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  • 8/18/2019 MF JAYLO



    Our planet is very emotional. Not sure what's happening, and I'm not gonna blame it all on the Sun ?? because Pluto be on his bullshit too! Pluto ?? is about that murder game! With emotions running high, somebody is bound to snap! And whoever snaps is getting shot! ????????

    Emotions have two I'm expecting more people to die as we enter the HOUSE of VIRGO in a few days! That HOUSE of VIRGO is the analytical house where niccaz have more hate in their hearts than love. Dangerous house if you don't check yourself!

    Well JAYLO! Can you show & prove what your talking about?

    Most certainly! ????The Earth is emotional due to knowing she's going to die in the colder months to come ????????

    She takes the plant life with her to her grave as she FALLS or AUTUM. Ever wondered why flowers are used to decorate your funeral?Anyway!!!!!

    She is the only thing that can die and come back to life every Spring! I'm gonna say it again! She is the only thing that can die and come back to life!

    You can't!!! And with the Earth knowing she's going to die, I know as well as she knows that niccaz who domicile on her has too,...also die. The difference is:niccaz ain't coming back and she is. This is why she's so emotional as any mother would be, who loses her child or children. This is why we call her Mother Earth! And due to her natural behavior caring for the human race and nourishing youignorant mother fuckers, she is also defined as: MOTHER NATURE! Or Natural Mother

    I mean really!!! Didn't the GOD appointed to you say: he only had one begotten SON? Well! Who the fuck did you really think was your father? He ain't claiming y'all ??

    This is where SATAN/SATURN comes in looking to be your daddy

    But because you don't know which planet fucked your mother (EARTH) during the time you touched down on the planet, you of course are a NATURAL BASTARD chasing after your grandfather: GOD! God is responsible ONLY for JESUS aka the morning star aka the SON/SUN

    That same SUN/SON fucks your mother (EARTH) every morning!She birthed you uneducated MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!

    And her suns\sons act just like their TRUE father/fathers. We fuck other mothers and we run! Just like daddy!!!

    Some of us have grandpa stronger ways & genes and stick around and raise families.

    So now y'all have a slight understanding of why we tap that ass and bounce ??

    I'm gonna stop right here because you niccaz are already emotional! Say whatever you want....but like Biggie said: Somebody gotta die!