1 00/XXXX © Crown copyright MOSAC-7 Mesoscale Tiger Team Bruce Macpherson

Mesoscale Tiger Team - research.metoffice.gov.ukresearch.metoffice.gov.uk/research/nwp/publications/mosac/ppt-2002... · Analysis bias and spin-up in cloud cover -3 ... Mesoscale

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Mesoscale Tiger Team

Bruce Macpherson

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Motivation Rainfall and cloud verification

What trend ?

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…. though trend depends on measure

T+18-T+24 rainfall accumulationETS Benefit odds ratio skill score

0.2mm/6h1 mm/6h4 mm/6h

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UK-index for cloud

ETS-based index Benefit odds ratio based index

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Motivation -2High profile forecast failures

No-one for tennis ?

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Motivation -3Spin-up in cloud cover

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short-period precipitation forecast

convective precipitation forecast quality

quality control of input cloud data

analysis bias and spin-up in cloud cover

instability, initialisation and lateral boundary updating

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Instability, initialisation &lateral boundary updating

occasional failures in convection over France– two sweeps convection per timestep

occasional failures in tropics– set orography > 0 for inland lakes

noise in pmsl– increased boundary rim width from 4 ->8 points

– dynamics solver settings tuned for better convergence

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Short-period precipitation forecast

Mes New Dynamics trial verification

Dec ‘01 -Mar ‘02

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Short-period precipitation forecast -2

Mes ND trial verification

Frequency bias for

hourly totals > 0.17mm

(v Nimrod radar)

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Short-period precipitation forecast -3

Impact of cloud data

12 cases

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Short-period precipitation forecast -4

Mes Autumn ‘02 upgrade– new covariances

– weaker nudging of cloud data

24 forecasts

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Short-period precipitation forecast -5

examine sensitivity to other components of assimilation

– radar

– sonde rh

– IAU initialisation….

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Convective precipitation forecast quality

“CMODS” changes– new convective momentum transport

– new definition & triggering of shallow, mid-level/deep convection

Progress– 8 test cases run

– slightly better moderate/heavy accumulations

– aim for spring ‘03 change

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Quality control of input cloud data

Cloud top height (CTH) assignment

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Quality control of input cloud data -2

CTH error



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Quality control of input cloud data -3CTH assignment - “low level inversion change”

New logicOld logic

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Quality control of input cloud data -4

“Low level inversion change” implemented, July ‘02

further spurious rain cases reported post ND implementation, August ‘02

further CTH changes under test, autumn ‘02

meeting on short-term way forward, Dec ‘02

workshop on strategy for cloud (and ppn) assimilation to follow

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Analysis bias and spin-up in cloud cover

Mes New Dynamics trial verification

Jan/Feb ‘02

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Analysis bias and spin-up in cloud cover -2

Weaker nudging to cloud data

12 cases

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Analysis bias and spin-up in cloud cover -3

Assimilate cloud data within 3d-Var(instead of nudging) by spring ‘03

AMSU-B data in Mes

compare verification– v satellite imagery

– v surface stations

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