Mental Health, Community and Child data Supplier Forum, February 2013 Netta Hollings – Programme Manager

Mental Health, Community and Child data Supplier Forum, February 2013 Netta Hollings – Programme Manager

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Mental Health, Community and Child dataSupplier Forum, February 2013Netta Hollings – Programme Manager

What I will cover

• Mental Health Minimum Data Set (MHMDS)• Improving Access to Psychological

Therapies (IAPT)

• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

• Maternity• Child Health• Community Information Data Set (CIDS)


• Flowed since 2003; data reliable from 2006

• Clinical as well as administrative data

• NHS and Independent Sector providers

• Will support PbR

MHMDS content

Master Patient Index Inpatient Episode Secondary Diagnosis Mental Health Act Event Episode

Psychosis ServiceWard Stay within Hospital Provider Spell

CPA Episode Supervised Community Treatment

Employment Status Delayed Discharge Crisis PlanSupervised Community Treatment Recalls

Accommodation Status Clinical Team Mental Health Clustering Tool Intervention (Read)

Referral Staff Details Payment by Results Care Cluster Electro-Convulsive Therapy

Mental Health Team Episode Care Co-ordinator Assignment HoNOS (Working Age Adult) Leave of Absence

NHS Day Care Episode Responsible Clinician Assignment HoNOS 65+ (Older Persons) Absence Without Leave

Consultant Outpatient Episode Health Care Professional Contact HONOS-CA (Child and Adolescent) Home Leave

Acute Home-based Care Episode NHS Day Care Facility Attendance HoNOS Secure Self Harm

Mental Health NHS Care Home Stay Episode (NHSCAREHOMEEP)

Review Patient Health Questionnaire Use of Restraint

Hospital Provider Spell Primary Diagnosis Social Service Statutory Assessment Assaults on Patient

Periods of Seclusion

What information published currently

Established reports:• Routine Quarterly MHMDS reports

• Service Performance Indicators• Organisation level data quality reports• Experimental statistics

• Annual Mental Health Bulletin • National and org level data tables• Report • Data.gov file• MHMDS On-line• Extract Service


• Flowed since 2012

• Outcome-based data

• Strong links with NICE guidance

• NHS and Independent Sector providers

• Plans to support PbR

Data Set

What information published currently

Established reports:• Routine monthly IAPT reports

• Organisation level data quality reports

• Routine quarterly IAPT reports• Reproduce Key Performance Indicators


• Due to flow in 2013/14 – aiming to start in June (with data backdated to April)

• Publications being developed

• Data warehouse available

CAMHS content

• Master Patient Index• Accommodation• Living with• Mental Health Act inc.

Community Treatment Orders

• Medication• Referral• Service Type• Referral Status• Encounters

• CPA• CAMHS team• Outcomes• Interventions• Hospital Spells• Diagnoses• Experience of Service


• Due to flow in 2013/14 – aiming to start in November (with data backdated to April)

• Publications being developed

• Data warehouse available

Maternity content

• Mother’s demographics• GP• Ante-natal

– Booking– Diagnoses– Dating Scan– Clinical Tests (various)– Ante-natal appointment– Ante-natal admissions

• Labour– Induction– Labour and delivery

• Labour cont.– Pain relief– Anaesthesia– Incidents

• Baby and birth– Baby demographics– Birth complications– Neo-natal details– Neo-natal tests

• Anonymous tests (e.g. HIV)

Child Health

• Due to flow in 2013/14 – aiming to start in February (with data backdated to April)

• Publications being developed

• Data warehouse available

Child Health content

• To be flowed– Master Patient Index– Educational needs– Safeguarding– Main carer– Mother– Accommodation– GP– Breast-feeding status– Observations (BMI)– Child Protection– Immunisations– Screening results

• To be linked– From CDS

• Urgent Care• Inpatients• Outpatients

– From Community• Referrals• Contacts

– Option to flow


• Due to flow in 2014/15 – voluntary flow second half of 2013/14

• Publications being developed

CIDS content

• Phase 1– Person– Service Referral– Care Contact Activity– Activities– Referral to Treatment– Group sessions

• Future phases– Care Plans– Care Reviews– Onward Referral– Indirect Patient Activity– Assessments– Care Need Outcome