Media Yahoo Presentation-1

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  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    By Vanisha Patel

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Yahoo is an American public corporation headquartered in California thatprovides Internet services worldwide. It was founded in January 1994.

    Yahoo is a world wide search engine that anyone can access.

    According to wed traffic analysis companies attracted at least 1.575 billionvisitors annually by 2008. The websites receives 3.4 billion page views perday on average as of October 2007.

    Yahoo relies a lot on Web 2.0 the whole search engine is available thanksto web 2.0.

    Yahoo partners with hundreds of premier content providers in products such

    as Yahoo! Sports, Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! Music, Yahoo! Movies, Yahoo!News, Yahoo! Answers and Yahoo! Games to provide media contents andnews. Yahoo also provides a personalization service, My Yahoo, whichenables users to collect their favourite Yahoo features, content feeds, andinformation into a single page.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Yahoo feels that free speech is very important and due to this it does allow the public

    to write a lot on yahoo answers which does not get checked. The link below shows

    how Google Yahoo and Microsoft come together to allow free speech in restricted



    Yahoo does promote free speech because yahoo answers is available. Click the link

    to view yahoo answers. This allows people from all over the world to ask questions

    and anyone can answer them. This enables free speech due to the fact any topic can

    be discussed and anyone can answer depending on their own views and

    experiences. As well as this Yahoo groups is also available and this is the largest

    collections of online discussion boards. People are able to create a group or

    comment on existing groups or even get individual emails. This also allows a lot offree speech. Click the link to view Yahoo Groups.

    The content yahoo blog also allows people to post all kinds of things and have the

    freedom of doing so, others may comment and its a great way for interaction

    between people.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Yahoo is one big institution and from this it has many other little branches off it for example yahoooffers things such as; yahoo mail, yahoo messenger, yahoo blog, yahoo answers, yahoo messageboard and my yahoo

    Yahoo and BT are partners due to the fact the internet is provided by BT. BT Broadband with Yahoocombines Internet access with an exclusive co-branded Internet experience and a full range ofYahoo leading tools and services. A BT manager said We have raised our game again by giving allcustomers access to the award winning premium Yahoo broadband experience which highlights thekind of unique content and superior security features which give customers peace of mind Thisquote was taken from

    Yahoo also has a partnership with Twitter by integrating Twitters feeds across its network. Thepartnership integrates Twitters social experiences with Yahoos global network of nearly 600Millionpeople.

    Together with the recently announced Facebook integration, this relationship is a key part of

    increasing Yahoos social strategy, making it a more customizable social experience that letspeople unify their activity from their many social experiences across the Web.

    Yahoo mainly competes with Google seeing as they are similar in what they do. Yahoo try toincrease what they have to offer so they have yahoo messenger, mail and video.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Seeing as Yahoo is a world wide search engine many ideas and information is shared on this site.

    In 2009 a 10 year deal was announced with Microsoft and it stated that they would have full

    access to yahoos search engine and they could use yahoo search engine in future projects.

    Microsoft was not required to pay any cash up front to yahoo.


    Yahoo has a really wide, big audience. I feel that the audience for yahoo is both males and

    females ages 13 upwards. This is because they offer so many things such as yahoo mail and

    messenger which is a very popular way of keeping in touch with other people and also it is a very

    known search engine which many people use in every day life.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Yahoo allows people to share in many different ways for example yahoomail and messenger allow people to connect and stay in contact with eachother. Also on yahoo message board people are able to post questions on itand others can answer. This gives people the chance to interact with eachother and share ideas. This has a lot of commercial value.

    Yahoo Groups quotes With millions of groups at your fingertips, it's easy tofind the group that's best for you -- no matter your interest. This service hassomething for everyone seeing as there are different groups for nearly everytopic.

    People share a whole load of information from things such as health topolitics. Information can also be shared on Yahoo blog which is a page thatan individual can personalise and add there favourite applications on it.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Yahoo does use open source because yahoo allows

    users to make their own search engine based on the

    technologies yahoo already offers.

    Yahoo has an online forum where people can discuss

    and share ideas they have about the search engine.

    They are able to give feedback and suggestions of their


  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Yahoo does take care of copyright and by doing this they have anonline complaint form for any copyright content.

    In 2008 yahoo was involved in copyright case where it was sued by

    an Indian music company for streaming there content withoutpermission. Yahoo were told to remove the content but failed to doso which resulted in them getting sued.

    The company does benefit from the copyright freedom of theinternet because it allows people to post all kinds of thingsespecially on their yahoo blog which gives the audience a lot offreedom on the net.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Yahoo do not have creative commons of their own but they havepartnered up with creative commons instead. It is available forpeople in the search, so when they search creative commons all thepossible links come up for them to access it.

    This is an effective way because Yahoo helps people find what theyare looking for and it is a good thing for creative commons due tothe fact people are more likely to remember the yahoo site ratherthan creative commons. So through Yahoo people can get tocreative commons. This is a good reason for people to use Yahoo.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Not everyone has access to the internet but the people that do haveaccess to yahoo. The company does not charge for their services soanyone can access it without having to pay extra for it.

    To get more people connected to Yahoo the company have a lot of

    things available that will target a wide rang of people rather than acertain group of people. Yahoo offers news, weather, politics, soapnews, health, business, technology and information about sports.This is clearly going to attract a lot of people.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Due to the fact Yahoo is a very big company it is very hard to control

    every aspect of it especially what people right and the kinds of

    things they contribute to it. I feel that yahoo is a very open and broad

    company that has no restrictions a good example of this is Yahoo

    answers and Yahoo blogs. Both these services show no restrictionfor the audience.

    Yahoo use to filter information and they used gate keeping before

    only if it was good enough to.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Yahoo question and answers can be used by citizen journalist forthe spread of information that could be in the public interest.

    People are able to comment and leave their views and ideas on

    certain topics discussed on yahoo answers. This is a very good wayto offer public citizens free speech and offer them freedom.

    They can also post things on their own personalized blogs andcomment on others.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Yahoo do have a mission statement and it is, To connect people to

    their passions, communities, and the worlds knowledge

    Yahoos new mission clearly differentiates its path from Googles

    with Yahoos emphasis on the user life experience and emotions,with the terms connect, people, passions and communities.

    It does not enforce a bias it allows a flow of information for people to

    share. For example Yahoo mail and messenger allows free flows ofideas and also yahoo answers.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Yahoo is just the same as Google a big search engine site and I feel

    that yahoo challenges it due to the fact they offer the same things.

    Yahoo has many little sub yahoo texts like yahoo answers, yahoo

    blog ect. The reason I feel they do this is to offer more than Google


    Yahoo is apart of an oligarchy due to the fact a small group of

    people controls all access to it without competition.

  • 8/9/2019 Media Yahoo Presentation-1


    Yahoo would not be under any threat to be banned under the new digital economy bill

    because the bill states that if people illegally download they have the right to take

    away households internet to prevent them for downloading more. Yahoo does not

    have any vidoes/ images that people can illegally download so the new bill would not

    effect big companies like yahoo.

    With BT/ Yahoo there is a much faster internet service.

    BT broadband have quoted. BT Yahoo have just increased the speed of all their

    broadband packages to a massive 8MB or 160x faster than dialup - this is lightening

    fast broadband at hugely discounted rates.