Di s t r i ct Disaster Ma n a g e me n t Pl an BurdwanDi strict , 2013 -14 1 MEETI NG OF DDMA & DDMC AT ANGI KAR HAL L , B U R D WA N ON 2 6 5 2 0 1 4 . .

MEETI NG OF DDMA DDMC AT ANGI KAR HAL L BURDWAN ON 2 …bardhaman.gov.in/noticeboard/ddmap2014_190814.pdf · 2017. 11. 3. · DDMC AT ANGI KAR HAL L, BURDWAN ON 2 6 5..2014. Di st

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4


ME E T I N G OF D D MA & D D MC A T A N GI K A R H A L L , B U R D WA N ON 2 6 5 2 0 1 4 . .

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4



We can not escape from the fury of natural disasters and man made disaster as we can not prevent these. Burning example is ‘Aila. There are plentiful occurrences of disasters through out the year. Disaster is negatively corelated with development activities as it slows down the process of development. The Burdwan district having an area 7024 Sq. K.M. and a population of 77,23,663 as per Census 20011, is one of the largest districts in the state. The district is surrounded in North by Ajoy river, South/South-West by Damador, North-West by Barakar and East by Bagarathi. It extends from 22056` to 23053` North latitude and from 86048` to 88025` East longitude. The calamities in the district vary from eastern to western part. While eastern part faces flood / water logging every year, the western part faces industrial hazards including subsidence etc. There is a long stretch of NH - 2 and rail network traversing through this district. Hence, there always remains possibility of occurrence of road / rail accidents, resulting in human suffering. There has been a progressive change in the approach, methods and execution of relief operations during before and after natural calamities. Of late, there is a shift in paradigm in the management of flood and disaster form the earlier concept of contingent plan to comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Programme. It is more or less holistic in nature and involves all concerned departments, people’s representatives and NGOs. The Government of India in Ministry of Home Affairs has entered into an agreement with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with a view to manage relief operations during natural calamities/disaster with the active participants of the State Government. The thrust of this new approach is on preparedness, response and mitigation in the occurrence of natural calamities/disaster and less time gap between disaster and response. Another component of this programme is capacity building of officials of Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations in the implementation of programme. For this the Burdwan District successfully implemented DRMP from 2004-2009. In order to reduce the impact of disasters in a convergent and coordinated manner Disaster Risk Management Programme has been implemented in the district. Disaster Management plans have been prepared from district level to gram sansad levels. Task forces have been formed at gram sansad levels to combat with the disasters and they are being trained by Civil Defense authorities. There have been a series of capacity building exercises, orientation and training at various levels so that the general people can combat and reduce the impact of disaster primarily. Govt. of India with support from U.N.D.P is now implementing the GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction Programme (DRR) from 2009 to March, 2013 in order to mitigate the risk factors of the disasters.

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4


It is also stressed that developmental works of different departments and Panchayat Raj Institutions should converge to fulfill some of the objectives of Disaster Risk Management Programme. Keeping the aforesaid issues in mind and for implementation of Disaster Management Act 2005, there was a felt need to have a well documented District Disaster Management multi hazards and Response Plan for our district. Relevant details in connection with disaster management exercises have been incorporated in this booklet. The Disaster Management Plan will be the basis to establish policies and procedures for assuring maximum and efficient utilisation of all resources of the District with a view to minimize the loss of property, life and injury to the population. I would like to convey my sincere thanks to Sri Utpal Biswas, W.B.C.S. (Exe.), Additional District Magistrate (Disaster Management), Burdwan, Sri Kumud Ranjan Saha, District Disaster Management Officer, Burdwan and all members of staff of Disaster Management Section of this Collectorate, who made tireless effort in preparing this booklet. My sincere appreciations to them.

(Dr. Saumitra Mohan) Date: Burdwan 28th May, 2014 District Magistrate &

Chairperson District Disaster Management Authority

Burdwan, West Bengal

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4


INDEX D I S T R I C T D I S A S T E R MA N A GE ME N T P L A N B U R D WA N 2 0 1 2, -2 0 1 3

P a g e N O

P a g e N O


2 2 1 9. P o w e r s t a t i o n a n d e l e c t r i c i n s t a l l a t i o n

4 8

Mi n u t e s o f Me e t i n g

6 2 2 0. T r a n s p o r t & c o mmu n i c a t i o n n e t w o r k

5 0

C H A P T E R I C H A P T E R -I I I 1 1. Wh y i s i t 1 0 3 1. R e s o u r c e I n v e n t o r y /

C a p a c i t y A n a l y s i s 5 1

1 2. Ob j e c t i v e s 1 0 3 2. D I S T R I C T E me r g e n c y C o n t i n g e n c y P l a n

5 8

1 3. D i s t r i c t OV E R V I E W 1 0 3 .3 S t o r a g e F a c i l i t y 5 9 1 4. A R E A A D MI N I S T R A T I V E &

D I V I S I ON B U R D WA N D I S T R I C T 1 6 3 4. P D S 6 2

1 5. Wh o f o r mu l a t e s a n d c a r r i e s o u t t h e p l a n

1 8 3 5. P H C P H C N e w/ 7 8

1 6. D i s t r i c t d i s a s t e r ma n a g e me n t A u t h o r i t y & c o mmi t e e

1 8 3 6. P o l i c e S t a t i o n 8 0

1 7. D e mo g r a p h i c d e t a i l s 2 1 3 7. S u b P o s t Of f i c e 8 1 1 8. H o u s e h o l d d e t a i l s 2 1 3 8. F i r e S t a t i o n 8 2 1 9. P o p u l a t i o n 2 2 3 9. C y c l o n e F l o o d S h e l t e r/ 8 3

1 1 0. T y p e o f w o r k e r s 2 2 3 1 0. E a r t h Mo v i n g R o a d & C l e a n i n g E q u i p me n t s

9 9

1 1 1. L i t e r a c y r a t e 2 3 3 1 1. T R A D E R S 1 0 0 1 1 2. L I V E S T OC K P OU L T R Y&

P OP U L A T I ON 2 3 3 1 2. T r a n s p o r t 1 0 6

1 1 4. L I V E S T OC K P OU L T R Y & P R OD U C T S

2 3 3 1 3. A l t e r n a t i v e E n e r g y S o u r c e

1 1 0

C H A P T E R - I I 3 1 4. P r i v a t e P r o f e s s i o n a l 1 1 2 T OP OGR A P H I C A L D E T A I L S 2 4 3 1 5. L i s t Of N GOs 1 2 3

2 1. C l i ma t e a n d r a i n f a l l 2 4 3 1 6. V o l u n t e e r P r o f i l e 1 2 3 2 2. R A I N R E C OR D I N G S T A T I ON 2 5 C H A P T E R I V 2 3. Mo n t h WI S E h i g h e s t a n d

l o w e s t a v e r a g e t e mp e r a t u r e

2 6 4 1. H i s t o r y Of D i s a s t e r

1 2 4

2 4. Ge o g r a p h i c a l A r e a 2 7 4 2. S e a s o n a l H a z a r d 1 2 5 2 5. L a n d h o l d i n g p a t t e r n 2 7 C H A P T E R V 2 6. C r o p P a t t e r n 2 8 5 1. R i s k A s s e s s me n t 1 2 6 2 7. L i v e l i h o o d d e t a i l s 2 9 C H A P T E R V I 2 8. D r i n k i n g w a t e r s o u r c e 2 9 6 1. I n f r a s t r u c t u r e

V u l n e r a b i l i t y a g a i n s t H a z a r d

1 2 8

2 9. R i v e r C r e e k s 2 9 6 2. I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f WE A K A N D V U L N A R A B L E E mb a n k me n t

1 3 1

2 1 0. L i s t o f e mb a n k me n t s 3 2 6 3.

A l t e r n a t i v e R o u t e S T R U C T U R E

1 3 1

2 1 1. R i v e r c a r r y i n g c a p a c i t y 3 3 C H A P T E R V I I 2 1 2. A v a i l a b i l i t y o f

i r r i g a t i o n f a c i l i t y 3 3 7 1. S e c t o r w i s e

V u l n e r a b i l i t y R e d u c t i o n Me a s u r e

1 3 2

2 1 3. Mi n o r i r r i g a t i o n P r o j e c t s 3 4 C H A P T E R V I I I

2 1 4.

I r r i g a t i o n F a c i l i t y & S o u r c e

3 4 8 Ma i n s t r e a mi n g D i s a s t e r R i s k R e d u c t i o n i n t o D e v e l o p me n t a l P r o c e s s

1 3 4

2 1 5. I n f r a s t r u c t u r e 3 4 C H A P T E R I X 2 1 6. I N D U T R I E S 3 5 9 1. C r i s e s R e s p o n s e

S t r u c t u r e o f t h e S U B D I V I S I ON

1 4 3

2 1 7. F i n a n c i a l I n s t i t u t i o n 4 2 S t a n d a r d o p e r a t i n g p r o c e d u r e f o r D t c r o o m

1 4 4

2 1 8. C o mmu n i c a t i o n F a c i l i t i e s 4 7 A c t i v i t i e s OF S U B D I V I S I ON c o n t r o l r o o m

1 4 4

I N D E X P A G E – 1 O F 2

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4


P a g e N O

P a g e N O

C h e c k L i s t f o r D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t I n f o r ma t i o n C e n t r e C o n t r o l R o o m( )

1 4 6 I MP OR T A N T T E L E P H ON E N O MU N I C I P A L I T Y L E V E L

1 8 3

C h e c k L i s t f o r V A R I OU S D E P A R T ME N T

1 5 7 A r my b a s e p a n a g a r h 1 8 2

C h e c k L i s t D o s D o n t ’ & ’ 1 6 4 T E L E P H ON E N O D D MOS , S D D MOS B D MOS,

1 8 4


1 6 7 T E L E P H ON E N O R E S C U E T E A M U N D E R N D MA

1 8 6

D A T A B A S E OF v o l u n t e e r s 1 7 1 T E L E P H ON E N O E & –MA I L I D B L OC K L E V E L

1 8 5

C I V I L D E F E N C E D E T A I L S 1 7 4 I MP OR T A N T T E L E P H ON E N O A R MY B A S E P A N A GA R H

1 8 6

L i s t o f h e l i p a d s 1 7 6 T E L E P H ON E N O GR A M P A N C H Y E T L E V E L

1 8 6

S t a f f p o s i t i o n d i s t r i c t 1 7 7 I MP OR T A N T T E L E P H ON E N O A S A N S OL MU N I C I P A L C OR P N .

1 9 3


1 7 7 B U R D WA N D I S T R I C T R I C E MI L L A S S OC I A T I ON

1 9 3


1 7 7 I N D U S T R I A L GA S D E A L E R A S S OC I A T I ON

1 9 3

I MP OR T A N T T E L E P H ON E N O c i v i l d e f e n c e

1 8 0 W B M R D I S A S S OC I A T I ON. . . . 1 9 4

I MP OR T A N T T E L E P H ON E N O p o l i c e a r d &

1 8 1 W B M R D. . . E A L E R A S S OC I A T I ON

1 9 4


1 8 2 R A I L WA Y E N QU A R R Y 1 9 4


1 9 4


1 9 4


1 9 5

C MOH 1 9 6 -2 0 1

D y D i r e c t o r A n i ma l. , 2 0 2 -2 0 5

B u r d w a n H i g h w a y d i v .-I I I 2 0 6 -2 0 7

D e y D i r e c t o r o f A g r i. . 2 0 8 MA P S 1 1 MA P S 1 2 6 MA P S 1 2 9

I N D E X P A G E – 2 O F 2

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4


Minutes of the extended meeting of District Disaster Management Committee & District Disaster Management Authority Burdwan held at Angikar of Zilla Parishad, Burdwan on 26th May, 2014

At the outset of the meeting, the District Magistrate, Burdwan took the Chair and initiated the discussion. First of all he thanked all the members present in the meeting and started the discussion in seriatim.

A. The District Magistrate, Burdwan addressed the house and requested them to be specific regarding matters related to disaster management.

1) The District Magistrate, Burdwan emphasized on urgent response to restore normal situation in the event of pre-monsoon and monsoon disasters.

2) District Magistrate requested BDOs to submit their action plan on Disaster Management for the ensuing Monsoon by 09/06/14 positively.

3) The District Magistrate emphasized on renovation of canals and outlets of rivers on emergency basis and he further stresses on inter departmental collaboration to prevent disasters.

4) The District Magistrate stresses on restoration of power service on emergency basis especially at night for enabling rescue operations. The damaged houses can be repaired introducing manpower of MGNREGA. To normalize communication system by removing debris from roads MGNREGA labour can be introduced.

5) Civil Defense will provide necessary specialized trainings so that they can actively take part in restoration activity. He further stresses on imparting training of Civil Defense to common people on an emergency basis.

6) The District Magistrate stresses on Proper utilization of equipments and machineries available with civil defense and other departments. He addressed the house that the information of these equipments can be gathered from the website of IDRN. He further addressed that a training of divers will be sponsored and names should be enlisted for this purpose.

7) The District Magistrate asked every department to state their activities and plan regarding management of disasters apprehended during pre-monsoon and monsoon.

B. The Sabhadhipati Burdwan Zilla Parishad addressed the house regarding preparedness of pre monsoon

repairing works of several roads particularly Khandaghosh to Bankura,STKK road. He further mentioned that department of Disaster Management has done a good job in restoration of normal life by distributing relief material at Purbasthali during recent fire accident.

C. The MLA Jamalpur raised the matter of last flood like situation at the right bank of damodar at Kora,Seiali,Amarpur etc that damaged a large area of cultivated land in the year 2011 and stresses on repairing of lock gates at those areas. He raised the matter of renovation kalir Jola. He delivers his anguish regarding delayed clearance of uprooted trees from roads.

D. The MLA Bhatar praised the works done so far by the Department of Disaster Management and he discussed the several matter of disasters which were hampering normal process of life. He further mentioned the recent vehicle problems faced by fire brigade, Bhatar.

E. MIC Rabiranjan Chatterjee in his brief address introduce that he will participate in any developmental work regarding Disaster Management. He further informed the activities so far taken up the State Govt. in this regard.

F. The Executive Engineer, Damodar Canal Division informed that they have sought funds for pre-monsoon repairing work. Adequate arrangement for protecting densely populated vulnerable areas by sand bags etc. will be submitted in the plan.

The DM asked them to prepare estimate for repairing vulnerable spots after visiting the sight along with SDOs, BDOs and local representatives the DM assured that fund will not be problem. The MLA Memari asked about the outlet of Dhobi River. The representative of irrigation replied that the total channel is under the jurisdiction of DVC which is why they cannot take up the repairing works. The DM asked the irrigation authority to look after the matter and advised them to restrict the release of water from

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4


barrages and Dams by keeping close liansion with DVC he requested them to highlight the matter in the proper forum.

The District Magistrate asked him to use the fund of MGNREGA in this matter.

G. The District Officer of Agriculture reported, they are prepared to compensate the farmers who have lost crops in hailstorm. DM asked them about distribution of minikit to farmers BDOs & ADAs about the affected farmers. The ADM (DM) suggested them to bring the farmers under crop insurance and submit a report to the DDMA. He requested the Executive Engineer, PWD (Roads) & Dist. Engineer, Burdwan ZP to prepare the road map and list of roads of Burdwan district mentioning the name of the deptt. by which these roads are maintained and their jurisdiction. Both the District Magistrate & ADM (DM), Burdwan requested the Executive Engineer (Irrigation), Burdwan to prepare the list and a map of the embankments of Burdwan district and the jurisdiction of the related divisions for maintaining the embankments. D.M, Burdwan told that the fund required for this task will be given from his end but it should be done within a fortnight.

H. The District Officer of ARD reveals that they have already circulated a list comprising the name s of district level officers and their contact numbers. He added that a buffer stock of cattle feed, paddy straw, Medicine and Vaccine will be maintained. They have already registered vehicles for communication. They have held 124 nos. of health camps and will increase the number as per demand of the situation. They are continuing the disease diagnosis from Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory. All the BLDOs will run 24hrs control room if required.

I. The District Officer of PHE revealed the matter that they have taken initiative for supplying pouch of water. They have placed requirement of bleaching powder with Department. The DM asked them to utilize their mobile van for Asansol & Durgapur, so that the surface water can be used to distribute in pouches and he further asked if they have taken any initiative to repair and resink tubewells. The MLA Ketugram asked them whether they can take initiative to supply arsenic free water in his area, they replied that deep tubewell is to be installed.

J. The representative of WBSEDCL stated the fact that they have 46 substations throughout the district and some places are under DVC and DPSC. A concrete Disaster Management Plan have already been made. They have enough manpower and machinery. The DM asked them to seek assistance from Civil Defence for restoration or services in urgent basis.

K. The representative of CMOH reveals the present stock of emergency medicines before the house. He

further stated more requisition for some medicine had been sent. The present stock of bleaching is 186bags Halogen tablets-2.44lakhs AVS-9830vials, ORS-79200 packs and a further requisition has already been made to enhance the stock

The District Magistrate asked CMOH to supply some ORS at BDOs end for distribution. L. The representative of PWD provided the information that they are now collecting Jhamas and will

introduce minor repair works to repair pot holes in pre monsoon stage and on post monsoon they will undertake total renovation. ADM (DM) addressed both of them and representative of Irrigation to made a concrete map of rivers and roads so that anybody can understand under whose jurisdiction each road and river falls. The DM assured necessary fund will be supplied from his end.

M. The representative of Agri irrigation & Agri mechanical reveals that they are installing surface water pumps and they are ready for restoration works after flood.

The District Magistrate asked him to supply their pumps to waterlogged areas so that water can be pumped out soon

N. The representative of Fire and Emergency Services told that they have now only 8 fire stations & they

have to cover 30-40 KMs to reach the spot of accident. The conditions of roads are very bad and that hampers their smooth running. They are looking for some new fire stations at Jamalpur, Raina etc. they have received some fund for purchasing of small vehicle and they have already purchased 2 such vehicle. They have made an arrangement of portable pumps at each fire station.

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4


O. The DDMO informed the effectiveness of IDRN (India Disaster Resource Network), IRS (Incident Response System) and asked every line department to submit a concrete plan of each department, he asked every line department to convey the message to the grass root level and take active participation in reporting an event whenever it occurred .He further addressed the line departments to submit the plan with updated contact nos from grass root level representatives of each department. He further put stress on forwarding of CA-II report timely. The DM addressed to submit that plan of each departments, as desired by DDMO, within 09/06/14. Executive Assistant/ Secretary of the Gram Panchayat will perform the works of Disaster Management Section of the concerned Panchayat. They will make arrangements to send the CA-II report to the block office.

P. SDO Katwa represented the matter of damage of Burdwan Katwa road from Bhatar to katwa and he further asked about the erosion of river bank at Agradwip SDO North stated the water logging in between Mangolkote and Bhatar block due to damage of sluice Gates . The DM asked the DE to look into the matter for a longterm solution.

At the end of the meeting the District Magistrate summarized as – i) keep a micro-level plan in booklet from at all level. ii) Embankment of river and lock–gate should be verified physically by concerned area

administration. iii) medicine stock should be kept sufficient at Sub-Divisional Hospital and at BPHC, PHC

and SHC level health centres iv) PHE Department will keep sufficient spare parts stock v) SDO will supervise the preparedness of disaster at most vulnerable area with special attention to

sanitation / hygiene at rescue / flood shelter. vi) ARD will keep sufficient stock for cattles feed & medicine vii) PWD will repair pot holes on emergency basis. viii) To address the issue of water logging of vast areas of agricultural land in Jamalpur Block bordering

Hooghly a joint meeting with the irrigation authorities of Hooghly District in presence of representative from Department should be convened immediately.

ix) Civil Defence Department will arrange for mock drill and keep trained volunteers list with contact no. ready at BDOs /SDOs office. A copy of the same should be submitted to the office of the ADM (DM), Burdwan

x) An arrangement of manning of 24 hours control room to kept ready at BDO /SDO/ Other Line Dept. level. The Civil Defence Section of both Asansol & Burdwan Sub-Divisions will arrange to keep open a similar control room arrangement for rescue & relief operation during flood period.

xi) Special plan should be kept ready for relief & rescue of pregnant women, children, disabled and elderly.

xii) Daily CA-II report to be submitted to the District Disaster Management Section within 12 noon by SDOs / BDOs.

xiii) The draft copy of Multi Hazard District Disaster Management Plan 2014-15 has been approved by the DDMA & DDMC meeting, Burdwan on 26.5.2014.

xiv) As there was no point left to discuss the meeting ended with thanks from and to the Chair.

District Magistrate,

Burdwan Memo. No. 379(115)/Disaster Management Dated 28 .05.2014 Copy forwarded for information and taking necessary action to :

1-2. The Mayor, Asansol / Durgapur Municipal Corporation, Burdwan 3-11. The Chairman Jamuria / Kulti / Ranignaj / Katwa / Dainhat / Kalna / Burdwan / Guskara / Memari

Municipality, Burdwan 12-36. The Hon’ble, Member of Legislative Assembly, ……………. ……………. A.C.

37. The Karmadhyakshya, S-N-O-J-O-T Sthayee Samity, Zilla Parishad, Burdwan 38-40. Addl. District Magistrate (General /Land Acquisition/ Asasnol / Zilla Parishad), Burdwan 41-46. The Sub-Divisional Officer Burdwan Sadar (North) / Burdwan Sadar (South) / Asansol / Durgapur / Kalna /

Katwa Sub-Division. 47-77. The Block Development Officer, Burdwan-I / Burdwan-II / Ausgram-I / Ausgram-II / Bhatar / Galsi-II /

Memari-I / Memari-II / Jamalpur/ Khandaghosh / Raina-I / Raina-II / Salanpur / Barabani / Jamuria / Raniganj / Andal /Kanksa / Pandaveswar/ Galsi-I / Durgapur-Faridpur / Katwa-I / Katwa-II / Ketugram-I /

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4


Ketugram-II / Mongalkote / Kalna-I / Kalna-II / Purbasthali-I / Purbasthali-II / Monteswar Block Dev. Block

48-115)The……………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

District Magistrate,

Burdwan Memo. No.379(115) /1(5)/Disaster Management Dated 28 .05.2014 Copy forwarded for favour of kind information to :

1. The Sabhadhipati, Burdwan Zilla Parishad, Burdwan 2. The Secretary/Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal, Department of Disaster Management,

Nabanna, Howrah-711 102. 3. The Superintendent of Police, Burdwan 4. Supdt. Engineer, Damodar Irrigation Circle, Burdwan 5. The Chief Medical Officer of Health, Burdwan

District Magistrate, Burdwan

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

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C H A P T E R –1


Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is a systematic approach to identifying, assessing and reducing the risks of disaster. It aims to reduce socio‐economic vulnerabilities to disaster as well as dealing with the environmental and other hazards that trigger them to give strength to development. The most commonly cited definition of DRR is: "The conceptual framework of elements considered with the possibilities to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risks throughout a society, to avoid (prevention) or to limit (mitigation and preparedness) the adverse impacts of hazards, within the broad context of sustainable development." 

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o The purpose of this plan is to establish procedures for implementation prior to, during and following a natural or man‐made disaster.  

o The plan gives primary consideration to required actions necessary to protect the property,  human lives and livestock.  

o Create in an un‐affordability of quality construction. o To alleviate high damages and losses. o High demand for infrastructure development. o Develop more economic activities for creating more employment.   

1.3 District Overview: Origin : The name Burdwan is the anglicized form of Barddhaman. Bardhaman district (Bengali: � � � � � � � - bôrdhoman) (also spelled as Burdwan or Burdhman) is a district in West Bengal. There are two schools of thoughts about the name Barddhaman. It might have been named after the 24th Jaina Tirthankar. According to Kalpasutra of the Jains, Mahavira spent sometime in Astikagram which was formerly known as Barddhaman. According to the second school, Barddhaman means prosperous growth centre. In the progress of Aryanisation from Upper Ganges valley, the frontier colony was called Barddhaman as a landmark of growth and prosperity. The name came to stay as the Aryans failed to consolidate their gains further east.

D i s t r i c t b u r d w a n S t a t e w e s t b e n g a l : , : S OC I A L & R E S OU R C E MA P S H OWI N G R I V E R S Y S T E M OF B U R D WA N D I S T R I C T .

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

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The main town of the district is Bardhaman, though it houses other important industrial towns like Durgapur and Asansol.

Geography: Total Geographical Area: 7024 sq. km.

The district extends from 22°56' to 23°53' N latitude and from 86°48' to 88°25' E longitudes. Lying within Burdwan Division, the district is bounded on the north by Dumka (of Jharkhand), Birbhum and Murshidabad, on the east by Nadia, on the south by Hooghly, Bankura and Purulia and on the west by Dhanbad (of Jharkhand) districts.

The river Barakar forms the State boundary to the west; the Ajay separetes Birbhum and Dumka to the north with exception of a portion of Katwa subdivision; the Damodar forms a southern boundary with Purulia and Bankura, while Bhagirathi forms the main eastern boundary with a few exceptions. The maximum length from east to west is 208 Km while the maximum breadth from north to south is 112 KM. In shape the district resembles a hammer.

The district with it’s varied tectonic and riverine features is a transitional zone between Chotanagpur Plateau and the Gangetic alluvium. As per classification made under NARP, West Bengal has been classified under six zones. District Burdwan having diversified features, falls under three zones, namely old alluvial zone, new alluvial zone and red and laterite soil zone. The

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KVK (Krishi Vigyan Kendra) farm at Bud Bud , however, falls under old alluvial zone.

Rivers : The river system in Barddhaman includes the Bhagirathi-Hooghly in the east, the Ajoy and its tributaries in the north and the Dwarakeswar, the Damodar and its branches in the south-west. Besides, there are innumerable Khals and old river beds all over the area.

The notable rivers and khals are Damodar, Bhagirathi, Barakar, Ajay, Dwarakeswar, Nonia, Singaram, Tamla, Kukua, Kunur, Tumuni, Khari, Banka, Chanda-kanki nala, Behula, Gangur, Brahmani, Khandesvari, Karulia nala, Dwaraka or Babla, Koiya nala, Kandarkahal, Kanadamodar, Kananadi, Ghea, Kakinadi etc.

Minerals :

Barddhaman is one of the premier districts in India in terms of value of mineral. The Raniganj coalfield was the birth place of the Indian coal industry.Besides coal, important minerals found in the district are ,iron ores, calcium carbonate, abrasives, silica bricks and mounding sands, glass sands, building materials, Manganese, Bauxite, literate etc.

Water Resources :

There are many tanks, wells, canals, swamps and bils are found all over the district. Within the Damodar Valley region, there are around 17000 tanks. The Durgapur barrage and Mithon dam have formed two large reservoirs at the south-western and western periphery of the district.

Forest :

The forest areas of the district are chiefly situated in the lateritic and red soil high lands in the Aushgram PS of Sadar Subdivision and in the Asansol subdivision. In Ausgram P.S. the forest areas are interspersed with paddy fields. The Durgapur forests are continued in the Birbhum district beyond the Ajay while the forest area in the Asansol subdivision forms a part of the forest area of Dumka District of Jharkhand.

Fishes :

Of the rivers and rivulets which pass through the district of Barddhaman, the Ganges (Bhagirathi), the Damodar, the Banka, the Ajoy and the Khari

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constitute the fisheries of some importance. Out of these rivers, only the Ganges maintains the flow of water throughout the year. The flow of Damodar depends entirely upon the discharge of water by DVC from its barrages. The other rivers practically dry up in hot months when fishes accumulate in depressions here and there to catch indiscriminately by the fisherman. Climate :

The cold season starts from about the middle of November and continues till the end of February. March to May is dry summer intervened by tropical cyclones and storms which although infrequent are notable features of the weather and climate of this district. June to September is wet summer while October and November is autumn.

Agriculture :

Burdwan is the only district in the state of West Bengal that is fortunate both in industry and agriculture. On an average about 58 percent of the total population belongs to the agricultural population while the non-agricultural sector accounts for the remaining 42 percent.

The eastern, northern, southern and central areas of the district are extensively cultivated but the soils of the western portion being extreme lateritic type are unfit for cultivation except in the narrow valleys and depressions having rich soil. Rice is the most important crop of the district. Paddy covers maximum of the gross cropped area. Among commercial crops, jute, sugarcane, potato and oilseeds are major crops. Productivity of the major crops grown in the district is indicated below. Major cropping patterns include paddy-wheat-vegetables, paddy – potato – sesame, paddy – vegetable – mustard and jute – paddy – vegetables.

Due to climate condition, geographical location and industrial belt areas Burdwan district faces various disaster throughout the year. The major thrust is being given on ‘flood’ as it causes maximum damage and loss of property

The district experiences a climate which is : Average temperature in hot season is 30oC while at the cold season is 20oC. And average annual rainfall is 150O milimeter .

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and human lives. Some cases of Arsenic hazard are being studied by the Public Health Engineering Department. The cases of mining disaster are not unknown. The areas of Raniganj, Andal, Pandabeswar, Salanpur Blocks and the surrounding have been vulnerable for such hazards. The industrial area of the district, Durgapur, is highly vulnerable to chemical disaster like gas leakage, pollution hazard due to drainage of chemical waste etc.

Types of Disasters: (Experienced in the District)

Common Natural Disasters Man Made disasters

Cyclone Chemical Hazards

Flood Fire- House / Forest

Drought Communal riot

Heat Wave- Sunstroke Accident- Road/ Railway

Earthquake Rasta Roko

Hail Storm/ Whirl wind

Details of Disaster Block Wise in Burdwan District

Sl. No. Block

Area of the Block

sq.km Natural disaster Man-made disaster

1. Barabani 156.35 Drought, Cyclone Land subsidence, House Fire, Road Accident

2. Raniganj 58.28

Cyclone, Flood, Drought, Heat Wave, Earthquake, Rain

Chemical hazards, Land subsidence, House Fire,

Road Accident 3. Salanpur 135.05 Drought, Cyclone, Flash

flood House Fire, Road

Accident 4.

Jamuria 158.10 Cyclone, Flood, Drought, Heat Wave, Earthquake,


Chemical hazards, Land subsidence, House Fire,

Road Accident

5. Galsi I 257.37

Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm /

Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road Accident

6. Andal 84.87

Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm /

Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road Accident, Land-

subsidence 7.

Pandabeshwar 97.8 Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-

Sunstroke, Hail Storm, Lightening

Road accident

8. Kanksa 279.44 Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm /

House Fire, Road

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Sl. No. Block

Area of the Block

sq.km Natural disaster Man-made disaster

Whirl wind, Tornado/Rasta Roko


9. Durgapur-Faridpur 155.97

Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm /

Whirl wind, Tornado

Chemical and industrial hazards, House Fire,

Road Accident 10.

Jamalpur 263.02 Cyclone, Flood, Heat

Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm / Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road Accident

11. Khandaghosh 265.23

Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm /

Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road Accident

12. Mamari-I 186.91

Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm

/ Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road Accident

13. Mamari-II 186.84

Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm /

Whirl wind, Tornado

Chemical Hazards, Fire- House / Forest,

Accident- Road / Railway 14.

Raina-I 266.07 Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-

Sunstroke, Hail Storm / Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road Accident

15. Raina-II 227.28

Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm

/ Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road Accident

16. Burdwan-I 250.41 Cyclone, Flood, Sunstroke, Hail Storm

House Fire, Road Accident

17. Burdwan-II 189.57

Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm /

Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road Accident

18. Ausgram-I 222.34

Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm /

Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road & Industrial Accident,

Environmental pollution 19.

Ausgram-II 360.45 Cyclone, Flood, Drought,

Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm/ Whirl wind

Chemical hazards, Fire, Road accident, Epidemic,


20. Galsi-II 219.09

Cyclone, Flood, Drought, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm/Whirl wind, Tornado

House fire, Road accident

21. Bhatar 405.01

Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm /

Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road Accident

22. Purbashatali-I 148.44 Cyclone, Flood, Drought, House fire, Road accident

23. Purbashatali-II 182.47 Lightening House fire, Road accident

24. Monteswar 305.19 Cyclone, Flood, Drought, Lightening

House fire, Road accident

25. Kalna-I 169.08 Cyclone, Flood House Fire, Road Accident

26. Kalna-II 172.17

Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-Sunstroke, Hail Storm /

Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road Accident

27. Katwa-I 168.94 Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-

Sunstroke, Hail Storm / Whirl House Fire, Road


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Sl. No. Block

Area of the Block

sq.km Natural disaster Man-made disaster

wind, Tornado 28.

Katwa-II 163.20 Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-

Sunstroke, Hail Storm / Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire, Road Accident

29. Ketugram-I 193.98 Flood 30. Ketugram-II 160.03 Flood House Fire, Road

Accident 31.

Mongalkote 365.44 Cyclone, Flood, Heat Wave-

Sunstroke, Hail Storm / Whirl wind, Tornado

House Fire,Road Accident

1.4 Area and Administrative Division of Burdwan District

Panchayet Sub-Div.

Police Station

CD Block / M.C. / Muni. Samity Gram

Gram Sansad

Mouza / Ward

Inhabi-ted villages

Area (Sq. Km) Block/MC/M/ Wise

Chittaranjan Salanpur

Salanpur 1 11 65 74 67 135.05

Barabani Barabani 1 8 70 49 49 156.35 Asansol (N) Raniganj 1 6 60 12 12 58.28 Raniganj Raniganj (M) 21 23.44

Jamuria 1 10 75 46 40 158.10 Jamuria Jamuria (M) 22 73.23

Asansol (S) Hirapur

Asansol (MC) 50 127.87

Kulti Kulti (M) 30 99.57


9 4/1/3 4 35 270 181/123 168 831.89 Galsi Galsi I 1 9 112 87 86 257.37 Andal Andal 1 8 112 14 13 84.87

Pandabeswar Pandabeswar 1 6 93 17 17 97.80 Faridpur-Durgapur

Faridpur-Durgapur 1 6 73 54 51 155.97

Kanksa Kanksa 1 7 102 86 81 279.44 Durgapur

Coke Oven New


Durgapur (MC) 43 154.20


7 5/1/0 5 36 492 258/43 248 1028.65 Burdwan I 1 9 118 80 78 250.41 Burdwan II 1 9 89 89 84 189.57 Burdwan

Burdwan (M) 35 23.04 Ausgram I 1 7 63 61 58 222.34

Ausgram Guskara (M) 15 21.15

Budbud Ausgram II 1 7 94 106 101 360.45 Bhatar Bhatar 1 14 166 107 104 415.01

Burdwan (N)

Galsi Galsi II 1 9 97 73 73 219.09

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Panchayet Sub-Div.

Police Station

CD Block / M.C. / Muni. Samity Gram

Gram Sansad

Mouza / Ward

Inhabi-ted villages

Area (Sq. Km) Block/MC/M/ Wise

5 6/0/2 6 55 638 516/44 498 1701.06 Memari I 1 10 126 113 112 186.91 Memari II 1 9 100 89 88 186.84 Memari

Memari (M) 16 14.68 Jamalpur Jamalpur 1 13 161 123 121 263.02

Raina Raina I 1 8 106 113 111 266.07 Madhabdihi Raina II 1 8 95 94 87 227.28

Khandaghosh Khandaghosh 1 10 119 111 107 265.23

Burdwan (S)

5 6/0/1 6 58 707 643/16 626 1410.03 Mongalkote Mongalkote 1 15 156 132 129 365.44

Ketugram I 1 8 93 66 62 193.98 Ketugram

Ketugram II 1 7 66 56 55 160.03 Katwa I 1 9 93 66 63 168.94 Katwa II 1 7 84 68 61 163.20

Katwa (M) 19 8.53 Katwa

Dainhat (M) 14 10.36


3 5/0/2 5 46 492 388/33 370 1070.48 Purbasthali I 1 7 116 97 93 184.44

Purbasthali Purbasthali II 1 10 116 89 87 192.47

Kalna I 1 9 123 100 99 169.08 Kalna II 1 8 93 113 113 172.17 Kalna

Kalna (M) 18 6.40 Monteswar Monteswar 1 13 136 144 136 305.19


3 5/0/1 5 47 584 543/18 528 993.75 6 32 31/2/9 31 277 3172 2529 2438 7024.00

Latitude & Longitude of the Sub Division & Block Head Quarters

Sl No

Name of Sub-division


Latitude &


Sl No Name of block

Latitude &

Logitude 1 Asansol 23n 25, 86e59 13 Mamari-II 23n16, 88e08 2 Burdwan N 23n15, 87e51 14 Raina-I 23n47, 86e56 3 Burdwan S 230n15`, 87e51 15 Raina-II 23n44, 86e51 4 Durgapur 23n29, 87e20 16 Burdwan-I 23n15, 87e51 5 Kalna 23n13, 88e22 17 Burdwan-II 23n16, 87e58 6 Katwa 23n39, 88e08 18 Ausgram-I 23n30, 87e45 Sl No Name of block Latitude & Longitude 19 Ausgram-II 23n36, 87e42 1 Barabani 22n55, 86e24 20 Galsi-II 23n20, 87e44 2 Raniganj 23n37, 87e08 21 Bhatar 23n25, 87e54 3 Salanpur 23n52, 86e52 22 Purbashatali-I 23n18, 88e21 4 Jamuria 23n44, 87e02 23 Purbashatali-II 23n33, 88e15 5 Galsi I 23n20, 87e42 24 Monteswar 23n26, 88e06 6 Andal 23n36, 87e12 25 Kalna-I 23n13, 88e22 7 Pandabeshwar 23n43, 86e17 26 Kalna-II 23n11, 88e19

8 Kanksa 23n18, 79e59 27 Katwa-I 23n39, 88e08 9 Durgapur-Faridpur 23n29, 87e20 28 Katwa-II 23n37, 88e04 10 Jamalpur 23n03, 29 Ketugram-I 23n36, 88e02 11 Khandaghosh 23n13, 87e41 30 Ketugram-II 23n34, 87e59 12 Mamari-I 23n12, 88e07 31 Mongalkote 23n33, 87e54

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1.5 Who formulates and Carries out the plan: As per instruction from Joint Secretary, State Disaster Mangement Depeartment Govt. of West Bengal Kolkata for prepare District Disaster Reduction Plan, The District Disaster Management Committee, Burdwan takes the initiative to prepare the District Disaster Risk Reduction Plan of Burdwan district. The Disaster Management Department, Burdwan carries out the secretarial activities and mans the Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) during disasters.

1.6 (A) District Disaster Management Authority, Burdwan : 1. District Magistrate, Burdwan – Chairperson 2. Sabhadhipati, Burdwan Zilla Parishad – Co – Chairperson 3. Superintendent of Police, Burdwan – Member, 4. Additional District Magistrate (Disaster Management ) –Member Secretary 5. Chief Medical Officer of Health , Burdwan – Member 6. Superintendent of Engineer, Irrigation Burdwan- Member 7. Sub- Divisional Officer, Burdwan Sadar (North ) - Member 8. Sub- Divisional Officer, Burdwan Sadar (South ) - Member 9. Sub- Divisional Officer, Katwa - Member 10. Sub- Divisional Officer, Kalna - Member 11. Sub- Divisional Officer, Asansol - Member 12. Sub- Divisional Officer, Durgapur - Member 13. District Disaster Management Officer, Burdwan Co-opt Member

(B)District Disaster Management Committee:

Sl. No Name Designation Address Phone Number

Office Residence1 Savadhipati, Burdwan

Zilla Parishad Chairman P.O & Dist Burdwan

0342-2662401 0342-260208

2 District Magistrate, Burdwan


Do 0342-2662428 0342-2561510

0342-2625700 0342-2625702

3 Superintendent of Police Burdwan Member Do 0342-2662495 0342-2624400

4 Additional District Magistrate (DM)

Member Convenor

Do 0342-2663335 0342-2625220

5 Chief Medical Officer of Health, Burdwan Member Do 0342-2563973

0342-2565817 0342-2520901 9434214204

6 Karmadhyakshya, Tran-S-S, Burdwan Zilla Parishad

Member Do

0342-2662578 0342-2323297 9434189311

7 SDO Sadar (North) Member Do 0342-2662353 0342-2625644

8 SDO, Sadar (South) Member Do 0342-2663322 0342-2625689

9 SDO, Kalna Member Kalna 03454-255028 03454-255024

10 SDO, Katwa Member Katwa 03453-255550 03453-255551

11 SDO, Durgapur Member Durgapur 0343-2545141 0343-2546105

0343-2562851 0343-2563869

12 SDO, Asansol Member Asansol 0341-2252222 0341-2252276

13 Exe. Eng. PWD, Div. –I, Burdwan

Member Burdwan 0342-2562497

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2 0

Sl. No Name Designation Address Phone Number

Office Residence14 Exe. Eng. PWD, Div. –

II, Asansol Member Asansol 0341-2252526

15 Exe. Eng. PWD, Div. -III, Bhatar

Member Bhatar 0342-2322262

16 Exe. Eng. PHE, Burdwan Div. Burdwan

Member Burdwan 0342-2544416

17 Exe. Eng. PHE, Mech Div., Burdwan

Member Do 0342-2544048

18 Exe. Eng. I & W Damodar Canal Division, Burdwan

Member Kanainatshal Burdwan

0342-2662496 0342-2550166


0342-2521150 9434008451

19 Exe. Eng. I & W Damodar Hd. Works Division, Durgapur

Member Durgapur 0343-2555640 0343-2555534


20 Exe. Eng. I & W Right Bank Irrigation Division, Sonamukhi

Member Sonamukhi, Bankura 03244-275237 0342-2556793

21 Exe. Eng. I & W Lower Damodar Irrigation Division, Salt Lake

Member Salt Lake Kolkata 033-23216402 033-26741932

22 Exe. Eng. I & W Burdwan Irrigation Division, Kanainatsal, Burdwan

Member Kanainatsal, Burdwan 0342-2544893 0342-2545672 0342-2624562

23 Principal Agricultural Officer, Burdwan

Member Burdwan 0342-2662159

24 Dy. Director, Animal Resource Department

Member Burdwan 0342-2544117 0342-2544038

25 District Inspector of Schools (PE)

Member Do 0342-2562380

26 District Inspector of Schools (SE)

Member Do 0342-2662351

27 District Controller, F & S, Burdwan

Member Do 0342-2544001

28 District Disaster Management Officer

Member Burdwan 0342-2550373 9434005678

29 MLA, Constituency No. 259-Khandaghosh (SC)

Member Vill.+P.O.- Khandaghosh, P.S.- Khandaghosh, Dist.- Burdwan, Pin- 713142


30 MLA, Constituency No.260- Bardhaman Dakshin

Member 234, Laketown, Block-B, 3rd Floor, Kolkata- 700089. 9831190524


31 MLA, Constituency No. 261-Raina (SC)

Member Village & PO-Madhabdihi, Dist Bardhaman, Pin 713424 9732328313

03451 251377 32 MLA, Constituency

No.262-Jamalpur (SC) Member 11, Hrisikesh Chatterjee Lane,

P.O:- Rajbati, Dist:-Burdwan, Pin:- 713104.


33 MLA, Constituency No.263-Monteswar

Member Vill & P.O - Kulut, P.S- Monteswar, Dist- Burdwan, Pin – 713422


34 MLA, Constituency No.264-Kalna (SC)

Member Kalna Adhikari Para, Po & Ps- Kalna, Dist-Burdwan 9932677757

35 MLA, Constituency No.265-Memari

Member Vill- Kantapur, P.O.- Chotk -handa, P.S.- Memari, Dist. - Burdwan, Pin – 713146

9434100248 03422262550

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2 1

Sl. No Name Designation Address Phone Number

Office Residence36 MLA, Constituency

No.266-Bardhaman Uttar (SC)

Member Vill.- Baghar, P.O.- Baghar, Dist.-Burdwan. Pin-713141 9332129548


37 MLA, Constituency No.267-Bhatar

Member Vill & PO-Palar, PS- Bhatar, Dist-Burdwan, Pin-713125 9434591555

38 MLA, Constituency No.268-Purbasthali Dakshin

Member Vill & P.O.- Vidyanagar,, P.S. Purbasthali, Dist- Burdwan

9932659651 9732033034

39 MLA, Constituency No.269- Purbasthali Uttar

Member Vill+Post+P.S-Purbasthali, Dist-Burdwan,Pin-713513 9732564696

40 MLA, Constituency No.270-Katwa

Member Baroaritala, P.O. & P.S. Katwa Burdwan, Pin – 713130 9434226594

41 MLA, Constituency No.271-Ketugram

Member Vill- Papuri, P.O.- Papuri P.S.- Nanoor Dist – Birbhum, Pin – 731240


42 MLA, Constituency No.272-Mangalkot

Member Vill- Dharsona, P.O.-Jabagram P.S.- Mongalkote, Dist-Burdwan, Pin - 713143


43 MLA, Constituency No.273-Ausgram (SC)

Member Vill- Babuisol, P.O.- Kuldiha, Dist- Burdwan, Pin - 713153 9474491468

44 MLA, Constituency No.274-Galsi (SC)

Member Vill.- Kanksa, P.O.- Panagarh Bazar, P.S.- Kanksa, Dist.- Burdwan, Pin- 713148


45 MLA, Constituency No.275-Pandabeswar

Member Vill.- Ukhra, CPI(M) Office,Arat Para P.O Ukhra P.S Andal Dist.- Burdwan, Pin- 713363


46 MLA, Constituency No.276-Durgapur Purba

Member G.T. Road, Gopalmath, Durgapur, Dist.- Burdwan, Pin-713217


47 MLA, Constituency No.277-Durgapur Paschim

Member Bhiringi Aurobinda Pally, Durgapur, Dist- Burdwan, Pin – 713213


48 MLA, Constituency No.278-Raniganj

Member Rahmatnagar, Nayabasti, PO-Burnpur, PS-Hirapur,Dist-Burdwan, Pin- 713325


49 MLA, Constituency No.279-Jamuria

Member Ghanashyam O.C.P. Colony, P.O. Kenda, Dist. Burdwan, Pin. 713342

9434841696 03412667964

50 MLA, Constituency No.280-Asansol Dakshin

Member 2 No. Mohisila Colony, Asansol, P.S. Asansol(South), Dist. Burdwan

9434008056 03412303012

51 MLA, Constituency No.281-Asansol Uttar

Member Upper Chelidanga, Asansol, Pin 713304 9434577091

03412255649 52 MLA, Constituency

No.282-Kulti Member Sodepur Colliery, P.O.

Sundarchak, P.S. Kulti, Dist. Burdwan

9434032901 03412514367

53 MLA, Constituency No.283-Barabani

Member Vill. Panchgachia, P.O. Ethora, P.S. Asansol (N), Pin. 713359 9007461448

1.7 Demographic Details:

Population Category Sl. No

Name of the Sub-division

Total Number of HH Adult

Children <5 yrs


1 Asansol 277977 1300380 186764 1931614 311914 89392 10815142 Durgapur 263447 1082787 151622 1234409 296348 62071 858757

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2 2

3 Burdwan Sadar North 219220 938467 145677 1084144 360562 115500 608122

4 Burdwan Sadar South 258186 1091522 158240 1249262 366253 98827 784682

5 Katwa 169072 728536 124940 859476 293623 10191 5896626 Kalna 202170 841724 139504 981228 266084 66650 618494 Total 1390072 5983416 906747 7340133 1894784 442631 4541231

1.8 Household Details:

No. of APL HH No. of BPL HH Sl. No.

Name of the Block ST SC OBC GEN ST SC OBC GEN

1. Barabani 17831 12030 2. Raniganj 16152 7740 3. Salanpur 27027 4786 4. Jamuria 16014 4781 5. Galsi I 1262 8837 757 14393 348 3289 395 2329 6. Andal 7. Pandabeshwar 115131 40212 8. Kanksa 9. Durgapur-


10. Jamalpur 110271 52242 11. Khandaghosh 647 10013 2499 13571 391 3347 407 2724 12. Mamari-I 13. Mamari-II 21885 6108 14. Raina-I 1262 8837 757 14393 348 3289 395 2329 15. Raina-II 496 6634 299 9687 276 3692 167 5390 16. Burdwan-I 3783 9094 17. Burdwan-II 25335 7098 18. Ausgram-I 1558 4675 779 8573 668 2004 334 3006 19. Ausgram-II 20. Galsi-II 1262 8837 757 14393 348 3289 395 2329 21. Bhatar 33099 13712 22. Purbashatali-I 26626 11789 23. Purbashatali-II 24. Monteswar 30043 20410 25. Kalna-I 26. Kalna-II 1002 7810 612 14650 452 1156 310 5789 27. Katwa-I 1262 8837 757 14393 348 3289 395 2329 28. Katwa-II 20859 3732 29. Ketugram-I 30. Ketugram-II 80320 23106 31. Mongalkote 1.9 Population


Name of the Sub-division


1 Asansol 144137 132754 41116 40503 533196 465987 718449 639241 2 Durgapur 157248 145070 29222 27736 477161 237921 3030631 567919 Burdwan 186687 179566 49397 49430 406901 377781 642985 606777

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2 3

3 Sadar (N) 4 Burdwan

Sadar (S) 182595 177967 57592 57867 314298 293824 553865 529659 5 Kalna 136203 129881 33203 33447 335269 313225 504675 476553 6 Katwa 129674 123949 5101 5090 303681 285981 438456 415020

1.10 Type of Workers

Cultivator Agrculture

House Hold


Main Total Worker Sl.

No. Name of the Sub Division


Othrs Non Worke


1 Asasol 22418 26291 7496 341855 85707 371357 1059612 427562 2 Durgapur 31686 69328 8643 312123 89523 291971 838084 401646 3 Burdwan Sadar S 84887 199652 12365 319290 105010 138508 659844 424300 4 Burdwan Sadar N 80583 196689 15680 372778 126937 364453 750047 499715 5 Kalna 67520 142071 56888 304406 91985 106527 584296 396932 6 Katwa 74168 98752 18947 244556 48913 101062 537410 293469

1.11 Literacy Rate in Percentage:

Rural Urban Total Sl. No.

Name of the Sub-division

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

1. Asansol 44.02 29.51 36.6 81.7 62.68 73.4 80.27 59.9 70.57 2. Durgapur 63.88 45.7 55.35 82.51 68.05 74.41 78.35 59.43 59.9 3. Burdwan

Sadar N 74.6

54.0065.08 82.9 66.8 74.3 75.78


4. Burdwan Sadar S

68.4 44.45 60.64 84.5 70.3 77.6 80.4 62.64 71.72

5. Kalna 74.58 57.88 66.24 66.38 69.7 75.52 77.58 61.76 69.5 6. Katwa 68.26 51.64 60.2 81.05 73.75 74.85 71.36 56.01 63.88

1.12 Livestock and poultry population

Sl. No

Name of the Sub Division

Extoic /Cross bred


Deshi/ Indigen

ous Cattle


Sheep Goat Pig Horse/



Poultry Duck Turkey

1 Katwa 31141 237672 18231 62874 150785 7052 124 21 205425 158730 0 2 Kalna 82845 157301 13411 20044 182987 8737 111 92 306167 181966 0 3 Durgapur 34592 155915 18075 3860 155556 1306

0 7 423 212124 89158 0

4 Burdwan Sadar S

55907 250209 16679 3233 226645 10852

9 243 333377 198945 16

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2 4

Sl. No

Name of the Sub Division

Extoic /Cross bred


Deshi/ Indigen

ous Cattle


Sheep Goat Pig Horse/



Poultry Duck Turkey

1 Katwa 31141 237672 18231 62874 150785 7052 124 21 205425 158730 0 5 Burdwan

Sadar N 39510 248201 13992 25872 212598 1634

5 18 259 296035 161673 2

6 Asansol 25795 111634 18296 5708 100408 19070

31 576 148889 30585 25

Total 269790 1160932

98684 121591



300 1614 1556017 821057 43

(Source : Population of Animal in Respect of 19th Livestock Cencus – 2012 in the District of Burdwan)

1.13 Livestock and poultry products production

Poultry Sl. No.

Name of the Block

Cows milk (liters)

Buffalo milk (liters) Eggs in

numbers Broiler in

kgs 01 Salanpur 3875716 372103 2477299 87692 02 Barabani 6473082 443009 3127897 110722 03 Raniganj 2511747 295679 1071410 37926 04 Jamuria 6006778 411132 2504928 88670 05 Galsi-I 12937174 894804 11692845 413906 06 Andal 3140501 456699 1790711 63388

07 Durgapur-Faridpur

6239930 502063 16133123 571084

08 Pandabeswar 3138662 429727 1621042 57382 09 Kanksa 9574146 651844 4391858 155464 10 Burdwan-I 12567931 975927 14537902 514616 11 Burdwan-II 11598134 301605 6365008 225310 12 Aushgram-I 9256193 665944 6578578 232870 13 Aushgram-II 14609696 909313 25110691 888874 14 Bhatar 24608053 1516611 19666916 696174 15 Galsi-II 9621144 647757 9157464 324158 16 Memari-I 9734348 380889 9866143 349244 17 Memari-II 7543415 334708 7264375 257146 18 Jamalpur 15320391 232130 8845471 313114 19 Raina-I 10514519 493889 6886277 243762 20 Raina-II 1642219 1027625 10490751 371354 21 Khandaghosh 14329138 610772 13033590 461366 22 Mongalkote 22391577 1631654 18228652 645262 23 Ketugram-I 7880372 840246 5384168 190590 24 Ketugram-II 7301272 1078710 4989572 176622 25 Katwa-I 9210421 970615 4317900 152846 26 Katwa-II 7060355 731537 4308464 152512 27 Purbasthali-I 7698305 302218 6646660 235280

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2 5

28 Purbasthali-II 12503360 695777 9321596 329968 29 Kalna-I 12334575 720707 10257406 363094 30 Kalna-II 10327547 402549 8047521 284868 31 Monteshwar 15052501 1359678 12777023 452284

Total 321783189 21287937 266893231 9447548 (Source: Dist. Statistical Handbook, Burdwan, Bureau of Applied Economics & Statistics, Govt. of W.B. 2007 and

Animal Resource Department, Purta Bhawan, Burdwan Year 2008-2009)

Chapter - 2 B. Topographical Details:

2.1 Climate and Rainfall: CLIMATE : Climate of the district is normally moderate in the Western Lateratic Zone Where it is some what extreme. In the western part of the district i.e. in the Lateritic Zone Temperature is very high in the summer days and low in winter. The temperature range from 210 C to 440 C during Summer and 60 C to 260 C during Winter. Rain fall is erratic and less in Western Part than that in the Eastern (Alluvial) Zone. The expected normal rain fall in district is 1500 mm. Relative Humidity of the District during Summer season varies from 75% to 85 % (Max) and

40% to 60% (Min) . Whereas in Winter season it varies from 80 % to 90 % (Max) and 30% to 55% (Min)

Average and Actual Rain fall in Burdwan District

Year 2012 Sl. No


Average Rainfall (in mm)

Actual Rainfall (in mm)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

January February

March April May June July

August September

October November December

34.2 mm 20 mm 37 mm 58mm 118mm 226 mm 273 mm 224 mm 276 mm 131 mm 14 mm 05 mm

0.5 mm 6.9 mm 1.8 mm 42.9mm 67.3 mm 109.8 mm 297.6mm 219.0 mm 191.5 mm 62.2 mm 35.00 mm 12.7 mm

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2 6

2.2 Rain Recording Stations: Total No. of Rain Recording stations in the District : 22 Nos. Location of Rain Recording stations:

(Telephone Numbers of the Rain Recording stations) Sl. No. Name of Block Rain recording

stations Contact No.

1. Barabani ---- ---- 2. Raniganj ---- --- 3. Salanpur --- --- 4. Jamuria ---- --- 5. Galsi I Mankar 9832279900 6. Andal Andal 9832236482

9 8 3 2 3 7 7 0 7 5 7. Pandabeshwar ---- ---- 8. Kanksa Randia

(Rajbandh) 0343-2644241/

9832250290 9. Durgapur-Faridpur ---- 0343-2555604 10. Jamalpur Panchra Seed Farm 9434202825

03451288506 11. Khandaghosh Irrigation Office,

Sehrabazar 03451-253541

12. Mamari-I Memari 9434468563 13. Mamari-II Block Seed Farm,

Nabastha 0342-2250864/

9434500074 14. Raina-I Block Seed Farm,

Shyamsundar 9434074667

15. Raina-II Block seed Farm, Madhabdihi


16. Burdwan-I

Edilpur Irrigation Office

0342-2638223 0342-2545672 (Kanai Natsal)

17. Burdwan-II No rain recording station

0342 2624607

18. Ausgram-I

Dhapara, Guskara, Burdwan

03452-255240 /256510

9475039175 19. Ausgram-II Bhedia

Amarargarh 03452-253213 9434673474

20. Galsi-II River Research Office, Galsi


21. Bhatar SAR Farm, Bhatar 9474167078 0342-2320478

22. Purbashatali-I

Model Farm, Samudragarh,



23. Purbashatali-II Patuli 9434393008 24. Monteswar Block Seed farm,

Kusumgram 9434437054

25. Kalna-I Agril. Dev. Office, Kalna-I


26. Kalna-II Lichutala 9433331686 27. Katwa-I SARF Irrigation 03453-255217

9433208374 28. Katwa-II -do- -do-

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2 7

Sl. No. Name of Block Rain recording

stations Contact No.

29. Ketugram-I Kanthara 9434150335 30. Ketugram-II Block Seed Farm,

Gangatikuri 9339929285

31. Mongalkote Natunhat 943450074

2.3 Month wise Highest and Lowest Temperature recorded in the District: Average Maximum & Minimum Temperature

Year 2011 Station : District Seed Farm, Burdwan

Sl. No Month (2010)

Maximum Temperature (in Centigrade)

Minimum Temperature (in Centigrade)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

January February March April May June July August September October November December

23.7 28.3 33.2 35.0 37.2 36.4 32.6 31.9 31.3 31.8 29.3 25.0

12.6 14.3 19.3 23.3 25.1 27.0 25.7 25.7 25.3 22.6 16.7 12.03

S o u r c e O f f i c e o f t h e D D y o f( : . A g r i c u l t u r e B u r d w a n, )

2.4 Geographical Area (in Hect.) : a) Paddy

Agricultural Land (ha) Sl.No.

Name of the Sub-division High Medium Low

Grazing land

Forest Land (ha)

Others Total area (Hec)

1 Asansol 3245 3318 2628 106 1843 19649 30789 2 Durgapur 36252 32456 25375 304 13493 40445 148325 3 Burdwan

Sadar (N) 00 11366 31880

4 Burdwan Sadar (S)

22649 48579 6212 137 00 29049 106626

5 Kalna 14589 17546 17574 33 00 17708 67468 6 Katwa 18265 30579 16256 02 00 18445 83547

b) Non-Paddy

Agricultural Land (ha) Sl.No Name of the Sub-division

Total(HA) High Medium Low

1 Asansol 19649 12602 3577 3470 2 Durgapur 40445 22568 9221 8656

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3 Burdwan Sadar (N)

31880 8406 19878 3596

4 Burdwan Sadar (S)

29049 6797 8725 13527

5 Kalna 17708 3269 4292 10147 6 Katwa 18445 2975 5274 10196

2.5 Land Holding Pattern: (No. of HH) Sl.No

Name of the Sub-division

Big Farmers

Marginal farmers

Small Farmers

Agricultural laborers

Landless Total

1 Asansol 636 25911 6916 37928 NA 71391 2 Durgapur 922 41920 12837 100365 NA 100365 3 Burdwan

Sadar (S) 1125 49715 48830 163032 NA 262702

4 Burdwan Sadar (N) 981 50405 35314 240287 NA


5 Kalna 442 63795 19325 124483 NA 208045 6 Katwa 424 44401 34520 111529 NA 190874

2.6 Crop Pattern: Sl.No Name of the Sub-

division Type of Crops Area Cultivated (in Hect.)

Area under Crop insurance (in Hect.)

1 Bardhaman Sadar (South)

Aman Paddy Boro Paddy Wheat Mustard Sunflower Potato Jute Sugarcane & etc

79900 47000 2350 7600 60 32800 340 19

46000 (Approx) 19000 16000

2 Bardhaman Sadar (North)

Aman Paddy Boro Paddy Wheat Mustard Sunflower Potato Jute Sugarcane& etc

106900 71000 2300 15000 50 9300 385 137


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2 9

3 Kalna

Aman Paddy Boro Paddy Wheat Mustard Sunflower Potato Jute Sugarcane & etc

58200 22800 2800 14200 50 1300 9100 125


4 Katwa

Aman Paddy Boro Paddy Wheat Mustard Sunflower Potato Jute Sugarcane & etc

72700 9500 5700 15700 50 4100 1820 1682


5 Durgapur

Aman Paddy Boro Paddy Wheat Mustard Sunflower Potato Jute Sugarcane & etc

39000 16940 400 700 25 580 35 124


6 Asansol

Aman Paddy Boro Paddy Wheat Mustard Sunflower Potato Jute Sugarcane & etc

26500 60 1000 750 45 210 20 43


2.7 Livelihood Details:

Fishing Name of the Sub Division

Total house holds


Agricultural labour

Other Labour Sweet

water Saline

Petty Business

Service holder

Others (specify)

Asansol 93684 12845 7425 32458 2564 -- 16875 19852 4229 Durgapur 153622 28522 38254 26589 5245 -- 15248 12548 27216 Burdwan Sadar (N)

192080 56820 78245 22568 8725 -- 14258 9875 1589

Burdwan Sadar S

211610 68259 75412 38902 9254 -- 8257 9245 2290

Katwa 149284 52267 48975 22654 7583 -- 8754 7856 1156 Kalna 191275 61589 63441 34576 8965 --- 7886 12459 2359

2.8 Drinking Water Sources: Name of the Sub-division

Tube well Well PHD Stand

Functional Defunct Asansol 2195 299 771 1106

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3 0

Durgapur 2278 1099 9612 2365 Burdwan Sadar (N) 3844 430 387 372 Burdwan Sadar S 6410 777 307 93 Katwa 3230 753 468 145 Kalna 4821 462 3 7

2.9 River & Creeks :

Sl. No Name of Block Name of the river/creek Name of the Place Danger Level

1. Barabani -- --- ---

Damodar Damalia, Harabhanga, Tirat, Chelod,Jemari, Ballabhpur,

Nupur, Narankuri NA

2. Raniganj Nuhiah Damalia, Harabhanga, Tirat,

Murgathol, Chelod, Jemari NA

3. Salanpur Ajay Namokesia NA

4. Jamuria --- --- ---

5. Galsi I ---- --- ----

6. Andal Damodar Sreerampur to Madanpur All left

embankment area.

7. Pandabeshwar Ajoy --- ---

8. Kanksa Damodar Randia

9. Durgapur-Faridpur Ajoy Gourbazar

10. Jamalpur Damodar & Mundeswari

Shambhupur to Kora & Math-Seali

All right embankment

area of Damodar & both side of Mundewari

Damodar Metedanga, Kumurkola & Rupsa

All right embankment

area 11. Khandaghosh

Darakeswar Lowtara

12. Mamari-I

Maya Kuchut, Bijur-I N.A. 13. Mamari-II

Banka Kuchut, Bijur-II, Satgachia-I, Bohar-I N.A.

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3 1

Sl. No Name of Block Name of the river/creek Name of the Place Danger Level

14. Raina-I Damodar Jamna to Birupur All right

embankment area.

Damodar Fatepur, Bara-bainan to Narasinghapur.

Mundeswari Atapur to Kotesimul 15. Raina-II

Darakeswar Makarkola to Fatikgram

Damodar Udaypally to Matial

Khari Mahinagar to Barokashira Chotobelun to Talbona

Bhanderdihi to Faridpur Banka

Bonmosjid to Kantia

16. Burdwan-I

Gour Kaligram to Natungram

All left embankment

area 5.33 mt.

Damodar Becharhat to Dakshin Gopalpur

Becharhat, Hatshimul.

Banka Burdwan to Karanda Majherpara, Palsit

Chanda Gumuri to Karanda 17. Burdwan-II

Maya Barsua to Samanti Barsua,

Chakundi, Samanti

18. Ausgram-I Kunur Ajay Guskara, North Bhedia

All right embankment


19. Ausgram-II Ajay, Kunur, Katiganga

Amarpur, Ramnagar, Bhedia GPs

20. Galsi-II Damodar and Khari Gohagram to Kumarpur All left


Khari Bamunara, Mahachanda, Nominal 21. Bhatar

Kunur Amarun I&II Mahata, Aruer Nominal

Bhagirathi Jahannagar, Samudragarh, Nasaratpur G.P.s

PDL-7.03 mt.

DL-7.63 mt. EDL- 8.24


Khari Dogachia, Bogpur, Nadanghat G.P.s N.A

22. Purbashatali-I

Banka Nadanghat G.P. meeting with River Khari near N.A

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3 2

Sl. No Name of Block Name of the river/creek Name of the Place Danger Level

Samudragarh Rail Bridge.

23. Purbashatali-II Bhagirathi Patuli, Majida, Purbasthali, Jhowdanga, Mertala & Pilla

Gram Panchayat 7.63 mt.

Khari Baghadon, Monteswar,

Denur, Bamunpara,Putsuri, Kusumgram.

N.A. 24. Monteswar

Banka Jamna G.P, Piplon, Majhergram. N.A.


Baradhamas, Baidyapur,Akalpoush,

Anukhal, Pindira

Gangur Baidyapur, Badla

Dhusi Badla

25. Kalna-I

Sarbamangala Anukhal, Kalyanpur

26. Kalna-II Bhagarathi Charkabirajpur,

27. Katwa-I Ajay Churpuni to Katwa

28. Katwa-II Bhagirathi Char Kabirajpur to

Babladanga and Char Bishnupur

All right and left

embankment area

29. Ketugram-I

Ajay Rasui (Billeswar GP) to Sankhai (Sitahati GP)

All right embankment


Bhagirathi Natungram (Mougram GP) to Sankhai (Sitahati GP)

All right embankment

area. 30. Ketugram-II

Babla Mougram (Mougram GP) to Natungram (Mougram GP)

All right embankment


31. Mongalkote Ajoy All G.P All right

embankment area.

2.10 List of Embankments: Sl. No Name of the Embankments Type of

Embankments Length of Embankments

2 Namokesia 1.5 km

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

3 3

3 Siddhapur to Shyamalla 5 km 4 Krishnarampur 5 Sreerampur to Madanpur Earthen 5 km 6 Molandighi, Gopalpur 7 Gourbazar 8 Shambhupur to Kora Earthen 35 km 9 Polempur to Metadanga Earthen 23 km 10 Jamna to Birupur Earthen 20 km 11 No embankment 12 DVC embankments Earthen 2 km 13 Becharhat to Dakshin

Gopalpur on river Damodar Earthen 12 km

14 Bhedia Earthen 7KM 15 Gohagram to Kumarpur Earthen 18 km 16 Madhaipur 17 Sonakuri 18 Jaluidanga 19 Angarpur to Rajua

Goai to Bandra Katwa to Panuhat

Earthen 3 km

1.5 km 2.5 km

20 Char Sahapur to Raghunathpur sluice gate

Earthen 2.5 km

21 Agradwip to Babladanga Earthen 10 km 22 Char Kabirajpur Earthen 3.5 km 23 Char Bishnupur Earthen 3 km 24 Rasui to Charkhi Earthen, partly

stone pitched 20 km

2.11 River Carrying Capacity: Name of the River Gauge Station Zero Level (in Mts.) Extreme Danger

Level (in Mts.) Bagitathi At Katwa

13.10 Meter

14.32 Meter

Bagitathi At Kalna

7.030 Meter

8.24 Meter

Ajoy at Katwa

13.86 Meter

15 Meter

Ajoy at Budra 126.32 Gts 132.32 Gts Jalangi /Bhagarathi

at Swarupganj -- 9.05 Meter

Churni -- 8.14 Meter Damodar --

Ajoy (Ausgram-i)

39.42 Meter

River Carrying Capacity:

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

3 4

Sl. No

Name of the River

Primary Danger Lavel

Danger Level

Extreme Danger Lavel

Area may be affected /flooded

1 Bagitathi At Katwa

13.10 Meter

13.71 Meter

14.32 Meter

Katwa-I, Ktwa-II, Ketugram-II (PART) Blocks & Katwa, Dainhat

MC of Katwa S.D

2 Bagitathi At Kalna

7.030 Meter

7.63 Meter

8.24 Meter

Purbasthali –I & II, Kalna –I &II & Kalna MC of Kalna S.D

3 Ajoy at Katwa

13.86 Meter

14.40 Meter

15 Meter Mangalkote, Ketugram-I, & IIBlocks & Katwa MC under Katwa Sub -



Ajoy at Budra 126.32 Gts

129.32 Gts

132.32 Gts

Pandeveswar , Kanksa under Durgapur S.D and Aushgram –I & II

under Bwn Sadar (N) S.D

5 Jalangi

/Bhagarathi at Swarupganj


8.44 Meter

9.05 Meter

Purbasthali –I & II under Kalna S.D

6 Churni -- 7.55 Meter

8.14 Meter

Purbasthali –I & II under Kalna S.D

7 Damodar

2.12 Availability of Irrigation Facility: Sl.No Name of the Project Ayacut in Hect.

1 D.T.W 1338.22 2 R.L.I 6320 3 Mini D.T.W 5275 4 S.T.W 15456 5 Pond 29132 6 Sub Marshible 11382 7 Cannel 65783.98

2.13 Minor Irrigation Projects: Sl. No Particulars Numbers 1 D.T.W 446 2 R.L.I 158 3 Mini D.T.W 5275 4 S.T.W 7728 5 Pond 14566 6 Sub Marshible 3794 7 Cannel 9

2.14 Irrigation Facilities and Sources: Name of the Sub-division Ponds

Dug Wells

LI points

Drift /Shallow TW

River Creeks Canal

Asansol 4589 456 3568 214 1 1 - Durgapur 3458 2845 5227 122 2 2 2 Burdwan 9845 5874 2545 127 3 2 2

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

3 5

Sadar (N) Burdwan Sadar S

11258 6589 6524 124 3 2 2

Katwa 8952 2948 3562 257 3 2 2 Kalna 10819 2454 2564 125 3 2 2

2.15 Infrastructure (Nos. AND/OR distance in Kms.) Sl.No

Name of the Sub-division








e St








































UP ME High College

1 Asansol 133 41 10 21 25 11 Nil 52 5 11 14231 3278 122 2 Durgapur 221 7 Nil 5 9 13443 2067 235 3 Burdwan

Sadar N 252 6 4 26 10 Nil 4 11 8977 1785 135

4 Burdwan Sadar S

269 6 1 26 16 Nil 3 12 10267 1639 213

5 Kalna 185 5 2 21 10 Nil 3 14 13987 1756 154 6 Katwa 224 6 2 18 11 Nil




3 10 12671 1287 127

2.16 Industries: Name of the Sub-division

Name of the Industries




/ Pri



e of


























Asansol Renuka Ferro Products M.C. Enterprise Sarada Punching & Printing Burnpur Iron And others

Private ⇓

NA ⇓

NA ⇓

NA ⇓


NA ⇓


Private ⇓

Produ ction Do

NA ⇓

NA ⇓

NA ⇓


NA ⇓

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

3 6

Name of the Sub-division

Name of the Industries




/ Pri



e of




























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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

3 7

Name of the Sub-division

Name of the Industries




/ Pri



e of




























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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

3 8

Name of the Sub-division

Name of the Industries




/ Pri



e of




























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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

3 9

Name of the Sub-division

Name of the Industries




/ Pri



e of



























Burdwan Sdar South

Block Ashgram I Cold Storage – 06 Rice Mill – 09 Shaw Mill – 10 Engineering Job Work – 45 Bakery – 8 Wheat Granding – 12 Husking – 40 Oil Crushing – 15 Cement Pipe & Jafri – 04 Wooden Furniture – 36 Block Bhatar Rice Mill – 5 Shaw Mill – 11 Engineering Job Work – 31 Bakery – 2 Wheat Granding –12 Husking – 90 Oil Crushing – 17 Cement Pipe & Jafri – Nil Wooden Furniture – 35 Block Burdwan I Sponge Iron Factory Iron Ingot soft industries 2 nos Rolling Mill 1 no. Ricebran Oil Mill 2 nos Rice Mill 39 nos. Puffed rice mfg. unit 22 nos. Chira Mill 8 nos. Brick Field 10 nos. Shaw Mill 20 nos. Engineering Work Shop, 10 nos. M.S Gate, grill, almirah, shulter mfg. unit 25 nos Mastard Oil Mill, 4 nos. Plastic item mfg. unit 3 nos. Bakery 4 nos. Spice Grinding & Atta Chaki 20 nos. Husking Mill 35 nos. Ice Candi mfg. unit 3 nos Electri Transformer 1 nos Soap & Detergent Powder mfg. unit 5 nos.


50 18 08 06 10 02 03 02 05 05 04 18 08 06 08 02 03 02 05 05 150

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

4 0

Name of the Sub-division

Name of the Industries




/ Pri



e of


























Block Burdwan II Cold Storage – 06 (Pvt.) Rice Mill – 30 (Pvt.) Shaw Mill – 03 (Pvt.) Engineering Job Work – 12 (Pvt.) Bakery – 02 (Pvt.) Wheat Grinding – 12 (Pvt.) Husking – 30 (Pvt.) Oil Crushing – 05 (Pvt.) Cement Pipe & Jafri – 02 (Pvt.) Wooden Furniture – 30 (Pvt.) Rice Oil Factory—01 (Pvt.) Brick Field –05 (Pvt.) Block Galsi II Cold Storage – 01 Rice Mill – 18 Shaw Mill – 03 Engineering Job Work – 18 Bakery – 2 Wheat Granding – 50 Husking – 30 Oil Crushing – 15 Cement Pipe & Jafri – 15 Wooden Furniture – 30


20 35 07 07 04 02 03 03 15 04 32 38 20 05 04 42 08 50 30 15 15 15 60

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

4 1

Name of the Sub-division

Name of the Industries




/ Pri



e of


























Burdwan Sdar North

Block Raina II Cold Storage – 2 Rice Mill – 21 Shaw Mill – 7 Engineering Job Work – 8 Bakery – 1 Wheat Grinding – 21 Husking – 23 Oil Crushing – 5 Cement Pipe & Jafri – 4 Wooden Furniture – 12 Ice Candy Factory – 2 Block Raina I Cold Storage – 05 Rice Mill – 51 Shaw Mill – 11 Engineering Job Work – 31 Bakery – 2 Wheat Granding – 57 Husking – 89 Oil Crushing – 16 Cement Pipe & Jafri – 19 Wooden Furniture – 35 Solvent Plan – 1 Bio-Tech - 1 Block Khandoghosh Cold Storage – 01 Rice Mill – 56 Shaw Mill – 14 Engineering Job Work – 16 Bakery – 5 Wheat Granding – 41 Husking – 65 Oil Crushing – 11 Cement Pipe & Jafri – 21 Wooden Furniture – 47 Block Jamalpur Cold Storage – 14 Rice Mill – 5 Shaw Mill – 11 Engineering Job Work – 31 Bakery – 5 Wheat Granding – 57 Husking – 89 Oil Crushing – 16 Cement Pipe & Jafri – 19 Wooden Furniture – 35

Private ⇓

Private ⇓

58 16 08 05 08 02 02 02 05 02 04 60 18 08 06 08 02 03 02 05 05 05 03 03 60 18 08 06 08 02 03 02 05 05 749 197 08 06 08 02 03 02 05 10 10

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

4 2

Name of the Sub-division

Name of the Industries




/ Pri



e of


























Katwa Block Katwa II

Rice Mill – 2

Saw mill –6

Engineering Job Work-14


Wheat Granding- 2


Oil Crushing-5

Wooden Furniture-13

Private ⇓









Kalna Block Kalna II Cold Storage – 05 Rice Mill – 35 Shaw Mill –8 Engineering Job Work –04 Bakery – 2 Wheat Granding –41 Husking –59 Oil Crushing –32 Cement Pipe & Jafri – 9 Wooden Furniture – 40

Private ⇓

52 14 07 50 08 02 03 02 05 200

2.17 Financial Institutions: Sl. No Name of the Sub Division

Name of the Institution(Bank)

Address (Name of the Branch)

Telephone Number (Serially Branch wise)

Bank of India Asansol, Burnpur,Chittaranjan,

Domhani, Satgram, Kenda, Raniganj , Neamotpur, Mithani, Jamuria

0341-2204677, 0341-2230299, 0341-25254461, 0341-2343118, 0341-2667208, 0341-2444194, 0341-2510409, 0341-2510410, 0341-2455354

State Bank of India

Rupnaryanpur, J.K. Nagar Kalipathar, Chaittaranjan , Jamgram, Panuria, Bijpur, Kunustoria, Asansol, Asasol Bazar, Burnpur, Murgasol, Rangpara, Radhanagar Rd, Raniganj, Punjabi More, Chinakuri, Kulti, Barakar, Sanktoria, Jamuria Bazar, Satgram. Kajoragram, JK Nagar, Khandra

0341-2525325, 0341-2343135, 0341- 2530274, 0341- 2526998, 0341-2771222, 0341-27712223, 0341-2444210, 0341-2444380. 0341-0000000, 0341-2202102, 0341-2230263, 0341-2202582, 0341-2240052, 0341-2230654, 0341-2444244, 0341-2449377, 0341 -2510459, 0341-2519917, 0341 -2520316, 0341-2520293, 0341-2455450, 0341-0341-2343024, 0341-2378252, 0341- 2343135, 0341-2665649

1. Asansol Sub- Division

U Co Salanpur, Parasia, Asansol, Masjidbari Lane, Burnpur Rd. Raniganj, Kulti,

0341-2530290, 0341-2668280, 0341-2204686, 0341-2204550, 0341-

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

4 3

Sl. No Name of the Sub Division

Name of the Institution(Bank)

Address (Name of the Branch)

Telephone Number (Serially Branch wise)

Dhemomain,Danmagoria, 2230223, 0341-2444010, 0341-2515353, 0341-2520169

Allabahad Bank

Asansol, Apcar Garden, S.B Garai Road Ranijang

0341-2204802., 0341-2254356, 0341-22044847,0341-2213809, 0341-2444040

Paschim Banga Gramin Bank

Ethora, Gourandi, Venora, Churulia, Nupur, Kalipahari, Searsole, Kalyaneswari,

0341-2780299, 0341-2771460, 0341-2772378,0341-2778289, 341-2204964,0341-2448385

SB Ranianj 0341-2444858 IB Raniganj 0341-2444858 Central Bank of India

Bijoynagar, J.K Nagar , Barakar,

0341-2669539, 0341-2343211,0341-2520367

Asansol Sub- Division

United Bank of India

Chelod, Asansol, Apcar Garden, Burnpur, S.B Garai Rd, Ushagram, Hutton Rd, Sangramgarh Colly, Barmondia Colly , Raniganj

0341- 2201442, 0341-2204554/4553, 0341-341254564, 0341-2230468, 0341-2202135, 0341-2204556, 0341-2204555, 0341- 2780466, 0341- 2253696, 0341-2445368

IOB Ranganj, Asansol 0341-2444049, 0341-2204523

OBC Raniganj, Andal 0341—2444501, 0341-2373256 BCCB Neamotpur, Jamuria, Asansol,

Burnpur 0341- 2510434, 0341-2455365, 0341-2203802, 0341- 2230268

Asansol Sub- Division CB Nimgha

OBC Asansol 0341-2203386 DENA Asansol 0341-2204567 Punjab National Bank

Bastin Bazar, G.T Road 0341-2204767, 0341-2204572

BCARDB Asansol 0341-2214543 ICICI Asansol 0341-2214543 HDFC Asansol NA IB Asansol 0341-2254831 ANDHRA Asansol NA BOB Asansol 0341-22033277 P & SB Asansol NA SB Asansol UNION Asansol, Ranigang 0341-2214629, 0341-2444679 UB Asansol NA SBBJ Asansol NA

Asansol Sub- Division

AXIS Asansol PNB Viringi, Nachan Rd, Haripur, Kenda 0343-2584474, 0341-2667373 UBI Alloy Steel Plant, Benachitty,

Bidhannagar,City Centre, Coke Oven, Kumardihi, Kuldiha,

0343-2545950, 0343-22573716, 0343-2536874, 0343-2546720, 0343-2555915, 0341-2665681,0343- 2700237

U Co Durgapur(Main), City Centre, Steel City , Chora, Bahula, Budbud

0343-2584073, 0343-2545850, 0343-2562251, 0341-2667423, 0341-2667283, 0343-2512243

DENA Durgapur 0343-2583153 OBC Durgapur, Andalmore,

Panagarh 0343-2584519, 0341-2373256, 0343-2524515

2. Durgapur Sub- Division Durgapur Sub- BOI Durgapur 0343-2583962

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

4 4

Sl. No Name of the Sub Division

Name of the Institution(Bank)

Address (Name of the Branch)

Telephone Number (Serially Branch wise)

IB Durgapur 0343-2583648 ANDHRA Durgapur BOB Durgapur 0343-2582050 CBI Durgapur, Mamara Bazar,

Panagarh, Basudha, Mankar 0343-2556856, 0343-2502252, 0343-2524261, 0343-2643303. 0343-2517262

CB Durgapur IOB Durgapur 0343-2583145 SB Durgapur UNION Durgapur 0343-2583859 SBI Alloy Steel Plant, A Zone,

Benachitty, B-Zone, City Centre, Durgapur, FCI, MAMC, Muchipara, RE College, Station Bazar, Khandra, Kazoragram, Pandaveswar, Bankola, Loudaha, Panagarh, Chaktatul, Pursa

0343-2545382’0343-2564437 0000000, 0343-2562698,0343-2545798,0343-2583960,0343-2556181,0343-2555773,0343-2537535,0343-2546689,0000, 0341-2665649,0341-2378252,0341-2677307,0341-2665636,0341-2674619,0343-2513171,0341-2644239,0342-2454715,

BCCB Durgapur, City Centre, B-Zone, Ukhara, Pandaveswar, Panagarh, Budbud, Galsi

0343-2555895, 0343- 2546785, 0343- 2562338, 0341-2665634, 0341-2677207, 0343-2524227, 0343-2512228, 0342-2450337

PBGB Gopalmath. Gourbazar, Sibpur, Trilokchandrapur, Rajbandh Paraj, Ramgopalpur

0343-2595203, NA, 0343-240463, 0343-2646260,0343-2702100, 0342-2454583,0342-2459527,


WBFC Durgapur 0343-2545752 AB Durgapur, Nachan Rd, Station

Bazar, Ukhara, Andal, Khottadiahi,

0343-2585879, 0343-2584510, 0343-2557145,NA,0341-2373238, 00341-2677161

CORPN Durgapur AXIS Durgapur ICICI Durgapur

Durgapur Sub- Division

HDFC Durgapur AB Belgram, Gohagram,

Bhandardihi, Dewndighi, Barsul, Barbalun, Sahebgang, Gushkara, Dharapara, Burdwan, Khosbagan, Natunanj, Station Bazar,

0342-2440265,NA, 0342-2312805,0342-2622478, 0342-228/6262, 0342-2328286, 03452-261236, 03452-255038, 03452-255228, 0342-2568668, 0342-2531714, 0342-2568693

DENA Burdwan 0342-2566953 SBI Galsi, Dignagar, Itachanda,

Kurmun, Talit SaktigarhBhatar, Banpas, Itachanda, Burdwan, Burdwan University, Khosbagan, Parbirhata, Sdarghat

03452-2450231,03452 251251,03452-255115,03453-2310239,03451-2116258,03452-263240,03452-255115,03451-26623671,03451-2530016,03453-2565021,03454-2544573,03453-2545011,

Burdwan Sdar (North) Burdwan Sdar

PBGB Satinandi, Urochati, Ramnagar N, Bhedia, Abhirampur, Genrai, Nabastha, Balgona,

0342-2441053, 0342-2116415, 03452-252233, 03452-253595, 03452 -245532. 03452-264350,0342-2719340, NA,0342-

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

4 5

Sl. No Name of the Sub Division

Name of the Institution(Bank)

Address (Name of the Branch)

Telephone Number (Serially Branch wise)

Nasigram, Eraur, Kamarpara, Orgram, Burdwan, Kanchannagar

2327252, 03452-269252,03452-263526, 03452-262364,0342-2568144,0342-2638093

UCo Aushgram, Amarargarh, Bhatar, Mahachanda, Burdwan, Barabazar, Alamjang, Bajeprotappur,

03452-254293, NA, 0342-2322251, 0342-2568881, 0342-2568667, 0342-2530440, 0342-2622298

OBC Belari, Haldi, Ganj, Burdwan 03452-268263, 0342-2442088, 0342-2341379, 0342- 25641697

CBI Debsala, Hetudawn, Burdwan 0343-2646281, 0342-2662075, 0342-25668653

IB Kaligram. 0342-2313444 BOI Nawbabhat, Palsit, Burdwan 0342-2556816, 0342-2349235,

0342, 2664145/ 49 UNION Hatgobindapur, Kurmun,

Burdwan, Bwn Police Line, 0342-2584226, NA, 0342-2568689, 0342-2647850

BCBB Kurmun, Dewndighi, Bhatar, Gushkara, Burdwan, Burdwan Evening, Kalpataru Complex, Rail Gate Bwn, Sadarghat Bwn, Station Bazar Bwn

0342-2310232, 0342-2623233, 0342-2322265, 03452-255117, 0342-2662169, 0342-266513, 0342-2567850, 0342-264620, 0342-2544123, 0342-NA


UBI Ghordourchati, Burdwan, Kanchannagar, Station Bazar, Natunganj

0342-2544906, 0342-2568659, 0342-2638431, 0342-2662306, 0342- 2532621

CB Burdwan , Khanpukur IB Burdwan 0342-2664179 PNB B.C. Rd, G.T. Rd 0342-2568362/8615,

0342-2550748/2568796 SB Burdwan IOB Burdwan 0342-2664736 DB Burdwan AXIS Burdwan BCARDB Burdwan 0342-2662390 HDFC Burdwan ICICI Burdwan ANDHRA Burdwan

Burdwan Sdar (North)

Bank Of Maharastra


BOI Shyamsundar, Sanktia, Bulchandrapur, Jougram, Sahapur, Kalara, Jhapandanga, Satgachia,

03451-260224, 03451-278083, 03211-252223, 03451-279229, 03451-279254, 03451-287203, 03451-279213, 0342-2700231

SBI Sehera ADB, Polempur, Bataspur, Saranga, Nabagram, Surekalna, Pallaroad, Chotkhand, Radhakantapur, Memari , MemariADB

03451-253249,03454-2588313, 03451-264382,03451 259206, 03451-276629,03451-288230, 03453-2269652,03453-2262663, 03454-2700450,0342-2250529, 0342-2250398,

Burdwan Sadar (South)

UCO Seharabazar, Palason, Uchalan, Madhabdihi, Sagrai, Debipur, Amadpur,

03451-253308, 03451-210521, 03451-2525350, NA, 03451-253376, 0342-2263216, 0342-2250702,

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4 6

Sl. No Name of the Sub Division

Name of the Institution(Bank)

Address (Name of the Branch)

Telephone Number (Serially Branch wise)

IB Sukur Not Available PBGB Raina, Kaiti, Gotan, Lohai,

Sasangha, Badulia, Barugram, Chakdighi, Masagram, Antpara, Jamalpur, Ajhapur, Daulai Bazar, Bagila, Bohar, Paharhati

03451-261495,03451-210522,03451-210288, 03541-251504, 03451-262420,03451-253025, 03451-4259298, 03451-286384, 03451-277009 , 03451-275003, 03451-288008, 0342-2261314,0342-2269181, 0342-2252596, 0342-2710492, 0342-2710046

BOB Burdwan 0342-2568631

Burdwan Sadar (South)

BCCB Seharabazar, Shyamsundar, Pahalanpur, Boichandi, Jamalpur, Satgachia, Bulbulitala, Memari, Memari Evining , Monteswar

03451-253279, 03451-260225, 03211-251536, 03451-210504, 03451-288248, 0342-2700221, 0342-2717281, 0342-2250579, 0342-2252553,0342-2750542

Burdwan Sadar (South)

AB Bowichandi, Rasulpur, Satgachia, Bulbulitala

NA,0342-2269263, 0342-2700389 0342-2717273

OBC Eklakshmi , Mandalgram 03211-252349, 0342-2714231

BCARDB Seharabazar 034151-253549 CBI Keshabpur, Khanadaghosh 03422588022, 0345-2662240 UBI Gantar, Memari 0342-2250387, 0342-2250335

IOB Memari 0342-2251603 Katwa CANARA Nigon NA

OBC Palisgram, Bankpasi 03453-263121, 03453-267303 PNB Khatiar 03452-260640 UCO Natunhat, Ganagatikuri, Katwa 03453-266240, 03453-270221,

03453-255260 UNION Kaichar , Moregram, Khaspur

Pirtala, Ankhona 03453-262236, NA, 03453-275229, 03453-274235


PBGB Singot, Kasemnagar, Jalpara, Shyambazar, Amgoria, Palita, Kandra, Sitahati, Kaitan, Srikhanda, Panchanantala, Singhi, Agrawdip, Musthali

03453-263199, 03452-260353, 03452-256290,03453-271070, 03453 - 243425,NA, 03453-273389, 03453-270330,03453-264244, 03453-261329, 03453-246109, 03453 -249475, 03453-245406, 03453-244052,

UBI Khirogram, Panuhat, Katwa 03453-262447, 03453-255380, 03453-255034

BCCB Natunhat, Majiari, Katwa 03453-266332, 03453-242433, 03453-255006,

SBI Ramjibanpur, Nirola, Ketugram, Churpuni, Majoari, Katwa, Katwa ADB, Dainhat

03453-273433,03453-272221,03453-272242, 03453-271328, NA, 03453-255112, 03453-255098, 03453- 244225


BOI Charki 03453-271207 BOB Palsona 03453-242486 AB Agradwip 03454-245225


KKARDB Katwa NA PBGB Maldanga, Madhyamgram, 0342-2750015, 0342-2716096, NA,

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4 7

Sl. No Name of the Sub Division

Name of the Institution(Bank)

Address (Name of the Branch)

Telephone Number (Serially Branch wise)

Hosenpur, Sanghospara, Chupi, , Angerson, Srirampur, Samudragarh

03453-243643, 03454-265337, 03472-241923, 03454-266166

SBI Kusumgram, Putsuri, Sijna, Kaigram, NadanghatADB,Chatini, Mainaguri, Kalna, KalnaADB

2750524, NA, 2753244, 2454449, 260233, 03453-248251, 03454-275522, 03454-255064, 03454-255044 (Code Not Available some br.)

UCO Mateswar, Nasaratpur, Patuli, Sigerkuni, Kusodanga

0342-2750541, 03454-266225,03453 -248247, 03454-241240, 03454-255152

CANARA Raigram, Dhamachia NA BCCB Mejari, Nadanghat, Sumadragarh,

Kalna 03453-242433, 03454-260235, 03454-266006, 03454-255074

KKARDB Monteswar NA PNB Bhaturia , Nibujibazar NA, 03454-255013 AB Nadanghat, Purbasthali, Lakshmipur,

Biswarambha 260236, 265213, NA, 263213

UNION Jahannagar 03454-264209 KKARDB Kalna NA BOI Dhatrigram, Gramkulti, Nepakuli 03454-270224, 03454-241288,





UBI Baganpara, Shajpur, Baidyapur, Kalna 03454-274311, 03454-276214, 03454-245242, 03454-255119

2.18 Communication Facilities:


Name of the Sub-division

Telecomm-unication (Y/N)

No. Of Boats

No. Of Bus

No. Of Trekker

No. Of Tractor

No. Of Jeeps

No. Of Two Wheelers

G P G P G P G P G P G P 1 Asansol Y - - 125 327 179 27 45 22 2 156457 2 Durgapur Y -- -- 146 258 -- 146 10 123 14 -- 178945 3 Burdwan

Sadar N Y - - -- 356 - 265 14 1234 12 - 112543

4 Burdwan Sadar S

Y - - 289 - 72 12 1326 6 - 123647

5 Kalna Y 12 327 - 57 13 877 7 - 78345 6 Katwa Y 23 238 - 32 922 3 - 56783 7856 125


G: Government, P: Private,

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2.19 Power station and electric installation As Per Division By Electricity Depertment WBSEDCL  Toll free no 1800‐345‐3201  Contact number  Divisional Manager Burdwan  (D) Division: 9434308599  Burdwan (Operation & Maintanance) Division Sl. No

Block Name of the Sub Station Location Cntact Number

1 Burdwan I Katwa Road 33/11 KV S/Stn Near DVC Katwa Rd, 0342-2623463 2 Bhatar Balogana Bzr 33/11 KV S/Stn Balgona Bazar 0342-2320296 3 Burdwan I Nawbabhat 33/11 KV S/Stn Nawbabghat Near Balighat 0342 2657711 4 Burdwan I Power House 33/11 KV S/Stn Frazer Avenue, Power House Para 0342 2662427 5 Burdwan I Becharhat 33/11 KV S/Stn Becharhat 0342- 2 6 Galsi II Galsi Chowrasta 33/11 KV S/Stn Galsi 0342 2450693 7 Aushgram I Gushkara 33/11 KV S/Stn Gushkara 03452- 2122368 Bhatar Orgram 33/11 KV S/Stn Orgarm 03452 255043 9 Bhatar Mahachanda 33/11 KV S/Stn Mahachanda 0342 2051345 10 Raina I Serabazar 33/11 KV S/Stn Serabazar 03451 253258 11 Raina II Madhabdihi 33/11 KV S/Stn Madhabdihi 03451 251214 12 Khandoghosh Khandoghosh 33/11 KV S/Stn Khandoghosh 03451 253258 13 Burdwan I Sadarghat 33/11 KV S/Stn By Pass Rd. Burdwan 0342- 254512914 Bhatar Mahachanda 132 KV S/Stn Mahachanda 0342 2326036 15 Raina Raina 132/ KV S/Stn Raina 03451 2326036 Memari (Operation & Maintanance) Division Sl. No

Block Name of the Sub Station Location Cntact Number

1 Memari I Memari 33/11 KV S/Stn Memari 0342- 2250386 2 Burdwan II Saktigarh 33/11 KV S/Stn Saktigarh 0342-2052401 3 Jamalpur Jamalpur 33/11 KV S/Stn Jamalpur 03451 288212 4 Memari I Bagila 33/11 KV S/Stn Bagila 03422262707 5 Burdwan II Hatgobindapur 33/11 KV S/Stn Hatgobindapur 0342- 2584516 6 Memari II Paharhati 33/11 KV S/Stn Paharhati 0342 2058090 7 Memari II Satgachia 220/132 KVS/Stn Satgachia 0342 2700306 Durgapur (Operation & Maintanance) Division Sl. No Block Name of the Sub Station Location Cntact Number 1 Durgapur –

Faridpur Durgapur Barrage 33/11 KV S/Stn Near Durgapur

Barrage 0343- 2556817

2 Do Benachhity 33/11 KV S/Stn Benachhity 0343 2582792 3 Do Lochipur 33/11 KV S/Stn Lochipur 0343 2379333 4 Pandaveswar Pandaveswar 33/11 KV S/Stn Pandaveswar 0343 2677293 5 Galsi I Budbud 33/11 KV S/Stn Budbud 0343 2512246 6 Kanksa Rajbandh 33/11 KV S/Stn Rajbandh 0343 2702046 7 Aushgram II Raghunathpur 33/11 KV S/Stn Raghunathpur 0343 2643399 8 Dgp -Faridpur Durgapur /400/220/132KV S/Stn Dgp Bidhannagar 0343 2537893 9 Galsi I Mankar /400/220/132KV S/Stn Mankar 0343 2517700

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4 9

Asansol (Operation & Maintanance) Division

Sl. No Block Name of the Sub Station Location Cntact Number 1 Asansol MC Koilapur 33/11 KV S/Stn Kailapur 0341 2241441 2 Asansol MC Joyramdanga 33/11 KV S/Stn Joyramdanga 0341 3 Barabani Dendua 33/11 KV S/Stn Dendua 0341 2530291/2957 4 Asansol MC Kannyapur 33/11 KV S/Stn Kannyapur 03412252136 5 Barabani Domhani 33/11 KV S/Stn Domhani 0341 2772279 6 Salanpur Dabur 33/11 KV S/Stn Dabur 0341 2015068 7 Bankidanga Bankidanga 33/11 KV S/Stn Bankidanga 03412013032 8 Asansol MC Ismile 33/11KV S/Stn Ismile 0341 22830291 9 Salanpur Neamatpur33/11KV S/Stn Neamatpur 0341 2281321 10 Asansol MC Asansol 220/132 KV S/Stn Asansol 0341 2932029 11 Andal Ukhara 220/132 KV S/Stn Laudoha 0341 2670610 Kalna (Operation & Maintanance) Division Sl. No

Block Name of the Sub Station Location Cntact Number

1 Kalna Kalna 33/11 KV S/Stn Kalna 0342 255126 2 Kalna Baidyapur 33/11 KV S/Stn Baidyapur 03454245260 3 Kalna Madhupur 33/11 KV S/Stn Madhupur 03454273349 4 Purbasthali Sreerampur 33/11 KV S/Stn Sreerampur 03452 239337 5 Pubasthali Nadanghat 33/11 KV S/Stn Nadanghat 03454 260337 6 Purbasthali Chatni 33/11 KV S/Stn Chatni 03453 248255 7 Kalna Dhatrigram 132 KVS S/Stn Dhatrigram Under Construction Katwa (Operation & Maintanance) Division Sl. No

Block Name of the Sub Station Location Cntact Number

1 Katwa Katwa 33/11 KV S/Stn Katwa 03453 255175 2 Ketugram Panchundi 33/11 KV S/Stn Panchundi 03453 272500 3 Katwa Kandra 33/11 KV S/Stn Kandra Under Construction

4 Mongolkote Jogeswardihi 33/11 KV S/Stn Jogeswardihi 03453 262325 5 Katwa Katwa 132 KV S/Stn Katwa 03453255261 Contact Number Of Divisional Manger Electricity Division (DM) Contact No Division (DM) Contact No Burdwan 0342 2662437 Katwa 03453 255296 Memari 0342 2260926 Kalna 03453 255296 Durgapur 0343 2546165 Asansol 0341 2284811

Name of  CCC  Contact no (Mob)of Station Managers 

Burdwan Division Bhatar  9434754935 Kurmun  9434754938 Banpas  9434754942 Gushkara  9903324824/ 03452 255042 Raina  8296520305 Galsi  9434754939 Khandoghosh  9434754941 

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5 0

Name of 33/11 KV 

Substation Designated officer to supervise & Mobile No 

Name of Maintenance Agency  Contact no 

Searbazar Madhabdihi Khandoghosh 

Mr. Surat Ranjan Panja Dipti Electrical Engg. Bolgona 


Raina Mr. Niladri Jash,  

Jash Electrical Concern  Orgram 9474492059 


Assistant Engineer (Technical‐I) 9434754913 

0342 2662437 (DM) Mr. Amit Dutta 

Light House    Madhabdihi 9434468997 

Orgram Galsi 

Das & Mukherjee Serabazar 


Gushkara Balgona 

Assistant Engineer (Technical‐II) 9434005750 

0342 2662437 (DM)  M.J Electricals,  Gushkara  9475188411 

2.20 Transport and communication network

VHF station/ Telecommunication links/IMD system/ other

Designation Contact Number Degnation Contact Number GM.. Asansol 03412200303 JTO. (of D 2) Bdn 03422569569/2559559 Dy. GM, (O& M) Bwn 03422561000 JTO (Mobile) Bdn 9434027333 Dy.GM, (O& M) Dgp 03432546900 JTO (Mobile) Bdn 9434244545 DE (E &A) Bwn 03422662204 JTO Alamgang 0342 2530000/2543555 DE (MTCE) Bwn 03422665544 JTO Bajeprotappur 03422526000 DE (MTCE) Katwa 03453250000 JTO BaronilpurBdn 03422540000/2559500 AO (Cash) Bwn 03422662522 JTO Bankura More 0342 2588000 A/O (TRA) Bwn 03422662700 JTO Coexel 03422556000/2557333 SDO (Ph) Bwn 03422662506/2557777 JTO Kalnagate Bdn 03422624000/2664488 SDO( Tele) Bwn 0342 26626009 JTO Barsul 034202586300 SDO (Ph) Katwa 03453 255500/01 JTO Galsi 0342 2450678 SDE (Ph) E&E 03422663500/2646900 JTO Serabazar 03451 253801 SDE Memari 0342 2250444/848 JTO Jamalpur 03451 288802 SDE Seharabazar 03451253777/254321 JTO Shyamsundar 03451 260000 SDE Satgachia 0342270033/2625200 JTO Memari 03422250666 SDE Gushkara 03452255300/253500 JTO Gr Memari 0342 2250333 SDE Kalna 03454255000/255077 JTO Nabagram 03451 276700 JTO (of D1) Bwn 03422663558/59 JTO Kurmun 0342 2310201 JTO Katwa 03453255505 JTO GR/ Sigha 0342 2710555 JTO(INT)/BNP/BN 0342 2664300 JTO Satgachia 0342 2700200 JTO Gushkara(INTI) 03452255000 JTO SMORG 03454 266500 JTO GR/GKR 03452256300 JTO Manteswar 0342 2750201 JTO Bhatar 03422322201 JTO Kalna 03454255100 JTO OD/BNP/BN 03422540000

Road network National Highway, Barakar to Jougram NH2 State Highway, Panagarh to Moregram Major District Roads , Burdwan to Seharabazar, Durgapur to Pandaveswar,

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5 1

Other District Roads, Forest Roads, Classified Village Roads Panchayat Samiti Roads, Village Roads, R.L.E.G.P Road, and Urban Road.(in Kms.) Waterways : Kalinagar to Dhatrigram

Dhatrigram to Uday danga Kutirdanga to Kharidaya to Sumdragarh Ghughudanaga to Nandai G.P

Katwa to Uddharanpur Ghat. Railways :

Howrah to Dhanbad via Asansol, Asansol to Chittaranjan (Main Line) Howrah to Katwa (Azimganj), Burdwan to Rampurhat, Andal to Sainthia, Burdwan to Katwa (Narrow guage convert to meter guege under construction)

Internet facilities; Broad Band Facility is available under service from BSNL, AIRTEL, VODAPHONE, RELIANCE, TATA, UNINOR, AIRCEL, MTS , IDEA, etc.

HAM amateur radio stations : Nil

Chapter 3

3.1 Resource Inventory/ Capacity Analysis:

Resource Type Details Number Government/

Private Contacts/ Owner’s name with Telephone No.

Transportation and Communication

Tractor 12528 G & P 1. Baburam Ghosh -9635912682 2. Arup Ghosh 9735143323 3. Ratan Ghosh, Gotan 4. Manik Ghosh 7797636011 5. Mana Ghosh, Gotan 6. Swapan Santra, Gotan 7. Sk. Hiatali, Gotan 8. Manasa Pada Ghosh, Barmukhi 9. Sunul Nandi, Barmukhi 10. Prosanto Dha, Barmukhi 11. Kanchan Hazra, Arui 12. Himanshu Roy, Arui 13. Amal Dey, Uchalan 14. Sanukul Dhara, Uchalan 15. Sarbobandhu Panja, Uchalan 16. Amitava Sahana, Uchalan 17. Hari Sadhan Samanta, Uchalan 18. Pintu Biswas, Uchalan 19. Susanta Dutta, Uchalan 20. Indranath Dutta, Painta 21. Pradip Mondal, Painta 22. Prasenjit Dutta, Painta

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5 2

Resource Type Details Number Government/

Private Contacts/ Owner’s name with Telephone No. 23. Harisadhan Kundu, Painta 24. Chinmoy Dey, Painta 25. Pradip ADHIKARI, Painta 26. Tarak Chandra Ghosh,

Barabainan. 27. Swapan Koner, Kamargoria. 28. Ismile Chowdhury, Subaldaha. 29. Kanchan Hazra, Arui. 30. Himangshu Roy, Arui. 31. Amal Dey, Gotan. 32. Sanukul Dhara, Nandanpur. 33. Sarbabandhu Panja, Keunta. 34. Amitava Sahana, Belar. Hari Sadhan Samanta, Bhurkunda 35. Sufi Abdul Rakib, Madhabdihi. 36. Baksi Mondal, Madhabdihi 37Kaji Khelaphat Hossain, Madhabdihi 38. Kalu Sk 39. Hanif Molla 40. Amal Sk Company Danga Rajat Pal, Company Danga Basudeb Pal Singarail

Trekker 7856 G & P Bapi Maji 9775357132

Chanchal Singha Roy 9434178120

Trolley, Rickshaw

245689 G & P Manik Maji -7797636011


wheeler 89641 G & P 1.Srikanta Banerjee 9732167660

2. Ruiton Rajbansi 9735625195 3.Chanchal Singha Roy 9434178120 4.Harun Mondal 9732360032

Boats 456 G & P 1.Lalta Chowdhury 2.Shadhin Das- 9153619580 3.Arjun Chowdhury 4.Mujibar Sk 5Bitosh Mondal, Hodilpur. 6.Ruma Mallik, Narasinghapur. 7.Lakshmi Narayan Dey, Barabainan. 8.Barabainan G.P. 2 Nos.,

03451-210138. 9.Subal Chandra Bag, Moniary.

Telephone 2145678 G & P 1. DM, Burdwan 2. ADM (G)

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5 3

Resource Type Details Number Government/

Private Contacts/ Owner’s name with Telephone No. 3. ADM (LA) 4. ADM (ZP)

Containers Tankers 958657 G & P Overhead

tanks 245782 G & P 1 Aduri Chandra Pal , Kamarhati, 03451

265441 2 Hari Prosad Nandi, Lohai 03451 251420 3 Ashoke Dey Nijampur 4 Pintu Kundu, Hadilpur, 03451 210447 5 Nanda Halder, Choto Bainan, 6 Bikash Nayak , Gotan 7 Bidyut Nandi, Gotan 8. Harun Pramanick 03454274031 9. Binoy Pal 9474491723 10. Ajoy Chakroborty 9474366952 11. Shyam Nath 9232605248 12. Joydeb Mondal 7699710714 13. Tanmoy Ghosh 9832709234 14. Soumen Nayek 9933863355 15. Pranab Mondal 9732112637


canes 106982 G & P 1.Soumen Nayek 9933863355

2.Pranab Mondal 9732112637 3.GorachandKoley,Kaity 9474116633 4. Nikhil Ghosh, Kaity 5. Dilip Show, Kaity 6. Madan Kr. Dutta, Kaity 7Marshal Tudu, Kaity 8Babar Ali, Gotan 9Abdul Majid, Gotan 10 Mana Ghosh, Gotan 11.Kamluddin, Gotan 12Haridas Mondal, Pohalanpur 13.Chowdhury AKM Farat, Pohalanpur 14. Madan Mathur Sanjit Nandi, Painta 15. Sk, Mojammel Hossain, Arui 16. Sk. Tapan, Arui 17. Aloke Roy, Uchalan 18. Chittaranjan Gupta 17 Gaffar Sk, GoaraMondalpara 18 Nurkasem Sk GoaraMondalpara 19Tapan K Nath 9732285833 20 Anukul Mondal, Indrapur 21 Satyambar Ghosh Indrapur

Big vessels

2433 G & P

Cleaning and Cutting equipments Cleaning and

Kodi 2527854 G & P 1Arup Mondal 9732159686 2Prabir Mukherjee 9734700204 3RadhyashyamGhosh 9609617502 4.Ajfar Ali, 5.Golam Aspia 3.Habibar Rahman.

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5 4

Resource Type Details Number Government/

Private Contacts/ Owner’s name with Telephone No.

Cutting equipments 4.Golam Ahia 5.Ashis Roy 6.Ashis Sarkar, Kaity 7.Kazi Abu Moti Kaiyem, Gotan 8.Chowdhury Golam Aspia, Pahalanpur 9.Chowdhury Asraful, Pahalanpur, 10.Sk. Mojammel Hossain Arui. 11.Altab Hossain Chowdhury, Arui, 12.Nabin Mondal Painta 13.Pradip Mondal Painta 14.Priyotam Dutta, Painta 15.Susanta Dutta, Uchalan 16.Chittaranjan Gupta, Uchalan 17.Ajoy Dutta, Uchalan 18.Banomali Dey, Uchalan 19.Tarak Ghosh, Baromukhi 20.Tapan Ghosh, Baromukhi 21.Rabindra Nath Ta Baromukhi 22.Ram Ch Ghosh Baromukhi 23.Kisorlal Ghosh ,Baromukhi 24Hamid Mondal 25 Uday Rudra 26 Anup Maitra 27 Hossain Mondal

28 Ajmul Mondal 29 Jased Ali 30 .Majfar Ahmed

Cleaning and Cutting equipments

Kudala 568795 G & P 1Gopal Mondal 9735843830 2Soumen Nayek 9933863355 3Pranab Mondal 9732112637 4Manab Ghosh 8001630780 5Paresh Modak 9800966459 6Subhas Roy, Kaity 7Haibar Rahaman, Gotan 8Swapan Santra, Gotan 9Chowdhury Golam, Pahalanpur 10Ashis Dutta, Painta 11Tapan Dutta, Painta 12Banomali Dey, Uchalan 13Tarak Ghosh, Baromukhi 14Sunil Santara, Nivujibazar 15Chinmoy Mondal, Simlon 16Sita Ram Chand, Hatbale 17Tapan Jar, Hridaypur 18Gaffar Sk, GoaraMondalpara 19Nurkasem Sk GoaraMondalpara 20Anukul Mondal, Indrapur 21Satyambar Ghosh Indrapur

Cleaning and Cutting equipments

Sabala 678952 G & P 1.Mukul Karmokar 9547329810 2.Apurba Mondal 9333333847 3.Mahadeb Mondal 9735146227 4.Manab Ghosh 8001630780 5.Paresh Modak 9800966459

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

5 5

Resource Type Details Number Government/

Private Contacts/ Owner’s name with Telephone No. 6.Sunil Santara, Nivujibazar 7.Chinmoy Mondal, Simlon 8.Sita Ram Chand, Hatbale 9.Tapan Jar, Hridaypur 10.Gaffar Sk, GoaraMondalpara 11.Nurkasem Sk GoaraMondalpara 12.Anukul Mondal, Indrapur 13 .Satyambar Ghosh Indrapur 14Subhas Roy, Kaity 15.Haibar Rahaman, Gotan 16.Swapan Santra, Gotan 17Chowdhury Golam, Pahalanpur 18.Ashis Dutta, Painta 19.Tapan Dutta, Painta 20.Banomali Dey, Uchalan 21.Tarak Ghosh, Baromukhi

Rope Rope

1012548 Ft

G & P 1.Santosh Ghosh 9153024649 2.Mrinal Kanti Chakrobortty 3.Prabir Mukherjee 9734700204 4.Radhyashyam Ghosh 9609617502 5.Manab Ghosh 8001630780 6.Paresh Modak 9800966459 7.Pranab Pal 8.Satyanaryan Banerjee 9732694906 9.Dipok Chakroborty 9734572608 10.Satyanaryan Dey 9609688976 11.Birendra Nath Banerjee 9332467443 12.Sahidul Islam 9233299879 13.Kamrul Mallick 9732072750 14.Akbor Ali Mollick 963520659 15. Habibar Rahman 16. Sk. Mojammel Hossain Arui. 17. Nabin Mondal Painta 18. Pradip Mondal Painta 19. Priyotam Dutta, Painta 20. Susanta Dutta, Uchalan 21.Kaji Khelapat Hossain, Kaity 22.Tarak Ch Ghosh Baromukhi 23.Swapan Koner, 24.Kanchan Hazra 25.Amal Dey 26.Harisadhan Samanta 27.Ratan Ghosh 28.Chinmoy Mondal, Simlon 29. Sita Ram Chand, Hatbale 29. Gaffar Sk, GoaraMondalpara 30. Nurkasem Sk GoaraMondalpara 31. Anukul Mondal, Indrapur

Big Saw 758622 G & P Prohalad Karmokar 9547329810 Bikash Sutradhar 8001762548

Other Resources Gen set 27859 G & P 1.Falguni Bhattacharya, Kaity

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5 6

Resource Type Details Number Government/

Private Contacts/ Owner’s name with Telephone No. 2.Biswanat Roy Do 3.Marsha Tudu, Do 4.Kmaluddin, Gotan 5.Shyamal Pal, Gotan 6.Kartick Dhara, Pahalanpur 7.Srikanto Barik, Do 8.Naba Kr Porel, Painta 9.Madan Mathur, Painta 10.Sk. Tapan Arui. 11.Aloke Roy, Uchalan 12.Bidyut Chanadra, Uchalan 13.Dilip Das Baromukhi, 14.Debdulal Ghosh, Baromukhi 15.Tapan K Nath 9732285833 16. Rahaman Electricals 03454 274205 17. Birendra Nath Banerjee 9332467443

Other Resources Pump set 246852 G & P 1. Subhas Roy, Kaity 2. ASHIS Roy, Kaity 3. Ajfar Ali, Gotan, 4. Golam Aspia, Gotan 5. Miraj Tutul, Pahalanpur, 6. Chowdhury Asraful, Pahalan Pur 7. Rabin Mondal, Painta 8. Satya Sahana, Painta 9. Tiratu Dutta, Painta 10. Banomali Dey Uchalan, 11. Pintu Biswas, Uchalan, 12. Kishorelal Ghosh, Baromukhi 13. Chandan Kundu, Baromukhi, 14. Tapan Dey

Other Resources Petromax 56257 G & P 1.Biswarup Chakroborty 9734825383 2.Atanu Chatterjee 9432217805 3. Avishek Chakroborty 8001761622

Other Resources Tent house

68985 G & P 1.Tarak Ghosh Patsahapur 2.Rabindranath GhoshDo 3.Ajoy Ghosh Do 4.Naba Ghosh do 5.Anukul Mondal, Indrapur 6.Satyambar Ghosh Indrapur

Other Resources Gas light 985412 G & P 1.Khairul Khan 8100984429 Other Resources Solar

Light 45685 G & P 1.Miraj Tutul, Pahalanpur,

2. Chowdhury Asraful, Pahalan Pur Other Resources Other Resources

Biogas 125897 P 1. Siddhaswar Das, Katnabil, Kaity 2. Kamrul Mallick 9732072750 3. Sahidul Islam 9233299879 4. Rajib Kumar Das, -Do- 5. Sunil Ghosh, Subaldaha,

Barabainan. 6. Ashok Kumar Dan, -Do- 7. Kamal Kanti Koner, Keunta. 8. Barun Kanti Ghosh,


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5 7

Resource Type Details Number Government/

Private Contacts/ Owner’s name with Telephone No. 9. Rampada Ghosh, Bijipur,

Saknara. 10. Smt. Mira Koley, Bijipur. 11. Bishnupada Koley, Deno,

Saknara. 12. Partha Ghosh, Kowara, Raina. 13. Kiran Chandra Ghosh, Raina 14. Provat Ghosh Raina 15. Rampada Ghosh, Raina

Temporary Shelter



G & P

1. Bijoy Das Dhatrigram 2. Raju Ghosh Sahajpur

Tarpaulins / Polythenes


G & P

1. Radhyashyam Ghosh 9609617502 2. Manab Ghosh 8001630780 3. Paresh Modak 9800966459 4. Pranab Pal 5. Satyanaryan Banerjee 9732694906 6. Dipok Chakroborty 9734572608 7. Kasi Nath Chatterjee, Madhupur 8. Bijoy Das Dhatrigram 9. Raju Ghosh Sahajpur 10. Ajmol Sk, Bulbulitala 11. Ananda Gopal Roy

Bamboo 3727615444(Approx)

1. Satyanaryan Banerjee 9732694906 2. Manab Ghosh 8001630780 3. Paresh Modak 9800966459 4.Pranab Pal 5. Rajib Kr Das 6.Sunil Ghosh 7. Rampada Ghosh 8.Amal Kanti Koner 9.Biswanath Roy 10.Kartick Dhara 11.Kirn Ch Ghosh 12.Aloke Roy 13.Dilip Das 14Madan Mathur 15Sita Ram Chand, Hatbale 16Tapan Jar, Hridaypur 17Gaffar Sk, GoaraMondalpara 18Nurkasem Sk Goara Mondalpara

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5 8

3.2 Emergency Contingency Plan Burdwan District

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Amount of food Materials (in KG) per Day Medicines per Week

Sl. N



e of






of p



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01 C




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s. /H



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s. (

7 ta

bs /H







in K




s /H


1 Asansol 481232 577479 115495.68 28873.92 144369.6 14436.96 5774.784 28873.92 5747.84 4042348 28873.92

2 Durgapur 746325 895590 179118 44779.54 223897.5 22389.75 8955.9 44779.54 89569.00 6269129 44779.54

3 Sadar S 1047937 1257524 251504.88 62176.26 314381.1 31438.11 12575.24 62876.26 12575244 8802670 662876.26

4 Sadar N 932293 1118752 223750.32 55937.62 279687.9 27968.79 11187.51 55937.62 11187.51 7831261 55937.62

5 Kalna 929046 1114855 222971.04 55742.9 278713.8 2771.38 11148.55 55742.9 11148.55 7803985 55742.9

6 Katwa 759290 91149 182229 45557.42 227787 22778.7 9111.48 45597.42 9111480 6378036 45557.42

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

5 9

3.3 Storage facilities with capacity:

Sl.No Type of storage structure

Location Capacity


Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)


1 Godown Burdwan Town

2000 DC & FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan 0342-2544001


2 Godown Serabazar 1200 DC & FS, Burdwan Purta Bhawan,

3 Godown

Galsi FSD 800 DC & FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan 0342-2544001

4 Godown

Ramjibonpur FSD

1100 DC & FS, Burdwan Purta Bhawan,


5 Godown

Memari 1800 DC & FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan 0342-2544001

6 Godown

Guskara 2000 DC & FS, Burdwan Purta Bhawan,

Burdwan 0342-2544001

7 Godown

Asansol 700 DC & FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan 0342-2544001

8 Godown

Kalna 1800 DC & FS, Burdwan Purta Bhawan,

Burdwan 0342-2544001

9 Godown

Satgachia Hired

500 DC & FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan

10 Godown

Katwa 7300 DC & FS, Burdwan Purta Bhawan,

Burdwan 0342-2544001

11 Godown

CWC, Hatsimul

1500 DC & FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan 0342-2544001

12 Godown

Amar Kundu

3500 DC & FS, Burdwan Purta Bhawan,

Burdwan 0342-2544001

13 Godown

S.DEY 900 DC & FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan 0342-2544001

14 Godown

CWC, 6675 DC & FS, Burdwan Purta Bhawan,

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

6 0

Sl.No Type of storage structure

Location Capacity


Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)


Sarul Burdwan 0342-2544001

15 Godown

S. N Agarwal

4200 DC & FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan 0342-2544001

16 Godown

CWC, Sadarghat

4742 DC & FS, Burdwan Purta Bhawan,

Burdwan 0342-2544001

17 Godown

Gushkara 3975 DC&FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan

18 Godown

Bankura More

3000 DC&FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan,


19 Godown

Dharapara 1300 DC&FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan

20 Godown

Somaipur 1200 DC & FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan

21 Godown

Kalna Japat

1050 DC & FS, Burdwan

Purta Bhawan, Burdwan 0342-2544001

22 Jemua G.P. Godown

Jemua 2 M.T. Prodhan Jemua G.P.


23 Block Relief Godown

Andal 10 M.T. B.D.O. Andal Vill & P.O. Andal. 9433251399

24 Ichhapur G.P. Godown

Ichhapur 2 M.T. Prodhan Ichhapur G.P.


25 Sreerampur GP Godown


3 M.T. Prodhan Sreerampur GP

Vill & P.O. Andal 0341 2374056

26 Ramprasadpur GP Godown


3 M.T. Prodhan Ramprasadpur GP

Vill & PO Ramprasadpur 03412373223

27 Andal GP Godown

Andal More

3 M.T. Prodhan Andal GP

Vill & P.O. Andal 0341 2373601

28 Dakshinkhanda GP Godown


3 M.T. Prodhan Dakshinkhanda GP

VIll & P.O. Dakshinkhanda 0341 2665887

29 Khandra GP Godown

Siduli 3 M.T. Prodhan Siduli GP

Vill & P.O. Siduli 0341 2667330

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

6 1

Sl.No Type of storage structure

Location Capacity


Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)


30 Ukhra GP Godown

Ukhra 3 M.T. Prodhan Ukhra GP

VIll & P.O. Ukhra 0341 2665208

31 Kajora GP Godown


3 M.T. Prodhan Kajora GP

Vill & P.O. Kajoragrm

0341 2379240

32 Madanpur GP Godown

Pubra Madanpur

3 M.T. Prodhan Madanpur GP

Vill & P.O. Madanpur 0341 2374280

33 Block Relief Godown

Laudoha 3 M.T. B.D.O. Durgapur-Faridpur

Vill & P.O. Laudoha 0341-2670600

34 Gourbazar G.P. Godown

Gourbazar 3 M.T. Prodhan Gourbazar G.P.


35 Pratappur G.P. Godown

Pratappur 3 M.T. Prodhan Pratappur G.P.


36 Block Relief Godown

Kalna I 10 M.T. B.D.O. Kalna I 03454-257638 8670176252

37 Hatkalna GP Godown

Near GP Office

3 M.T. Prodhan 03454-257638

38 Krishnadebpur GP Godown

Near GP Office

3 M.T. Prodhan 03454-255068 (GP Office)

39 Baghnapara GP Godown

Near GP Office

3 M.T. Prodhan 03454-274324 (GP Office)

40 Dhatrigram GP Godown

Near GP Office

3 M.T. Prodhan 03454-270246 (GP Office)

41 Nandai GP Godown

Near GP Office

3 M.T. Prodhan 03454-266616 (GP Office)

42 Atghoria-Simlon GP Godown

Near GP Office

3 M.T. Prodhan 03454-273238 9434803399 (GP Office)

43 Kankuria GP Godown

Near GP Office

3 M.T. Prodhan 03454-276220 (GP Office)

44 Sultanpur GP Godown

Near GP Office

3 M.T. Prodhan 03454-275555 8926414396 (GP Office)

45 Begpur GP Godown

Near GP Office

3 M.T. Prodhan 0342-2717165 (GP Office) Reside

ntial No. (03453

46 Block Godown Dainhat 30 Mt. BDO, Katwa-II (03453)244-

238 244-555

47 Jagadanandapur GP


15 Mt. Prodhan J. Pur

244-210 97320

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

6 2

Sl.No Type of storage structure

Location Capacity


Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)

Remarks 25820

48 Agradwip GP Agradwip 23 Mt. Prodhan

Agradwip 247-615


49 Singhi GP Singhi 18 Mt. Prodhan

Singhi 249-320


50 Sribati GP Baksa 19 Mt. Prodhan

Sribati 249-520


51 Karui GP Karui 27 Mt. Prodhan Karui 264-260


52 Palsona GP Palsona 17 Mt Prodhan

Palsona 242-533


3.4 Public Distribution System Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

Burdwan Sadar (North)

Aus-I 46Nos.

Anandamoy Ghosh Bindaswari P Bhakat Dharampur Punnagar SKUS Ltd Gopal C Show Gadhadhar Mondal Monotosh Ganguli Rammohan Koner Smt. Susama Koner Tuhin K Garai Smt Tapati Mondal Ajit K Dutta Birendra K Pal Abdu Mazid Mondal Smt Sanatana Chatterjee Dharmadas Ganguli Mihir K Kundu Mihir K Kundu a/c

Anandamoy Ghosh Bindaswari P Bhakat Dharampur Punnagar SKUS Ltd Gopal C Show Gadhadhar Mondal Monotosh Ganguli Rammohan Koner Smt. Susama Koner Tuhin K Garai Smt Tapati Mondal Ajit K Dutta Birendra K Pal Abdu Mazid Mondal Smt Sanatana Chatterjee Dharmadas Ganguli Mihir K Kundu Mihir K Kundu a/c

9434226667 9434358117 03452255606 9475288906 9333507339 9474179123 9475054714 7797569276 9434358072 9749230761 03452251223 9434469456 03452251262 9002991278 9434469441

Gushkara Gushkara Gushkara Gushkara Gushkara Gushkara Gushkara Gushkara(GM) Gushkara Gushkara Dignagar Dignagar Dignagar Hatkirtinagar Aligram Deyasa Deyasa

4051 3684 4785 2845 4672 5098 4144 2235 7217 2967 3280 3630 1962 3405 1884 2385 4351


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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

6 3

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

Burdwan Sadar (North) Burdwan Sadar (North)

Aus I Aushgram-II 29 Nos.

Sukheswar Mondal Subhas C Karmokar Shyamal K Panja Ram Prosad D yasi Smt. Putul Chatterjee Faziul Haque Mondal Smt. Susama R Koner Dilip K Saha Jaganath Chandra a/c Suraz-ud-dulla Mallick Ajit K Dey Abhay Pada Dey Binoy Ghosh Tapan K Khan Laxmi Kanta Ghosh Abdur Ra.man Mondal Aushgram- I Lamp Ltd Sk. Rafikul Netai Pit Nazrul Haque Fazlul Haque Do Joy K Pur-Sri K Pur SKUS Ltd B.S.K.U.S T.S.K.U.S Basiara Begum Subhas C Dutta Ajit K Paramanick Ajit K Mondal Dipankar Mukherjee Kumud R Ghosh Aushgram-II Lamps Sar SKUS Ltd Sk. Abdul Salim Amarargarh SKUS L Biswajit Ghosh Akbar Houssain Binoy K Laha Abdus Salem Molla Kalaijhuti SKUS Ltd

Sukheswar Mondal Subhas C Karmokar Shyamal K Panja Ram Prosad D yasi Smt. Putul Chatterjee Faziul Haque Mondal Smt. Susama R Koner Dilip K Saha Jaganath Chandra a/c Suraz-ud-dulla Mallick Ajit K Dey Abhay Pada Dey Binoy Ghosh Tapan K Khan Laxmi Kanta Ghosh Abdur Ra.man Mondal Aushgram- I Lamp Ltd Sk. Rafikul Netai Pit Nazrul Haque Fazlul Haque Do Joy K Pur-Sri K Pur SKUS Ltd B.S.K.U.S T.S.K.U.S Basiara Begum Subhas C Dutta Ajit K Paramanick Ajit K Mondal Dipankar Mukherjee Kumud R Ghosh Aushgram-II Lamps Sar SKUS Ltd Sk. Abdul Salim Amarargarh SKUS L Biswajit Ghosh Akbar Houssain Binoy K Laha Abdus Salem

9434324669 9193741321 9434670168 9732031160 9434576033 9732056323 7797569276 9775749993 9434575965 9434431800 9933087797 9434838565 9153439770 03452255919 03452250255 03452252555 9932115084 9474716611 9434572180 9732056323 9932114994 9434575254 03452268723 9153258748 9932367340 9851513089 03452245249 9475736673 9475344375 0816796605 8001783966 9475313929 9434668535 9232812406 9474054185 7797670295 9564659418 9732254270 814566500 9163060655 9732039726 9474367904 9778229762 9434217237 9609693613 9476313278 9153030414 9474780136 9475055940 9474780735 9475736617

Nowda Karotia Aushgram Majhergram Somaipur Botagram Dharapara GP Purbatati Warispur Pichkuri Kalyanpur Goligram Digha Gonna Jadabganj Ukta Bannabagram Joy K Pur Kurumba Sri K Pur Basantapur 2nd Counter Kalidaha Chaty Billagram Takipur Bhota Belari Kairapur Abhirampur Eral Radhamohanpur Kumirkhola Sar Protappur Amarargarh Suata Jamtara Kuldiaha Raniganj Kalijhuti Pancha Mahuli Amarpur Kalikapur

2897 3458 6411 2133 2309 3598 2577 6110 3074 3494 4178 4875 2992 2707 1904 3388 2819 3769 5276 3056 2021 4639 1947 2249 4455 4765 4248 5827 5000 6930 5125 2943 2109 1828 4416 3330 5378 4286 4150 2794 2045 2665 1165 3306 4868 2159 2066 2155 7362 3127 2933 4026 3638 5168 3958

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

6 4

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

Aus-II Galsi-II

Gouranga Gharui Anil K Dutta Durgadas Roy Mirtunjy Mondal Harisadhan Adhikari Kasinath Mondal Pravat Mondal Muktipada MondalRameswar Ghosh Md. Musa Moullya Anawar Molla Gadadhar Das Nimai C Mahanta Aushgram-II Lamp Gopal Gupta Rabiul Haque Subal C Ghosh Ashoke Bairagya Sipra Dutta Md. Sahidulla Basudeb Maji Arup K Chakroborty Kamal K Singha Sarul SKUS Samir Das Vivekananda Chowdhury J.K Pal AbdusSalama/c SK.S. Ali Humayun Aktar S. Hazra Uday CGhosh Abdus Salam Smt Arti R Pal Kali P Dutta Prasanta K Roy Bhupendra N Hazra Naba K Roy Sekhar Kanti Ghosh Madhusudan Mondal Asim Ghosh Rajat K Shyam Dhanjoy Adhikri Bakta SKUS Ltd Nemai Ch Ghosh Gopi M Saha Subadh Mondal

Molla Kalaijhuti SKUS Ltd Gouranga Gharui Anil K Dutta Durgadas Roy Mirtunjy Mondal Harisadhan Adhikari Kasinath Mondal Pravat Mondal Muktipada Mondal Rameswar Ghosh Md. Musa Moullya Anawar Molla Gadadhar Das Nimai C Mahanta Aushgram-II Lamp Gopal Gupta Rabiul Haque Subal C Ghosh Ashoke Bairagya Sipra Dutta Md. Sahidulla

9474575952 9475054201 9434163301 9635471042

Ranghakila Ram Ch Pur Amarpur Dhonkora Hedogariah Bhuera Bishnupur Genrai Ramnagar Patharkuchi Khatnagar Nowpara Tentuldip Nirsinghapur Sagarputul Jalalpur Pubar

3870 2508 3801 5651 1780 5775 4926

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

6 5

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

Harapada Mallick Mukut k Gupta B.N Goswami Mahadeb Dutta Rajib Sain Blarani Shyam Debashis Hazra Abdul Latif Molla J. Mallick S.N Chowdhuri Bholanath Roy Nuranjaman Mondal Md. Jaharuddin Mondal S.P.Shyam Sailen K Halder J. Adhikari H.S. Modak H.S Modak a/c Tarpada Kesh Sk. Khoda Box Provat K Mondal Joy K Pur SKUS Debdas Mondal Md. Hassain Khan Gouranaga S Mondal Sunil Banerjee Babla SKUS Ltd Ansur Rahaman a/c Anisur Rahaman Tanjila Begum M.K Mondal Anil Das Bairagya Adhir Hazra

Burdwan Sadar (South)

Burdwan –I Block 22

L.N Chowdhury A.Chowdhury B.C Banerjee A.K.Bhattacharya Sk. Ajmat Ali D.Mondal N.C Chandra S.K Roy B.D. Samanta L.M Ghosh D.Mondal a/c Smat B. Banerjee

Basudeb Maji Arup K Chakroborty Kamal K Singha Sarul SKUS Samir Das V. Chowdhury J.K Pal AbdusSalama/cSK.S. Humayun Aktar S. Hazra Uday CGhosh Abdus Salam Smt Arti R Pal Kali P Dutta


Talimbari Bhedia Bagbati Sarul Hitta Sankarai Magalsima Sasanga Sanko Sanko Chadpur Bardighi Khano Jn Satinandi Kisor

2558 6029 4955 2253 2876 1833 1974 2403 3443 3132 3294 1955 2385 3680 2491

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

6 6

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

Prasanta K Roy Bhupendra N Hazra Naba K Roy Sekhar Kanti Ghosh Madhusudan Mondal Asim Ghosh Rajat K Shyam Dhanjoy Adhikri Bakta SKUS Ltd Nemai Ch Ghosh Gopi M Saha Subadh Mondal Harapada Mallick Mukut k Gupta B.N Goswami Mahadeb Dutta Rajib Sain Blarani Shyam Debashis Hazra Abdul Latif Molla J. Mallick S.N Chowdhuri Bholanath Roy Nuranjaman Mondal Md. Jaharuddin Mondal S.P.Shyam Sailen K Halder J. Adhikari H.S. Modak H.S Modak a/c Tarpada Kesh Sk. Khoda Box Provat K Mondal Joy K Pur SKUS Debdas Mondal Md. Hassain Khan Gouranaga S Mondal Sunil Banerjee Babla SKUS Ltd Ansur Rahaman a/c Anisur Rahaman Tanjila Begum M.K Mondal Anil Das Bairagya Adhir Hazra

Kona Belgram Kurmun Gohagram Sonda Garamba Mithapur Dumur Bakta Gohagram Kumarpur Jujuti Channa Adrahati Adrahati Kaitara Irkona Mohara Belan Kurkuba Bahirghonnya Do Galsi Stn Baramuria Do Chotomuria Uro Bhuri Bhapur Shyamsundarpur Khano Do JOY K Pur Do Kalna Itaru Galsi Do Babla Khetwra Darbarpur Dayapuar Sridharpur Mosjailpur Belan

2904 3569 2127 2221 2483 1858 2462 2557 2641 2767 4557 3865 1672 2649 4325 3311 2656 3165 5050 3127 2608 789 1955 1819 1810 3393 3550 3370 1650 3216 2472 3807 3496 2139 2991 5790 2842 4114 2760 1445 1775 3184 2543 3413

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

6 7

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

Burdwan -II 41 Nos

G.Some Smt B. Banerjee Sec, Para SKUS Lta Bara Kasiara SKUS P.Banerjee B.K Ghosh G.C Bhattacharya S.C Bhattacharya N.C. Mondal K.Box Amal K.Bhattacharya Amarendra Dutta Ananda C. Mondal Sujit K Nayek RabindraN Sadhukhan Tarapada Samui Amit K Bhatacharya Ashoke Singha Roy Mohosin Mondal Subhas C. Pal Naryan C. Ghosh Bishnu P. Ghosh Sudhakar Dutta Soumitra Dutta Bramahin Para SKUS Biplab Mazumder Santosh k Ghosh RamRanjan Ghosh Gopal C Pramanick Manas Gon Suryadeb GoswamiSayed Khallullah Smt. Padma Jash Sudhananda Jash Ranjit k Jash Sudhananda Jash a/c Sayed Khallullah a/c Nabastha C.C.A.Ltd Tushar Kanti Hui Panchanan Dey Sukur S.KU.S Ltd Balgona Malkita

L.N Chowdhury A.Chowdhury B.C Banerjee A.K.Bhattacharya Sk. Ajmat Ali D.Mondal N.C Chandra S.K Roy B.D. Samanta L.M Ghosh D.Mondal a/c Smat B. Banerjee


Kamarkita Bhanderdihi Faridpur Naragohalia Jagatpur Sirajpur Kurmun Kurmun Kurmun Chotebalun Ramchandrapur Dspur

5113 4396 2449 4122 2881 2341 3212 2733 2789 2845 1865 2574

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

6 8

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

SKUS Ltd Hironmoy Dey Aniya Chowdhury Smt. Protima Koner Bhutnath Banerjee Samanti SKUS Ltd. Biswadeb Hazra Provat K Mallick PanchuGopal Samanta Sonapalasi SKUS Ltd

G.Some Smt B. Banerjee a/c Sec, Para SKUS Ltd Bara Kasiara SKUS P.Banerjee B.K Ghosh G.C Bhattacharya S.C Bhattacharya N.C. Mondal K.Box Amal K.Bhattacharya Amarendra Dutta Ananda C. Mondal Sujit K Nayek RabindraN Sadhukhan Tarapada Samui Amit K Bhatacharya Ashoke Singha Roy Mohosin Mondal Subhas C. Pal Naryan C. Ghosh Bishnu P. Ghosh Sudhakar Dutta Soumitra Dutta Bramahin Para SKUS Biplab Mazumder Santosh k Ghosh RamRanjan Ghosh Gopal C Pramanick Manas Gon Suryadeb Goswami Sayed Khallullah Smt. Padma Jash Sudhananda Jash Ranjit k Jash Sudhananda Jash a/c Sayed Khallullah a/c Nabastha C.C.A.Ltd Tushar Kanti Hui Panchanan Dey


Panuri Kaligram Haldi Jiara Jiara Baghar Talit Alampur Mainagarh Kamalpur Raipur Baikunthapur Bajesalempur Gopalnagar Ganja Pemrah Kashiara Putunda Saktigarh Saktigarh Gopklla Tax-gate Barsul Saktigarh N Barsul Bramhinpara Amrah Gopkolla Kanthagachi Khargram Palsit Karanda Ausha Saligram Palsa Harigram Begut Chakundi Nabastha Boson Gobindapur Sukur Balgona Shuri Karda Saddya Korori

2395 5079 3882 3118 2974 3406 5265 3009 3387 3778 3770 5155 5840 7100 3935 6660 5270 3105 4220 5040 5150 5005 4150 5385 2200 4005 4695 2875 2605 5655 3810 2850 2155 1855 1915 2545 3165 2375 2265 8430 2325 3990 3575 4245 3220 2270 4350 2790 5315 1570 3050

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

6 9

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

Sukur S.KU.S Ltd Balgona Malkita SKUS Ltd Hironmoy Dey Aniya ChowdhurySmt. Protima Koner Bhutnath Banerjee Samanti SKUS Ltd. Biswadeb Hazra Provat K Mallick PanchuGopal Samanta Sonapalasi SKUS Ltd

Samanti Kadigaccha Kalyanpur Debgram Sonapalasi

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

7 0

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks


Ranigang Smt. S. Das Smt. S. Das

Old Egara 4428


Sri J. C. Roy Sri J. C. Roy

New Egara 5156

Sri P. Bid Sri P. Bid Ballavpur 7002 Sri A. K. Das Sri A. K. Das Ballavpur 3408 Sri D. C. Mondal Sri D. C. Mondal Nupur 3136 Sri S. K. Mondal Sri S. K. Mondal Baktarnag

ar 4926

Sri S. K. Gupta Sri S. K. Gupta A. N. Colliery 4495

Sri B. P. Mill Sri B. P. Mill Ballavpur 2711 M/s Shaw & Co. M/s Shaw & Co. Sahabgan

j 4097

Sri B. N. Goswami

Sri B. N. Goswami

Nimcha 3121

Sri G. P. Mondal Sri G. P. Mondal Bansra 3050 Sri S. D.

Bhattacharya Sri S. D. Bhattacharya

Bansra Colliery 2534

Sri S. Banerjee Sri S. Banerjee Nimcha Colliery 3146

Sri K. M. Mondal Sri K. M. Mondal

Jemari 4568

Sri M. R. Maji Sri M. R. Maji Jemari 3286


Sri G. R. Maji Sri G. R. Maji Chalbalpur 4520


Sri M. M. Mitra Sri M. M. Mitra

Chapui 3345

Sri B. K. Roy Sri B. K. Roy Ratibati 3415 Asansol

Smt. T. Chatterjee Smt. T.


Tirat 4449

Sri S. P. Gorai Sri S. P. Gorai Chelod 6372 Asansol

Sri Manik Maji Sri Manik Maji

Radhamadhavpur 3241

A. C. I. Ltd. A. C. I. Ltd. J. K. Nagar 2502


Chapui Khas Co-opt.

Chapui Khas Co-opt.

C. K. Colliery 4357

Sri N. D. Roy Sri N. D. Roy Kuardi Colliiary 4194


Sri J. P. Pasad Sri J. P. Pasad

J. K. Nagar

Colliery 3671

Sri N. C. Das Sri N. C. Das C. K. Colliery 2868


Sri J. Gorai Beliabathan 2836

Asansol Sri P. K. Gandhi Sri P. K. Gandhi Harabhan 3768

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

7 1

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

ga Smt. S. Pathak Smt. S. Pathak Ratibati

Colliery 3903

Sri S. Pandit Sri S. Pandit

J. K. Nagar Bazar

4838 Asansol

Smt. S. Paul Smt. S. Paul Amkula 3264 Sri R. Mondal Sri R. Mondal NA Nimcha

Colliery 3602 Asansol

P.C. Sen P.C. Sen NA Kallya G.P 5780 C.R. Dutta C.R. Dutta NA Kallya 5289

Asansol P.Paul P.Paul NA Achra G.P.


S. Mukherjee S. Mukherjee NA Salanpur 4287 Asansol M.Paul M.Paul NA B-Jemari 4252

D. Show D. Show NA Samdi G.P.

5864 Asansol

N.L.Maji N.L.Maji NA F-Bolkunda G.P.


D.K.Banerjee D.K.Banerjee NA Salanpur G.P.

3954 Asansol

H.Gorai H.Gorai NA F-Bolkunda G.P.


H.L. Maji H.L. Maji NA Ethora G.P.

3738 Asansol

C.N.Mondal C.N.Mondal NA Ethora G.P.


N.L. Sen N.L. Sen NA Dendua & Alladi G.P.


R.C.Agrawala R.C.Agrawala NA B-Jemari & Alladi G.P.



U.K.Sen U.K.Sen NA Dendua G.P.


P. Das P. Das NA Rupnarayanpur

5993 Asansol

A.K. Mondal A.K. Mondal NA F-Bolkunda G.P.


H. Dutta H. Dutta NA B-Jemari G.P.


A.Singh A.Singh NA Halda,Dendua G.P.



N.C.Mondal N.C.Mondal NA New market


M.C.Tewari M.C.Tewari NA Lowerkesia

3703 Asansol

S.Maji & B.C.Maji

S.Maji & B.C.Maji

NA Upperkesia


S. Maji S. Maji NA Rupnarayanpur

5268 Durgapur

. S.N.Maji . S.N.Maji NA Rupnarayanpur


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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

7 2

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

N.C.Ghosh N.C.Ghosh NA New Market


B.K.Tewary B.K.Tewary NA Lowerkesia


Durgapur M.Maji M.Maji NA JorebariAchra G.P.


M.Dutta M.Dutta NA Ghaidoba J-Uttarampur


B.C.Das B.C.Das NA Dendua Dendua G.P.


SalanpurBlock camp

SalanpurBlock camp

NA Barabhuin Alladi G.P.


A.Banerjee A.Banerjee NA Malekola Salanpur


M.K.Maji M.K.Maji NA W-Rupnarayanpur


S.K.Maji S.K.Maji NA E-Rupnarayanpur



CVD,Stores Ltd Secretary NA Budbud Bazar

Budbud Military



Amunation Depot CCS

Do NA Do Do 2499

Inder Raj Agarwal Inder Raj Agarwal

NA Panagarh Base

Panagarh Base

Under Defence,


Dinesh Ch. Pal Dinesh Ch. Pal 9734289306 Budbud Budbud, 6490

Chanchal Dey Chanchal Dey 9732279655 Do Do, 4514 B.K. Pal B.K. Pal 03432515633 Budbud Do, 4599 S.D. Dey 03432512424 Budbud Do, 5583 A.M.Ghosh A.M.Ghosh

Sondhipur 9333695550 Sondhipur Sondhipur




S.N. Banerjee S.N.Banerjee Mankar

9232686100 Mankar Mankar, 4523

Sadhan Banerjee Sadhan Banerjee Mankar

03432517452 Mankar Mankar, 5150

Ananda Garai Ananda Garai 03432517208 Mankar Hattala

Mankar 6439

Maro S.K.U.S Manager 9932655969 Maro Maro, 3483 D. Bahttacharye D. Bahttacharye

Kasba 9474179977 Kasba LowapurK

rishn arampur 3939



H.D. Dutta H.D. Dutta 9732118521 Amarpur Amarpur 2332

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

7 3

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

Sk. M Haque Sk. M Haque 9732053998 K R Pur K.R..Pur 4675

B.M Bhattacharya B.M Bhattacharya

9474642094 Loapur Loapur 3958

Noor Md. Noor Md. -- K.K.Kuri K.K.Kuri 3579

Tapas Das Bairagya

Tapas Das Bairagya

-- Bharatpur Bharatpur 5517

K.M Chatterjee K.M Chatterjee 9474884272 Randia Randia 5414

Smt. S. Ghosh Smt. S. Ghosh - Chakttatul Chaktatul-7776

Md. Nurul Md. Nurul - Do Do- 2402 Sumit Ghosh Sumit Ghosh 9800572843 Kota Do- 4758 T.N Ghosh T.N Ghosh 9734093119 Do Do-3104 Aloke Banerjee Aloke Banerjee 9434237904 do Do-4439 Santi Laha Santi Laha 9232580116 DO Do-2786 Himanshu Mondal Himanshu

Mondal 0343-2644550

Debsala 3381

Naima Bibi Naima Bibi 9732050220 Do Do- 3063 A. Konar A. Konar 9475172819 Do Do9-3752 B.S. Routh B.S. Routh -- Do Do-3537 V.P. Agarwalla V.P. Agarwalla 9851862640 Kanksa 5295 V.P Agarwalla V.P Agarwalla Do Do 7932 RBY Co op Society RBY Co op

Society 9749483393 Kanksa 3134

Ganesh Prosad Ganesh Prosad 9332943180 Do NA A.K. Samanta A.K. Samanta 9832166728 Do 5307 A.K. Mallick A.K. Mallick 9932353143 Do 4723 Santosh Kr. Roy Santosh Kr. Roy

Kanaksa -- NA NA

G. Panja G. Panja 9232349409 T.C.Pur 5442 S. Bhattacharya S. Bhattacharya 03432646240 Do 6207 S. K. Pal S. K. Pal 9434571483 Gopalpur 6655 S.K. Seth S.K. Seth 9732086098 Gopalpur 7506 T.N Dey T.N Dey 9434537642 Do 6010 N.C Banerjee N.C Banerjee 9434537641 Do 7730

C.E.O Lamps C.E.O Lamps 03432643304 Gopalpur 2764 Durgapur

Galsi-I 35Nos.

H.M. Koner H.M. Koner 933378936 Gopalpur NA

A. Chatterjee A. Chatterjee NA NA NA S. Roy S. Roy 9332613545 Gopalpur 5521

S.K Dey S.K Dey NA 4817 Smt. B.Sen Smt. B.Sen 03432700292 Malandigh

i 4225

L.N. Kesh L.N. Kesh 03432700217 Do 5461 C.C. Ghosh C.C. Ghosh 9474372158 Malandigh

i 1960

B.D Mukherjee B.D Mukherjee 03432700469 Bidbihar 3240


Kalna I 52 Nos. M.K. Ghosh M.K. Ghosh 9475264772 Do 2305

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

7 4

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

K.K Chatterjee K.K Chatterjee 9434537495 Bidbihar 2930 K.M Roy K.M Roy 9333284034 Do 1490 Sukante Garai Sukante Garai

Telipara 9434537568 Bnkati,

T.C Pur 4160

Kalyan K Garai Smt. Mira Das Sk. Sirajul Haque Rajaul H. Molla Liakat Ali Khan Sk. Akbar Ali Sk. Md. Ismile Motier R Mallick Binoti Bhattacharya Golak Banerjee a/c Serorai Daud Ali Mondal Tapan K Dutta Jahi Abbas Mondal K.n Laha Md. Ayub Hossain Jorish Sarkar Md.MahasinChowdhury Sk. Abdul Kader Abdus Sattar Mondal Firoz Rahaman Molla Abdul Odud Nur Alam Mallick Sk. Nilanjan Hassain Jikria Mallick Ahi Bhusan Mukherjee Tarun k Roy Sk. Lokman Tarasankar Ghosh Madan Mohan Das Bandana Samanta Biswanath Dutta Panchanan Ghosh Panchanan Kesh Sec. Goligram SKUS Chiita R Saha

Simnoti Kondalpur Karakdal Ghagra Kolkol Bamunara Atpara Lowa Serorai Serorai Serorai Do Ram G Pur Raipur Korkana Puratangram Ramnagar Bikrampur Mollasarul Sundalpul RG Pur Jajulipara Pursa E Pursa W M. Sujapur Potna Rampur Bandutia Khuraz Jharul Paraj Ucchagram Purandagar B. Sujapur Goligra Mathurapur

NA Simnoti Kondalpur Karakdal Ghagra Kolkol Bamunara Atpara Lowa Serorai Serorai Serorai Do Ram G Pur Raipur Korkana Puratangram Ramnagar Bikrampur Mollasarul Sundalpul RG Pur Jajulipara Pursa E Pursa W M. Sujapur Potna Rampur Bandutia Khuraz Jharul Paraj Ucchagram Purandagar B. Sujapur Goligra Mathurapur

3474 3915 4172 2169 3888 1712 1635 4626 1540 3557 2408 3342 3693 2501 2305 2722 2845 2224 3679 3662 4173 3047 2943 3655 2385 1705 3721 3448 1957 3268 5362 4764 2261 2612 4432 2230


Kalna I 52 Nos

S.K.Pan S.K.Najrul Harsuna S.K.U.S A.R.Mondal D.Mukherjee DD.Pan H.Rahaman H.Pramanik M.H.Molla

S.K.Pan S.K.Najrul Harsuna S.K.U.S A.R.Mondal D.Mukherjee DD.Pan H.Rahaman H.Pramanik M.H.Molla


1530 2560 920 2200 1640 1490 2070 3190 3240

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

7 5

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

B.K Pal A.Bhattacharya S.P Nath D.D.Chatterje H.Rahaman N.Mondal N.A.Sk Sk. Anowar Ali R.K.Saha K.Das A.H.Molla G.Pal & M.Pal S.K.A Hossain A.Koner T.Bail E.Malla B.Talit Smt A.P.Basak Sk. A.B Rasid B.Saha A.H.Mallick S.Sk M.Pal B.C.Das P.K.Biswas A.K.Hazra U.P.Singha Roy S.A.Mondal F.C.Dhara A.Ali Sk J.Ali Sk Azmat Ali Sk A.M.Mallick Md. Ali Mallick D.Das S.mitra Simlon SKUS R.N Dutta Atghoria SKUS Asgar Ali Sk N.K.Mukherjee T.K.Das P.N.Majumder

B.K Pal A.Bhattacharya S.P Nath D.D.Chatterje H.Rahaman N.Mondal N.A.Sk Sk. Anowar Ali R.K.Saha K.Das A.H.Molla G.Pal & M.Pal S.K.A Hossain A.Koner T.Bail E.Malla B.Talit Smt A.P.Basak Sk. A.B Rasid B.Saha A.H.Mallick S.Sk M.Pal B.C.Das P.K.Biswas A.K.Hazra U.P.Singha Roy S.A.Mondal F.C.Dhara A.Ali Sk J.Ali Sk Azmat Ali Sk A.M.Mallick Md. Ali Mallick D.Das S.mitra Simlon SKUS R.N Dutta Atghoria SKUS Asgar Ali Sk N.K.Mukherjee T.K.Das P.N.Majumder



3300 2800 1110 1930 1440 1870 1290 3430 1910 5910 1860 2700 1380 1400 1810 2520 2750 2760 1340 5030 2700 1410 2270 1600 1630 1340 3030 1760 1220 1570 2770 4150 4460 4280 4230 2520 1340 2290 1880 520 1760 1380 910

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

1. Abu Bakkar 1. Abu Bakkar 217171(R) 9732398977(M)


Sahebnagar, Babladanga 3926

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

2. Provas Ranjan Bose

2. Provas Ranjan Bose

247631(r) 9732327620

Agradwip Agradwip, Sarawari Dhawara 2776

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

3. Madhusudan Dey

3. Madhusudan Dey

973212089 Raghunath pur


Pur, Makhaltor

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

7 6

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

eN 5097

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

4. Swapan Pramanik

4. Swapan Pramanik

9732220630 Sahapur Sahapur, Char Sahapur 1815

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

5. Prasanta Kr. Biswas

5. Prasanta Kr. Biswas



Kalikapur Charbishnupur, Kalikapur, Palasi, Charkabirajpur, Tagged 81

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

6.Arunanso Mukherjee

6.Arunanso Mukherjee

9732263197 Singhi Singhi 1007

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

7. Fazla Karim Mallick

7. Fazla Karim Mallick



Lohapota Lohapota, Pekua, Chandpur 4042

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

8.Ashoke Bhattacharjee

8.Ashoke Bhattacharjee



Amul Amul, Ghumuria 1697

Katwa 9. Mahibullah Mondal

9. Mahibullah Mondal

241241 Bhatna Bhatna, Mallickpur 2395

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

10. Jamini Kanta Pal

10. Jamini Kanta Pal




Chotomeigachi, Malancha 1685

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

11. Bhawani Chakroborty (Dead) swapon Chakroborty

11. Bhawani Chakroborty (Dead) swapon Chakroborty

9732112486 Gourdanga

Gourdanga, Barameigachi, Okersa 7967

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

12. Ali Hossen 12. Ali Hossen 217031


Simulgachi 1968

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

13. Narayan Ch. Pal

13. Narayan Ch. Pal

244388 Akhra Akhra, Bishnupur 2366

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

14. Provat Singha 14. Provat Singha 244393 9933163930

Islampur Islampur, Birbegun, Nowadapara (part) 3608

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

15. Kartick Prodhan

15. Kartick Prodhan

9332043472 Nowapara Nowapara, Hogla, Benga, Paikpara, 5968

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

16. Tamal Ch. Mondal

16. Tamal Ch. Mondal

244806 9734244125

Kumri Kumri, JamunapataiParasura

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7 7

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

mpur, nowdapara (part)M 4103

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

17. Dilip Kr. Mondal

17. Dilip Kr. Mondal

244025 9732831859

Musthuli Musthuli, Ghoranash, Amdanga, Ekdala, Panchberia 2857


Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

18. Chandi Hazra 18. Chandi Hazra 9732175647 J. Pur Jagadanandapur, Dangapara 2048


Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

19. Swapan Kr. Dey

19. Swapan Kr. Dey

Karui Karui (part) 2193


Katwa 20. Satyendra Kr. Roy

20. Satyendra Kr. Roy

9732130967 Kurchi Kurchi 1846


Katwa 21. Sava Hazra 21. Sava Hazra 242217 9734289168

Mejhiary Mejhiary, Shila,Dona, Ronda 1519


Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

22. Dilip Kr. Ghosh 22. Dilip Kr. Ghosh

9732187495 Karui Karui (part) 3353


Katwa 23. Jaharlal Ghosh 23. Jaharlal Ghosh

217106 Panjoa Panjoa 2702


Katwa 24. Anarul Hq. 24. Anarul Hq. 264579 Nutangram

Nutangram 6387


Katwa 25. Bhuban Ch. Ghosh

25. Bhuban Ch. Ghosh

217130 Deasin Deasin, Khedapara 3492


Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

26. Nisakar Ghosh 26. Nisakar Ghosh 245256 Barakulgachi

Barakulgachi, Ramdaspur 5754


Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

27. Mathura Mohan Mondal

27. Mathura Mohan Mondal


Chotokulgachi, 2531


Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

28. Hazra Bewa 28. Hazra Bewa 9732135016 Paltagachi, Paltagachi, Ramdaspur 5207 (Part) Garagacha (Part)


Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

29. Biman Mukherjee

29. Biman Mukherjee

9333784009 Khaspur Khaspur, suagachi


Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

30 Mihir Mukherjee

30 Mihir Mukherjee

245201 Gazipur Gazipur, Agradwip (RS), kadamtala, beleghata


Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

31. Sajalananda Roy

31. Sajalananda Roy

249215 Nandigram

Nandigram, Mulgram


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7 8

Name of the Sub-division

Block & No. of PDS retailer counters

Name of the retailer

Contact person and address(See Location)

Telephone Office/ Res.

Location Area Coverage/ No. of Cards

Rem arks

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

32. Jnanendranath Chatterjee

32. Jnanendranath Chatterjee



Multi, Sagarpur


33. Bipad Bhanjan Das

33. Bipad Bhanjan Das

217688 9732088350

Chanduli Chanduli (part)


34. Sajahan Mondal

34. Sajahan Mondal

249338 9732220581

Sribati Sribati, Nutangram, Postgram, Baksa

Katwa 35. Dayamoy Garai 35. Dayamoy Garai

242439 9474110349

Auria Auria,

Katwa Katwa-II 39 Nos

36. Dasarathi Samanta

36. Dasarathi Samanta

9732164667 9609668506

Palsona Palsona (part) Deriapur

Katwa 37. Manjila Bibi 37. Manjila Bibi 9434311736 9732047055


Kuara, Kuaradanga

Katwa 38. Gnanpriya Jash 38. Gnanpriya Jash

242248 9732044247

Palsona Palsona (part)

Katwa Katwa-II

39. Shibsankar Pal 39. Shibsankar Pal

9434236661 Chanduli Chanduli (Part)

3.5 PHC/ PHC New


Blocks/ Municipality/

Municipal Corporation


Public Health Centres



s Total Total

beds Docto


Salanpur 1 3 13 1 18 220 33 Barabani 1 5 17 1 24 85 17 Raniganj 3 2 21 3 29 137 14 Raniganj(M) 4 - - - 4 235 41 Jamuria 2 3 14 2 21 113 15 Jamuria(M) - 3 22 1 26 22 5 Asansol(MC) 7 6 10 1 24 1644 206



Kulti(M) 3 3 - 2 8 464 67

Total 21 25 97 11 154 2920 398

Burdwan-I - 3 20 2 25 23 4 Burdwan-II - 3 21 1 25 16 4 Burdwan(M) 3 1 - - 4 1817 163






Ausgram-I - 4 21 1 26 35 8

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

7 9


Blocks/ Municipality/

Municipal Corporation


Public Health Centres



s Total Total

beds Docto


Guskara(M) - - - - - - - Ausgram-II - 6 20 2 28 39 9 Bhatar 1 6 38 3 48 82 11

Galsi-II - 3 24 1 28 29 5

Total 4 26 144 10 184 1477 204

Memari-I 1 3 31 3 38 86 14 Memari-II - 4 25 2 31 32 7 Memari(M) - - - - - - - Jamalpur - 5 38 2 45 45 9 Raina-I - 4 26 2 32 31 6 Raina-II - 6 21 5 32 39 9





Khandaghosh - 4 26 2 32 29 6 Total 1 26 167 16 210 262 51

Galsi-I 1 3 27 2 33 48 4 Andal 3 2 34 - 39 166 26

Faridpur Durgapur - 4 15 1 20 33 5 Pandabeswar - 2 14 - 16 12 2 Kanksa - 5 15 1 21 39 5




Durgapur(MC) 6 1 - - 15 895 205

Total 10 17 105 4 136 1193 247

Purbathali-I 1 3 23 2 29 44 6 Purbasthali-II - 5 25 3 33 33 8 Kalna-I - 4 26 1 31 41 6 Kalna-II - 5 21 2 28 40 7 Kalna(M) 1 - - - 1 150 28



Monteshwar - 4 32 2 38 37 8

Total 2 21 127 10 160 345 63

Mongolkote 1 5 38 3 47 81 10 Ketugram-I - 3 24 1 28 21 5 Ketugram-II - 3 18 3 24 29 9 Ka


Katwa-I - 4 25 3 32 28 7

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8 0


Blocks/ Municipality/

Municipal Corporation


Public Health Centres



s Total Total

beds Docto


Katwa-II - 3 20 1 24 25 5 Katwa(M) 1 - - - 1 250 32

Dainhat(M) - - - - - - - Total 2 18 125 11 156 434 68

TOTAL IN DISTRICT 40 133 765 62 1000 6631 1031

3.6 Police Stations :

Police station Name of the G.P

(Location ) Telephone

Staff Available

Police station Name of the G.P

(Location ) Telephone

Staff Available

Andal Andal 0341-2373378 24 Nos. Asansol (South) Asansol M C 0341-2202225 NA Asansol (North) Asansol MC 0341-2270149 NA Ausgram Aushgram 03452-254213 22 Nos. Barabani Brabani 0341-2772268 40 Nos. Bhatar Bhata Bazar 0342-2322223 20 Nos. Budbud Budbud 0343-2512257 18 Nos. Burdwan Sadar Burdwan Town 0342-2664466 /

2664467 NA

Chaittaranjan Chittaranjan Ward No 2 0341-2525368 30Nos. Coke Oven Durgapur M.C Ward No 40 0343-2555060 32 Nos. Durgapur DMC Ward No 4 0343-2564081 32 Nos. Durgapur Newtown DMC Ward No 25

MAMC 0343-2502242 25 Nos

Durgapur-Faridpur Laudaha 0343-2545085 19 Nos. Galsi Galsi 0342-2450238 22Nos. Hirapur Asansol MC Ward -42 0341-2231547 /

2230247 40Nos.

Jamalpur Jamalpur –I 03451-288225 36 Nos. Jamuria Madantore 0341-2455440 33 Nos. Kalna Kalyanpur 03454-255040 28 Nos. Kanyanpur (Phanri) Panchgachia 0341-2253323 11Nos. Kanksa Trilokchandrapur 0343-2524244 28 Nos. Katwa Khaurdih 03453-255023 35 Nos. Ketugram Ketugram 03453-272224 32 Nos. Khandoghosh Khandaghosh 03451-262260 22 Nos. Kulti Kulti Municipality 0341-2515555 28 Nos. Loudaha Loudaha 0341-2670866 19 Nos. Madhabdihi Paita-I 03451-251230 24 Nos. Memari Memari Municipality 0342-2250232 /

2260600 NA

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8 1

Police station Name of the G.P

(Location ) Telephone

Staff Available

Mongolkote Mangolkote 03453-266228 30 Nos. Monteswar Kusumgram 0342-2750523 36 Nos. Pandabeswar Baidyanathpur 0341-2677336 40 Nos. Purbasthali Purbasthali 03454-264500 65 Nos. Raina Shyamsundarpur 03451-260230 29 Nos. Raniganj Ranigang Municipality 0341-2444230 42 Nos. Salanpur Salanpur 0341-2531118 58 Nos.

3.7 Sub Post Offices:-

Name of the Sub-division Location

No. of Staff Available

Contact No

Aansol Bidhan Bag S. P. O., J. K. Nagar NA NA Amrasota S. P. O., Punjabi

More NA NA

Kharsuli S. P. O., P. N. Malia Road


Searsole S. P. O., Searsole NA NA Ballavpur S. P. O.,

Ballvpur NA NA

Chittaranjan SPM-1,PA-1,Pman-4,ED-1 0341-2525375

Chittaranjan Township NA 0341-2525329

Amladahi NA 0341-2529908

Sinjuri 3 0341-2529926

Kalyaneswari NA 0341-2523115

Salanpur 0341-2532117

Hindustan Cables Town SPM-1,Pman-2,M.carrier-

1 0341-2532958

Rupnarayanpur Bazar


SPM-1,PA-1,Pman-4,ED-1 No Telephone

Andal Sub Post Office 11 NA

Ukhra Sub Post Office 12 NA

Kajora Sub Post Office 9 NA

Nutandanga NA


Durgapur Amdohi NA Jamgora NA Laudoha NA Dhabani NA Pratappur NA Patsawra NA Sarpi NA Ichhapur NA Balijuri NA Gourbazar NA

Mankar NA Silampur NA Gogla NA Amdahi NA

Sdar South Adrahati, Uchalan NA Sehera, NA Memari NA Rasulpur NA Shyamsundar

Katwa Agradwip, Kandra NA Atuhatpara, NA Dainhat Koychar, Patuli, NA

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

8 2

3.8 Fire Station Information: Sl. No.

Name of the fire station

Telephone Number

Disposition of Vehicle & Pumps

Disposition of Man Power.

1. Stn Officer In Charge, Fire Station, Burdwan

101, 0342- 2657901

Vehicle-3 Pump 4

Stn Officer – 2, Sub Stn Officer-2, Lider -8, Driver -6, Operator -33

2 Officer-in-Charge Bhatar Fire station

0342-2322261 Vehicle -2, Pump 1

Stn Officer – 1, Sub Stn Officer-1, Lider -9, Driver -4, Operator -2o

3 Raniganj Fire Station

0341-2445104 Vehicle- 3 Pump 1

Stn Officer – 2, Sub Stn Officer-1, Lider -11, Driver -7, Operator -28

4 Chittaranjan Fire Station

0341-2527254 Vehicle:2, Pumps: 3

Stn Officer –0, Lider -8, Driver -4,


Officer Incharge, Fire Station, Durgapur.

0343-2544726, (Divi) 2546061/6062 (Contral)

Vehicle:6, Pumps: 5

Officer – 3, Others Staff - 56.

6 Officer Incharge, Fire Station, Asansol.

0341- 2304506

Mob: 09434331778 (SO)

Vehicle - 2, Pumps:1

Stn Officer – 1, Sub Stn Officer-0, Sub Officer-1 Lider -6, Driver -8, Operator -30, Swiper 1

Ketugram, Kasemnagar

Kalna Kalna, Pubasthali, NA Montheswar Pubasthali,

Burdwan North Bhatar NA Bonpas NA Bhatkunda NA Gushkara NA Bannabagram NA Barsul Unnyani NA Natungang NA

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8 3

7 Officer-in-Charge Katwa Fire station

03453-255555 Vihicle 2 including 1 pump.

Officer- 2

Others- 15

8 Officer-in-Charge Panagarh Fire station

0343-2524255 Vehicle 3,

Pumps: 2

Stn Officer – 1, Sub Stn Officer-3, Lider -8, Driver -5, Operator -22, Swiper 1 CCA 1

9 Officer-in-Charge Kalana Fire station

03454-257101 Vehicle 2,

Pumps: 2

Stn Officer – 2, Lider -6, Fud -4, Operator -21


Sl. No. 

Name of the Fire Station 

Station Officer 

Sub‐officer  Leader  Fire Engine Operator cum Driver 

Fire Operator 

Staff Car Driver 

1  Burdwan  02  03  09  07  25  Nil 2  Bhatar  01  01  08  04  23  Nil 3  Kalna  02  02  09  06  23  Nil 4  Katwa  02  02  09  06  21  Nil 5  Panagarh  01  03  09  04  22  Nil 6  Durgapur  04  02  15  15  55  03 7  Raniganj  02  03  09  05  31  Nil 8  Asansol  02  03  12  07  25  Nil   TOTAL  16  19  80  54  225  Nil 

3.9 Identification of Cyclone/flood shelters (single/Double storied) with capacity: Identification of Cyclone/flood shelters (single/Double storied) with capacity: Block : KATWA - I

S l . N o .

T y p e o f s h e l t e r

C a p a c i t y R o o m a n d(

P l i n t h A r e a S q F t) .

L o c a t i o n C o n t a c t P e r s o n A d d r e s s ( a n d P h o n e n o .)

F a c i l i t i e s A v a i l a b l e

R e ma r k s S i n g l e o r(

D o u b l e )

1 School Building 1500 sqft.

Vill- Agradwip

Head Master 247-722, 9635775503 (M), Amar Chandra Biswas

Drinking water and sanitation facility available

Double storied

2 Shunia Flood Shelter

1000 sqft. Vill. Shunia

Namita Hazra-AWW 8001789535 Meghnath Hazra 9564853073

Do Do

3 School Building 1500 sqft. Koshigram Basudeb Saha 7407733094 Do Do

4 School Building 1000 sqft. Srisurura F./P School Swarup Ghosh 8145451576

Do Do

5 School Building 1000 sqft. Mondalhat Nagen Pal 9093834031 Do Do

6 School Building 1000 sqft. Ekaihat Meghnath Karmakar

9635308778 Do Do

7 School Building 1000 sqft. Panuhat Subhas Debnath 9332073111 Do Do

8 School Building 1500 sqft. Panuhat Subhas Debnath 9332073111 Do Do

9 School Building 1500 sqft. Bera Meghnath Karmakar 9635308778

Do Do

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8 4

S l . N o .

T y p e o f s h e l t e r

C a p a c i t y R o o m a n d(

P l i n t h A r e a S q F t) .

L o c a t i o n C o n t a c t P e r s o n A d d r e s s ( a n d P h o n e n o .)

F a c i l i t i e s A v a i l a b l e

R e ma r k s S i n g l e o r(

D o u b l e )

10 School Building 1500 sqft. Adarshapalli Subhas Debnath 9332073111 Do Do

11 School Building 1000 sqft. Panuhat Subhas Debnath 9332073111 Do Do

12 School Building 1500 sqft. Sudpur

Arjun Mondal 9732320316 Do Do

13 School Building 1000 sqft. Durgagra

Tarun Mukherjee 9732003493 Do Do

14 School Building 1500 sqft. Karajgram

Tarun Mukherjee 9732003493 Do Do

15 School Building 1000 sqft. Ganfulia Md. Sahabad Hossain 8926014631

Do Do

16 School Building 1500 sqft. Gidhagram

Do Do

17 School Building 1500 sqft. Chandrapur

Upen Adhikari 9732220848 Do Do

18 School Building 2000 sqft. Chandrapur

Upen Adhikari 9732220848 Do Do

19 Flood Shelter -cum School 2000 sqft.


Madan Mohan Ghosh 8967083525

Do Do

20 School Building 1500 sqft. Srikhanda

Sristidhar Majhi 9647929309 Do Do

21 School Building 1000 sqft. Srisurura

Swarup Ghosh 8145451576 Do Do

22 School Building 1000 sqft. Khajurdihi

Ichahaque Mallick 9734266370 Do Do

23 School Building 1000 sqft. Kamal Kishori Mohan Pal 9636805192 Do Do

24 School Building 1000 sqft. Jamra Benukar Ghosh 9732053178 Do Do




Type of shelter Capacity (Room and

Plinth Area) Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)

Facilities Available


(Single or

Double)25 School Building 900sq. ft. Vill-

Agradwip Head Master 247-722,

9635775503 (M),

Drinking water and sanitation

facility available

Double storied

26 School Building 600 sqft. Vill- Agradwip

Dipak Das H.T. 933633477


27 School Building 350 sqft. -do- Sudev Dafadar Head Teacher 8926502323


28 School Building 350 sqft. -do- Pranab Kumar Ghosh, Head Teacher, 9547436364


29 School Building 350 sqft. -do- 1)Bijon Kr. Guin Head

Teacher, 9547436383 DO DO

30 School Building 810 sqft. Kadamtal

a Rabindranath Dutta Head

Teacher, 9732281837 DO DO

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

8 5

31 School Building 680 sqft. Gazipur 1)Broti Sankar Das Head


9434709350 (M)


32 School Building 640 sqft. Gazipur 1)Fazlul Haque Mallick,

Head Teacher, 9775727690


33 School Building 797 sqft. Deariapur 1) Head Teacher

Nilratan Ghosh, 9732271883


34 School Building 1046 sqft Sahebnag

ar 1) Head Teacher

ujjal mondal, Gangadhar Majhi, 9475484961


35 School Building 6040 sqft. Agradwip

R.S Ashok Saha,

Head Teacher, 9475484961


36 School Building 900 sqft. Amul Anjan Mondal, H.T.

9734232828 DO DO

37 School Building 850 sqft. Babladanga Debasis Chakraborty,

9415553166 DO DO

38 School Building 1256 sqft. Shila 1) Head Teacher

Bilas Roy 9749158212


39 School Building 720 sqft. Singhi 1)Nanda Dulal Ghosh

Head Teacher, 9002588920 DO DO

40 School Building 3000 sqft. Okersa 1) H.M. Jayanto Sarkar

03453249-203(O), 9434573005(M)



41 School Building 625 sqft. Singhi 1) Habib Mallick,

9732381310 Secretary DO DO

42 School Building 1020 sqft. Deasin 1) H.M.,Dilip Ghosh

03453-245-442, 9647925363


43 School Building 900 sqft. Beleghata 1)Jahar Biswas, Head

Teacher, 9232515052 DO DO

44 School Building 780 sqft. Kalikapur 1) H.T. Sk. Nazrul Haque.

9732120324 DO DO

45 School Building 1500 sqft. Makhalto

re H.M.Khodabox Halsona.


9732358693(M )


46 School Building 798 sqft. Charkabi

rajpur H.T.Mrinal Kumar Ghosh,

9732003978 DO DO

47 School Building 2400 sqft. Islampur Biswajeet

Mukhopadhay,9333652353DO DO

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

8 6

, H.M.

48 School Building 680 sqft. Islampur H.TAjay Acharya.

9434604447 DO DO

49 School Building 1140 sqft. Palasi H.T. Gakul Chandra

Mondal, 7679713050 DO DO

50 School Building 800 sqft. Simulgachi Hassan Sahidullah, H.T.

217443, 9434572501(M DO DO




Type of shelter

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone


Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)

1 Flood

Shelter Palita Contact Person-

Rafi Ahamed EA Palita GP MOB-


Drinking water and sanitation

facility available

Double storied

2 Flood

Shelter Gonna Serandi Contact Person-

Rafi Ahamed EA Palita GP MOB-



3 School

Building Kulai Contact Person-

Head Master MOB-09933947389





Type of shelter Capacity (Room and

Plinth Area) Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.) Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)


Flood Shelter

1300 sq. ft.

Bara Purulia

Rina Ghosh, Pradhan, Nabagram G.P, Ph. No. 8967528560

Drinking water and sanitation

facility available

Double storied

2 School Building 2700 sq. ft. Mougram Hasi Majhi, Pradhan, Mougram G.P, Ph. No. 8101587272


3 School Building

1776 sq. ft. Natungram Raihan Mondal, Natungram, Ph. No.

9749901143 & Hasibur Sk, Natungram, Ph. No. 7797126502


4 Flood Shelter 1200 sq. ft. Uddharanpur, Bikash Biswas, Pradhan, Sankhai, Sitahati G.P, Ph. No. 9126638408


5 School Building 700 sq. ft. Begunkola Ratan Kumar Ghosh, Begunkola, Ph. No. 9647834942


6 School Building 1300 sq. ft. Sitahati Bikash Biswas, Pradhan, Sankhai, Sitahati G.P, Ph. No. 9126638408



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8 7



Type of shelter Capacity (Room and

Plinth Area) Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)

Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)


Flood Shelter 1338 sqft.

Nabagram Samsur Alam Mondal 8016342649 Yousuf Mallick 9474914574

Drinking water and sanitation

facility available

Double storied

2 Flood Shelter 672 sqft. Khatiar Chowdhury Abdur Rasique, H.M., Paschim Mongalkote H.S. 8001545500


3 Flood Shelter 2000 sqft. Atghara Mir Lalbabu, Village Mallickpur 9732007754 DO DO

4 Flood Shelter 690 sqft. Kogram Bhairab Das, Vill- Kogram 9732397181


5 Flood Shelter 900 sqft. Nutanhat BDO,Mongalkote 03453266222 Jahidul Hassan 9832160589


6 Flood Shelter 1000 sqft. Shyambazar JitenLohar,Vill-Shyambazar 9800735454, 7407962040



Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and Plinth Area)

Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person

(Address and Phone no.)

Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)

1 School Building

4000 Sq ft Between srirampur

gram panchayet and the Srirampur Block office

HM:-9609166431 Drinking water and sanitation facility


Double storied

2 School Building 1000 Sq ft Dolgobindapur,Srirampur DO DO

3 School Building

1000 Sq ft Between srirampur

gram panchayet and the Srirampur Block office


4 School Building 1000 Sq ft DO DO 5 School Building 1500Sq ft Dakshin Srirampur DO DO 6 School Building 750 Sq ft Srirampur DO DO 7 School Building 4000 Sq ft Muslimpara DO DO 8 School Building 4000 Sq ft Borokobla DO DO 9 School Building 750 Sq ft Kobla DO DO

10 School Building 4000 Sq ft Vidyanagar DO DO 11 School Building 4000 Sq ft Vidyanagar DO DO 12 School Building 1500 Sq ft Madhya Srirampur DO DO 13 School Building 6000 Sq ft Srirampur DO DO 14 School Building 6000 Sq ft Madhya Srirampur DO DO 15 School Building 6000 Sq ft Bochpur DO DO 16 School Building 6000 Sq ft Belgoria DO DO 17 School Building 6000 Sq ft Gohak DO DO 18 School Building 6000 Sq ft Paruldanga DO DO


Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and

Plinth Area) Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)

Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)


School Building

1000 Sq. ft.


Head Master-9749412120

Drinking water and sanitation

facility available

Double storied

2 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Lohana Head Master-9774054628 DO DO 3 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Natungram Head Master-9475853891 DO DO 4 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Putsuri School Land Phone-0342-2755002 DO DO

5 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Putsuri School Land Phone-0342-2755356, Head Master-9434806857


6 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Dwari School Land Phone-0342-2751006, Head Master-9474124247


7 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Mamudpur School Land Phone-0342-2713184, Head Master-9434238275


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8 8

8 School Building

1000 Sq. ft. Kaigram School Land Phone-0342-2754402,

Head Master-9647931468 DO DO

9 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Sutra School Land Phone- 0342-2754475


10 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Routhgram Head Master-9775387825 DO DO 11 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Masdanga Head Master-9564815199 DO DO

12 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Susunia School Land Phone-0342-2714623, Head Master-9734267141


13 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Paschim Mamudpur

School Land Phone-0342-2050169, Head Master-9475852926


14 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Gopalnagar Head Master-9732073055 DO DO 15 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Bhojpur Head Master-9832220186 DO DO 16 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Bhojpur Head Master-8016508961 DO DO

17 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Kanpur School Land Phone-0342-2713203, Head Master-9474040189


18 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Dhamachia School Land Phone-0342-2712674, Head Master-9434546240


19 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Jamna School Land Phone-0342-2713322, Head Master-9477015400


20 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Jamna Head Master-9434665500 DO DO

21 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Mongalpur Head Master-9531691410 DO DO 22 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Moraipiri Head Master-9734235783 DO DO

23 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Majhergram School Land Phone-0342-2716145, Head Master-9475637028


24 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Dhanyakherur School Land Phone-0342-2716341 DO DO 25 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Amatia Head Master-9434861289 DO DO 26 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Bhurkunda Head Master-9475255812 DO DO 27 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Patun Head Master-9732282071 DO DO 28 School Building 300 Sq. ft. Galatun Head Master-9734242566 DO DO

29 School Building

1000 Sq. ft. Maldanga

School Land Phone-0342-2750240 DO DO

30 School Building

1000 Sq. ft. Maldanga

School Land Phone-0342-2751192 DO DO

31 School Building

1000 Sq. ft. Kusumgram

School Land Phone-0342-2750110 DO DO

32 School Building

1000 Sq. ft. Kulut

Head Master-9153423701 DO DO

33 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Singhali Head Master-9434476354 DO DO

34 School Building

1000 Sq. ft. Kamra

Head Master-9475853989 DO DO

35 School Building

300 Sq. ft. Singhali

Head Master-9476234095 DO DO

36 School Building

1000 Sq. ft. Monteswar

School Land Phone-0342-2750509 DO DO

37 School Building

300 Sq. ft. Lohar

Head Master-9475454640 DO DO

38 School Building

1000 Sq. ft. Bhagra Head Master-9474367199 School

Land Phone-0342-2715340 DO DO

39 School Building

1000 Sq. ft. Basantapur Head Master-9474117136 School

Land Phone-0342-2714360 DO DO

40 School Building

1000 Sq. ft. Sijna

School Land Phone-0342-2056340 DO DO

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8 9

41 School Building

1000 Sq. ft. Piplon Head Master-9800910314 School

Land Phone-0342-2715453 DO DO


Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and

Plinth Area) Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)

Facilities Available Remarks (Single

or Double)

1 School Building 2700 Sq. Ft Dhatrigram Dhatrigram Head

Mistress 03454 270003

Drinking water and sanitation

facility available

Double storied

2 School Building 3000 sq, Ft Dhatrigram Gram Kalna Head Master



3 School Building 1400 sq, Ft Hatkalna Sikarpur HM, Contact No NA



4 School Building 2700 sq, Ft Bagnapara Head Master 03454 274227, Bagnapara



5 School Building 3300 sq, Ft Bagnapara Head Master 03454 274213 Bagnapara



6 School Building 3000 sq, Ft Begpur Begpur

Head Master 03454 2717195



7 School Building 2700 sq, Ft Begpur Pathar DangaHead Master



8 School Building 2400 sq, Ft Kankuria Medgachi,HM, 03454 27634



9 School Building 4000 sq, Ft Kankuria Kankuria H.M, 03454 273172



10 School Building 4500 sq, Ft Atghoria Simlon H.M, 03454 273233



11 School Building 3200 sq, Ft Atghoria Machlandapur H.M, 03454 273272



12 School Building 3600 sq, Ft Atghoria Bridhapara H.M, 03454 2



13 School Building 3600 sq, Ft Atghoria Moslemabad, H.M 03454273521



14 School Building 4600 sq, Ft Atghoria Moslemabad, H.M 03454273509



15 School Building 7200 sq, Ft Sultanpur Bhairablon , H.M 034542 DO DO

16 School Building 5000 sq, Ft Sultanpur Sultanpur H.M 03454275250



17 School Building 5000 sq, Ft Hatkalna Nivujibazar H.M 03454256331



18 School Building 1400 sq, Ft Hatkalna Sikarpur HM,Contact No NA




Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and Plinth Area)

Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)

Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)

1 School Building 1000 sq ft Samanti

Head Master 9647938326/2719120 Drinking water and sanitation


Double storied

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

9 0


2 School Building 800 sq ft Kadra Head Master 2000006/2340311 DO


3 School Building 600 sq ft Putunda Head Master 9474920656/ 2346387 DO


4 Govt. Building 4500 sq ft Agriculture Firm,Burdwan Head Master 2624607 DO


5 Cold Storage 4000 sq ft Becharhat Farm Manager DO


6 School Building 1200 sq ft Srirampur Head Master 9434123387 DO


7 School Building 600 sq ft Chakundi Head Master 9475050554 DO


8 School Building 700 sq ft Singhapara Head Master 9475454992/ 2340436 DO


9 School Building 1200 sq ft Soddya Head Master 2340072 DO


10 School Building 1500 sq ft Joteram Head Master 9734597987/ 2628290 DO


11 School Building 600 sq ft Kanthalgachi Head Master 9002696305 (AT) DO


12 Cold Storage 2000 sq ft Ramnagar Manager DO


13 School Building 1500 sq ft Balgona Head Master 9153878570/ 2584170 DO


14 School Building 3000 sq ft Barsul Head Master 9474603445/ DO


15 School Building 2500 sq ft Hatgobindapur Head Master 9434182775/ 2584243 DO



Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and Plinth Area)

Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.) Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)

1 Flood Shelter 1000 Sq ft.


Prodhan Ramnagar G.P. 8436286057

Drinking water and sanitation

facility available

Double storied

2 Flood Shelter 1000 Sq ft. Bankul Prodhan Bhedia G.P. 9800353844


3 School Building 3000 sq.ft. Ramnagar Headmaster 9434323068 DO DO 4 School Building 3000 sq.ft. Bhedia Headmaster 03452253315 DO DO 5 School Building 1000 sq.ft. Akulia HeadTeacher 9475737245 DO DO 6 School Building 1000 sq.ft. Ramnagar HeadTeacher 8145584595 DO DO 7 School Building 1000 sq.ft. Chhora Mukhya Samprosarak DO DO 8 School Building 1000 sq.ft. Chhora Head Teacher DO DO

9 School Building 3000 sq.ft. P.P.D. High School. Headmaster 03452252315 DO DO

10 School Building 1500 sq.ft. Pubar Headmaster 03452212694 DO DO 11 School Building 1000 sq.ft. Kalikapur HeadTeacher 9475149661 DO DO 12 School Building 2000Sq ft. Bhedia HeadTeacher03452253280 DO DO 13 Flood Shelter 1000Sq.ft. Pallishree Head Teacher 9474055767 DO DO

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9 1

Block: GALSI –II

Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and

Plinth Area) Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)

Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)


School Building

1160sqft.,3 Bhakta 9647963557

Drinking water and sanitation

facility available

Double storied

2 School Building 1180sqft.,2 Mithapur 9153121263 DO DO 3 School Building 1100sqft.,2 Sonda 9564983629 DO DO 4 School Building 1200sqft.,3 Gohogram 9647637741 DO DO 5 School Building 1800sqft.,3 Mallickpur 9475854412 DO DO 6 School Building 1050sqft.2 Bhasapur 9832771431 DO DO 7 School Building 1050sqft.,2 Daskhin Bhasapur 8348081438 DO DO 8 School Building 1200sqft.,3 Garamba 9002830997 DO DO 9 School Building 1800sqft.,3 Joy krishnapur 9775386409 DO DO 10 School Building 1200sqft.,3 Gopdal 9749452777 DO DO 11 School Building 1450sqft,4 Taherpur 9647951715 DO DO 12 School Building 1050sqft,3 Dumur Gopalpur 9475977648 DO DO 13 School Building 11oosqft,2 Sikarpur Rasikpur 9732129934 DO DO

14 School Building 1100sqft.,2 Atusi

9932106321 DO DO

15 School Building 1000sqft.,2 Mithapur 9832896879 DO DO 16 School Building 8500sqft.,13 Mithapur 9332164511 DO DO 17 School Building 1100sqft.,3 Dadpur 9474486340 DO DO 18 School Building 2000sqft.,3 Sikarpur 9832797172 DO DO 19 School Building 1005sq ft,4 Bhuri 9333054012 DO DO 20 School Building 740sq ft,3 Dalim garia 8768550381 DO DO 21 School Building 930sq ft,2 Bhenpur 9933619074 DO DO 22 School Building 1798sq ft,3 Kumarpur 9749277378 DO DO 23 School Building 750sq ft,4 Raghapur 9474174323 DO DO 24 School Building 850sq ft,3 Shyamsundarpur 9474697315 DO DO 25 School Building 2034sq ft,5 Ura 9531796474 DO DO 26 School Building 1875sq ft,4 Jujuti 8001785990 DO DO 27 School Building 390sq ft,4 Badagachi 9749408530 DO DO 28 School Building 1978sq ft,4 Mohanpur 9093640712 DO DO 29 School Building 1215sq ft,3 Satyanandapur 9734706363 DO DO 30 School Building 740sq ft,2 Merual 9932926734 DO DO 31 School Building 1510sq ft,4 Ghoshkamalpur 9333888067 DO DO 32 School Building 1210sq ft,2 Gomotpur 8926244820 DO DO 33 School Building 1800sq ft,4 Ketna 8512939281 DO DO 34 School Building 1200sq ft,4 Janhapur 9732384134 DO DO 35 School Building 750sq ft,3 Mohanpur 9564283696 DO DO 36 School Building 1460sq ft,5 Kalimohanpur 9749284767 DO DO 37 School Building 1095sq ft,5 Mogalsima 9093337828 DO DO 38 School Building 450sq ft,2 Holidanga 9434850561 DO DO 39 School Building 1410sq ft,12 Bhenpur 9494632986 DO DO 40 School Building 1620sq ft,18 Bhuri 7797260369 DO DO 41 School Building 603sq ft,9 Satinandi 0342-2441400 DO DO 42 School Building 922sq ft,3 Satinndi 9434333735 DO DO 43 School Building 1356sq ft,4 Khanajunction 7797527345 DO DO 44 School Building 1210sq ft,4 NamoJunction 9932615115 DO DO

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9 2

Block : BHATAR

Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and Plinth Area)

Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.) Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)


School Building

910 S. ft Mahata Head Master 9434630139 Drinking water and sanitation

facility available

Double storied

2 School Building

150 S. ft. Rai-Ram-Chandrapur

H.M 9434307055 DO DO

3 School Building

1035 S. ft. Eruar H.M 9434333679 DO DO

4 School

Building 958 S. ft. Mandardihi Prodhan Eruar GP

03452-269210 DO DO


Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and

Plinth Area) Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.) Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)


School Building 1400 sq.ft.

Amarpur Head Teacher & Prodhan Mob.no. 9647976790


Drinking water and

sanitation facility


Double storied

2 School Building 1000

sq.ft. Berugram Head Teacher &

Prodhan Mob : 9434025173 03451-287251


3 School Building 1200 sq.ft.

Jarogram Head Teacher & Prodhan 03213-258319


4 School Building 1000 sq.ft.

Jamalpur Head Teacher & Prodhan 03451-288290


B l o c k : K H A N D A G H O S H

Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and Plinth Area)

Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.) Facilities Available Remarks (Single or Double)

1 School building 2100 sqft. Kumirkola Head Master, 9434666985 Drinking water and

sanitation facility available

Double storied

2 School building 480 sqft. Rupsa Head Teacher, Vill-Punsur, P.O-Akui, Dist-Bankura, 9474815845


3 School building 480 sqft. Naricha Head Teacher Vill-Amral,P.O-Sasanga, 9434651579


4 School building 540 sqft. Masila Head Teacher, Vill + P.O-Tejganj, Burdwan, 9378121522


5 School building 1200 sqft. Sasanga Head Master DO DO 6 School building 720 sqft. Saloon Head Master DO DO 7 School building 1440 sqft. Nischintapur Head Master,9474552279 DO DO

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

9 3

8 School building 600 sqft. Polempur Head Teacher, Vill & P.O Baronilpur,Sreepally,9474116008


9 School building 600 sqft. Kamalpur Khalpara

Head Teacher, Vill-Netajinagar,P.O-Natunganj,9333706131


10 School building 480 sqft. Daichanda Head Teacher, Vill+P.O-Oari,Dist-Burdwan,9732300630


11 School building 480 sqft. Khudkuri Head Teacher, Vill+P.O-Sankari,03422-588621


12 School building 360 sqft. Raipur Head Teacher, Vill+P.O-Saknara,9333925459


13 School building 2500 sqft. Owari Head Master, 9434631975 DO DO 14 School building 2800 sqft. Khandaghsoh Head Master,03451-262254 DO DO

15 School building 480 sqft. Khejurhati Head Teacher, Vill+P.O-Kutulpur 9609530906


16 School building 360 sqft. Bithchkhanra Head Teacher, Vill-Kumirkola,P.O-Rupsa,Dist-Burdwan


17 School building 480 sqft. Metedanga Head Teacher DO DO 18 School building 1800 sqft. Barishali Head Teacher ,9434238535 DO DO

19 School building 480 sqft. Shyamadanga Head Teacher, Vill-Dubrajhat,P.O-

Chandipur Berugram,Dist-Burdwan,9923460860


20 School building 480 sqft. Dubrajhat Head Master DO DO

21 School building 480sqft. Rautara Head Teacher,Vill-Bowrah,P.O-Kendur,9635536316


22 School building 1080 sqft. Kendur Head Master, 943484038 DO DO 23 School building 1080 sqft. Gopalbera l Head Master. 9933526905 DO DO 24 School building 480 sqft. Induty Head Teacher, Vill+P.O-Sehara,Dist-

Burdwan,9434675106 DO DO


Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and Plinth Area)

Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and

Phone no.)

Facilities Available Remarks (Single or Double)

1 School Building 2500 Sq.ft. Nudipur 0342-2260347

Drinking water and sanitation

facility available

Double storied

2 School Building 3000 Sq. ft. Sashinara DO DO 3 School Building 800 Sq. ft. Bagila DO DO 4 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Gantar 2250027 DO DO

5 School Building 1000 Sq. ft. Radhakanta

pur 2700860 DO DO

6 School Building 800 Sq. ft. Kashiyara DO DO 7 School Building 900 Sq. ft. Gobindapur 0342-2260347 DO DO 8 School Building 2500 Sq.ft. Debipur DO DO 9 School Building 2500 Sq.ft. Debipur DO DO 10 School Building 2000 Sq. ft. Durgapur 2250027 DO DO

11 School Building 1200 Sq.ft Baidyadang

a 2700860 DO DO

12 School Building 3500 Sq. ft. Kolepara

Kanthalgachi DO DO

13 School Building 12320 Sq.ft Rasulpur 0342-2260347 DO DO 14 School Building 2000 Sq. ft. Palla DO DO 15 School Building 2000 Sq. ft. Palla DO DO 16 School Building 3000 Sq. ft. Amadpur 2252628 DO DO 17 School Building 3500 Sq. ft. Amadpur DO DO

B l o c k : ME MA R I -I I

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9 4

Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and

Plinth Area) Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)

Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)


School Building

400 Sft Akalia Paresh Nath Das,8926129421

Drinking water and

sanitation facility


Double storied

2 School Building 12000 Sft Mohanpur Anindya Chattapadhya,9233687794


3 School Building 700 Sft Kaleswar 9564913559 DO DO

4 School Building 10000 Sft Kuchut Sasadar Basu,0342-2719148 Sabitri majhi,9564864699


5 I G.P. Office 1500 Sft Bijur Ritu Rani Rej,9434803741 DO DO

6 School Building 600 Sft Kalyanpur Laxmi Narayan Soren,9732321824


7 School Building 630 Sft Kantipur S.Pal,9474916162,Ganga Ghosh,9593546737


8 School Building 975 Sft Banagram Krishna Kumar Gowasmi,9474123826


9 School Building 840Sft Bijur Atasi Mukherjee,8001743075 DO DO 10 School Building 410Sqm Bijur Shyamali Saha, 9732322425 DO DO

11 School Building 2550 Sft Ashapur Shyamal Mandi,960643974, Kartik Ghosh,8926788020


12 School Building 900 Sft Begunia Ajit Durlav,9635926040 DO DO 13 School Building 4000 Sft Khorod Tapan samanta,9475188409 DO DO 14 School Building 900 Sft Sridharpur Sudip Kundu,9775706650 DO DO

15 School Building 600 Sft Ahira Monindranath Pal,89002012592


16 School Building 400 Sft Tantibaksa Sudeb Banerjee 9434309790 DO DO 17 School Building 200 Sft Taralpur Satbarto Kumra 9474638769 DO DO

18 School Building 150 Sft Barwa Rabicharanarmokar 9832873744


19 School Building 300 Sft Nandira Swapanjar 9476197252 DO DO 20 School Building 350 Sft Barasat Narayan Mondal 9432389389 DO DO 21 School Building 450 Sft Mutra Barwa Binoy Sharma 9126249571 DO DO 22 School Building 240 Sft Malamba Pradip Kr Punja 94743596061 DO DO 23 School Building 240 Sft Bamunia Abdul Halim 9475125507 DO DO

24 School Building 3000 S ft Mondalgram 0342-2714181 Mohito Biswas 9474363523


25 School Building 3600 S ft Sargachi 3422714129/9832244183 DO DO 26 School Building 600 S ft Aihipalasan Raj Kumar Mondal

9832228773 DO DO

27 School Building 200 S ft Udaynala Hironmoy Dey 9531686690 DO DO 28 School Building 900 Sft Harindanga Khadija Malik,9564885358 DO DO 29 School Building 1710 S ft Bitra Sitaram Kole 0342-2711-07 DO DO 30 School Building 800 S ft Ranihati Sujit Singhas Roy 9749137548 DO DO 31 School Building 810 S ft Sahajadpur 9434808125 DO DO

32 School Building

1200 S ft Chakbalaram Swapan Kr Maji 03422717637/9474870356


33 School Building

1600 S ft Bohar Susanta Das 9434472928 DO DO

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9 5

34 School Building

1400 S ft Bohar Barnali Bhattaharjee 03422710819/9474375297


35 School Building

570 S ft Jakra, Kallal Ghosh,9474110797 DO DO

36 School Building

460 S ft Krishinabati Asraf Ali Mondal, 8001564506 DO DO


Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and

Plinth Area) Sq


Location Contact Person (Address and Phone no.)

Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)


School Building

400 Sqft. Serorai Nazimuddin Mondal (H.M.); 9775346369.

Drinking water and

sanitation facility


Double storied

2 School Building 200 Sqft. Serorai Arjun Roy (TIC) 8926616183 DO DO

3 School Building 800 Sqft. Galsi Kazi Obayedulla (H.M) 9474096660


4 School Building 200 sqft. Sodepur Mana Jwahar Jha (TIC) 9264633082 DO DO

5 School Building 400 sqft. Kasba Subodh Laha (Gr. -D) 9564982122


6 School Building 400 sqft. Saldanga Sukhomoy Ghosh (H.M) 9434673650


7 School Building 250 sqft. Monorampur Dhanapati Ruidas (H.M) 9233424822


8 School Building 250 sqft. Bharatpur Ramsaday Chattopadhyay (H.M) 9474545828



Sl. No.

Type of shelter Capacity (Room and Plinth Area)

Sq Ft.

Location Contact Person (Address and Phone


Facilities Available

Remarks (Single or Double)


School Building

1500 sq ft. (approx.)


Amalendu Ghosal, Head Teacher,


Drinking water and

sanitation facility


Double storied

2 School


1500 sq ft.(approx.)


Bibekananda Mondal, Head

Teacher 9933166887

DO Single Storeyed

3 Community

Hall 1000 sq ft. (approx.)


Nita Biswas, Head Teacher,



4 School Building

1500 sq ft.


Nita Biswas, Head Teacher,

DO Double storied

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

9 6

(approx.) 9475933618

5 School


1800 sq ft. (approx.)


Banhi Ghosh, Head Teacher,



6 Community


1000 sq ft. (approx.)


Pradhan 9434195258

DO Single Storeyed

7 Community


1000 sq ft. (approx.)


Pradhan 9434195258


8 Cretch

300 sq ft. (approx.)

Bonjemari Lat Hiralal Thakur DO DO


300 sq ft. (approx.)


Chiru Mahato, 9932513585


10 School


1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Avijit Chatterjee, Head Teacher,



11 School


1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Subhas Gorai, Head Teacher,



12 School

Building 1500 sq ft. (approx.) Parbatpur

Suchanda Dutta, Head Teacher,



13 School

Building 1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Mita Das, Head Teacher,



14 School


900 sq ft. (approx.)


Nipanwita Das, Head



15 School

Building 900 sq ft. (approx.)


Mita Choudhury, Head Teacher,



16 School


1200 sq ft. (approx.)

Brindabani Sampa Majumdar,

Head Teacher, 9434846673


17 MSK

3000 sq ft. (approx.)


Pravat Maji, 8967879831


18 School


300 sq ft. (approx.)


Laxmi Das Sukla DO DO

19 School

Building 1200 sq ft. (approx.) Ramchandrapur

Dipti Biswas, Head Teacher,




School Building 1500 sq ft.

(approx.) Barabhuin

Tarapada Chakraborty, Head

Teacher, 9476237479


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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

9 7

21 School


1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Ajay Banerjee, 9932415628


22 School


1800 sq ft. (approx.)


Shanti Gorai, 9933819744

DO Double storied

23 Community


1000 sq ft. (approx.)


Amar Dutta, 9735853063


24 Community


1000 sq ft. (approx.)


Dipak Bauri, 9932721686


25 School Building

6000 sq ft. (approx.)


Asoke Bauri, 9775380602

DO Double storied

26 School Building

1500 sq ft. (approx.)


Tarini Prasad 9732285034

DO Single Storeyed

27 Library 300 sq ft. (approx.)


Biswarup Mahato 9832739007


28 School Building

1500 sq ft. (approx.)


Namita Bauri, 9732278127


29 School


1200 sq ft. (approx.)

Pratappur Nagen Marandi, 9933591358


30 School


1500 sq ft. (approx.)

Pithaikeary Bipan Das, 9732244369


31 Community Hall

1000 sq ft. (approx.)

Rupnaryanpur Arun Debnath, 9475233789


32 SSK 600 sq ft. (approx.)

West Rangametia

Mihir Mondal, 9434182172


33 School


1500 sq ft. (approx.)

East Rangametia

Nemai Bajpei, 9332204754

DO Double storied

34 School

Building 300 sq ft. (approx.) Kenduadhi Binoy Murmu,

9851642608 DO DO

35 School


1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Jharna Sil, 9434845383


36 School

Building 1200 sq ft. (approx.) Prantapally Sumita Mitra,

9434546861 DO DO

37 MSK

1500 sq ft. (approx.)

Netaji Colony

Subrata Dey, 9732047522


38 School


1200 sq ft. Jitpur

Sankar Mondal,

9933351631 DO DO

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

9 8


39 School

Building 300 sq ft. (approx.)


Aloke Kr. Mondal, 9434846242


40 Community


1000 sq ft. (approx.)


Rabindranath Roy, 9476491149

DO Single Storeyed

41 School


1200 sq ft. (approx.)

Namokesia Keya Bose, 9475138534


42 School Building

1500 sq ft. (approx.)


Sabita Banerjee, 9332237421

DO Double storied

43 School Building

1800 sq ft. (approx.)

Hindustan Cables

Urmila Singh, 9434737618, Mina

Kumari Singh, 9474604231


44 School Building

1500 sq ft. (approx.)


Partha Sarkar, 9474537116


45 School


6000 sq ft. (approx.)


Radheshyam Saha, 9474544868

DO Double storied

46 School Building

6000 sq ft. (approx.)


Krishna Banerjee, 9474377813


47 School Building

1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Susmita Das, 9832734327


48 School


1200 sq ft. (approx.)

Pahargora Lakhikanto Das, 9732119884


49 School


1500 sq ft. (approx.)


Mou Barua, 8972571212


50 School Building

1200 sq ft. (approx.) Bansketia Gita Mondal,

9734789969 DO Single

Storeyed51 School


1200 sq ft. (approx.)

Bathanbari Gopal Mondal, 9732235770


52 SSK

900 sq ft. (approx.)


Gopal Mondal, 9732235770


53 School Building

1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Jiten Soren,9732252007


54 School


2400 sq ft. (approx.)


Sunita Ghosh, 9547356709


55 SSK

1200 sq ft. (approx.)

Mahespur Padma Mudi, 8116041861


56 School


300 sq ft. (approx.)


Padma Mudi, 8116041861


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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

9 9

57 School Building

1500 sq ft. (approx.) Nakrajoria Dhananjoy Soren,

9933939627 DO DO

58 MSK 1500 sq ft. (approx.)


Dhananjoy Soren, 9933939627


59 School Building

1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Suprakash Maji, 9851088818


60 School

Building 1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Ranendranath Mondal,



61 School


1500 sq ft. (approx.)

Chayanpur Arita Dasgupta, 9832219710


62 School

Building 1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Binita Bhattacharjee,



63 Colliery Office

600 sq ft. (approx.)

Dabor Ranga Colliery

Manager Dabor Colliery


64 School Building

1200 sq ft. (approx.) Madhaichak Madhab Ch. Maji, DO DO

65 School


1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Kuran Bhandari, 9938463358


66 School


4000 sq ft. (approx.)


Bidhan Ch. Mallick, 9434304841


67 School


1200 sq ft. (approx.)


Manojit Bhattacharya,



3.10 Earth Moving and Road Cleaning Equipments: Sl. No

Name of the Firm Location Contact Person Contact Number

1 Damodar Valley Corporation DTPS (6 Nos. Bulldozers)

Durgapur Near Waria Station Dt.Burdwan

Chief Engineer Durgapur Thermal Power Station

0343-2590990 0343-2590991

2 Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (1No Bulldozers)


Pankaj Kr. Agargal


3 Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, (Cranes, Heavy Duty , Fork type- 5Nos)


Pankaj Kr. Agargal



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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 0 0


M/S Maa Laxmi Trders (JCB 8 Nos. & Poglan 6 Nos. )


Gadadhar Ghosh

+91 9474573743

3.11 Traders: Type of Traders Contact person and

address / Phone no Telephone Office/ Res.


House building materials

1. Kasi Nath Chatterjee, Madhupur

2. Bijoy Das Dhatrigram

3. Raju Ghosh Sahajpur

4. Ajmol Sk, Bulbulitala

5. Ananda Gopal Roy

6. Baba Buraraj Hardware, Sahajpur

7. Ghosh Hardware , Sahajpur

8. Maa Sitola HW, Sibupada Seth Sundalpur

9. Kali Mata HW, Anil Pramanick, Sundalpur

10. Chatterjee Const. 11. Manotosh Chatterjee,

Madhupur 12. Chatterjee HW,

Kasinath Chatterjee, Madhupur

13. Cowdhury HW, Ashok Chowdhury, Madhupur

14. Ta HW, Tapas Kr Ta, Madhupur,

15. Chal HW, Rabindra Nath Chal, Madhupur,

16. Anita HW, Bipul Dey, Simlon More

17. Sarmistha HW, Debashis Bhattacharya, Simlon

18. Radharani HW, Bapi Bhattacharya, Simlon

.Sudhangsu Sekhar Roy, Monteswar

03454 273534 03454 276246 9732154169 9434840073 -2750777


LaluprasadRoy,Monteswar Biswanath Garai,

2750330 2750537

Akalpoush Akalpoush Akalpoush

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 0 1

Type of Traders Contact person and address / Phone no

Telephone Office/ Res.



Monteswar Chandsadagar Mondal,Maldanga Kalna II Block 1..Animesh Das 2Bijoy Kr Das 3.Amal Sandhukhan 4 Pravash Sadhukhan 5. Ajmat Ali Sk. 6. Tapan Kr. Ghosh 7.Satyen Nandi 8.Balai Paul 9 Madhusudhan Kundu 10 Nabin Sandhukhan Aushgram I 1. Sk. Mostafa, Shibda 2. Tripti Kr. Kar,

Hatkirtinagar 3. Hannaw Khan & Hamid

Khan, Somaipur 4. Gurudas Kumar,

Hatkirtinagar 5. Shaneyaj Mollick,

Malidapara 6. Arindam Chatterjee,

Bonnabagram 7. Fajuddin Khan, Ausgram 8. Madhusudan Garai,

Gopinathbati 9. Lotan Khandakar,

Batagram 10. Aparna Samanta,

Hatkirtinagar 11. Saresh Mahato,

Lakshmiganj 12. Dayamoy Chokraborty 13. Swapan Kr. Mondal,

Somaipur 14. Osman Sk., Ausgram-1 15. Rajendraprashad Shek,

Bannabagram 16. Mithun Chakborty, Deyasa

Aligram 17. Prasanta Mondal, Berenda 18. Susanta Kr. Mondal,

Batagran 19. Mutahar Hossin Mondal,

Bassantapur 20. Chandan Banerjee, Gonna

Dariapur 21. Khokan Mardi, Dangal 22. Bhabantaran Roy,

Dariapur 23. Bharab Ch. Ghosh,

Namotelota 24. Nabakumar Pal, Dignagar 25. Fatik Shek, Batagram 26. Abul Hara Mondal,

Akalpoush Akalpoush Baidyapur Rath Tala Baidyapur Rath Tala

Singerkone Singerkone Baidyapur

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 0 2

Type of Traders Contact person and address / Phone no

Telephone Office/ Res.



Batagram 27. Mahural Islam, Batagram 28. Mannur Shek, Batagram 29. Hira Shek, Batagram 30. Ajit Dey, Kalyanpur 31. Budan Ghosh, Kalyanpur 32. Ranjit Chatterjee,

Batagram 33. Naran Mondal, Batagram 34. Sanath Shek, Dignagar 35. Tarak Shen, dignagar 36. Kajal ghosh, Dignagar 37. Rabin Pal, Dignagar 38. Ajit Chattejree, dignagar Bhagar-II

1. Alamgir Mollah, Vill.Milikpara, P.O. Simdal Dist. Burdwan, Tel

No.4035104. 2. Basudeb Garai, Vill. & P.O.

Baghar, Dist. BUrdwan, Tel No. 650196.

3. Bikash Haldar, Bhagar, Burdwan, Phone No. 654196

Bhagar-I 1. Bioad Taran Dutta, Jiara.

Bhagar, Burdwan, Ph. No. 784194.

2. Biswanath Ganguli, Jiara. Bhagar, Burdwan, Ph. No.750196.

3. Bipad Sarkar, Mahinagar, Panchkula, Ph. No. 3279104

Rayan- II 1. Bimal Kumar Malick, Vill.

& P.O. Bhitra, Burdwan, Ph.No.3763104.

2. Saiyed Jahar Ali, Vill. P.O. Jamar, Burdwan, Ph. No. 66105

3. Sadhan Kumar Ghosh, Raipur, Bhita, Burdwan, Ph.No. 4456105

Kshetia 1. Sk Golam Jikria, Vill.

Krishnapur, P.O. Rajbati, Burdwan, Ph.No. 3430104

2. Sk. Golam Murtia, Vill. Krishnapur, P.O. Rajbati, Burdwan, Ph. No. 7891107.

3. Raghunath Dey,Panrui, Kurmun, Ph. No. 883107.

Saraitikar 1. Sk. Golam Jikria,

Vill.Krishnapur, P.O. Rajbati, Burdwan, Ph. No.3430104.

2. Sk. Golam Murtrya, Vill. Krishnapur, P.O. Rajbati, Burdwan, Ph.No.3122104.

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 0 3

Type of Traders Contact person and address / Phone no

Telephone Office/ Res.


3. Sadhan Dutta, Vill. & Mirjapur. Burdwan, Ph.No.2405102.

Bondul-I 1. Mahadeb Mondal, Vill.

& P.O. Bhanderdighi. Burdwan, Ph.No.278106.

2. Partha Sarathi Hazra,Vill. & P.O. Bhanderdighi, Burdwan, Ph.No. 3912104.

3. Ram Kumar Ghosh, Vill. Bondul, P.O. Kamarkita, Burdwan, Ph. No.2986104.

Rayan-I 1. Abdul Kader,Vill.

Bhotar, P.O. & Dist. Burdwan, Ph. No.558106.

2. Smt Anjana Singh, Vill. Nerpdighi. P.O. & Dist. Burdwan, Ph. No.843107.

3. Dalu Sk. Vill. Dangapara,P.O. Bajepratappur, Burdwan, Ph.No. 617106.

Kurmun-I 1. Satya Prakash

Chattarjee, Vill. & P.O. Kurmun,Burdwan, Ph.No. 2421102.

2. Suchand ghosh,Vill. & P.O.Kurmun, Burdwan Ph. No.2417102.

3. Samiran Dutta, Chotobelun, Kurmun, Burdwan, Ph. No.915196

Belkash 1. Surojdeb Show,

Amtala Keshobganjchatti, Rajbati, Burdwan Ph. No.2504103.

2. Sukdeb Das,Amtala, Rajbati, Burdwan, Ph. No. 219196

39. Somnath Dutta,Belkash , Burdwan, Ph. No.726101.

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 0 4

Type of Traders Contact person and address / Phone no

Telephone Office/ Res.


Medicine shop 1.Gandheswari Medical Hall,Monteswar 2.Blue Print Medical Hall,Monteswar Kalna II Siddharta Ghosh- Satyam Medical Nabakumar Mallick Aus I Mrinomoy Kanti Mujumder, dignagar Ibrahim Shek, Pitchkuri Abdul Shalam Shibda Suddodhan ghosh, Bannabagram Asin Kr. Mondal, Bannabagram Uttam Banerjee, Ausgram. Asim Kr. Laha, Ausgram.

Amol Krishna Goswami, Sundalpur Gouri Medical Store, Dignagar Santi Sudha Medical Store, dignagar Goutam Medical Store, Dignagar

Basanti Medical , Bhatar 9434831890 Mukherjee Medical Abhirampur Gouri Medical , Abhirampur Shanti Medical Abhirampur, Laxminaryan Medical Abhirampur Chakrabati Medical Hall, Sachian Chakrabati, Badulia

2750642 9474363098

Tents and Tarpaulins The National Canvas, 51, G. T. Road, Burdwan

0342-2565868 (O) 9434360658 (M)

Hardware shops Sudhangsu Sekhar Roy, Monteswar Ausgram I Subhendu Saha,Hatkirtinagar. Prasanta Roy, Dariapur Goutam Mondal, Gobindapur Jayanto Laha, Bannabagram Chiranjib Mondal, Ausgram. Mukul Ghosh, Ausgram. Nilmani Pal, Dignagar Jubunnessa Begam, Joykrishnaty pur Asim Kr. Laha, Ausgram. Prasanta Roy, Dwairpur Niranjan Saha, dignagar, Bapi Pal, Dignagar. Bapan Rana, Abhirampur, Mondal Hardware, Abhirampur. Bapan Ghosh, Abhirampur. Sanjoy Banerjee , Abhirampur Samanta Hardware , Pintu Samanta, Badulia


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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 0 5

Type of Traders Contact person and address / Phone no

Telephone Office/ Res.


Durgamata Hardware , Pannalal Pal, Badulia Dulal Hardware Store, Badulia Roy Harware, Ashoke Roy, Sagrai Kalimata Hardware, Binu Roy, Sagrai

03451-253015 03451-253161

Rice mill 1.Gurupada Rice Mill, Piplon 2.Laxmi Rice Mill,Kusumgram 3.Kandeswari Rice Mill, Majhergram Aushgram I 4.Biswanath ricemill, Guskara 5.Ma Ganga rise Mill, Samaipur 6.Sri Guru Mill, Cenema Tala Guskara 7.Sri Lakshmi Rice Mill, Darapara 8.Kalimata Agro Product, Hatkirtinagar Joyguru Rice Mill, Sukumar Karfa, Badulia Badulia Rice Mill, Mobarak Hossain, Badulia Matadevi Rice Mill, Sukumar Pal, Badulia Mahamantra Rice Mill, Udaychand Mondal, Badulia Annapurna Rice Mill, Anathbandhu Jash, Sipti Annadata Rice Mill, Sk. Jakir, Jubila Ma Durga Rice Mill, Binaykrishna Gupta, Sagrai Ma Kali Rice Mill,Haru Ghosh, Sagrai Istran Rice Mill , Bapi Kesh, Sagrai Ma Manasha Rice Mill, Hadali Sarkar, Gopalpur Srigobinda Rice Mill, Sukumar Sahana, Sagrai

03451-253216 03451-253307 03451-253655 9434225330 03451-253261 9333451166 03451-253375 03451-253306/ 253529 0342-2588233 03451-253513 03451-253320

Fuel wood Aus I 1.Md. Islam, Shibda 2.Jayanta Roy, Bara 3.Sankar ghosh, Dignagar 4.Bidut Mondal, anandabazar 5.Ratanti Saw mill, Guskara 6.Ma Santoshi Timber Works Guskara 7.Pattel Saw Mill, Guskara

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 0 6

Type of Traders Contact person and address / Phone no

Telephone Office/ Res.


8.Ganes Saw Mill Guskara 9.Ram Sarma Saw Mill Guskara 10.Ma Manasa Furniture, Bhatar

Electrical Equipments

Ganes Chandra Dey, Hatkirti nagar Ashim Kr Dey, Hatkirtinagar Sk. Nawshar Ali, Kalyanpur Pradip Chatterjee, Ausgrram Indrajit Pal, Kalaijhuti Ajijur Rahamon, Ausgram. Ramkrishna Akura, Purbatati, Partha singha roy, Dariapur Anirmoy Chatterjee, AUSGRAM AsimDey, Dignagar Pintu Jash ,Bulti Electric , Bhatar


Restaurants Apayan ,Kusumgram (Jaher) Misti Mahal ,Kusumgram (Taher) Somnath Hazra, Chinese Ratan Tea Stall

9932487455 9932926529

Farm inputs 1. Chanchal Baksi, Singhi

2. Prabir Ganguli, Singhi

3. Musaraf Sk, Gourdanga

4. Prasanta Laha, Musthuli

5. Dinesh Ghosh, Ghoranash

6. Vivekananda Dutta, Postgram

7. Digambar Dutta, Mejhiary





3.12 Transportation (Road and water)

Type Of Vehicles

Contact person and address

Government/ Private

Telephone Office/ Res.


Tractors 1) Laltu Chowdhury,

Postgram 2) Nityananda Roy,

Nandigram 3) Bhawani Samanta,

Nandigram 4) Bidhan Pal, Mulgram 5) Panchugopal Ghosh,

Mulgram 6) Bhawani Ghosh, Mulgram 7) Rafiq Mondal, Sribati 8) Rasid Sk, Sribati 9) Ananta Mondal,

Jagadanandapur. 10) Hansu Mallick, Multi 11) Kalim Mallick, Multi







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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 0 7

Type Of Vehicles

Contact person and address

Government/ Private

Telephone Office/ Res.


12) Abdur Rahaman Mollah, Multi.

13.Sarful Mallick, Multi 14.Naba Kumar Mondal; Dignagar, Burdwan 15.AnswarAli, 16.Botagram,Burdwan 17.Fazarul Islam, Batagram,Burdwan 16.Alaul Haque, Batagram,Burdwan 17.Nasir Ahamed, 18.Botagram,Burdwan 19.Jahur Alam, Batagram 20.Rahim Sek, Bottagram west. 21. Ibrahim Sek, Bottagram west. 22 .Nemai Ghosh, Bottagram west. 23. Ranjit Chatterjeee, Bottagram west. 24 .Amit Kr. Mondal, Bottagram north. 25 .Abul Karim Abbsi, Bottagram North. 26 .Ajit Kr. Dey, Kalyanpur. 27. Santos Goswami, Kalyanpur. 28.Najural Hq. Mondal, Battacgram south 29I.brahim Mallick, Bottagram 30.Basanta Mondal , Sundalpur 31.Susanta Mondal, Sundalpur 32.Utapl Mondal, Sundalpur 33.Samsuddin Molla,Sundalpur 34.Hanif Sk. , Sundalpur 35 .Aswani Garai, Dangal 36.Baddyanath Garai, Dangal. 37.Biswanath Gosh 38.Dharam Juji,Gangarampur 39.Chandmohan Dask Do Kata Mondal, Galigram. 40.Dhiren Ghosh, Ausgram 41.Biswanath Ghosh,Ausgram 42.Nemai Ghosh, Ausgram 43.Mintu Saha, Ausgram 44.Shibu Saha, Ausgram 45.Unish Khan, Ausgram 46.M.L. Jakeria, Ausgram 47.Sunil Goswami Ausgram 48 .Habib Sk Ausgram 49 .Hasib Khan, Ausgram 50 .Rathin Koner, Karotia 51. Naran Ghosh, Hargoriadanga 52 .Jiten Koner, Dignagar 53 .Asim Laha, Ausgram 54 .Dhananjoy Koner, Ausgram 55 .Rabindra Pal, Dignagar 56 .Sanat Sen, Digmagar 57 .Nikhil Ghosh, Dignagar


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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 0 8

Type Of Vehicles

Contact person and address

Government/ Private

Telephone Office/ Res.


58 .Bhagu Pal, Dignagar 59. Magaram Manna, Dignagar

Bus 1 .Tapan dey, Shibda 2 .Sisir Gorai, Guskara 3 .Sk Jul Ali, Guskara 4 .Siddhartha Sankar Roy, Guskara 5 .Raskumar Roy, Guskara 6 .Amales Synal, Guskara 7 .Swpan Karmakar, Guskara 8 .Kanai Saha, guskara 9 .Swapan Besra, Guskara 10 .Vivekananda Roy, Orgram 11 .Mudhusudhan Saha, Guskara 12 .Symal Roy, Guskara 13 .Janaki Singha, Guskara 14 .Kanu Saha, Guskara 15 .Subir Rana, Guskara 16 .Nitai Maji, Guskara 17. Achinta Banerjee, Guskara


Truck/ Mini truck 1 .Ajit Kr. Roy, Kalyanpur 2 .Saymal Kr. Laha Guskara 3 .Amaresh Bannick, Guskara 4 .Sk. Ful Ali, Guskara 5.Siddhartha Sankar Roy, Guskara 6.Kanai Saha, Guskara 7.Bhabani Charan Ghosh 8.Brindswari Prasad Bhakar, Sushila 9Mridul Laha, Guskara 10.Somnath Mondal, 11.Sudhir Ghsoh, Shibda 12. Nabakumar Mondal Guskara


Trekker 1. Asis Nayek,Village & P.O. Guskara 2. Sk. Mansur Ali,Vil. & P.O. Guskara 3. Sk.JaneAlam,Itachanda, Guskara 4. Jagannath Goswami, Vil & P.O. Guskara


Country boats 1) Krishna Talukdar, Charbishnupur

2) Bhagirath Talukdar, Charbishnupur

3) Subhash Halder, Agradwip

4) Rasid Mallick, Multi.

5) Benukar Halder, Agradwip

6) Madhu Halder, Agradwip

7) Gaya Halder, Agradwip

8) Dokari Halder, Agradwip

9) Sakshi Halder, Agradwip

10)Brindaban Halder, Kalikapur



(03453)247-616 97498036420 9749645431 9003039775 9641927848 9734211059

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 0 9

Type Of Vehicles

Contact person and address

Government/ Private

Telephone Office/ Res.


11)Pagal Halder, Kalikapur

12)Nidhan Halder, Kalikapur

13)Joy Halder, Kalikapur

14)Pona Halder, Kalikapur

15)Brindaban Halder, Palasi

16)Sadhu Halder, Palasi

17)Bhawani Halder, Palasi

18)Uttam Halder, Palasi

19)Krishan Santra, Deasin

20)Badan Majhi, Deasin

21)Dulal Santra, Deasin

22)Chandu Das, Khaspur

23)Goutam Bag, Khaspur

24)Provat Mal, Deasin

25)Rai Charan Dhara,Deasin

26)Dulal Santra, Shila

27Megal Santra, Shila

28)Nantu Bag, Shila

29)Suresh Chowdhury, Palsona

30)Aziz Sk, Kuaradanga

31)Abdul Sk, Kuaradanga

32)Manik Majhi, Chotomeigachi

33)Bani Majhi, Chotomeigachi

33)Jatai Majhi, Chotomeigachi

34)Parikshit Ghosh, Chotomeigachi

35Dhiren Das,Bara meigachi

36)Sankar Das, Barameigachi

37)Dulal Das, Barameigachi

38)Kari Majhi, Amul

39)Motleb Mallick, Bhatna


9800025443 9832888948 9732279974 9641988463 9333060742 9732788683

Motor boats 1) Krishna Talukdar , Charbishnupur.

2) Bhagirath Talukdar, Charbishnupur

3) Subhash Halder, Agradwip

4) Gobinda Sarkar, Nutan Charbishnupur

5) Nibash Halder, Agradwip



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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 1 0

Type Of Vehicles

Contact person and address

Government/ Private

Telephone Office/ Res.


6) Buddhadev Halder, Agradwip

7) Bharat Halder, Agradwip

8) Rabi Halder, Agradwip

9) Bahadur Chowdhury, Char Sahapur

10) Halim Sk, Sahebnagar

11) Gobinda Sarkar, Charbishnupur

12) Pairag Halder, Kalikapur

13) Krishna Chowdhury, Babladanga

14) Sujal Chowdhury, Babladanga. 15 Sri Lakhindar Maji, Vill-Ausgram Chak P.O. Ausgram 16) Sashadhar Mete, Vil . Parsurampur, P.O. Pichkuri







3.13 Alternative energy sources (Bio gas and Solar Energy Cells) Type of sources

Contact person and Address Phone No. Remarks

Bio Gas Bio Gas

1.Kabita Saha, W/O Panchanan, Shila. 2.Asim Ghosh, S/O Anil, Karui. 3.Tushar Kanti Hazra, S/O Ranjit, Kurchi. 4.Bangshidar Garai, S/O Tamal, Panjoa. 4.Sufal Biswas, S/O Tarapada, Agradwip. 5.Hasibur Mallick, Multi. 6.Bapi Mondal, Multi 7.Aniruddha Chatterjee, Kalikapur. 8.Tushar Kanti Sinha, Chittarnjan 9.Arun Ghosh, Vil & P.O. Bhedia 10.Haricharan, Ghosh, Vil & P.O. Bhedia 11.Rajib Lochan Kesh, Vil & P.O. Belari 12.Milan Kesh, Vil & P.O. Belari. 13.Harisadhan Banerjee, Billagram 14.Rajib Sk, Belari. 15.Laxmi Narayan Mondal, Guskara 16.Sanjit Mondal, Alutia, Guskara. 17.Sumanta Gupta, Vil & P.O. Belari 18.Dasarath Roy, Belari 19.Ganesh Karmakar, Belari 20.Kanai Ich, Belari 21.Sitapati Pal, Billagram 22.Ram Pada Mondal, Bhota 23.Uttam Mondal, Bhota 24.Yeasmina Basu, Bhota 25.Mosamad Mohini Khatun, Bhota

9474602830 9749407877 9732187087 03453-244365

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 1 1

Type of sources

Contact person and Address Phone No. Remarks

26.Puspendu Banerjee, Deyasa 27.Subal Ch. Mondal, Ausgram 28.Shibaram Mondal, Ausgram 29.Isamul Mondal , Ausgram 30.Mir Obaidur Rohaman, Bhota 31.Manik Mondal, Bhada 32.Krishna Ich, Belari 33.Partha Sarathi Ghosh, Bhada 34.Kumar Mete, Belari 35.Shyamal Mondal, Bhada 36.Baidyanath Mondal, Bhada 37.Radha Ballav Mondal, Bhada 38.Milan Kr. Mukherjee, Belari 39.Prasanta Mukherjee, Belari 40.Susmita Mukherjee, Belari 41.Pranab Kr. Ganguli, Belari 42.Asit Kr. Ich, Belari 43.Subhadip Pal, Belari 44.Joydip Pal, Belari 45.Ananda Mondal, Donaipur 46.Manoranjan Ghosh, Bhota 47.Jyotsona Ghosh, Bota 48.Ujjawal Kr. Das, Jadabganj 49.Madan Pal, Mirsa 50.Naba Kr. Samanta, Dayemnagar 51.Tapash Kr. Kesh, Belari 52.Madan Mohan Das, Belari 53.Panchanan Mondal, Bhota 54.Sukumar Mond, Bhota 55.Sk. Alam, Bhota 56.Aloke Laha, Sushila 57.Purendu Ghosh,Vill,Pilkhuri, P.O. Khurul 58.Sukhendu ghosh, Vill,Pilkhuri, P.O. Khurul 59.Buddhadeb Tah, Vill,Mahinagar, P.O. Panchkula 60.Sridhar Saha, Vill. Koligram, P.O. Shyansundarpur, 61.Bhaktibushan Pal,Vill. & P.O. Belkash 62.Sandip Murmu,Vill. Rayan. 63.Sankar Ghosh,Vill. Kalyanpur. 64.Buddahadeb Ghoah, Vill. Parui, P.O. Kurmun, 65.Deb Kumar Som, Vill. Parui, P.O. Kurmun, 66.Tripati Ghosh,Vill. Malkita, P.O. Bhita, 67.Sirsir Ghosh, Vill. Malkita, P.O. Bhita, 68.Haraoprasad Roy,Vill. & P.O. Kurmun, 69.Paresh Nath Ghosh,Vill. Nerodighi,P.O. 70.Bhnaderdighi, 71.Nihar Ghosh, Nerodighi,P.O. 72.Bhnaderdighi, 73.Gita Prasad Dutta,Vill. & P.O. Chandrahati.

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 1 2

Type of sources

Contact person and Address Phone No. Remarks

Generator 1) Nayan Chatterjee, Multi. 2) Siraj Mallick, Multi. 3) Chabai Mistri, Singhi. 4) Narayan Ch. Koner, Gourdanga. 5) Ashoke Chowdhury, Singhis, 9735123218 PrabhatDutta,Vibvekananda Hazra Bhatar Kariram Mondal Abhirampur, Debo Prosad Adhikari, Abhirampur

03453-249247 03453-249345 9434831890

Pump sets 1) Barik Sk, Sribati. 2) Khairul Mallick, Multi 3) Sadhan Roy, Nandigram 4) BiswajitChowdhury, Mejhiary 5) Sanat Kr. Mondal, Mejhiary 6) Biswanath Garai, Panjoa 7) Goutam Banerjee, Kurchi. 8) Chandu Datta (Palar), 9) KuseswarPramanick(Alinagar) 10) Debu Mondal Goalpota 11) Balaram Pal Abhirampur




Solar Energy Cell


3.14 Private Professionals: Expertise Name Specialty Address Phone nos. Service

facilities available

Doctor Super Sub Divisional Hospital, Asansol

Emergency & Others

Asansol 03412252176 Always available

Super, Sub Divisional Hospital,Durgapur

Emergency & Others

Bidhannagar 0343 2537163 Always available

Super, SDH, Katwa Emergency & Others

Katwa 03453255060 Always available


Super, SDH, Kalna Emergency & Others

Kalna 03454255432 Always available

Drug Control Drug Control Burdwan 03422544128 Always available


B.M.O.H. Andal & Pandaveswar

BMOH Khandra 03412665891 Always available

B.M.O.H. Aushgram I BMOH Bannabagram

03452254205 9932347754

Always available


B.M.O.H. Aushgram II BMOH Jamtara 03432517500 9564981402

Always available

Doctor B.M.O.H. Bhatar BMOH Bhatar 03422322233 Always available

Doctor B.M.O.H. Durgapur Faridpur

BMOH Laodoha 0343 2672022 Do

Doctor B.M.O.H. Galsi I BMOH Pursa 03422456031 Do

Doctor B.M.O.H. Jamalpur BMOH Jamalpur 03451 288270 9433130429


Doctor B.M.O.H. Jamuria BMOH Bahadurpur 0341 2669310 Do Doctor B.M.O.H. Kalna I BMOH Atghoria 03454 273230

9474919405 Do

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 1 3

Doctor B.M.O.H. Kalna II BMOH Badla 03454 241246 Do Doctor B.M.O.H. Kanksa BMOH Panagarh 0343 2524294 Do Doctor B.M.O.H. Katwa I BMOH Srikhanda 03453 2614450

9474022147 Do

Doctor B.M.O.H. Katwa II BMOH Noapara 03453 244243 Do Doctor B.M.O.H. Ketugram I BMOH Ramjibonpur 03453 273240

9748028980 Do

Doctor B.M.O.H. Ketugram II BMOH Ketugram 03453 272234 9732031864


Doctor B.M.O.H. Khandoghosh BMOH Khandoghosh 03451 262312 Do Doctor B.M.O.H. Memari I BMOH Memari 0342 2260300 Do Doctor B.M.O.H. Memari II BMOH Paharhati 0342 2700281

9433335943 Do

Doctor B.M.O.H. Mangokot BMOH Mangolkot 03453 266253 9434181693


B.M.O.H. Montheswar BMOH Montheswar 0342 275 0539 Do B.M.O.H. Purbasthali I BMOH Srirampur 03454264990

9732006658 Do

B.M.O.H. Purbasthali II BMOH 9733033126 Doctor B.M.O.H. Raina I BMOH Maheshbati 03451 261234 Do Doctor B.M.O.H. Raina II BMOH Madhabdihi 03451251202 Do Doctor B.M.O.H. Ranigang BMOH Ranigang 0341 2445298 Do Doctor B.M.O.H. Burdwan II BMOH Kurmun 03422310241 Do Doctor B.M.O.H. Salanpur BMOH Pithaikari 0341 2531374 Do Doctor 1. Dr.Arobindo Koner Cardiologist Burdwan 9433014897 By

appointment Doctor 2. Dr.Tark N Banerjee Do Do 0342 2569259 Do Doctor 3. Dr.Tusherkanti Batabail Do Do 9434016371 Do Doctor 4. Dr.Basudeb Chatterjee Do Do 9434009550 Do Doctor 5. Dr.Anal Deb Basu Do Do 9434008776 Do Doctor 6. Dr.Tarkak N Banerjee Do Do 03422665095 Do Doctor 7. Dr.B.D. Chatterjee Do Do 9434009550 Do Doctor 8. Dr.ChandraB Chatterjee Cardiologist Burdwan 9434018140 Do Doctor 9. Dr. Ashoke Kr Dutta Do Burdwan 9332102322 Do Doctor 10Dr. Ashoke K Majumder Eye Burdwan 9434015793 Do Doctor 11.Dr. Sumit Banerjee Eye Burdwan 9434196998 Do Doctor 12.Dr. Jibonmoy Dey Eye Burdwan 2668595 Do Doctor 13.Dr. Chinmoy Sarkar Eye Burdwan 9474490423 Do Doctor 14.D r K u mu d.

R a n j a n S a r k a r Eye Burdwan 9434002056 Do

Doctor 15.Dr. Dilip Mascharak Eye Burdwan 9832123330 Do 16.Dr. Mousumi Banerjee Eye Burdwan 9434172851 Do 17 .Dr. Avijit Banerjee Eye Burdwan 2567808 Do Doctor 18 Dr Anirban Biswas Chest Burdwan 9933110429 Do Doctor 19 .Dr Arindom Koner Chest Burdwan 2665216 Do Doctor 20. Dr Santanu Ghosh Chest Burdwan 9434060897 Do Doctor 21.DrSubhamoyCHatterje Chest Burdwan 9933160760 Do Doctor 22. Dr Amitava Chakroborty Chest Burdwan 9474484617 Do Doctor 23. Dr. Snehansu Chakroborty Child Burdwan 9832193445 Do Doctor 24 Dr. C. N. Gupta Do Burdwan 9832197488 Do Doctor 25 Dr. Ashoke Dutta Do Burdwan 9434238411 Do Doctor 26 Dr. K.L Barik Do Burdwan 9434004881 Do Doctor 27 Dr. Sushil Roy Chowdhury Pediatric Burdwan 9474177800 Do Doctor 28 Dr. Debidas Bandyopadhyay Pediatric Burdwan 9434200215 Do Doctor 29 Dr. Kripa Sindhu Chatterjee Pediatric Burdwan 9434667236 Do

Expertise Name Specialty Address Phone nos. Service

facilities available

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 1 4

Doctor 30.Dr.Nabendu Chatterjee Pediatric Burdwan 9434002980 By appointment

Doctor 31 Dr. Panchanan Ghosh Do Burdwan 9932890186 Do Doctor 32.Dr. Badal Mondal Do Burdwan 03422556930 Do Doctor 33.Dr.Goutam Saha Do Burdwan 9434196955 Do Doctor 34. Dr.Rupam Ta Do Burdwan 9332131246 Do Doctor 35Dr. Swarup Dutta Do Burdwan 9232694774 Do Doctor

36. Dr. Aloke Banerjee Dentist Burdwan 9434041685 Do

Doctor 37. Dr. A K Chowdhury Do Burdwan 03422568735 Do Doctor 38. Dr. Amar Mondal Do Burdwan 03422567023 Do Doctor 39. Dr. Satya Priyo Pal Do Burdwan 03422560799 Do Doctor 40. Dr.Sandipan

Bhattacharya Do Burdwan 0342 2664022 Do

Doctor 41. Dr. Subhasis Das Do Burdwan 9434238518 Do

Doctor 42. Dr Saibal Kr. Chatterjee

ENT Burdwan 9434177774 Do

Doctor 43. Dr. Ashoke Dandopath ENT Burdwan 9434009811 Do Doctor 44. Dr. Adityana Naryan

Samanta ENT Burdwan 9733064197 Do

Doctor 45. Dr Manotosh Dutta ENT Burdwan 9434003220 Do Doctor 46. Dr Pranab Maji ENT Burdwan 2573746 Do Doctor 47. Dr Debashis Sarkar ENT Burdwan 9434163442 Do Doctor 48. Dr Ashoke

Gangopadhyay Skin Burdwan 2662195 Do

Doctor 49. Dr Sisir Kr Sadhu Skin Burdwan 9434156570 Do Doctor 50. Dr Kaushik Lahiri Skin Burdwan 2663541 Do Doctor 51. Dr Asit Baran

Samanta Skin Burdwan 2557730 Do

Doctor 52. Dr Anita Chatterjee Skin Burdwan 2531306 Do Doctor 53. Dr Pradip K Sahana Skin Burdwan 9434028762 Do Doctor 54. Dr Sisir K Pnaja Gynecologists

Burdwan 9434433448 Do

Doctor 55. Dr Parijat Nandi Gyno Burdwan 9434214103 Do Doctor 56. Dr Madanlal

Chowdhury Gyno Burdwan 9434391297 Do

Doctor 57. Dr Tapan Kr Mondal Gyno Burdwan 9233313134 Do Doctor 58. Dr Benu Roy Gyno Burdwan 2665349 Do Doctor 59. Dr Subal Ch Pal Gyno Burdwan 9474695424 Do Doctor 60. Dr Sankar Prosad Nag Gyno Burdwan 9933008141 Do Doctor 61. Dr Munmun

Badyopadhyay Gyno Burdwan 9434713554 Do

Doctor 62. Dr S.K Das Gyno Burdwan 9434238234 Do Doctor 63. Dr Nasima Khondekar Gyno Burdwan 9434017870 Do Doctor 64. Dr Monirul Haque Gyno Burdwan 9434002513 Do Doctor 65. DrSarmila Dubey Gyno Burdwan 9332103088 Do Doctor 66. Dr Amrsh Ch Roy Urologist Burdwan 2665185

Doctor 67. Dr. Rupak K Dutta Do Burdwan 9434009440 Do Doctor 68. Dr. C.N Gupta Medicine Burdwan 9832197488 Do Doctor 69. Dr D.P Koner Medicine Burdwan 9434019082 Do Doctor 70. Dr Uzzal K Siddhanta Medicine Burdwan 2531197 Do Doctor 71. Dr Amitava Mukherjee Medicine Burdwan 2665124 Do

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 1 5

Doctor 72. Dr Mojammel Haque Medicine Burdwan 9434211036 Do

Doctor 73. Dr Kiron Ch Das Medicine Burdwan 99329226051 Do Doctor 74. Dr Chittaranjan

Kirtonia Medicine Burdwan 9232611000 Do

Doctor 75. Dr Santosh K Bhattacharya

Medicine Burdwan 2568630 Do

Doctor 76. Dr Laxminaryan Chowdhury

Medicine Burdwan 2663241 Do

Doctor 77. Dr Alokendu GHosh Medicine Burdwan 9433032941 Do Doctor 78. Dr Soumik Ghosh Medicine Burdwan 9832143271 Do Doctor 79. Dr Kalyanbroto Ghosh Medicine Burdwan 9832143271 Do Doctor 80. Dr Asit Kr Hazra Medicine Burdwan 9932924901 Do Doctor 81. Dr Anshuprokash

Chowdhury Medicine Burdwan 9434018932 Do

Doctor 82. Dr Salil Kr Mondal Medicine Burdwan 2663113 Do Doctor 83. Dr Siddheswar Roy Medicine Burdwan 9474177800 Do Doctor 84. Dr Sib Kr Dutta Medicine Burdwan 9333730702 Do Doctor 85. Dr Santunu Kr Roy Medicine Burdwan 9434004838 Do Doctor 86. Dr Probhat Kr Ghosh Medicine Burdwan 2565524 Do Doctor 87. Dr Susanta Kr ROY Medicine Burdwan 9434100854 Do Doctor 88. Dr Surya Naryan

Ghosh Medicine Burdwan 9434674055 Do

Doctor 89. Dr Mahemud Hossain Medicine Burdwan 9434006349 Do Doctor 90. Dr T.K Maji Medicine Burdwan 9332439988 Do Doctor 91. Dr Mirtunjoy Koner Medicine Burdwan 2663233 Do Doctor 92. Dr. Dulal Ch

Chowdhury Orthopedics Burdwan 9434469347 Do

Doctor 93. Dr. Suchimdram Patra Orthopedics Burdwan 9434013064 Do Doctor 94. Dr. Goutom

Mukherjee Orthopedics Burdwan 9433225339 Do

Doctor 95. Dr. Debobroto Banerjee

Orthopedics Burdwan 9732049224 Do

Doctor 96. Dr. Ashis Das Orthopedics Burdwan 2562233 Do Doctor 97. Dr. Madan Roy Orthopedics Burdwan 9434029386 Do Doctor 98. Dr. Goutam Das Gastroentrolo

gists Burdwan 9834420014 Do

Doctor 99. Dr. Sadhan Adhikari Radiology Burdwan 9434021609 Do Doctor 100. Dr. Kushonavo Pobi Radiology Burdwan 9434009482 Do Doctor 101. Dr. Subhamoy Nag Radiology Burdwan 2567533 Do Doctor 102. Dr. Shayamal Mitro

Neogi Radiology Burdwan 2634421 Do

Doctor 103. Dr. B. Bhandari Radiology Burdwan 2566764 Do Doctor 104. Dr. Ramananda Dawn Radiology Burdwan 2544744 Do Doctor 105 Dr. Subhankro

Chakroborty Surgeon Burdwan 0342 2532878 Do

Doctor 106. Dr. S.P Sar Surgeon Burdwan 2566725 Do Doctor 107. Dr. Goutam

Chattopadhyay Surgeon Burdwan 9434251176 Do

Doctor 108. Dr. Sujit Das Surgeon Burdwan 2541801 Doctor 109. Dr. Mainul Hassan Surgeon Burdwan 9434041930 Doctor 110. Dr. Chhabi Maity Surgeon Burdwan 2568359 Doctor 111. Dr. Apurba

Mukherjee Surgeon Burdwan 2665160

Doctor 112. Dr. Anup Kr Saha Surgeon Burdwan 9434003337 Doctor 113. Dr. Anandamoy Sain Surgeon Burdwan 9474918570 Doctor 114. Dr. Joyram Samanta Surgeon Burdwan 2544444 Doctor 115. Dr. Sajal Kr Sarkar Surgeon Burdwan 9932541685 Doctor 116. Dr. Sanat Kr Saha Surgeon Burdwan 9434210703 Doctor 117. Dr. Subharnshu Surgeon Burdwan 9434006727

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 1 6

Chakroborty Doctor 118. Dr. Kedar

Bhattacharya Surgeon Burdwan 9434006354

Doctor 119. Dr. Sahadeb Adhikari Surgeon Burdwan 2663211 Doctor 120. Dr. Jyotrimoy

Bhattacharya Surgeon Burdwan 9434012976

Doctor 121. Dr. Nemai Ch Dutta Surgeon Burdwan 2566253 Doctor 122 .Dr. Ashoke Roy Surgeon Burdwan 9332294615 Doctor 123. Dr. Utpal Dawn Surgeon Burdwan 9434003337 Doctor 124 .Dr. Om Prokash

Singha Sicriatist Burdwan 03422557651

Doctor 125. Dr. Debashis Koner Psychiatrist Burdwan 9434009113 Doctor 126. Dr. Samir Nag Psychiatrist Burdwan 03422665710 Doctor 127. Dr. Asit Baran Patra Psychiatrist Burdwan 9434002177

Doctor 128 . Dr. Mainak Mukherjee

Psychiatrist Burdwan 03422568500

Doctor 129. Dr. Paromita Roy Psychiatrist Burdwan 9434027847 Doctor 130. Dr.Manik

Bandyopadhyay Anesthetist

Burdwan 9832107117

Doctor 131. Dr. Dilip Kr Basak Anesthetist Burdwan 9434311922 Doctor 132. Dr. Protap Kr Basu Anesthetist Burdwan 9332928738 Doctor 133. Dr. Aloke

Chattopadhyay Anesthetist Burdwan 9433326004

Doctor 134 .Dr. Nirnjon Maitra Anesthetist Burdwan 9434008332 Doctor 135 .Dr. Subrata Nag Anesthetist Burdwan 9474310678 Doctor 136. Dr Snighendu Ghosh Neurologist Do 9800994985


Doctor 137. Dr. Anandamoy Biswas


Asansol & Ranigang

0341 2444043 9434016147

Doctor 138. Dr. G. Dubey Do Do 0341 2256290 Doctor 139. Dr Shyamali

Chatterjee Do Do 0341 2445095


Doctor 140. Dr C.B Bharma Do Do 03412449770 Doctor 141. Dr. P.N Mukherjee Do Do 03412445021


Doctor 142. Dr Smt Kironlata Todanai

Do Do 03412445346 03412444819

Doctor 143. Dr Smt S. Ghosh Do Do 0341 2231271 Doctor 144. Dr. Joyprokash

Indroprokash Do Do 03412444422


Doctor 145. Dr P. Kumar Cardilogists Do 0341 2442828 9434201203

Doctor 146. Dr Ajoy Santhalia Cardilogists Do 03412445212 Doctor 147. Dr Paban Singha

Cowhan Cardilogists Do 03412440678


Doctor 148. Dr Ashis Kr Das Child Do 03412446936 Doctor 149. Dr Chaitali Basu Child Asansol &

Ranigang 03412445021

Doctor 150. Dr. Arun Kr Chatterjee

Child Do 0341 2444070

Doctor 151. Dr. Shanti Kr Maitra Child Do 03412444931 Doctor 152. Dr. Ramendrasundar

153.Gangyopadhya Child Do 03412444171


Doctor 154.Dr. R.Das Child Do 0341 2444320 Doctor 155.Dr. A K Ash Child Do 9434189392 Doctor 156.Dr S.N Banerjee Child Do 9832165023 Doctor 157. Dr. Ashoke Roy Child Do 03412202347 Doctor 158 Dr. Ashis Kr Das Pediatrics Do 03412446936 Doctor 158 Dr. A C Maji Dentist Do 03412444135 Doctor 159 Dr. B K Sigha Dentist Do 03412445065

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 1 7

Doctor 160. Dr. Rajesh Gupta Dentist Asansol & Ranigang

03412449159 03412446312

Doctor 161. Dr. K.B Gangopadhyay

Dentist Do 9832170324

Doctor 162. Dr. M K Bagchi Dentist Do 03412204265 Doctor 163 . Ujjal

Bandyopadhyay Dentist Do 0341270598

Doctor 164.Dr. S Thakur ENT Do 03412233124 Doctor 167 .Dr. M Mahera ENT Do 03412241401 Doctor 168 .Dr. Subhas Ch

Daruka ENT Do 03412444361


Doctor 169. Dr. Sajal Kr Chatterjee

ENT Do 03412445095 9434107796

Doctor 170. Dr. Barun Kr Bhattacharya

ENT Do 034122445495 03412449192

Doctor 171.Dr. Sami Roy ENT Do 03412250973 Doctor 172.Dr. Haranath

Chowdhury Eye Do 0341 2221300


Doctor 173. Dr. Ranjt Kr Panda Eye Do 0341237922 Doctor 174Dr. Chitranshu

Samanta Eye Do 9434438693

Doctor 175 .Dr. S. Sarkar Eye Do 03412221300 Doctor 176.Dr. Debi Prosad

Samanta Eye Do 03412444566


Doctor 177 .Dr.Ujjal Kr Khan Eye Do 03412445454 03412445205

Doctor 178 .Dr. Abdul Kaium Eye Do 03412445205 03412445589

Doctor 179 .Dr. G K Varma Eye Do 9434237070 Doctor 180 .Dr. J K Khandelwal Eye Do 03412204926


Doctor 181 .Dr. A K Mukherjee Skin Do 03412200037 Doctor 182 .Dr. Mahendra Kr

Layalka Skin Do 03412444321

Doctor 183. Dr.Shyamsundar Mahamia

Skin Do 03412441354

Doctor 184 .Dr. Bulbul Samanta Skin Do 03412444566

Doctor 185.Dr. Gopal Ch Sanda Skin 03412447947 Doctor 186 .Dr. Pritom Singha Skin 9832112868 Doctor 187 .Dr. Indira Sinha Skin 9434036994 Doctor 188. Dr. Samarendra

Singha Skin 9434390603

Doctor 189 .Dr. B K Singha Skin 9434182223 Doctor 190 .Dr. Ranjit Upadhaya Skin 03412448199 Doctor 191 .Dr. A K Mascharak Gynecologists

Asansol & Ranigang


Doctor 192 .Dr. Amitava Sen Gynecologists Do 03412446825 Doctor 193 .Dr. S Sinha Gynecologists Do 03412252275 Doctor 194 .Dr. Paresh Nath

Kundu Gynecologists Do 9927363494

Doctor 195 .Dr. K L Keshari Gynecologists Do 9832130653 Doctor 196.Dr. Prabhat Ranjan

Ghosh Gynecologists Do 03412445020

Doctor 197.Dr. Smarendra K Basu Gynecologists Do 9932007877 Doctor 198.Dr. Gita Marowa Gynecologists Do 9434010370 Doctor 199.Dr. Sujay Tarafder Gynecologists Do 9832117320 Doctor 200.Dr. J P Banerjee Gynecologists Do 03412444136 Doctor 201.Dr. Uday Ch Khan Gynecologists Do 9434062223 Doctor 202.Dr. Barnamala

Bhattacharya Gynecologists Do 9434433832

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 1 8

Doctor 203.Dr. Tarun K Chatterjee

Gynecologists Do 03412444974

Doctor 204.Dr. Mrinal K Ghosh Gynecologists Do 9832115416 Doctor 205.Dr. Swapan

Chatterjee Gynecologists Do 9434107796

Doctor 206.Dr. P C Maji Gynecologists Do 03412254350 Doctor 207.Dr. Goutom Roy Medicine Do 03412447689 Doctor 208.Dr. Parikshit

Karmokar Medicine Do 9832177351

Doctor 209.Dr. D Maitra Medicine Do 03412240538 Doctor 210.Dr. S Chatterjee Medicine Do 03412230737 Doctor 211.Dr. P S Gupta Medicine Do 9434177600 Doctor 212.Dr. Subhajit Dutta Medicine Do 9932258207 Doctor 213.Dr. Sudipta

Mukherjee Medicine Do 03412446160

Doctor 214.Dr. Prabuddha K Mukherjee

Medicine Do 03412445374

Doctor 215.Dr.Chand K Mondal Medicine Do 03412444068 Doctor 216.Dr. S C Mondal Medicine Do 03412442323 Doctor 217.Dr. Raj K Mishra Medicine Do 9332963222 Doctor 218.Dr. A C Maji Medicine Do 03412444135 Doctor 219.Dr. S Maji Medicine Do 03412446101 Doctor 220.Dr. Ranjit K

Chatterjee Medicine Do 9333900293

Doctor 221.Dr. Swati Bandyopadhyay

Medicine Do 03412441523

Doctor 222.Dr. Subhabroto Sarkar

Medicine Do 9832165394

Doctor 223.Dr. Debashis Saha Medicine Do 9434592182 Doctor 224.Dr. Maitrai

Chakroborty Medicine Do 9932318160

Doctor 225.Dr. Ajoy Kr Das Medicine Do 03412445153 Doctor 226.Dr. Piayali Das Gupta Medicine Do 9832164642 Doctor 227.Dr. Tapas K Dutta Medicine Do 9434332280 Doctor 228.Dr. Nirapada Mondal Medicine Asansol &

Ranigang 03412447755

Doctor 229.Dr. Ranjit Upadhyay Medicine Do 03412448199 Doctor 230.Dr. K B

Gangopadhyay Medicine Do 9832170324

Doctor 231.Dr. Debi P Sigha Medicine Do 9434182610 Doctor 232.Dr. P.K Saha Neurologists Do 03412253597 Doctor 233.Dr. A Das Orthopedics Do 03412230275 Doctor 234.Dr. Arupananda Pal Orthopedics Do 03412446429 Doctor 235.Dr.Protiva Ranjan

Mukherjee Orthopedics Do 03412281298

Doctor 236.Dr. Sandip Mukherjee Orthopedics Do 03412444510 Doctor 237.Dr. R K Chowdhury Orthopedics Do 9434011185 Doctor 238.Dr. Ganesh Rathi Surgeon Do 2444430/5036 Doctor 239.Dr. Suresh K Rajak Surgeon Do 03412448862 Doctor 240.Dr. Ashoke K Agorwal Do 2444502/7299 Doctor 241.Dr. Binoy B

Mukherjee Surgeon Do 9434252050

Doctor 242.Dr. Rjendra P Agorwal Surgeon Do 24444065/8577

Doctor 243.Dr. Pradip K Bajaj Surgeon Do 03412447948 Doctor 244.Dr. Trinath Mitra Surgeon Do 9333122436 Doctor 245.Dr. P R Mukherjee Surgeon Do 2281292/82232 Doctor 246.Dr. Dilip Dutta Surgeon Do 03412205426 Doctor 247.Dr. S C Daruka Surgeon Do 03412444361 Doctor 248.Dr. Ashoke Khaitan Physiatrist Do 9830212930 Doctor 249.Dr. P Kundu Physiatrist Do 2445171/4088

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 1 9

Doctor 250.Dr. Sjjan Sigha Physiatrist Do 03412230686 Doctor 251.Dr. B K Bharma Anesthetist Durgapur 03432563522 Doctor 252.Dr. Avijit Pal Anesthesiolo

gy Do 03436455555

Doctor 253.Dr. Rajesh K Kar Do Do 03432535555 Doctor 254.Dr. Ashis Bangabas Do Durgapur 03432535555 Doctor 255.Dr. Arunansu Ganguli Do Do 9836005111 Doctor 256.Dr. Ashoke K Paridha Do Do 2535555-


Doctor 257.Dr. Joy Sanyal Do Do 2535555-44 Doctor 258.Dr. M K Goswami Do Do 2535757 Doctor 259.Dr. Tarun Proharaj Do Do 2546993/7913 Doctor 260.Dr. Sankar Ch

Mondal Do Durgapur 2546993/7913

Doctor 261.Dr. B P Ghatak Do Do 2546028 Doctor 262.Dr. A B Chatterjee Child Do 2582458 Doctor 263.Dr. B B Roy Do Do 2545237 Doctor 264.Dr. Indra Gupta Do Durgapur 2547413 Doctor 165.Dr. Abul Fajal Ajijur

Rahaman Do Do 2546338

Doctor 266.Dr. Maloy Nandi Child Durgapur 25349991 Doctor 267.Dr. D Bhattacharya Pediatrics Do 2566972 Doctor 268.Dr. M Pal Pediatrics Do 2568443 Doctor 269.Dr. B P Sarkar Pediatrics Do 2564927 Doctor 270.Dr. Jayanta Banerjee Pediatrics &


Durgapur 2535555-44 6455555

Doctor 271. Dr. Joshi Anand Karketa

Do Do Do

Doctor 272.Dr.Purnobroto Mukherjee

Do Do Do

Doctor 273.Dr. Saptarshi Bhattacharya

Do Durgapur Do

Doctor 274.Dr. A K Mahanti Dermatologist Do 0343 5663854 Doctor 275.Dr. R S Mahpatra Do 0343 2570388 Doctor 276.Dr. H Ccowdhury Do 9434155596 Doctor 277.Dr. K K Roy Dnetist Doctor 278.Dr. R S Dibedi Do Doctor 279.Dr. Nibedita

Chowdhury Do

Doctor 280.Dr. Pradip Banerjee Do Doctor 281.Dr. Utpal Mukherjee Do Doctor 282.Dr. D N Chowdhury Do

Doctor 283.Dr. Sadananda Tudu Do Doctor 284.Dr. Asit Chatterjee ENT Doctor 285.Dr. S Kumar Do Doctor 286.Dr. R Guha Neogi Do Doctor 287.Dr. Gopal Ghosh Do Doctor 288.Dr. R K Malakar Do Doctor 289.Dr. R Goswami Do Doctor 290.Dr. Gopal Ghosh Do Doctor 291.Dr. Samir Hazra ENT Doctor 292.Dr. Somnath

Mukherjee ENT

Health practitioner

1.Sk. Badrul Jamal 2.Abhijit Roy, Abhirampur 3.Haradhan Banerjee do 4.Subrata Raja Eral 5.Goutam Sarkar, Eral 6.Nihar Ranjan Ghatak,


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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 2 0

7.Biswajt Ghatak, Eral 8.Sanatan Banerjee 9.Sk. Moktar Ali

Ex-service man

1. Benoy Sen, Multi

2. Sudhir Sarkar,

3. Sukur Mallick

4.Achinta Majumder 5.Sdananda Senapati 6.Naryan Garai 7.Hemanta Das 8.Sridhar Chatterjee 9.Sk. Fajlul Kader Chowdhury 10.Anil Ghosh 11.Naryan Khan

Councelling Do Do Do Do Do Do



Multi Abhirampur Gushkara Do Abhirampur Abhirampur Suata Suata Samantapara



Health Worker Surveyor

W.B.P. Experience in rescue operation.

Mechanical/ civil engineer

Gora Mukherjee Assesment Eral

VAS Volunteers trained in Rescue operation

1) Sanjoy Ghosh

2) Jibananda Sil

3) Subhash Dey

4) Miajan Hossain

5)Bharat Ghosh

6)Dilip Bag

7)Dipankar Hazra

8)Rohit Dey

9)Gobinda Ghosh

10)Biswanath Ghosh

11)Jannat Sk.

12)Kamrul Mallick

13) Ujjal Ghosh

14) Uttam Choudhury

15) Sajid Sk.

16)Amir Hossain Sk.

17) Haidar Sk.

18) Rajen Das

19)Debraj Ghosh (Son of Sannyasi )

20) Santu Ghosh (Son of Bhagyadhar Ghosh)

21) Ashoke Pal ( Son of Ajit Pal )

22) Soumen Nayek ( son of Joydeb )

23) Asim Ghosh ( son of Panchanan )

24) Ommat Sk.

Rescue and evacuation volunteers














Saheb nagar



Nutangram (Agradwip )



Choto meighachi

Boro meighachi







Boro meighachi







03453247-613 9932869411


















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1 2 1

25) Hekmat Sk.

26) Samar Dutta, Kalikapur 1 Alok Barman 2 Ratnajit Chatterjee 3 Keshab Dev Chatterjee 4 Lalchand Rajmalla das 5 Harisadhan Samanta 6 Sushil Dhara 7 Udaychand Nag 8 Gopal Ch. Mridha 9 Gopal Ch. Mridha 10 Nasiruddin Molla 11 Tapas Das 12 Kandam Murmu 13 Mislal Hembram 14 Debranjan Bhattacharya



Volunteers trained in operating special equipments

1 . Saina Chowdhury

2 . Bipul Mitra

3.Dr. Golam Md. 4. Zakaria,Katwa. 5. . Syamol Ghosh,Auria 6. . Meghnath Saha,Natungram 7. .Chhanda Dey, Deariapur 8. . Gourgopal Chakroborty,Chanduli 9. Azim Shaikh, Natungram 10.Swapan Santra 11.Kartick Pramanik 12.Amir Malick



9775310301 9775049825

Volunteers trained in first aid

1Nabamita Pramanick 2Sumita Das Baigarya 3Chandana Chandra 4Swapan Santra 5Biswanath Pal 6Meghnath Hazra 7Bhuban Das 8Fajlul Halim Mondal 9Krishna Ch. Dey 10Mojammel Haque Sha 11Susanta Hazra 12 Tapabrata Mondal

Skilled Mechanics

Krishna Karmakar

Drivers Road 1. Ruiton Rajbansi

2. Jehat Ali Sk

3. Pintu Mallick

4. Anup Ghosh Kartick Laha












Motor Boat Drivers

1. Ruiton Rajbansi

2. Srijal Chowdhury

Boats man Beleghata





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1 2 2

  Name & Contact No. of BLDOs of ARD, Burdwan 

Sl. No.  SubDivision  Block   (31)  Name of BLDOs  Contact No. 1.  Raina‐I  Dr.Indranil Mukherjee  9434438154 2.  Raina‐II  Dr. Anirban Ghosh   94744844590 3.  Jamalpur  Dr. Harendra Nath Pal  9434469115 4.  Memari‐I  Dr. Subhas Ch. Das  9153082839 5.  Memari‐II  Dr. Subhas  Patra  9434563836 6. 

Burdwan (South) 

Khandaghosh  Dr. Sudhanshu Mondal  9434366706 7.  Burdwan‐I  Dr. Rajat Subhra Bandopadhyay  9434207234 8.  Burdwan‐II  Dr. Raju Das  9153069628 9.  Bhatar  Dr. Chinmoy Bhattacharya  9474560434 10.  Ausgram‐I  Dr. Tapan Kr. Maiti  9733591354 11.  Ausgram‐II  Dr. Ahok Kr. Patra  9474358233 12. 

Burdwan (North) 

Galsi‐II  Dr. Kalyan Krishna Bera  9434211271 13.  Kalna‐I  Dr. Samir Shil  9932378385 14.  Kalna‐II  Dr. Sankar De  9434386976 15.  Purbastali‐I  Dr. Tapas Kr. Dhara  9434344052 16.  Purbastali‐II  Dr. Kamal Krishna Roy  9732741027 17. 


Manteswar  Dr. Asim Kr. Bose  9433614468 18.  Katwa‐I  Dr. Anup Kr. De  9432922570 19.  Katwa‐II  Dr. Deshranjan Sarkar  9732304545 20.  Ketugram‐I  Dr. Mrinal Kanti Biswas  9434195635 21.  Ketugram‐II  Dr. Dulalchand mandal  9474361066 22. 


Mangalkote  Dr. Debasis Jana  9434314193 23.  Galsi‐I  Dr. Madhusudan Tudu  9732108894 24.  Kanksa  Dr. Nirmalendu Maity  9732062680 25.  Durgapur‐

Faridpur  Dr. Debashis Biswas  9434603953 26.  Andal  Dr. Subrata De  9434711522 27. 


Pandabeswar  Dr. Prasanta Kr. Sarkar  9732150458 28.  Raniganj  Dr. Chandan Rano  9475405548 29.  Jamuria  Dr. Jiban Kanti Sarkar  9830495224 30.  Baraboni  Dr. Debabrata Roy  9153198362 31. 


Salanpur  Dr. Ashish Chatterjee  9434199279  3.15 L i s t o f N GOs

Name of NGOs and CBOs with Address

Area of Operation

Sector No. of Volunteers

Other Resources

Contact Number (+91)

UJJIBAN, Abhirampur, 28 Blocks, 2 Disaster 56 Nil 9434312842

3. Ashis Sarkar

4. Prosenjit Talukder

5. Pradip Biswas

6. Monoranjan Sarkar









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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 2 3

Burdwan, 713144 Municipal Corpn. & All Municipality Of Burwan Dist& Purulia District

Management & Priority Sector


Asansol Burdwan Seba Kendra

34 Nil 9932700344

Ushashi Urban & Rural Development Society

24 Nil 9831107563

Atma Sakti Sangha 43 Nil 9474726841 Mongalkote Social Action Group

Disaster Management

35 Nil 9832167862

Sidhu Kanu Gram Unnyan Samity

54 Nil 0342-2250281

Burir Bagan Welfare & Cultural Association

34 Nil 9233129610

Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha

65 Nil 0342-2550954

Bharat Sevashram Sangha 54 Nil 0342-2646289 Indian Red Cross Society 35 Nil 0342-2662450 Student Health Home Tapas Das 67 Nil 0342-2532899 St. Johns Ambulance Kandam

Murmu 54 Nil 0342-2566127

Lions Club of Burdwan Mislal Hembram

53 Nil 0342-2568227

Saheed Shib Sankar Seva Samity

Debranjan Bhattacharya

52 Nil 0342-2557505

Animet Society, Multi Katwa II AND OTHER Block

Disaster Management

42 Nil 9732047353

Basundhara, Bhatar Bhatar and other Blocks

Disaster Management

45 Nil 9641773376

3.16 Volunteers Profile: (See Data Base )

No. Of Volunteers Trained Sl. O.

Name of the Sub-division

Name of the NGO/CBO

Name of the Volunteers

Rescue First Aid

Ham Radio

Relief and Co- ordination

Damage Assessment

1 2 3 4 5 6 Office of the Company Commander West Bngal N.V.F District Battalion (Court Compound) Burdwan. Head Office : State Commandant W.B.N.V.F Directorate, Bidhan Bhavan, Kalyani, Nadia, Contact No : 033-25828427

SI.No Category of Posts Sanctioned strength Staff in Vacant

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 2 4

position 1 Coy Comdr (GD & Trg) 1 Nil 1

2 Astt. Coy Comdr(GD & Trg)

1 1 Nil

3 Astt. Coy Comdr(Clreck) 1 1 Nil 4 Platoon Comender (GD &

Trg) 5 2 3

5 Orderly 1 Nil 1 6 Oderly Peon 1 Nil 1 10 4 6

Astt. Coy Comdr(GD & Trg) Mr. Raja Roy Contact Number : 9433250825 At present Total N.V.F District effective vol. 837 Nos.


Risk / Hazard Analysis

4.1 History Of Disaster and Probability of Disaster episodes in the District

Year Nature of Flood


Flood of 1913 was called in local language as “Bish Saler Ban” as it was 1320 Banngali Year. Flood occurred at the end of August. At the first stage of flood communications from Calcutta to Burdwan were completely disrupted. Thousands of dwelling houses, lakhs of cattle, hundreds of children, aged men and woman were washed away by the flood. Raina & Khandaghosh Blocks areas were badly affected.

1935 Flood of 1935 was called as “Biyalliser Ban”. Coalmine areas of Raniganj and Madanpura areas of Andal were affected by the flood. Famine situation was experienced after the flood.


Rail track near Saktigarh was damaged and G.T. Road was destructed by the flood, which shattered the communication from Calcutta to Northern India. Water passing culvert near Saktigarh was built during the year to avoid the damage of rail track. Immediately after the flood, the English Ruler alerted for flood control.


In the month of August 1978, heavy rainfall occurred by dint of low pressure. Embankment of barrage was damaged by the pressure of barrage water due to heavy rainfall. Areas of Durgapur, Coalmine areas of Raniganj and industrial belt of Andal were badly affected. Vast areas of Katwa, Kalna, and Sadar (North/South) sub-divisions were affected by the flood.

1986 Some Blocks were affected by the flood in the year 1986.


All the Blocks and Municipalities of Katwa sub-division, Kalna-I. Purbasthali-I, Purbasthali –II Blocks & Kalna sub-division, Ausgram-II Block in Sadar (North) sub-division, Jamalpur Block in Sadar (South) Sub-Division, Kanska in Durgapur Sub-Division were seriously affected by the Flood of 1995.

2000 During Flood 2000, 20 Blocks out of 31 were affected in the district. A large number of people were distressed, crops damaged. There were losses of livestock and human lives also.

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1 2 5

Year Nature of Flood

2009 On 25th May’09 a cyclonic storm ‘Aila’ passed over the district. Almost all the Blokcs were affected. 1 (one) person died due to fall of tree. 5514 nos of dwelling houses were damaged fuly and 22337 nos of houses were damaged partly.

History Of Disaster

Type of Hazard Year of Occurrence

Area affected Impact on Life

Livelihood Live stock


Flood 1913

Jamalpur and neighbour Blcok



Affected but actual data not available


Flood 1935 Ranijang, Andal

NA Affected Do -

Flood 1943 Burdwan II NA Affected Do -

Flood 1978

Some block of Katwa, Kalna, Durgapur Sadar (N)&(S)

NA Affected Do -

Flood 1986 Some Block NA Affected Do -

Flood 1995

Some block of Katwa, Kalna, Durgapur Sadar (N)&(S)

NA Affected Do -

Flood 2000 20 Blocks out of 31

NA Affected Do -

Aila 2009 31 Block 1 Affected Do - 4.2 Seasonality of Hazard

Jan-Mar April-June July-Sep Oct-Dec Type of Hazards H C A I H C A I H C A I H C A I

Cyclone H C A I H C A I Flood H C A I Drought H C A Earthquake H A I H A I H A I H A I Sunstroke H A Fire H I H A I H I Chemical Accidents H A H H A H A Boat capsize H H Epidemic H A H A H A Accident H H H H Lightening H A I H A I

H: Human, C: Crop, A: Animals, I: Infrastructure CHAPTER – 5

5.1 Risk Assessment: Type of Hazards Time of Occurrence Potential Impact Vulnerable areas Cyclone / Tornado March to June &

October to December

All areas under Burdwan District.

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1 2 6

Flood September to October

1. Area affected 110 Sq. K.M.

2. People affecte 10 Lacs (approx)

3. Crop Damage – 45,000 Hec. (approx)

4. Total Damage value – Rs. 22,50,00,000.00 (Approx)


Sunstroke April to June All areas under Durgapur & Asansol Subdivision

Fire January to December All areas under Burdwan District

D i s t r i c t b u r d w a n S t a t e w e s t b e n g a l : , :

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1 2 7

MA P I N D I C A T I N G v u l n e r a b l e a r e a s a n d l a s t d i s a s t e r a f f e c t e d a r e a s o f t h e d i s t r i c t .


6. Vulnerability Analysis

6.1 Infrastructure Vulnerability against Hazards: Vulnerability against each hazard

Cyclone Flood Chemical industry

Fire Vulnerability


Area name

Population Area name Population

Area name


Area name

Road network 73783


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92575 21036 176457 109943 79570 134254 70899 44673



Water ways 176457

Katwa II Agradwip , Gazipur, Singi,JagadanandapurGP

Water ways 109943


Water supply Sewage Hospital 73783

92575 21036 176457 109943 79570 134254 70899


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1 2 9


Food stocks & supplies Communication (System)

Embankments 176457

Katwa II Agradwip , Gazipur, Singi,JagadanandapurGP

Bridges 12000 Katwa II Malancha,under Singhi GP

D i s t r i c t b u r d w a n S t a t e w e s t b e n g a l : , : MA P I N D I C A T I N G D I S T R I C T B O U N D A R Y R O A D R O U T E, &

A L T E R N A T I V E R O A D R O U T E , o f t h e d i s t r i c t .

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1 3 0

Map not to scale. 6.2 Identification of Weak and Vulnerable embankments

Sl. No

Name of the Weak and Vulnerable Embankment

Location Reason of its vulnerability

Population likely to be affected


Siddhapur to Shyamalla

Jamuria Earthen 3000

Molandighi , Gopalpur

Kanksa Earthen 5000

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1 3 1

Gourbazar Durgapur Faridpur

Earthen 2500

Shambhupur to Kora

Jamalpur Earthen 2000

Polempur to Metadanga

Khandoghosh Earthen 10000

Becharhat to Dakshin Gopalpur

Burdwan II Earthen 3000

Bhedia Aushgram II Earthen 10000 Gohagram to

Kumarpur Galsi II

Earthen 4000

Pubasthali I Madhaipur, Sonakuri, Jaluidanga

Earthen 7000

Katwa I Angpur to Rajua Goai to Bandra, Katwa to Panuhat

Earthen 3 KM Earthen 1.5 KM Earthen 2.5 KM


Katwa II Charsujapur to Ragh -unathpur sluice Gate

Earthen 2.5 KM 3000

Do Agradwip to Babladanga

Earthen 10 KM 30000

Do Char Kabirajpur

Earthen 3.5 KM 2300

Do Char Bishnupur Earthen 3 KM 2400 Ketugram II Rasui to Charki Earthen, Partly

Metal 20 KM 2500

6.3 Alternate route structure (with map)

Name of Sub-


Name of the Block

Vulnerable Area

Main Route Alternative Route Destination

Kalna-I Kalna I

Burdwan-Kalna road via Satgachia, Bulbulitala, Dhatrigram

Burdwan Pandua via G.T. Road then towards Kalna-I B.D.O’s Office

Kalna-I B.D.O. Office at Lichutala.

Burdwan-Kalna road via Sagachia, Bulbulitala, Dhatrigram

Burdwan Pandua via G.T. Road then towards Kalna-I B.D.O’s Office

Kalna S.D.O. office at Kalna


Kalna Purbasthali –II Purbasthali –I Block

Purbasthaki I & II

Burdwan-Kalna road via Kusumgram, Nadanghat

Burdwan to Kusumgram then to Monteswar, Maldanga, Kamal, Singee and Patuli

Purbasthali –II at Patuli & Purbasthali –I at Srirampur.

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Name of Sub-


Name of the Block

Vulnerable Area

Main Route Alternative Route Destination

Katwa Katwa-I Block

Burdwan- Katwa road via Kaichar, Bankapasi, Dormut, Shrikhanda Dak-Bunglow.

The roads remain sub-merged under water for long, only boat transport is the alternative.

Katwa-I B.D.O. Office at Katwa. and Katwa S.D.O. Office at Katwa.

Sadar - North

Ausgram-I Block

Burdwan Guskara road via Talit, Orgram

Burdwan to Balgona, then via Eruar to Guskara.

Ausgram-I B.D.O. Office at Guskara.


Burdwan to Drgapur

Burdwan to Gushkara then via Mankar , Budbud or via Aushgram,11Mile




7.1 Sector wise Vulnerability Reduction Measures (Considering G.P plans):

Type of Sector

Sub Sector Mitigation measures Responsible Dept. Time Frame

IEC activities Awareness campaign through brochure, Banner, Leaflet, Banner for Safe Shelter Place, Alternative route, Bridges, Flood Call , Water and Sanitation Facility etc.

District Disaster Management Deptt. Burdwan

10 Days

Road Repair metal Roads , Moram and others roads.

P.W.D. & Gram Panchayet.

30 days

Embankment Repair Embankment by Sand bags or soil, iron net , bolder etc.

Irrigation & Gram Panchyet

30 Days

Bridges Two sides of the bridges soil filling for control erosion.

Gram Panchyet, PWD

10 Days

Safe Shelters Shelter for homeless family or person & preparation for temporary shelter for the time of post Disaster.

Gram Panchyet &District Disaster

Management Deptt

10 Days

Infrastructure Development.

Communication Repair Telephone line / Mobile tower

and identified vulnerable points for repair.

B.S.N.L. 7 days

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1 3 3

Drinking water and sanitation

Repair/ increase or Wash tube well . P.H.E., Panchayet Samity & Gram Panchayet.

15 days.

Power To established connection of non electrified area repair of Poles etc.

W.B.S.E.D.C.L 15 days

Technology dissemination

BIS code/ retrofitting etc.- Gram Panchyet 7 Days

IEC activities

IEC will be on (a) aware about safe (bleached )drinking water, (b) Disposed of waste materials properly. (c) Dead body of live stock properly disposed. (d) Awareness on immunization/snake bite /myths/awareness generation on different disease –like-bird flu , chikungunia , etc

Health, Gram Panchyet

7 Days

Vaccination Programme for Vaccination/awareness on immunization / door to door survey by local volunteers.

A.R.D. 10 Days

Health/ Animal Husbandry

Training On First Aid/mid wife/ ANM BMOH 30 days

Awareness Organized training programme for Alternative Income generating process.

Panchyet Samity & Gram Panchyet

30 Days

Agriculture Organized 1/2 days duration awareness camp or training camp for alternative crop and also short time crop.

Agriculture Deptt. & Gram Panchyet

20 days

Fishing Fishing net and other tools for fishing. Fishery Deptt. and Gram Panchyet

7 Days

Fishery Re-engineering of Ponds. Fishery Deptt. and Gram Panchyet

30 days

Allied activities

Identified Safe place for Animal Husbandry during disaster and precaution for various disease through vaccination.

Animal Husbandry Deptt.

And Gram Panchyet.

10 Days


Horticulture Literate the community about short time crops

Agriculture Deptt. & Gram Panchyet 7Days

IEC activities

Organized awareness campaign for all community through brochure, Banner, Leaflet, for process of insured coverage and claims to Insurance if disaster destroy their life, assets , crop etc.

Insurance Company & GP

20 Days

Infrastructure Literate the community for insured their Building and other valuable assets with minimum premiums.

Insurance Company and Gram Panchyet

10 Days



Literate the community for insured their livelihood related materials like any type of machine tools, raw materials etc with minimum premiums.

Insurance Company &

Gram Panchyet

10 Days

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1 3 4

Life Literate the community for coverage all

life under Life Insurance .

Insurance Company &

Gram Panchyet

10 Days

Chapter 8

Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Developmental Process Concept on Mainstreaming: Disaster impacts considerably all the sectors of development and thus results in a serious social and economic setback to the development. On the other hand, the process of development, and the kind of development choices made in many areas, sometimes creates disaster risks. The intricate relationship between disaster and development is outlined in the following Table.

Economic Development Social Development Disaster limits development

Destruction of fixed assets. Loss of production capacity, market access or material inputs. Damage to transport, Communications or energy infrastructure. Erosion of livelihoods, savings and physical capital.

Destruction of health or education infrastructure and personnel. Death, disablement or migration of key social actors leading to an erosion of social capital.

Development causes disaster risk

Unsustainable development practices that create wealth for some at the expense of unsafe working or living conditions for others or degrade the environment.

Development paths generating cultural norms that promote social isolation or political exclusion

Development Reduces disaster risk

Access to adequate drinking water, food, waste management and a secure dwelling increases people’s resiliency. Trade and technology can reduce poverty. Investing in financial mechanisms and social security can cushion against vulnerability.

Building community cohesion, Recognizing excluded individuals or social groups (such as women), and providing opportunities for greater involvement in decision-making, enhanced educational and health capacity increases resiliency.

Further, mainstreaming is a cross-cutting issue which requires political commitment, public understanding, scientific knowledge and know-how, responsible risk sensitive development planning and practice, a people-centred early warning system and disaster response mechanisms. In addition, safeguarding human rights and integrating gender concerns are central to achieving mainstreaming concepts at the local level. Sector specific Plan of Action on mainstreaming:

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Sl No Sector Vulnerability Strength Way to minimize Vulnerability (Components)

Responsible Department/s (including Panchayet Samity & NGOs)

1 Infrastructure: Public Works, Infrastructure: Public Works,

Burdwan Sadar (N) a) Bridge is essential near Dinonathpur on Meatl road from Bhedia to Dinonathpur under Ramnagar G.P. Katwa SD Katwa II a) Weak bamboo bridge on the river Brambhani at Deasin in between Gagipur and Singhi G.P (1mt X 30 mt) b) Drainage system poor i) Simulgachi under Singhi GP, ii) At Khaspur from Dakshina Kalimadir near Gagare pond to brambhani river. iii) At Jagana -ndapur under Jaganandapur GP IV) At Karui under Karui G.P c) No guard wall in pond. d) No shelter for ICDS center. d) Barriel Ghat at under Srobati, Agradwip Karui Jaganandapur GP Kalna SD Kalna-I a) Poor Drainage system under Dhatrigram GP Hatkalna G.P Nandai GP & Krishnadebpur GP b) Communication gap between Kodipur Ghat & Islampur, Burdwan Sadar (S) a) Crisis flood call at Arasul and Kalara under Jamalpur I G.P.

Burdwan Sadar (N) a) Way from Bhedia to Dinonathpur already complete under Ramanagar G.P Katwa SD Katwa II a) Electrification exists. b) Primary and High School. c) Temple and exist Maszid in this village. Kalna SD Kalna-I a) Electrification exists. b) Primary and High School. c) Temple and Maszid in this village. Burdwan Sadar (S) a) General tubewell exists.

Burdwan Sadar (N) a) A bridge required near Dinonathpur on the way between Bhedia to Dinonathpur under Ramnagar GP. Katwa SD Katwa II a) Concrete Embankment construction with Swiss gate on the place of Bamboo Bridge. (For communication development a lot of villages under Singhi&Gazipur G.P and also help cultivation) b) To construction concrete drain at G.P Singhi and Gazipur & Agradwip area. c) Construction guard wall on pond under Sighi G.P d) construction Shelter for ICDS Kalna SD Kalna-I a) Construction concrete drain under Dhatrigram GP Hatkalna G.P Nandai G,P Krishnadebpur GP Total 46 KM (Required Fund 138 Lacs ) b) To construct a bridge on the river Banka between Kodipur Ghat & Islampur, 60 Mtrs , under Kankuria G.P Burdwan Sadar (S) a)To setup new flood call at Arasul And Kalaraunder Jamalpur I GP

Burdwan Sadar (N) a) ZP, Burdwan or PWD. Katwa SD Katwa II a)Zilla Parishad OR PWD b)Panchyet Samity Katwa II c)Panchyet Samity Katwa II. d)Panchyet Samity Katwa II

Kalna SD Kalna-I a)Panchyet Samity Kalna I b)D.M.D Burdwan c)ZP/PWD Burdwan Sadar (S) a)Gram Panchyet.

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Sl No Sector Vulnerability Strength Way to minimize Vulnerability (Components)

Responsible Department/s (including Panchayet Samity & NGOs)


Roads for Communication Roads for Communication

Burdwan Sadar (S) Katwa SD Katwa-II a) All link road of village is Kachha i) Babladanga, Ghoshpara Srowari, Sahebnagar, Charkabirajpur, Goswaibari, Kalikapur, under Agradwip GP ii) Beleghata Kadamtala, Deyasin, Khaspur, Ramdaspur under Gazipur GP iii) Okarsa, Chotomeigachi, Malancha, Amul, Ghumuria, under Singhi GP. iv) under Jaganandapur, v) under Karui, b) In rainy season these roads are useless. c) Not possible to enter Four wheeler in this R.S time. d) Farmers shell there products in below price for due to communication. Under Gazipur, Singhi & Agradwip e) Crisis boats at kheyaghat. Katwa I a) Saruvia to Sonnia has not any connecting way under Kosigram G.P. Kalna SD a) Maximum link road of village is Kachha under Dhatrigram GP, Hatkalna G.P , Nandai GP & Krishnadebpur GP

Burdwan Sadar (S) Katwa SD KATWA II a) Non metal road. b) Metal Road between Kalna & Katwa. c) Kheyaghat of the river Ganges. d) Railway between Katwa and Howrah via Bandel. Katwa I a) Space for construct way is available from Saruvia to Sonnia under Kosigram G.P. Kalna SD a) Non metal road. b) Metal Road between Burdwan & Kalna.

Burdwan Sadar (S) Katwa SD Katwa II a) To construct road. That will may be concrete or metal under all villages under Gazipur, Singhi & Agradwip b) 24 Hours boats service at Kheya ghat at Babladanga, Katwa I a) To construct moram road from Saruvia to Sonnia under Kosigram G.P Kalna SD a)i) To construct Moram road Gramkalna Kheya Ghat to Udayjang , 7 k.m (Required Fund 1 Cr) under Dhatrigram G.P ii) To construct road Malotipur more to Ganga Ghat, 1 k.m (Required Fund 20Lacs ) under Dhatrigram G.P ii) To construct road Brick to metal Dhatrigram P.O more to Badhagacha , 1 k.m (Required Fund 50Lacs ) under Dhatrigram G.P iii) Faringachi to Majida Soil to Moram 1 k.m under Baganpara G.P (Required Fund 70Lacs ) iv) Alagarh to Akalpous Soil to Moram 1/2 k.m under Baganpara G.P (Required Fund 30Lacs ) v) Baganpara Girls to Madanhasa Soil to Moram or metal( 1 k.m) under Baganpara G.P (Required Fund1.2 Core) vi) To construct road from atagoria store 3 K.M (Tentative Budget 18 Lacs) Under Atagoria Simlon G.P vii) To contruct concrete drain at Sundalpur Simlon, Aimapara, Guptipra, Madhupur, Atgoria, Briddhapara, Machlondapur, Sorgoria, Suryapur, Madhupur (Near about 13 K.M) Under Atagoria Simlon G.P(Required Fund 39Lacs ) viii) To construct soil to morum road at under

Burdwan Sadar (S) Katwa SD Katwa II a) Zilla Parishad Burdwan or PWD b) Panchyet Samity Katwa II. Katwa I a) Panchyet Samity Katwa I, & Kosigram GP Kalna SD a) Zilla Parishad Burdwan or Panchyet Samity Kalna I. b) PWD.

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Sl No Sector Vulnerability Strength Way to minimize Vulnerability (Components)

Responsible Department/s (including Panchayet Samity & NGOs)

3 Housing: Urban and Rural Housing Development

Housing: Urban and Rural Housing Development

Burdwan Sadar (N) a) Crisis of Flood Shelter at Sagarputul, Kurcha, Malocha, Bilsonda, Reora, Kogram, Santla, Bodra, Baksibad, Bagbati, Augram Nirsinghapur under Bhedia GP & Gushkara Municipality Burdwan Sadar (S) a) Crisis Flood shelter at Arasul and Kalara under Jamalpur I GP. Katwa SD Katwa II a) House on the near embankment of river The Ganga, Bai, Bram- bhani & Kana Under Agradwip, Jaganandapur, Gazipur and Singhi GP c) House made by Jute Stick Under Agradwip, Jaganandapur, Gazipur GP. d) Crisis of shelter during flood time both for human and livestock. Mongalkote a)Crisis of Flood Shelter at Majkhara under Paligram GP Katwa -I a) One Flood shelter is not sufficient at Sonnia under Koshigram G.P b) Crisis of flood shelter at Charpanuhat under Khajurdihi G.P. c) Primary school at

Burdwan Sadar (N) a) Double stored building at Nirsinghapur and Sagarputul uses as Flood Shelter under Bhedia GP. & Gushkara Burdwan Sadar (S) a) Single stored Primary School uses as Flood Shelter at Arasul and Kalara under Jamalpur I GP. Katwa SD Katwa II a) Single and double storied concrete building. b) High and Primary School c) Temple and Maszid. Mongalkote a) Primary school uses as Flood Shelter at Majkhara under Paligram GP. Katwa -I a) One flood shelter exist at Sonnia under Kosigram GP b) Space for flood shelter is available at Charpanuhat under Khajurdihi G.P. c)Single stored Primary school

Burdwan Sadar (N) a)Required flood shelter at Sagarputul, Kurcha, Malocha, Bilsonda, Reora, Kogram, Santla, Bodra, Baksibad, Bagbati, Augram Nirsinghapur under Bhedia GP & Gushkara (M) Burdwan Sadar (S) a) Required flood shelter at Arasul and Kalara under Jamalpur I GP. Katwa SD Katwa II a) To construct flood shelter at Deyasin, Khaspur, Beleghata Kadamtala, Garacha under Gazipur GP, Simulgachi Chotomeigachi, Malancha, Amul, Ghumuria under Singhi GP, Babladanga, Charkabirajpur, Raghunathpur, Ghoshpara Srowari, Sahebnagar Khaspara under Agradwip GP c) To develop some place for livestock and with plantation Magolkote a) i)Required flood shelter at Majkhara under Paligram GP ii) To construt First floor of Primary school. Katwa -I a) Another one flood shelter Required at Sonnia under Kosigram G.P. b) Required a Flood Shelter at Charpanuhat under Khajurdihi G.P. c) Required a Flood Shelter At Mondalhat under Khajurdihi G.P

Burdwan Sadar (N) a) DMD, Burdwan Burdwan Sadar (S) a) DMD, Burdwan Katwa SD Katwa II a )Panchyet Samity, Kat II, Tarpaulin etc supplied by DMD, Burdwan Mangolkote a) i)DMD, Burdwan. ii) Sarbosikha Avijan, Burdwan. Katwa-I a)DMD, Burdwan b) DMD, Burdwan

c) DMD, Burdwan

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Sl No Sector Vulnerability Strength Way to minimize Vulnerability (Components)

Responsible Department/s (including Panchayet Samity & NGOs)

Housing: Urban and Rural Housing Development

Mondal hat is one stored under Khajurdihi G.P Kalna SD a) Old house made by mud straw/ Jute Stick. b) House on the near embankment of river Bhagirathi, Gurjuani, and Khari. c) Creisis of shelter during Flood. d) Lackage of shelter of ICDS under Sultanpur G.P e) Safe place for livestock during flood f) Crisis of flood shelter at Kalinagar near Uday Sangha under Dhatrigram GP

At Mondalhat under Khajurdihi G.P Kalna SD a) Single and double storied concrete building. b) High and Primary School c) Temple and Maszid. d) ICDS is now running.

Kalna SD a) To construct small house for financially weak or homeless family. b) To develop embankment before flood. c) i)Construction Flood Shelter under Nandai G.P area at Bijoynagar and Nalincharkal Danga (Required Fund 10Lacs ) ii) To construct Flood Shelter building at Company Danga (1000 sq. ft Required Fund 10 Lacs) Under Hatkalana G.P (Required Fund 10Lacs ) iii) To construct Flood Shelter building at Kalikapur (1000 sq. ft Required Fund 9 Lacs) iv) To construct First floor of Primary School building at Sikarpur (1000sq. ft Required Fund 5 Lacs) Under Hatkalana GP d) To construct building for ICDS center under Sultanpur G.P (Required Fund 2Lacs ) e)To develop some place for livestock and with plantation under Nandai G.P. (Required Fund 50Lacs ) f) Required a flood shelter at Kalinagar under Dhatrigram G.P

Kalna SD a) IAY under Gram Panchyet b) GP under MGNREGS b) D.M.D Burdwan c) Gram Panchyet under MGNREGS d) RIDF, NABARD. f) DMD, Burdwan

4 Health Katwa SD Katwa II a) Crisis of Health Centre. b) Epidemics. c) Lackage of treatment for Snake bite and Poison. d) Lack age of actual medicine in nearest medicine shop. Kalna SD a) Crisis of Health Centre.

Katwa SD Katwa II a) Hospital at Katwa. b) Upa Sastha Kendra at Palasi, Khaspur, Benga. c) Limited Trained Local doctor and Daima. Kalna SD a) Hospital

Katwa SD Katwa II a) To construct first floor SHC of Khaspur under Gazipur G.P b) Required Doctor is available at Upa Sastha Kendra at Khaspur, Palasi in specific time. c) To set up medicine shop. d) First aid Training for Youth e) PHC at Benga required

Katwa SD Katwa II a) CMOH, Burdwan b) CMOH, Burdwan c) CMOH, Burdwan d) CMOH, Burdwan Kalna SD a) CMOH, Burdwan b) CMOH,

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Sl No Sector Vulnerability Strength Way to minimize Vulnerability (Components)

Responsible Department/s (including Panchayet Samity & NGOs)

b) Epidemics. c) Lackage of Treatment for Snake bite and Poison.

b) Upa Swastha Kendra under Nandai G.P c) Limited Trained Local doctor (RMP) and Daima

development in all sides of treatment like as Snake bite, Dog Bite and poison person. Kalna SD a) ) First aid Training for Youth b) Doctor be available at Upa Sastha Kendra In specific time. c) To arrange treatment for snake bite and poison person at upa swastha kendra

Burdwan c) CMOH, Burdwan d) CMOH, Burdwan

5 Agriculture Agriculture

Katwa SD Katwa II a) Loss of depth River Brambhani and Bai b) Loss of production in cultivated land due to layer of sand. c) Inactive River pump due to electricity. d) Crisis of Irrigation. Kalna SD a)Crisis of Plate for Swiss gate Kaikhali b) Loss of production in cultivated land due to layer of sand at Dhatrigram GP Hatkalna G.P Nandai G,P Krishnadebpur GP area

Katwa SD Katwa –II a) River The Ganga b) Personal Shallow. Kalna SD a) River Bhagarathi b) Deep Tube well c) Personal Shallow d) RLI

Katwa SD Katwa II a) Dazing the river Bai and Brambhani. b) Plantation. c) To lifting sand layer from cultivated land. d) To connect electricity with river pump. e) To construct deep tube well. Kalna SD a) Exist Swiss gate at Kaikhali under Baganapara G.P required only plate (Required fund 5 Lacs) b) To lifting sand layer from cultivated land. At Nandai , Krishnadebpur, Hatkalna GP (Required Fund 50 Lacs )

Katwa SD Katwa II a) Deptt of Irrigation, GOWB. b) Panchyet Samity, Katwa-II c) G.P under MGNREGS d) WBSEDCL, W.B e) RIDF, NABARD.

Kalna SD a) Deptt. of Irrigation, GOWB. b) Panchyet Samity,Kalna-I c) G.P under MGNREGS

6 Education

Katwa SD Katwa II a)Crosses The river ganga for education, villagers of under Agrdip G.P b) Education is hampered due to electricity (Vill Sorwari, Babladanga ) under Agrdip G.P. c) Students are not reaching at scheduled time in school due to crisis of boat at kheyaghat. Under Agradwip G.P. d)Lackage of awareness about Disaster Management Kalna SD

Katwa SD Katwa II a) High School at Patuli & Makhaltore. (opposite side of the village) b) School goers . Kalna SD a) School goers.

Katwa SD Katwa II a) To set up MSK Babladanga & Charkabirajpur under Agradwip GP. b) To established electricity facility at Village Sorwari, Babladanga under Agrdip G.P. c) One boat at each kheyaghat i.e Patuli and Kalikapur. Mainly the time of all school exam. d) To practice various tools for Disaster Risk Reduction. Like as prctice mock drill etc. Kalna SD a) To practice various tools for Disaster Risk

Katwa SD Katwa II a) DI of School, Burdwan under Sarbo Siksha Avijan. b) WBSEDCL, W.B c) Panchyet Samity, Katwa-II d) DMD, Burdwan Kalna SD a) DMD, Burdwan

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Sl No Sector Vulnerability Strength Way to minimize Vulnerability (Components)

Responsible Department/s (including Panchayet Samity & NGOs)

a) Lackage of awareness about Disaster Management

Reduction. Like as practice mock drill etc. (Required Fund 2Lacs )

7 Financial Service Katwa SD Katwa II a) Make construction concrete building by shell cultivated land for save life. At Gagipur & Singhi G.P. b) Inhabitant of Agrdip, Gagipur & Singhi G.P loss there livelihood due to Flood. c) Lending from local money lenders with higher rate of interest. d) Due to crisis of money marriage is not established of female candidates. Kalna SD a) Inhabitant of Nadai G.P loss there livelihood due to Flood. b) Lending from local money lenders with higher rate of interest. Durgapur SD a) Crisis of Banking System facility.

Katwa SD Katwa II a) High productive Cultivated land. b) Trees of Mango. c) Fishing at river. Kalna SD a)High productive Cultivated land.

b)Pond use as Fisheries c) Fishing at river. Durgapur SD a) Infrastructure is available at Protappur GP.

Katwa SD Katwa II a) To set up financial institution like as PACS or Bank. b) To arrange alternative livelihood like as MGNREGS, small processing unit of Jute and Milk. c) Required milk collection or processing unit at Karui and Sribati GP d) If the small Bill will be excavations under Agradwip GP then fishery will be develop Kalna SD a) To promote Joint Liability Group under NABARD at Local Bank and Programme for micro credit through Govt undertaking Bank. b) To arrange more work with MGNREGS, Durgapur SD a) Requred a Nationalized Bank Branch at Protappur under Protappur GP.

Katwa SD Katwa II a)ADM,(Dev) & District Level Bankers Committee, or ARCS,Burdwan b) G.P, for MGNREGS. c) Ministry of Handloom, GOI. Kalna SD a) Bank, NGOs (Under NABARD) b) G.P, for MGNREGS. Durgapur SD a) ADM (D) & DLBC. Burdwan

8 Carrying out of cross-sect oral risk analysis

Katwa SD Katwa II a)Bridge of Bamboo at Deasin under Gagipur G.P b) Crisis of stable livelihood. Kalna SD Kalna I a) Crisis of stable livelihood.

Katwa SD Katwa II a) Water of River. b) Raw materials available like as Jute, Milk. Kalna SD Kalna I a) Raw materials available like as Potato.

Katwa SD Katwa-II a) To construct Swiss gate with bridge and small reserver on Brambhani River. (It will be Solved major problems of Singhi And Gazipur G.P like as communication facility and irrigation) b) To arrange income generating based training programme. Kalna SD Kalna I a) To arrange income

Katwa SD Katwa-II a) Irrigation Deptt. GOWB. b) DRDC, Burdwan. Kalna SD Kalna I a) DRDC, Burdwan

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Sl No Sector Vulnerability Strength Way to minimize Vulnerability (Components)

Responsible Department/s (including Panchayet Samity & NGOs)

generating based training programme. (Required Fund 10Lacs )

9 Private-Public Partnership

Katwa SD Katwa II a) Crisis of boat in Kheyaghat under Agradip G.P b) Crisis of actual medicine. Under all G.P area. Kalna SD Kalna I a) Crisis of good examination for medical treatment. b) Lackage of Soil Testing facility.

Katwa SD a) Available passengers. b) Available customers Kalna SD a) Infrastructure available at each PHC.

Katwa SD Katwa II a) To arrange boat with motors. b) To setup medicine shop. Kalna SD Kalna I a) To set up human health examination centre .

Katwa SD Katwa II a) Local G.P and with public Partnership b) To collaboration with BMOH and Public Partner. Kalna SD Kalna I a) CMOH, Burdwn

10 Awareness generation, training and capacity building

Katwa SD Katwa II a) Un fit Senior citizen. b)Very ill person c) Physically Handicapped d) Pregnant & new Mother. e) Child Below 5 Yrs. Kalna SD Kalna I a) Senior citizen. b)Very ill person c) Physically Handicapped d) Pregnant & new Mother. e) Child Below 5 Yrs.

Katwa SD KATWA II a) Teachers, Boat driver, Skill Swimmers, RMP, Mason. Carpenters etc. Kalna SD Kalna I a) Teachers, Boat driver, Skill Swimmers, RMP, Mason. Carpenters etc.

Katwa SD Katwa II a) To UP dated Disaster Management Plan b) To enlisted the skill man as member of DMT. c) To build capacity of DMT members through various training program d) To forecast news for Vulnerable person through DMT. Kalna SD Kalna I a) To UP up dated GS, GP, Block Disaster Management Plan (Required Fund .5Lacs For Block) b) To enlisted the skill man as member of DMT. c) To build capacity of DMT members through various training program (Required Fund 1 Lacs ) d) To forecast news for Vulnerable person through DMT.

Katwa SD Katwa II a)BDMO, Katwa II, b) NGOs Kalna SD Kalna I a)BDMO, Raina II, b) NGOs

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Vulnerable road under Burdwan Highway Division No-III (Office At Bhatar Contact No 0342 2322262, -9434431423)

(From past history it has been observed that following roads are affected by Flood Water.) Sl. No Name of Road Name of the Sub

Division 1 Karjona Muratipur Nutuhat Rd -2nd , 7.5 -10.6, 18thK.M Bhatar H.Way Sub

Division No-I 2 Bhatar Bonpas Road -3rd K.M Do 3 Bhatar Samanti Road at 4th K.M (Mirepara) 6th K.M near

Chaprapul Bhatar H.Way Sub Division No-II

4 Balgona Chandrapur Road at 3rd K.M & 6th K.M near Chaparapul


5 Bhatar – Nasigram Rd- at 6th K.M near Barabellun Do Nasigram – Motheswar at .10 K.M Do Link Road from Amarun Rly Stn to Amarun Village Do Link Road from B.K Road to Sunur near Sunur Do Montheswar –Dainhat Road4th K.M , 12 K.M Katwa H.Way Sub

Division Agradwip – Deasin Road 6th to 7 K.M Do KNS II to Majhigram H.C Road 2nd K.M Do STKK to Patuli Rly Stn to Link Rd to Patuli Bazar 6th K.M Do Kaichar – Nandigram – Singhi Rd 14th 16 th K.M Do KCBP Road 5 to 6.60 K.M Do Northen side Bridge approach of Kasiramdas Setu from

6.00 KM to 7K.M Ramjibonpur High Way Sub Division

Ketugram P.S total Link Road Do Pachundi Diversion Do Nirol Diversion total Rd Do Katwa- Ketugram Ramjibonpur Rd 8 to 11.6 K.M Do Palita Ramjibonpur TotalRd Do Kkatwa – Churpuni- Billeswar – Palita Road Do Salar- Simulia – Kakgram Road(S.S.K) Totl Rd Do Kumapur –Chakta Road Total Length Do Katwa Town Link Rd. To KKR Rd Total Length Do Gangatikuri Station Link Road Total Length Do Nirol - Khatundidanga Road Total Length Do Agardanga - Simulia Rd Total Rd Total Length Do Pachundi Diversion Total Length Do Majigram H.C to KCBP Road 6 th to 9.5 K.M Do

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CHAPTER 9 8.1 Crises Response Structure of the Sub-division.

A. Early Warning Dissemination and Response Plan Department Response System Preparedness Pre

(after Warning) During Disaster Post Disaster

Subdivision Control room at District Office and Block Office.

Special messenger and telephone for infrom to Block Office.

Microphone and telephone aware to community about intencity of Disaster

Microphone and telephone for damage waste materials and dead body of livestock

Police Control room at Sub Division Police Office

Message Sending SP

Patrolling in disaster hit areas and reporting to SDO Control room.

Patrolling in disaster hits areas and reporting to SDO Control room..

Revenue - - - - Health Contol room at

CMOH, And Preparation for alternative service point for different block

Restricted leave permission.

Distribution of Medicine like Metrojil, Paracitamol, Amoxilin, AVS, ORS, Vaccine, Bliching Powder, Halogen Tab. etc. Treatment of the injuured persons and Transporation of the injured to hospital. Disease surveillance and transmission of reports to the higher authorites on a daily basis

Work along with people.

Irrigation Control room at Kanainatshal, Burdwan

Checking of Embankment and Canal.

Frequent monitoring of Embankment and keep ready to receive wireless message.

Re-construction of Embankment, Culvert and Bridges.

RD & R & B - - - - RWS & S Keep ready with

materials for sinking and re-sinking of tubewells.

Engage people in low lying areas.

Engaged field staff in low lying areas for sinking of tubewalls.

Engaged field staff in low lying areas for sinking and re-sinking of tubewalls.

AH Dep. - - - -

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Department Response System Preparedness Pre

(after Warning) During Disaster Post Disaster

Electric Maintanance all line carefully. And identified weak point.

Massage to sub station for control supply.

Shut down all lines. Checked and repair all line as quick as possible and supply electricity.

Agril. Aware all cultivator for cultivate disaster prone crops.

Convinced the cultivators for cultivate short term crops. Like varitys type of green vegetables.

NGOs Prepare list of volunteer for During and Post Disaster.

Infrom to community for any type of Disaster.

Contact with disaster affected community & Govt. officials. their various

Damage Assesment and inform to Govt. officials.

i) STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR DISTRICT CONTROL ROOM ii) Operational Timing: Officer in charge of the District DMIC Operational Timing: JUNE to DECEMBER Every YearNormal Warning Post

iii) DMIC Operation Operational Timing

Personnel Deployment Name of the record


Normal Warning

Post Designation Department Time

iv) Personnel Deployment in DMIC:

Days 7AM TO 10AM (Day Office)

1PM TO 5PM (Morning Office)

5PM TO 10 PM 10 PM TO 7AM


Alert all field Officers Sub- Collectors, BDOs Tahasildars, CDMO

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(Space for message)



Collector, Collector






Engineering Division Sandbags









5. VEHICLES: Requisition

6. EMPOWER FIELD OFFICIALS to requisition vehicles. 7. BOATS: Requisition of boats within district. 8. Close EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS after making an assessment of the magnitude of the

emergency. 9. VETERINARY MEASURES: 10. AIR DROPPING ZONES: 11. Each JE of RD, R&B, NH & IRRIGATION on the spot. 12. Assessment of Relief items 13. CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS: 15. PRESS BRIEFINGS

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 District Press Note No.                                       Dated:  

    Total  Affected  Remarks 

1  Sub‐divisions/ towns       

2  Villages       

3  Population       

4  Severely affected areas   

5  Rescue measures   

  Boats deployed   

  Army/ Navy/ Coast Guard   

  Police/ Fire brigade   

  Other agencies   

  Exemplary events   

Relief measures  Qty/Beneficiaries  Villages covered  Days covered 

Free Kitchens       



Other dry food       

Kerosene Oil       

Polythene sheets       


Cattle feed       

Halogen tablets       


7  Casualties       

8  Missing reports       

9  Bovine death       

10  Civil Society Organizations   

Damage to property  Number  Approx Value   

I. Roads       

II. Embankment breaches       

III. Schools       

IV. Other public buildings       

V. House damage       

VI. Electrical installations       


VII. Others       

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12  Prospects in next 24 hours   

13  Message for people   

14  Other details   

MESSAGE TO PUBLIC over All India radio should be specific.

14. REGULAR CONTACT at intervals with R.D.C, S.R.C., WBSDMA, IMD, Home Secretary,

Revenue Secretary, PS/ Secretary/ Addl. Secretary to Chief Minister, Chief Secretary and Health Secretary.

15. Written orders shall be issued for identifying places for starting free kitchens for at least 3 days. 16. Check up http://www.npmoc.navy.mil/ jtwc.html and www.imd.ernet.in and other web sites. 17. Keep spare copies of district maps. Jurisdiction maps of all irrigation divisions shall be kept

ready in good numbers. 18. Place requisition with S.P/WBSDMA for supply of temporary VHF sets for CDMO, CDVO,

Sub-Collectors, SE-Irrigation, DEO & neighboring BDOs/ Tahasildars. 19. Contact Flood Cell, CWC and Meteorology Bhubaneswar. 20. Requisition all IB/ Rest sheds. 21. Requisition School/ College for Army/ Police forces. 22. Direct all field officers to hire generators and keep sufficient oil for running them. 23. Direct all police stations to keep spare batteries for VHF. 24. Looking at the onset of emergency and after making quick preparations, convene Emergency

meeting of important official and non-official agencies. Give them clear instructions on the above manner.

25. Make a Duty Roster of Important Officials for uninterrupted functioning of DCR & immediate implementation of the Relief/Rescue Programme.







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to Message

Transferred to


ies t


Mode (WL/ Tel/Message) of receipt

Instruction/follow-up to

be done








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Records and Equipments of DistrictControl Room (BCR): Name of the Record Equipments Govt./ Private

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Activities of Sub-division Control Room:

Normal Time: Activities After Receiving Warning. Activities Post disaster.


The following tabular form insures media involvement at different hierarchy of administration. District level - ADM (Emgy) DIPRO OIC, DCR

Sub-Div. Level- Sub-Collector Emergency Officer SDIPRO


VHF Systems 1. 2.

Check List for DMIC:

Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster Assignment of duty Continue opened Continue opened Continue opened Maintain inventory of resources

Resource inventory, capacity analysis

Resource inventory, capacity analysis

Resource inventory, capacity analysis

Identification of weak and vulnerable points

Vulnerability map of the Block / G.P

Vulnerability map of the Block / G.P

Vulnerability map of the Block / G.P

Proper setting up of the control room

Control room setup / assignment of control room duty

Control room setup / assignment of control room duty

Control room setup / assignment of control room duty

Service division and assign duties

Good Good Good

Receive preparedness report from various relevant deptt.

- - -

-Vulnerable area map displayed

- - -

Important phone numbers

Burdwan District Telephone Number is enclosed.

Burdwan District Telephone Number is enclosed.

Burdwan District Telephone Number is enclosed.

B. Evacuation, Search and Rescue:

Evacuation , search and rescue response structure and system Department Preparedness Pre(after warning) During Disaster Post Disaster

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District Considering the gravity of situation the Collector shall convene the district level Natural Calamity Meeting when ever required.

Meeting with district level officials/officials at Head quarter and chock out emergency plan with vulnerable areas and resource list. 2.Co-ordination meeting of NGOs/PRIs. 3.Arrange food and other basic requirement for emergency response.

Coordination meeting with officials at Headquarters by 12 hours intervals and 24 hours intervals with the field officials. 2.Regular collection of situation report of the risk and vulnerable areas from the officers assign for the purpose. 3.Provision for administering emergent relief and the other basic needs.

Immediate arrangement of free kitchen in the cut-off and inaccessible areas. 2.Helping the evacuees for returning to their houses. 3.Monitoring of relief distribution. 4.Provision of medical facilities. 5.repair / Restoration of Roads. 6.Transportation of Relief and Human Resources.

Panchayat Samiti

Always communicated throughDistrict Level Officer.

- - -

Police Good Good Good Good Fire Brigade Good number of

vehicles in Burdwan District.

Good number of vehicles in Burdwan District.

Good number of vehicles in Burdwan District.

Good number of vehicles in Burdwan District.

Medical Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

Always alert all medical team

Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

Saline and Embankment/PWD/RD

Meeting with district level officials/ officials at Head quarter and chock out emergency plan with vulnerable areas and resource list.

Collect information from different areas and to act accordingly.

Provision for administering emergent relief and the other basic needs.

Repair / Restoration of roads. 2.Relief distribution 3.Helping the evacuees for returning to their houses.


Door to Door awareness , Street Drama, Listing of NGOs and volunteers.

Evacuating the place & houses, shifting of people

Distribution of medicines, Medical camps.

Distribution of medicines, Health camps, Awareness.

ICAT Public awareness programme through street Drama, Saminar by publishing

- Public awareness through announcement

Group talk announcement

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News, articles a photographs in newspaper & megazine.

C. Medical and First Aid:

Medical Aid – Response system

Departments Preparedness Pre(after warning)

During Disaster Post Disaster

CMO Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

Always alert medical team and medicine

Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

DD,ARDD District level office at Udaipur headed by the dy. Director of ARD(Burdwan)

Set up of block level offices headed by the Asstt. Director of ARD (Burdwan)

Vety. Hosp. & Vety. Disp. At every important places ( thickly cattle populated areas) headed by the vety. Asstt. Surgeon.

Vety. Fisrt Aid centre/ stockman sub-centre at most of the GPs running by the para vety. Staff (ARD Asstt.). All the wings are ready to combat the situation.

DSWO Nil Nil Nil Nil District Administration

Control room always opened and time to time information received from SDDMOs and BDOs.

Control room always alert and staff available for natural calamities

Control room always opened and time to time information received from SDDMOs and BDOs.

Control room always alert and staff available for natural calamities

NGO/Volunteers Awareness, Collection/Stock of medicines.

Awareness campaigns

Distribution of medicines, medical camps.

Distribution of medicines, Health camps, awareness.

ICAT Public awareness programme through street Drama, Saminar by publishing News, articles a photographs in newspaper & megazine.

Public awareness through announcement

Group talk announcement

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D. Carcass/Dead bodies’ disposal Departments Preparedness Pre(after

warning) During Disaster Post Disaster

Health /VAS There is no such infrastructure for disposal of car crass.

There is no such infrastructure for disposal of car crass.

There is no such infrastructure for disposal of car crass.

There is no such infrastructure for disposal of car crass.

Gram Panchayat and NGO

___ ___ Help in funerals. In getting death certificate, to clean environment.

E. Shelter Management: Sl.No. Shelter Management – Response System Departments Preparedness Pre(after

warning) During Disaster Post Disaster

1. Dist. Administration

Control room always opened and time to time information received from SDDMOs and BDOs.

Control room always alert and staff available for natural calamities

Good Good

2. Police Good Good Good good 3. Electricity Standby

arrangements for temporary electric supply or generators.

Emergency inspection by mechanical engineer of all plant and equipments.

Inspection and repair of high tension lines/ substations/transformers/ poles etc.


4. R.W.S & S Communication establishment with district and block control rooms and departmental offices.

All staff informed about the disasters, likely damages and effects.

Emergency inspection by mechanical engineer of all plant and equipments.

Arrangement of extra vehicles/ heavy equipments, such as front end loaders/ towing vehicles/ earth moving equipments/ cranes etc.

5. Medical Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

Always alert medical team and medicine

Ambulance always ready under Burdwan District.


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1 5 2

6. PWD Always prepared any natural calamities

Always prepared any natural calamities

Always prepared any natural calamities

Always prepared any natural calamities

7. PHC

Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

8. NGO/ volunteers

Listing of club Houses, Schools, Community Centres

Preparation of shelters in clubs, Schools , Halls etc, collection of tents.

Replacement of affected people in the shelters/camps, collection of tents, polythenes etc.

Cleaning of temporary shelters.


As and when required and reports of the evacuees


As and when required News, Features photographs of position of the evacuees.

F: Water and Sanitation Sl. No.

Health and sanitation – Response System

Departments Preparedness Pre(after warning)

During Disaster Post Disaster


Medicine / Saline/ bandage / good number of Doctors/ good no. of ambulance are available in Burdwan District.

Sufficient stock to be procured and distributed. Miking, Drum beating etc. Control rooms-CMO office, Burdwan / DDMO , SDDMO, .

Sufficient stock to be procured and distributed./ Dist RRT and Sub-Divisional RRT is formed/ Miking Drum beating etc./ Preventive measures to be done / Clo-ordination with other department to be done.

Sufficient stock to be procured and distributed./ Dist RRT and Sub-Divisional RRT is formed/ Miking Drum beating etc./ Preventive measures to be done / Clo-ordination with other department to be done.

2. CDPO/Supervisor

1.Special awareness camp in gram panchyat under MTB block 2.Door to door visit Prog. For awaring community about safe drinking water & sanitation. 3.Joint visit with medical staff.

Demonstration prog. After action taken accordingly.

Total staff enrolment the combating the disaster.

Programe on NHED (Nutrition of health education)

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3. Sanitation & Water supply

Sanitation and water supply available in the all block areas. Namely Mark-II/ III/ Deep tube well / Shallow tube well / Katcha well and RCC well .

Sanitation and water supply available in the all block areas. Namely Mark-II/ III/ Deep tube well / Shallow tube well / Katcha well and RCC well .

Sanitation and water supply available in the all block areas. Namely Mark-II/ III/ Deep tube well / Shallow tube well / Katcha well and RCC well .

Sanitation and water supply available in the all block areas. Namely Mark-II/ III/ Deep tube well / Shallow tube well / Katcha well and RCC well .

4. Executive Engineer PWD

Communication establishment with District and Block / Tahasil control rooms and departmental offices within the division.

Inspection and emergency repair for roads/ road bridges/ underwater inspection/ piers/ concrete and steel work.

Emergency inspection by mechanical engineer of all plant and equipments.

Community assistance mobilized for road clearing / arrangement of extra vehicles/ heavy equipments, such as front –end loaders/ towing vehicles/ earth moving equipments / cranes etc.

5. RD/NGO/Volunteers

Listing of club houses, schools, community centres

Preparation of shelters in clubs schools , halls etc. Collection of tents.

Replacement of affected people in the shelters / camps/ collection of tents/ polyphene etc.

Cleaning of temporary shelters.

G. Relief Sl.No. Relief Operation – Response Departments Preparedness Pre(after

warning) During Disaster Post Disaster

1. Dist. Admin. Considering the gravity situation the Collector shall convene the district level natural calamity meeting when ever required.

Meeting with district level officials at Head quarter and chock out emergency plan with vulnerable areas and resource list./ Arrange food and other basic requirement for emergency response./ Collect information from different areas and to act accordingly.

Regular collection of situation report of the risk and vulnerable areas from the officers assign for the purpose./ Provision for administering emergent relief and the other basic needs.

Helping the evacuees for returning to their houses/ Immediate arrangement of free kitchen in the cut off and inaccessible areas / Repair / Restoration of roads./ Monitoring of Relief distribution / Provision of drinking water.

2. Block Control room always alert and staff available for natural calamities

Control room always alert and staff available for natural calamities

Relief operation smoothly as per effected area for natural calsmities.

Relief operation smoothly as per effected area for natural calsmities.

Stock Position of life saving drugs,

Sufficient Sufficient stock Sufficient stock to be procured and

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ORS, IV fluids and other equipment. Distribution of ORS Halogen to field areas. Awareness through propagation of healthy practices during the disaster time.

stock to be procured and distributed. Miking, Drum beating etc. Control rooms-CMOH office, Burdwan /DDMO SDDMO,

to be procured and distributed. Miking, Drum beating etc. Control rooms-CMOH office, Burdwan /SDMO BMOH/ .

distributed./ Dist RRT and Sub-Divisional RRT is formed/ Miking Drum beating etc./ Preventive measures to be done / Clo-ordination with other department to be done.



Communication establishment with district and block control rooms and departmental offices within the division.

Always allert and staff available for natural calamities / All staff informed about the disasters ,likely damages and effects.

Inspection and emergency repair for roads/ road bridges/ underwater inspection/ piers/ concrete and steel work.

Community assistance mobilized for road clearing./ Clearance fof blocked roads./Route strategy for evacuation and relief marked.


Sanitation & water supply

Sanitation and water supply available in the all block areas. Namely Mark-II/ III/ Deep tube well / Shallow tube well / Katcha well and RCC well .

Sanitation and water supply available in the all block areas. Namely Mark-II/ III/ Deep tube well / Shallow tube well / Katcha well and RCC well .

Sanitation and water supply available in the all block areas. Namely Mark-II/ III/ Deep tube well / Shallow tube well / Katcha well and RCC well .




Listing of club Houses, Schools, Community Centres

Preparation of shelters in clubs, Schools , Halls etc, collection of tents.

Replacement of affected people in the shelters/camps, collection of tents, polythenes etc.

Cleaning of temporary shelters.



Public awareness programme through street Drama, Seminar by publishing News, articles a photographs in newspaper & megazine.

Ardhenduu __

Public awareness through announcement

Group talk announcement

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H. Infrastructure Restoration Departments

RD Health Irrigation Electrical PWD District Preparedness Stock Position of life

saving drugs, ORS, IV fluids and other equipment. Distribution of ORS Halogen to field areas. Awareness through propagation of healthy practices during the disaster time.

Collection and stacking of empty bages and sand etc. Inspection of the embankment strengthen of the embankment if necessary. No weak point is found in the embankment.

Standby arrangements for temporary electric supply or generators.

Communication establishment with district and block control rooms and departmental offices within the division.

Control room always opened and time to time information received from SDDMOs and BDOs.

Pre (after warning)

Awareness campaign is being done like workshop , seminar group discussion, Mass media and folk media etc.

Repairing work of the damaged embankment will be considered if necessary. Repairing of the embankment necessary.

Emergency inspection by mechanical engineer of all plant and equipments.

Always allert and staff available for natural calamities / All staff informed about the disasters ,likely damages and effects.

Relief operation smoothly as per effected area for natural calsmities.

During Sufficient stock to be procured and distributed. Miking, Drum beating etc. Control rooms-CMOH office, Burdwan /SDMO SDMO,

Reporting of water level of Gumti at various intervals due watch on the embankment.

Inspection and repair of high tension lines/ substations/transformers/ poles etc.

Inspection and emergency repair for roads/ road bridges/ underwater inspection/ piers/ concrete and steel work.

Control room always opened and time to time information received from SDMOs and BDOs.

Post Sufficient stock to be procured and distributed./ Dist and Sub-Divisional is formed/ Miking Drum

____ Community assistance mobilized for road clearing./ Clearance of

Control room always opened and time to

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beating etc./ Preventive measures to be done / Clo-ordination with other department to be done.

blocked roads./Route strategy for evacuation and relief marked.

time information received from SDMs and BDOs.

I. Cattle camps Departments

VAS BDO NGO/Volunteer Preparedness There is no such

infrastructure for disposal of car crass.

Communication establishment with district and Block control rooms and departmental offices within the division.

Listing of club houses, schools, community centres

Pre(after warning) There is no such infrastructure for disposal of car cass.

Collect information from different areas and to act accordingly./ Assignment of duties.

Preparation of shelters in clubs, Schools , Halls etc, collection of tents.

During There is no such infrastructure for disposal of car cass.

Regular collection of situation report of the risk and vulnerable areas from the officers assign for the purpose.

Replacement of affected people in the shelters/camps, collection of tents, poly thenes etc.

Post There is no such infrastructure for disposal of car class.

Helping the evacuees for returning to their houses / immediately arrangement of free kitchen in the cut-off and inaccessible areas.

Cleaning of temporary shelters.

Sub-division Preparedness Pre (after warning) During Post

Check List for DMIC Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster • Assignment of Duty • Maintain inventory of resources • • Identification of Weak and vulnerable points

>Prepare a duty list for during disaster. ~Resource identified ~Identified weak and vulnerable points.

>Open Control room ~Received information from source. Contact with GP & BDMC members about these points.

> Report to higher authority about all information about Disaster. ~Contact with GP for repair these points.

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Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster • Proper setting up of the control room • Provide information who need it • Service division and assign duties • Receive information on a routine basis and record • Receive preparedness report from various relevant dept. • Basing on the reports feedback to the district authority and others • Vulnerable area map displayed • Imp. Phone numbers

~Arrenged for setting control room. Ready to received and send Information. ~Way fix for Information circulated to higher authority and press. ~Fix duty for control room . ~Fix way for received routine record. ~Received report of preparedness from various line deptt. Verify there contact numbers. ~Information send to district authority about preparedness. Vulnarable Area map displayed at control room. Collect and preserve important phone number after verification.

~Information circulated to higher authority and press and GPs. ~Information circulated to higher authority press and GPs. ~Start duty as per duty chart. ~Received routine record and send to higher authority. ~Contact with various deptt. and there position for operation . ~Information send to District authority about the position. Contact with BDMC members, GP and other line deptt. about the position of vulnerable areas. Uses these phone number for different perpose

Report to higher authority -- ~Report to higher authority ~Received routine record and send to higher authority. ~Contact with various deptt for information about damage. ~Informed to district authority about the position damage, relief etc. ~Contact with GP and other deptt. for working at these vulnareble area Uses this phone number for different perpose.

VII. CHECKLIST FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS a) Collector and District Magistrate:

Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster Vulnerable and risk assessment

map Cut off areas with safe route map

Storing facilities

To identified vulnerable areas through map. Identified safe route map. Identifiey storage for Food and relief materials with contact number.

To identify total affected areas. To uses safe route map for safe shelter and also for livestock and relif groups also. To verify stock relief materials at identified godowns.

Damaged Assesment To uses alternate route map for task force. To repair and clean all godowns.

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Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster List of dealers for food

List of volunteers

Control room set up

Boat and transportation for rescue

Transportation for food supply

Pre-positioning of staff

Site operation centers/staff

Evacuation and rescue of people

Coordination and linkage

To collect and verified all PDS contact numbers with there place. And conduct a meeting with them before monsoon. List verified and conduct a meeting with these volunteers and finalise there specific duty. Collect there contact numbers. Identified specific rooms Contact number, (Land line or mobile) Vihicle and prepare a chart of control room duty of O.C and send it to all GPs under this block. Collect Contact number of various four wheeler owner and drivers and boat owner/boat drivers. Collect contact number for transportation of foods. It s may be boat, Tractor, Truck etc. Verified number of present staff position for Management Disaster. And prepare a list for duty during and post disaster. Identified site for run all facility for during disaster. Contact with volunteers and fix a strategy for operation during disaster Collect and preserve all contact number of BDMC, and also higher authority like as ADM (DM) DDMO, CMOH etc. and some NGOs working during and

To uses these PDS as stockiest of relief materials. Cotact closely with these volunteers for latest news. Always aleart about news from source or higher authority and if required aleart to all GPs and also by Microphone. And aleart to DTF. Cotact for Four wheeler or boat owner/drivers Uses these vehicle for transportation of Foods. Restriction for all leave. Arrenge for supply all facility from this site. Contact with volun –teers for evacuation and resuce. Coordination with all type of volunteers and NGOs and higher authority. To watch about

Distribute relief materials for the affected community. Primary damage Assessment and supply ready foods, cloths to effected family form govt or NGO/CBO etc. To collect data about homeless and casualty and closely contact with rescue team. To uses these vehicle for transportaion affected person. Uses these vehicle for transportation of Foods .

- -

Working for evacuation and rescue.

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Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster Damage assessment

Address and telephone list

Alternative communication system.

Pulling resources from out side if

required Having network with

neighboring Sub Division

post disaster. A team fix and trained them for assessment damage. Collect Adderss and telephone / Mobile number of all DMC members , volunteers, NGOs, Gram Panchyet, Police Station, PDS, Fire Station. (It s may be easy if DM plan will be up date regularly.) Prepare for alternative communication. Contact organization and various deptt.for outside resource . Collect all essential contact number from neighboring blocks and Gram Panchyet under this block area and also neighbouring Gram Panchyet.

damage all type of resource. (Life and Infrastructure) Contact with required deptt or person. Contact with organization for resource. Contact with Gram Panchyet about their position during disaster .

Assesment damage. Help and co-operate with Damage Assesment Teams.

b) President Zilla Parishad

Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster • Ensuring the function of DMC • Approval of DM Plan in the Zilla Parishad • Awareness generation

Conduct meeting twice in a year for Management disaster and aware about their duty to all BDMC members. Approved DM plan and verify it for up dated contact number and other information. Organized awareness camp at all GPs

Contact with control room about all news to and fro. To cooperation with relief team. --- Uses DM Plan for Management Disaster work.

Co-operate with distribution relief and Help and Co-operate with Damage Assesment Teams. ---

c) CDMO Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster

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Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster Stock position of live saving drugs,

ORS, IV fluids and other equipment Distribution ORS, Halogen to field

areas List of contact address of field staff

List of volunteers

List of DDC/ AWW

List of epidemic/risk prone areas

List of site operation areas

Mobile health unit

List of Sub DIvision and Dist. /

health control rooms. List of private and local doctor


Awareness through propagation

of healthy practices during the disaster time Trained the village taskforces on

use of medicine and first aid

Holding stock for coming Draught & monsoon season To stock at Sub Health Centre Collect all contact address and number of the through conduct a meeting with them Collect verified and preserve all field staff contact number and addresss. ~Prepare a list of volunteers and collect their contact number. ~Prepare list of DDC /AWW with there area of operation and contact numbers. ~Prepare a list of epidemic /risk area. ~Identified site of operation with consultation with BDO. ~Arrange mobile health unit for disaster effected area. ~Collect contact number of BDO control number. ~Collect address & contact number of private & local doctor. And conduct a meeting ~Awareness through IEC materials about Safe drinking water and uses sanitation. ~Organized training programmee on uses medicine , First Aid with 2/3 person per

Utilized these items. Distribution ORS, Halogen tablets to of the affected community. Contact with field staff for his/her duty. Contact with volunteers for the help of disaster affected community. Contact with DDC/AWW for his duty. Always aleart for these areas. Reach at site area for the community. Reach at site area. Contact with BDOs Control room for received and send news. Contact with local doctor for cooperation. Contact with VTF for their co-operation.

Distribute ORS, Distribution ORS, Halogen tablets to of the affected community. -- -- -- Aleart about these areas. -- Working for ill person.




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Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster Daily disease report collection

and analysis Preventive measures


Taking help of others/dist

village. ~Collect disese report collection and analysis ~Aware about preventative measures. ~Collect contact number of other district officials including DM.

- --




d) Executive Engineer Irrigation/SDO

Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster Stock piling of repair

materials like sand, bags, bamboo at vulnerable points [Place name]etc. Provision of guarding of

weak points List of volunteers

Taking help of community for

maintenance of the embankments Taking proper measures for

protecting the weak points Co-ordinating with others

Collect bag for filling sand, contact number of bamboo owner. Place for available sand. Identified the vulnerable points. aware to Prodhan Gram Panchyet for working under MGNREGS . Collect name address contact numbers of volunteers. Collect name of Gram Sansad member of each vulnerable villages. Taking mesurment of weak embankment. Collect all contact number like as SDO office, Police, and also related line deptt. And higher authority.

Uses sand bags & bamboo for danger points points of embankment. Watch these points. Contact with volunteers For cooperate. Contact with Gram Sansad members and with community for cooperation. --- Cotact with SDO & Police Control Room.

Contact with SDO and Other higher authority for repair very strongly. Contact with gram panchyet for these points. Aware them about these points. Aware to community for contact with SDO for repair these points Filling soil of these weak embankment Infrom to depeartmental higher authority.

e) District Agriculture Officer:

Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster

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Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster List of different areas to be

affected by different hazards Crop pattern with land holding

List of irrigation points with

status. Alternative crop

Trained for food preservation

and protection Assessment of damage

Provision of seeds and others

Helping in raising of

community nursery for seedling /sapling. Crop insurance

Generate seed bank/grain

bank at village level Coordinating with others

Collect History of hazard from local community. Prepare a list of hazard prone area. Conduct training programme for affected areas community about long and short time crop as per their land holding pattern. Collect list of irrigation points & list of cultivated land area . Conduct training programme form GP areas representative on Alternative crop. Conduct training programe for food processing and preservation. Aware about assasement damage. Holding stock seeds . Encourage community to setup nursery for seedling/sapling. Encourage the community for general and weather based crop insurance. Teach the community for generate seed bank at gram sansad level. Conduct meeting with all Prodhan and BDMC members.

Watch and see all listed areas. Collect information of about affected.








Protect the seeds.


Enquary all areas after disaster. Encourage community For short time crop. Report to BDO and higher authority about the position irrigation points. Encourage the the community for alternative crop. --- Assasement damage Distribution seeds to effected areas community as per Govt. rules. Aware community for collect seed from nursery. Aawre the community for claims from insurance company. Uses seed from gram sansad level seed banks . Conduct meeting with all Prodhan and BDMC members


Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster Animal population with categories

Prepare a population list of livestock mouza wise .


Verified no of livestock sick or dead .

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Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster Possible problems related to

different hazards Dealer of feeds/fodder

List of cow sheds

Site camps with volunteers

Programme for mass


Trained the taskforce to use of

medicine Coordinating with others

Identified problems related Prepare a list of feeds/fodder distributor, retailer. Prepare a list of cow shed each mouzawise Identified site camp for safe shelter during disaster time. Organized camp for mass vaccination Conduct traning program for uses medicine. Conduct a meeting with GP level task force.

Contact with farmers and aware them for different hazard . Contact with them if required Arrenge to Supply affected area feeds/ fodder if possible. If possible visit these shed -

- - -


-- Vist these shed for treatment

-- Organized camp for vaccination Contact with task force for treatmen Contact with Prodhan & GP level task force.

g) Executive Engineer / SDO (RD/PWD)

Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster Identification weak points

Repair the weak points

before hazards season Stockpiling of building

materials List of dealers for building

materials Promotion/training of people

on retrofitting/ resistance

Identification weak points Contact with GP for repair these weak points. Stock building materials. Collect list of building dealer address, name & contact number . Arrange GP level training programme

Contact BDMC members GP for information about these points. Watch these points. Contact for sand etc . --

Contact with GP for work these points. - Uses building materials if required.


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Activities Pre Disaster During Disaster Post Disaster building Arrangement of equipment

for road clearance Plan for vulnerable reduction

Coordinating with others

Name, contact numbers, address and number of Saw , Drozer etc owner Planing for reduction vulnerable with each development work Contact with other deptt for reduced vulnarablity.





a) Operational Guidelines of what to do in the event of a Flood. Do’s Don’ts

• Convening a meeting o the District Level Committee on Natural calamities.

• Functioning of the Control rooms. • Closure of past breaches in river and canal

embankments and guarding of weak points.

• Rain recording and submission of rainfall reports.

• Communication of gauge readings and preparation of maps and charts

• Dissemination of weather reports and flood bulletins issued by the meteorological centers, Central Water commission , Flood forecasting Organisation.

• Installation of temporary police wireless stations and temporary telephones in flood prone areas

• Storage of food in interior vulnerable strategic and key areas

• Arrangements for keeping the drainage system desalted and properly maintained

• Agricultural measures • Training in flood relief work • Organisation of relief parties • Alternative drinking water supply

arrangements. • Arrangements for keeping the drainage

system desalted and properly maintained.

• Organizing shelter for the people in distress in case the efforts of the civil authorities are considered inadequate, army assistance should be requisitioned.

• Relief measures by non-official and voluntary organizations may be enlisted as far as possible

• Provision of basic amenities like drinking water, sanitation and public health care and arrangements of cooked food in the relief camps.

• Making necessary arrangements for air dropping of food packers in the marooned villages though helicopters

• Establish alternate communication links to have effective communication with marooned areas.

• Organising controlled kitchens to supply foods initially at least for 3 days.

• Repairs and reconstruction of infrastructure facilities sush as roads , embankments , resettlement of flood prone areas.

• Rehabilitation of homeless. • Organise relief camps • Grant of emergency relief to all the

affected people. • Relief for economic reconstruction, • Health measures.

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b) Operational Guidelines of what to do in the event of a Cyclone. Do’s Don’ts

• Check your house, repair doors and windows, where ever necessary

• Keep a Hurricane Lantern filled with kerosene, flashing, match boxes, candles and enough dry cells

• Make sure that your radio set is fully serviceable. Keep an extra set of batteries ready for transistor.

• Keep your radio set on and listen to the latest weather warnings and advice from the nearest. All India Radio Station. Pass the information to others (by word of mouth.

• Don’t venture into the areas where streams or rivers flow, hight water due to heavy rains, may surge.

• Bolt up glass windows and put shutters in place.

• Get extra food stored, particularly that type which does not require cooking such as, Flat , Rice, Sattu (pulse powder). Store extra drinking water.

• When you are moving to a shelter move your valuable articles to upper floors or tie lit to the roof so that these would not be submerged.

• Make provisions for children and old people requiring special diets.

• Be clam. Your ability to meet an emergency will inspire and help others.

• Stay in the shelter, as long as you are informed to do so.

• While in the shelter, follows the instructions of Personnel-in-charge.

• Do not keep loose objects like cans, tins and other implements. They may become weapons of destruction during strong winds.

• Do not spread rumours, not listen to them, only official version of the warnings may be listened to through Radio.

• Do not stay in your house, when advised to vacate by authorities , especially when your house is located in a low-lying area. You may run the risk of being marooned.

• Do no venture out, if the weather suddenly clears during a storm as indicated by a full in the wind and rain . Remember strong wind will return equally suddenly from the opposite direction with even greater velocity. This happens when the eye of the storm passes over your area.

• Avoid any loose wires, hanging from the poles to avoid electrocution .

• Drink only safe water. • People should keep away from

disaster areas, unless they are required to assist.

• Anti social elements should be prevented from doing mischief.

• Houses and dwellings should be cleared of debris.

• The losses should be reported to the revenue authorities.

• Relatives should be promptly informed about the safety of person in the disaster area.

c) Operational Guidelines of what to do in the event of a Heat wave.

Do’s Don’ts 1. Drink safe purified water or bleached water .

1. Do not drink un purified water or pond/river

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2. Do not misuse water. 

d) Operational Guidelines of what to do in the event of a Drought. Do’s Don’ts

• A detailed contingency plan for supply of drinking water in rural areas to be formulated with technical help from the Central Ground Water Board and utilizing, if required, the rigs and other capital equipment from the CGWB.

• Adequate plans to be made in the supply of drinking water in urban areas through bores, tankers, special trains and other suitable measures.

• Continuous monitoring of rural and urban drinking water availability in drought affected areas.

• Preparation of a water budget for each irrigation reservoir covering drinking water, kharif and rabi requirements and capping damage to ground water regime.

• Regulating supply to water –intensive industries, if necessary.

• Minimizing evaporation losses in tanks and small reservoirs by using chemical methods, subject to Health clearance.

• Assessment of fodder requirement in drought affected districts and locate areas where shortages are likely to occur and arrange for supplies from outside.

• Monitoring the prices of fodder in selected places/ markets.

• Arrange to procure fodder in selected outlets.

• State Forest Department to arrange for the cutting and bailing of grasses in the forest, wherever possible to meet the demand from fodder deficit districts.

• Fodder cultivation to be encouraged wherever feasible.

• Ensure supply for molasses to catle feed plants.

• Obtaining from premixed feed and urea-molasses bricks to the extent necessary.

• Improper land use practices such as heavy tilling, agricultural practices and settlement patterns have contributed to creep and withdrawal of support in many cases.

e) Operational Guidelines of what to do in the event of an Earthquake Do’s Don’ts

• Enrolment of volunteers trained for basic first aid instructions and relief and rescue operations.

• Assess the magnitude of problem likely to arise. Carry out studies on possible scenarios of future earthquake to point out gaps in planning and preparedness.

• Allotment of responsibilities of officials and non-officials agencies. Coordination of relief and rescue organizations. Identification of search and rescue teams . Assistance from defense services.

• Resource evaluation regarding manpower, equipment, transport, hospitals, fire fighting units and so on.

• Draw hospital contingency plan. Mobile field hospitals and surgical units.

• Check for injuries for not attempt to move seriously injured person unless they are in immediate dander of further injury.

• Check for fires. • Wear shoes in all areas near debris and

broken glass. • Check service lines and appliances for

damage. Do not use matches or lighters until it has been established that there are no gas leaks.

• Draw moderate quantity of water in case sersvice is disrupted.

• Do not draw large quantity as this could interfere with fire fighting operation.

• Do not eat or drink any thing from open containers, specially near shattered glass be prepared for additional earthquake

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 6 7

• Construction of demonstration earthquake resistant houses suited to the region.

• Assess vulnerability of structures and retrofit and strengthen weak structures.

• Draw education programs for general masses and school children. Make posters, handouts, films, TV programme, press notes etc.

• Train administrators, engineers and masons about earthquake resistant construction.

• Collect earthquake motion data by suitable instruments.

• Enforce building codes for new construction. While constructing new buildings, follow building codes and other sound practices to minimize earthquake hazards. Build on firm ground or go right up to the bed rock level when laying foundations. Avoid filed up areas for construction as far as possible.

shocks • Respond to requests for help from civil,

defense, fire services, police and home guards

• Do not crowd damaged areas unless help has been requested.

• Cooperate with the public safety officials. • Do not spread rumors , they often do

great harm following disasters. • Disposal of dead bodies. • Provide emergency shelter and medical

aid. • Repair / replacement and restoration of

damaged structures/ equipment. • Damage survey-documentation of

damage and scientific data. • Rehabilitation and reconstruction of new

earthquake resistant construction


Name of the GP

Name of the Village

Required Intervention

Agency Responsible

Fund Required

Time Frame

1 Agradwip Babladanga, Ghoshpara Srowari, Sahebnagar, CharkabirajpurGoswaibari, Kalikapur Babladanga,

I)To construc concrete drain Construction ii) Shelter for ICDS iii) 24 Hours boats service at Kheya ghat. iv) To develop some place for livestock and with plantation. v) Training to Youth on First aid vi) To lifting sand layer from cultivated land. vii) To connect electricity with river pump. viii) To construct deep tube well. ix) To established electricity facility at Village Sorwari, Babladanga x) One boat at each kheyaghat i.e Patuli and Kalikapur. Mainly the time of all

i). PS ii). GP iii). GP iv).GP v).DMD vi).GP vii) WBECSDCL viii) RIDF NABARD ix) ZP x) GP

1 Crore 5 lacs 1 Lac 30 Lacs 30 Thousand 30 Lacs 5 Lacs

20 Lacs 10Lacs 2Lacs

3Months 3Months 3Months 6Months 3Months 6Months 6Months 6Months 6Months 1Months

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1 6 8

Sl No

Name of the GP

Name of the Village

Required Intervention

Agency Responsible

Fund Required

Time Frame

school exam. xi) To practice various tools for Disaster Risk Reduction. Like as prctice mock drill etc. xii) If the small Bill will be excavations under Agradwip G.P then fishery will be develop. xiii) To arrange income generating based training programme . xiv) a)To up dated Disaster Management Plan b) To enlisted the skill man as member of DMT. c) To build capacity of DMT members through various training program d) To forecast news for Vulnerable person through DMT.

xi) BDMO, xii)GP xiii)PS xiv)BDMO/


25 Thousand

5 Lacs 5 Crore 2Lacs 5Lacs

3Months 3Months 6Months 6Months 3Months 3Months

2 Gazipur Khaspur Deyasin Beleghata -Kadamtala

i)To construction concrete drain ii) To develop some place for livestock and with plantation. iii) Training to Youth on First aid iv) To practice various tools for Disaster Risk Reduction. Like as prctice mock drill etc. v) To construct Swiss gate with bridge and small reserver on Brambhani River. (It will be Solved major problems of Singhi And Gazipur G.P like as communication facility and irrigation) vi)a )To UP dated Disaster Management Plan b) To enlisted the skill man as member of DMT. c) To build capacity of DMT members through various training program d) To forecast news

i) Panchyet Samity ii)Gram Panchyet under MGNREGS iii) BDMO/DMD IV) BDMO V) Irrigation and PWD VI) BDMO/DMD C)BDMO

1 Crore 25 Lacs 25 Lacs 3Crore

6Months 1Months 6Months 3Months 3Months 3Months

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1 6 9

Sl No

Name of the GP

Name of the Village

Required Intervention

Agency Responsible

Fund Required

Time Frame

for Vulnerable person through DMT.


3 Apur All Village under Apur G.P

a)i) Training to Youth on First aid ii) To practice various tools for Disaster Risk Reduction. Like as prctice mock drill etc. iii) a)To UP dated Disaster Management Plan b) To enlisted the skill man as member of DMT. c) To build capacity of DMT members through various training program d) To forecast news for Vulnerable person through DMT.


3Months 3Months 3Months 3Months 3Months

4 Karui All Village under Karui G.P

a)I) Training to Youth on First aid ii) To practice various tools for Disaster Risk Reduction. Like as prctice mock drill etc. iii) a)To UP dated Disaster Management Plan b) To enlisted the skill man as member of DMT. c) To build capacity of DMT members through various training program d) To forecast news for Vulnerable person through DMT.


3Months 3Months 3Months 3Months 3Months 3Months

5 Palsona All Village under Karui G.P

a)I)Training to Youth on First aid ii)To practice various tools for Disaster Risk Reduction. Like as prctice mock drill etc. iii) a)To UP dated Disaster Management Plan b) To enlisted the skill man as member of DMT. c) To build capacity of DMT members through various training program d) To forecast news


3Months 3Months 3Months 3Months 3Months 3Months

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 7 0

Sl No

Name of the GP

Name of the Village

Required Intervention

Agency Responsible

Fund Required

Time Frame

for Vulnerable person through DMT.

Long Term Plan: Sl No Name of the

GP Name of the Village

Required Intervention

Agency Responsible

Fund Required

Time Frame

1 Sultanpur

( Block Kalna I)

Soil to morum road at UNDER Sultanpur G.P 9 K.M

Moram road Panchyet Samity

10.8 Crore

3 Begpur

(Block Kalna I) Kalikapur Flood Shelter

1000 Sq Ft DMD Burdwan 9 Lacs 1 Year

4 Krishnadebpur Flood Shelter 1000 Sq Ft

DMD Burdwan 9 Lacs 1 Year

5 Dhatrigram (Block


a.) Moram road Gramkalna Kheya Ghat to Udayjang , 7 k.m b) Malotipur more to Ganga Ghat, 1 k.m c) Road Brick to metal Dhatrigram P.O more to Badhagacha , 1 k.m

Moram road Metal Road Metal Road

Panchyet Samity PWD PWD

1 Crore 1.2 Crore 50 Lacs

1 Year 1 Year

6 Nandai ( Block Kalna I)

Bijoynagar Nalincharkal Danga

Flood Shelter DMD, Burdwan

20 Lacs 1 Year

7 Kankuria ( Block Kalna I)

Kodipur Ghat & Islampur, Bridge on the

river Banka at between Kodipur Ghat & Islampur, 60 Mtrs ,

PWD/Zilla Parishad

60 Lacs 1 Year

Company Danga

Flood Shelter 1000 sq ft

DMD, Burdwan 10 Lacs 1 Year 8 Hatkalna ( Block Kalna I)

Sikarpur Construction first floor Primary school 1000 sq fet

DMD Burdwan 5 Lcs 1 Year

9 Atghoria-Simlon ( Block Kalna I)

From Atagoria Cold Store 3K.M

Moram Road Panchyet Samity

2.1 Crore 1 Year

Mock Drills Plans: Time Process (Utilization,

Maintenance and record keeping)

Responsible Person

May & November of every year.

1. Mock drill on preparedness for

Fire Service, Police, Power & other security

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 7 1

taking surch & rescue measures.


2. Mock drill on preparedness for extending health facilities to victims.

1. CMOH, Burdwan 2. DD, TRP & PGP, 3. Security forces medical wing.

3. Mock drill on preparedness for response of common public after disaster.


4. Mock drill for setting up temporary infrastructure facilities for reaching up to victims & for their safe settlement.

1. PWD officials. 2. EE, RD, Burdwan

PHE officials. 3. Security forces.

5. Mock drill for protection of embankment of rivers/creeks.

WR deptt. officials. Burdwan

Time Process (Utilization, Maintenance and Record Keeping)

Responsible Person

April and May each year 1.Record of trainees 2.Data Base Utilized fund for this perpose

1 DDMO,Burdwan 2 All SDO(SDDMO) 3BDMO, All Block

Inter Sub-division Linkages: Need Areas Process Contact Person Sub-division Plan update: Time Process Responsible Person April each year Concidering Block DM Plan SDDMO Schedule for updating plans

Plans Updating Time

District Disasters Management Plan ½ Yearly ( MAY & NOV) Line Departments Disasters Management Plan ½ Yearly ( MAY & NOV) Schedule for updating the district database

District Database Scheduled time Data Base of Volunteers Master Trainers (Not available as per this table.) Sl.No Name of the Group Name of the

Sub-division Name of the GP

Name of the Village

No. Of Volunteers Trained

1 Early Warning 2 First Aid 3 Rescue and


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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 7 2

4 Water and Sanitation / Shelter Management

5 Carcass Disposal 6 Relief Management 7 Damage Assessment 8 Counseling 9 Patrolling






B U R D WA N S A D A R S( ) S D A S A N S O L S U B -D I V I S I O N 01 BAPPA



ASANSOL MC 9933455509


ASANSOL MC 9734920181



BAURI KULTI MUNI. 9609606410


GHOSH RAINA- II 9647955914 07 SURAJ SINGH KULTI MUNI. 9153276403


KULTI MUNI. 7501837112




KULTI MUNI. 9547157552


MEMARI- II 9641218316 12 BIKRAM PATRA KULTI MUNI. 8293045286





BLOCK 9933458457














K A T WA S u b D i v i s i o n K A T WA S u b D i v i s i o n 01 ARGHA SINGHA KATWA MUNI. 9233693169 11 PRADIP DAS KATWA MUNI. 9681377946 02 RAMCHANDRA


MUNI. 9932035576


KETURAM –I 7872535388


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1 7 3


KATWA MUNI. 9635786735 17 KUNJAN ROY KATWA – I 9333472703



KATWA –II 8348957140


KATWA MUNI. 8101295340 19 ABHIJIT GHOSH KATWA – II 9062489944



MONGALKOT 9883375343






D u r g a p u r S u b D i v i s i o n K A L N A S u b D i v i s i o n 01 BIVASH CHANDRA





KALNA MUNI. 9046480251




DURGAPUR MC 9378201354 05 SUBIR DUTTA KALNA MUNI. 8653230646



KALNA MUNI. 9647566502


KALNA MUNI. 9647566502



KALNA MUNI. 9474174032


DURGAPUR MC 9749690259 09 RAJIB DAS KALNA MUNI. 9153435104







12 SUJIT DUTTA PANDAVESWAR 98511696677797646689





GALSI -I BLOCK 97496927139474378084






9647590989 14 INDRAJIT BHADURI























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1 7 4







B u r d w a n S a d a r N ( ) S u b D i v i s i o n


9093712561 21 RANJIT SAMANTA 8653300342

02 BIKASH DOLAI 9749087141 22 SIBU GUHA 9126319425 03 SK SAHENSUR 8653631929 23 RAJESH KSHETRAPAL 7407933874 04 PROSENJIT

PRADHAN 9732288006 24 SAMAR GHOSH 7384999577

05 CHANDI MONDAL 9126492415 25 CHATTU MALLICK 8001750447 06 AMAR GHOSH 8436003406 26 CHATTU PARAMANIK 9641218316 07 SUMAN

KSHETRAPAL 8436224184 27 ASIT MAL 9333072392

08 MOLOY SIL 7384475502 28 SK MAIDUL 8348945443 09 SUMANTA HALDAR 9749464569 29 SK SAHIDUL

RAHAMAN 8293453358

10 SUJIT MONDAL 9126325863 30 ANKAN BALL 9932060077 11 KUNTAL DANA 7407655513 31 BAPI ROUTH 9233325397 12 MONIRUL ISLAM 8016509004 32 PRADIP KUMAR

DUTTA 9563209569



14 JITEN MAJHI 8972381380 34 JOY DAS 8116068973 15 RAJESH KUMAR

PAL 9093162198 35 SOMNATH KHAN 9378389833


9474550290 36 RAJIB HALDAR 9933475656

17 SOUMYA DAS 9474424792 37 CHIRANJIT SAMANTA 9153400922 18 AVIJIT SARKAR 9474695475 38 SUBRATA ORAW 9734920361 19 SOUMITRA TAH 8509501270 39 SHYMAPADA

MUKHERJEE 9647513423

20 JOYDEV MONDAL 9046837537 40 SK WASHI 7864945131

Name and Designation of Officer with contact No. responsible for

deployment at CD Block Burdwan Name of the Volenteer under CIVIL DEFENCE and with indicate expert

for uses each equipments.

Location of the Instrument/ Machine SL No

Name of Equipments

Disaster for which equipments can be used

Name and Designation of Officer with contact No. responsible for deployment at CD Burdwan


SDO Asn.

SDO Dgr.

SDO Katwa

SDO Kalna




i) Bullet Chain Saw

1. D. Mahapatra, Sr. S.O.I, Burdwan (9232600974)

02 02 01 01 01 01 01 04 01

ii) chain filling

To clear the obstruction and search operation resulting from storm/ cyclone/ 2. D Roy, NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 01

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1 7 5

kits S.O.I, Burdwan (9232309291)

iii) Hand held rechargeable search light with 02 chargers


iv) Rotary hammer drill

earth quake .

Location of the Instrument/ Machine SL

No Name of Equipments Disaster for

which equipments can be used

Name and Designation of Officer with contact No. responsible for deployment at CD Burdwan ADM

Asn SDO Asn.

SDO Dgr.

SDO Katwa

SDO Kalna





BDN i) Circular saw 1. Asit Ghosh

II, Sr S.O.I, Burdwan (8900313940)


ii) Spare Aversive Blade NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 04 iii) Fire axe NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 06 iv) Flat Head axe NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 05 v) CBRN mask NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 04 vi) Safety Goggles NIL 04 04 04 04 04 04 NIL vii) Rubber gloves NIL 04 04 04 04 04 04 NIL viii) Dust Musk NIL 04 04 04 04 04 04 62 ix) Safety vest NIL 06 06 06 06 06 06 NIL x) Electric Charger torch NIL 01 01 01 01 01 01 NIL


xi) Spare chain

Metal and concrete cutter and clearing same as above/ fire emergencies.

2. J.G. Ghosh, S.O.I, Burdwan (8101332326)

NIL 01 01 01 01 01 01 NIL i) Rescue chair 1. Asit Ghosh

I, Sr. S.O.I , Burdwan(8768506649)


ii) Extension Ladder 2. S.N Dutta, Sr. S.O.I., Burdwan (9378307611)

NIL 01 NIL 01 01 NIL 01 06


iii) Tendon Pulleys, Screw Carabineer, Fixed Pulley

NIL 01 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 04 iv) 10 ton hydraulic jack NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 01 v) Seat Harness NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 02 vi) Karmental Rope NIL 01 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 04 vi) Spade, Shovel, Crover NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 54 vii) Fibre Respect Stretcher NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 02 viii) Sledge Hammer NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 04


ix) Ascender, Decender, Foot Tap Sling

Rescue of human being, live stock etc. In all disaster.


i) Portable Generator set 1. Anup Ghosh, Sr. S.O.I.Burdwan (9432256260)


ii) Gum Boots NIL 06 06 06 06 06 06 10 iv) Rain Coats NIL 04 04 04 04 04 04 05 v) Rotary rescue saw NIL 01 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 04 vi) Portable Generator set NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 01

vii) Triangular bandage

To rescue from flood/ First aid and emergency in all disaster.


viii) Stretcher, NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 06 ix) Blankets NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 05


X) First Aid Pouch

2. Smt Suprya Paul, S.O.I, Burdwan (9231750436)


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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 7 6

xi) Heavy duty working gloves


xii) Miton gloves, , NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 10

xiii) Life jackets NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 10

xiv) FRP industrial with and without visor


xv) Mega phone NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 04

xvi) Disposal Musk



Name of the Block /Municipality L & L Site of Helipad

1. Bhatar 23n25, 87e54 P.W.D. stock yard cum stadium at Bhatar. 2. Ausgram-I, 23n30, 87e45 Ausgram danga. 3. Ausgram-II

23n36, 87e42 Ramnagar High School Ground. Ramnagar (North)

4. Galsi-II 23n20, 87e42

Gamba Football Ground. Mithapur Football Ground.

5. Burdwan University 23n14,87e51

Mohanbagan Ground. Kanainatsal Race Course Ground.

6. Jamalpur 23n03, 88e07

Kelera Football Ground. Jotesiram Football Ground. Amarpur Football Ground.

7. Memari –I 23n12, 88e07

Palla Road Football Ground. Rasulpur High School Football Ground. Debipur Football Ground. Gontar Football Ground. Memari Football Ground.

8. Memari –II 23n16, 88e08

Gopalmoni high School Ground Paharhati Football Ground.

9. Raina-I 23n47, 86e56

Shyamsundar Ground. Mohanpur Ground Anguna Ground. Hijalana Ground.

10. Raina –II 23n44, 86e51 Madhabdihi Football Ground. Kamarhati Football Ground.

11. Khandaghosh 23n13, 87e41

Badulia Football Ground. Khandaghosh Football Ground.

12. Burdwan-I 23n15, 87e51

Kanainatsal Ground, Burdwan.

13. Burdwan –II, 23n16, 87e58

Block Hd. Qrs. Ground at Barsul (Unnyani).

14. Katwa –I 23n39, 88e08

Bijoynagar Football Ground at Katwa-I Katwa Stadium Ground.

15. Katwa –II 23n37, 88e04

Dainhat High School G round. Agradwip High School Ground. Makalta High School Ground.

16. Ketugram-I 23n36, 88e02

Palita High School Ground. Kandra Rice Mill Ground. Ankhona High School Ground.

17. Ketugram-II 23n34, 87e59

Ketugram Football Ground. Ketugram G.P. Premises at Nirol.

18. Mongalkote, 23n33, 87e54

Majhigram High School Ground. Kashemnagar Football Ground.

19. Kalna-I Akandapur Football Ground. Kharinan High School

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1 7 7

Sl. No.

Name of the Block /Municipality L & L Site of Helipad

23n13, 88e22

Ground. Dhartigram Football Ground. Kalna-I Block Premiscs. Atghoria Football Ground. Medgachi Football Ground. Simlon High School Ground.

20. Kalna-II 23n11, 88e19

Satgachi High School Compound. Hargacha Jr. High School Compound. Singerkon M.M High School Compound. Anukhal High School Compound

Staff Position in the District Disaster Management Section, Burdwan

SI.No Category of Posts Sanctioned strength Staff in position Vacant 1 UDC 3 5 Nil 2 LDC 3 1 2 Nos. 3 ACCT 3 0 3 Nos. 4 Typist 3 0 3Nos. 5 Gr “D” 3 2 1No. 6 DEO 1 NA


STATE LEVEL Name Office Fax Mobile

Principal Secretary, Department of Disaster Management

033-22144005 033-22143674


Joint Secretary,Department of Disaster Management

033-22145855 033-22145855 9830190951

OSD & Dy. Secretary, Department of Disaster Management

033-22143526 033-22141378 9830507955

Director of Relief, Tran Bhavan 033-22650795 033-22650795 9830196328 Special Secretary Finance Department 033-22143479 033-22153658 Divisional Commissioner 033-26801111 Group Captain, Eastern Air Command, Defence

0364-2560978 0364-2223900

0364-2560777 09436164406

Panagarh Army Base 0343-2524498

Details Below

D I S T R I C T L E V E L Name Office Residence Fax Mobile

Sabhadhipati, Burdwan Zilla Parishad

0342-2662401 0342-260208 0342-2663327 9474080808

District Magistrate, Burdwan

0342-2662428 0342-2561510

0342-2625700 0342-2625702

0342-2625703 0342-2561899


Addl. District Magistrate (G)

0342-2662364 0342-2624666 0342-2663225 9932022008

Addl. District Magistrate (Dev.)

0342-2663335 0342-2625220 0342-2663335 9775272349

Addl. District Magistrate (L.A)

0342-2662443 0342-2662434 0342-2662443 9434002685 E-mail : [email protected]

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

1 7 8

Name Office Residence Fax Mobile

CEO, BDA 0342-2561668 0342-2561668 Addl. District Magistrate (Asansol)

0341-2253010 0341-2253016 0341-2253010

0342-2253019 9434800111 admasansol@gmail.

com Addl. District Magistrate & D.L. & L.R.O.

0342-2533348 0342-2530641

0342-2625658 0342-2533348

Addl. Executive Officer & A.D.M.Zilla Parisad

0342-2662400 0342-2662405 0342-2623163

0342-2662400 9434026882

Secretary, Zilla Parishad 0342-2664671 0342-2625211 0342-2663327 9474135974

Project Director D.R.D.C 0342-2662469 0342-2665196 0342-2665196 9434022415 E.P.B.X (Z.P) 0342-2662404


District Panchayat & R.D.O.

0342-2560834 0342-2624125

0342-2560834 9734073372

District Planning Officer 0342-2663355 0342-2625761 9932966811 District Disaster Management Officer

0342-2550373 1077 (Toll free)

0342-2550373 9434005678 E-mail : ddmo. [email protected]

NDC 0342-2662393 9679167597 RTO 0342-2569519 8900713619 SDO(S) 0342-2663322 9434050276 SDO(N) 0342-2662353 9434026875 State Control Room, Civil Defence


Civil Defence, Durgapur 0343-2546946 Civil Defence, Burdwan 0341-22531111


V.C. Burdwan University 0342-2532900 0342-2532319 0342-2532452 Registrar Burdwan University

0342-2530300 0342-2530526

District Controller Food & Supply

0342-2533913 0342-2533919

0342-2533915 9434208481

District Programme Officer (ICDS)

0342-2563348 0342-2624790 9434604230/9474782238/9732919474

District Social Welfare Officer

0342-2663178 9477101025

District Information Officer

2662582 2624790 9232719099

District Information & Cultural Officer

0342-2634814 9434336753

District Youth Officer 0342-2663059 Regional Transport Officer 0342-2569519


Nehru Yuba Kendra, Burdwan


District Inspector of School (PE)



District Inspector of School (SE)


0342-2556316 9734244485

Primary School Council 0342-2662371 0342-2557181 9434027115 Irrigation & Water Ways

Supt. Engineer Irrigation Circle

0342-2645669 0342-2540165 9432352240

Executive Engineer P.H.E. 0341-25440019 0342-2562416 Dy. Sup. Enginer, PHE 9874048001 Exe-Engineer Damodar Canal Division

0342-2662496 0342-2561888 9735380811

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1 7 9

Name Office Residence Fax Mobile

Exe.-Engineer Civil Irrigation control Div.


Exe.-Engineer D.V.C. Canal D.V.N. (Control Room)


Exe. Engineer Head Works Div. Durgapur

0343-2555640 0343-2555534 9434350933

Superintending Engineer (Agriculture)


Divisional Engineer W.B. State Minor Irrigation


Exe. Eng. WE-II PWD 9434473553 Exe. Eng. DhW Divn. DGP 9434350933 E.E PWD (CB) 9434212968 AE, PWD 9434661246 E.E, B-1 Divn, I & W deptt. 9433105216

[email protected] E.E, SWID, Burdwan 9932842328

ee.swid2gmail.com E.E Bwn Higway DivnI 9434432749 [email protected]

Agriculture Jt. Director of Agriculture 0342-2662179 0342-2567017 Deaputy Director of Agricultural , ADMN Burdwan

0342-2662159 9474113017

Superintending Engineer, Agri-Mech


Executive Engineer Agri Irrigation


Health C.M.O.H Burdwan 0342-2663973 0342-2625499 0342-2565817 9434225301 Dy. CMOH-II 9433980600 Blood Bank 0342-2563134 Superintendent Medical Collage & Hospital

0342-2665228 0342-2665227

0342-2559864 0342-2565228

Ward Master B.M.C.H. 0342-2566478 Emergency 0342-2566486

P.H.E. Central Circle P.H.E. 0342-2544087 0342-2542261 Supdt. Engineer P.H.E. 0342-2544087 0342-2551512 0342-2560261 Exe. Engineer P.H.E. Burdwan


Exc. Engineer P.H.E. Durgapur.


Central Mech. Divn. P.H.E. Department

0342-2544048 0342-2545019

Burdwan Division P.H.E. Department


R.W.S. Burdwan P.H.E. 0342-2656789 Animal Resource Development

Dy. Director A.R.D. 0342-2544117 9433450638 Supdt. Animal & Resources Development


District Veterinary Officer 0342-2563240 0342-2544038

Food & Supply District Controller (F&C) S.C.F & S

0342-2544001 9433292955

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1 8 0

Name Office Residence Fax Mobile

District Manager Agricultural

0342-2662208 0342-2565804

Seed Farm


District Manager F.C.I. 0342-2664110 0342-2563243 9831321066 Exe. Eng. RCFA-Div I PHE 9434305096 Exe. Eng. PWD Asansol 9434215630 E.E Bwn Highway Divn-II 9434431423 E.E PW (Roads) 9474777767

Industries General Manager D.I.C. 0342-2563122 0342-2545122 9433906547 District Industrial Officer 0342-2562021

Fishery Chief Exe-Officer F.F.D.A 0342-2568819 Asstt. Director Fishery Officer

0342-2556092 9475072821

Forest District Forest Officer 0342-2557172 0342-2625659 0342-2557172 9433439084 Asst. Div. Forest officer 0342-2657172 9734917638 (Social Forestry) Durgapur 0342-2537229 0342-2537498 0342-2537229 9433439084

Police Supdt.of Police, Burdwan 0342-2662956 0342-2624400 0342-2569620 9830489770 C.I Burdwan (100) 0342-2563404 9434253405 S.D.P.O.Burdwan 0343-2644316 9874730001 Control Room, Burdwan 0342-2662971

Fire-Brigade O/C (Burdwan) Fire Brigade, Raja Bhattacharyya

101 0342-2656901


Divisional Fire Officer, Tushar kanti Sen


District Fire Officer 0342-2657901 Guest House

Circuit House (Old) 0342-2625533 Circuit House (New) 0342-3090847 Irrigation Banglow (Kanainarsal)


Burdwan Bhavan 0342-2563328 0342-262558

University Guest House 0342-2544549 Forest Guest House 0342-2565172

Others Railway Enquiry 131 & 2662534 GRP 0342-2662538 RPF 0342-2662542 DGM, BSNL, Burdwan 0342-2661000 AGM, BSNL 9434753786 Superintendent of Post Office


Postal Enquiry 0342-2568727 Zonal Manager, SEB 0342-2663378 9434016377 Kolkata Airport 033-25119031


Recovery van Manjit Singh

0342-2656340 9832164923

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C O N T A C T N O . O F C I V I L D E F E N C E B U R D WA N

Name / Degnition Contact No Name Contact No O/C Civil Defence 8900713619 Satyanaryan Dutta 9378307611 Sr SOI Anup Ghosal 9432256260 Asit Kr Ghosh (2) 8900313940 Asit Kr Ghosh (1) 9768506649 Smt Supriya Pal 9231750436 Joy Gopal Ghosh 8101332326 Dipankar Roy 9232309291

I mp o r t a n t C o n t a c t N o . O f P o l i c e O f f i c e r s’ , B U R D WA N , D I S T R I C T



Name Designation ) Mobile No Land Number

1 Sri S.M.H.Meerza IPS Superintendent of Police Burdwan 9830489770 0342-2662956

2 Sri Debasis Sarkar, IPS Addl. S.P.(HQ) Burdwan 9434199634 0342- 2662957 3 Tarun Halder Addl. S.P. Rural 9051062888 03453-255850 4 Sri Maqsood Hasan Dy.S.P.(HQ), Burdwan 9051280888 0342-2662960

5 Sri Amlan Kusum Ghosh SDPO(S) Burdwan 9874730001 9434391953 0342-2644316

6 Sri Ashoke Bandopadhyay Dy.S.P. D.I.B. Burdwan 9830566295 0342-2664460

7 Sri Samsuddin Kazi Dy. S.P. Crime Burdwan 9647700790 0342-2662958 8 Sri Avijit Mukherjee Dy.S.P.(AP) Burdwan 9434547129 0342-2545166 9 Dy. S.P. Traffic Burdwan 0342-2664224 10 Sri Asit Bhattacharya Dy. S.P. D.E.B. Burdwan 9434362072 0342-2662958 11 Sri Indrajit Sarkar S.D.P.O. Kalna 9874712289 03454-255086 12 Sri Dhruba Das S.D.P.O. Katwa 9474859308 03453-255020 13 Sri Samaresh Dey C.I (A) Burdwan. 9434253405 0342-2563404 14 Sri Deb Kumar Biswas C.I.(B) Burdwan 9434236791 0342-2663404 15 Sri Bijoy Kr Ghosh Court Inspector Burdwan 9874224611 0342-2664460 Sri Swapan Banerjee DIO (I) Inspector Burdwan 9434132250 0342-2664460

16 Rana Mishra Inspector MPB Burdwan 9874308566

17 DEB Inspector Burdwan 0342-2662958/59/60

18 Sri Rakesh Kr Mishra C.I.Kalna 9830802110 03454-255140

19 Sri Sachindranath Pariya C.I. Katwa 9433420851 9434446500 03453-255079

Biswajit Das CI Kanksa 9830088451 0343-2524244 20 Sri Mohan Kr Das Sr. Adj H.G 9433226076

21 Sri Lal Mir High. Inspector Incharge of CI (C) Burdwan 8926168701 0342-2647491

22 Sri Birendra Kr Pathak DIO- (II) Burdwan 9434238455 0342-2646964

23 Sri Kumarjit Tribedi R.I. Burdwan 9732099900 0342-2644972/ 2647491

Mirja Mir Kasim T.I. Burdwan 9434215499 0342-2664224

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24 Bibhas Ch Mondal T.I –II Burdwan 8900710270 0342-02664224 25 Highway Inspector, Burdwan

26 Sri Dilip Ganguly I/C Burdwan 9333322544 0342-2664467/ 2664466

27 Sri Mihir Dey I/C Aushgram 9647100153 03452-254213 28 Sri Abdul Goffaer Khan I/C Ketugram 9674171388 03453-272224 29 Sri Ranjan Singha I/C Purbasthali 9434337424 03454-264500 30 SI-Debabrata Mukherjee O/C Galsi P.S 9434215894 0342-2450238

31 SI-Partha Ghosh O/C Memari P.S 7797602006 9433913698 0342-2250232

32 SI-Sanjoy Kundu O/C Bhatar P.S 9732015445 0342-2322223 33 SI-Rakesh Singh O/C Raina P.S 8145525589 03451-260230 34 SI-Sanjib Ghosh O/C Khandaghosh P.S 8001696050 03451-262260 35 SI Subrata Ghosh O/C Jamalpur P.S 9732292995 03451-288225 36 SI-Amit Mitra O/C Kalna P.S 9434743792 03454-255040 37 SI-Sanat Das O/C Katwa P.S 9434203338 03453-255023 38 SI-Dipankar Sarkar O/C Mangolkote P.S 9836083272 03453-266228 39 SI-Baktiar Hossain O/C Monteswar P.S 9647940803 0342-2750523 40 SI Biswajit Mukherjee O/C Kanksa P.S 9434100253 0343-2524244

41 SI- Akash Munsi O/C Budbud P.S 9474743646 9775735255 0343-2512257

42 SI Pijus Kanti Nayek O/C Madhabdihi 9474121959 03451-251230

43 ASI- Soumen Mondal O/C D.C.R.B. Burdwan 9474410582 0342-2662958 /59/60

44 SI-Bhairab Prasad Bhusan RO Burdwan 9830866656 0342-2644972


45 SI- Kohinoor Roy MTO Burdwan 9434157227 0342-2644972 /2647491

46 PBX Police Line, Burdwan 0342-2644972/


47 PBX Burdwan Police Office 0342-2662958/


48 E.MAIL- Burdwan Police District 0342-2645765

49 SI Binod Mahato GRO Burdwan Court 9434324873 9735126460

50 SI Hriday Ranjan Ray O/C Watch DIB(BWN) 9474375473 51 LASI Banani Roy O/C Women Cell 9564621716 52 LASI Alpana Mukherjee O/C Control Room 9434200384

I mp o r t a n t c o n t a c t N o . A R D B U R D WA N,


Name Office Residence Fax Mobile

Sl. No. Name of Officers Designation Mobile No. 1. Dr. Kushal Kumar Pal DD, ARD & PO, Burdwan 9433450638 2. Dr. Bikash Chandra Rana DVO, Burdwan 9434387207 3. Dr. Abdul Majed AD, ARD, HQ 9434979779 4. Dr. Swadesh Ranjan De AD, ARD, HQ 9434660303 5. Dr. Dipak Kr. Mandal AD, ARD, HQ 9230330103 6. Sri Ashok Kumar Saha AD, ARD,( CD) 9434573021 7. Sri Abdul Kayum ASL,HQ 9474696008 8. Sri Nemai Kr. Mondal ASL,HQ 9432380404 9. Sri Uttam Kr. Pal DLO, Burdwan 9903579987

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S.D.O. Burdwan Sadar (North)

0342-2662353 0342-2625644 0342-2662353 9434026875

S.D.O. Burdwan Sadar (South)

0342- 2663319 0342-2625689 0342- 2663319 9434050276

S.D.O. Kalna 03454-255028 03454-255024 03454-256372 9434667824 S.D.O. Katwa 03453-255550

03453-255552 03453-255551 03453-257800 9333610140

S.D.O. Durgapur 0343-2545141 0343-2546105

0343-2562851 0343-2563869

0343-2548135 9434050350

S.D.O. Asansol 0341-2252222 0341-2252276 0341-2252223 9434008900

MUNICIPALITY LEVEL Name Office Residence Fax Mobile/email

Asansol Municipal Corporation (Mayor)

0341-2202705 9434080239

Asansol Municipal Corporation C.E.O.

0341-2202370 0341-2302491/2309478

[email protected]

Durgapur Municipal Corporation

0343-2546107 9434157111

Kulti Municipalty 0341-2510642 0341-2511345

Jamuria Municipality 0341-245562 9434037812 Raniganj Municipality 0341-2444825 0341-2447484 raniganj@yahoo

.com.in Burdwan Municipality 0342-2662777 0342-2560717 9434226850 Guskara Municipality 03452-255767

03452-25516 03452-256600 9434008899

Memari Municipality 0342-2250825 0342-2250942

Kalna Municipality 03454-255004 03454-256242 [email protected]

Katwa Municipality 03453-255105 03453-244377 Dainhat Municipality 03453-244228

Contact Number of Army Base Panagarh

Contact No. Sl. No. Designation

Office Residence 1 Station Commender 3700 3701 2 Adm Commander 3702 3703 3 Comdt Veh. Depot. 3710 3711 4 Commendrer Amn. Depot 3760 3761 5 Com. Military Hospital 3790 3791 6 CO. 152 AD Regi.(Regt) 3840 3841 7 GE Panagarh 3860 3861 8 OC Station (Wksp) EME 3820 3821 9 OC Supply Depot 3830 3831

Note. Sl No 1-10 initial Dial as

0343-2524297, 0343-2524298, 0343-2524497, 0343-2524498

then ask for extension any number.

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1 8 4

Contact Number Air Force Station, Birudiah Station Commender Air Force 0343- 2524277 or 0343-2524251

Contact Number DDMOs , SDDMOs and BDMOs, Burdwan

Contact Number SDDMOs and BDMOs, Burdwan Kumud Ranjan Saha, D.D.M.O, Burdwan, 9434005678, 9434575661, 2550373 (O) Toll Free No. 1077

Tel. No. Sl.

No. Sub-Div Block SDDMOs / BDMOs Mob. Off. Chairman/BDO's

No. Arun Kumar Mukjrjee 9434022219 1 Barabani Birendra Mahato, LDC 9434546600 0341-2207465 9433558157 2 Raniganj Subodh Kr. Mondal, UDC 9474376735 0341-2444301 9434511472 3 Salanpur Nipendra Narayan Singh, BDMO 9933082912 0341-2530243 9433485099 4



Jamuria Sudip Das, UDA 9474786942 0341-2667047 9531645832

Janardan Mitra, SDDMO-in-Cgarge 9434330854 0343-2545141

5 Galsi I Sk. Anowar Hossain, BDMO 9564987230 0343-2512244 9674776308 6 Andal Sourav Dey, BDMO 8926904974 0341-2373448 9433957665 7 Pandabeshwar Paritosh Mondal, BDMO 9732160343 0341-2677321 9433230417

8 Kanksa Deb Durlav Ghosal BWO (in-

Charge) 9933999168 0343-2524504 9547240808





Durgapur-Faridpur Archana Meherotra

7679256304 0341-2670600 8697349212

Bamdev Sarkhel, SDDMO

9474009760 9932181318 0342-2550373

10 Jamalpur

Falguni Mukherjee, BDMO 9474916243 96117681565 9477919177 11 Khandaghosh Sri Kashinath Singha Thakur, BDMO 9932516268 03451-253310 9647614124 12 Mamari-I Amal Kumar Ghosh, UDC 9474916011 0342-2250204 9475676795 13 Mamari-II Naba Kumar Halder, BDMO 9153162675 0341-2444301 8972194034

14 Raina-I Sri Kashinath Singha Thakur, BDMO 9932516268 03451-260222 9434687825





ar (N



Raina-II Suman Saha, BDMO 9432255554 03451-251226 9733141014

16 Burdwan-I

Joydip Mukhopadhy, BWO (In-Charge)

9434585863 0342-2622577 9434026465

17 Burdwan-II Prosenjit Chatterjee, BDMO 9474110814 0342-2586243 9831115082

18 Ausgram-I

Tapas Kumar Das, BWO (In-Cahrge)


03452-255056 9434204666

19 Ausgram-II Bhabani Prosad Nandi, BDMO 9474780019 0343-2517226 9474803614

20 Galsi-II Dipankar Adhikari, BDMO 9734288768 0342-2450242 9434324897





ar (S



Bhatar Pranab Kr. Dutta, UDA 9474373775 0342-2322235 8900227188

Ka ln a Sandip Biswas, SDDMO 9232327026 03454-255028

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1 8 5

22 Purbashatali-I Amit Cwodhury, BDMO 9679104881 03454-268568 9732127009 23 Purbashatali-II V, Liakat Ali Sk, LDA 9153426587 03453-248248 8116772963 24 Monteswar Buddhadev Pal, BDMO 9832299976 0342-2750522 9830945061 25 Kalna-I Chandan Dutta, BDMO 9088574428 03454-255150 9433331394 26

Kalna-II asisi Banerjee, UDA 890060233 03454-241226 9474342009 Suvajit Singha 9433732344 03453-255550 27 Katwa-I Tarak Nath Mondal, BDMO 9733772038 03453-255253 9339041486 28 Katwa-II Prasanta Kr. Bgangi, BDMO 9832804188 03453-244238 9836787722 29 Ketugram-I Asit Roy, UDA 9932207299 03453-273231 9434343384 30 Ketugram-II Arijit Biswas, BDMO 9749491554 03453-270260 9832342403 31



Mongalkote Abhijit Bandyapadhyay, BDMO 9647926722 03453-266222 9679776078 B L OC K L E V E L



Burdwan -I Sri Debdulal Biswas

0342-2622577 0342-2622577 9434026465 [email protected]

Burdwan -II Smt. Kamlalika Mukherjee

0342-2586243 0342-2586888 9831115082 [email protected]

Ausgram -I Sri Arun Pal 03452-255056 03452-255167 9434204666 [email protected]

Ausgram -II Sri Ditptimoy Das 03453-2517226 03453-2517226 9474803614 [email protected]

Bhatar Sri Praloy Mondal 0342-2322135 0342-2322135 8900227188 [email protected]

Galsi -II Sri Dhrubapada Shandilya

0342-2450243 0342-2451418 9434324897 [email protected]

Memari-I Smt. Ranu Mondal 0342-2250204 0342-2250853 9475676795 [email protected]

Memari -II Sri Sandip Roy 0342-2700271 0342-2710092 8972194034 [email protected]

Raina -I Sri Tapan Halder 03451 260341 03451 260341 9434687825 [email protected]

Raina -II Sri Rabindranath Barai

03451 251226 03451- 251226 9733141014 [email protected]

Jamalpur Sri Paritosh Muzumder

03451 288251 03451- 289520 9477919177 [email protected]

Khandaghosh Sri Santanu Das 03451-254135 03451-254135 9647614124 [email protected]

Kalna -I Sri Sabyasachi Roy Chowdhury

03454-255150 03454-255150 9433331394 [email protected]

Kalna -II Sri Gouranga Ch Ghosh

03454-255150 03454-255150 9474342009 [email protected]

Purbasthali -I Sri Tapan Kr Mondal

03472-240225 03472-240225 9732127009 [email protected]

Purbasthali -II Modassar Molla .03453-248496 .03453-248496 8116772963 [email protected] Monteswar Sri Saswata Dawn 0342 2750278 342 2750278 9830945061 bdo.monteswar.block

@gmail.com Katwa -I Sri Asish Kr Biswas 03453-255253 03453-255927 9339041486 [email protected]

m Katwa -II Sri Shibashish

Sarkar 03453-244238 03453-244430 9836787722 [email protected]

om Ketugram -I Sri Binoy Krishna

Biswas 03453-273231 03453-272331 9434343384 [email protected]

m Ketugram -II Smt. Sushmita

Subba 03453-270260 03453-270260 9832342403 bdo_ketugram2@redi

ffmail.com Mongalkote Sri Sushanta

Mondal 03453-266222 03453-266333 9679776018 bdo.mongalkote@gm

ail.com Durgapur-F Sri Manish Sharma 3.41E+09 3.41E+09 8697349212 [email protected]

m Andal Sri Manas Kr.

Panda 0341-2444301 0341-2444301 9433957665 [email protected]


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1 8 6

Kanksa Smt. Rakhi Biswas 0343-2524504 0343-2525415 9547240808 [email protected]

Galsi-I Smt. Bratati Maitra 0343-2512244 0343-2512256 9674776308 [email protected]

Pandabeshwar Sri Nishant Mukherjee

341-2677321 `03412677321 9433230417 [email protected]

Raniganj Sri Partha Pratim Sarkar

0341-2444301 2444301 9434511472 [email protected]

Barabani Sri Ujjal Kr Biswas 0341-2772647 2772647 9433558157 [email protected]

Salanpur Sri Prasanta Kr Maity

0341-2530243 2530243 9433485099 [email protected]

Jamuria Sri Buddhadeb Pan 0341-2667050 2667050 9531645832 [email protected]


National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) under NDMA for all sorts of rescue

and evacuation operation, Contact No. control room 033-25263077, 033-25264394 (Fax)

9062417180 of 2nd Bn. Vill- Digberia, Badu Road, Madhyamgram, Barasat,

North 24 Parganas.

Astt Engineer Burwan Sub Division No I, - 9476166856

Contact Number of Army Base Panagarh

Contact No. Sl. No. Designation

Office Residence 1 Station Commender 3700 3701 2 Adm Commander 3702 3703 3 Comdt Veh. Depot. 3710 3711 4 Commendrer Amn. Depot 3760 3761 5 Com. Military Hospital 3790 3791 6 CO. 152 AD Regi.(Regt) 3840 3841 7 GE Panagarh 3860 3861 8 OC Station (Wksp) EME 3820 3821 9 OC Supply Depot 3830 3831

Note. Sl No 1-10 initial Dial as

0343-2524297, 0343-2524298, 0343-2524497, 0343-2524498

then ask for extension any number. Contact Number Air Force Station, Birudiah Station Commender Air Force 0343- 2524277 or 0343-2524251


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A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y

B u r d w a n S a d a r N o r t h S u b ( ) -D i v i s i o n Burdwan-I RAYAN-I Vill+PO-Rayan, 713101 0342-2624115 9232378268 NIL

RAYAN-II Vill-Sanpar, PO-Chandrahati, 713102 0342-2344202 9475641616 9593576933

SARAITIKAR Vill-Dewandighi, PO-Mirzapur, 713102 0342-2623137 9609656948 9434383737

BAGHAR-I Vill+PO-Barakasiyara, 713141 0342-2442002 8798101011 9474108325 BAGHAR-II Vill+PO-Baghar, 713141 0342-2443002 9474553699 9933373740 BELKASH Vill+PO-Fagupur, 713101 0342-2116272 0342-2664325 9474116002 BONDUL-I Vill+PO-Bhanderdihi, 713102 0342-2312303 9153820469 947487466 KHETIA Vill-Kamnara, PO-Mirzapur,

713102 0342-2622213 9474115680 9547916650

KURMUN-I Vill+PO-Kurmun. 713102 0342-2310223 9475736965 9475055055 Burdwan-II KURMUN-II Vill+PO-Balgana, 713407 0342-2584385 9547981116 9475641316

NABASTHA-I Vill+PO-Nabastha, 713407 0342-2719249 9933396271 9474117169 NABASTHA-II Vill+PO-Bhaita, 713149 0342-2349388 9474916074 9474052640 BAIKUNTHAPUR

-I Vill+PO-Joteram, 713101 0342-2628205 9476491528 9332170290


Vill-Ghordhorchatti, Sripally, 713103 0342-2541111 9475637847 9475854692

BORSUL-I Vill+PO-Saktigarh, 713149 0342-2346258 9732931046 BONDUL-II Vill+PO-Kasthakutumba, 713426 0342-2340101 9933919601 9732166317 BORSUL-II Vill+PO-Barsul, 713124 0342-2586315 9434666647 89002543142 GOBINDAPUR Vill+PO-Hatgobindapur, 713407 0342-2584216 9734217187 9474362374

Bhatar BARABELUN-II Vill+PO-Nasigram, 713125 0342-2327246 9749248196 9832762891 BHATAR Vill+PO-Bhatar, 713125 0342-2322257 9735164538 BONPAS Vill-Kamarpara, PO-Banpas,

713127 03452-263221 9933862839 9832722827

MAHACHANDA Vill+PO-Mahachanda, 713102 0342-2326902 9475634222 9635812197 MAHATA Vill+PO-Mahata, 713128 03452-261204 9434324624 9476233180 NITYANANDAPU

R Vill+PO-Nityanandapur, 713125 0342-2320361 9232656758 9153908099

SAHEBGANJ-I Vill-Kasipur, PO-Sahebganj, 713167 03452-261227 9732028464 9434667880

SAHEBGANJ-II Vill+PO-Orgram, 713167 03452-262237 9163220814 9732129162 AMARUN-I Vill-Radhanagar, PO-Hargram,

713125 0342-2322877 9153008549 9635025866

AMARUN-II Vill+PO-Kubajpur, 713125 0342-2310578 9474134080 9593576933 ARUAR Vill+PO-Eruar, 713121 03452-269210 7699714184 9232545240 BALGONA Vill+PO-Balgana, 713125 0342-2320288 9800026993 9932728050 BAMUNARA Vill-Kanpur, PO-C Kanpur, 713125 0342-2322901 9475855669 9547633567 BARABELUN-I Vill+PO-Barabelun, 713158 0342-2328324 9679397383 9734752687

Ausgram-I UKTA Vil-Gobindapur, PO-Kelity, 713128 03452-250242 9474097120 9474568970 AUSGRAM Vill+PO-Ausgram, 713156 03452-254207 Do 9434667880 BERENDA Vill-Kalidaha, PO-Berenda, 713126 03452-243257 9475344374 9474052084 BILLAGRAM Vill+PO-Belari, 713141 03452-268262 9474491150 9474722102 DIGNAGAR-I Vill+PO-Dignagar, 713128 03452-251235 947437779 9474179170 DIGNAGAR-II Vill-Gopinathbati, PO-Gonna-

Dwaria, 713128 03452-255250 9434134425 9434134425

GUSHKARA-II Vill+PO-Shibda, 713128 03452-255092 9474491150 9434832202 Ausgram-II RAMNAGAR Vill-Ramnagar, PO-Uttar

Ramnagar, 713152 03452-252260 9434350276 9434350276

AMARPUR Vill+PO-Moukhira, 713148 9434038329 9475687989 9233124611 BHALKI Vill+PO-Bhalki, 713155 0343-2517544 9474055844 9474530688 BHEDIA Vill+PO-Bhedia, 713126 03452-253225 9775767342 9775034994 DEBSALA Vill-Jijira, PO-Parisha, 713153 0343-2646516 9475006818 8116858464 ERAL Vill+PO-Abhirampur, 713144 03452-245232 9474055844 9474055890 KOTA Vill+PO-Kota, 713148 0343-2525711 9046592183 9233124611

Galsi-II MASZIDPUR Vill-Ghatinghata, PO-Belan, 713428 0341-2116173 9732193751 9474697203

SANKO Vill+PO-Sanko, 713141 0342-2440334 9641884584 9635970544

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SATINANDI Vill+PO-Belgram, 713141 0341-2116131 9832964929

ADRA Vill+PO-Adrahati, 713428 0342-2456046 9474492390 9734771824 BHURI Vill-Mogalsima, PO-Sanko, 713141 0341-2116117 9476319521 9474381232 GALSI Vill+PO-Galsi, 73406 0342-2450383 9547104713 9732135768 GOHAGRAM Vill-Garamba, PO-Gohagram,

713428 0341-2116153 9564666689 3422456411

KHANO Vill+PO-Khano Junction, 713406 0342-2441026 3422440621 9434197001 KURKUBA Vill-Kurkuba, PO-Galsi, 713406 0342-2450384 9732152492 9474492366

B u r d w a n S a d a r S o u t h S u b ( ) -D i v i s i o n Khandagh

osh SANKARI-I Vill-Daichanda, PO-Huria, 713424 0342-2588622 9153176608 9732110859

SANKARI-II Vill-Kunjanagar-Palasdanga, PO-Telua, 713424 0342-2589260 9733069968 8926592746

SASANGA Vill+PO-Sasanga, 713142 03451-262455 9153277510 9609693017 UKHRID Vill-Kuley,PO-Chagram,713424 03451-259202 9434972338 9933757916 BERUGAM Vill+PO-Bowai, 713423 03451-210122 NIL 9153748024 GOPALBERA Vill+PO-Gopalbera, 713427 03451-210119 9474779144 NIL KAIYOR Vill-Bara Gopinathpur, PO-

Torkona, 713423 03451-253631 9475372067 8926034642

KHANDAGHOSH Vill-Khejurhati, PO-Owari, 713142 03451-262301 9775311548 NIL LODNA Vill-Kapshit, PO-Khandaghosh,

713142 03451-262798 9474179054 9333566472

SAGRAI Vill-Badulia, PO-Sagrai, 713424 03451-253260 9475244994 7797542486 Raina-I HIJALNA Vill-Bandgacha, PO-Bolpur,

713101 0342-2588701 9732029634 9474493521

MUGRA Vill+PO-Sanktia, 713408 03451-278177 9434692104 9734271738 NARUGRAM Vill+PO-Narugram, 713424 03451-253457 9475003343 9434573733 NATU Vill-Natu, PO-Natu-Mohnapur,

713124 03451-263202 9732027170 9474110363

PALASON Vill+PO-Palason, 713424 03451-250243 9647508636 8145545253 RAINA Vill+PO-Raina, 713421 03451-261250 9732027170 9475635718 SEHARA Vill+PO-Sehera Bazar, 713423 03451-253257 9474641552 9474107863 SYAMSUNDAR Vill+PO-Shamsundar, 713424 03451-260247 9647970851 9474177097

Raina-II ARUI Vill-Barpur, PO-Pasanda, 713421 03451-264203 9474070330 9734807875 BARABAINAN Vill-Subaldaha, PO-Barabainan,

713421 03451-210138 9002217582 9732217156

GOTAN Vill-Jasapur, PO-Baidyapur Shibtala, 713413 03451-265322 9681511447 NA

KAITI Vill+PO-Kaiti, 713423 03451-252390 9476442069 PAHALANPUR Vill-Binodpur, PO-Bajekumarpur,

713417 03451-265202 9681511447 9735556391

PAINTA-I Vill+PO-Chotobainan, 713423 03451-251525 PAINTA-II Vill+PO-Painta, 713427 03211-252660 787228525 NA UCHALAN Vill+PO-Keunta, 713427 03451-252580 9641770888 9933616420

Jamalpur JAMALPUR-II Vill-Natungram, PO-Jamalpur, 713408 03451-288290 9475636057 NIL

JARAGRAM Vill-Madhabpur, PO-Dasghara, 712402 03213-258319 9732021168 9434213597

JOTSRIRAM Vill-Jotdakshin, PO-Jotsriram, 713408 03451-287250 9832757071 NIL

JOUGRAM Vill+PO-Jougram, 713160 03451-279261 9232719618 9434025173 PANCHRA Vill+PO-Panchra, 713401 03451-276857 NIL 9641681990 PARATAL-I Vill-Mahindar, PO-Parbatpur,

713408 03451-279250 NIL NIL

PARATAL-II Vill-Goaldaha, PO-Paratal, 713408 03213-245665 NIL 9635533195 ABUJHATI-I Vill-Jhapandanga Rl. Stn., PO-

Keotara, 713166 03451-279078 NIL 9732202832

ABUJHATI-II Vill+PO-Kulingram, 713166 03451-279203 9735860386 9775334739 AJHAPUR Vill-Masagram Stn. Bazar, PO-

Ajhapur, 713401 03451-277060 9475411418 9475854752

BERUGRAM Vill+PO-Sadipur, 713408 0342-2116053 9434174415 9434106079

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A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y

CHAKDIGHI Vill+PO-Chalkdighi, 713404 03451-286670 8001787273 9732297621 JAMALPUR-I Vill+PO-Jamalpur, 713408 03451-288299 9733069968 9496124618

Memari-I DALUIBAZAR-II Vill+PO-Palla, 713151 0342-2269651 9735194297 9933501425 DEBIPUR Vill+PO-Debipur, 713146 0342-2263221 9434854240 NIL DURGAPUR Vill+PO-Chotkhand, 713146 0342-2262657 9563782951 9093455818 GOPE GANTAR-I Vill+PO-Gantar, 713146 0342-2250415 9832240804 9732143796 GOPE GANTAR-II Vill+PO-Radhakantapur, 713146 0342-2700917 7872546035 9732359466 NIMO-I Vill+PO-Nimo, 713146 0342-2250726 NIL NIL NIMO-II Vill+PO-Kenna, 713401 0342-2250489 9474785891 8583917566 AMADPUR Vill+PO-Amadpur, 713154 0342-2260342 9474106289 9475739675 BAGILA Vill+PO-Bagila, 713146 0342-2250371 9476484692 9932574047 DALUIBAZAR-I Vill-Daluibazar, PO-Rasulpur,

713151 0342-2269246 9775777497 9732263552

Memari-II BARAPALASON-I Vill+PO-Mondalgram, 713426 0342-2714221 9232467855 9775707085

BARAPALASON-II Vill+PO-Barapalasan, 713429 0342-2716372 9932469892 9547663158

BIJUR-I Vill+PO-Jabui, 713146 0342-2719365 9474640877 92321024441 BIJUR-II Vill-Joteram, PO-Satgachia,

713422 0342-2700432 9153378795 9434669434

BOHAR-I Vill-Harindanga, PO-Santla, 713422 0342-2711111 9093338242 NA

BOHAR-II Vill+PO-Bohar, 713430 0342-2700838 9475856502 NIL KUCHUT Vill+PO-Paharhati, 713168 0342-2700313 9474489576 9474640866 SATGACHIA-I Vill+PO-Satgachia, 713422 0342-2700305 9474105452 9735861109 SATGACHIA-II Vill-Barawa, PO-Barawa Mahesh,

713146 0342-2700357 9732313597 NA

A s a n s o l S u b -D i v i s i o n

Raniganj AMRASOTA Vill+PO-Bansra, 713358 0341-2444060 9475334936 9474699138 BALLAVPUR Vill+PO-Ballavpur, 713323 0341-2445045 NA 9434675132 EGARA Vill-Egera. PO-Ballavpur, 713323 0341-2445135 9832242149 JEMARI Vill-Chalbalpur, PO-Bidhanbag,

713337 0341-2343233 9932468452 9734775800

RATIBATI Vill-Saorachapui, PO-Kalipahari, 713339 0341-2343679 9434985995 9475233488

TIRAT Vill-Tirat, PO-Chelode, 713339 0341-2749101 9933000263 9832879123 Jamuria MADENTORE Vill-Madentore, PO-Charanpur,

713330 0341-2930773 94342166033 993380882

PARASIA Vill-Kuldanga, PO-Parasia, 713384 0341-2669419 9734218211 9832888313 SHYAMALLA Vill+PO-Khottadihi, 713378 0341-2742422 9832127111 9153057755 TOPSI Vill+PO-Topsi, 713362 0341-2445921 9093132030 9476124274 BAHADURPUR Vill+PO-Bhadurpur, Via-Topsi,

713384 0341-2667225 NA 9932176172

CHINCHURIA Vill+PO-Chinchuria, 713378 0341-2776212 9851406119 9563179268 CHURULIA Vill+PO-Churulia, 713368 0341-2778203 9733255467 9933047174 DOBRANA Vill-Dobrana, PO-Chinchuria,

713378 0341-2668822 9434546890 9474701342

HIJALGORAH Vill+PO-Hijalgorah, 713362 0341-2446923 9732119343 9434849352 KENDA Vill+PO-Kenda, 713342 0341-2667130 9732381098 9434476930

Salanpur ACHHRA Vill+PO-Achhra, 713335 0341-2531793 9933097740 9434944437 ALLADI Vill-Ramchandrapur, PO-B.

Jemari, 713335 0341-2531762 9614232464 9126073730


Vill-Bashudebpur, PO-B. Jemari, 713335 0341-2530215 7602099252 9932616947

DENDUA Vill-Nakrajoria, PO-Salanpur, 713337 0341-2530227 NIL 9851534776

ETHORA Vill+PO-Ethora, 713359 0341-2780667 9474700838 9775380323 FULBERIA-

BOLKUNDA Vill-Alkusha, PO-Samdi, 713359 0341-2780618 9474377872 9476302248


Vill-Gheadoba, PO-Achhra, 713335 0341-2525015 NIL 9434676578

KALLYA Vill-Chayanpur, PO-Achhra, 0341-2510011 9732106752 NIL

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A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y


UR Vill-Pithakeari, PO-

Rupnarayanpur, 713364 0341-2531761 9333152923 9475537677

SALANPUR Vill+PO-Salanpur, 713337 0341-2532342 9531708395 9434360092 SAMDI Vill+PO-Samdi, 713359 0341-2780617 9093161281 9474537677

Barabani PANCHGACHIA Vill-Panchgachia, PO-Kanyapur, 713341 0341-2206355 NA NA

PANURIA Vill+PO-Panuria, 713315 0341-2771230 NA NA BARABANI Vill+PO-Bhanora, 713334 0341-2772531 NA NA DOMOHANI Vill+PO-Charanpur, 713330 0341-2930881 NA NA ITAPARA Vill-Itapara, PO-RN Chak, 713359 0341-2780600 NA NA JAMGRAM Vill+PO-Jamgram, 713315 0341-2771403 NA NA NUNI Vill-Nuni, PO-Kanyapur, 713341 0341-2780666 NA NA PANCHRA Vill-Panchra, PO-Kelejora, 713334 0341-2930879 NA NA

D u r g a p u r S u b -D i v i s i o n Andal SRIRAMPUR Vill-Srirampur, PO-Andal, 713321 0341-2445920 9475642452 9474053760

UKHRA Vill+PO- Ukhra, 713363 0341-2665208 9563781169 9732830254

ANDAL Vill+PO-Andal More, 713321 0341-2373601 9476229323 9434334592 DAKSHIN

KHANDA Vill+PO-Moira, 713321 0341-2665887 9800112728 0341-2665887

KAJORA Vill+PO-Kajoragram, 713338 0341-2379242 9475029045 9434334815 KHANDRA Vill+PO-Siduli, 713363 0341-2667330 9434334594 9832193077 MADANPUR Vill+PO-Madanpur, 713321 0341-2374280 9800678274 &

9126045354 8972910572

RAMPRASADPUR Vill+PO-Ramprosadpur, 713321 0341-237280 9474883855 9832281064

Pandabeswar BAHULA Vill+PO-Bahula, 713372 0341-2667378 NA NA

BAIDYANATHPUR Vill+PO-Pandabeswar, 713346 0341-2677203 NA NA

CHHORA Vill-Senkarpur Colly. PO-Ukhra, 713363 0341-2665355 NA NA

HARIPUR Vill+PO-Haripur, 713378 0341-2667272 NA NA KENDA Vill+PO-Kenda, 713380 0341-2677204 NA NA NABAGRAM Vill+PO-Nabagram, 713362 0341-2665355 NA NA

Durgapur- Faridpur GOGLA Vill+PO-Gogla, 713381 0341-2741366 NA NA

GOURBAZAR Vill+PO-Gourbazar, 713377 0341-2741888 NA NA ICHAPUR Vill+PO-Ichhapur, 713363 0343-2578429 NA NA JEMUA Vill+PO-Jemua, 713206 0343-2500930 NA NA LOUDOHA Vill+PO-Loudoha, 713385 0341-2670615 NA NA PRATAPPUR Vill-Khatgoria, PO-Jamgara 0343-2645479 NA NA


Vill-Hazrabera, PO-Panagarh Bazar, 713148 0343-2524307 NA NA

AMLAJORA Vill+PO-Amlajora, 713212 0343-2520357 NA NA BANKATI Vill+PO-Bankati, 713148 0343-2643220 BIDBEHAR Vill+PO-Shibpur, 713212 0343-2700525 9434533763


GOPALPUR Vill+PO-Gopalpur, 713148 0343-2538289 9832160864


KANKSA Vill+PO-Panagarh Bazar, 713148 0343-2524303 NA NA MALANDIGHI Vill+PO-Kuldiha, 713212 0343-2700267 NA NA

Galsi-I PARAJ Vill+PO-Paraj, 713403 0342-2454255 9474366368 9434314224 PATNA PURSA Vill+PO-Pursa,, 713406 0342-2450321 9231555487 9434850432 SIRORAI Vill+PO-Sirorai, 713428 0342-2459236 NIL 9735027160 UCHCHAGRAM Vill+PO-Uchchagram, 713466 Nil NIL 9563288733 BUDBUD Vill+PO-Budbud, 713403 0343-2512210 9732264429 9609546455 CHAKTENTUL Vill+PO-Randia, 713402 0343-2644300 NIL 9851767294 LOWA

RAMGOPALPUR Vill+PO-Ramgopalpur, 713403 0342-2459247 9153015965 9434314224

LOWAPUR Vill+PO-Ksaba, 713403 0343-2644725 9434352189 9732028199

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A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y


MANKAR Vill+PO-Mankar, 713144 0343-2517309 9474055770 NIL K a t w a S u b -D i v i s i o n

Katwa-I SRIKHANDA Vill+PO-Srikhanda, 713150 03453-261203 9735569794 9474696217 SUDPUR Vill+PO-Sudpur, 713517 03453-246227 9474105863 8016266066 SARAGRAM Vill-Chandrapurdanga, PO-

Chandrapur, 713143 0342-2752224 9593569212 9475745570

ALAMPUR Vill-Gusumba, PO-Alampur, 713150 03453-246237 9434089669 9732383144

GIDHAGRAM Vill+PO-Kaithan, 713143 03453-264234 8967082867 9647974087 GOAI Vill-Bandra, PO-Katwa, 713130 03453-255003 9153466337 9800019733 KARAJGRAM Vill+PO-Karajgram, 713502 03453-246222 9153466337 9635496654 KHAJURDIHI Vill-Panchghara, PO-Kajurdihi,

713156 03453-255513 9332645038 9474636831

KOSHIGRAM Vill+PO-Churpuni, 713150 03453-271093 9474637412 9609694096 Katwa-II SREEBATI Vill-Baksha, PO-Sribati, 713514 03453-249520 9434834713 8768644914

AGRADWIP Vill+PO-Agrawip, 713502 03453-247615 NA NA GAZIPUR Vill-Garagachia, PO-

Agradwip(RS), 713502 03453-245459 8768059906 9333104336


Vill-Jagadanandapur, PO-Akhra, 713502 03453-244210 9647089178 9002202438

KARUI Vill+PO-Karui, 713514 03453-264260 9774551043 9474550778/ 9832765399

PALSONA Vill+PO-Palsona, 713143 03453-242533 7602650842 9093652189 SINGHI Vill+PO-Singhi, 713514 03453-249320 9593521003 9474781295

Kerugram-I PANDUGRAM Vill-Pandugram, PO-Khatundi,

713129 0342-217058 9747812282 9732664255

RAJUR Vill+PO-Khanji, 713129 0342-217057 9233120499 NA AGARDANGA Vill-Maheshpur, PO-Srigram,

713129 0342-217062 9735186879 7872645618

ANKHONA Vill+PO-Ankhona, 713129 03453-274338 NA NA BERUGRAM Vill-Berugram, PO-Sadipur

Berugram, 713129 0342-217059 9233190688 9564810216

KHADRA GANADAS Vill+PO-Khadra, 713129 03453-273300 9233190688 NA

MURGRAM GOPALPUR Vill+PO-Komarpur, 713129 03453-273253 8001585093 9635465760

PALITA Vill+PO-Palita, 713143 0342-217056 8768169566 9474105870 Ketugram-

II SITAHATI Vill+PO-Sitahati, 713130 03453-271235 9732139106 NA

BILLESWAR Vill+PO-Billeswar, 713130 03453-271235 9635123830 NA GANGATIKURI Vill+PO-Baharan, 713130 03453-270220 9679672296 9734347739 KETUGRAM Vill+PO-Ketugram, 713130 03453-272222 8100586211 MOUGRAM Vill+PO-Kalyanpur,713130 03452-217061 9635314742 9474637560 NABAGRAM Vill+PO-Barapurulia, 713130 03453-272240 9332353737 9732889014 NIROL Vill+PO-Norol, 713130 03453-272246 9002651463 9679332020

Mongalkote BHALUGRAM Vill+PO-Pindira, 713143 03453-271104 9474602890 9475051786

CHANAK Vill+PO-Gonpur, 713128 03452-256068 NA 9932857189 GOTISTHA Vill+PO-Kasemnagar, 713131 03452-260232 9475344436 9734708743 JHILLO-I Vill+PO-Jhiloo, 713147 03453-266275 9434603589 9647508732 JHILLO-II Vill+PO-Mongalkote, 713147 03453-266259 7679978068 9932511537 KHIROGRAM Vill+PO-Khirogram, 713143 03453-262277 9153085155 9734707279 KOICHAR-I Vill+PO-Koichar, 713143 03453-262238 9832139870 7602654759 KOICHAR-II Vill+PO-Jageswardihi, 713143 03453-267207 9732369095 NA LAKHURIA Vill+PO-Kalanpur, 713131 03452-260332 NA 9476233180 MAJHIGRAM Vill+PO-Majigram, 713143 03453-263256 9474491639 9932117313 MONGALKOTE Vill+PO-Mongalkot, 713147 03453-266241 9735867490 9434703462

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T e l e p h o n e N o . B l o c k Gr a m

P a n c h a y e t A d d r e s s P r o d h a n E x e c u t i v e

A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y

NEGUN Vill+PO-Negun, 713143 03453-268273 9734240626 9474172739 PALIGRAM Vill-Paligram Paschimpara, PO-

Paligram, 713128 03452-260555 NA 9476318355

SIMULIA-I Vill-Simulia More, PO-Simulia, 713143 03453-268274 9832762876 8768656315

SIMULIA-II Vill-Palishgram, PO-Palishgram Danga, 713147 03453-263407 9775345308 9933865181


Kalna-I KRISHNADEVPUR Vill+PO-Krishnadevpur, 713405 03454--255068 9735436054 8001825401

NANDAI Vill+PO-Nandai, 713405 03454-266616 NIL 9474486667 SULTANPUR Vill+PO-Sultanpur, 713145 03454-275555 9474367924 ATGHORIA

SIMLON Vill-Madhupur, PO-Simlon, 713425 03454-273238 9475178838 9735876686

BAGNAPARA Vill+PO-Baghnapara, 713501 03454-274324 9434469619 9732138141 BEGPUR Vill+PO-Begpur, 713422 0342-2717165 9732139684 9832253386 DHATRIGRAM Vill+PO-Dhatrigram, 713425 03454-270246 NIL 9474642715 HAT KALNA Vill-Hat-Kalna, PO-Nibhuji Bazar,

713434 03454-257638 9434573398 9414364660

KANKURIA Vill+PO-Sahajpur, 713405 03454-276220 NIL 8348412646/ 9749781932

Kalna-II PINDIRA Vill+PO-Patharghata, 712146 03454-247322 9434573299 9732014114 SATGACHIA Vill-Satgachi, PO-Purba-Satgachi,

712513 03454-240323 9732258335 9800555992

AKALPOUSH Vill+PO-Akalpoush, 713157 03454-245225 9800981488 9831998288 ANUKHAL Vill+PO-Goda Gobindabati,

713122 03454-258504 9474500393 9474498149

BADLA Vill-Singerkone, PO-Badla, 03454-241247 9002822777 7872610017 BAIDYAPUR Vill+PO-Baidyapur, 713122 03454-245233 9609649348 7872026679 BARADHAMAS Vill-Baradhamas, PO-Debipur,

713146 0342-2263917 9474367924 NA

KALYANPUR Vill-Jeardhara, PO-Kalna, 712512 03454-255171 9734264578 9474368103 Purbasthal

i-I BOGPUR Vill-Bogpur, PO-Chakbamagoria, 713515 03454-260242 NIL NIL

DOGACHIA Vill-Dogachia, PO-Minapur, 713513 03454-262337 8900502290 9647573033

JAHANNAGAR Vill+PO-Jahannagar, 713513 03454-264446 9564502624 8926506317 NADANGHAT Vill+PO-Nadanghat, 713515 03454-260222 9732394240 9775708433 NASARATPUR Vill+PO-Nasaratpur, 713519 03454-266221 9635084020 NIL SAMUDRAGARH Vill+PO-Samudragarh, 713519 03454-266257 9474784928 8900166142 SRIRAMPUR Vill+PO-Srirampur, 713502 03454-268222 9732338546 9733968224

Purbasthali-II JHOWDANGA Vill+PO-Jhowdanga, 713512 03454-247608 9735870559 9635822823 KALEKHANTALA

-I Vill+PO-Biswarambha, 713513 03454-263332 8001622419 9475055775

KALEKHANTALA-II Vill+PO-Parulia, 713513 03454-264222 9734246477 9233770997

MAJIDA Vill+PO-Lakshmipur, 713512 03453-261353 9635496480 9732004541 MERTALA Vill+PO-Mertala, 713513 03454-255331 8972482053 8116855320 MUKSHIMPARA Vill-Kubajpur, PO-Mukshimpara,

713513 03453-243725 9093833581 9679035368

NIMDAHA Vill-Chhatni, PO-Belerhat, 713512 03454-248241 8926564242 9434704097 PATULI Vill+PO-Patuli, 713512 03454-248238 NIL PILLA Vill+PO-Patuli Stn. Bazar, 713512 03453-248229 9609541785 9153348099 PURBASTHALI Vill-Chupi, PO-Purbasthali,

713513 03453-265330 9732324944 03454-265330

Monteswar BAGHASON Vill+PO-Maldanga, 783145 0342-2750587 9734717428 9734216170 BAMUNPARA Vill-Bamunpara, PO-RK

Bamunpara, 783145 0342-2755265 9775328751 9732140980

BHAGRA MULGRAM Vill-Ujna, PO-Jhikra, 783145 0342-2753203 9475345251 9832159964

DENUR Vill+PO-Denur, 783145 0342-2755265 9474054162 9800520961 JAMNA Vill+PO-Jamna, 783145 0342-2713222 8001776376 9434832216

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T e l e p h o n e N o . B l o c k Gr a m

P a n c h a y e t A d d r e s s P r o d h a n E x e c u t i v e

A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y

KUSUMGRAM Vill+PO-Kusumgram, 783145 0342-2750579 9474120470 9647987405 MAJHERGRAM Vill+PO-Majhergram, 783145 0342-2716358 9775328751 9732248744 MAMUDPUR-I Vill+PO-Raigram, 783145 0342-2713319 9800410162 9735854686 MAMUDPUR-II Vill+PO-Kaigram, 783145 0342-2754433 9734261322 9734749754 MONTESWAR Vill+PO-Monteswar, 783145 0342-2750540 9475124292 9732140980 PIPLON Vill+PO-Piplon, 783145 0342-2715222 9474487679 9932455105 PUTSURI Vill+PO-Putsuri, 783145 0342-2755005 8001582022 9832762891 SUSUNIA Vill-Panbaraya, PO-Susunia,

783145 0342-2700564 9732338156 9775081562


Sl. No

Name Designation Telephone /Mobile Number


1 Tapan Bhadra LD-AMC 03412202219 ------- 2 Amalendu

Chakroborty PA to CEO, AMC

03412202491 -------

3 Dilip Kr. Dutta ACMOH 9434252280 ------- 4 Nilanjana Sanyal SD Hospital 9434472761 ------- 5 A. K. Roy SDM, Asn 03412252223/276 0341-2253019 6 ADM, Asansol 03412253010 0341-2253019 7 Abid Hossain Secratery AMC 9434324851 ------- 8 Sukumar Mukherjee ME-AMC 9832135050 ------- 9 Amitava Banerjee CD Instructor 034122531111

9832129221 -------

10 Tapas Roy Mayor 03412202912, 9434080239

0341-2269478 0341-2202497

11 Divisional Fire Officer

0343-2544726 -------

12 Dr. Ujjalmoni Mukherjee

Health Officer AMC

03412213552 -------

13 Santa Di Team Leader RCH

03412213552 -------

14 Reporters for News Coverage

0341-2205412 9832129554


15 Dr. A.Roy CD Dept. Asn 9932329893 ------- 16 Subir Ghosh Sr. Town Planer

ADDA 9434009231 -------

17 Bidesh Mukherjee CD Voulenter 9932102334 ------- 18 Officer In Ch.

Fire Service 03412252640 -------

19 Dy Superintendent Of Police, Asn

03412252408 -------

20 Addl. S.P. Dgp 0343 2562762 ------- 21 Jadab Mondal CEO, AMC 03412202491 ------- 22 Sobin Sarkar Tech. MD. Issco 03412241856 ------- 23 Dr. Asit Roy CD Dept. Asn 9932610713 -------

Telephone Number of some important Association, Paribahan & Railway Enquarry Burdwan District Rice Mills Association

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1 9 4

Designation Contact Number 1 President 0342- 2622231/2622407 2 Vice President 03422664248/359, 9434003339 3 Treasurer 03451253240/30, 9832168618


INDUSTRIAL GAS DEALER ASSOCIATION, W.B 1 President 9474489235 2 Secretery 9832166676, 03432587770 3 Exce Member 9832770077 4 Gen. Member 03422634704 W.B.M.R. Ditributors Association 1 Secretery 9434024869, 03422530484(o) 2 Member 03451 288222 W.B.M.R. Dealer Association 1 President 9434123408, 0342 2530531 2 Secretery 9434200275, 03422322352

ABOUT PARIBAHAN Burdwan District Bus Association Ph. 0342 2663406/07 Asansol Mini Bus Association 03412252054/55 Durgapur Bus Owner Welfare Association 0343 3094162/2543323 South Bengal State Transport Corporation 03432252054/55 (Durgapur) RAILWAY ENQUARRY Burdwan Station 131, 0342 2662534 Asansol Station 0341 2204640,/2206131 Dugapur Station 0343 2557251 Andal Station 0341 2373225 Ranigang Station 0341 2444022 Kalna Station 03454 255038 Katwa Station 03453 255022 List of Car Rental Agencies (Govt. & Pvt. ) Bus/Car having hiring facilities Sl. No Name of the Firm Location Contact Person Contact Number 1 South Bengal State

Transport Corporation

Durgapur Managing Director 0343-2555756

2 Do Dgp Depot O-in C 0343-2556419 3 Do Burdwan O-in C 0342-2532286 3. R.T.A Burdwan R T A Officer 0342-2569519 4 District Bus

Association Burdwan Secretary 0342-2663406

5. Asansol Durgapur Mini Bus Association

Asansol Secretary 0341-

6 Roy Travels Fancy Manager 0342-2664933

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1 9 5

Market Burdwan

9832138657 9474492556

7 Royal Travels Burdwan Manager 0342-2663373/ 9332129713 CONTACT NUMBER OF OFFICER UNDER BSNL ASANSOL SSA

Degnation Contact Number Degnation Contact Number GM.. Asansol 03412200303 JTO. (of D 2) Bdn 03422569569/2559559 Dy. GM, (O& M) Bwn 03422561000 JTO (Mobile) Bdn 9434027333 Dy.GM, (O& M) Dgp 03432546900 JTO (Mobile) Bdn 9434244545 DE (E &A) Bwn 03422662204 JTO Alamgang 0342 2530000/2543555 DE (MTCE) Bwn 03422665544 JTO Bajeprotappur 03422526000 DE (MTCE) Katwa 03453250000 JTO BaronilpurBdn 03422540000/2559500 AO (Cash) Bwn 03422662522 JTO Bankura More 0342 2588000 A/O (TRA) Bwn 03422662700 JTO Coexel 03422556000/2557333 SDO (Ph) Bwn 03422662506/2557777 JTO Kalnagate Bdn 03422624000/2664488 SDO( Tele) Bwn 0342 26626009 JTO Barsul 034202586300 SDO (Ph) Katwa 03453 255500/01 JTO Galsi 0342 2450678 SDE (Ph) E&E 03422663500/2646900 JTO Serabazar 03451 253801 SDE Memari 0342 2250444/848 JTO Jamalpur 03451 288802 SDE Seharabazar 03451253777/254321 JTO Shyamsundar 03451 260000 SDE Satgachia 0342270033/2625200 JTO Memari 03422250666 SDE Gushkara 03452255300/253500 JTO Gr Memari 0342 2250333 SDE Kalna 03454255000/255077 JTO Nabagram 03451 276700 JTO (of D1) Bwn 03422663558/59 JTO Kurmun 0342 2310201 JTO Katwa 03453255505 JTO GR/ Sigha 0342 2710555 JTO(INT)/BNP/BN 0342 2664300 JTO Satgachia 0342 2700200 JTO Gushkara(INTI) 03452255000 JTO SMORG 03454 266500 JTO GR/GKR 03452256300 JTO Manteswar 0342 2750201 JTO bHATAR 03422322201 JTO Kalna 03454255100 JTO OD/BNP/BN 03422540000 CONTACT NUMBER OF SOME INDUSTRIES & THERE ADMINISTRATION OF BURDWAN DISTRICT Name of Ind. Contact Number Name of Ind. Contact Number ECL, CMD 03412520545 Philips Carbon 0343 2556693/94 ECL PBX 0341 2520051-54 Anindita Foods 9735195265 Indian Iron & Steel Co. (IISCO)

0341 2240441, PRO -0341 2240343

BSNL Help Line

9434024365 9400024365

G.M Durgapur Steel Plant

0343 2562360 0343 2574318



M.D . Alloy Steel Plant

0343 2562343 AIRTEL Help Line

9932449612(Bdn) 0341 3111055(Asn, Dgp)

Cittaranjan 0341 2525500 RELIENCE 0341 303333

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Locomotive Works 0341 2525502 M.D Hindusthan Cables 03412525311/5414 TATA INDICOM 9233012345 DP Graphite India Ltd 0343 2556641 SMART 9832002222 Durgapur Chemicals 0343 2556860/6054 AIRCEL 9851098510 BOC Ind. Limited 0341 2254671 Durgapur Project Ltd 0343 2556781 Hindusthan Petrolium 0343 2520667/337 DVC, DTPS 0343 2591322 Indian Oil 03432528304 G.M, Shyam Steel 8145285001

Chief Medical Officer of Health :

Flood/ draught/ landslide preparedness, 2014 District – Burdwan

Name of affected blocks with health establishments based on last 5 years data

health establishments likely to be affected

Sl No 

Name of Affected Block 

Name of affected GP 

Number of affected population 


1  Ketugram ‐1  Palita  Pandugram 

16892  Y 

2  Ketugram‐II  Bileswar  Sitahati 

8563 Y 

3  Kalna‐I  Dhatrigram  Hatkalna  Nadai 

9685 10236  11564

4  Kalna ‐II  Pindira  20145  y 

5  Purbasthali‐I  Sumdragar  18256  Y  Y 

6  Jamlpur  Jamalpur  7458  Y 

7  Purbasthali‐II  Majida  Jhodanaga  Purbasthali  Nimdah 

12547 9875 11254 7532 

Y  Y 

8  Katwa‐I Srirampur 10453 Y 

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1 9 7

9  Memari ‐I  Daluibazar  4568 Y 

10  Mangolkote  Jhillo  7532 Y 

11  Ausgram  Guskara  7532 Y 

Substitute place planned for health establishments likely to be affected

Sl No Name of the Health establishment likely to be


Type of Health facility


Alternative place where service delivery is planned to be shifted

1 Srirampur RH RH Purbasthali-1 BDO office,Purbasthali-1

2 Srikhandha BPHC BPHC Jhilu Flood Shelter,katwa-1

3 Nowapara BPHC BPHC Jagnandapur S/C Katwa-II

4 Mangolkote BPHC BPHC Atghoria Flood Shelter,Mangalkote

5 Bonnabgram BPHC BPHC Shaidpur H.S,Ausgram-1

6 Jamtara BPHC BPHC Kalipur H.S, Ausgram-II

7 Jamalpur BPHC BPHC Krishnarampur Primary Schlool, Jamalpur

8 Atghoria BPHC BPHC Dhatigram high School, Kalna-1

9 Monteswar BPHC BPHC Susunia Ranibal High School

10 Ramjibanpur BPHC BPHC Flood Shelter near Paita GP, Ketugram-I

11 Gushkara PHC PHC Gushkara College, Ausgram -I

12 Samudragar PHC PHC Samudragar GP Office, Purbasthali-I

13 Jhowdanga PHC PHC Tamalghata Coopertive Society Building, Purbasthali-II

14 Nimdaha PHC PHC Kastashali H.S , Purbasthali-II

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15 Chanak PHC PHC Chanak Community Hall, Mangolkote

16 Lakhuria PHC PHC Lakhuria H.S, Mangolkote

17 Agradip PHC PHC Kalikapur S/C, Katwa-II

18 Sibloon PHC PHC Flood Shelter near Paita GP, Ketugram-II

19 Sitahati PHC PHC Sithati H.S, Ketugram-II

20 Ankhona PHC PHC Ankhona H.S, Ketugram-I

List of areas likely to be affected with proposed additional service point

additional service point planned with probable name of the

place like school, GP office etc. Name of Block Popu-

lation at risk

Probable no of

mobile medical teams


Temporary medical OPD service points (name of

the place)

Temporary (24x7) medical service point with beds

(name of the place)

Kalna-I 36857 1  Dhatigram GP office

Purbasthali-I 36005 1  Tamlghata Cooperative Society Bldg

Purbasthali-II 25412 1  Kasthali H.S

Katwa-I 25444 1  Jhillu Flood

Ketugram-I 52758 2  Flood Shelter near paita GP

Ketugram-II 45625 2  Parulia Flood Shelter

Jamalpur 75000 2   Krishnarampurprimary school, Jamalpur

Nabagram PHC

Ausgram-I 35425 1   Shadipur H.S,Ausgram-I

Ausgram-II 22387 1   Kalipur H.S, Ausgram-II

Mangolkote 38957 1   Atghoria Flood Shelter, Mangokote

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1 9 9

Memari-II 15633 1   Balrampur Primary School

Monteswar 24568 1   Susunia Ranibala High School

Dhanykheur PHC

Names of nodal officers

District Hospital Name of Superintendent

Mobile number

SD / SG Hospital Name of Supdt Mobile number

Kalna SDH Dr Abhirup Mondal 9732006658

Katwa SDH Dr Somnath Mukherjee 9477710603

Durgapur SDH Dr Debobrata Das 9475331169

Asansol SDH Dr Nikhil Ch Das 9475379132

Sub division Name of ACMOH Mobile number

Sadar & Durgapur Dr Sakuntal Sarker 9832195900

Kalna Dr Subhas Mondal 9932809423

Katwa Dr Asim Kr Paramanik 9933882943

Asansol Dr Arita Chttaraj 9434162333

Names of nodal officers

Name of RH / BPHC Name of Supdt /

BMOH Mobile number

KETUGRAM I Dr. Sabshyasahi 9874204921

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2 0 0


KETUGRAM II Dr. Samapan Mondal


KATWA I, Dr. Shyam Sundar Guin


KALNA I, Dr. Mrinmoy Pal 9474695506

MEMARI II, Dr Samim Khan 9433720752

JAMALPUR, Dr. A.M Garai 9474367364

AUSGRAM I Dr. 9932347754

PURBASTHALI- I Dr. Ratna Datta 9734523191

PURBASTHALI -II Dr. Mrinal Kanti Halder


MANGALKOTE Dr. Biswajit Biswas 9434181693

AUSGRAM II Dr. Uday Ch. Ghosh 9564981402

Raina -2 Dr sanjoy Ghuha 94338284

Khandokosh Dr Sricharan Halder


Communication (District Level)

Activity Name of Nodal Office

Mobile No Alternate responsible officer

(in absence of Nodal Officer)

Mobile No

Overall CMOH 9434158254 Dy. CMOH-I 9831184220

Reporting Dy. CMOH II 9433980600 DyCMOH-I 9831184220

Logistics (Drugs)

Dy. CMOH I 9831184220 Dy.CMOH-II 9433980600

Logistics (Transport)

Dy.CMOH-I 9831184220 Dy.CMOH-II 9433980600

Intersectoral coordination

CMOH 9434158254 DyCMOH-I 9831184220

Media Management

CMOH 9434158254 Dy.CMOH-I 9831184220

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

2 0 1

Requirement of Material-Drugs to treat population likely to be affected by flood/ disaster

Bleaching powder  Halogen tablet ORS packet 

Stock  Need  Stock  Need  Stock  Need 

DRS  periphery 

DRS  periphery  DRS  periphery 

186 Bags 

75 Bags  1500Bags  2666X500  222X500  167580X500 

288250  69200  1994355 

Normal Saline  Ringer lactate  Injection AVS 

Stock  Need  Stock  Need  Stock  Need 

DRS  periphery 

DRS  periphery  DRS  periphery 

32652  37928  364550  17654  41040  540160 

877X10  106X10  2520X10 

Requirement of Material- Transport

(to serve area & population likely to be affected by flood)

Motor Vehicles – No. 10 NO

Hiring charge – @ 1500 X14 days Rs 210000 Boats- 10 Rs. 210000 No. Hiring charge – @ 1500X14 days Others- Motor Van/Rikshaw Rs-70000 Type of vehicle with no – 10 Hiring charge – @ 500X14 days

Other expenses: RS-100000 (Loading unloading, IEC)

Total amount required as contingency cost: Rs- 590000

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

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Deputy Director, Animal resources Development & Parishad officer, Burdwan

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

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Burdwn Highway Division No-III P.W (Roads) Directt.

Name Designation Office Land phone Mobile Kazi Md Ex. Engineer Burdwan

Higway Div, PW(R) dt.



Parsh Nath Biswas

Do Asansol Higwat Div. PW ® Dt.

- 9474777767

Naba Kuma Das AE/PWD (SS) PWD (SS) 94329594488 Sumiata

Chakrabory EE/HDn-III PWD

(Roa) D EE/HDn-III 0342-

2322262 9434431423

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D i s t r i c t D i s a s t e r Ma n a g e me n t P l a n B u r d w a n D i s t r i c t , 2 0 1 3 -1 4

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Deputy Director of Agriculture (Administration), Burdwan

Name Designation Office Land phone Mobile Jt. Director of Agriculture

0342-2662179 Deaputy Director of Agricultural , ADMN Burdwan


Subir Kr. Hazra Asst. D.A (Jute) Burdwan

DDA (Admn.), burdwan