Methodology Teaching

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  • 8/13/2019 Methodology Teaching


    Methodology of Teaching

    Professor Michael Blakeney

    Queen Mary Intellectual Property

    Research [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Methodology Teaching


    Potential Students for IP Teaching

    Law Students

    Trainee Patent and Trademark Agents

    Patent and Trademark Office Officials Judges


    IP Executives Public Awareness

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    On-line Materials for Law Students

    Gateways and portalsFindlaw

    A comprehensive collection of IP resources.

    Hieros Gamos section focuses on 'the regulation ofintangible rights regarding ideas, and tangible

    rights to use particular trademarks, patents andcopyrights to produce goods and services.Yahoo
  • 8/13/2019 Methodology Teaching


    On-line document collections


    BitLaw is a comprehensive Internet resource on technology law, containingover 1,800 pages on patent, copyright, trademark, and Internet legalissues.Links to Patent and other Intellectual Property Information Resources site provides links to free databases for patent searching; trade marklinks to databases in trade marks, some free of charge, from anywhere in

    the world; links to intellectual property authorities around the world and acomprehensive list of other important websites on patents and intellectualproperty in general.

    UK Intellectual Property on the Internet government-backed site offers links to IP resources and a useful

    section on current IP news items. Franklin Pierce Law Center Intellectual Property Mall
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    Treaties and Conventions

    Convention on the Grant of European

    Patents (European Patent Convention)


    WIPO Treaties

    WTO Treaties
  • 8/13/2019 Methodology Teaching


    On-line journals Intellectual Property Magazine quarterly online magazine addressing covering issues in law and policy for high technology.

    Intellectual Property and Technology Forum site belonging to the Boston College Law School offers current news, opinions inintellectual property & technology law; in-depth discussions on specific topics; and opinion,editorial, speeches, and responses to other pieces on intellectual property and technologypolicy.

    IP World Online contains news, case comment, and articles from leading practitioners.

    Journal of Intellectual Property Law

    Edited by the students of the University of Georgia School of Law, the internet editionpublishes critical and analytical articles from leading academics and practicing attorneys aswell as student-written notes

    Journal of Technology Law & Policy

    This site provides an index of links to mostly US journals on technology and IP arranged bystate.

    Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal

    Articles submitted for publication in this journal are written by academics, practitioners, andstudents from around the world. The full text of which is also currently available on-line via theLEXIS legal research services database.
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    European Patent Office Mercatoria (International Trade/Commercial Law Monitor) Mercatoria is an international/transnational commercial law & e-commerce infrastructure monitor. Link are available to resources onthe protection of IP in the fields of copyright, domain names,industrial designs, patents and trademarks.

    OAMI-ONLINE (European Community Trademark Database) is the web site of the 'Office for Harmonization in theInternal Market'. Its purpose is to improve public awareness and forthe dissemination of information on Community trade marks and, inthe future, designs.

    UK Patent Office information on patents, trade marks, copyright andintellectual property.

    WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)
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    Interest groups and otherAmerican Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) list of links to US IP legal texts and IP organisations world-wide.

    D'Angelo Law Library Internet Resources on Researching International Intellectual Property Law site lists useful links to resources

    ECUP European Copyright User Platform on European copyright developments, this site provides links to Legislation ( Treaties, EUDirectives, national laws, case law, recent initiatives, position papers etc.); ECUP documents (Ecup-docs);ECUP news (Ecup-news); Journals include the Journal of Information Law & Technology (University ofWarwick) available in full-text from 1996 onwards.

    Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Helpdesk Property & Technology Forum Intellectual Property and Technology Forum at Boston College Law School is a legal publication thatprovides academic papers and discussions on current technology law & IP topics.

    Legal Research Guide on Intellectual Property Law US Government-sponsored site, it provides a comprehensive index of links to US federal agencies,

    international IP-related organisations and a section listing 'top resources in IP law'.Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre access full-text working papers and other documents dating from late 1998, follow the link OIPRCElectronic Journal of Intellectual Property Rights to the Working and Seminar Paper Series, published bymembers and guests of the Centre to facilitate exchange of information and feedback.
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    WIPO Intellectual Property Digital Library

    Home > News & Information Resources > Intellectual Property Digital

    Library Intellectual Property Digital Library

    Search: Database:

    The Intellectual Property Digital Library Web site provides access tointellectual property data collections hosted by the World IntellectualProperty Organization. These collections include PCT (Patents),Madrid (Trademarks), Hague (Industrial Designs), Article 6ter (StateEmblems, Official Hallmarks, and Emblems of IntergovernmentalOrganizations) and others.Access a detailed index of all IPDL data collections.

    The form above allows you to conduct a simple search for termsoccurring within any field of a given database. For a more advanced

    interface allowing fielded term searches, please select a databasefrom the left-hand menu. Frequent users who would like to maintaina search query history across connections should set up a free useraccount.
  • 8/13/2019 Methodology Teaching


    Franklin Pierce IP Mall> August 2 - September 16-17, 2005 -- Pierce Law's 17th Advanced IP Law & Practice

    Symposium on Life Science IP in Europe, The Langham Hotel, Boston.> August 2 - New U.S. Government IP Resources database posted!> August 2 - New GIN (Global IP Network) publications, "Treatises held by FranklinPierce Law Center Library on Traditional Knowledge and Related Topics" & "PublicArt? A Handbook for Artists" posted!> July 19 - New - Trademark Registration Proactice Online Course!> June 22 - Congressional Research Service Reports updated!> June 13 - New - IP India - A Comprehensive Collection of Indian IP Resources> May 19 - New - Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) Final Decision Archive1984 - 1996> April 29 - New - Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (BPAI) Final Decision

    Archive 1984 - 1993> April 29 - Seventh Basic Patent Cooperation Treaty Seminar- Courtyard Marriott

    Grappone Conference Center - April 29-30, 2005!> April 1 - NH Bar Association IP Law Section updated!> April 1 - Pierce Law IP Course Exams updated!

    > Over 2,700 online resources in our IP Links!
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    Association of Research Libraries

    Major Copyright Statutes

    Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-304, 10/28/98)

    Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 (P.L. 185-298, 10/27/98)

    Work Made for Hire and Copyright Corrections Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-379, 10/27/00)

    Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act(P.L. 107-273, 11/2/02)

    Copyright and IP Legislation

    CONFU, Final Report, 11/98

    Court Cases/Legal Decisions International Activities

    Orphan Works

    Additional Resources

    Federal Relations E-Newsletter (Copyright Issues Only)

    Copyright Articles in ARL Publications
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    Print Sources

    Books - Commercial publishers (Reviewcopies,law firms discards)

    Journals- Exchange schemes

    Documents depository schemes

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    Professional Training (UK)Patent Agents Certificate (Chartered

    Institute of Patent Agents)

    Trade Mark Agents Certificate (Institute of

    Trade Mark Agents)

    Judicial Training Courses

    Law Office Training Courses

  • 8/13/2019 Methodology Teaching


    Patent Certificate - Outcomes List conditions for patentability. Distinguish inventorship and ownership

    Enumerate exclusive rights conferred by patent.

    List conditions for the registration of models.

    List the conditions for the protection of designs.

    Describe national, region or PCT registrationprocedures.

    Distinguish patent, model and designsprotection.

    Identify dealings in patents, utility models anddesigns.

    Appreciate infringements of IP rights.

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    Trademark Certificate Year 1

    Registrable Trade Marks

    Distinctiveness, Deception and Confusion

    UseTypes of Applications Classification, Service

    Marks, Multiple Classes

    Absolute and Relative Grounds for Refusal


    Registry Practice- Registration

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    Trademark Certificate Year 2

    Commercial Exploitation of Trade Marks

    Registrable Transactions

    Post Registration Practice and MaintenanceFormalities

    Revocation and Invalidity

    WIPO The Paris Convention, The Madrid SystemApplication Procedure Under the Agreement and theProtocol

    The Community Trade Mark , OHIM Practice


    Trade Mark InfringementCriminal Provisions

    Well Known Marks

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  • 8/13/2019 Methodology Teaching


    Use of blogs in teaching, eg IP Kat

    7/21/2010 11:39 EPO: hearings in "broccoli andtomato cases"

    German newspapers today report of protests outside

    the EPO building in Munich yesterday relating to a

    Broccoli patent? What is going on? News reportsstate that farmers and Greenpeace activists were

    among those protesting arguing that patents covering

    "vegetables should never have been granted and

    must be stopped" (read reports from Deutsche Wellehere and Bloomberg here and the IPKat's earlier post


    A l k t th EPO' b it h l t l if h t i t t k At,,5819653,00.html,,5819653,00.html
  • 8/13/2019 Methodology Teaching


    A look at the EPO's website helps to clarify what is at stake. At

    hearings relating to the so-called "broccoli and tomato cases" (G

    2/07, broccoli case and G 1/08 tomato case, more info can be

    found on the EPO's website here) relating to "essentially biological

    processes", the EPO's Enlarged Board in Munich is currentlylooking at the question of ".... whether marker-assisted selection is

    a biological breeding process or is a technical method and

    therefore patentable. Its decision on the interpretation of the

    relevant passage in the EPC and the definition of criteria to beapplied in the patent grant procedure is likely to be published by

    the end of the year, but the judgment is unlikely to be announced

    immediately after the hearing. The patentability of plants and

    animals will not be discussed."

    and correspond to phenomena which could occur in nature

    without human intervention?

    Th f ll i ti h b f d t th EPO'
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    The following questions have been referred to the EPO's

    Enlarged Board and a decision is likely to be taken

    towards the end of this year.

    "1. Does a non-microbiological process for theproduction of plants consisting of steps of crossing and

    selecting plants fall under the exclusion of Article 53(b)

    EPC only if these steps reflect and correspond to

    phenomena which could occur in nature without humanintervention?


    More information on the EPO's website can be found

    here. Some further background relating to the Broccolipatent controversy can be found on the website of

    German Die Welt (in German).

    Bilski Monda 28 J ne 2010
  • 8/13/2019 Methodology Teaching


    Bilski-Monday, 28 June 2010

    At last, the Supreme Court's long-awaited ruling on the

    standard of patentability of business method software patents

    in In re Bilskihas been handed down (you can read it in fullhere). It's a 71-page decision. According to the headnote:

    "Petitioners patent application seeks protection for a claimed

    invention that explains how commodities buyers and sellers in

    the energy market can protect, or hedge, against the risk ofprice changes. The patent examiner rejected the application

    on the grounds that the invention is not implemented on a

    specific apparatus, merely manipulates an abstract idea, and

    solves a purely mathematical problem. The court rejected its

    prior test for determining whether a claimed invention was a

    patentable process under Patent Act, 35 U. S. C. 101i.e.,

    whether the invention produced a useful, concrete, and

    tangible result, see, e.g., State Street Bank & Trust Co v.

    Signature Financial Group, Inc., 149 F. 3d 1368