RESEARCH POSTER PRESENTATION DESIGN © 2015 www.PosterPresentations.com 1. Cache-based Covert Channel A4acks 2. Characterization of A4ack Protocols 4. Design Details Record and Replay: Existing mature platforms, such as Capo, QuickRec, Cyrus, etc. Design new cache mapping functions: Goal: have small impact on benign program, but big impact on a@acks 5. Evaluation Example 6. More In Paper More details on the taxonomy of cache-based covert channel attacks Detailed discussion about robustness of ReplayConfusion Discussion of related works University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign iacoma.cs.uiuc.edu Mengjia Yan, Yasser Shalabi, Josep Torrellas ReplayConfusion: Detecting Cache-based Covert Channel A4acks Using Record And Replay Shared LLC Main Memory core Private L1/L2 HW SW Trojan (sender) Spy (receiver) core Private L1/L2 Set Index Function à Flip or swap bits within set index A new taxonomy to categorize and understand a@ack protocols. A@ack Protocols Time Round-Robin Parallel Space Cache Mapping Aware Single Group Multiple Groups Cache Mapping Unaware 3. ReplayConfusion Overview Insight: Observations: 1. A@ack is tuned to a specific cache mapping function 2. A@ack follows a distinguish cadence when transmi@ing Effects: 1. Substantially disrupt cache miss pa@ern 2. Cadence is unaffected Change mapping of addresses to caches Observations of a@acks: 1. A4ack is tuned to a specific mapping of addresses to caches slice0 slice1 set0 set1 group 0 group 1 A@ack Technique: Prime+Probe Prime: fill selected cache sets with its own data. Idle: wait for trojan to encode. Probe: access the same addresses accessed during priming. slice0 slice1 set0 set1 slice0 slice1 set0 set1 Multiple groups based on set index function Multiple groups based on slice hash function Single group using both set and slice function 2. A4ack follows a distinguish cadence when transmi4ing bits Time Encode Decode sync sync Trojan Spy Encode Decode Encode Decode Encode Time Encode Decode Decode Encode Decode Decode Round -Robin Parallel ? cache cache misses cache cache misses Detection Approach: Phys Addr Set Index Block Offset Tag xor Slice ID Threat model: A trojan process and spy process communicate via cache conflicts. Serious security threat: Ubiquitous a@ack scenario: cloud Bypass security policy, No trace left No effective defense and detection solutions Slice Hash Function à Replace selected bits with nearby ones Analyze cache miss rate timelines: Cache Miss Rate Difference Timeline = (Recording Timeline) – (Replay Timeline) Use auto-correlation* to detect repeating pa@ern in cache miss rate difference timeline à Fluctuating pa@ern in auto-correlogram *A statistical technique that discovers repeating patterns in a signal. Benign programs A4acks Value Small values mostly Large values when transmi@ing Pa@ern No pa@ern Repeating pa@ern (a) Cache miss rate timeline in recording (b) Cache miss rate auto-correlogram (c) Cache miss rate difference timeline (d) Cache miss rate difference auto-correlogram Benign program example: bzip2 (co-run with h264ref) Attack program example: spy (co-run with trojan) 7. Conclusion More detection results Attacks using different protocols Attacks with background noise Attacks with small group size More benign programs Characteristics of cache-based covert channel attacks: 1. Tuned to specific mapping of addresses to caches 2. Repeats when transmitting bits ReplayConfusion Use RnR to execute the same program on machines with different mappings of addresses to caches Compute the miss rate difference timeline between record and replay Detect repeating patterns

Mengjia Yan, Yasser Shalabi, Josep Torrellaspeople.csail.mit.edu/mengjia/data/replayconfusion_poster.pdf · Mengjia Yan, Yasser Shalabi, Josep Torrellas ReplayConfusion: Detecting

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Page 1: Mengjia Yan, Yasser Shalabi, Josep Torrellaspeople.csail.mit.edu/mengjia/data/replayconfusion_poster.pdf · Mengjia Yan, Yasser Shalabi, Josep Torrellas ReplayConfusion: Detecting



1. Cache-based Covert Channel A4acks

2. Characterization of A4ack Protocols

4. Design Details•  Record and Replay: Existing mature platforms, such as Capo, QuickRec, Cyrus, etc.•  Design new cache mapping functions:Goal: have small impact on benign program, but big impact on a@acks

5. Evaluation Example

6. More In Paper

•  More details on the taxonomy of cache-based covert channel attacks

•  Detailed discussion about robustness of ReplayConfusion

•  Discussion of related works

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign iacoma.cs.uiuc.edu

Mengjia Yan, Yasser Shalabi, Josep Torrellas

ReplayConfusion: Detecting Cache-based Covert Channel A4acks Using Record And Replay

Shared LLC

Main Memory







Set Index Functionà Flip or swap bits within set index

A new taxonomy to categorize and understand a@ack protocols.

A@ack Protocols



SpaceCache Mapping

AwareSingle Group

Multiple GroupsCache Mapping Unaware

3. ReplayConfusion OverviewInsight:

Observations:1. A@ack is tuned to a specific

cache mapping function2. A@ack follows a distinguish

cadence when transmi@ing

Effects:1. Substantially disrupt

cache miss pa@ern2. Cadence is unaffected

Changemapping of

addresses to caches

Observations of a@acks:1. A4ack is tuned to a specific mapping of addresses to caches

slice0 slice1set0set1

group 0

group 1

A@ack Technique: Prime+Probe•  Prime: fill selected cache sets with its own data.•  Idle: wait for trojan to encode.•  Probe: access the same addresses accessed during priming.

slice0 slice1set0set1

slice0 slice1set0set1

Multiple groups based on set index function

Multiple groups based on slice hash function

Single group using both set and slice function

2. A4ack follows a distinguish cadence when transmi4ing bits






Trojan Spy








Decode Decode


Decode Decode



? cache



Detection Approach:


Set Index Block



Slice ID

Threat model: A trojan process and spy process communicate via cache conflicts.Serious security threat:•  Ubiquitous a@ack scenario: cloud•  Bypass security policy, No trace left•  No effective defense and detection

solutionsSlice Hash Functionà Replace selected bits with nearby ones

•  Analyze cache miss rate timelines:Cache Miss Rate Difference Timeline = (Recording Timeline) – (Replay Timeline)Use auto-correlation* to detect repeating pa@ern in cache miss rate difference timeline à Fluctuating pa@ern in auto-correlogram*A statistical technique that discovers repeating patterns in a signal.

Benign programs A4acksValue Small values mostly Large values when transmi@ing

Pa@ern No pa@ern Repeating pa@ern

(a) Cache miss rate timeline in recording (b) Cache miss rate auto-correlogram

(c) Cache miss rate difference timeline (d) Cache miss rate differenceauto-correlogram

•  Benign program example: bzip2 (co-run with h264ref) •  Attack program example: spy (co-run with trojan)

7. Conclusion

•  More detection results Attacks using different protocols Attacks with background noise Attacks with small group size More benign programs

•  Characteristics of cache-based covert channel attacks: 1.  Tuned to specific mapping of addresses to caches 2.  Repeats when transmitting bits

•  ReplayConfusion •  Use RnR to execute the same program on machines with different

mappings of addresses to caches •  Compute the miss rate difference timeline between record and replay •  Detect repeating patterns