(b) (1) (b (3)-P.L. 86-36 Meteor Burst Communications: An Ignored Phenomenon? CU) 'F8P SESB YMIM (b) (3)-P.L. 86-36 Editor'8 Note: 1bilI paper was a second place winner in the 1990 William Hunt Collection Tecbnica) Literature Award. I. INTRoDUCTION (U) The idea of bouncing radio signals off meteor trails and back to earth to the intended receiver is not new. Since the early 1940s various communicators have wrestled with the possibility. From these early studies, workable systems have evolved until today it is not uncommon for amateur radio operators (hams) to use this method of communicating. How is it possible to use a meteor the size of a grain of sand to reflect a radio signal to its intended receiver? Let us begin with the meteor. II. THE METEOR (U) The meteors we will concem ourselves with orbit around the sun in a path that coincides with the earth's. These meteors occur at a rate of two to eight billion daily or roughly 50,000 per second. As these meteors catch up with the earth-or are overtaken by it, they enter the atmosphere at a speed of 10 to 75 kilometers per second. The friction caused by the meteor colliding with the atmosphere results in the vaporization of the . meteor. The vaporized trails are further restricted by the atmosphere, stripping electrons This research report represents the views of the author and does neces88rily reflect the oBicial views of the Sigoals Collection Career Panel (SCCP)or the NSAJCSS. This document is the property or the United State8 Government and is DOtto be reproduced in whole orin part without permisaionofthe Chairman, seep. 47 Tep SECRET I:JMBRA nn,r,·,·u·c,,.-, for" '1-28-2008 FOI,A, Case

Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios

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Main topic: SDR radios in VHF low band for both land mobile and Meteor Burst Communications. The combination will allow packet-data coverage anywhere via MBC, & land mobile where a repeater can be reached or in direct-talk mode.SkyTel: (1) We present this de-classified paper for the purpose highlighted on page 56: easy, quick, conversion (even in the field) of common land mobile VHF radios to use on MBC links. The company noted below does not appear to be currently in operation. In any case, this is even easier today: (2) Following this paper, we present pages from a current Harris brochure on SDR, including in VHF low band, and the volumes of radios in VHF low band. This inicates the potential to use SDR VHF low band radios on both MBC channels and terrestrial land mobile channels. (3) We then present material on the Full Spectrum radio that could be used like the Harris radio, but with additional functionalitiy and packaging.

Citation preview

Page 1: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios

(b) (1)(b (3)-P.L. 86-36

Meteor Burst Communications:An Ignored Phenomenon? CU)


(b) (3)-P.L. 86-36

Editor'8 Note: 1bilI paper was a second place winner in the 1990 William Hunt Collection Tecbnica) LiteratureAward.


(U) The idea of bouncing radio signals off meteor trails and back to earth to theintended receiveris not new. Since the early 1940s various communicators have wrestledwith the possibility. From these early studies, workable systems have evolved until todayit is not uncommon for amateur radio operators (hams) to use this method ofcommunicating. How is it possible to use a meteor the size of a grain of sand to reflect aradio signal to its intended receiver? Let us begin with the meteor.


(U) The meteors we will concem ourselves with orbit around the sun in a path thatcoincides with the earth's. These meteors occur at a rate of two to eight billion daily orroughly 50,000 per second. As these meteors catch up with the earth-or are overtaken byit, they enter the atmosphere at a speed of 10 to 75 kilometers per second. The frictioncaused by the meteor colliding with the atmosphere results in the vaporization of the. meteor. The vaporized trails are further restricted by the atmosphere, stripping electrons

This research report represents the views of the author and does neces88rily reflect the oBicial views of theSigoals CollectionCareer Panel (SCCP)or the NSAJCSS. This document is the property orthe United State8Government and is DOtto be reproduced in whole orin partwithout permisaionofthe Chairman,seep.


nn,r,·,·u·c,,.-, for"'1-28-2008 FOI,A, Case

Text Box
SkyTel: (1) We present this for the purpose highlighted on page 56: easy, quick, conversion (even in the field) of common land mobile VHF radios to use on MBC links. The company noted below does not appear to be currently in operation. In any case, this is even easier today: (2) Following this paper, we present pages from a current Harris brochure on SDR, including in VHF low band, and the volumes of radios in VHF low band. This inicates the potential to use SDR VHF low band radios on both MBC channels and terrestrial land mobile channels. (3) We then present material on the Full Spectrum radio that could be used like the Harris radio, but with additional functionalitiy and packaging.
Text Box
Topic: SDR radios in VHF low band for both land mobile and Meteor Burst Communications. The combination will allow packet-data coverage anywhere via MBC, & land mobile where a repeater can be reached or in direct-talk mode.
Page 2: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


from the vaporized atoms, causing a trail of positive-charged ions and free electrons toform behind the meteor. This phenomenon occurs at about 115 kilometers altitude and by85 kilometers has completely burned out. The ionized trails last anywhere from a fewseconds to only a few hundredths of a second, and it is these upon which Meteor BurstCommunications (MBC)depend.

(U) There are two ways a meteor. trail redirects the radio wave, depending upon thedensity of the trail. The rust, called an overdense trail, occurs during a meteor shower andhas a free electron density great enough to prevent the radio wave from penetrating. Thewave reflects back to earth much like a beam of light reflects from a mirror. Overdensetrails have a long life, sometimes lasting up to two seconds. These meteor showers,however, play only a small part in MBCoperations because they seldom occur and are onlya small fraction of the total number of meteors that fall upon the earth each day.

(U) The second category of meteor trail, the one best suited for Meteor BurstCommunications, is the underdense trail. This trail, caused by the steady drizzle ofmeteors that fall upon the earth each day, is less dense and allows the radio wave topenetrate. This penetration causes excitement among the electrons, which act as smalldipole antennas, redirecting the wave back to earth in a scattering fashion. These trailslast only a fraction of a second, but because oftheir regularity they are more dependablethan meteor showers.

(U) The total number of usable meteor trails depends on the time of day and month ofyear. Daily, the largest number ofmeteors occurs during the early morning and dissipatesin the evening, around sunset. During the morning the earth is rotating toward the sun,while most meteors move away Crom the sun. This results in the earth sweeping up andovertaking meteors. In the evening the earth rotates away from the sun, and only thosemeteors that overtake earth create usable trails, 'I'hia process is known as the diurnalvariation,' which results in about four times as many meteor trails in the morning as inthe evening.

(U) Nearly three times as many meteors occur in August as in February. Thisseasonal variation occurs because the earth is tilted more toward the sun in August. MBCappear to be most effective from July through September from the hours of 0400 through0800. Table 1 illustrates the variations in the total number of meteors available at varioustimes and dates.

(U) Most meteors are very small, the average meteor being near 1 milligram inweight. The resulting trail is anywhere from 10 to 20 miles long with a radius oCapproximately one meter at the head of the trail;

1. Ronald D. Elliott. "Meteor Bunt. Communications in Tactical Intelligence Support," SIGNAL, November1986, p. 84.

lep SECRET 'IMlRA 48

Page 3: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


Table 1DallyMeteor Trail AvallabWty


500 r------r---,-----,r-----r-----'-.,...-----.



o0001 0400 0800 1200 1600



2000 2369



(U) AUMBC systems consist of a master station and one or more remote stations orsensors. Hardware at both the master and remote station usually consists of a small lap-top computer terminal with storage for message bufTering,a transmitter, receiver, andantenna. Frequency usage can range between 20 and 120 MHz. Most systems operate inthe 40 to 50 MHz range, which allows the use of smaller antennas. Transmissions can beeither simplex, half-ciuplexor full-duplex.

49 fe, SEERE' liMBItA

Page 4: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


(U) The master station is responsible for locating a meteor trail that will permit thetwo stations to communicate. To accomplish this, the master station transmits a probethat lI18y consist of a simple, continuous tone on a fixed frequency with the remotestation's receiver tuned to the same frequency. The probe continues to bounce againstvarious meteor trails until a suitable path exists between master station and remote. Theangle of incidence a:nd the angle of reflection determine the path.2 Appendix A illustrateshow a usable trail is determined. When the remote station receives the probe, it replieswith one of its own, and at that time transmission ofdata between the two stations takesplace. When the usable meteor trail bums out, the master station retransmits its probeuntil another suitable path is located.

(U) The period of searching between.usable trails is known as the wait time. Duringthe wait time, the communications are buffered into storage until the next usable meteorappears. .Wait times vary in proportion to the usable time of the trail. Table 2 showsvarious times for usable trails.

Table IWaltTimes Required lorVBriousBurstDurations








(U) If the system contains more than one remote station, the probe transmitted by themaster may consist of more than just a solid tone. The probe may consist of an addresscode that will trigger the remote station's response. If, by chance, a remote station shouldreceive a probe intended for another remote, it will remain idle until it receives the properaddress.

2. P. S. CannDn aDd A. P. C. Reecl"Tbe Evolution or Meteor Burst Communication Systems: Journtd of tM1Il8titu1ioIJofElectroraiundRadioEngineer••Vol. 57. No.3, MaY/dun. 19B? pp.l01-12.


Page 5: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


(U) The use of Forward Error Correction (FEC) and Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ)equipment is responsible for preventing the transmission of data when no suitable pathexists. If either the master station or any of the remote stations are receiving garbledtraffic, indicating a usable path is burned out, they transmit an ARQ. resulting inretransmission of the data. The FEC equipment is responsible for locating the exactlocation within a message where the path became unusable. This produces relativelyerror-free transmissions.

(U) Data rates for a typical Meteor Burst system range from 75 to 100 words perminute, if unencrypted, to 15 words per minute encrypted. The error rate hovers aroundone error in 50,000 characters. For low-volume users who depend on accurate data, thissystem seems ideal.



(bj (1 j(bj (:'oj-P.L. 86-36

51 l'QP §EGRET t:lMIIbIt

Page 6: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


(b) (1)(b) (3)-P.L. 86-36

(U) Another advantage of Meteor Burst Communications is, their independence.Satellites are normaJIy controlled by a third party interested in a profit and are notnecessarily adaptable to the user's needs. This is not the case with MBC; the systembelongs to and is controlled by the user. Since the user owns the system, it is also lesslikely to be compromised.

(U) MBC systems have several advantages over High Frequency (HF) systems. HFsystems usually require multiple frequencies, e.g., day and night frequencies; MBCsystems operate fulltime on one frequency only. MBC equipment is light and durable, andthe manpack is deployable.

(U) Finally, MBC have the ability to survive a nuclear war. Following a nuclearexplosion, the nuclear fallout present in the D-Layer of the atmosphere would thwart HFcommunications. It is also likely that satellites and their ground terminals would be high-priority targets. MBC, on the other hand, would fare much better. Meteors wouldcontinue to bombard the earth's atmosphere, creating trails required byMBC. MBC do notrequire large, fixed ground stations; therefore, they would be difficult to target. A nucleardetonation would, however, require an increase of operating power to penetrate the falloutpresent in the atmosphere's D-Layer. 5


(U) The most obvious disadvantage of using Meteor Burst Communications is the verylow data rate. The keying speed of the burst is actually quite fast, 2.0 to 4.8 kilobits persecond, but because of the wait time involved in finding a usable meteor trail, mostsystems average only about 100 words per minute of actual data. If a user needs totransmit large volumes of data, MBC are probably not the right choice. MBC would,however, make an excellent back-up system for high volume users.

(U) Meteor Burst Communications are also limited by distance. This form ofcommunication is effective only up to a range of 1,200 miles. Any user wishing to transmitfarther than 1,200 miles could not use MBC. It is possible, however, to link several MBCsites together and relay the traffic, which would increase the effective operating distanceindefinitely.

6. Ronald D. Elliott. "Meteor Burst Communications in Tactical Intelligence Support," SIGNAL, November1986, p. 86.


Page 7: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


(U) A third disadvantage of Meteor Burst Communications is their incompatibilitywith certain types of signals, mainly voice. Because of the wait time required betweenmeteor trails, voice communications would bebroken into segments. A user might hear 15words, then have to wait 30 seconds for another burst.


(U) The first usable Meteor'Burst Communications system was the JANET, a Canadiansystem developed in 1954. This system was crude by today's standards, but it stimulatedinterest in Meteor Burst. It was a simple system in that neither station used ARQequipment. Communications began when both stations received a 650 Hz tone andconcluded when the signal-to-noise ratio fell below a predetermined level. The averagedata rate for this system was approximately 30 words per minute with an error rate from.1 percent to4 percent.

(U) In 1965, NATO developed the first Meteor Burst system to employ ARQequipment. The system was known as COMET (COmmunications by MEteor Trails) andwas used successfully for point-to-point telecommunications between the Netherlands andFrance. With the advent ofARQ equipment, the error rates fell dramatically.

(U) SNOTEL(SNOw pack TELemetry), developed in the 1970s, is still in use throughoutthe western United States. This system contains 2 master stations and more than 500remote data acquisition sites in 11 western states. The system monitors snowfall andother meteorological data. The 500 unmanned, remote stations are divided into selectivelyaddressed groups of approximately 60 remote stations in each group. Polling a group of 60stations takes an average of 5 minutes.

(U) AMBCS (Alaskan Meteor Burst Communications System) was deployed in the late1970s and is owned jointly by several government agencies. The system collectsaeronautical and environmental data from remote sensors and also serves as a source ofteletype communications between remote manned sites. This system is especially usefulin Alaska because Meteor Burst Communications do not experience the auroralinterference common to High Frequency communications.


(U) Although the United States is the leader in MBC technology, it is not alone in theeffort to exploit its usefulness. Several countries, including friendly, hostile, and thirdworld nations, are either developing their own systems or attempting to import them fromtheUnited States. Following is a brief summary ofworldwide developments in MBC.

53 'Fe, SECRET tlM11tA

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,,.. ,..,..,.., I

.- ----'

___ I



7. Ibid.,p.14.

/ ...... // ..8. Ibid., p. 18.

9. Ibid.,p. 22.b) (1)(b) (3)-P.L. 86-36

.1'8' 5EERE'f tlM11tA 54

Page 9: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


10. ibid.

11. Ibid., p. 26.

12. Ibid., p. 28.

13. Ibid., p. 29.

United States






b) (1)(b) (3)-P.L. 86-36

Page 10: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios




(U) Developed by an American company, IA Research Corporation, theVHF convertorallows the conversion of any VHF radio to an MBC terminal. The time required forconversion is minimal and completely reversible, allowing a terminal to go back and forthfrom VHF to MBC in a matter of minutes..The conversion is possible on any VHF radio,including manpack-deployable units. This development has the potential of opening thefield to thousands ofnew MBCusers. At a recent convention inWashington, D.C., severalthousand dollars' worth of these convertors was stolen in an overnight theft. 15 Theconvertors would be very beneficial to anyone wishing to secretly convert to Meteor BurstCommunications.

Adaptive SignalingRateB

(U) The Meteor Communications Corporation of Seattle, Washington, has developedequipment that allows adaptive signaling rates. The equipment senses the slgnal-te-noiseratio and sets the signal rate accordingly. If a strong signal-to-noise ratio is present, thesignal rate is greater, allowing the transmission of larger volumes ofdata. Manypotentialusers, currently not employing MBC because of MBC's inability to pass large volumes oftraffic, may bevery interested in this development.


'.... ,..,....... .-------------------------------.,

14. Ibid., p. 24.

15£ Bobby J. Mitchell. "New Meteor Burst Communications Technology Displayed at AFCEA AnnualConvention and Trade Show,"NewMeteorBurstCommunications Technology-InformationMemorandwn, July1987,p.3.


(bl (1 I(bl (31-P.L. 86-36


Page 11: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


--,- --

.- ---



(b) (1)(b) (3)-P.L. 86-36 57 'Fe, StERR l::IMBRA

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Commercial Periodicals


Boyle, Dan. "Long Distance Communications - Back to Ionization," InternationalDefense Review, May 1988, pp. 127-29.

Cannon, P. S. and A. P. C. Reed. "The Evolution of Meteor Burst CommunicationSystems," Journal of the Institution ofElectronic and Radio Engineers, Vol. 57, No.3,May/June 1987, pp. 101-12.

Day, Willis E. "Meteor-Burst Communications Bounce Signals Between RemoteSites," Electronics, December 1982, pp. 71-75.

Elliott, Ronald D. "Meteor Burst Communications in Tactical Intelligence Support,"SIGNAL, November 1986, pp. 80-88.

Willis, Ken. "Meteor Scatter - European Style," QST, November 1986, pp. 35-39.

f6115EeREf l:JMBRA 58

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Reports byGovemmentAgencies



(b) (1)(b) (3)-P.L. 86-36

Merritt, Robert H. and Timothy W. Snyder. "Meteor Burst Communications," dateunknown.

A Meteor Scatter Communications System, Hollis International Limited, Hollis, NewHampshire, November 1986.

Various Reports, Files, and Personal Interviews, 1988-1989..


Page 14: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


AppendillAMeteor BurstComai\UlicatioD& Propagation


The angle formed by the incident ray striking the meteor trail is equal to the angle formed by the ray beingreflected from the meteor trail. This determines the signal path. In the above example, communicationswould occur. Had either station been positioned anywhere else along the line, communications would nothavs occurred. Likewise, the signal would not bave been intercepted unless the interceptor was within thefootprint of the receiveror the groundwave ofthe transmitter.


Page 15: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios

b) (1)(b) (3)-P.L. 86-36




'1=0' 5EEAET YM8AA

1'8' SEER!' l:JMBIbfc

Page 16: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


b) (1)(b) (3)-P.L. 86-36





Page 17: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios



Multiband and SDR Public Safety Communications

Dan Sullivan

[email protected]

Page 18: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


The Magnitude of It All

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VHF Low 30-50 MHz 10%VHF High 136-174 MHz 47%UHF Low 380-470 MHz 25%UHF High 470-512 MHz 5%700 MHz 764-806 MH ?800 MHz 806-869 MHz 13%


Text Box
They use VHF low also as do State and Local.
Text Box
Thus, approx. 270,000 low band VHF radios in government use. Also, some business land mobile and maritime. Some of these, by and add-on coversion device, could be used on Meteor Burst Communication Systems. Additionally, MBC frequecies and mode can be built into SDR radios that include VHF low band range, allowing use of MBC mode for all public safety and mission critical users.
Page 19: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


Channel 3:

UHF Analog

469.1 MHz

Channel 2:

UHF Digital

469.1 MHz

Unity XG-100 Operational Scenario136-870 MHz


30-50 MHz

VHF High

136-174 MHz

UHF Bands

380-520 MHz700/800 Bands

762-870 MHz


4940-4990 MHz

Channel 1:

VHF Digital

136.1 MHz

Channel 4:

800 Digital

869.1 MHz


Channel 3:

UHF Analog

469.1 MHz

Channel 2:

UHF Digital

469.1 MHz

Channel 1:

VHF Digital

136.1 MHz

Channel 4:

800 Digital

869.1 MHz


Text Box
VHF low in 30-50 is not solely allocated to public safety, but principally is. SkyTel entities have substantial channels nationwide in this range for Meteor Burst Communicatins.
Page 20: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios


Harris RF-1033M Portable LMR Radio

; Key Characteristics

< Multiband Frequency Coverage


; VHF-low: 30-50 MHz

; VHF-high: 136-174 MHz

; UHF: 380-512 MHz

< Multimode Capability

Including: P25, FM, AM

< Secure Communications

< Software Defined Radio

< Most rugged LMR available

< Standard 5-year Warranty

; Field Proven Multi-band

Software Defined Radio

First Multi-band, Multi-mode Land Mobile Radio - available today

Page 21: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios

1149 Chestnut Street, Suite 100, Menlo Park, CA 94025

www.fullspectrumnet.com (888) 350-9994

Faul t Management Advanced events and alarms

Caching of recent alarms

Email Alarm Notification

Single Software Defined Radio

(SDR) supports all frequencies from 40 MHz to 958 MHz

Small Footprint for mobile installation:

11.02” x 7.87” x 2.80”

10/100 Base RJ45 Ethernet Interface

Integrated GPS for AVL

Information Technology Solutions

FullMAX technology is based on the state-of-the-art Mobile WiMAX standard (802.16e-2005). We have enhanced the standard to meet the wide-area, IP data needs of mission critical industries. This includes adapting the WiMAX-e PHY and MAC layers to support VHF and UHF frequencies; the best frequencies for non-line of sight, long-range communication.

FullMAX establishes a wide-area, routable, mobile and fixed, broadband data network with operator controlled quality of service (QoS) for high reliability in dynamic field environments.

The FullMAX System is a turnkey, end-to-end solution which includes the FullMAX BS1000 base station, the FullMAX MS4000 mobile and fixed station radios and the NMS1000 network management system and configuration tool.

With FullMAX, the operator can establish mobile and fixed data coverage up to 20 miles from a base station tower site. We achieve this expanded coverage through a series of enhancements to the WiMAX-e standard including:

A Wide Range Software Definable Radio: At the heart of the FullMAX system is our specialized Software Definable Radio (SDR). The FullMAX SDR supports all frequencies from 40 MHz to 958 MHz. This opens up a multitude of VHF/UHF licensed spectrum opportunities - the best frequencies for long-range mobile coverage

Narrow Channel Support: We have enhanced the WiMAX PHY to operate in narrower channel sizes (starting as narrow as 200 kHz in width). Narrow channels improve RF performance as well as unlock underutilized spectrum opportunities in the Sub 1 GHz bands.

High Tx Power. By using licensed frequencies, we can transmit at high power levels. The FullMAX Base Stations and Mobile Stations have adjustable power up to 4 watts of effective transmit power (standard) with an optional 10 watt version for increased coverage.

FullMAX MS4000 Mobile Station

FullMAX: Broadband Wireless for Mission Critical Industries

Supports all frequencies from 40 MHz to 958 MHz, tunable over the air Software Definable Radio (SDR) supporting channel widths from 200 kHz to 10 MHz High Tx Power: up to 4 Watts Effective Transmit Power (standard) with 10 Watts optional Integrated GPS for automatic vehicle location TDD Frame Synchronization All industrial grade hardware Ethernet and Serial Interfaces

Text Box
SkyTel: As noted on page 1 of this presentation, this is another SDR radio that includes low band VHF. Unlike the Harris radio above, this is designed for wider channels, from 200 kHz wide and wider, as described. For Meteor Burst Comm, an external amplifier may be used for better relay and remoted station use, along with a MBC specific mobile antenna.
Page 22: Meteor Burst Communications on VHF conventional and SDR land mobile radios

1149 Chestnut Street, Suite 100, Menlo Park, CA 94025

www.fullspectrumnet.com (888) 350-9994

Faul t Management Advanced events and alarms

Caching of recent alarms

Email Alarm Notification

Information Technology Solutions

WiMAX-e Features Full Spectrum Enhanced Version of WiMAX-e

802.16e-2005 designed to support low range frequencies and narrow channels

Adaptive Modulation 64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK

Coding Convolutional Coding Rates: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 Convolutional Turbo Coding 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6

FFT Size (No. of Subcarriers) 128

End User Data Throughput

QPSK FEC 3/4 = 0.95 bits per hertz per second 16 QAM FEC 3/4 = 2.1 bits per hertz per second 64 QAM FEC 3/4 = 3.3 bits per hertz per second

Ranging Support Initial Ranging, Periodic Ranging & Bandwidth Request

Synchronization Support Preamble detection

Frequency Synchronization PLL tracking

Rx Sensitivity -110 dBm (QPSK), -101 dBm (16 QAM), -93 dBm (64 QAM)

Subchannelization PUSC, FUSC and AMC 2x3 Mechanical / Electrical User Interface 10/100 BaseT on RJ-45, RS232 Voltage Subscriber Station (Mobile and

Fixed): 9 to 36 VDC input Dimensions (h-w-d) / mm (MS): 11.02” x 7.87” x 2.80” Weight (typical) 3.8 lbs Temperature -30°C to +60°C Humidity 95% humidity for 96 hours, 55%

average humidity

RF & PHY RF PHY OFDMA Frequencies Supported

40 MHz to 958 MHz (5 kHz steps)

Channel Sizes 200 kHz up to 10 MHz (software configurable)

Duplex Method TDD Tx (effective transmit power)

4 Watt standard, optional higher power PA’s available

Services & Provisioning

QoS Priorities Up to 16 classifiers per Subscriber Station

QoS types, Classes of Service BE, nrtps, rt-PS, UGS

Data Rate Control Minimum data rate, Data Rate Limiting

Security EAP, AES 128 Mgmt / Configuration Management Protocol SNMP, Telnet

Software upgrade Yes, “over the air”, “fail-safe” software upgradeable

NMS remote management & provisioning


FullMAX MS4000 Specifications

FullMAX: Broadband Wireless for Mission Critical Industries

OFDMA PHY Layer for superior multipath performance & maximum frequency reuse Mobile Data connectivity @ 75 Mph Centralized Media Access Control (MAC) for high reliability and QoS Configurable downlink and uplink scheduling with embedded classification tools MAC layer ARQ and PHY layer HARQ for improved BER performance EAP Authentication AES128 Encryption Security