March 2010 edition NEWSLETTER FOR FINNS IN THE OTTAWA AND MONTREAL REGIONS VOL. 17, NO. 50 Message from the Editor pring is in the air. The sun is shining brightly, the snow has melted and children are reuniting in the parks. After quite a mild winter, the spring season has officially begun. It is a refreshing time of year to watch the flowers bloom and leaves open up. It truly is miraculous to notice the first sprigs of grass begin to appear in the ground, listen to the birds chirping as they return to a warmer climate, and watch brilliant colours of tulips and daffodils unfolding. The days are getting ever longer and we sense an extra surge of energy around this time of the year. In cold climates, spring cleaning has become a tradition for many households in preparation for the summer months. It entails organizing, deep cleaning and purging. This is a good opportunity to gather items for the Finnish church bazaar. Closely related to this spring cleaning is the nesting instinct. An urge which our household is currently experiencing as we are preparing for the birth of our second child in early April. Suddenly, sorting every closet and shelf has become of utmost importance to me, while my husband is laboriously painting the baby’s room. Yohan, our 19-month-old son, must be feeling this energy as he places everything into neat piles and watches daddy from the bottom of the ladder with a paint brush in hand. Spring symbolizes rebirth and renewal, and my family will be experiencing this to the utmost with an actual birth. Our little trinity will be transformed into a family of four, shifting energies in our household. In the meanwhile, we will enjoy the upcoming Easter holidays amongst family, before these great shifts begin. While flipping through some culinary magazines in preparation for the holiday meal, I noted that the fashion world has marked vibrant brights mixed with practical neutrals as the new spring 2010 colours. I look down at my yellow T-shirt and, feeling much like an Easter egg, would like to wish you all a very happy Easter! Katja Frostell Editor The next issue of the newsletter will be published in August 2010. Please send material by 15 July to [email protected] S M ontrealin S uomalainen

Message from the Editor - Montreal Lutheranmontreal-lutheran.org/FinnishChurch/Documents/MS_17_50_Mar2010_final.pdfare preparing for the birth of our second child in early April. Suddenly,

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March 2010 edition


Message from the Editor

pring is in the air. The sun is shining brightly, the snow has melted and children are

reuniting in the parks. After quite a mild winter, the spring season has officially begun.

It is a refreshing time of year to watch the flowers bloom and leaves open up. It truly

is miraculous to notice the first sprigs of grass begin to appear in the ground, listen to the

birds chirping as they return to a warmer climate, and watch brilliant colours of tulips and

daffodils unfolding. The days are getting ever longer and we sense an extra surge of energy

around this time of the year.

In cold climates, spring cleaning has become a tradition for many households in preparation

for the summer months. It entails organizing, deep cleaning and purging. This is a good

opportunity to gather items for the Finnish church bazaar. Closely related to this spring

cleaning is the nesting instinct. An urge which our household is currently experiencing as we

are preparing for the birth of our second child in early April. Suddenly, sorting every closet

and shelf has become of utmost importance to me, while my husband is laboriously painting

the baby’s room. Yohan, our 19-month-old son, must be feeling this energy as he places

everything into neat piles and watches daddy from the bottom of the ladder with a paint

brush in hand.

Spring symbolizes rebirth and renewal, and my family will be experiencing this to the utmost

with an actual birth. Our little trinity will be transformed into a family of four, shifting

energies in our household. In the meanwhile, we will enjoy the upcoming Easter holidays

amongst family, before these great shifts begin. While flipping through some culinary

magazines in preparation for the holiday meal, I noted that the fashion world has marked

vibrant brights mixed with practical neutrals as the new spring 2010 colours. I look down at

my yellow T-shirt and, feeling much like an Easter egg, would like to wish you all a very

happy Easter!

Katja Frostell


The next issue of the newsletter will be published in August 2010.

Please send material by 15 July to [email protected]


M ontrealin

S uomalainen

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Kalevala juhla kikkokodilla

Kalevalajuhlamme alkoi Jumalanpalveluksen jälkeen. Tällä

kertaa se sattui viralliseen Kalevalan päivään,

28 helmikuuta. Sitä sanotaan myös suomalaisen

kulttuurin päiväksi. Suomessa se on virallinen liputuspäivä

ja Onnin nimipäivä.

Sivistyksen, lukutaidon ja uskonnon tulo Suomen johti

vähitellen muistinvaraisen kansanperinteen

unohtumiseen. Se oli parhaiten vielä tallessa Karjalassa,

mistä Elias Lönnrot avustajineen keräsi Kalevalan runot,

sekä Suomen että Venäjän puolelta. Venäjän Karjalassa

on jopa Kalevala niminen kyläkin. Lönnrot muunteli

joitakin runoja, jotta tarina olisi johdonmukainen.

Eiväthän runolaulajatkaan aina kaikkea muistaneet ja

siten sisältö varmasti muuttui vuosien kuluessa.

Ensimmäinen Kalevala ilmestyi 1849 ja toinen muutamia

vuosia myöhemmin. Kalevala on myös monen taiteilijan

inspiraation lähde.

Ismo toivotti juhlavieraat tervetulleiksi laulamalla muutaman rivin Kalevalan 21. runosta,

missä Pohjolan emäntä toivottaa sulhasen tervetulleeksi hääjuhlaan. Pastori Matthew lauloi

ja säesti kitarallaan englanninkielisen virren. Mirjam Kytölä kertoi Kalevalan merkityksestä

tämän päivän ihmisille ja lausui osan Kalevalan viimeisestä runosta. Kanteleryhmä esiintyi

Kalevala-aiheisesti jo Jumlanpalveluksen aikana esittämällä rukouksen “Varjele vakainen

Luoja” ja juhlassa viisi kappletta. Lauloimme kaikki yhdessä Karjalaisten laulun,

Soittajapaimenen, Lemminkäisen äidin ja juhlan päätökseksi Suomen salossa. Yhdessäoloa

jatkettiin kahvia nauttien.

Ismo Makkonen

Mirjam Kytölä lausuu runoa Kalevalasta

Kuvat: Pirkko Mönkäre

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The year of the Arctic…up close!

Mission Sunday brings throat-singing to Montreal Finns

Pastor Matthew

Even before members of the G-7 were mushing dogsleds in Iqaluit, members of St. Michael’s

Finnish Lutheran Church of Montreal enjoyed their own “Arctic immersion” on 17 January. At

the invitation of Pr Matthew Anderson, interim minister for St Michael’s, two representatives

of Canada’s northern communities came to church with the Lutherans. Inuit throat-singers,

Nina Segalowitz and Tagralik Partridge, performed three times.

Nina is originally from the Northwest

Territories, and Tagralik from Kuujjuak, on

the far northern coast of Quebec across

from Iqaluit. In addition to their

performance, Tagralik explained how

throat-singing was originally a pastime

employed by women in traditional

communities as they worked and spent

time in families. While there are set

“pieces” for throat-singing, there is also

some room for improvisation, and the

game ends when one of the singers

(Tagralik admitted that it’s usually her!)

starts laughing.

For more information, see the St. Michael’s page at the Montreal Lutheran Council website:

http://www.luther95.net/MONTREAL-LUTHERAN or see the St. Michael’s Youtube video at:


Photo : Anneli Lukka

Montrealin Suomi-seuran jäsenilmoitus


Jäsenmaksu: $5/henkilö (lapset ilmaiseksi)

Nimi/Nimet ______________________________ _______________________________________

Osoite: _________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Shekit osoitetaan MONTREALIN SUOMI-SEURAlle ja postitetaan osoitteeseen:

Markku Kytölä 5281 Connaught Ave., Montreal, QC, H4V 1X5

Olin jäsen v. 2009________ Olen uusi jäsen_______ Saako ylläolevat tiedot julkaista seuran

jäsenluettelossa? Kyllä_______ Ei ________

Kanadan suurin suomalainen viikkolehti


Asiamies Aarne Kytölä puh. (514) 484-1870

Soita niin tilaan sinulle ilmaiset näytenumerot!

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Tietoisku Montrealin suomalaisesta kirjastosta

Viron lähihistoriaa lukee kuin jännäriä

Virolaisen vanhanrouvan aamuidylli särkyy, kun hän löytää pihaltaan henkihieverissä olevan nuoren naisen. Sofi Oksasen Finlandia-palkittu Puhdistus alkaa

kärpäsellä Aliide Truun kamarin verhossa ja jatkuu kuin armoton jännitysromaani taitavasti sommiteltujen takautumien avulla. Säälimättömässä takaa-ajossa henkilöt paljastuvat yllättävästi aivan toisiksi kuin olisi luullut, ja Viron lähihistoria hahmottuu lukijalle. Kirjailija käyttää osin samoja naiskaupan teemoja kuin

ruotsalainen kulttidekkaristi Stieg Larsson Millennium-trilogiassaan (olisipa hauskaa jos joku lahjoittaisi tuota sarjaa kirjastoomme!). Piesty naisen ruumis symboloi

miehitettyä maata.

Finlandian lisäksi Puhdistus on kerännyt kuusi muuta huomattavaa suomalaista kirjallisuuspalkintoa sekä Viron valtiollisen kunniamerkin, Maarjamaan ristin. Puhdistusta esitettiin kolmella loppuunmyydyllä kaudella näytelmänä Kansallisteatterissa, ja Tallinnassa siitä tehdään oopperaa

kaupungin kulttuuripääkaupunkivuodeksi 2012. Ruotsalaiskriitikko kehuu kirjan kuvaavan loistavasti kommunismin ja rosvokapitalismin väliin puristettua Viroa.

Jyväskylässä syntyneellä Sofi Oksasella on suomalainen isä ja virolainen diplomi-insinööriäiti. Kirjailijan erikoinen goottityyli on vienyt hänet usein ”siistiä ja asiallista” suosivien suomalaisten hampaisiin. Todellinen mediakohu Suomessa syntyi Oksasen suomittua suomalaisia miehiä väkivaltaisuudesta ja masentuneisuudesta Tanskan televisiossa, jonka ohjelmassa kirjailijat kertoivat kansansa erityispiirteistä. Sofi Oksasen loistokas ja runollinen kielenkäyttö nostaa hänet Suomen tämän hetken

kirjailijoiden eturiviin. Monet kiitokset Pirkko Hakalalle merkittävästä lahjoituksesta!

Toinen sukulaiskansojemme vaiheista kertova romaani on Toivo Pekkasen Inkerin romaani.

Kotkalainen työläiskirjallisuuden klassikko kirjoitti inkeriläiskylän vaiheista jo jatkosodan aikana, mutta syystä tai toisesta, luultavasti poliittisesta, se jäi silloin julkaisematta. Romaani kertoo vakaaseen pekkaslaiseen tyyliin Juhana Korpolaisesta ja hänen kylästään Venäjän vallankumouksesta alkaen 20-luvun lopun Stalinin vainoihin.

Kerrotaanpa taas, että kirjaston keskivaiheilta löytyy hylly nimeltä UUTUUDET. Siinä pidetään kirjastollemme uusia kirjoja; ei välttämättä vasta ilmestyneitä. Antti Tuurilta on vuodelta 2006 Suuri asejuna Pietarista, jonka sisältää suomen kielen miehekkäimmäksi lauseeksi sanotun ”Minua ovat koneet aina totelleet”. Hyvin merkittävä ja järkyttävä on Khaled Hosseinin afganistanilaisromaani Tuhat loistavaa aurinkoa.

Anneli Lukka

[email protected]

Veroilmoitukset Tilinpidot

Yksityiset, yksityisyrittäjät ja liikkeet

Erik Siponen, B. Comm

6 Calais Circle, Kirkland, H9H 3T9

puh. 514 - 426 - 2232, Fax 426 - 0654

[email protected]

Sofi Oksanen romaaninsa kansiliuskassa

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Canadian Friends of Finland

De Montréal

Canadian Friends of Finland Unless otherwise stated, all events will take place at the Finnish church home:

1500 Doctor Penfield Avenue, Montreal, Quebec


F p


am f

or S




er 2


March Maaliskuu

27 March (Saturday) 16.00

Sugaring-off party Together with the Norwegians and hopefully other Scandinavians. Sucrerie Lavigne, 420 chemin Petit-Brûlé, Rigaud

April Huhtikuu

6 April (Tuesday) 19.00

“Keep Your Sisu Moving: Importance of Exercise as We Age” A presentation by Dr Tanja Taivassalo, McGill University, with pictures.

Free admission. Coffee/tea and open-faced sandwiches afterwards.

May Toukokuu

4 May (Tuesday) 19.00

First ethnic dinner of the season L'Académie, 2100 Crescent Street, downtown Montreal. Mediterranean cuisine; Bring Your Own Wine (BYOW).

June Kesäkuu

1 June (Tuesday) 19.00

Ethnic dinner La Maison Rustik, 5461 Sherbrooke Street West, corner Decarie. Romanian restaurant; BYOW; Bus 24.

July Heinäkuu

6 July (Tuesday) 19.00

Ethnic dinner Bitoque, 3706 rue Notre Dame Ouest. Portuguese cuisine, BYOW, Metro Lionel-Groulx, direct line to the Jazz Fest.

August Elokuu

3 August (Tuesday) 19.00

Ethnic dinner Kalimera, 5188, avenue Gatineau, corner Lacombe. Greek cuisine in Snowdon; terrace if weather permits.

Dates and places for the sauna picnics and BBQs will be announced later.

No reservations necessary for the summer dinners.

Canadian Friends of Finland

De Montréal

Canadian Friends of Finland de Montréal is a non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit organization that fosters cultural relations

between Finland and Canada. We meet

monthly inviting both local and Finnish speakers to give presentations. We organize film viewing, ethnic dinners in the summer, parties, sauna barbeques, ski days, etc. We do not receive any financial support from Finland

or any other sources. Our sole income – used to organize the above-mentioned events –

comes from yearly membership fees and coffee/sandwich sales.


First time member / Single: _________ x $ 20.00 Students / Seniors (+65) : _________ x $ 15.00 Additional family members: _________ x $ 5.00 Couple: _________ x $ 25.00

Name: _______________________________ Address: _____________________________ ____________________________________

Phone#:(Home)________________________ (Cell) _________________________

Email: _______________________________

Please send to:

Canadian Friends of Finland Montreal Branch 1500 Docteur Penfield Avenue

Montreal, Quebec H3G 1B9

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Message from the Pastor

Minä olen, sinä olet, me olemme!

These last few weeks of winter I’ve had the pleasure of taking Maisa Suhonen’s beginners’

Finnish class at the church home, together with four other students. The teacher and the

other students are thoughtful, patient and kind: they put up with my head-scratching and

my faltering questions, and the students show a real willingness to help each other out as

we struggle with this “different but not difficult” (so the text says!) language. It’s been

challenging, but fun.

But as I learn the basics, I’m reminded that almost every language has at least some of the

same kinds of rules. Whether it’s English, French, Greek or Finnish, sometimes it’s “I” who is

the subject of the action (minä) sometimes you (sinä) and sometimes we (me).

As the snow melts and we celebrate Easter 2010, it’s time to look again at who “me

olemme” described at St Michael’s Finnish Church. Who ARE we as a church? Who calls the

building home? Who uses it? Who feels some connection to it? And more importantly, how

can we who are in the congregation serve the wider community, so that the “we” becomes

more and more inclusive? How can we reach out in solidarity, in justice, in celebration, in

learning, in support, in service, and in love, to all those who even only sometimes feel they

are part of our community?

Easter reminds us of one thing: new life is for all. There is so much death in this world, and

so much stress and pain, that these days a message of new life is doubly important. Against

the very real horror and trouble that we read about in the papers or see on television, we

have a message that there is ALSO hope and love, there is the possibility of life even in

death, that the world was created good, and that we are stronger together than alone. One

of Jesus’ last prayers, according to John, was that those who followed him should be “one”,

and live in love. Death can divide people, but it can also unite. Spring is traditionally a time

for new beginnings, and this year perhaps more than most, that may also be true of

St. Michael’s.

Easter is traditionally a time of rebirth. May that be true of us, as well. Me olemme…the people of

God. Me olemme….St. Michael’s Church. Me olemme….a community with a future and a hope.

Happy Easter!

Pastor Matthew

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St. John’s Lutheran Church INSHALLAH IN CONCERT

Saturday, 17 April 2010, 5 pm, St. John’s Lutheran

In performance with Director Debbie Lou Ludolph. A free-will offering will be taken to

support the Waterloo Lutheran Seminary’s new Kanata Centre for Global Song.

The concert will also feature St. Michael’s Kantele Group!

Inshallah is an outreach of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary’s newly inaugurated Kanata Centre

for Global Song. Inshallah’s tour to Montreal is being sponsored by the Montreal Lutheran

Council, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary and some Montreal Lutheran churches. For an

interesting article on Inshallah by the Kitchener Waterloo Record, please see:


Formed in 2007, Inshallah has grown from 20 singers to a core of 65 singers

from the Waterloo Lutheran Seminary (WLS) and the wider ecumenical

community. The choir is committed to singing songs from faith communities

around the world and seeks to understand the contexts of their origin.

Inshallah is an Arabic word meaning "God willing"; the name was chosen to

honour the origin of the choir, formed during a trip to the Holy Land when

30 people from WLS sang, prayed together and returned home determined

to continue this experience.

Debbie Lou Ludolph, Director

And consider taking in the following:

Friday evening, 16 April: Come and meet newly-arrived Lutheran Pastor Jim Slack at a

welcome reception for Inshallah at Christ the Redeemer (corner Anselme Lavigne and

Westpark Boulevard, Dollard-des-Ormeaux). Food, conversation and no doubt some

spontaneous singing!

Saturday, 17 April, 2-4 pm: Inshallah will be leading open workshops for anyone

interested in singing, global music, and how these rich resources can be used in worship.

You do not need musical training to join in – just enthusiasm! Location: St. John’s Lutheran,

corner Jeanne Mance and Prince Arthur, downtown.

Saturday, 17 April, 7 pm: Don’t go away! After the concert, stay for an evening of fun

and fellowship at Luther Pub Night; enjoy premium beer and more great music; all funds

raised for the Seminary!

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St. Michael's Evangelical Finnish Lutheran Church / Pyhän Mikaelin Suomalainen Evankelisluterilainen Kirkko

1500 Docteur Penfield Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1B9

Tel: (514) 932 9568


Montreal Lutheran Council: http://www.luther95.net/MONTREAL-LUTHERAN/

All events are at the church home if

location is not mentioned otherwise.

Kaikki tapahtumat ovat kirkkokodilla jos

paikkaa ei ole erikseen mainittu.












March Maaliskuu

20 (Saturday) 13.00 Suomiseura annual meeting

Suomiseura vuosikokous

27 (Saturday) 13.00 Finnish War Veteran’s annual meeting

Aseveljet vuosikokous

28 (Sunday) 15.00 Church service in Ottawa with holy communion

Ehtoollisjumalanpalvelus Ottawassa, Pr. Matti Terho

April Huhtikuu

3 (Saturday) 20.00 Easter vigil, St. John’s Lutheran Church

594 Jeanne Mance, Montreal, www.saintjohnslutheranmontreal.org

4 (Sunday) 11.00 Easter service with communion

Pääsiäisjumalanpalvelus, Pr. Matthew Anderson

10 (Saturday) 10.30 Children’s Finnish Language School

Lasten Suomi-koulu

11 (Sunday) 13.00 Suomiseura song fest

Suomiseura laulujuhla

16 (Friday) 18.00 Inshallah Global Choir reception, Redeemer Lutheran, DDO

17-18 (Sat-Sun) Suomikoulu Teachers’ Conference

Suomikoulun oppetajan kokous

17 (Saturday) 10.30 Children’s Finnish Language School

Lasten Suomi-koulu

17 (Saturday) 14.00-16.00 Inshallah Global Choir music workshop, St. John’s Lutheran

http://www.luther95.net/MONTREALLUTHERAN/Documents/ 100417_Inshallah_Concert.pdf

17 (Saturday) 17.00 Inshallah Global Choir Concert, also performance by Kantele Group, St. John’s Lutheran

17 (Saturday) 19.00 Inshallah Global Choir Luther Pub Night, St. John’s Lutheran

24 (Saturday) 09.00 Bee Day


May Toukokuu

2 (Sunday) 11.00 Church service with communion

Ehtoollisjumalanpalvelus, Pr. Matthew Anderson

8 (Saturday) 10.30 Children’s Finnish Language School

Lasten Suomi-koulu

29 (Saturday) 09.00 Spring bazaar


June Kesäkuu

6 (Saturday) 09.00-18.00 Swedish Book Exchange

13 (Sunday) 11.00 Devotional service and picnic

Hartaushetki ja picnic

August Elokuu

22 (Sunday) 11.00 Montreal Lutheran Council picnic, St. Lazare

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September Syyskuu

12 (Sunday) 11.00 TENTATIVE Church service in Finnish with holy communion

Suomenkielinen ehtoolisjumalanpalvelus, Pastor from Finland, coming from Hannah Lake Bible Camp

23 (Thursday) 16.00-18.15 TENTATIVE Old Brewery Mission meal outreach (915 Clark Street) – Very important to be on time.

October Lokakuu

3 (Sunday) 11.00 Church family service with holy communion

Perhe ehtoollisjumalanpalvelus, Pr. Matthew Anderson

3 (Sunday) 15.00 Church service in Ottawa with holy communion

Ehtoollisjumalanpalvelus Ottawassa, Pr. Matti Terho

31 (Sunday) 11.00 All Saints and candle lighting church service with holy communion

Pyhäinpäivän ja kynttilänsytytys ehtoollisjumalanpalvelus, Pr. Matthew Anderson

November Marraskuu

14 (Sunday) 11.00 Harvest dinner with devotional service

Päivälliset ja hartaushetki

27 (Saturday) 09.00 TENTATIVE Christmas bazaar


28 (Sunday) 15.00 Loveliest Christmas songs gathering in Ottawa

Kauneimmat joululaulut Ottawassa

December Joulukuu

5 (Sunday) 11.00 Church service with communion and Independence Day Celebration

Ehtoollisjumalanpalvelus ja Itsenäisyyspäiväjuhla

12 (Sunday) 15.00 Church service (Christmas) in Ottawa with holy communion

Jumalanpalvelus (Joulu), Pr. Matti Terho

19 (Sunday) 11.00 Loveliest Christmas songs gathering

Kauneimmat joululaulut

25 (Saturday) 10.00 Christmas service with holy communion

Joulukirkko, ehtoollisjumalanpalvelus, Pr. Matthew Anderson

For tentative bookings, please see the church website, the next issue of Montrealin

Suomalainen, call a council member or the church, or talk to a friend for more details.

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s /





Canadian Friends of Finland

President Pirkko Mönkäre 514-299-8030

Vice-President Bill Luomala 514-633-9385

Secretary Anneli Lukka 450-827-2727

Treasurer Susan Laflamme 514-693-9280

Chambre de Commerce Finno-Canadienne

President Christian de Saint Rome 514-457-7787

Finnish War Veterans Montrealin Aseveljet

Puheenjohtaja Ismo Makkonen 514-697-5880

Jäsensihteeri Eeva-Liisa Makkonen 514-697-5880

Rahastonhoitaja Pirkko Metsämarttila 450-442-9458

Montrealin Suomalainen newsletter

Katja Frostell [email protected] 514-482-5718

Ismo Makkonen [email protected] 514-697-5880

Montrealin Suomi Seura

Puheenjohtaja Tarmo Saloranta 514-697-7444

Varapuheenjohtaja Marja-Leena Taras 514-735-8392

Sihteeri Pirkko Metsämarttila 450-442-9458

Rahastonhoitaja Markku Kytölä 514-484-1870

Library Kirjasto

Anneli Lukka 450-827-2727

St. Michael’s Finnish Church Pyhän Mikaelin Ev. Lut. seurakunta

Kirkkokoti / church home http://finnishchurchmontreal.i8.com 514-932-9568

Väliaikainen pastori Matthew Anderson 514-436-0309

Puheenjohtaja Heli Parenteau 514-504-8274

Varapuheenjohtaja Timo Virta 514-932-3451

Sihteeri Ruth Sonksen 514-716-6526

Rahastonhoitaja Pirkko Metsämarttila 450-442-9458

Finnish Language School Suomen Kielen Koulu

Children's group Lapsiryhmät

Elisa Pylkkänen [email protected] (514) 823 7615

Adult group Aikuisryhmät

Maisa Suhonen [email protected] (514) 843-3120

HERKKUJA SUOMALAISEEN MAKUUN Turun Sinappia, Salmiakkia, Abban Silliä ja

kalatahnoja, lakkahilloa, Kulta Katriina -kahvia, Pandan lakritsia, Fazerin makeisia, raesokeria yms.

Tervetuloa ostoksille

Queen Maryn ja

Côte-Des-Neigesin kulmaan!

5060 Côte Des Neiges (corner of Queen Mary)

Montreal, Quebec. H3V 1G6 Tel: 514-731-4764

Mökki vuokrattavana

Vuokrattavana lomapaikka Laurentian vuoristossa viikonlopuksi, viikoksi tai

sopimuksen mukaan. Kaikki

mukavuudet ja sauna. Vain 45 min. ajomatka Montrealista.

Tiedustelut: Markku Kytölä Koti: 514-484-1870

Työ: 514-365-9700 Kännykkä: 514-249-6866

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The Community

90th birthday celebration

Congratulations and good wishes are extended to Tova

Alkallay who celebrated her 90th birthday on Runeberg's

Day in February.

The Canadian Friends of Finland, the Chamber of

Commerce and Suomi-Seura would also like to wish

Tova a speedy recovery with her health.

Itsenäisyyttä ja joulua juhlittiin

Kanadansuomalainen kauppakamari yhdessä Ottawan

suurlähettilään ja Montrealin kunniakonsulin kanssa järjesti

University Clubilla vastaanoton joulun ja itsenäisyyspäivän


St. Michael’s Church Christmas Bazaar

Tova Alkallay with Montreal’s celebrityphotographer, Heidi Hollinger



Anneli L


Oikealta McGillissä lakia lukeva Tanja Tolppanen, kauppakamarin puh.joht. Christian De Saint-Rome, hänen puolisonsa Maren Gube ja Toronton suomalaisen kauppakamarin puh.joht. Peter Auvinen

Eric Crossley (vas.) Montrealin Canadian Friends of Finland –järjestöstä vaihtaa kuulumisia kunniakonsuli Patrick Kenniffin ja hänen Liette Lacroix -rouvansa kanssa

Vuosikymmenet kirkon joulumyyjäisiä puuhannut Anneli Podymow viime joulun koreuden keskellä

Niina Erosen pojat Oula, 4, (vas.) ja Eeli,6, löysivät myyjäisistä paljon jännää luettavaa