3. The Wiener Process and Rare Events in Financial Markets The Wiener process works as a mathematical model for continuous time stock price. To make the process even more realistic oc- casional rare events causing  jumps  int o the sample paths are added by modeling wi th some point processes. Consider rst the modeling the ”ordinary” events wit h Wiener process (Brownian mo- tion) (see here for a heuristic construction of the Brownian motion). 1 Denition 3.1: A Wiener proces s,  W t , rela- tive to a family of information sets  {I t }  (l- tration), is a stochastic process such that 1.  W 0  = 0 (with probability one). 2.  W t  is continuous. 3.  W t  is adapted to the ltration  {I t }. 4. For  s ≤  t,  W t W s  is independent of  I s , wi th E[ W t  −  W s ] = 0 and Var[W t  −  W s ] = E(W t W s ) 2 = t s. 2


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3. The Wiener Process and Rare Events in

Financial Markets

The Wiener process works as a mathematical

model for continuous time stock price.

To make the process even more realistic oc-casional rare events causing   jumps   into the

sample paths are added by modeling with

some point processes.

Consider first the modeling the ”ordinary”events with Wiener process (Brownian mo-

tion) (see here for a heuristic construction of 

the Brownian motion).


Definition 3.1: A Wiener process,   W t, rela-

tive to a family of information sets {I t}   (fil-

tration), is a stochastic process such that

1.   W 0  = 0 (with probability one).

2.   W t   is continuous.

3.   W t   is adapted to the filtration {I t}.

4. For   s ≤   t,   W t − W s   is independent of  I s,with E[W t −  W s] = 0 and Var[W t −  W s] =

E(W t − W s)2 = t − s.


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Equivalently we can define:

Definition 3.2: A random process   Bt,   t  ∈[0, T ] is a (standard) Brownian motion if 1.   B0  = 0.2.   Bt   is continuous.3. Increments of   Bt   are independent. I.e., if 

0 ≤ t0 < t1 < · · · < tn, then  Bt1 −Bt0, . . . , Btn −Btn−1  are independent.4. If 0 ≤ s ≤ t,   Bt − Bs ∼ N (0, t − s).







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    W    (    t    )



Figure 3.1: Three sample paths of a standard

Brownian motion.3


(a)   W t   is an I t-martingale.

(b)   W t  has independent increments.

(c) E[W t] = 0 for all   t.

(d) Var[W t] = t.

(e) The law of iterated logarithms

lim supt→∞

W t√ 2t log log t

 = 1 (with probability one)

(f)   W t/t → 0 w.p.1 as   t → ∞.

(g)   W 2t  − t   is an I t-martingale.

(h) exp{σW t − (σ2/2)t}   is an I t-martingale.


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Proof  : (a) Let   s ≤

  t, then E[W t−

W s|I 

s] =

E[W t − W s] = 0. So E[W t|I s] = W s.

(b) Let 0 ≤   s < t < u   then   W t − W s   is I t-

measurable (W s, W t   ∈ I t  ⊂ I u) and   W u −W t   is independent of  I t, which implies that

W u − W t   is independent of   W t − W s.

(c) 0 = E[W t − W 0] = E[W t].(d) Var[W t] = Var[W t − W 0] = t − 0 = t.

(e) Will not be proven, but means that if  b >

1, for sufficiently large   t,   W t < b√ 

2t log log t.

(f) Follows from the law of iterated loga-


(g) and (f) Left as exercises.











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Figure 3.2: The law of iterated logarithms.


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Example 3.1:

S t  =  S 0e(µ−12

σ2)t+σW t ,where  S 0  >  0, and  µ  and  σ > 0 are constants. This is an exampleof generalized Brownian motion, called also a Geometric Brow-nian motion, and serves as a basic model for stock prices. Thedistribution of log S t   is normal with mean

log S 0 +

µ − 1



and variance   σ2

t. The continuously compounded return to thestock, per unit of time (e.g. if annual, then annualized cumula-tive returns), over time interval [t, t + u],   u > 0, is

Ru  = 1

u (log S t+u − log S t) =  µ − 1

2σ2 +


uσ (W t+u − W t).

Because for fixed   t,   W t+u − W t   is a standard Brownian motionwith time index   u, property (f) above implies that

Ru → µ −1


as   u → ∞.

Note.   E [S t] = S 0eµt.








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    S           (          t           )



Figure 3.3: Sample paths of monthly stock price processes   S t =

S 0e(µ−12

σ2)t+σW t with  S 0 = 100, and annual rate of return  µ  = 10%

and volatility   σ  = 25%.


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    M   o   n          t    h    l   y   r        e          t   u   r   n           (    %           )


Figure 3.4: Monthly log-returns   Rt  = 100(log S t − log S t−s) for

the sample period 1980:1 to 2001:12.








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    A   n   n   u   a    l    i   z      e        d   c   u      m   u    l   a        t    i   v      e   r      e        t   u   r   n        (    %        )


Figure 3.5: Annualized cumulative log-returns RAt   = 100 12

t  (log S t−

log S 0) for the period 1980:1 to 2001:12 (monthly observations).


Remark 3.1: In the above example the geometric Brow-

nian motion is usually given in the differential form

dS t

S t= µ dt + σ dW t,

(”model of the return”) or

dS t = µ S t dt + σ S t dW t.


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Rare Events and Poisson Process

In stock markets we occasionally observe sud-

den jumps in the prices due to some impor-

tant or extreme event that affects the price.

To model these a reasonable assumption couldbe that the jumps—being consequences of 

extreme shocks—are independent of the usual

information driving innovations   dW t.


Following Merton∗  we can introduce a model

where the asset price has jumps superim-

posed upon a geometric Brownian motion

such that

dS t

S t= (µ − λ ν )dt + σ dW t + dJ t,(1)

where   µ   the asset’s expected return,   λ   isthe jump intensity (e.g. average number of 

 jumps per year),   ν   is the average size of the

 jump as a percentage of the asset price,   σ

is the return volatility, and   J t   is related to

the (independent) Poisson process generat-

ing the jumps.

Once the jump occurs we can superimpose it

into the process by assuming that it is gen-

erated from a normal distribution with mean

ν   and standard deviation equaling the jump


∗Merton, R.C. (1976). Option pricing when underlying stock

returns are discontinuous.  Journal of Financial Economics , No.

3, 125–144.


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Example 3.2: Consider a situation where the underly-

ing process has a jump frequency one per year (λ = 1/2)(i.e., on average once every two year). The averagepercentage jump size  ν  is assumed for simplicity to beequal to zero and the volatility of the jump is 20%.

Suppose the stock price now is 100, the drift is 8%,σ   = 15%. Below are four sample baths from the dif-fusion process

dS t

S t= µ dt + σ dW t + dJ t.

We model dJ t  as  dJ t = 0.20 Z U , where Z   is a standardnormal variable and   U   is a random variable such thatP (U  = 1) =  λdt   and   P (U  = 0) = 1 − λdt. In additionZ   and   U   are independent.

A discrete approximation of the above difference equa-tion is

S t = S t−h

1 + 0.08h + 0.15

√ h Z t + dJ t











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S1 S2 S3 S4

Sample paths of a jump process:S(t) = S(t-dt)*[1 + 0.08dt + 0.15 sqrt(dt) Z(t) + dJ(t)],dJ(t) = 0.2 Z U(t), with P(U(t) = 1) = 0.5 dt




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We can rewrite the diffusion process in this example

asdS t

S t= (µ − λν )dt + σ dW t

if the Poisson event does not occur, and

dS t

S t= (µ − λν )dt + σ dW t + 0.20Z 

if the Poisson event occurs.

It can be shown that the process then is

S t = S 0 exp

µ − 1

2σ2 − λν 

t + σW t

J (N t),


J (N t) = exp   N t


J i

with   J i  = 0.20Z i, and   Z i   are independent   N (0, 1) ran-

dom variables.   N t   has the Poisson distribution, dis-

cussed more closely below.


In order to model the jump intensity, let   N tdenote the total number of extreme (unordi-

nary) shocks until time   t   (counting process).

Then once the event occurs,   N t   changes by

one unit and remains otherwise unchanged.

Conceptually we can model this within an   in-

finitesimal   interval  dt   by

dN t =

  1 with probability   λ dt0 with probability 1 − λ dt


This causes a discrete jump (once it occurs),because the size does not depend on  dt  (the

size can be a random variable as in the pre-

vious example).


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Poisson process has the following properties:

(1) During a small interval   h, at most one

event occurs with probability ≈ 1.

(2) The information up to time   t   does not

help to predict the occurrence of the event

in the next instant.

(3) Events occur at a constant rate   λ.

Remark 3.2: Within any time interval [t, t + h], ∆N t+h  =N t+h − N t  has the Poisson distribution

P (∆N t+h = k) = (λh)k

k!  eλh, k = 0, 1, . . .(3)

E[∆N t+h] = λh  = Var[∆N t+h].(4)However, if   h   is small

P (∆N t+h  = 1) = (λh)e−λh ≈ λh(5)

as stated above. We denote ∆N t+h ∼   Po(λh). Thus

because   N 0   = 0, we have in the previous example

N t ∼   Po(λt).