Hoy, me he encontrado con un puñado de websites en los que se hace mención de una lapidaria predicción: Un mega-sismo 9.7 habría de afectar la zona de California, para el día 3 de Septiembre de 2010. Diversas fuentes, algunas de corte científico, y otras, definitivamente de orientación metafísica coinciden en que el evento ocurriría en la fecha mencionada, y han de invitar a la población de la costa oeste de los Estados Unidos a tomar las precauciones por un inminente tsunami. Qué tan cierto podría ser este pronóstico?. Para comprobar éllo, haremos una integración del modelo solar sísmico para determinar si éste puede arrojar indicios de este evento. Los Testigos En el blog "September 3rd 2010" (http://september3rd2010.blogspot.com/ ), es posible leer una compilación de visiones desde testigos que, mediante diferentes medios espírituales habrían recibido el mensaje. Algunas de éllas: 03-09-2010, A Tsunami and earthquake (from AllforHim at watchmanscry.com forum) I was led to post this here. I tested to make sure that this vision was from the Lord by asking if Jesus Christ came in the flesh and died for my sins, and is seated at the right hand of God Almighty. There was a confirmation with repeating the sentence. I was standing on the beach on the west coast. It seemed to be in northern California. A wave as wide as I could see started to come to shore. It was at least 20 to 30 feet high. My viewpoint changed to a bird’s eye view. As far as I could see there was destruction. There were no houses left that were on the coast. I heard a voice saying “This is a warning. This is the first wave before the earthquake in September. Tell My people.” I had an impression that another very strong earthquake across the sea, somewhere in Japan was the reason for this huge wave, or Tsunami. I also had the impression that this reached into Oregon, and possibly some into Washington as well. This warning is to prepare My people for what is coming. Know that this is true. Tell my people that when they see this tsunami happen, to move away from the west coast. All for Him, Michelle Lory said... A friend of mine and I have fasted and prayed every seven weeks for seven days in 2009. God has taken us on an incredible journey last year. He has started to tell a story. I was seeing an amazing number of Southwest airplanes...all the time, everywhere. I asked God what He was trying to show me. He finally told me it was the area Southwest...not the Southwest company. He has showed us the date numerous times with addresses, license plate numbers, etc. September 3, 2010. … Today my daughter brought home a piece of paper that was left on her windshield with your webpage address on it warning of the earthquake of 2010. We were so amazed. Also, three of us have had the same dream...we are on a hill looking down at all the destruction..... He has already shown us numerous times to go to Phoenix. We are leaving San Diego September 3rd. Thanks for being faithful to tell your story. We are in! February 17, 2010 10:29 PM Clay said... Ok this is hard to swallow even if I am a Christian. The west coast and many other areas being destroyed? I had to try this myself. I took a 8x11 piece of paper, ripped it up and put the numbers 1-9 on them. Page 1 of 5 11/10/2010 http://clubdeastronomia.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=562&action=edit

Mega-Sismo de California 3-Sep-2010: Revisión con el Modelo Solar-Sísmico

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Mega-Sismo de California 3-Sep-2010: Revisión con el Modelo Solar-Sísmico

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Page 1: Mega-Sismo de California 3-Sep-2010: Revisión con el Modelo Solar-Sísmico

Hoy, me he encontrado con un puñado de websites en los que se hace mención de una lapidaria predicción: Un

mega-sismo 9.7 habría de afectar la zona de California, para el día 3 de Septiembre de 2010.

Diversas fuentes, algunas de corte científico, y otras, definitivamente de orientación metafísica coinciden en que el

evento ocurriría en la fecha mencionada, y han de invitar a la población de la costa oeste de los Estados Unidos a

tomar las precauciones por un inminente tsunami.

Qué tan cierto podría ser este pronóstico?. Para comprobar éllo, haremos una integración del modelo solar sísmico

para determinar si éste puede arrojar indicios de este evento.

Los Testigos

En el blog "September 3rd 2010" (http://september3rd2010.blogspot.com/), es posible leer una compilación de

visiones desde testigos que, mediante diferentes medios espírituales habrían recibido el mensaje. Algunas de éllas:

03-09-2010, A Tsunami and earthquake (from AllforHim at watchmanscry.com forum) I was led to

post this here. I tested to make sure that this vision was from the Lord by asking if Jesus Christ came

in the flesh and died for my sins, and is seated at the right hand of God Almighty. There was a

confirmation with repeating the sentence. I was standing on the beach on the west coast. It seemed

to be in northern California. A wave as wide as I could see started to come to shore. It was at least 20

to 30 feet high. My viewpoint changed to a bird’s eye view. As far as I could see there was

destruction. There were no houses left that were on the coast. I heard a voice saying “This is a

warning. This is the first wave before the earthquake in September. Tell My people.” I had an

impression that another very strong earthquake across the sea, somewhere in Japan was the reason

for this huge wave, or Tsunami. I also had the impression that this reached into Oregon, and possibly

some into Washington as well. This warning is to prepare My people for what is coming. Know that

this is true. Tell my people that when they see this tsunami happen, to move away from the west

coast. All for Him, Michelle

Lory said... A friend of mine and I have fasted and prayed every seven weeks for seven days in 2009.

God has taken us on an incredible journey last year. He has started to tell a story. I was seeing an

amazing number of Southwest airplanes...all the time, everywhere. I asked God what He was trying

to show me. He finally told me it was the area Southwest...not the Southwest company. He has

showed us the date numerous times with addresses, license plate numbers, etc. September 3,

2010. … Today my daughter brought home a piece of paper that was left on her windshield with your

webpage address on it warning of the earthquake of 2010. We were so amazed. Also, three of us have

had the same dream...we are on a hill looking down at all the destruction..... He has already shown

us numerous times to go to Phoenix. We are leaving San Diego September 3rd. Thanks for being

faithful to tell your story. We are in! February 17, 2010 10:29 PM

Clay said...

Ok this is hard to swallow even if I am a Christian.

The west coast and many other areas being destroyed?

I had to try this myself. I took a 8x11 piece of paper, ripped it up and put the numbers 1-9 on them.

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The last piece after writing a 9 i wrote a 10. I thought a 9 and a 3 would confirm the 9/3/10 event. I

drew a 5 from the bottom and the Lord said to me "no draw from the center.

I drew a 9 and then a 3 and thought I draw another number thinking I would get another 9 to

confirm. I drew the 10. Chills ran down my spine. WOW

June 9, 2010 10:17 AM

En el blog http://2ww4.blogspot.com/, se pide que la población de las costas se mueva hacia el oeste. Además, se

notifica que las localidades de Hawaii, Fuji, Japan, Nueva Zelanda, Australia y Filipinas podrían ser azotadas por

el tsunami. Páginas famosas de corte conspiranoico como godlikeproductions

(http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message730021/pg1) y univision

(http://www.univision.com/uv/video/1.-September-2010-Earthquake-Tsunami---M/id/2289723379) también se

hacen eco de este llamado.

Podría un terremoto 9.7Mw destruir California? Bien, para éllo, utilizaremos de manera básica el modelo de

predicción solar-sísmico, para corroborar o descartar tal hipótesis.

Integración Observacional del Modelo Solar Sísmico

Al observar las características coronales actuales del sol, se puede observar un agujero coronal muy ecuatorial

enfrentando la Tierra:

Las observaciones obtenidas por NOAA y corroboradas en Spaceweather (www.spaceweather.com) indican que el

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Page 3: Mega-Sismo de California 3-Sep-2010: Revisión con el Modelo Solar-Sísmico

Las observaciones obtenidas por NOAA y corroboradas en Spaceweather (www.spaceweather.com) indican que el

chorro de plasma arrivará a la magnetopausa los días 5 y 6 de Septiembre 2010. Entonces, la posibilidad de

eventos sísmicos asociados a anomalías geomagnéticas asociadas a presencia de agujeros coronales para el día 3 de

Septiembre queda descartada.

Por otro lado, los parámetros solares predecidos por NOAA muestran lo siguiente:

Condición de la Corona Solar (2-Sep-2010) obtenida en el SDO

Date 10.7 cm A index K index

1-Sep 76 5 2

2-Sep 76 5 2

3-Sep 76 5 2

4-Sep 77 5 2

5-Sep 76 5 3

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Como puede observarse, tampoco hay evidencia de alteraciones climáticas espaciales asociadas a eventos sísmicos.

Tampoco existen condiciones propicias para explosiones de rayos X, CMEs, o algo que pueda alterar las

condiciones normales.

Condiciones de foF2 y TEC

Respecto al foF2 y TEC, es posible notar (a partir de los registros gráficos) que esta área ha dejado de ser afectada

por la concentración de electrones, debido a la precesión equinoccial terrestre. El valor TEC para los Estados

Unidos durante este periodo del año no sobrepasa los 12-22 TECUS:

Esto implica un valor inherente de f0F2 bajo.

Conclusiones y Discusión

Si bien el modelo solar-sísmico incluye una paqueña parte de la gama de herramientas para la predicción sísmica,

los resultados preliminares basados únicamente en la observación de las condiciones climáticas espaciales indican

una muy baja probabilidad de que un evento sísmico pueda ocurrir en California al menos para los próximos 7

días. En base a ésto es posible cuestionarse la divergencia entre la información científica y aquella proveniente de

6-Sep 75 5 4

7-Sep 75 5 2

8-Sep 75 5 2

9-Sep 76 5 2

Valor TEC Estados Unidos 2-10 Sept 2010

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fuentes metafísicas. Durante variadas ocasiones, planteamientos predictivos basados en esta doctrina han sido

divulgados, de los cuales, sólo una ínfima parte ha de obtener acierto. Podría ser este porcentaje debido a una

realidad inequívoca de predicción o simplemente a la mera coincidencia estadística?. El método científico en

cambio, si bien no es infalible, permite mantener una mesura informativa, con un manejo de información más

eficiente, tal como ha quedado demostrado en los diversos artículos enfocados a la predicción sísmica basado en

data científica. Creer o no creer? . Sólo llegada la hora lo sabremos.

Astro 2010

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