse. Tho si . . . . Presldaof a „ e p t anyth ing which is .a ' . . . Treaa u m . pfom igjj fgo j. Hg not

H o f*2urehV ** •‘“ ''?^y» willprovo a stepping stono to s<

” U nfortunately i t is tho.............. I«.M ' f e r tho most in a timo llko t.............. tl!e( employed, reeoivo tho loaat

' acontiest resQurcea whon th n!8S dustry. I t la a hard fa te

S to’lil 'o r no* those who cannot help then «o>''cd. ‘ Tho capable .-worke

___ _____________tbnes of p lenty fo r tho dayaof un»olleli«d _________

, malter. Ar- o r not at the III ba rtiurnaii

p - ~ ; — More TruthIT.. Nfw Vork.

tu of CircuUi. I ■ rrcuUilon may %jr /srmMlon sup- '_____________ ■

if tria l courts aa prospective

undcr^ firm ly ' " A F O O L Icause o‘n trial, , iiv 8 . Ea rosult o f a f . .. ‘ . i t h . ' 5 T ] . m . « i a i , . < o u i d

And thoy d id n 't Ilul he scorned tbom, oi

be revealed if All the ir warniogaDlh nere- told Tli,'v oould ioe hl< fln lll

t a l l . u m lsb t . I I , , . ' „ | ™ S I ;oa eitiionalilp . Hut ho d id n 't h e slt aarrow-mlBded . ,

r r i lK IB advice waa te I t w aa n o t th e ir

tha t tbe aver- » he failed by leapingnot b« swayed H ut bo hoard them

implifllUy tbo t _ huh y , nerve was stroi o f ^thelr own ■ And thoy saw him

A THK R H who hnd uo( kU connoctioa ^vhat he sot hlmsvietion Is a ¥^>l bim sndly h e 'd awt. n d l . o . l t o o ' { ^ .W M in d moto c .

, , l i R refusing to bo ahain n ton .tloo .ly , ^ , i , y

laldoration. l-'or a venturo th a t waatly i t 'io p o a t certa in ty bt

lunnised from U K WH*-doomed to failakes th is sort And then , w atch l

to recoimlM ' • foolish they e:. , . Hut ho wont ahead

, bo in a bad rcsolutcl^ to it,fcsscs himsolf - \Vith a f ig h te r ’s wl

Thev believed he eouldt 'W hen ho did thoy .

i bring about • ^ _

tsw ithout mon- , / ( ^ U

lay be made,L n y tb e u m d a ^ TH AT TOB

I t- h a s boon y^ur grandmothe:I to have one. d ro ss ," hor fa th e r compi other work, ■ ^'1 «pcochloM.” .th is oxplaliu ■■ V cs,butlf g r a n d ^

placed again. h i B N OT TO TO

I n lo e a f in g a . . chariio Chaplin aaya m arry again ; b u t why

I be frulUeas, ' 8 °“ ° w ill'deeide

arlings Manifest DEATH Leaning to Pacifism LINK

ABDEN CITY, N .. Y., O T -:S ln r- a i f f l SH . ouBht to a ttend the i-om inj nrm- S a U k u n t lim itation conference en m usn tlicy Jjivc demonstrated to the peo- HO.S'OI o f nar.Icn City th a t they dlsUkc link thp t ,. When in 1017, tho soldiers came old llnw n ipin^ (Inwn to Camp Mills nnd tlic IR ik-lda nround Mlneola, tho b irds, j , jrtv 'i from BuRland 20 year* bo- United hi . f;nl.. Tlioy atoyod aw ay un til th e denth a-,-A UN abandoned' nnd tho f ly in ; served du Is i.cramo le.« active. ' nw they nre baek, neeting in tho , l „ i,in„,i ) o f the Qardon City cathedral and riiifor'ii Ing Ectnpslftad n n in * crho with ! H .olt . r . |„


— — the territidacemect of Enropoaa B la s n f ie ta n once tho fo r A mericas' M adEst F o n e a t t Kamehnmi

l a D lJK om lM nnite tho_____ prent d e rl

BEBNAUDINO, Cnl.. W V ® !* ^cmrnt of Buropmn m anufacture of about 2C0 e l abriiJilve paper for lho Paclfle known ,a» t, irhlch usen thrco million 9 o llm ironoblu , h f.nnnnlly, Is forefast In dlseoV- w ben th e ; I o f largo d e ^ r i ts of garnet rock B aker wa All Bi;rnardino' county, Mojave des- meha s tril

Mnny olher Industrial m inerals Icetlon na I iK’cn found in ;tho dciort, includ- , B aker. i fliinr-»]«^-n vttlnnble f l a t in mak- 1S53 and 1 Btcol, high grade r ilira rock, fo r bold 01* K ing' g1aM find silica sand which may lan], n chi Inw importatlona from ' Betglunv fain o fU h itnuin silicate clay, manganew, ba- ndjntanf. i . sulphate, .usod in mnUDg cheap memlxir nl t*, gypsfim and ieoland sp iu , nsed K ing K pt'cnl work. . th e riff bf

, ' . • Ing been i10 K ey th a t Unlocks tb s Door to (be year p

Long LlTlni; offiro o f ;

IC men of c lgh ty flvc and nlnetv s o f age arc not-Uie rotund, well- but thin, spare men, who livo on

inder d iet. Be m b f in -a a b o 'w n i, ■•s'CT, a man paat middle age will lionally c a t too mnch or of somo . i L , lc o f food no t suitod to Ws constl- ' n , raufing indlgeition or constlpa- rK H T ll. and will need a doso o f Chamber- made frr'in r>tnblela to movo hls bowels and perlmcnts lom v hia stomach. W hen Ihu 'h mnde in w , t h m is nb reason why the aver- (rovcrnmen nanVmould not live to a ripe nU lcon trib iile t - A i n \ tho erectio

\ ) tlon of m>2AD TH E CLABSIFIKD ADS. gation into

< |jE W S | tW l i^ F A - L L S i

York who a tartod out to tea t th e « r j reo jobs in throe boura. A il e f U . I abor, o f courw , y e t i t la to th a t ' ^ nge o f thoso unemployed would 10 slneero seeker a fte r .work will I I is .not boyond bia abilities. I f i t .11 no t quibb le .over th e .p ay , I f he.

eb in hoping tb a t tbe o ffe r will to som ething be tter. O o o f t■thoso least capablo who suf- JcD tb e p re se n t Soch, oTen when . < east rem uneration and h a re tbo ' th row n out by a reeosdon o f In - ,

fate b u t tbo problem o f h e lp ing ' m cnt n th cnae lves has no rer been fn lly 5- lho orker who Is th r if ty U ya by In days w ben tbere m ay b« lesa. n-ork I

phases------------------- w ith n,___________________________ relief 1

il reco

th Than Poetry '. lleai

" ■ to dev- - te n t -ai

7-<^ .Vv"" Ihelr j

> L F O B L U O K "

8. E. K I8E H . J ; ; ’ “

I n 't th in k ho eould,a , nnd i.o n t to it , - j

■ k kt o m p t b j f . t o ; .aald, nnd dearly,

lO B lta^ ■ p e n ile

* tondoied k ln d lj; ' le lr losa nor gainping bUndly, - n,d,io£hem w itb disdain. tleing ready presentlb, tbey ^ d ; . ^slrong nnd steady, • Snahim plungo abood. ' l,odn

fore tlI uadortaken tnlno thimsolf to do , ploymc: awakon • ' s a i d to0 earoful, tool mcnt, sharing isaued

ly had in mind, scntnti waa daring ington.

ly behind. the ms^ them V

) fa ll , th ey told him, . X to r truitching, atood aside; | SO andey carolled him, York,lead and tried .' , / it,s will, lie stuek; .1)u ld n 't do i t - • mngnloy called i t luek. ^


IM :\ ■rO B G B A in)U Aother could seo you in th a t j!omplainod^ sbo’d bo shock-

ipn could sec me—o h ,^ o y r ’

) TO B E i ^ N W E 7 .

saya h o ''is never going ta wby take bis word fo r i t l . leide th a t m a tte r fo r h im .'


S h e riff .D oling B d g a o f S in g lakua Ooea to H is Bewanl A f.

te r -L ong n in e s

-.S'OUILU. rr. II., (/P )-A nothef th p t bound Ihu hiemoriiM o f .th o [nwnilnn'm onarchy lo tho islands' nt atnlJi* na a totrilory o f the d Wntos pnfsed herr recently in enth o f .lohn lyim atoa Ik k er, whc J during tho reign nf King Kata- .13 governor and high nheriff of

linnd (if Hawaii.to r 's death term lnnled a long ill-

Ho had lervcd for three term* r hoii.ie (jf re|irc»entativcB but per- wa? best kno«rn by reason of the Ihnl ho piiited for the slatue of Kuinchnnielin the F irst, wLieh now J d irectly neroM the stfn-l from ?rritorlal mlminlstration building, tbo palaeo of tho .native Idng». hnmey.-! wns Iho f i n t chieftain to tho islandr under one ruler, n is deelsivr victory wns n rer tho nn- nf Onhu, when his forcoi drove 2C00 Onhuans over n precipice

} .a « the PnIL siz mile^ out of ulu, down 1600 foot Into thn sea the paliuiuis r e fu a ^ 10 sorrondcr.

w aj (tiid to-resem ble Kameha- a trikingly and th is lod to hia se-1 ns tho original o( the atatue.;e r.w as bom on thi* island iri md becam e'nttaebed to the house- ll” K ing Kalakftun, marrying TJlu- 1 ch loftes.v lie wan mado a-capi iff the household guard and lato** inf. o f the m ilitary poliro and er of tho privy eouncii.g K alakaua nppointod him high f of irnwftll in 1887, his wlfo hav- ?en mndo governwis o f tho Isinnd ■ar previous. In the r,ext year the o f governess wft* al»oll*1iod nnd wn* nppointod gnvernor, retiring

in. In his la ter yeara Baker tra- extensively in Eiiropo a id the

R MAKERS FIN D 60U ECE OF SU PPLY IK BOOALYPTUaI t n . (yp)—noorl pap rf can bo ' rrniii tho common eucalyptus, ox- 'n ts to th a t.e f fe e t having beet, in wc*t AustrnliA.'. Various atato iment« and privato Interesta h a v r I Jilted upiitirds o f $100,000 fo t i :ction of planta and fhe Inrtalla- f .machinery for fo rther Inw ati- into the .matter. j * * ”

3; i b M O f T U ^ M ^ v S l E I

n s T i i ^l E i L i i i i : *

f ttiU

t t f e r c n c e • M e m b e r s , S .e o k in g Hubr. lo m e d y , l a m i c h I n q n l r j r i l i . t^iBior 1

t o K a t i o n a l S l t n a t i o n a spoi'*______ fieiiriyt

•ASlUNCrtON, D . 0., UP) - W ith national oonforcnco on nnemploy; • 'i l ,

It stand ing adjonrned until'O ctober ho Icn sab-com oittocs appointed a t organizing aeralon of the eonfereneo orflny. wero ready to go t dowp to k fodoy pn n .study of the varioua r ' 1 ses o f the probloma aasigdcd to oaeh IV view to recommending pracUcal . ^7,°

sf uieaaurea to th o confcrcnco when f? * econvoncs on th n t date. . /

cCssfulSummons E x p er t Wftnessos. tho Ya

icaringa oa unemployment atatistica, ievclcp 'reliable d a ta aa to the ex- l-ao d 'a is tr ib u tio n of uncraployment I»»“ ‘>" I pu'-rcquiaito to. cnllghfcnod treat- ,, t of l lJ .p to b le k weto t« b e jin .to .

before fbo sub-committee on ata'- les. Etliolbort 8 teuart, h e ad 'o f the CLEV enu of labor ctatistics, -waa slated r n D tiie cLief w itness today and a nun- r U n of other-w itnessea will be hoard a t

ir request, CLE’

Prealdant H ears Ledoux.fiao of

oineident w ith tho opening of thv held i i fer-.-ncc, U rba in L edour, who nt- 'Ji. Tli tc:l n tten tion by his '■‘.nuction” of rlage. tnpIo)cd on Boston Common, came will bo W ashington and laid boforo Presi- Tlio I F ord ing , n t 'tho WhUo House, a kninirn 10r.1l th a t the nam es of lall those show, i i.dnublod tho lr w ealth by w ar profi- cicty 0 ing bo made public. As an oltem a- mental hi) proposed th a t. tb o president ap ns Bol/i

1 to oll wbo p rofited by tho war,, to dent. ' nlo 30 por ccn t of the ir w eallh to an Tlio , mploymcnt re lief fund .,H o said the Clirysni lideiit recDivcd'liia auggestiona w ith. Club ol kod in te re s t .but gavo no Indication elation : they would be resorted to fo r tho chid sc le n t aoeioty.SmniDons “ Hfflnan DoccmBnta.''

edoai may bo ,g iven n hearing bo noeiati.i I tho committee seeking to deter- \ up 0 fhe volumo o z d extent_of uncm- been n •ment, officlala o l the 'confcrene.' nmong

today. Coincident w ith this state- w ith t ' i t Ledoux a nnounced-tha t ho hnd (1,000 < cd ordera for a movemont of repre highest ntivos of tb e unemployed on TOish l,onus 0 on. The “ human dorum ejits" in prize- (mac o f tho unemployed ns ho c.nllod flower, n will como to W nihington by mo- nnd v.i truek ond will consist of between in icrelnl and 100 mon from Boston. New prize, k, I'h iladclphia and Baltimore. Ocorg

------- - "■ — ---- ;----- (if thoI f s All In U lt Oame. - ” < >>'” •

: a lw ays s tr ik es OS a s strange bow y*’"!'"’ '. * easier I t Is fo r a chorus girl Hi a an nsse.uor to Qnd a million*■'s money.—Cleveland Press. b b a t

E L D ]A nE xhibi

■’ ■ — H E tr a o s to iy o l . J - mere "all wool” visualized bythe Ed our show windows.

You wffl discoveri be "all wool” or “pu seew hyveiy, veiy scribed as Virgin W Wool (an be only tl from the sheep’s bac

Don’t fail to see t) keen interest throng discl()ses are vital to

Virile we’re on U phasize the fact thal

' ^ Each and every o

- rics is g u a r a n ^ b] pany, Inc.' They atti them—squarely and lot to you tbese day in every suit you bu

■ Superior Merchand ' i

ELDRIDG. . — T w n

■ ..............


. tofaon, tik e « u u t Oianta Look B a ck 'ft t tb « Northwoirearest - B lnU s W ltbont Saeing today fi

Them Olese a t H eels loat. nigh, . ' w l^so n

'E W Y O B K ,.(/P )-F ath o r K nicker trim i, bo ke r'a tw o maJoV leogue basoballIf. '/ank'oea nnd Qianta, ‘b reathed j*ravini^') or tP day itban thoy h a v e .fo r quiteMil. T hev could look b a e k .a t tbeir QUEENrtyt rivals, tho C leveland-Indians, RtlM.

tho P ittsburgh P ira tes, respective-' n iii 'r t. w ithout seiiing th o n close o t .their

ho Yanka wore 16 slops ahead of MoX 'J -wori.Vf championa from Ohio, and J

ir st-nior follow c ltitona had a load , , ,2.' j-cees ovor tho westorn Pennsyl.' ,

'wo more victorloa ou t o f four games tho Oianta and the pennant w lu bo ^s i-vcn though the P ira te s bo auc- b » itv iful -in a ll tbeir rem aining g a m « . I f “ EAi> Y ankees win throe of fivo gnm ei . - r on tho ir schedule,’tboy w ill be tho v n v r /m

erican league el*uapions, despite a liblo elean sweep by Cleveland in IT final foor-gamo aeries w ith tho f

. Alvln 11


' " ■ — out of llLEVELAND, (/P)—Prelim inary n r enth Jud i^uinentfl are nnder w ay to condnet County t o f the grea test flow er ahows over day of f

f i l th is eonntry hore nex t MorrJi entitled Tlie show will eost «(>0,000 to tbo nbov

;e. Prizes amounting to $2.'i,00i) deereo nf bo offered. nnt, o n ,

Iio fl(*ra1 rarn lval,. which- will bo lO Jl, wh wn liM tho F ifth N atlonai Flow er SOth dUy ,v, ir held officially under the So- in Judgn y of American Florists nnd Oma- D istrict 1 tal no rtlcu ltu rists, of w hich Thom- I am cow Itolnnd of N ahant, U nas., b presi- lol, piece I. n thera behind th e projoet are tho Com ho American Carnation aodety , the Idaho, ai ysAutbemum soelety, ih e H o ri r t follows, t } o l Cleveland, tho’'N a tio n a l A n o - TIio lon of Oardoners, the A m eriean Or- o f tha I society, the American ' O ladiolnj o f fho oty. Iho Am’orican Sw eot Pea uo- of &

the American Dahlla-.soeioty and Townal F lo 'ii t Telegraph and Doiivory aa- Pourtci

a ti.’n. Mcridii. specn l prize o ffering $5,000 hna Idaho.1 iitinoujiced in tho competition Public ng r<ite gardens. Tho four gardens the 21-it I t'le highest ra ting will receive hour of00 I'aeb, while the one scoring tbe tim e), of lost nnmber of points will receive n door <il '■ AS o f $1,000. of, Tw'n rizei nlso ntu offe red .fo r planta In In obodli- ^■r, pulms' and fqllage p lants, fo rm deereo oi

various other chssoi'. F o r com- nuetlnn, cifti growers thprc Is a aeparatu to sallrf> B. ost therof^argc Asmus of Chicago is chairman hnvo m e ho e x h ib it William II. Duckhani bigh0.1l li \ln.;i»on, N. J , ; I 'n tr ick W clch of o{ Ihu II ,nn; F rnnk II. Traondly of Now Dated k Herman P. K noble of Cleve- 1021.

form th^ executive cbmmlttee.


\ . f

R I D G EbitAU O ught T o Srof genuine Virgin W oo/dothes vi

Clothes stufied with shoddy, is cl Educational Display now on ezhilr a ; 7 " ,

er that even the most inferior shoddy ‘pwe wo(d," ("pure dioddy”)! You !iy few woolens can be truthfiiH Wool. AndyouwOl know that-V r the genuine, unused Fleece Wool, back.e this remarkable display. I t has cn lughout the land, b ^ u s e the issu to all of tis.

1 this.iinportant subject we want to hat we feature clothes made of—

y one of these genuine virgin wool I by the maker— Strong, Hewat & i attest to theif worth—Siey stand b< ind unequivocally. — And that i^ea lays, when dollars must do their \ b ^ .

indiM, Efficient Service, Right Pric ib e c haracterisH es o f


W AY b B T B O T X ra.D IE a TEOM • UND ZNFUOTBD BX BOBSBBAHA, Neb., (yp>-Lowla i ' (jus-I, dotoetlvo fo r th6 Ohlcago and western Rallroftd company, died

fiom a pistol wound Inflietod igbt by 'one of two highwaymen,

m eape,_aftor robbing n podof- • bo try ing to p rev en t

I of GuftafsOD’a .brothers residing lan tlr, In., v isited him yesterday, - g an hour prior to : tho shooting

IN ABRANOES CREDIT FO R ' IMANIA W IT H BWITZBBLANDIliH, W ^ T l io queen of Buum ania '-,;otIatod a ton million dollar cro- Ith Sw itzerland, according to a cux dispatch to th o 'P a ris edition ! London D aily Mail. This loan III-, reimburood in eoroila.I of i t will bo utillze'3 In the u e o f ogrlcultural and industrialTH-T}-. ;


(JB W ' S H B B ilT ’8 '^ lA L B OF ■ A L '^ A T B U N D m SE O E E E > POBEOLOStJBS A SD OBDBB ' 8A2.E.

. P lain tiff.

II. N ihart, ‘ Defendont.ler and by v irtue o f an order of • md decree o f foreclosure issced ! the D istrict Oonrt o f tbo Elev- ludielal D is tr ic t la and fo r tho y f o f 'T w in RUIa, dated the 23rd ^ - 4 f September, 10^1, {n the abovo"‘d action, wherein A lvin Hess,30ve j*unrd p la in ti/ /, obtained a

ngninst Wm. H. N lhart, defend- in , the COth day of SeptembcK which said decree was, on the liiy of Septombcr, 1J21, reeordod Jgment Book Seven (7) o f raid :t Court, a t page sirfy-fivc (03) :omm(uided to aell nil th a t eertain OUO or parcel o f land sitnatod in onnty o f Twin P al!^ BU to of

and bounded and descHbod' ns s, to-wit:!io northw est quarter (NW l-< ha northeast quarter (N E 1-4 ho southwest quarter-(SW .a.4 - .

Scctlon T w onty.firo (£5), nah ip 'N ine (0) & u tb , Bange rtcen (14-) E u t o f tho. Boise idian. Twin Falls Oonnty,10.lie notice.(s hereby given, th a t on • •It (lay of October, IW I, a t tho of 2 o ’cb5ck p. m. (M oun ta iif ' o f said day, a t tlie east, fron t '

1/ tho eourlhonse of the Connty <i> Falls, Sl|ate of Idaho, I will dii-nep lo"*ald order o f sale and '

o f foreclosure, sell a t public n, the abovo described property r ty plnlntiff'(I decree w ith intor- iroon, together w itb all costs tha l iH crued or may otRrue, lo tho I bidder for cash, lawful moncf

United States.'d this "3rd day of Soplember, ' ,

• E I t SHERM AN,Sheriff.

:N J - BROWN, Deputy. . ^

5’SSeeiversus clearly iiibit in

jy may ou w ^ i l l y d e -

'Virgin )1, right

created tsues it

to em-

wVfab- fcCom- behind . ‘.eans a ' r work


3 CO.

D a i l yA d v e r t is e m e n ts

S P O R T S S -(ConllM ed from P»ge Throe) crown

^ ----------T N Atte

I ■ BASEBALL II • J dtato I

K atlonal Loo

"T O Iadelph ia , 2 ; P iUabuigh, ). «RhtciNew York, 4: S t Loni«, 1. Michw

■ woiflht A m eric in L eiene .

Now York, 8j a o v e lin J , 7. A J lP h n a d c lp h k .? ; Chicago, 0. llght-lu

' <• - back r

Yankeef-tj^icms S.“„r Seri^ ' Seta New

Attiiiianee Mark -w nTotal of 14i,doFperflons Paas

Throogh tho Polo Qromidfl ' Qatea In your Days " r o u n

_____ o u t ' " ]NBW YORK, to tn l of 141,000

porson—11 new attondanec record for Joo fo u r nm scculhe bMflbaJl p ia o * —paw* eigh U cd JhrouRh tho tnriutilM to eco tho tlie pa.' Noif York-Ctovoland " lU tIo world so- wHl hl< rle«" Juki f ln h h e j ’ o t the Polo field m Groufidi. Thc flp ircn mnde public to- tr ia l, tc day did no t Isclado ISOO " d ea d h ea d s’’ jvaain. each day, u th a t the nuuibcr of p e r- , fcssion. lo ss wbo aetQoUy saw thu g^unes vras {dolphin 147,000. - ! linden-

■ HEADT FO E BUGBY j VICTORIA, B. C., ( f lV ^ o u r rugby I und Di

foothall clubs early In J)cto1>or Will i play n s ta r t thoir annuol fa ll b a ttlo for thelHoiitcml fhamplc'n*hlp of the V ictoria R ugby ! centcnn Union. A t the close of the .season in p a s t wni Deccmbor a team wUl bo namod to m o o t! aro to c Voncouvfr, .B. 0 ., fo r tbn B ritish . C o-. with a ' lumbla title, a t tho prcbcnt heli}. b y 'x th tc d i Vancouver. . | era o f l


. FRESNO, Cal., (yp>-Automobilo 1 d rivers.fo r tho 8an Joaquin Vnlloy P ' champloitehip tanj n purtc of «17,COO ■WlU medl In a ISO-milo mco here Oeto- I ber 1. Bcvorol well-known drivers. eluding Koseoe Borlcs, Tommy M ilton. I L . 'y .limmy Muhpry, Kddio lloam o, Joo , i r . Tliomn* aod otJiora aro e ipi'cted to com- j

, will ah.i


SALT LA KE , CITY, Utnb, ( /P ) - loapie Twcntj-fivo UnlvcTRltj* o f U tah fo o t’ ninj; foi Imll men spent tcn”nays rcccntly in tho Bny Cl* school’i football train ing camp a ’. Borica r Brighton, near hcro.'Rotliiig ready fo r anco ft; the 121 season. Tommy KUrpatricV, C ity on< h o a d ..co a d l^ ia ..« r^ o n lh u a ia 8 tio ovor always tho prospecU for a cliampionshlp tolim wore no this year. London

»■ which vs

I Brief Bitaof Sport ^W ith Iho big little Bcclcfl ovor f a n i ' thc°cnd*

nliention now contcra on the real cham-pionshlp gaimv to bo s ta rted O etobor 'i, i,nn]c r probnbl/ In Irtw York. , jJq

’ - frnnchisiClovelnnd accmi to havij loat all g tn te lc;

chance for m aking the title grade inthe Americas league, and cn thualarts p ing;,,,,.070 now spoculating on which Now i/nm ln n .York tenm (o place boU. . .

J u i t c a n 't got th a t s tu ff o f p u ttln s >1,0 y 'c m -o rtr to 'B abo Uuth, eapeeially w itli ..n-,,", 0 nmn on base ahead of him. ' -j-

Coveicsklo 'deliberately loat yoate^- oj,iid a y ’s came bv pllchiBg.to Iho buatlng .j-

______ • • 192l’ « a

And Rabe sure bysted the ball.

Reporif from Now Yorlt Ind lca ts ff'tmUi.fl th a t Jack Curloy has been forced by j odverso sentiment to abandon hU w rest­ling syndicate. ___ .g jp ,p „

But .Tnck should' worry; jio mndo his Jr*®!,!'.!,. fortuno out o f tho " b ig fo u r" grnp . pllng tm at whllo he was operating it.

' Slcchtr, Lewia, Caddoek and Wladok Zbysikn were pu tting on bunk cham- pionshlp bouts, w ith cach ono w inning ■hi: lltfg nc per program.

' Noa- rtudenta o f fhe fistic gamo savsomething waa wrong w ith tho Buff- •Ilormnn-fcrnp in Now Y ork .the o lher . bight. There 's ft clamor fo r invostign-tion. • ' Bay 1*

— — offeringH em on is openly nceuaed of pulling causo It

his punches, and not try ing against tho still itanflyweight champion. Thero students hundro.ldoclaro PoUo acted ju st a s -h o did bcrlnin’aagainst Lynch when Iho b i t e r won tho whon thecrown from him somo tlm'- baek. arked for

- - ' ■ - from willTho fnet Is w a l le d t h i t ^ re tu rn th a t i t ce


R4. S£>0 I=?E m £m bER \■ S m iT h Q s t e r s . /

y ^ s i • /

- ' ■ i f '

— BBB»iw8W<:

N e w s_____________ • ■ 1

s under th is hetna tch was booked early between Lynch TJ-tr m d Uotm an a fte r th a t tit lo T b sb g af- fair, an(l th a t llenntin won back tbc rrown w ith ouc .

— esA ttem pts to ni'gotlaU' a return bout

ffltli U dff fo r tho lltlo wlll bb tho ilg- ':int, i t is sold, for action on p a rt nf itato buxltig commis;lons.

Loo 1*. Flynn, imprcssarlo of box ^aK < ’ightcra, rises to nominate odo Bobby Ulchaol!' of G otham ,-for thc fe:\thcr- « |V weight vhamplonabip.

Ad Snntcl, form er da im an l o f the ^ ight-hiTivywolght WTcaUlnR tit le , got q inck t i Jn tln d ra Gobar, b ig H indu ' sho tire w the coast man • rcccntly. « > lantel flopped tbo b ig cbnp twlcfl In a c u " b g o lu rn 'm a tc b In Sajj Francisco. .Eons ro privileged ta-oak nuoitions w d tn - « w o 1 wcr them fo r thomsolvcs.

Jim my Hothwell, who has nndertakaa0 managfl Mickey Donloy, N ew w k ightwoJght boxer, is u b ro ther o f . 'Y ounjj?' Corbett, who twice knockedu t " T ^ b l o T e r r y " McQovcrn. •

■" " _ , broaldiJoe ^Vard, who b u manogod tho R&l- q[ous i:

igh U tm o t tho Piodm ort fnCori'al10 past two yoars, nnsounces th a t ho •ni hio himsolf to tho Isdepondont icld r u t ycnr and manage an Indus- •lal. team near, h is homo in Pcnnsyl- n,n.„ oala. W ard began his career l,n pro- ;ssion.il 15 yoars ogo w ith tho Phils- Cnrowe, olphia N ationalt and thinka ho has ^(von [ ad cn-)ugh of tho grind. glimpsa

------- he hasI’laiis 'fo r tho tr ip o f Ibo S an A ntonio autJjor’.

(id Dallas teams t« Mexico C ity to and h ij lay a fiix-gamo scries thoio beginning sptcmbcr 25 a* pa rt o f tho U oxjcan •ntcnniaj celebration wc!0 completed The s t wnekl Tho tw o clubs, i t Is atated, c •0 to get a guarnntce of 11000 a game,Ith a ll oxponsci paid. I t is. fu rther . . , h ied this «bOOO all goes to tho p in y “ a o f lho two .tenma. |°p

The "ch i\l!£ jigcr" ' In the’NChinago ly aeries la tho Nntlonnl lenguo clui).1 order to atnrt tbe bnll rolling fnr n There ty iorica Preaident Vceck of tho Cubs , rmnll” d c fir it 'I^c fid e n t Comiakoy of gio^jy0 Whilo Box lo p b y . (i>miakoy ,j, , ompi!y nccopled. Though thc two .j. licago tenma hnve made poor show- > gs th is sttMon, there is anid to lie nt o f thc .old rivalry le ft . Tiio aorien ill sh.iw If thero Is o r nol. With

- r — tlfflostIvondon aelljed ilf right to M int, Washln ague chnmplon*lilp honors l)y win- ng four o f llic aix gnmea plnyed w ithly Cl*y in the poat acnaon aerie*. Tlio ___rica wns succcfsfiil from nn nttend-ICO prnndpnlnt. n l lenst a t tho Boy Ity ond, though the Ixindon fcina, whoways renentcd the aiillt seaaon ’Idon, ‘‘'•''V”jro nol ao cnthusiotlio over i t ,Nowindon plnys n series w ith Ludington,lich won tho Centrnl league pennant, '

Chnrioy Schmidt, veteran catcher, PI">no 10 will quit tho Fort Sm ith club a t c end of the W ostorn rtasoHatioti son- " " 7 :7 ; n n n j go lo- California 16 mnko bla \ mo, rbn-'* w l th ^ is b rolhor W alter, “^"'''Oi"-’

tho K ttaburgh P ira te t, to tnko u inchisc in thc propoacd Cnlifornia TAKE nto lenguo next yonr. W .iltcr Schmidt g,,ot j„ ‘ s ja iil th is will bo his la s t ycnr withLtatnirgh, ns he mcnns to s tn y .in Cnl- ‘ __irnia and make his fortune as a mng"- D AN’I to. . Sccon.l 1

riio I’ncific In lernational-w ill r tn r t DRESi on^o on pinna fnr b e tter things ncxl "'>• Hbt ir . Thfl tn ik is of ndding two cities — — d Jiav lu^ n slx-cliib lenguo. E v ere tt . d Bbllingham nro tho new cltica £ov. j j j y ; id. Tbe altcndnnce _ropnrta for__the 51 aeaeon show Tacomn draw lng“flO,- ( '), VtJclmn 40,000, V ictoria ^0,0001 Vancouver bu t 20,000. Slnco Van-iver claims a populotlirti o f 300,000 »• , , | Indicates basebnll lr not so popnb r Bob B ro in i’s towtl. ‘

Jcptenibcr 15 wns the Inat dny for No, (<3 os <if players, undor th j regulations No. .15i org.iiiizpd Jiisebnll. IIowoveT, th is I

0 muy no t bo rocaldcccd bind ing a.a j ROOl clubl Hint do not ncrcpt tbn d raft.CO they own the ir pb y crs absoluto- ^ • , , , and <an dianoac bf Ihem as thoy see * *’■

Reporta ludlcato a Inrgo number sales in tho two weeks th a t preceded j-p 341 ilcmboi I.*), nnd nlao th a t practically playcrsS iu t under option woro ro-

. No. 1

Ko Snbstltnto O ffered 1

lay w hat you will about druggirt^ •' '’-8 oring wmothing ' ‘Just n s 'g o o d " b i . ' so it pnys a bo tter pra.flt, tho fac t ijj,o 11 stands t i n t n inety nino oo t’ o f a orative idre.l druggists reeommond Cham- conJitic Inin’a CoHc nnd D inrrhoca Remedy, ,j„ 3n (ho beat medlclno for diarrhoeA Is re.nilur cd for, and do so because t io y know n i i b l o Bl w hat th e lf customers say of it, L«c],b t i t can be depeadod upon.— A4v. * •

iev t^

m iH w iI


s biasead, O ne Cent ;By actual count, four o j t theSe people what you ha; es for sale or rent, the poi

ftlSH s—■ th a t

000 of tho lst« re8tln g event/- fo r lov- tako1 of the photoplay of tho Kason la oc- propi rring lot tho Orphcum theater, whore w ost mos Oliver Curw ood's b te a t story fo r 1 the northbnd , " Iso b e l o r The T ra ll 'i rcaao id,’’ oponod for & m s of two dayk. cordi Js film dram a If a p roduct o f Uie to tr -cctorial ta len t o f ^ w i n Carewe, and F. C. preiented w ith a eas t wblch featuresluso P eters n sd charm ing Jano No- k. p""* Of nil tho Cijrwood storiea, i t haa " 0 “ L'n ncknowlodged th a t nono has tho ja llli and hum an appeal o f .h la fo- ,**• iU» in-vel, “ I to b e l ," from which thia ;orL'a(/ng epic o f a Norfhland ro- Q y ., uco una ndnpted. Thoso who hnvo id tills volume will find th a t the phi.- j> ^ liny version adlicrca closely lo tho t>’jt-a nf netion nnd chnrnctcr portrayal _ ] __b id down by tho nuthor. Kdwin p o

ruwc, in 4ic t', has beon anid to have mOda on photoplay fans the ir f in t rcnl (n ijt npsa of Curwood; iu o ther worda, x f j, has retained thu full power of tliu qjiII i Jior'.i Bwocping charactcr p o r t r a y a ls -------I h ij Icnao nnd o x c ltb g cllmaxca. FO

, improCity W at •rm pr.onabi#; .

rhe ao tlcn t c ity o f Nineveh - w u cd; e h t miles wide and fourteen ,m llea locate C was surrounded by a wall ,100 0 . B< t In height and so Wide threo char* - - s could bc driven ab reast on Itl

cast,, Team

Progress of Society. ''here a re no flxed and pennnnent b l condltiona, becauso soelcty la jFly moving townrd a noble ortle^ 5 of Its du ties nnd Its rights.—Ham*

" "■ 'IS "' B . ,

. W orsst FOIVlth thc apring the rhym e w tto ll lost 18 bad .as tho crim e w a r e .^ ishlDgton P o s t ' ^


TH E FU LLER B I I U S ^ CO. oi l urifnrd, Conn., has h roprcsDsU- vo liere. Bo ra n furnish yon .with lything Iji b rurhes from hond t,» p o j >0;, collar to a ttic : Ilo Is coming. iQurb ’.nit fo r blm. 2 ^ Fourlh No, tion lono 877J. ' — 1----------------------------------------------------- 1 TUI------------------ :— ;------------------------- pu t ll

CAN USE FORD toupos, aodana 1500;• opun cars; cnsh waiting.. Central tourln nge, $16 Shoshono St.. W, Slioshi

AKEN U P - S o r r c T w a r e ‘ whit*-’ H l i itl -forehead, mane sheared. Oall palntc

icM nstcr bnrn. Dodgo

A N ’8 P L k c B - = 3 7 Shoshone ?o m l bnnd clothea bought a sd sold'

RESSMAKINO” Mrs, E lb C t* e ‘Hhotio 608W. baker,

■■■■ ■ good I----------------------------------------------------*760. IflAILROAD TIME TABLE

(City or M ountain Tlm#) poRer roa

, 150 ....................D epart 7:20 a. B.I ..84 .............. .......J ) e p a r t6 :1 0 p .» .

■'vt,,,. W ertboandi, « ...........D ep.irt 1 :35p.m . WA:...155 _________ J )o p a r t4 :4 6 p .« . ranch.


Southbound 1,0;. MO ....... - ...._ .D o p n rtl :4 5 P ;m ,

N crthbotuid penorn. 340 __________A rrive 6:00 p. m, Eighth

MATT. M A K B'U P- *wXi' o. 150 a t 7 a. a .>10. 03 a t 1:05 p. m. “ “^0. 155 a t 4:15 p. m. - - ^■fn. 84 a t 5:80 p. m. ---------togorson b rasch a t 1:05 p. ■ . .W A ’

[Tio foregoing m ail a a k e u p is op-live nnd cffoctlTO nnder ordinar>- ---------iJ itio ss; i f a g rea t a ao n sk ofII should be drdppcd. a t abont tbo lliur closing tim e I t w ould bo im-siblo to dispateh tho mall on the “ O t else honr. Pf‘« t<

I mortga


S miTk.... - TOMI

' T h e v

f e ' • ■

M Iwiji. 1.. ,i.-ttili.ru.irii>i»w»>'»J ' ___


s s i f i e (p er \vord p er i

I t o f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i n Tv a v e t o s e l l , t r a d e , b a r t e r o r

i Q s i t i o n y o u w a n t o r t h e h e

FOR SALE— REAL ESTATEFOR SALB—Flvo, room houso; mod- P o i n convcsloncos, garago; splendid loca- bath; on. D. H . Dean, 720 Second ave. W. Kced

I HA VE (I good oigbty, a ll in a lfa lfa -------^mt I can sell H t a righ t price and tx il.ko in a medium priced residence fum li•opcrty In Twin Pnlls or F lier; woutd p iftha s t somo cash. A good forly to t r a d j ------ir an elghly. Will price tho forty p o i asonablo i f the oigbty i>- priced ae- -rdlngly. Resldeneo property In F ib rI trndo In on a good fo rty or eighty.

C. Ornves, F iler, Idaho.

FOR SA L B -100 a e» fi?< r'* a lfa lfa ,-i),ptc w ater GO Inebea; seven miles om tiiwn; g ravel road ; <115 per aciv, loop cash, balaneo tMflri 7 por cent. “P"J*

ti. W Uto, Phono D86W,

FO R BALE OR EXCHANGE for licagj) Incomo property 11-year-old “ “ “ I a rlng oretaud two miles from town, -por M. M unn, 155 N. Clark St., Chicago,

J________ i:_______________ - Third"FOB EALB—rouT-room house, p a ^ tl / " p o ii >doro, nevr; f in e shido and lawn; l i t eoe*. sm all fn ilta , shriibbcry, etc. flno U ttle home a t a real bargain.

II a t 200 V an Buren, a fle r 4 o ’clock, " j j ^

FOR S A L E -A real b a rg a b in well proved north sldo farm . Dr. © wight.

FOR S A L ^ T w o acres, well Improv- 8o- ; cloao in or would trado for woll ated residoneo property in town. P.- ,Box 187, Twin Fillls. “P

FOR BALE—Five ncriia, 1-2 mile

am t/i trade for a Ford car. L. b!; " i i :

FOB SA LE O lP r i l A D E - T m room istcrcd and kalsomined house, two ' closots, fron t und baek sleeping — — rch; b w n , b a rs anil two ex tra lots 0 U /A |ip. Phone 12.’} or rail a t 1 1 ] .East ____ _

_____ _____ , . WAIFoit 8 A L B - 0 r traofl, new five ' « im -modorn bouso, witn garage, for 10, lot or good paper. M5 Jefferson 0°° 137'uii

OR SALE-AUTOM OBILES• ____________ pnrtli'B

fX )R .S A L E -F ord touring cdr, 102o J;"’' ^ rdel; electric s ta rlc r (no b a tlc ry ); ^jine. in A-1 condition; four bnmd " \V \J (v 'tircs; a real bargain.. Phono 410.

fX )R 'S A ^ B ^ icO " ^ l l i buy~F oril iring car In good mcchanlcal condl-n. Inquire W rig h t’s storo.________ j

?UE i'OLLOWTNO CARS hnvo beon r»vomi . In good condition: Ford sodan, '■ m i , 0 ; Ford louring, 1020, «350; Fordring, tl0 5 . Central O a r ^ Co. 31? ______isho/iu S t . .W .. ‘ ■ MAb

m fiA L E-1020 Buick ligh t 0,.ro- p“( , " nUd and in flno condition, *1050 „Igo touring, repainted, $450. Pord, ’’ d tires and runs good, $150. Beo ,WAh ring ear, lOlD model, looks llko now, Varney0. B orro tt Auto Sales Co. : ----------------------------------------------------------- WA^'Olt SALE—Five passenger Studo- yom ci :cr, perfect mechanical condition, Automc d cold tirea, now W ilb rd battery ,' ’0 foi quick tn lo ; term s if desired. WA^ ,no C22!tf. • - * lent tm

'OR SA L E OR T B A D C -8 ludebai “37 ^1:1!roadster in ex tra good condition ---------1 a rr rp i Ford In irade. Pbon* WAh W. nno: ra

■ ’’ co|idlti(

HELP WANTED. TvX^/A N TED — Wamnn to work 'o n « ch. A ddreu C. 0 . Bbatto, Bolltiter,

/A N TED^liiB h* school glri to work board and room. Phono 1212. • g;

WANTED - Expcrionced~~gh1 for . oral housework; small family. 157hth ave.-N o. ________________ trui-k^JrANTED—Housox«oper for- pa il tn ick I »■ C as go homo nlgV . Oall l)g9M. Unce.^

POSITIOW WANTED £ ™ 1WANTED—Position byT x p crio w ed 'lographer a sd bookkeeper. 331

_________ L 5'“;%MONEY TO LOAN

---------------------------------------- 1021.:ONEY TO L O A N -W o have rome•ate money on hand for iam ediat» ■ —Igage loans. Irr iga ted Lands Oo. . BBAl

ERPALSI f t h e m 1

S l S T W S ( ■

A d r L ik e . \

MiL A B O J I n



d A d ^insertion , and V

Twin Falls receive T h ; New or exchange, a'bout your roo help you need—One Cent Pei

FOR RENT ;0R SI 'O ll l lE N T - D u i ra M ~ lo o m » llh ilh i cltoliio koal; t m block, (ron. S ced Jiparlmenta. 850 Bluo Lakea bWd.

________________________ ■ M i l

1-011 E E N T -T k .o . room., pu ll.v '' irnlahod fo r honsekee|ilDg, $15. 24J p i|B , ’ ifth nve. E.---------------:----------------------- ------ ------- POBFOR B E N T -Furn lahcd room, mod heater, n ; cloae in ; so children. CUI 240 $35; al )urth nve. E Onil, It

FOR BEN T—Room, nex t to Imtli; lard if desired. 500 T hird B. “ O"

---------------------------- ------------------------ drod; tr o i r I lE N l^ T h ro o toom ri«n .l.ho .l ™ .artment, reasbnablo. Bungulow Apia., Fr*<JV. f th St. and Second ave.iB.’ ' *'* ’

F ijB 'B E N T -M o d e rn houteT well lo- (ed) rango connoctod. Phone 24C.

FOB' llE N T ^Furn lshod hduae locW- ‘‘■I’- -S® C2l Seventh ave. E. Apply 33D'

lird nve. W . m

FOR B E N T -aix-room b ^ w ’ - 'fu r- pQ-j," ihcd or unfurnished; modern except » . . jI t; screened sleeping porek, garage, “ _____b r , paved street. Pbone 1516 or FOR I a t 3Q2 S ix th ave . N. while tl

r o n B E N l^ T ir o lu rilihod liib i S J ' ii»koeplng rooms. Pbone 354R. 604 p q q ,

b -o F I i iN T - ro n ii< l .o a ' bomokoo). |( apartm ents by week or monlh. The ford, 42S M a b N. ‘

r o i r I lE t J T - H o n m o .p ^ ^ . ; u < . ,>nsd floor, furslsbed eompietr. Rv pot o».p ok dr mosth. 428 N, Main.

rOR RENT-2-Slecplng rooma. 22!!'tb ave. E. Phono 752R.— — — — — — pQ Jj ^

WANTED MISCELLANEOUS.VANTED— Cnrs to wnsh n t night; i f you rk gunrnntecil. Lind Airlomobllo Co. advertisi

,V A .\-TEI)-m!blo. b o .tJ o r .1' ciMlL- „mcab; homo cooking, $1 por day.Eightli avo. N. Phone 1586.

VANTKI)—To communicate w ith H ll lli'B w anting paaaongora by nutc to **** 1 Angolea, Cat.; alnte price. Address c 15, care Nows.

V A NTED r-IIave y o u ^ m w ashed,at W lNDO' b t, whllo you’.oleep. fcjnd Automo- ine t wJJJO;__________________----------- -- -------------------;

VANTED TO B E N T -F ro m o u o " t o ----------eo years, niodors alx room houso nn ALBXA. foment. .Phone 300. -^J82 .flVANTED—Two good freah Jeraoy k cnwfl. J . n . Swnn.

I ANTED TO B U Y -W ^ bave a■or for improved 40 acres se a r Twin pi,n„„ Is; w bat ^ to youY Lloyd-Crnven ,. 12:! Main Avo. S . -------------

?A N T E D -25 bushels tomatoes a t T D ] ’ooyg. . ■ • I '1 -

7ANTED—T ry bur cnr bundry . ■ - .II cat washed, n igh t or day. L ind _______ _omobllo Co. _________ AOOOUK

7ANTED—Table boarders;’ excei-; tncalt; home cooking; .also front iping roQjDs; r te a a heated; bath

E igh th ave. N. OHAS. J

?A N T E D -S ccosd h a n l^ la T T r '’ pi- ^; m ust be cheap a sd i s f irs t claai j q h w w dition. Address Box 407. d ty . ;

/ANTED—O an to waili. Brin.: y^sHBRr eor to ’ tho Arrowhead service s ta .......... ,1, Second and Secosd Bonth. Phonr HOMER W. W ork guaraateed

____B W E E U

■ M l*.” ' S s b of T ruck fflr Storage.

'olico ia hereby givon tb a t I wiil B. M. Wa t public sale, to the bl^heat bid- oj ove for cnali, one Vim L ight Delivery

;kj, 1020, llconae number'50002. Sold — - -:k Ipcing tho property o f H a n y J . H . Wlice. Thoto la duo na storage ou aaid coltojtl;k Hie sum- of jG per month from itooraamember 27th, 1020, and intereat and ft Trui8 uf tb lr aale. Snid saio to be held ';ho garage lat the rear n f 512 F ifth -. R.. ’Twin Fnlla, T w b P a lls County,Iio, on the 30lb day of Beptcmber, DANIEL1, ot tho hour of 2 o ’cbek p. m. glncorrin Fnlla tim o). --------- —'nted tbla lOlh day of Soptembor, oJ

'■ W .M . WEBNER. ^ ™______ onil, llBAD TH B OIiASSnriED AD8 . P . hall

B 7 O U E P BTBRBET!CtopyrliJit, I 0 ilr l> y » « « P * P « r r e a

' 'm e m B W T h i

L O O K E D A ,


rEMBER27,1921 • flJBVSM

— . . . . i ' ......................

P a g eW O R T H I T !

I W S . Daily. Tell all | )oms for rent, hous- ■er Word—Phone 32

I SA L E -M IS C E L U N E O U Si l l HALE O il TRAJ)B^20 head o f ■ :o huraos. M. A. Williama, Edea,

)R HALh)—Pean- ami prunes, th rw I V ( si o f Pilor on highway; bring s. I.'. R. Detweiler, Pboso 0108,

IR SALE—Nearly sow Rouod Oak , !r. No. 16 sire, w ith 'B tic sb 'p ip e , ' slro so sltary cut. Mrs. 0 . M. 11-7 T enth ave. E. Bhone IC4J. '

iB BALE— Gcnuino .ooseord g n p « r ready for julec 8e lb. o r $7 it h im -.; also fresh prases a sd peaehee. deliver Monday, Wednesday a id

ly. R atriek Wynn. Phono &17B&.

)R SA LE — Rouod Onk h e t tb g I a t W arberjl’s.

R , SALB—Dining table, 4B inch .305 S ix th avenuo e a s t/ '*

CKEB bnby buggy for tale. Good w. 802 Fourth ave. E. ■

R ^ ^ L B -W ic k e r b’aby buggyi as new. 304 Fourth ave. E. <

R BALB—Now for a bargain ' | tbey l u t : Real Rhode la u sd <

b y in g bens; also this rp rlsg 's ' 4 and cockerels. I'hone. 650B Dox ,754.

R 6 A L B ~B egular tialned sslik ; regis tered ttoek ; heavy ssilk . Pbone OflOR. P. 0 . Box 764. •

ii SA LE^D lcyeles, tneyeles, tires .ccessorbs. W erner’s Sepair Bhop. econd s t. E.

TO TRADE / - " ' ' j[I't r a DB-^80 acres six mites’eaM ■ io llo n , Idoho; will trade fd r Twin .1 f i ty p roperty.. M- W. Dcsoyer. '

)Toiir property b dbiltable, and b ’ tise^ In the classified — yen 'll four b u y e r.,

liSSfliKTi i■OLASS . . I

30W G L A fla ^W in d T h b rd ^ A bi- i work.. M oon's shop. Phoso 6.

“ sH oFR B P A m m aC A ^ m ^ S ^ p a O E B O T A I ^ 'o .

.Bhosboob W., Phono 3»8. AU !| k guaronleed. A. Cbipouris, Prop j

T ^ S F E RtE B ' TBAl^BrBB ' OOMPAHY. ne 34B. . ___ _

^ r o f e j j i o n d l

, AOOOUNTANTU K T A N I -d ! " A. Salmon," 3M Ihono 81. So. Phone 065,

■ ATTORNEYS ,, :. A. N O E T H - U v e r T * ’ eil'tk '-I Building. . .

W . O BA EA U —L n w y e V .'B i^ ^It Bnildlng. Phone 035-B. .■

R B. W IL SO N -L aw yer."

IB 0 . id lL L S ^B oyd DuUdbg.

ILHY It SWBELBY - A t l ^ e y i »w . Prnctipo b all tourts. Twl» ; a, Idaho. . .

W OLFB— Lawyer. Rooms 5 ana > ver'Idobo 'D eM rtm ent' Bton.'- b Falla. Idaho.

W ISE— Lawyer. Fuliy organlieJ ijtion liopartment. 'O n ie e t— rat 6 nnd 7, over Twin Palls Bank ru a t Co., T w b Falls Idaho.

O i m ENQINEERBL AMJEW—Licenaed civil’ e»- or and aurveyor. Pbone 172-li.

SECRET SOOIETIES "W. bw te^M flr-M eo ts firs t, see-

, th ird , fourih Mosilnys, L 0 . O m il ..

b t t ' ■’F ^ ta re S e m e s , Inc.

s t T i M t y w l -

friAT "TH&y /

A j k b 2 _ j ,

I F I H H E i T l fG i E E B S T[ E S T p i l

P o l ic e A n th o r i t io B A llc g o N o r t h C h a j S i d e R o s i d o n t A t t e m p t e d t o p .

- S t o a l H a r r o w .— F i i

■ 1,. •». SK'vcsis \vtvn svl an g -Qvnrly hour (liif morninfr l>y IVilirt' Offi- rcM Sliipmaii an.l Pntlon. Hlovena ia Unuvj in thu cfiunty ja il nn 'a ilinc nm lgum onl rciunird ntl o f ullej'nl ntt<!m|ilc(l lorccny. fuml» tKlrii,. Slovens wuy Uc uimicil im an r c - bvilWin^ roiiii)lico, accordiiiC to a stnlcm cnt ,,,,] , ii.aijo b.v a licrlff* .in|iiitio.. (olluy. , ,

Sti^vcna’ arrt'sL «vw< mailu etiortl.vr ' ftfter 2 c ’clock tliln innrnini; n t a point to ui'-ul nonr tho Twin Fnllx liiRlinmy dlatrict da{o, t>n lock, ctiathcr p k n l. Ho LmalU^to have hivn 'aug lil in the net of {•nrrylnff o ff loguHj..1 liarrotv belonging to C. IC. Brown, J r . , .iQy^ ;i02 K inibctlf. rou i. A woman, sa id to b o 'M n . StflTcn*, wnn w llh S to v en a .a t tjnup i,,' Hw< time. tint end.

A uthorltici- docJare Htovcn* w a^.^e-In the a c t o f loadiog the h a r r w Xhoma»-

tin » wafion to which was hitchod a irn.(, ^ upnn of hom irr While the ownor of Biibncrlln tlip iiropcTty vra* tolophoninR for po- {j, ,]„ Un- M k ta n e e Bterenn i.i w id to bar-*HlnrU'.! hia tcnm on tho run, bu t wo# orn Idah .*to|>i>c-l when' tiie horses foil oa a ta n \ ,,,towunl the aonth .wM bcinjf negotiated.Ak the officers o f lho law camo up jjo o - (j Htevcnf ia ooid to bnve taken a gaUon j .jii^r from ft aecTot plneo in tho w am a qunnd to have amanhod thia over the rim j jg o . of tlie uttRon wbccl. The j u R . i a ^ d ,.n„ q,j,, tri hnvo eontnlned inoonahino wbUky. jk h ,

W itn the broken piecc* -of tho J0({ j n , 0 ; a i thp ofiicers look rlmrgo of a sniteaao an.l ft handbatr. These rMC-plnctcf con- p,„ (nincd c e n 's anO w ni^tn’s clothlnB, t to j ,o o nuU>Mtllca d«c\w e. 8t£vcj\» U baU ov jaq j,’ p_ od to hnvc been RoinK to n ploce of j.fnrm properly hr hna tit le lo near Arto- j|_Hlan City. • .............. W ork^ ^

DejiQly County A tlorncy C. A. N orlh jia prcpnrinp an infi.rmolion to bo fliod ,jo ( ,. iu.ll>‘< probalf ronrt- charKinR oltcm p.- liot^wcll cd liiWA.Vj, ‘t i* , ken, «10i

Slov .'iia iV vreli known to eounty and uri»iol, i r i ty nn lhoritiw . hnvinp been imdcr ar- r rs t a number o f tim rs in the pa.it turee |,o y p , y yrnrs for offoiVo* chiefly in connect on w in, the vioUVon of ll'o prohibition j„ j . - i law. Up t e i ^ a term In the eounly ^ jail a t Je rome;^,^venr or more nRO. ,

PKU ltim iH S i;MraaHiffls-It. E .’ V)

O ity O o n n c i l D e c l in c B t o S e l lP i p e l a S j B ^ c m f ix u m io g m

f r o m W a t e r P l a n t ny, $in'j------ - »I00; I)i

ifopoaal Diude l>y A. I» Swim lo the W. 1)., (a rt r i ty adm inlxtralion, nnd rcnowod innnd llna lely to tbe ne ir eotinell fo r tho par- Dodd, $5ihase o f plpo now used n» p a r t of ft F . W . T>nIne to dupoae of w nalr w nler from W. Tl. DJio c ity f iltra tio n p lm t, wa* dofinitoly H arryojec-tcd by the 'co im ril Insl n ight. Tho comiian;^dministratU-c bohrd vnled .unanimous Evana, t :r against diaponlnir, uLU to property. T n r i 'T<riio pipe Uno, as i t I t tiovf opctalod, Vjshrr p

a fee t in leng th nnd convoya tional'lm 'rftstp aud sciragc from tho » ttte r p lan t Fred Pea0 Rock rroek. Mr. Swim ’« application K. II. lid no t involve disposal o f tho onliro Mnrke:, ine. Tho c ity would reserve, r ig h t to r . a . ( 'r fitvice o t 2000 fee t, ftwortlioK to 8u- *100; If, w rintcodont J . J . Pilgorrlm , who *r.O; Ori irouch t th e question of M r. tjw im 'a p . j . ( in iropoaal to the >ounei1 Iast*W ght. Tho rie, |2;5I), jonrd found th e rervice of tho lino too Turner /aluablo to tho c ily to pcnn lt aban- Unrdor, I ionment. C. llnzel

I — ’ITcninnwi

F IR E P R E V E N T IO N F IL M C O M IN G F O R T H R E E D A Y S m oo- i .

______ " Ifak ery .,9tftt4 P lrtm en ’8 A asodaU on to Slunr >'* ' In tw w U n * B docatlonja P lc tn ro ’d

A rrangem onts have been completed J j ' i ' ror pr.‘sentatlon th is wock of a “ P irc JJJO l T- P rcvon lion '’ s to ry a t - t h re e tJc turo «• I :ioua«». T h e picture will bo prcrenlcd '‘" l,. under fb c 'au Jp ic rs o f W. R. W orrell, J tiro _ chief and .he local (irc depar.-

’ ' i t ' i a the plnn li. use the picture a‘Llio Orphturo lo iipcn the threo-day run ‘dnho I-1 lomorrorr n ight. On Thuraday it will bo a t the Idaho lliea tcr and F riday a ight nl tho L avering. I t waa ahown i-- r - ■ A s the S ta te Firem en’• convention ‘«K 8 H l l jCTOme la st week, nnd ta aald to ^^ave orouied keen in tereat. II. W. Bur- a - rows, r»f*i<lent of «he a ta lc o rg an iu - lion W booking tho p ic tw c abou t the

■ ' - L “

S O U T H E R N ID A H O E A R L Y n . c p y S E n L E R S T O O R G A N IZ E

Parfectloa o f "Old T lm e n ’ ” Clob W in B® Mftd« a t B nrley

Tomonow southem H a h o 's oldest ^e ttle .n w ill ga ther in Biirioy for tho mrpojo of pM fectinR nn aMoclatloB O f ■anlmfion. Tw in F a lls m il be repre- ented a t th is conclave by n delegation 2 "eaded by .Fohn P. Hanaen. . ''™ :Tho.Southorn Idaho Cld T im ers’ or- -f""' “" J

anization vms te n tatively form ed aome Imo nco, liu t f ina l details of ,tho Insll- ’ution were I c / t to tho present tlm o to jc w orked o u t Ihoroughly. A t tomor- " ' 'y ™ ow ’s fCBSioh ft regulnr coaatltution w d y-Iaws will be ndopted fo r lho govern- ' ' ^ lg o f tho sa tie ty , Only sueh persons pou”" " ’' ' a enmo to the stnto «p to; and tneliid- ■ lg tho y e a r 1R7!> are eligible lo m e*-

: llc rie*.- 'C anning pcaehea are ready a t Cryi-

ll Springs orchards, * 1-2 mUes nortb1 P iav y ; 11.25 ii«f bnafiel; b rln* OBDB Dur boxes! Phona C 09 .-*d» . OIUOA

■ .......... ■ Som ao CODSTAV 0 . PLEO H TNEB , rloHn of-tho U

laeber, U prepared to aeeept « lla lto d for tho o mnber o f-pnpIU . Pbon? J18W . -.45S d«r c f A hlrd ave. No. - * 4 t , | of the Ki


l l T i O ic i n i i i i H

I B l l iI h a i r m a n T h o m a s E x p r e s s e

R e s u l t s O b t a i n i n g D a i l y 1

F i e l d W o r k e r s — F i r s t L i s

S u b m i t t e d f o r P u b l i c a t i o n

L’niivjMcr* who yoRlonlny m orn ing^ ----------lunictl drive ojicrations to jirouurc ; .— — nilH tci citv<-r Ihe southorn railroad t T r t/« Aiding funil, continued th e ir efforts th reiK'wud vigor todny. Tho com -It.— ™ tloo In charge o f the drivo deelinea • divulge tho to ta l suuBcrlptloaa tw

{0, t'lil C. D. Thomaa. chairm an, uX- n ttcnd t wsM RintifScfttbn -ffiin \a tto r day lults. Pzom" O u r organization ir doing fino work of Vale, w, nn-J can l>o do{H'ndoil upon lo con- te r, Mra lUP lo |Mil forlh its best o ffo rts lo Twin Pj .1 end. I believe hucccsb Is assured if ’I keep up lho present R a lt," M r. guma*. declared Inte thia afternoon. o f Qagc rho rtm m itlco has prdliarod «i lU t o f called h iscribers showing tho am ount donat- Mra. M. to Ihc big cacio for tho Tw in P n lli ■ iriVt and nil thia section o f aoulh- ,

1-Vft.iU 0 . Abel, $50; C. t l Adams,)0; 0 . H. Alkon, ♦ICO; Alco ClothesDp, $:’S0; Oeorgo Alexander, (SO,lon 01! compnny, $1000; D . D. Alvord. r in la h10; .\inericiin E lectric, $250:-Aih'eri ‘« « n l tiI Qroeery, $]flO; Amorican M nrket, i'i )0; E. L A*htT5n, «.150; 0 . 8 . A vanl, ^Jolac l.i )0; Auto Repair Shop, «100.r. a Bacon, $500; D arro tt Auto Oonclt Ics ct)mpl»ny $250; J . C. Beauchamp, returned )0; C. S . Benity, |22.'>; .1. C. B eatty , spondin.. )0; P . C ;B oebe ,$ r> 0 ;P .8 .B cl1 , >230; Mrr. It. nnk ISclloville, $12.*; E. ^ BcUovllte, .-nue m«. ■>; II. J . Benoit, $50; B enoit B ottling irk i, ^500; 0 . 0 . Benson. $150; Rob- called . 0 . Henaon, $100; A. J . Bockwitz, c in fa Oil 10; ftooth Mercantile company, 1500: i„„,, thwcll & CUnprnan, i250-, L. P . Brao- n, $100; J . 0 . Brndloy, *100; G com ! j [ „ . jo'n islol, $25; Briteo M otal W orks. $5^0: owning Auto company, -tI20; Burk- der Purnllurc compnny. $100; J . p . sacil, $500. • i,.>,rohn F . CouRhlin, #150; Contrai On "-0, $50; Lemuel A. Clinpin, $100; ? ,,, 'J . rnro Chcsbto. $250; C ily Cleaners 10; O lty 'C oa l company, $.10; CUy -vice stnlion, $100; Jam es C. Clark, Leaves fl; .1 K. Clanr, $250; Colonial Apart- nLi, $.100; Clos Book rtoro, $250; « y e ra l v 11 U lom b, $l0ff; C, P . Coagriff. ‘Hterrsls 100; .1. E. Cress $,iO; .1. A. Crom, murning lOO; Crosier T m nafer company, $200;E. ('ulting,- $100.

>arro.v B ro then , Boed & Supply ■0; .lohn B. Davies, $100; D avis Opti- « “>■ J" ^ 4 .lew dn- companv, »Sr.; .1. F . T>on- ng for I

Denoyer E lectric company, >>' the ho lO; Denover E lectric company, M.D.. $100': J . B. D eW ltt, $100; Din- S ta r t i

nd Hardw are company, $300; J . H, ^Msan o Id, $50: J . E . Doughtv garage, $50: ">p'r .ii-ii W. T>nmke, $850; O. P . ’)uvn\l, $100-, *1" B . Dwighl, $300. / o"'*

la rrv Katon, $100; Eldri.lfeo Clothing ''«uc oat $-'iOO: P . a Ellis. $25; A. A. , ,

in a .^ iO ; I* 0 . E vnnt, $100. -^tten-iInri'TClt; $100j:-E. J . W Bch,-«lfiO: her PrwR fowptmy, •-'iOO; P i ts t Na- rnn-H .’’h lal ‘linnk, $1630- W. A. Flow er, $100; m ng wer d Peaa. Sr., $200; C. B . P nga tc , $40. " f ' '- M k . ; II. a n le ^ $200; Qem Grocery & “ “th rke:, $50; .Tolm W . O ialinm, $300:A. Oraham, $100; W illiam QrahUm. „ E a c o n i 0- II. R. G ran t. $100; C. P . Green, Mrs. C

QriU. $10(iSijr. R . Oroomo, $50; yestcrrti.: j . (irnMmon Co„ $250; W. P . Guth: several <, $2;50.^ ,rncr K. nnckmnn., - ,‘2-'50; F . W. 'vcather rdor, $100; Olivor H nrstnd, $100; H. • , llnzel, $100:'' H. E oarlfio ld , $50:

B,i,n;.r;v i M ow t, C o .. .« 0 0 i P . B- «»! ndrix, $2.';: H eriist k Rnmlio, $100; ty nurse, irge H crrio lt. $2r.O; A. B . n ic k s ^ ” atn lO- BlRhwnr Service, $100; Home wnoro d kery. $100;'R . nollingaw orth , >500; Uona nre mo 1,umber & Cool Co„ $200; Ilomu Inokln-’ ■ im bbj: & H ealing Co.. $50: Homeally Cn„ $100; B. F . H oover. $100;8. Hoover.’ $100: Chnrles D. H unt, « Portl

10; T. B. H nnter, $200; 01 T . H unt, visitor <1 • : K. Hiinil, $10; A. W . llu r te d $100. Inis mor dahi. Autnmobllc fitipply. -1030: \>nVct nti lho TlarbnT Shop, $25; Idaho Depart- location n t k(oie, $500; Idaho H nrdw are * iocnlity. plementr^lOO; Idaho Real E aU lc * than on idiiec. $50; Tdaho S tate bank , $5flO;,ho Fronch Dr>- CTcaocfs. $100; In - , .P I e « e i lendeiil Menl M arket. $250; IrriRa- Mil cr !oiII L ands fotnpany, $100. ” Twin Pti 3. F. Jnuch, $00; .Tockev G ub Shoe- conncct-i - Shop, $100; Johnson Anlo Sale* Contact, npany, $400; Johnson * Hovorkn, tion will Ij A. Dorman Johnson, $25; H. B. I'onus rtr mson, $150: Jam es A.- Johnson, in the .]( 10; R. W. Jonoa, $500; I. E . Joalyn. tlea,I; John Ju rko , $25. vBufman & jqanfman, $100.


— — T?cro a ltrlonfl SltoAtlQD OeTBlopt In Soatb Helnlim-;Vales-OoU F ield Beeftcae o f U U - tlielr h^n

iQteipiotatlOQ o f T e n m ________

/).VOOS', (/p)—A serioua sUuallot: ( p -------I nrisen in the South W ales coal Id nwing to n mls1n{«rprctatlon of

term s of the aetllepen t o f the last | V 1 strikn^ the mines dopartm ent re- H rln^ tw sc rs lo contribute a fu rther H Rbiilfngr per tnn, am ounting to H

',0i)0 ])onnils, townrd wntts. Tho mine aera cxj<eclfd thi* aum to be provid- from the govcrntnpnl subsidy of 10, ■ ,000 pounds, of wliieh 3,000,000 ■ :nds-remain. ■>ftor a hurried mocllng cnlled in •dlff. tlio coal exchang-! owhots flt- !d t. ' cloae a large num ber of eoiies.- Onr

fK ITA BIES O F OHUBCH A T DKDUB OF ALHA2IBBA. SESSIOKTtrCAOO, (/P)—D ignitafica o f thyuan Catholic church from all parte - Xlho U nited SU tea .w or« horo todaytho national conTonlion o f th e Or-o f Alhambra of tbo m ajor degro)

he K nights of Colurobur. ( L —


iS S IS I I H illE II P I I M S “s s e s G r a t i f i c a t i o n a t d c .

f T h i - o u g h E f f o r t s o f ^ I '

L i s t o f S u b s c r i b e r s i s poin t'o n ai-atci

I _ irnllo... , ....... j i 'iii ii

— ilci-nsi

W d l j Q r e - v i i i o j Liirtiei

-------------1 i„ ,

0 A ttond Pttneral—Mr. and M rs. Ed.rs of I’orsons, K ansas, aro here to ,i<», - ■nd tho funeral o f Mra. i l . P . Soars. jnViuj

n m Oregon—Mrs. A. U. Crandall “mjor I'a le, Oro.,I is vlaitiiig w ith hor als- j ia r t i Mrs. F . P . WUIiama, who livea .near J m - i " i ’alls. , ’ 'i ,ie f

■----- whichor aiatof'B ru n e ra l—D nllus K inder Uriolc Oage. M ontana, U ia Tw in Fails, theod horo by the dealh o f his sister........ .. M. P . Soara. •

— --------------------------- " WUled by S ls te r ’a D eatli— Mrs. M. L. goaled 111 of Kanaaa C ity arrived Sundny, corner monod by Ihe death of her sisler, street. M. P . Scara. of thu

InlshcaH lfl J o b - F . ,V. I'reoland. in- l'o'> '01 ruvenue agent whn has been in <!>'>< < n Fnlls on fielil work, returned lo10 1.1f t eveniiiL'. • Ihnl.

- % ^aid .Voaclndes V W t-.\l rs . ,1. W. Mock r n c i Inst evening to U envcr a fte r idin.; ten davs v isiting her niolher. .. n . .). IVibl.le n t -10‘ Fourtli av-

_ £ m

UlM to M o U u r'i Bmlnld. _ l i t , ' { ' ift Gilekirk of the Keith ai.artmenta ,i,„„.r, hm-u rnlled to Ashton, Idaho, by vorv serious illness of h e r mother. ii,:„ . .loseph Baker.

* introdiino to B oJao-M r. nnd Mrs. Sni ..inineiua i.nd Mr. and .Mrs. W . U. K arii 'jnt.rA-ycitcrday morning fo r 'B o iso ' to ..lunr'il

d |i few dnys nt Ihe s tn te fair, mak- inthe Irip by nntomobilc. tiiat tl

htid nelavea fo r Cnicago—M rs. M. Sals- had.:i<, who has been in Twin Fnlls fo r “Iso pral wooka altonding to her orchard nliniulr rests in th is viclnliv, le ft this ernliii-ling fo r hor homo in Chicago. i” I'ui

- ■ , finnr t a lto r from OallfonUa—Mrs, 0 . K. ;md a tod, o f Fresno. Col., spent yester- suppor in Tw in Fa lli , leaving,in tho ovon- citnl n for Buhl whoro aho will bo a guest plicani 10 home of hor son. P . M. Kolly. - .venrs

— Fal l sa r t fo r Coast—Mr. aftii Mra. N. B. roominan of Davenport. Keii,, contm utd ncei.mn• .ii-iirney lo the ,coaat Inst evening, eans r a fow days w ith Mr..Mr«, D. R; Cliurehill of N'inlh av qnesliroati, ..tenfK

■ >-— .lr.ii w.itenJ Club M eetln s-A n io n g ihe durinuc f lown visitors n ttending ' the menl <H.’'Icnlc chill reception last cvc- viyer. wero Misa Mnrjorio Sm ith o f HanMiss Zclln Ellis of Filer ami Miaa -. Wi>nI H i'do of Kimborly. |„.,-a (

.counter ■ Oold W ea th w -M r. and t,lt.-^'n'C S. Urban of K anraa Cily loft i,y. tliv

crdiiv fo r Colorado a fle r spending i.iilnle;ral (lays In T w in-Palls. Thoy ro „.nted

having encountered very cold -iiion-Iher on the tr ip west laat woek. „re u '

indnrtlng Phyaical Exam laatlon— .yhr I.iI Ruao.la McOftiH,-Bed Crosr coun- wilMaiurse. Is in M aroa today condiifllm: Hhoi. ;tzamlnntion of lho srhnol children. Arms, iro defects nro found, reroiftmcnda-1 nre mndo to parent* nnd guardinn-. _in-’ townrds rcmcdi/il nicnsuri-*. ^

wka BoaiDOss Loc«ttoa->J. B. Fieri.’ortland, who h m beon a Twin Palla “ T “ :or during tho paat two days, le ft morning for home. Mr. P lerl ia a

‘t nnd Is intoroslcd In proeoriog a lion for hia Uno o t bttslnos* in th is '"F *" lily, which he believea is b e tter


eased w ith Bonua D riT »-C . ,W. r."* '^ ' t r !ot Spcnccc. Idaho, has heen l-i , :1 Pnlls for n few days on business :! lect-d w ilh his mining inlcrestfl a t . , c , act. n c cxpresffs murh saUafac- w ilh Ihp progress of i^>e railway

IS rtrlve, wnlch will mean lo w ueh " '!io ijevolopment o f Contact proper-

.. . — . » . ------ TrftcoySOOTT-OLEN

all.-r H. fico tfan d M «a M ario Olert Royal iler wero m arried Sundav oitoroon quealct o ’clock In the M othodlat parson- W cdnc

by the Bev. E . L . W hite. Thoy body ' a ttended by M r.-jiad M n . Jesse tend H

.line. Mr. and Mrs. S co lt will taake ■ h''mc In Filer. r e A



Onr thoosasdfl of satiflfiod patients oioD< in examining eyes an'


i N W S . T \ ^ 'PA ^S,

i i O P M i i :----- nltcud

>ollbaIl Liconao Petition BaO' <ler a t ned by OfHoial Action t)f

Ootmcil w o V. --------- ■' Slssoni

Desplie long and oarnost impqrluu Dr. K : by ;i barrister, and citations from ■ le ni-d municipal law r governing tho n f a t Issue, Mayor P . W. M oBoboru, « itcd a t Ihu head ,of tho c ity admlnU- Huhl I lion Inblo last n ight, rejoctod the dinnor ilio 'i o f John Urlolo, a Spaniard, for .-nso to opccalo and m alnloln.a.pool-.I nnd enrd-playlng ioslitutioti a t thu ' ‘Her o f T liird tivcHue oast aoil So;- I streot. , TheIn th is nclion thu mayor wah nccord-

unanimous , moral rupport by ,tho "'7 '** m b e iy o f the council body..Tho petl- onjoya n waa refused on general w oands, luding looation, nnd tho fu rth e t f a c t , . , ' :ording lo slntem eqt u a d o by tho “ ■jor lo Uriolo and his counaol, J . p . where irt in, o f Wolfe, M arlin t Wado, tha l •sonni invostigallon by the c i ty ’s e f vxccutivo of tho promises fo r -^ohnao Ich perm it was nekcd, provo<l th a t ovcnini iolo has plnnncd nn infrac tion of ' iHw m nking gambling a mlsde- "'^th iiiior, ' thusini

M ayor LireaU gatM . W iyuo'W litn thl) petition was first, «ug- ted I w en t to the building ftt the ner n f T hird avonuo cast nnd'Socond •■el '.0 make el porsoivil investigation The the i-rcmlacf and ge t a lino on the moetinj ralin„' propoaal. I found a condi- n t whic I Ihere lh a l aroused my suspicions lho con t Hie nature (if tho buiiness Uriolo homo I ,'iidel to o p m lo waa no t tho kind Tliey i I- ia tondm-ive to best citlxonship,” quartetI .Mnyor McBoborls. H o ia d d o d :" ! being h nd n lot of,,cnrd tab les loeatod in their fi l i t io E o d rooms in lho basomonf. ening. h teoui had one small entranco andvan provided 'wHli a lock on tho in- _____

'i'll me it looked like a definite - pII lo break tho law regulating gam- f “ lg. I <1(1 uol believe tho application X iild be favorably conHlderc.d, and, ~ — refore, I ' decline lo g ran t, the re-sled perm it.” ' Harr;Iriolfl .appeared in person a t the h'lsine*■ling of tho council. His case wns I'- A.odnced by A ttorney M artin who ox *rln loned th a t tho c ily o rdlnaneo.ii man- Mrs.'•r>- nn the queitlon, and gives the 'ier dnuiiril or mnyor no d ls t^ lio n a ry pow- Mrs.ill n '1-li an application. Ho sta ted ‘Twin F

t. th l com plaint mndo Iiv tho mayor M. J,no e ffec t slnco noA-Iolation of law Twin I

. :iclunlly been committed, and ho A. A.pninted out th a l his clien t hnd Fnll.i b

iidohi-d tlm hftsement scheme of op-' EVillaing rnrd tables, n nd 'had -arrango il ti shortm l these in open sigh t on tho f irs l J . &T together 'irith sovoml p6ol tab lcf In Twia luneh counler. A ttorney M arlin ye*lcrli

iwrlnd the npplication w ith a re- Mrs.1 o f tho good chnractcr of the np- Twin Fant, declaring lh a l during tbo four who Isrs .Mr. Uriolo. has been in Twiif B. 6i» Itr Has operated tho Cottage I.ambcfninif bouse, a placo'dovotod lo thn «.n busi.mmndntion o f Spaniards and Mexi- Miss\ wii.hout g lv ln g - th c ^lolicc anv where iil'V-. Ml. U t.olo f re tly anitw einl for a 1iilioiis rela ting to places of poat red- Mrs.pi< nnd employment. The opplica- White

w-uH form ally and officially denied mnin (ini> n dlkeussion following rotiro- RavI Sfr. TTriolo and hls legal a i- te lli .’Mr. - by lUc

Adverse PetlUona. MIm

■|ir<l o f the Uriolo application hns "5"1 r i f r ty olreul.lcil « ta u t lo ira In “ I*, “p iiil 'w cek , ,nnd on Sunday a defi- •I'’’'"plan of offence was Innugurated v*"ltor

the pliurrhea. rctitlc ins w eto ch- 'e f t fo- lie l for signatures, theee to be pre-ed to fhe r i lv conneil fo r consider- « o woe n; The rooms leased by Mr. Uriolo iinderucnth the Lyman rooming

rters. nnd in a residence section.I.iiilding v.^n .formeriv uaed by roturnii

liam W ernor nr a general repair|i <inii is one block from the Rex ---------

H IG H S C H O O L N O T E S I'p iiimorrow evening n t 7:30 p» m.

Blue .T riangle club of the high 3ol will hold Iheir f irs t indoor meol- in Ihe dome. All tho girls o f lho

nol lieaides the mombors o f 'tho fac- .- Wlli bo invited. T he'program for evening will doal w ith tho cxperi-

f i o f the giris who a ttended tho Y.C. A, conferenee a t Pnyetto Lakes .luiK-. Also aomo of tho plans for yenr will be Inld boforo the elub

Ihls lime.

ANNOXmOBMIOT.be Wimodausl club will mcot on ^ Ineadiiv nftcrnoon w ith Mrs. Urban coy. ■ \

[embers pf lho loeal lodge of the ■nl Neighbors e f Amerita*‘ aro ro­uted to meet n t 1:30 ftt tbo hall on Incsdny afternoon to procood in a y t*. th e M cthodbt cn m tb to at- 1 (he<funernl o f M rs. M . P , Sean .

EAD TH E d a i l y N7WB.


[CY ■ Hnts wiU a ttest to otir offi* n n d f i t t i n g g lo sa o B .

tica l Co.; nTTBD EIOHT


{ PilM fti V;’ , \ _____ _ I S E . N . g

J .

—-------- ^ ------------------ ---------------- I has bon• A l Phone i t . Oeorc

— — where IA b o iiO o membeta o l the Boyal dghbora o f A m erica' of. Twiu Polle ;eiidcd the d is tric t mcQUnj e f the or- r a t Buhl M onday afComooa and ov- ing. Tbo annual election o f o fficers “ lulled in the cholco o f M rs. E . M. “ ''5,'“ '® )lfo aa d ls trio t n te sldont; M ta. A .‘B . . isons o f Bubl, dU trict vice-president;. im m a Crossland, aecrotary troas- ■r; Mrs. Dickoy, Buhl, m arshal: Mrs. ma E . Peters, aoatinol. A t fl o 'clock . • ,‘ assembly adjourned to the dinlnir .II r i,c ro „« ro tho p , „ t , « ( n , " l"5 hi lodgo nt^ft handsomely appointed h mor. Following tbla waa a contlnn- ‘on of tho bnsiness session fo r tho ' , > i-ning. T w In 'FallB 'ftnd Caaala eoon- » , ^ aro comprised In the d is tric t. . ^

rhe Pnn Ilollonic rocflpllon bold a lI aaiusomoat hall o f the Beed opart- pav Is o uts Inst ovonlnjf woa ono of th e m ost Mrs. [oyablo of tho social events o'f tho „ Twin laon. A b o u t '7 5 ,of tb e teacherB of to Film -lo Falla schoola were guosta o f tho onjag td b in tho arlU tlcttlly decorated room, * ore they wore reeolved b y th e Mes- , lies F. E Snook. M erlin E Batley , ^ liert I»gan , and tho M lasei Aliceinaon nnd Buth W ay. D uring th e p ".nh.|! A. W illon Pock a«d H l « Em- “ '

Bmlth caeh favored the aasembly ’;h a, group of aonga whioh woro en-isiasticaly recoivod. TIio M esdam es of Knullyuo Johnson, EL- B. Helnecke and BomJ , Bonoit presided a t- f h e refresh- Sm ilh ti

I t table. - • .Qgyn------- thrce-qa

'he Buainess W omen's elnb held a. Palls, y .'ting a t th e club rooma la st eveningrt-hich' most o f tho tim e w as apent in BEAE consideration e f plans fo r the ir now

10 in Jow oll hall over V arney 's . — ^ —;y will take poucsslon of theso Iirtors on O ctober l . a n d plana a re I-ng Inid fo r a houso warmljig to which ir friends are inv ited on M onday e v . LAVER “ff------------------------------------------------------ p a rt s

1--------------------------------- life. • -------- -----------------------^ ----------1 IDAHO

p e r i o M . a . l j

■ _____ 1 ; ORPHEl[arry IL \V>.tkla» wont to Buhi on £5°^“ ' incKj yesterday. T rail'i>. A. W arner mode a b iie f bualnei.i i lo Burioy ycslerdny. HEATIra. L. McClellan ia in Buhl v isiting L oyd-Cr daughter Mrs. P , L . Kolly. Phone CIrs. £ . W. Boring of H le r w sa a n Palls v lallor yesterday. * "I. J . F lohr o f W allace ia among the ,;n Falls business visitors. ^. A. B lo io ro f S a l tL a k o w a a a T w in L j ___1.1 buainess v isitor yesterday. - .’illnrd n igloy. loft la s t evening for lort visit w ilh his mother a t Bickel. t . a Robsou, Buriey coulraclor, was .onablc Twin Falla on a business m U n n > r lny. ' ’ P O ll f [r*. J . 0 . Qraham and llttlo son of roasonab n Falls is in Bubl w llh h e r mother . Is ill. WAN’] :. Sm ilh, W. P . Oodfrey aad J . S. "Iriclly ib c rt o f Jarbidgo aro in Tw in PJilla sponsible business. Address: lias Lorona Bettorly is in M urtaugh ■re (he will bo employed in the bonk , a lew weeks. , . i f Iri. li. S'. Oish le ft thia morning for * ite City, Kan., where sho w ill ro- .. ............ .II fot aomo weoks.ay Treadwell was cnilcd to .P o ca - n a > M ondav-for physiail examination K A tUc federal board.IIm Beaalo Burton relum ed lo H an- _ /> i la it ovening a fte r a s tay in Twin V S '

Ir ot aevernl days, nhn H arris who has been a business to r in .Twin Falla fo r n few days

fo.- Boise la s t oveninR. i f[rs. K . C. Bariow of B u r le r spenl woek end w ilh her sister, M n . I . •!. kor of 550 F ifth avenue oast. n i t l(iss Alice Wilson of Burioy wha n B L U k .cnd guest o f Twin Palla friends. Cirning horao la st evening. tlsg M arie B lankenship ro lurned . to L —

W H ’d o y o u f i n d

S t o r e a l w a y s 1

w i t h b u y e r s ?

T h e A n a i e e r i s — a h

S e r v i c e , c o u p l e d w i t h

u e s . “ G o o d S h o e s f r o

L i t t l e G e n t s ’, 9 t o 1 3 1

Y o u t h s ' , 1 t o 2 j f o r ........

B o y s ’, 2 1 - 2 t o 6 f o r .......


EPTEMBER 27,19a '

• a f te r a ' via it w ith her aiater, Mra.. Q tofts, of F i l th ftvenao w eit. laa Maxine Billinga .irrlved bomo ird \v from Idaho Falls w hero aho l«n.i employed for thd past mdnth. orgo W illiams har gone to B u tte e ho has cmploymont for tbo win- ^IIU family will Join b lm -In a

T. A nna Livermoro of BelHnghaHl ' 1.,. a rrived Monday fo r a visit Mrs. E lla S tlffle r o f IS I Seveath

uo east.i;. Wooloy was in Tw in Falla yci-

IV from Dubois, Idftho. on tho wny i’ iintact whoro he expecla to remain loni.i tIm ^ •• -"H.- D utlor, commUslon man nnd buyer o f Oklahoula, le ft la s t evo- for home, a fte r spending several in tho .Twin Falla ■ vicinity. ' ‘

-. a n d - il rs . John W erner arrived ' la« from Astorin, Oro., fo r a visit Mrs. W erner’s sister, Mrs. Jam es

or, living near IhLc r ity . - '1. C. A. Penrod of Edon returned• Inst evening following a vla lt ' her parents, Mr. and Mra. H . U.

s o f Bluo Ixikes boulevard.■s. W illiam Salmon of Burloy was in Foils caller Monday goln^ lo te r Hot to v ia it tcir husband who ia i?cd In paving w ork In tb n t town..

■v BIETHSrn f t ^ r . and Mrs. E. Owaloy o f ' ^econyavcnue.w est, on C plem bor /I son, Jam es W esley- ' / mrn to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. W. Morrla ^ null on Soptombor 24. a son. m to Mr. and Mra. -W alter 0 .1 today a t a local hosBltal, a son. rn to m . und Mrs. Honry SAUh, .. •qanrtcra o f a mijo north of Twin ., yeatorday, -a daughter.



ERINO—“ Tho O ld JN e it," a n .a - t special, ft gripping atory o f real

10 .T H E A T B B -Tbom aa M elghan . "T h tt-P ron tisr o f the GUr*,'* » a ri fea tnre picture. Also Pa tbc ira and comedy feature.lE U M T H E A T B & -A n ' 8-part duction, “ la o b e l," or " T h e i l 's E n d ," and special mnale.

ADQUARTEB8 fo r ftOmon lands. •Craven Co.. 123 Main E arl.I C25.—adv._____________________


It B A L E ^B oys ' good bleyele; rea- le. Twin Palls B ottling Works.

11 SA LF,-200 good gunny racka; lablc. Twin Pnlls B ottling W orks. ^

.NT-BD — F o ™ o r nvo” " room, "Iy modern fu rnuhed house; rc- ' iblo couplo; will pay* good ren t.■ss: Renter, e a t^ News.

i B E N T -T w o fum ishod rooms, :Q .hcai, 4 blocks from Porrlne-

Inqulro 401 E. Main.

iiV D A N C E ia n d e r p o o l E a n c h ,

H a n s e n

Friday Evinmg, - - Sept. 30th \

.U E B IR D O R C H E S T R A S U P P E R 2 5 C E H T ^ ■

•I -

Y1 o u r

i b u s y

i l w a y s g o o d

t h R e a l V a l -

i’o r L e s s ” .

1 1 - 2 f o r ? 2 . < 5

....... : $ 2 . 9 S
