Meih Ganh Oix Zuqc Caux Tin-Hungh Daav Funx. You Will Give Account of Yourself to God. Ging-Sou Scripture: Matv^taai Matthew Sunday / November 20, 2011

Meih Ganh Oix Zuqc Caux Tin-Hungh Daav Funx. You Will Give Account of Yourself to God

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Meih Ganh Oix Zuqc Caux Tin-Hungh Daav Funx. You Will Give Account of Yourself to God. Ging-Sou Scripture: Matv^taai Matthew 25:14-30. Sunday / November 20, 2011. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Meih Ganh Oix Zuqc Caux Tin-Hungh Daav Funx.     You Will Give Account of Yourself to God

 Meih Ganh Oix Zuqc Caux Tin-Hungh Daav Funx. You Will Give Account of Yourself to God.

Ging-Sou Scripture:Matv^taai Matthew 25:14-30

Sunday / November 20, 2011

Page 2: Meih Ganh Oix Zuqc Caux Tin-Hungh Daav Funx.     You Will Give Account of Yourself to God

14 "Tin-Hungh zoux Ziouv gunv mienh yaac hnangv dauh mienh oix cuotv jauv mingh go nyei. Ninh ziouc heuc ninh nyei bou daaih yaac zorqv ninh nyei jaa-dingh jiu bun ninh mbuo goux. 15 Ninh ei gorqv-mienh nyei banh zeic bun. Maaih dauh ninh bun biaa waanc zinh. Maaih dauh bun i waanc zinh. Maaih dauh bun yietc waanc zinh. Bun liuz, ninh ziouc cuotv jauv mingh mi'aqv. 14 "Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. 15 To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.

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16 Duqv zipv biaa waanc zinh wuov dauh liemh zeih cuotv mingh zoux saeng-eix aengx zornc duqv biaa waanc. 17 Duqv zipv i waanc wuov dauh yaac fih hnangv nyei zoux, aengx zornc duqv i waanc. 18 Mv baac duqv yietc waanc wuov dauh cuotv mingh wetv kuotv biopv jienv bingx ninh nyei ziouv nyei nyaanh.

16 The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more. 17 So also, the one with the two talents gained two more. 18 But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money.

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19 "Nqa'haav lauh nyei, wuov deix bou nyei ziouv nzuonx daaih dimv mangc ninh mbuo nyei zaeqv-daan. 20 Duqv biaa waanc zinh wuov dauh aengx dorh jienv biaa waanc ndaauv-daauh bun ninh nyei ziouv. Ninh gorngv, 'Ziouv aac, meih bun biaa waanc zinh. Mangc gaax naaiv! Yie aengx zornc duqv biaa waanc.'

19 "After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. 20 The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.'

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21 "Ninh nyei ziouv gorngv, 'Longx aqv. Meih se longx haic, hnyouv zingx nyei bou. Deix baav nyaanh hnangv meih goux duqv ndongc naaic longx, yie oix bun meih goux camv nyei. Gunv bieqc daaih caux yie njien-youh maah! 22 "Duqv i waanc zinh wuov dauh bou aengx bieqc daaih gorngv, 'Ziouv aac, meih bun i waanc zinh yie. Mangc gaax naaiv! Yie aengx zornc duqv i waanc.’

21 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!‘ 22 "The man with the two talents also came. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.

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23 Ninh nyei ziouv gorngv, 'Longx haic aqv. Meih se longx haic, hnyouv zingx nyei bou. Deix baav nyaanh hnangv meih goux duqv ndongc naaiv longx, yie oix bun meih goux camv. Gunv bieqc daaih caux yie njien-youh aqv.' 24 "Duqv yietc waanc zinh wuov dauh bou bieqc daaih gorngv, 'Ziouv aac, yie hiuv duqv meih maiv sie haaix dauh. Meih maiv ndortv qaqv zuangx nyei dorngx meih yaac duqv gaatv. Dongh meih maiv haaz nyim nyei dorngx meih yaac duqv siou.23 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness! 24 "Then the man who had received the one talent came. 'Master,' he said, 'I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed.

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25 Yie gamh nziex haic ziouc mingh wetv kuotv biopv jienv meih nyei nyaanh. Naaiv! Meih nyei nyaanh aqv.' 26 "Ninh nyei ziouv gorngv, 'Meih naaic dauh waaic haic, lueic haic nyei bou aah! Meih hiuv yie maiv ndortv qaqv zuangx nyei dorngx yie duqv gaatv? Yie maiv haaz nyim nyei dorngx yaac duqv siou? 27 Wuov nyungc, meih horpc zuqc dorh yie nyei nyaanh mingh dapv wuov nyaanh lamz. Hnangv naaic, yie nzuonx daaih yie duqv buonv-zinh yaac duqv leic zinh caux jienv niaa.' 25 So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.'26 "His master replied, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? 27 Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.

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28 "Zorqv ninh nyei wuov deix nyaanh aqv. Aengx bun maaih ziepc norm wuov dauh, 29 weic zuqc haaix dauh maaih deix nyei, oix tipv bun ninh maaih gauh camv, ninh ziouc maaih zengc. Haaix dauh maiv maaih, liemh ninh maaih deix baav nyei, zungv zuqc zorqv mi'aqv.

28 “Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. 29 For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.

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30 Zorqv naaiv dauh maiv lamh longc nyei bou zoi guangc ga'nyiec hmuangx nyei dorngx mingh. Ninh oix zuqc bungx-sing bungx-qiex nyei nyiemv, ngaatc jienv nyaah diev.'

30 And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'

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Biux Mengh Waac Introduction

Naaiv Zaang Ging-Sou se gorngv taux zingh nyeic caux goux jaa-dingh nyei jauv hnangv haaix nor.

This chapter spoke of the gift and talents.

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1. Gunv goux jaa-dingh nyei mienh se hnangv yietc laanh mienh, mienh cingv ninh daaih fai heuc ninh daaih tengx mienh goux mangc ninh mbuo nyei jaa-dingh ga’naaiv nor. Meih hiuv duqv nyei fai? Tin-Hungh bun nyungc baav ga’naaiv meih se benx Tin-Hungh nyei ga’naaiv, meih oix zuqc dau dongh meih ziux goux wuov deix ga’naaiv (Tin Deic Douh 2:7; E^se^ken 18:18:4; Hipv^lu 9:27).

A steward is a person that has the responsibility to take care  of  things  that  belongs  to  another.  Did  you  know that God gave you something that belongs to Him, that you  must  give  account  for? (Genesis  2:7; Ezekiel 18:4; Hebrews 9:27).

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2. Dau fai daav funx nyei jauv, eix-leiz se heuc daaih dau taux  dongh  meih  zoux  nyei  sic.  Mbuo  yietc  zungv  yaac maaih buonc oix zuqc ndaam-dorng dongh mbuo nyei sic, yiem  diuc  baav  jauv.    Fu’jueiv  oix  zuqc  dau  ninh mbuo nyei  diex  maac  yiem  ninh  mbuo  zoux  nyei  sic.  Gong-mienh yaac oix zuqc dau ninh mbuo zoux nyei gong bun gong-ziouv,  mbuo  yaac  oix  zuqc  dau  Tin-Hungh  taux mbuo zoux nyei sic – Matv^taai 12:36; Lomaa 14:12. 

Accountability means  to  be  liable  to  be  called  on  to explain your actions or behavior. We’re all accountable in some form or  fashion. Children are accountable  to  their parents.  Employees  are  accountable  to  their  employer, and  most  importantly  we  are  accountable  to  God (Matthew 12:36-37; Romans 14:12)

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1.  Yiem 1 Ko^lin^to 4:2, Tin-Hungh nyei waac njaaux gorngv, gunv goux  jaa-dingh nyei mienh se qiemx zuqc maaih ziepc zuoqv nyei hnyouv. Eix-leiz se Tin-Hungh nyei bou maiv haih mbungh mbienv, haaix  zanc  taux  ziangh  hoc  fu-sux  Tin-Hungh  maiv  haih  guangc jienv  mingh  zoux  ganh  nyungc  jauv  (1  Ti^mo^tai  4:  6-16;  2 Ti^mo^tai 4:1-5).   Ziepc zuoqv nyei jauv maiv maaih haaix nyungc haih  nqaeqv  duqv  ndortv  mbuo  fuh  sux  Tin-Hungh  nyei  jauv (Lomaa 8:35-39).   

In I Corinthians 4:2, the Word of God teaches that it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful. Which means the servant of God is unwavering and not compromising when it comes to doing what God has said (1 Timothy 4:6-16; 2 Timothy 4:1-5). The faithful won’t  allow  circumstances  to  separate  him  from  God’s  (Romans 8:35-39)

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2. Ziepc zuoqv hnyouv nyei goux jaa-dingh mienh se qiemx zuqc zanc-zanc nye jauv, caux maiv dingh liouh nyei jauv, caux maiv tuix bouc nyei fiem-fingx – Yo^han 8:31-32; 1 Ko^lin^to 15:58).

Being a faithful steward will require much consistency, steadfastness, and the never give up attitude – John 8:31-32; I Corinthians 15:58

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3. Maaih  deix mienh maiv maaih  hnyouv  oix  zoux  ninh mbuo  nyei  gong-buonc. Maaih  deix mienh  kungx  oix  ei ninh mbuo ganh nyei hnyouv zoux hnangv, maiv oix beu goux dongh Tin-Hungh heuc ninh mbuo  zoux nyei  gong, yaac hnamv jienv gorngv nyungc-nyungc zungv maiv benx haaix  nyungc  taux mbuo  buangh  Tin-Hungh  nyei  ziangh hoc, dongh oix zuqc dau Tin-Hungh heuc mbuo zoux nyei gong (Cong-Mengh Waac 14:12; Matv^taai 7:13-14).  

There  will  be  some  that  will  not  desire  to  fulfill  their responsibility.  There  will  be  people  that  want  to  do whatever they desire and forsake their duty to God, and expect  everything  to  be  alright  in  that  day  of accountability – Proverbs 14:12; Matthew 7:13-14

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1. Mbuo yietc zungv, maiv gunv meih benx haaix dauh mienh, fai yiem meih nyei maengc meih maaih nyei gong-mengh, oix zuqc souv jienv yiem Tin-Hungh nyei nza’hmien zipv zingh nyeic fai dingc zuiz nyei jauv. Mbuo laanh laanh mienh ziux mbuo zoux nyei gong Tin-Hungh oix winh bun mbuo (2 Ko^lin^to 5:10). Hnangv naaic, bun mbuo zorc zaqc mbuo nyei jauv, longc nzengc hnyouv zoux dongh Tin-Hungh paaiv bun mbuo zoux nyei gong – Gorngv Seix Zangc 12:13-14. All of us, it doesn’t matter who we are, or what position we have in life, will stand before God and will either receive a reward or punishment. Each according to our work that we have done - II Corinthians 5:10. Therefore, let us straighten up and perform our duty that God has called us to Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

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2. Haaix zanc meih dau Tin-Hungh nyei waac, meih haih mbuox Tin-Hungh gorngv yie weic zunh meih nyei kuv fienx zien leiz nyei jauv zuqc diev kouv naanc, yaac hnangv haaix nor biux mengh meih nyei hnamv bun laanh laanh mienh. Mbuo yaac oix haih hnangv Baulo nor gorngv duqv 2 Ti^mo^tai 4:7-8).

When you give account to God, you want to be able to tell God how you suffered continually to teach the Word of truth, and how you extended love and compassion to all. We want to be able to say what the Apostle Paul said in (II Timothy 4:7-8).

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3. Yesu diev kouv taux daic yiem ziepc nzaangc jaax weic bun meih duqv yietc liuz nyei maengc. Weic haaix diuc meih maiv haih fungx meih nyei maengc bun ninh mbuoqc ninh, bun ninh sortv guangc meih nyei zuiz, Tin-Hungh yietc liuz yaac maiv jangx taux meih nyei zuiz (Matv^taai 11:28-30.

Jesus suffered and died on the cross that you might have life. Why not come to Him by submitting you life to Him, having your sins washed away, never remembered by God again – Matthew 11:28-30

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