Medical Language HST Class

Medical Language HST Class. Medical Language – Rationale: Medical language is used by all members of the health care team. It is essential to develop

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Medical Language

HST Class

Medical Language – Rationale:

Medical language is used by all members of the health care team. It is essential to develop the knowledge of medical language to clearly communicate ideas and accurately interpret, transcribe and communicate using medical terms.

It is nearly impossible for even the most experienced health professional to be familiar with every medical term.

However, knowledge of prefixes, suffixes and word roots is essential.

It is vital that every health professional be familiar with the commonly used medical terminology.

A medical dictionary is an excellent reference for unfamiliar terms.

Taber’s medical dictionary is the most commonly used.

A PDR (Physician’s Desk Reference) is a reliable dictionary for medications.

We will learn about the PDR in the next lesson.

Word Parts / Building Blocks

Most medical terms are formed by a combination of basic word parts.

An understanding of how these parts work together makes interpreting medical language easier.

Prefixes – usually indicate location, time, or number. They come at the beginning of the word.

Suffixes – usually indicate the procedure, disease, or condition. They come after the word root, at the end of the word.

Word roots – usually indicate the part of the body involved.

Combining Vowel – usually “o”.Is attached to the word rootIs used to make medical terms easier

to pronounce by connecting it or combining it with another word part

Is NOT used when the suffix begins with a vowel.

IS used when the suffix begins with a consonant.


Poly + neur/o + itis = polyneuritisMany + nerves + inflammation =

inflammation of many nerves.

Peri + cardi/o + itis = pericarditisAround + heart + inflammation =

inflammation of the sac around the heart.

Common Medical Prefixes:

a- away from, without

ab- away from

ad- toward, in the direction of

ante- before

anti- against

bi- two; both

brachy- short

brady- slow

dys- difficult, painful

dors- back

endo- inside

epi- above, upon

hemi- half

inter- between, among

intra- within, inside

peri- surrounding, around

poly- many

sub- under, less, below

super- above, excessive, beyond

supra- above, excessive, beyond

hyper- excessive, above, more than

hypo- decrease, below, less

inter- between, among

intra- within, inside

macro- large, big

mal- bad

micro- small

neo- new

para- beside or below

peri- around

poly- many

post- after

sub- below

super- above

tachy- fast

Common Medical Suffixes

-algia pain

-asthenia weakness

-cele hernia

-centesis surgical puncture

-ectomy surgical removal

-itis inflammation

-gram picture

-malacia abnormal softening

-megaly enlargement

-necrosis death of tissue

-ology study of

-osis abnormal condition

-ostomy surgical opening-otomy surgical incision-pathy disease-plasty surgical repair-pnea breathing-rrhage excessive flow; bleeding-rrhea abnormal discharge-rrhexis rupture

-sclerosis abnormal hardening

-scope instrument to view

-scopy procedure of using a scope

-stenosis abnormal narrowing

Common Medical Word Roots

acr/o extremities

aden/o gland

angi/o vessel

arteri/o artery

arthr/o joint

brachi/o arm

cardi/o heart

carp/o wrist

cerebr/o brain

cervic/o neck; or cervix

chondr/o cartilage

col/o colon

cost/o ribs

cyst/o bladder

cyt/o cell

enter/o small intestine

gastr/o stomach

hem/o; hemat/o blood

hepat/o liver

hyster/o uterus

lapar/o abdomen

laryng/o larynx; voice box

later/o side

lip/o fat

mamm/o breast

mast/o breast

medi/o middle

myel/o spinal cord/bone marrow

my/o muscle

nas/o nose

nephr/o kidney

neur/o nerve

oophor/o ovary

opthalm/o eye

oste/o bone

ot/o ear

pneum/o lung

proct/o rectum

pulmon/o lungs

ren/o; nephr/o kidney

rhin/o nose

salping/o fallopian tube

tendon/o tendon

thorac/o thorax; chest

trache/o trachea; windpipe


Just as in the English language, occasionally we use abbreviations to expedite writing orders and notes. Many of the abbreviations come from diagnostic testing, such as laboratory tests and different types of x-rays. Many of the therapy units have also adopted common abbreviations.


ABG arterial blood gasBS blood sugar; bowel sounds

CBC complete blood count

CXR chest x-ray

FBS fasting blood sugar

GI gastrointestinal

ICU intensive care unit

PT Physical Therapy


CAT computerized axial tomographyROM range of motion

PACU post-anesthesia care unit

OR operating room

Med-Surg Medical / Surgical

OT Occupational Therapy