(1) Made on behalf of Representative Party A (2) Anke Heydenreich (3) First Witness Statement 1 f ,}UL (4) Exhibits AH1 to AH19 2012 (5) Dated 16 July 2012 Hindsight Application No 9527 of 2011 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE CHANCERY DIVISION COMPANIES COURT " INTHE:·.MATtER OF MfGLOBAL UK IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTMENT BANK SPECIAL ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2011 VVITNE5S$JATEI\IIENT OF ANKEHEYDEf\,iREICH I, Anke. AttE:)st6/Capital' LLP; 67-68.GrosVenOrStreet, LondonW1 K 3JN say as 1.lam:a Capital LLP,Jheirive;J:;;tmentmCinagerof Attestor Value·MasterFundLLp(the "Fund"), a special situalionsirlVestmentfLmd which engages other strate6ies,therole of claims in the secondary ," -.. . 2. - ..... -. . statement .... . fmmmy .' own knowledge and bE3liet;saveWllere thecohtrary ", I give the source ofmyinformatiqhcirlqbelief. . ." . 3. read the second witness statement of Richard Heis (URH2") in support of the on3 May2Q12by Ric:hard Robertpink and Richard Dixon Flem!ng {insolvency, practitioners and partners atKPMG" LLP)in,their ". '".:' ' .. ": ... ,... :'." . - . - .. ' . ". ..... . capi:\cityasthe joint,'specialadrninistrators (the "Administrators") (lfMFGJobal'UK'Limited C'MFG'WK"). For ease of reference I utilise the defined terms' Clod abbreviations .- . :. -' , -. . .". ." :. . ... "'. " .... " : refer to below 'to RH2;1 have Londoi1l014i075841 'O0008iRHT fGXYH gxyh(LDN7W23!!62)

MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

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Page 1: MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

(1) Made on behalf of Representative Party A (2) Anke Heydenreich

(3) First Witness Statement

1 f ,}UL (4) Exhibits AH1 to AH19

2012 (5) Dated 16 July 2012

Hindsight Application

No 9527 of 2011






I, Anke. ·HeycJ~nreic;hof AttE:)st6/Capital' LLP; 67 -68.GrosVenOrStreet, LondonW1 K 3JN say as

1.lam:a managingmember()fAtt~stor Capital LLP,Jheirive;J:;;tmentmCinagerof Attestor

Value·MasterFundLLp(the "Fund"), a special situalionsirlVestmentfLmd which engages

i~;i~mong other strate6ies,therole of endbuyerOf<inSOI~eJ,CY claims in the secondary

," -.. .

2. II1l~kethiswitness -..... -. .

statement .... .

fmmmy .'

own knowledge and bE3liet;saveWllere thecohtrary ",

isstated,in~hichcase I give the source ofmyinformatiqhcirlqbelief.

. ." .

3. read the second witness statement of Richard Heis (URH2") in support of the

'ap~licatiOn(the"Application"}issued on3 May2Q12by Ric:hard Heis,Mich~el Robertpink

and Richard Dixon Flem!ng {insolvency, practitioners and partners atKPMG" LLP)in,their ". '".:' ' .. ": ... ,... :'." . - . - .. ' . ". ..... .

capi:\cityasthe joint,'specialadrninistrators (the "Administrators") (lfMFGJobal'UK'Limited

C'MFG'WK"). For ease of reference I utilise the defined terms' Clod abbreviations .- . :. -' , -. . .".

adopfa~d ." :. . ... "'. " .... " :

uS~<:linRH2and;wheredocumentsl refer to below are~lready,exhihited 'to RH2;1 have

Londoi1l014i075841 'O0008iRHT fGXYH gxyh(LDN7W23!!62)

Page 2: MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

not exhibited them here. The Fund proposes to address the content of RH2 where

appropriate in submissions rather than in this statement.

4. The Application seeks directions as to INhethera client's client money entitlement in

respect of an open position islo be valued as atthePPE by reference to the marketvalue

or any mark-to-marketvalue or by reference lothe liquidation value.

5. Pursuant to the order of Mr·Justice David Ri'chards af.tS June 2012 (the "Order"),the

Fund has been appointed as Representative Party A to the Application, i.e., the

representative respondent fortheclass ofMFG UK clients whose openposition(s) had a

liql.lidation valueless than themark-to-market value as atthe PPE (the "PPE Class").

6; The Fl.Ind has a commercial interest in advancing the intere:')ts of the PPE Class in the

Application. byvirtueoftheassignmenttoitofthedi~nt money claim of NCIFihance

Limited against MFG UK (the "NCI Clierit Money Claim").

7. By a letter dated ,15 May 2012 from the Administrators t() NCI Finance , . . .


May . 2012 Letter"), the <Administrators

'.. explainedthatifthe

. open positions forming theNCI

GlientMol1~yClaimarevaluedClsatthePPE by reference to the mark':to-market value on

thatdat~,theNCI Client~ol1eyClairnhasa valueofUS$16, 100,434.96. .....

S. The 15 May2012 Letter alsbexplainsthat ·if· the open positions forming· .. :..... ".". . "." ........... '. .... ..

theN<~ICHent .'.

Money Claim are valuecl at the if liquidation value,the NCI Client Money ClaiTtiwillbe

... vallledafUS$13,12S,071.fh<

9. The Fund· theref()rehasc:lneconomjcinteres( in respect of the NCI Client Mol1eyq~i~jn respect of open posilions beingv~luedby referenceto the market value orirlC3~k~to-markef

value as at the PPEw,fhbllt recourse. to hindsight. A copy oUhe 15 May2012I.etteris

exhiIJitedatAH1. In additiOn;two,sets~fstatements. were provided by the Adlllinistrators

along INiththe '15 May ..•.

2012 ".

Letter. ". '"

Samples ".

of these statements are exhibiteqatAH2·· ".... .• c.

a~d.AH3respettively(tbgether,the"Statentents;'). ·I.am· informed by the Admi~istrators thattheSall1PlesetofstatelT1~ntsatAH2 showthEf Value of Nel FinanceLimited'~open

. .: ............. "<-:<.:.->.- .......... ,.:. '.' :.- ... " .. aUheirrespepti\(emark~t():.market

c'. '.'

2011(the'~PPEV;:llue -.","'.:- .:-.. ::.: -'.: ,",

positions values on 31 October

Statements"}:laminfor:r:n~d by the AClrninistratorsthat the sample set of stat~mentsat

AH3,show the. v;:lllle ofNCIFinanceLimited'spositions()nce .closed-out .(thE:i·,"L.lquidatioll

vajueStatements").lexhibitatAH~tbe.Administrat()r's'·basis of ·preparatioh"· document

whi<::h.provigesaccompanYing notes t6the15 May2012 Letter.


London/014/075841-00008/RHT IGX YH gxyh(LDN7W23862) 2 L-.UVE_EMEA1,13370953v1

Page 3: MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

10: The purpose of this statement is to set out facts relevant to the positions entered into

between NCI Finance Limited and MFGUK which, along with the Initial margin and

Variation margin posted withMFG UKinrespect of these positions,are the subject of the

NCI Client Money Claim.

11. In my experience these positions tend to be liquid with prices routinely available

throughout the day which, in the n 0(111 a I course, are available from financial information

sources such as Bloombergandtheapplicableexchange itself: ·I,like others in then,arket.

have access to this pricing information. Market participants use this pricing information on

aday~to~day basis for such matters as valuing their own portfolios, hedging andrriaking

investment decisions. These prices are those which, subjectto appropriate commissions, . ." . .' .". "~ .

can be realised for positions on an iOtraday basis.

12. As at the moment ofthe PPE;th~keyil")1pact of the PPE:forCliehtsof MFG UKsuchas

NCI Finance Limited was that;frornthi:lfmoment, they lost the ability to realise their . . "-'. .

positions at their. own instigi3tion: " .. -

Asatthe .... ".

PPE ":"

matterssUc:;has close out and the timing "

of Close out· became outsidetl1eif.controLAs a result oltbedifferent approaches· which

different exchanges and clearin~hous~stook, close out to()k· place at various dates In the

days and weeks that fOllowedth~PREb~yondthe cOiltrolof~FGUK clients such asNCI


Ascanbeseen fromthe Statements,th~NCI '.

Client Money Claim is comprised of .." .. "' .... .

alarg~ ... " ..

nUlllberof exchange tradedfuturesposition~ buttheseallJalljnto the following 4 groups of

ICE BrentCrude Oil Futures<

(ICE) WTI LT ST CruqeOilFuturt3s

(iv) NYMEX LightCfudeOilFutllres

I note that within these 4 groupsoltradedpositionsthere ". . .": ..

area '.

large number of different . .


contracts,. each with differenttr~ded?tesailddelive'ryda.tE3sand,consequentIY, different


Londoh/014/075841-D0008/RHT IGXYH gxyh(LDN7VV23862) 3

Page 4: MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

15: In the sections below I have set out my understanding as to the exchange rules, clearing

house rules and contract specifications that apply to each of the types of futures positions

identified above, and as to the availability of pricing information so far as lam aware.

16. ICE BrentCrudeOil Futures are exchange traded futures positioris traded on the

IntercontinentaIExchange(ICE) Futures Europe exchange (HICE"). ICE is a London based

exchange.lexhibitatAH5 two print outs taken from the ICE website which provide some

. brief backgrbundbn .·ICE and what it does. Futures positions traded on ICE are cleared

through Intercontinental Exchange(ICE)ClearEurope (HICEClear") .

. . J 7 ~ The contracf.specifications applicable to ICE Brent Crude OH . Futures in particular are

exhibited at AH6:TherEigulations applicabletofutures positibnstrpcled on ICE as well as

those applicable tolCEGlear areavailable.on theJCE website:

It is my understanding .. -

that ICE BrentCrLJde .. -.," ..

OiiFutures - ..

pO$itionscanbetraded ."." .

on ICE ," -

between thehour$.§etout . . ,

in the table .

below and that cOnsequently the pricing of ICE

BrentCrudeQil F.utllres. is also availa. Pie . . -.

duringWese . ..


. Pre-Operl


00:55 (UK)

FLJrth~r,it isp6Ssibleto obtain historical priCihgirlfqrrnation byreferenceto"marker" prices,

taken twicedailY;:lteach of 16:30 Singappre.timeand16:;3QCon<lbrifime; by visiting the

I.CE web~ite·(https:llwww.theice~com/marketdatalr'eports/ReportCenter.shtml#reportl83): · ... At AHi' •• fe~hipit. apririt()ut from theICEw~biit~sho\hling thE3tw~~v~ilabl~marker prices

f()r ICE.Br l)tCrUdeQiLFutures with a 310ctober 2011, E3 d~li~erydat~ofFebru~rY20120n the date. ofthePPE .

information is Cilsoavailable on marketdata$ources such as

·Bloornberg,wt1ich>pro\fides, among.·others,dC\ilYhigh,Jow,anclclosing .prices for each of

. the ICE BrentCrude OiL FutUres positionstl1at.were· heldbyN.;IFinance limited. At AHsl

· eXhibitPrinfbuts.takenfrom

.. . -"

Bloompergshb)Alingthe<31 . . - .

()ctober high, low and closing

· pricesforaplCEBrent Crude Oil Futurespositiori with a maturity of February 2012.

.LondonlO 14(075841 ·OOOOB/RHT IG)(YH . gxyh(LDN7VV23862) 4

Page 5: MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

21. In providing the 15 May 2012 Letter, and in cOlllpilingthe PPE Value Statements, the

Administrators have been able to ascertain values for all of the ICE BrentCrudeOil

Futures positions as at the PPE without recourse· to hindsight. By the letter dated· 12 July

2012 (the "12 July 2012 Letter") exhibited at AH9fromthe Administrators' UK legal

coullsel, Weil,Gotshal & Manges ("Weil"), Weil have confirmed that those values were

"based on the live end of day pricing feeds from:31 October 2011 directly from the

exchanges and clearing houses" and that"thisdata was captured and stored in the

Company's systems".

22. Asregardsthe closing prices used to determine the close out values attributed to the ICE

Brent Crude Oil Futures positions set out in the Liquidation Value Statements, I

. understand, . based on the update on the KPMG Websiteexhil:?itedat A1-I10, that positions

ClnlCEwere cI9Sed~011tor.·treated as c1osed-6ut on7November2011. By anemail dated

13 July 2(h2atl1;33~m ". ."

(the "13 July2012Ernail")fr()mKirsten . . - .

Erichsen of Weil

... (exhibited a(AI-/11), IClminformed that the relevant entry as to the applicable close-out ," .

dat.eforNCI Finance Limited's ICE tradedfuturespositions,as shown on that print out, is

thaleritryfor the Intercoritinental Exchange (ICE) Clec:ILEurope (although that emailstates

. JhatHquidations took place between 1 and 7 Novernbec2011 rather than allliquidations

.. h?virigtaken plCiceoriTNovember 2011). . ..

'.. .

·1 llnderstandbyvirtueOfthe . . . '. -. . . -

12 July 2012 Letterthat . . .

"the -'

Liquidati()n . . . :. .

Value is based on

.••. the. inlorirriltlon supplied to the AdministratQ(sand . theii staff directlyJrom . the relevant

~x~hangesand cle&ringhouses fol/owing ... close-aut or the relevant positions by . the . . .

·/-el/3yanf clearing· hous~s" ~ ... However, I do. not have any visibility as.tothe pricing . . . .

irif~rrnation .'

... ," .. itself

." .. " .. that

-" .. has


been -.

used to deterllliheth~ . .. '" ... " '".-

close~outvalues ' .. ' .:.-- ...... .

oUhe ICE Brent

·qrude Oil Fuuire~p(}siti6nsor whethersuchclose-Out prices were calculated by reference·, , .".. . .

. 10tbe pr'ice . of the positions on . the day.· of Close~OlJror sollleearlierdatEl. I am· aware for

eX8lllplethatforLMEcontracts, these were treated as closElcl~out as at1November2011

e"enin circurnstances where actual c10sEl outtdokplacesignifiCantly later.

.... (I QE) WTlL TSTCrude Oil F Lltures are exchangelracled futures. positions also· traded on

(ICE) wn LT 8T Crude Oil Futures in

'l(jslllyunderstandingthat{ICE)WTILTST . -." ..... :-

Crude ."".

DilFutures ........ "." ..

positions can be traded " .. " .

011 .

'ICI;I:?~tWeen the hours setoLltinthe table belowandthaic;onsequently the pricing of (ICE)

·····yVrILT STCrude Oil. Futures is also available during these periods ..

London/Ol ~J075B41.QOOOB/RHT IGXYH gxyh(LDN7W23B62) 5

Page 6: MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

Pre-Open open Open Close

(Weekday) (Sunday) (Weekday) (Weekday)

(ICE) WTILT 00:55 (UK) '. 23:00(UK) .' 01:00 (UK) 23:00 (UK) .STCrudeOil .


26. Further, it is possible to obtain historical pricing information by reference to "marker" .prices,

taken twice daily at each·of 16:30 Singapore time and 16:30 Londontime,py visitihgthe

·1 G,E website' (https:lIwww.theice.comlmarketdata/reports/ReportCenter.shtml#r.eportiS4 ),

. AtAH1fl print out from the ICEwebsiteshowing the two . ..

~xhibita .

availablemark~rprices for. (ICE) WTI LT ST Crude Oil Futureswith a delivery date of January20120n$1 October

2011,thedate of thepPE.

27. suchhistdrical pricing information is also available on market data sources such as . . .

.•.. Bloomberg,WhiChprovides;amon~others,daily high, low, and closing.pricesJoreachof

. ···the(ICE)WTI· .'

LT STCrude Oil Futures positions that were held by NCLFincmce Limited. . .. -." ".. .

. ALAH14I· exhibit print. outs takenJromBlo()mbergshowing the 31 October high ,JoW' and

,d<?singpricesforan (ICE) \J\tTI . LTSr Crude Oil Futures Position\fl/itha,rriaturity of


28. Ih'prbvidihgthe 15 .. May2012L~tter,andinG()mpiling· the PPE Value Statements; the

" Administh,itorshave. b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil

Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse to hindsight By the 1i JulyZ012 letter

.... Wei(h~ve,confirmedthaf~hoseyalues 'A'ere" based on the live end of day pricing feeds

';om310ctober2011direCtlYfr(]m the exchanges andcf(:Jaring houses';antlthat"this .' _: .. ::. .... C"',":' .. - . ":,": .. ", .' ..

data was qaptured qhdstoredinthe·Company'ssystems".

. .

29. ASf€)9ardsthe closing prices usedi() determine the close out valuesattributedtothe (ICE)

WTILT ST Crllde()iIFl.ftLlreSp()sitionssetoutinthe LiqllidationVaILl~~tC:lternents,1 unde~stand .. based on . the uPd~teon' the KPMGwebsiteexhibited atAH'iO thatpositions'

on ICE ,were cI()sed-~utortrea~edas closecl-outon 7November201J.E3ylhet3 July

20 12E~aHiaminf6rrll~d ". ".

thatthe'relevantehtry ';

·as to. the . . -.-." '.

applic~bleClOSe~6l.fr.qate. for -. ". "." ... -. . ...

NCIFinanceLimited's .1~Etraded. futuresPPsitions,. as shown on .. thatp~infout, .is that

entrjfor t~elntercontinental ..

,EXGhang(9 .. . .

(ICE) Clear Europe (althoughthafemail . "." ....

states that

IiquidCltionstookplatebetwe~n1i3nd7N()velllber 2011 rather thCin'allon7<November

30~1 understand by virtue of the 12 Jl.lIY 2012 Letter that "the LiquidationVailJel$ based on ..... ' .... ,....... . . ....... .' " .. " : .' .. "'

the' infaitn~tiohsuhplied tathe . Administrators" and their.' staff directly framtherelevant londonIOW075841.,oOO08IRHTfGXYH gxyh(lDN7W23862) 6 'l_lIVEc-EMEA":13370953v1

Page 7: MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

exchanges and clearing houses following close-out of the relevant positions by the

relevant clearing houses". However,1 do not have any visibility as to the pricing

information itselfthat hasbeenu$ed to determine the closecout values of the (ICE) WTI LT

STCrude OilFuturespositionsbr whether such close-out prices were calculated by

reference to the price of the positions on the day of close-out or some earlier date.

ICE GAS Oil Futures

31. ICE Gas Oil Futures are exchange traded futures positionsalsotradecl on ICE. The

cortract $pecificationsapplicable.to ICE Gas Oil Futures in particular are exhibited at


32. It ismy understandingthaLIC>EGl:isOiL Futures positio~s can be traded onlCEbet\Neen

the. hours set out in the table : ".. .

bt:)lowand that consequently the pricing of ICE Gas Oil . " ..

Futures is also available dLlringtheseperiods.



23:00 (ljK)

Further;itis pO$sibleto obtainhi$ioricalpricing infofrT1~tion byreference to "marker"prices;

taken twice daily.ateach.of16:3dsi~gapOre time and 1 p:30 L()ndon time,byVisjtingthe'

AtAH16 I exhibit a . printoUtf,.om theICEwebsiteshowingthetwoavailablem~rke; prices

for ICE Gas Oil.Flitureswith~>d~liV~rYdateof JanuaryZ012on31 October2011 .. Jh~date ofthePPE.

Such historical pricingihf()rmationisalso" avajlable onrnarketdatasourcessuch as .

Bloomberg, which .providescIOSIngprices· for each of the JCE •.. Gas ·Oil Futures~ositions •.. . that were held by NCIFinance Limited. At AH17 I exhibitp~intoutstaken fromBloomPerg ....

showing the 310ctoberclosin~ pri6eforanlCEGas dilFutures position with a maturity o{

January 2012,

Inprovidirig the 15 May<2(n2Letter, and incompilihgttlepPI; Value Staternents, the

Administrators :'-.... -:-. <have

. ."'

been ..........

.. abletdascertain , ."-." ... - '.'

valuesforaUoflhe . :"-.- ..... " '-'," '::

ICE Gas OH ."

Futures " ...... .

positions asat theF'PEWith()ut~ecour~etohindsight. Bythe12 July 2012 letterW~ilh~ve . confirmed thatthbsevaluesl,.yere"basedon the li1ieerldofdaypricing ··feeds ';om·31


Page 8: MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

October 2011 directly from the exchanges and clearing houses"andthcH "this data was

captured and stored in the Company's systems".

36. As regardsthe closil)gprices used to determine the closeoutvaluespttributed to the ICE

Gas Oil Futures. positions set outin the· Liquidation ValueStatements,l. understand based

on the update onihe KPMGwebsite exhibited atAH10 that positions on ICE were closed­

out or treated as dosed-out on 7 November 2011. By the 13 July 2012 Email I am

informed that the relevant entrY as to the applicable close~out date for NCI Finance

Limited's 'ICE traded futures positions, as shown on thatprintout,isthat entry for the

Intercontinental ExchEmge (ICE) Clear Europe (;;jlthough thatemailstates that liquidations

took placebetWeent al1d 7 November 2011 ratherthanalloil7 November 2011).

I understand by virtlleofthe 12 )uly2012 L(3tter that "the Liquidation Value is based on ".. . . .

the inforrnatioh.supplied to the AdllJinistrators and their staffcJire.ctlY from the relevant

exchanges and clearing houses fOllo1Nin~close-out ofif1e relevanl positions by the

relevantclearioghouses". Howev~r,ldo not have anyyislbHity as to the pricing

ihformatiol1itselfthatllasbeenusedtodeterminethe ".". .".. . - ... " .. ".".

Glose~oQ{values - . - - ... ".. - .. orthe ICE Gas Oil

Futures positions. or whether.suchclos~-outprices wereGal~ulatedby reference to the

.. price ofthepositions·on the dayofGlos(3-ouiorsomeearlierdate.

The contracfspecificationsapplicapleto NYMEX1.ight Grude.Qil Futures in particular are ". . . . .. ~ " ..

exhibited pfAH18. The regulations applicable to futures positiohs·traded on NYMEX as

are available on the website.

ILis my·understanding thatNYMEX ~ighrCrude Oil Futuresp?sitions can be traded

betweentllehoLlrs set out in the table.belowandthat conseq~entlythepricing of NYMEX

LightdlldeQil··Futures is also·availableduringlhese peri()ds.···.

17:45 (EST)

Page 9: MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

I·.· I Monday

41. Historical pnclng illformation is available on market data sources such as Bloomberg,

which pr6Yides, among others, daily high,low, anqclosingprices for each of theNYMEX

Light Crude Oil Futures positions that were heldbyNCIFinarice Limited; At AH191 exhibit

printouts takenfrbmBlool1lberg showing the310ctobethigh, low and closing prices for a

NYMEX LightGrude Oil Futures position with a mat~rity of Apri12012.

42. In providing the 15 May 2012 Letter, andincompilingthePPE Value Statements, the

Adrninistratorsl)a\lebeen able to ascertain values fOr all of the NYMEX Light Crude Oil

... FiJtures ".. ...

positionsasatthe PPE withoutrecoursetol1indsightBythe 12 July 2012 Letter ,"... - ." -. ." . ' ...

. VVeil haVec6nfirmedth~t· .'

those values were :'based on the live end of day pricing feeds -. .". '::.

from·. 31 .. Oc;toLJeri011 directly from· theex.chanr;wsand clearing. houses" and· that "this

datawascapturedanCJstored in theCompanY'sfystems".

".". .

As .

regards .. .

the .

closing '" .. : ."...

prices used to determine ..... ". - -

the close outvalues .. -

attributed .". .

to the

NYMEX Light Crude . Oil Futures positi6ns set out in the Liquidation\talueStatements, I

·drlderstandhas~d()n the ·update on ·.the~PMGweb~iteexhibitedat ··AH1 0 that .positions

on NYMEXwereclosetl-out or treated as closed-out~n18No\fember2011.

1.\.1 nd erstand by virtue of the 12 July 20 12lettettl)at"the Uq uidation Value is based on

. ···ihe}nfoirnatiqn;suppliedto· the A dm in is tratdrs and . their staff directly from the relevant

·exchangesandQleafing houses following close-out .of therelevcwt positions by the

·relevantc/~Clringhouses". However, .1 do not have any visibility . as· t~ the pncmg

information its~lf that has been used to determin~ the closec()utvalues of the NYMEX

Ligl)tCruqeOilFuturespositions . " .. :'"

or wh~thers~chclos~-out '. . -c. "'" .. -

prices .- .

were calculated by

reference to the price oUhe positions onthedW ClLclose-out Q[solTle earlier date. I am

~\VareJoreXa~ple ~hatfor LME contracts, these~eretreat~dasClOSed~Qut as at 1

. NoVel)1ber2011~\lenincircumstanceswhereactl.i.aIClOse"~o~tto()k place significantly

Londorit0141075841.Q(]008IRHTIGl':YH 'gxyh(LDN7W23862) L_UVE~EMEA 1. 13370953v1

Page 10: MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

Statement· of Truth

.... /} l I

::~::~~."" believe that

'~~::ld:~---'" th~j'a1s~~t:d in this witness statementare true.

Position: Partner

Dated: 16 July 2012

Page 11: MF Global - first witness ststement of Anke Heydenreich€¦ · b~~nabl~ to ascertain value~ for all ofthe (ICE) WTI LT sr Crude Oil Futur~spositions' as atthePPEwithouf recourse

Hindsight Application

Claim No 9527 of 2011






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