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    29.05.2010 heart skip a bit. The dazzle I her eyes, the charm in her smile,

    gentle swing of her hip and how light dances on her hair. She is so decent,

    and was so quiet. Maybe a coat to keep her warm I asked, mine was hers I

    had to surrender.

    10.07.2010 its her, and only her, my love came after. I seek to know.

    Beneath the trembling and fear, a cup of tears I shall drink, for the sake of

    my heart. I need to know. I need her to fill my cup, clear the haze and today

    of past regrets, tears and fears. I her lies my garden, where roses and white

    lilies blow, and I wish to abide in her.

    17.07.2010 consumed completely I had to tell her, even if she couldnt her

    me. Though I didnt get a kiss, she smiled, and the world was different for

    me. The girl of my dreams, when I looked at her the world went quiet. I

    have to see her, even if in plunging into her love I am left deaf and blind




    How could I love you with mine eyes,

    for they in thee a thousand errors note;

    How could I love you with mine hands?

    Will they extend the tender feeling familiar?

    But tis my heart that loves what they despise,

    who, in despite of view, is pleased to dote.

    Drink to me, only, with your eyes.

    Or leave me a kiss in your cup,

    Feel my lips and take me, cease me to you.

    Its the first time I dared so much,

    Sweet soul! I did not doubt your love.

    O beautiful dreamer, wake unto me.




    My angel, my all, my very self. Not till tomorrow, my lodgings confirmed in

    this abode. Why this deep sorrow when necessity speaks, can our love

    endure except through sacrifices? To your alters drag me, have me if you

    must. But for me change the fact that you are not wholly mine, I not wholly

    thine. Oh God, look out into the beauties around us and comfort your heart

    with that which must be - Love demands everything and that very justly,

    thus it is to me with you, and to you with me. If the coach must need break

    down on the wretched road, a bottomless mud road, fear not nor forget so

    easily that I must live for you, for me and for us. The forest might be fearful

    as we travel, but hold my hand and lean close to me. We shall get some

    pleasure out of it, as we successfully overcome difficulties and get to the end

    of the road. My heart is full of so many things to say to you. there are

    moments when I feel that speech amounts to nothing at all, but Cheer up,

    remain my true, my only treasure, my all as I am yours. Allah will send us

    the rest, what is for us must and shall be. Wherever I am, there you are. I

    will arrange it with you and me that I can live with you. Yester night though

    still in bed, my thoughts went out to you. now and then joyfully, then sadly,

    waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us - I can live only wholly

    with you or not at all - Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you

    until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and

    can have my spirit enwrapped in you, into yours. It is my hope and prayer

    you will be more contained with my fidelity to you my love. Be calm, in

    consideration of our existence, and then can we achieve our purpose in life

    together by the will of Allah. Life has become very dear to me since I saw

    you smile, since I held your hand, and I am very glad that I love you, as a

    block of ice which I press to my heart to thaw. Be calm; love me, today,

    yesterday, and a day after. What tearful longings shall be for you mi vida, mi

    todo. Oh continue to love me and keep this heart safe.

    Ever thine, Ever mine, Ever ours.

    (una lettera alla mia amata)




    Ya Allah,

    Take to Thyself from my soul what will purify it

    And leave for my soul that of my soul that will set it right,

    For my soul will perish unless Thou preservest it!

    Love has beckoned me and I have followed her,

    though the ways shall be hard and steep.

    Her wings enfold me and I have yielded to her.

    Though the sword hidden,

    I fear not her pinions may wound me.

    And when love spoke to me believe in her,

    Though may seem love my dreams to shatter

    For even as it may crowns me, So shall it crucify me.As it is for my growth so is it for my pruning.

    Even as it ascends to my height and caresses my tender branches

    So shall it descend to my roots and shake them in their clinging

    All these things shall love do unto me

    That I may know the secrets of my heart,

    And in that knowledge become a fragment of her heart.

    For if in my fear I would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,

    Then it is better that I pass un loved,Into the seasonless world

    Where I shall laugh, but not all of my laughter,

    Weep, but not all of my tears.

    Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;

    a blessing given from many a mercy of God

    so let these be my desires:

    To melt and be like a running brook

    That sings its melody to her by night and by day.

    To know the joy and pain of too much tenderness.

    To be humbled by the understanding of love;

    And to bleed willingly and joyfully.

    To wake at dawn with a winged heart

    And give thanks for another day of loving;

    To return home at evening with gratitude;

    And then to sleep with a prayer to God

    For the beloved in my heart

    And a song upon my lips.




    A look into the air,

    Dripping coldness of the past,

    Memories of old pain, a sigh.One frown, soft sad tears,

    A stab of fates intent,

    Destined to live a time never free,

    But into our bed must lie.

    Alas! Into every life some rain must fall.

    Belief in life renewed,

    Glide across the futures tideCaressing the ground, desires beat a heart,

    Into the sun seeking loves new start.

    I am someone, look into the mirror,

    And meet a new friend,

    A new song to chose I must.

    Find me not to be false of heart,

    For in your breast my heart does lie,Nothing under the sun I call,

    Save you are my all,

    My river runs to thee.

    Must decline my song of delight

    O what a joy of love at sight.

    Beauty shall shed a tear,

    And flowers fade I hear.So let me feel your face so near.

    Ever thine, Ever mine, Ever ours.




    Promise that although forever is not long enough

    never to forget

    look at me and tell me if you see a thing more profound,larger in my world than the light you put in it?

    I cannot give that much to you as you have to me.

    Love me, love to distraction

    so I will know the bitterness when am away from you

    Where the shout of love to begin?

    If not from the summit of sacrifice.

    So try to hold me in your mind, at some quiet times,Think now and then of one, who would give a life,

    To keep a life by you

    everyone says I lie that I love, that I never love.

    No with you I would not sleep in a bed of lies,

    If this be a dream, dont toss me out just turn in

    I swear, I do not understand why you captivated me so,

    When I'm around you I'm happy, although not too long,forever remind your loved one never forget.

    Therell be no rest for these tired eyes,

    Not another empty moment.




    As I love the calm wide starlit skies, much more do I you!

    I love you, as the last smile of a fading day,

    As it lingers in the look I cast,

    I love you as the sweet tone of a soft-breathing flute

    whose spirit is awakened for me alone, when all is mute.

    I love you, as the soulful gushing of my songs,

    Which At night-fall float along, to greet your hours of rest

    When melody and moonlight meet the scent of a blossoming rose.

    I love you, as the glad bird loves The freedom of her wings, o my

    sweet kind lady, in so many ways do I love thee never, was a face

    so fair that pleased my mind;

    alas! That stare in the crowd is mine at last.

    Let me sing of what I know till I am old,

    My love for her is fever I long for still

    Warming my hands before a little fire,

    Her smiling out of the pale blaze.




    Watching you, watching me

    I close my eyes still there you are

    the fine way to fall asleep

    Never to worry if it's raining outside

    here with you it always shines.

    So I breathe you in deep.

    As I gather up the pieces,

    That you set alight to stars.

    Tragedies of chemistry

    People dream of what you and I have found

    Saying prayers for something perfect,

    Saying prayers for someone kind.

    In my delight dancing in the skies

    down the endless avenue

    Youre the reason I come home.

    That when everything I know falls apart

    In your eyes is a light,

    Dancing to something soft and sweet

    Fill my heart and every other part of me

    Hope will never be gone, however long to find your touch,

    youre the reason I come home




    What are you doing tonight?

    Stay a little longer. It may be this placeBut my love don't say no.

    To hold you prisoner I cannot

    but what is the need to love just a bit

    The moon is my friend, do you still dream of me?

    So many things to tell each other

    and kissing and understanding and hugging,

    then its never enough. Its late, but come onwhere are you running to this time?

    Just show me how to love you

    I will never leave you

    Just show me how to love you

    And we shall laugh about it

    where were you hiding?

    Where were you until now?May be another night,

    and it's already tomorrow morning

    And you must turn off the moon!