From the French meaning ‘type.’ We sort texts into genres based on the features (conventions) they share.

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From the French meaning

‘type.’ We sort texts into

genres based on the

features (conventions) they


The viewers, or consumers, of a

media text.

By definition, all media texts are re-presentations of

reality. This means that they are intentionally composed,

lit, written, framed, cropped, captioned, branded,

targeted and censored by their producers, and that they

are entirely artificial versions of the reality we perceive

around us.

Certain groups and people are ‘re – presented ‘ in the

media. These representations can be positive or


A media institution is an established, often-profit based

organisation, that deal in the creation and distribution of

advertising, entertainment and information services.

Iconography is an important aspect of genre. We expect to see certain objects on screen

when we see a particular genre, for example, in a Western, dusty lonely

roads, saloon bars, cowboy hats and horses, jails, sheriffs badges, guns, etc..

From French, literally means ‘put into scene.’ It refers to everything in front of the camera: props, actors, lighting,

costume, make up, blocking.

In Media Studies, it is important to tell the difference

between narrative and story

Story = a sequence of events, known correctly as the


Narrative = the way those events are put together to be

presented to an audience.

Therefore, when analysing a narrative we analyse the

construction of the story ie the way it has been put

together, not the story itself.