Medical Warrant Sub- jlucitu: Utrt^s. Station · 2019. 2. 1. · Hill Stations will be made by the Surgeou-General of Her Majesty's Forces. All other appointments to Station Hospitals

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Page 1: Medical Warrant Sub- jlucitu: Utrt^s. Station · 2019. 2. 1. · Hill Stations will be made by the Surgeou-General of Her Majesty's Forces. All other appointments to Station Hospitals


This lowest age tor admission into the Indian Medical Service lias been altered from twenty- two to twenty-one years.

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. The undermentioned Surgeons appointed to

the Bengal Establishment in G. G. O. No. 240 of 1886, reported their arrival at Bombay on the 27th April, 1886: ?

Henry Robert Woolbert, George Henry Baker, Thomas Grainger, M.D., Joseph Rosa- mond Adie, Arthur Charles Younan, Alfred William Alcock, Arthur Rea Edwards, and .John Macfarlane Cadell.

Surgeon-Major H. E. Bltsteed having resigned his appointment as Assay Master, Cal- cutta Mint, with the intention of retiring from the service, his services are replaced at the disposal of the Government of Madras in the Military Department.

The Commander-in-Chief in India is pleased to sanction an exchange of places on the Indian Roster of Service between the undermentioned

officers of the Medical Staff :?Surgeon G. T. H. Thomas and Surgeon T. P. Woodhouse.

An exchange of places on the Indian Roster of Service has been sanctioned between Surgeon- Major J. B. Rahilly and M. D. O'Counell, Medical Staff'.

Several medical officers in the Punjab have been refused leave to England; so many doctors being on service in Burma.

Surgeon-Major D. Wilkie officiates as

Statistical Officer to the Sanitary Commissioner with the Government of India during the absence of Surgeon-Major A. Stephen.

A GOOD service pension has been conferred on Surgeon-General B. Simpson.

Surgeons W. Temple and J. Scott are

appointed Honorary Surgeons to the Viceroy.

It has been ruled that Medical Warrant Offi- cers superannuated on attaining the age of 55

years, may be re-employed in the event of war for so long as their services are actually required, during which period they will be placed on a

Supernumerary list.

The following rules are to be observed in the appointment of Medical Officers and Medical Warrant Officers to Station Hospitals:?The appointment of Medical Officers and Sub- Medical Officers to the charge of all Station Hospitals will be made by the Surgeon-General of Her Majesty's Forces, with the approval of His Excollencv the Commander-in-Chief. The

appointment of Medical Officers and of Medical Warrant Officers to do duty at. Hill Stations will be made by the Surgeou-General of Her Majesty's Forces. All other appointments to

Station Hospitals will be made by General' Officers commanding, on the recommendation of the Administrative Medical Officer of the Circle.


The Government of India have ordered that the establishment of Medical Warrant Officers for the Hyderabad Contingent should consist of two apothecaries and three assistant apothecaries, and that, in consequence of this augmentation, the establishment of hospital assistants is to be reduced by four. It was proposed originally that the Subordinate Medical Establishment for the

Contingent should be localised, and promotion regulated amongst the members serving in the

Contiugentiusteadofdepartmeutally. Atpreseut War rant Medical Officers are supplied by the Madras Medical Department, while the hospital assistants are drawn from the medical school there. The Government of India consider that tlie Contingent should obtain its medical es-

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tablishments from those maintained for the army

generally, as is the case with other local troops, to avoid complications hereafter, and the promo- tion of the members regulated departmeutally. It has therefore been ordered that the present establishment of medical subordinates attached

to the Hyderabad Contingent be gradually absorbed, and eventually replaced from the

ranks of the Madras Subordinate Medical
