MENG 185 Final Report

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  • 8/14/2019 MENG 185 Final Report


    Final Report

    MENG 185

    Nathaniel Kan

    Robot Name: G-UNIT

    A. Basic Description of Functionality

    G-UNIT was originally designed with the intent of building the most robust design

    possible. Ultimately, this did not turn out to be the optimal competition strategy. However, the

    goals laid out in the initial development and planning stages were ability to navigate effectively

    and precisely through all three terrains, deactivate mines by disarming for maximum points, and

    remove mines for the point multiplier. The means with which these goals were accomplished are

    as follows.

    1. Mobility

    The most important design aspect of G-UNIT's mobility is its wheels. A separate motor

    controls each wheel independently. The wheels are notched, to allow movement on thegravel and climbing of the steps. A later addition was the insertion of metal protrusions

    into the wheels, which allows better mobility on the gravel and step terrains.

    The back end of G-UNIT's chassis is supported by a curved piece of sheet metal, toprovide little friction allow the back end of the robot to be dragged up the step terrain

    without catching on the steps. Experimentation showed that in order for G-UNIT to climb

    the final fourth step of the mountain, it was necessary to place an actuator to raise the

    back end of the robot by pushing down the curved sled piece.

    2. Disarming

    G-UNIT's disarming mechanism consists of two parallel long thin beams, connected intogether in the middle by a hinge. The end of the beams protrude past the front wheels.

    The two beams have a V shaped notch at the ends, and are made out of foam and metal

    bonded with epoxy for strength. G-UNIT would be steered into a position so that the top

    knob of the mine is in the notches, and then the top beam acts as a lever arman actuator

    pulls the back end down, forcing the front notched end up and in this way popping up the

    switch on the mine to disarm it. The actuator runs along the bottom shaft, and is

    connected to the back end of the top shaft by a zip tie. The third motor is used to control

    the height of the disarming arm, by rotating a sprocket with a protruding shaft parallel to

    the motor's drive shaft. This shaft controls the maximum height by rotating the bottom

    beam about a second hinge connected to the main robot chassis.

    3. Removing

    A half circle of PVC is connected to the front of G-UNIT, to allow the robot to push

    deactivated mines off the board, after the arm is used and raised out of the way.

    B. Performance

    Mobility was excellent on the gravel, especially in terms of speedno robot was faster

    than G-UNIT. The metal protrusions on the wheels made turning and movement on the ice

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    slightly slower, however, precision movements were still an option, and overall the wheels did

    quite well on the ice and gravel terrains. The step climbing function was somewhat less reliable.

    G-UNIT was able to ascend the first three steps easily, but had trouble climbing the final step,

    hence the need for the back-end raising actuator. With the actuator it was able to climb the final

    step from straight on, however, raising the back end caused instability (G-UNIT is a tripod), andincreased the chance of tipping over (which happened in the competition).

    The disarming function worked better before the competition than in the competition.Before the competition the disarming feature was working as it was supposed to, however, later

    on more of the actuator's power was being lost when being transferred to the motion of pulling

    down the back end of the top beam. I believe this was because of increased friction in the zip tie

    due to wear. This loss of power caused some of the mines to require several attempts before

    deactivation was successful. Also, there were problems adjusting the height of the arm, as fine

    adjustments were not possible with the third motor control. When the device was being built, I

    didn't realize that the third motor could not be controlled variably. All of the mines G-UNIT

    accidentally detonated in the competition were due to the arm lowering too quickly and tilting

    them. A better system for those controls would probably have been using the third motor to

    control the winding and unwinding of a string which controlled the height.

    Removing the mines from the game board worked as planned. The power in the wheels

    was sufficient to push the additional load of the mines.


    Given a second chance, I think I would have done things much differently. One robot inthe competition used a wheel made out of an X shape of sheet metal, and this wheel was able to

    climb the mountain very well, while still being able to move on the other terrains. I would have

    incorporated this into my robot. I would also have made my deactivating system using the

    magnet, as the magnet sensor was a lot more sensitive than I had previously believed and this

    seems to now be the quickest way to deactivate mines for the large point score. I would also have

    made a gripping device for carrying the mines off the boardI had originally intended to do this,

    but could not find a way to do so on my robot given the space available. The most effective way

    of gripping the mine that I observed was a motor/actuator combination that rotated a hook intoposition and then pulled the knob of the mine tight against the robot with the actuator. I believe

    this could have been implemented effectively in G-UNIT.

    D. Competition

    G-UNIT did not perform well in the competition. The main problems were the failure of

    the disarming arm to adjust to the correct height slowly, and a lack of practice on the game board.

    Too many mines were set off accidentally. Furthermore, my initial strategy (in the first round

    especially), did not suit G-UNIT 's robust design. I had originally intended for G-UNIT to in

    direct competition with the opposing robot, where its superior mobility would allow it to blockthe other robot from mines that it would easily get. In most rounds, the two robots would get as

    many mines on their own sides as possible before coming into contact with each other. Thestrategy I adopted at the end, which I think was an optimal strategy for play with G-UNIT, was to

    go directly for the opponents ice mines, as those were the mines that most opponents could easily

    get. I think my campaign would have been much more successful had I adopted this strategy early

    on in the competition.

    E. Deciding Factors

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    I think two factors were critical in effective robots in the competition: robot mobility, and

    the efficiency of the disarming mechanism. I noticed many of the robots that scored very well had

    very quick methods of disarming the mines. The magnets seemed very effective at this, as did

    safing mechanisms, as there is much less risk of setting the mine off with these types of

    disarming devices. I also noticed that robot mobility was very importantin order to outscore anopponent often times a robot had to be able to disarm mines in at least two terrains. G-UNIT was

    effective in its mobility, however, its disarming mechanism gave up too many accidental"explosions."

    F. Lessons

    I went through about sixty hours, all my materials (and a lot of scrap), and about thirty

    iterations of my ideas in building my robot. The two biggest lessons I learned were 1) keep it as

    simple as possible, and 2) do not build the chassis out of the cardboard stuff. The first lesson

    came up when building my first design, which I eventually scrapped. I tried to incorporate an

    elaborate chain mechanism to control the wheels, however, due to the inevitable errors in hand

    machining parts for a novice, and the complexity of the design, when the final product was ready

    for testing the small errors in each link in the chain of motion combined to make it almost

    impossible to move straight. I later adopted a much simpler design of having each wheel directlyconnected to the drive shaft of the motor, which cut out many of the links in the chain and made it

    a lot easier to build.

    The second lesson also came up in my first design. My original chassis was cut from the

    cardboard, which began to deteriorate as soon as I started to cut it. The structural strength of thematerial was also lacking, and in the end I switched to making an aluminum chassis.

    G. Performance

    I believe I attempted to build a "risky" design. In designing my robot, I wanted to build a

    robot that would be able to traverse as many kinds of terrains as possible: the mountain, the

    valley, the gravel and the ice. In the end, I think I may have attempted too much, my robot was

    somewhat effective at some terrains, and very effective at others, but a master of no terrain. Inbuilding a robot that would attempt to be able to enter the valley, I sacrificed the option of

    making my robot more than eight inches wide, which I could have used to make larger wheels

    which would have been more effective on the other terrains. Likewise, there were height and

    center of mass limitations I had to obey to make a robot that could climb the mountain. In the

    end, I think only one other student built a mountain climbing robot.

    My design worked the way I hoped in some aspects, and did not meet my expectations in

    others. It was effective at moving on the gravel and ice, but climbing the mountain was too

    difficult to be an effective strategy, and likewise with entering the valley. Also, controlling the

    height of the arm was too difficult for a competition robot.

    H. Scheduling and Planning

    My robot was built right on schedule, and not a minute early. The only thing I should

    have accounted for that I failed to was that other people would be practicing, and so I wasn't able

    to practice as much as I had wanted to. I started working on my robot the week after spring break,

    and went through many, many iterations of it. I built a lot of parts I ended up not using after

    practicing with them and finding them not efficient for the design I had in mind, including a

    caster wheel, a platform to use the motor to move the arm forward and backwards, and an arm to

    safe the mines are a few. Additions were also made after testing, including the metal protrusions

    on my wheels, the sled that the back end rests on, the actuator to allow the final step of the

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    mountain to be climbed, the height adjustment of for the arm, and the blue padding on the front

    top and bottom of the arm to allow a better grip on the mines.

    I. Conclusion

    In the end, I think I did a fairly good job with my robot. I attempted to build a robust

    design, probably sacrificing efficiency in a particular area. With more practice, and a fewmodifications, I think I could have been much more effective. Most importantly, I had a really

    good time learning to use the shop and building my robot, and I think I learned a lot about the

    design process. Special thanks are in order to Nick, Jamie (TA) and Quentin for helping me a lot

    with ideas.