Methods of training © Pearson Publishing Tel 01223 350555

Methods of training © Pearson Publishing Tel 01223 350555

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Methods of training

© Pearson Publishing Tel 01223 350555

Page 2: Methods of training © Pearson Publishing Tel 01223 350555

Methods of training

• Interval — sets of activity with rest inbetween

• Continuous — aerobic activity for an extended period of time without rest

• Fartlek — alternating intensity and terrain

• Circuit — stations with different activities at each

• Weight — lifting weights for different muscle groups according to your sport

• Cross — a combination of these training methods

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Interval training

• Alternating between fixed periods of exercise and fixed periods of rest (or light exercise) for recovery

• Effective for most team sports and an appropriate method of training for running and swimming

• By keeping the duration of these efforts relatively short, runners can complete a greater volume and intensity than they could during a sustained, continuous effort

• Careful planning is needed to match the duration and intensity of exercise and recovery with the level of fitness of the individual

• Example: 5 x 800m with two minutes recovery inbetween for a 5000m or 10000m runner

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Example interval training

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