Rebel Mag. Rebel Mag. Rebel Mag. Nathanael Greene: Nathanael Greene: Nathanael Greene: Guilford Courthouse Guilford Courthouse Guilford Courthouse - Haitian Revolution Haitian Revolution Haitian Revolution - The Boston Massacre The Boston Massacre The Boston Massacre - The Story of Benedict The Story of Benedict The Story of Benedict Arnold Arnold Arnold By: Jesus Cruz and Thomas Fair By: Jesus Cruz and Thomas Fair By: Jesus Cruz and Thomas Fair

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Rebel Mag.Rebel Mag.Rebel Mag.

Nathanael Greene: Nathanael Greene: Nathanael Greene:

Guilford CourthouseGuilford CourthouseGuilford Courthouse

--- Haitian RevolutionHaitian RevolutionHaitian Revolution

--- The Boston MassacreThe Boston MassacreThe Boston Massacre

--- The Story of BenedictThe Story of BenedictThe Story of Benedict


By: Jesus Cruz and Thomas FairBy: Jesus Cruz and Thomas FairBy: Jesus Cruz and Thomas Fair

Page 2: Merged document 4

Revolution in Haiti! 1791—1804

evolution is in the air. With

the American and French rev-

olutions finished, we meet

with Toussaint L'ouverture and his re-

bellion of slaves in the Carribean. The

island is St. Dominiques, and it is

home to some of the largest amounts

of slaves during the time. As the

French Revolution went through its

course, many people started to realize

the true meaning of the Revolution.

This brought ideas and questions to

the people of St. Dominiques. These

ideas and questions sparked the revo-

lution. The leader of the slave rebels is

Toussaint L'ouverture, a self taught

leader who ran Napoleon's army out of

St. Dominiques. One of the key factors

for the Haitians is that St. Dominiques

is their home ground. With knowledge

of the island and the adaption to in-

sects like mosquitos, they were able to

R defeat the French. After the Rebels

won, St. Dominiques was transformed

into the Republic of Haiti. This was

the first time a slave revolution ended

in the creation of a state.

Toussaint L’Ouverture

Toussaint was a brilliant self educated man who

believed in equal rights for all. He led the Hai-

tians in their revolution. Napoleon made an

offering of peace to end the revolution in Haiti. A

few months later, he invited Toussaint to a

meeting promising full safe conduct. Toussaint

was then arrested by Napoleon's guards and tak-

en back to France. There, Napoleon sent him to a

prison in the mountains where he later died. The

Haitians carried on their revolution and later


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By John Peter Zenger

The Zenger Talk Hello, I’m John Peter Zenger, and this is The Zenger Talk. Today, I will be interviewing one of the most contro-

versial men in this war, Benedict Arnold.

What did you do before the war, Mr. Arnold?

Well, before the war I worked in New England as a merchant operating ships. Before this though, I had served

in the militia during the French & Indian War. This gave me some prior battle experience. Anyway, I was work-

ing as a merchant, and then the British started to make things hard on me and other merchants. They put new

acts in, such as the Sugar Act and Stamp Act. Then, when the war came around, I joined the army just outside


How did you get yourself to become Major General in the U.S. Continental Army?

Well, like any rank advancement, I put hard work and bravery into my job. Soon, I was involved in fort take

overs, such as Ticonderoga, and defensive holdings, such as Valcour, even though we lost.

What kind of trouble did you get in with the U.S. Congress?

After my Injury in Saratoga, I started to get passed over for rank advancements, usually because other officers

claimed what I did in the war as theirs. Soon, I started to be blamed for issues such as corruption. Finally, after

many cases, Congress told me I was in debt to them £1000.

What really made you switch sides to the British?

Well, I was frustrated and angry at the U.S. Congress, and the British made me a good offer. I was to be paid

£360 and in total, I made £6000.

What did you do as a new member of the British Army?

My job was to hold my position as the command of West Point. When the

time came, I was to hand over West Point to the British. The plot was soon

foiled when a man was captured carrying the documents of my plan. I soon

fled down the Hudson to the British area. This is where I became a Brigadier

General and would stay until the war ended in York Town.

Where did you go after the war? What did you do there?

After the war, I returned to England with my second wife. There, I became a

Merchant again with my son. I would remain in England.

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Thomas Jefferson a Red Coat?

Our expert artist drew what he and many have said Thomas Jefferson has been wear-ing. His attire is nonother than the uniform of the British Army. Yes I know this may be disturbing, but our hero is being rumored as a traitor. Inside sources have also told us that that Mr. Jefferson and the King have been planning this “Revolution for years”. Though nothing has been confirmed, paint-ings have never looked so convincing. In fact, its like you can almost see his inner Red Coat by staring into his drawn eyes. So next time you see Mr. Jefferson around, be warned he is dangerous and probably wait-ing to have his strike on the uprising Revo-lution. What will you do about this?

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Is your WAGON not SWAGIN?


Get all the gal’s!

The gals love


custom wagons!

For a price of only : 10$



Come to P.I.M.P customs

to get your wagon ser-

viced today!

Is this your wagon? BEFORE

Page 6: Merged document 4

Nathanael Greene: Battle Nathanael Greene: Battle Nathanael Greene: Battle

of Guilford Courthouseof Guilford Courthouseof Guilford Courthouse By: Thomas FairBy: Thomas FairBy: Thomas Fair

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Nathanael Greene: Battle Nathanael Greene: Battle Nathanael Greene: Battle

of Guilford Courthouseof Guilford Courthouseof Guilford Courthouse

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athanael Greene took command of the

Southern Continental Army in Charlotte, NC

on December 2, 1780 after being appointed

to General by George

Washington on October 5,

1780. He effectively be-

came the second-in-

command of the army only

behind Commander-in-

Chief, George Washington.

After losing Savannah and

Charleston to the British,

Greene, a strategist,

brought new and different

plans to battles for the rebel army. His job was to stop

General Cornwallis as he was on his way to Virginia.

General Cornwallis Brings Problems

Cornwallis was heading North, and on the way he

would attempt to gather many of the Loyalists in

Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. With his

new, fresh troops, he would try to overwhelm the

battered Virginia army.

General Greene was under great stress when going up

against the smart General Cornwallis and his mighty

army. His army was rag tagged and small. It did not

have the needed equipment and was already tired

from previous battles.

He would need a new strategy, one that almost ex-

panded small armies, and had a great effect on the

larger more formal armies.

The Strategy

The small, broken army would need to split up in or-

der to have a chance of beating Cornwallis. This way

Cornwallis would need to divide his army making it

possible to slowly defeat and break up the British


The Execution

His strategy would prove to work when Colonel

William Campbell and his troops defeated 100% of

British forces at the Battle of Kings Mountain. After

this, General Daniel Morgan defeated nearly 90% of

British forces at the battle of Cowpens.

Daniel Morgan would now execute a strategic retreat

towards the Salisbury District. He was then joined by

Greene at Cowan’s Ford on the Catawba River where

they fought a small force of Cornwallis’s troops.

Still, Greene’s troops were minimal and had little

chance to defeat the mighty Cornwallis. In a majority

decision, Greene decided to keep retreating and

gather more forces. He then wrote to Patrick Henry

requesting about 1500 troops to meet up at the Dan

River. Guarding the retreating troops back was Col.

Otho Williams and his special light corps.

The Retreat to Dan River

Col. Williams was to harass the large but slow moving

British Army. Thus, Nathanael Greene could make it

to Dan River and meet up with the 1500 troops. If

Greene could get there first, he could move all of the

boats so that the British would never be able to cross.

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The Battle of Guilford Court House

Nathanael and his now grown army re-crossed the

Dan River to pursue Cornwallis. On March 15, 1781,

the British met the Continental Army at the Guilford

County Courthouse at midday.

The first engagement occurred four miles from the

courthouse, with Harry Lee’s (Light Horse Larry Lee:

Father of Gen. Robert E. Lee, General of the Confed-

erate Army) Dragoons. The British sent reinforce-

ments forward, and Lee ordered a retreat to the main

body of Greene’s Army.

Greene had set up his army into three lines. The first

line consisted of North Carolina Militia. In the second

line, he placed Virginia Militia with two 6 lbs. Can-

nons. His third line consisted of his regulars from Vir-

ginia Regiment, Delaware Infantry, and the 1st and

2nd Maryland Regiments. The third line was his best


The British rushed forward but were soon halted by

the 1st line who rested on a picket fence to aim pre-

cisely at the British. The 1st line to the west fled back

through the woods.

While the British forced themselves through the first

two lines, they suffered significant losses. When Lt.

Macleod arrived, he ordered two British cannons to

fire directly on the Dragoons, but when doing this, he

was also firing on his own men.

The Americans then broke off and retreated into the


An American Defeat, but a Strategic British Loss

Though the British won the Battle, they lost almost

25% of their troops, but Nathanael Greene and his

army had done what they needed to do. Cornwallis

and the British would then march on to Yorktown

where General George Washington would defeat


The Shoe


The best


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Page 10: Merged document 4

Colonial Apple Pie Pastry for double crust 9 inch pie

5-6 pared sliced ap-


2 tbsp. all-purpose


1 c. sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

1 tbsp. ground cinnamon

2 tbsp. butter

Arrange apples in unbaked pie shell. Com-

bine flour, sugar, salt and cinnamon; sprin-

kle over apples. Dot with butter. Cover with

slashed pastry and bake at 375 degrees for 1

hour or until crust is brown and apples are

tender. Arrange apples in unbaked pie shell.

Combine flour, sugar, salt and cinnamon;

sprinkle over apples. Dot with butter. Cover

Page 11: Merged document 4

Dear Abraham,

Hey Abraham, my name is Mary I am a local house wife with two kids. My son is 12 and he currently goes to school, my daughter is 10 and stays home to help me, she has become more and more interested in “Why she doesn't go to school?”. I have thought about letting her go but I’m not sure I if I should. I need your help with deciding.

Dear Mary,

Hey Mary thank you for your ques-tion, I have kids of my own but are both boys. I think that

every one should get an education if they want it, your Daugh-ter is interested in education so I say let her be educated. It doesn't seem fair if you don't let her do what one of your kids is doing because of their gender.

Dear Abraham,

My name is Johnathan, I am con-fused on why we are at war with the red-coats? Why are we going against the founders of the colo-nies? Why don't we help them?

Dear Johnathan,

We are at war because we have been pushed around

too much! we are tired of being used by Britain! we want to become inde-pendent so that we don’t have to pay stupid taxes on things just for their profit! We no longer want to be connect-ed to the corrupt! We have been under their power for too long and we need to distance our selves from them before we become influ-enced any more by them

Honest Abe

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Dear Rebel Magazine Editor,

I have been reading Rebel Magazine for a long time now and I have enjoyed

the content your magazine includes. I just wanted to give my feedback on one piece

of content I think deserves more coverage on. This event happened in your earliest

spring edition of the magazine and seemed to be rushed by the way it was carelessly


The early spring edition of the magazine was published March, 7, 1770, two

days after the tragic incident that happened here in Boston. The article was named

The Boston Massacre because of the events that transpired that day. Great Britain

was the start to this conflict that caused mistrust between the colonial people and

the British. Britain tried passing the Townshend Acts which would raise taxes on

glass, paint, oil, lead, and tea. Colonial people where enraged and protested. March,

5, 1770 was the day People went in front of the Customs Office in Boston Massachu-

setts and started to throw objects and insult the soldiers, as a result 5 people died

after British soldiers fired into a crowed of people. This event was said to have been

the start of these conflicts that will surely cause a war between the colonies and the


I think that Britain should be blamed for the conflicts between the people of

the colonies and their own soldiers. There were crowds of people outraged by the

acts that the soldiers took, as a result the governor arrested the soldiers and now

they are awaiting trial. Two of the soldiers were found guilty and the rest were ac-

quitted. We need to watch what the British are doing because they are not to be

trusted after the action they took on the people of the colonies.


Adam Johnson

Letter To The Editor Rebel


March, 1770

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Puzzle of the Month

People and Events of the Revolutionary Period


3 Declared independence from the British by the American

Colonists 5 A rifle loaded from the Barrel and usually contained a lead ball

for ammunition

8 Author of the Declaration of Independence 9 General of the British army, defeated in Yorktown

10 Required that many printed materials in the colonies be

produced on stamped paper produced in London, carrying an embossed revenue stamp

12 General of the Southern Continental Army that would hold up

General Cornwallis 13 English King who was ruler during the American Revolutionary



1 Protest against the British new tax laws for the colonists that included dumping British Tea into the Boston Harbor

2 General of the Continental Army

4 Leader of the Haitian Rebellion on the island of St. Dominiques

6 Island of slaves owned by the French that would become Haiti

after the Revolution

7 Killing of Civilian Protestors in Boston by the British Army

11 Firing Mechanism that uses a shard of flint igniting a pan of

black powder to trigger the firing

Page 14: Merged document 4

320 Elm Way

Just outside

Boston, Mas-


Work includes

plowing, planting,

and harvesting. Also

Farmhands take

care of live stock


pay and

housing .

Shops in New York, Virginia, and Boston

Tom’s Fur Trade has all of the best quality

furs in the New York Colony.

Come feel the finest furs at Tom’s Fur Trade

The Finest!

Tom’s Fur Trade

British Ships need back up.

Any sailor who thinks they

are man enough should join.

Pirates Welcome

Wanted Dark Skinned Indian. Wears some

type of Robe with hood. Can be

found in and around New York and

Boston. Wanted for Murder, theft,

treason, and many other crimes.

Reward: 100 ₤ Dead or Alive

Farm Hand For




Furs from Beaver to fox


British officials asking for a stop to Colonist Protests.

Punishments for Protests can range from public humilia-

tion or even death.

Job Includes

Destruction/Plundering of Spanish Ships

No tax on earnings

The chance to help the great British Empire

Delivery Man Needed Routes go From Boston to

New York. A low risk job

that pays well. Visit the

Postmaster office in Bos-


Needed, British Sol-

diers willing to Pro-

tect Colonists

Good pay. Guard Duty of Colonist.

Also includes Riot Control.

Elk Hunting Lodge

Great hunting in the New York Country Side. Elk,

Deer, Bear, and small game. No restrictions, just

pure hunting in the great outdoors.

Ralph’s Rifle and

Pistol Shop

20% Off

Dolly’s Formal Wear

The best dresses in the colony.

Highest quality fabric. Discount

for wives with Husbands in the

British Military. Around Norfolk,


The Best in America

New York Wood Shop

Best Wood

Shop in New


Page 15: Merged document 4

Works Cited

Nathanael Greene Article: Pg. 7 - 8


Nathanael Greene Article: Pg. 7 - 8


Haitian Revolution: Pg. 1


Benedict Arnold Interview: pg. 2


Recipe for Colonial Apple Pie: pg. 10


Letter to the Editor: Pg. 11


Crossword Puzzle Vocabulary: pg. 12


Picture Bank

www.laprogressive.com Toussaint L’ouverture

commons.wikimedia.org Haitian Revolution

fineartamerica.com Benedict Arnold

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_church_and_state Thomas Jefferson

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheHouseOfHanover King George III

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington George Washington pic

http://swickheimerfamily.blogspot.com/2012/12/fallen-of-wagon.html Wagon picture

http://conservapedia.com/Rattlesnake_(American_symbol Join, or Die pic

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betsy_Ross_flag Colonial Flag

http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwa_pod_Guilford_Court_House Battle of Guilford Court House Pic

http://www.historicalartprints.com/viewgallist.php?id=171 Nathanael Greene battle pic

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Guilford_Court_House Battle plan out map

http://allenscreations.com/dghh.htm Battle Pic

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathanael_Greene Nathanael Greene Pic

http://oodlekadoodleprimitives.blogspot.com/2008_10_01_archive.html Apple pie

http://www.historyrocket.com/American-History/revolutionary-war/ Revolutionary war Delaware river

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Revolutionary_War Ship Battle

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