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Free & Paid Membership


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Free & Paid Membership Formats

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Free & Paid Membership Formats

The reasons for running a membership site

)efore loo*i!g at the free a!d paid membership formats + 'ust

thought that + $ould go through some of the reaso!s for

ru!!i!g a membership site.

A lot of people are loo*i!g for the ultimate $a" to ma*e mo!e"

o!li!e. %heir dream is to be self,relia!t# $or* from home a!d

base all of their busi!ess o!li!e# $hih i! theor" is a great idea

a!d a! atuall" be do!e.

-!e of the $a"s people a! ahieve the above is b" ru!!i!g a

membership site. )" ru!!i!g a membership site "ou a! obtai!

a reliable mo!thl" i!ome a!d a large group of people that loo*

for$ard to $hat "ou have to sa" a!d $ho trust $hat "ou do

o!li!e. For these people "ou are a! epert i! "our field a!d a

perso! that a! be relied o! a!d that is $hat ever" +!ter!et

mar*eter is loo*i!g for.

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+t is ever" i!ter!et mar*eters dream to have a large group of

people $ho *!o$ "ou a!d trust "ou. A!d this is somethi!g that

"ou a! ahieve through ru!!i!g a membership $eb site.

-!e "ou have reated a bo!d $ith "our members# "ou a!

mar*et other produts o$!ed b" "ou as $ell as affiliated

produts to "our members. /ou therefore !ot o!l" get the

residual i!ome from the membership fee harged for aess

to "our site# but "ou also get tosell other produts to "our

selet group of people.

As "our membership gro$s# so $ill the opportu!ities that ome

"our $a". People $ill see "ou as the epert i! "our field a!d

other people $ill $a!t to 'oi!# this i!ludes other i!ter!et

mar*eters $ho $ill $a!t to advertise $ith "ou a!d have "ou

promote their produts from $hih i! tur! "ou $ill ear! a

ommissio!. %his i!teratio! $ith other mar*eters mea!s "ou

$ill be give! bigger a!d better busi!ess opportu!ities.

ets fae it but $ho $ould!t $a!t that 3ell this is $hat

o$!i!g a membership site a! do for "ou. +t is said that

membership sites have reall" i!reased i! popularit" i! the last

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fe$ "ears# a!d a ver" hot produt# believe it or !ot# is

i!formatio!. /ou a! sell (ualit" o!te!t or i!formatio! to "our

members a!d get paid (uite !iel" to do it.

Types of Membership Sites

%here are esse!tiall" t$o t"pes of membership sites the paid

membership site# a!d the free membership site.

Paid Membership Sites

%he paid membership site has a ertai! limited !umber of

members $ho pa" "ou a ertai! amou!t mo!thl"# bi,mo!thl"#

t$ie a "ear or "earl" to aess the i!formatio! the" !eed.

%hese fees a! var" from bet$ee! 56 to 510 to 5200

depe!di!g o! "our i!dustr" a!d $hat "ou are selli!g. %he

be!efits to this t"pe of membership site are obvious i! that it

produes a residual i!ome a!d beause almost 708 of "our

members $ill be reurri!g members "ou do!t have to fous

that muh atte!tio! i!to attrati!g !e$ lie!ts.

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%he obvious be!efit of a paid membership program is the

mo!etar" eleme!t ho$ever# setti!g up a free membership

program a! be 'ust as re$ardi!g.

Free Membership Sites

9o $hat are the be!efits of the Free Membership site A!d

ho$ does the free membership site $or*

-bviousl"# if "oure !ot hargi!g a fee the! "ou a!t be

ma*i!g a!" mo!e" from "our site. %his is !ot so: Remember

$he! + me!tio!ed before# that a membership site produes

o!e of the most sought after goals of a!" +!ter!et mar*eter#

a!d that is trust. /ou have established "ourself as a! epert i!"our field to "our membership group. /ou have do!e this b"

offeri!g (ualit" i!formatio! the" a! use# a!d i!formatio! that

members are loo*i!g for.

%his $or*s to "our adva!tage i! that at the same time "ou

offer free i!formatio!# "ou also offer other servies or produts

that are related to "our i!dustr". %his is alled affiliate

mar*eti!g# a!d the be!efit is that "ou a! mar*et a!" !umber

of produts a!d servies.

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/our email list $ill o!ti!uall" gro$ a!d "ou a! se!d all *i!ds

of i!formatio! about differe!t produts to the members $ho

have sig!ed up at "our site.

-f ourse o!e of the issues $ith free membership sites is that

"ou al$a"s have to be addi!g fresh o!te!t# updati!g it

o!sta!tl" a!d fi!di!g thi!gs that are of i!terest to "our

members# but eve! that is less epe!sive tha! ru!!i!g all of

those PP< ampaig!s or advertiseme!ts.

+f "ou still feel li*e "ou are !ot ma*i!g e!ough reve!ue from

"our free membership site# "ou a! al$a"s have a! optio! tolet "our free members to upgrade to a paid membership

versio! $here the" $ill reeive eve! more i!formatio! tha!

the" do from the free membership site.

3ith free memberships# the fou!datio! is usuall" based o!

allo$i!g free e!tr" $ith the i!te!tio! of selli!g a membership

upgrade. +! fat + have perso!all" 'oi!ed a fe$ membership

sites i! this $a" a!d later upgraded to their paid membership.

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=si!g teaser optio!s li*e this# "ou i!itiall" attrat a ustomer

$ith a !o obligatio!# !o ost offer. +! other $ords# "ou

elimi!ate the ris*s i!volved a!d i!stead of fori!g a visitor i!to

ma*i!g a (ui* deisio! to 'oi! "our site or eit "our page# "ou

are able to apture their i!formatio!# add them to "our

database a!d follo$ up at a later date# i! the eve!t the" failed

to upgrade right a$a".

%he free membership module $or*s ver" $ell if "ou have the

abilit" to reate (ualit" o!te!t o! the fro!t e!d to $et their

appetite# a!d $or* to$ards e!ouragi!g subsribers to

upgrade for aess to eve! more i!formatio! a!d>or resoures.

)uildi!g a subsriber database from free membership aou!ts

ma" seem less profitable tha! hargi!g a! e!tr" fee o! the

fro!t e!d# ho$ever b" apturi!g leads "ou $ill have a!

opportu!it" to ommu!iate $ith them through follo$ up

emails later o!# e!ouragi!g them to upgrade their aou!t for

full aess to "our material or resoures.

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+t@s said that the average visitor !eeds to visit a $ebsite up to

times before deidi!g to purhase a produt# a!d b" offeri!g

them free e!tr" o! the fro!t,e!d# "ou elimi!ate lost sales $hile

buildi!g a laser targeted maili!g list:

+t is up to "ou to deide $hih format $ill $or* best for "ou#

a!d i! m" !et post $e $ill move o!to the !et step $hih is

hoosi!g the soft$are that $ill esse!tiall" po$er "our e!tire

membership $ebsite.


%he o!l" 1008 FR autorespo!der. ist$ire a! meet all "our

email mar*eti!g a!d !e$sletter !eeds. <li* o! the ba!!er to

he* it out.

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!nstaMember is a great 3ordpress plugi!. %he !nstaMember 

membership sript omes as a si!gle 3ordpress plugi! that

seamlessl" i!tegrates i!to "our 3ordpress blog. +t is eas" to

i!stall a!d use. !nstaMember  has a! attrative dashboard

that provides a! eas" overvie$ of "our sales a!d "our

affiliates. +t has a! eas" i!tegratio! $ith Pa"pal# CDEoo#

Na!aast# a!d more. 3ith +!staMember "ou have the abilit"

to i!lude u!limited produts a!d pa"me!t optio!s o!e,time

pa"me!t# subsriptio!# reurri!g pa"me!t as $ell as free


<li* o! the ba!!er belo$ to he* it out.

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