BILE SALTS: METABOLIC, PATHOLOGIC, AND THERAPEUTIC CONSIDERATIONS 0889-8553/99 $8.00 + .OO MECHANISM OF HEPATOPROTECTIVE ACTION OF BILE SALTS IN LIVER DISEASE Adolf Stiehl, MD, Christine Benz, MD, and Peter Sauer, MD Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) improves liver enzymes and in many instances liver histology in cholestatic liver diseases, such as primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)24, 38, 83 and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC).12, 65, 71, Iol In PBC, UDCA improves survival free of liver trans- plantation4; and in PSC, UDCA improves survival only if dominant strictures of the bile ducts are recognized early and treated endoscopi- ally.^^ UDCA seems to have a beneficial effect in cholestasis of preg- nan~y,7~ cholestasis of cystic fib~osis,’~, 21-23, 25, various other cholestatic diseases of childhood3as well as cholestasis of total parenteral n~trition.~ Besides classic cholestatic diseases, UDCA also improves liver biochem- istry in alcoholic liver disease78 and in chronic viral hepatitis C.16, 31, 79 In chronic hepatitis, UDCA has no effect on liver histology, and its role is unclear; moreover, it is unclear whether UDCA has an effect when combined with interferon treatment. Of considerable interest is the ob- servation that survival of patients undergoing liver transplantation may be improved by treatment with UDCA.4 The main target of UDCA treatment is cholestasis, and consequently the mechanisms responsible for the beneficial effects in these diseases are of interest. ROLE OF BILE ACIDS IN CHOLESTASIS In cholestasis, bile flow and biliary secretion of bile salts and cho- lephilic substances are reduced. In humans, bile flow is mainly bile acid From the Department of Medicine, Gastroenterology Unit, University of Heidelberg, Hei- delberg, Germany GASTROENTEROLOGY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA VOLUME 28 * NUMBER 1 - MARCH 1999 195


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BILE SALTS IN LIVER DISEASE Adolf Stiehl, MD, Christine Benz, MD, and Peter Sauer, MD

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) improves liver enzymes and in many instances liver histology in cholestatic liver diseases, such as primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)24, 38, 83 and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC).12, 65, 71, Iol In PBC, UDCA improves survival free of liver trans- plantation4; and in PSC, UDCA improves survival only if dominant strictures of the bile ducts are recognized early and treated endoscopi- ally.^^ UDCA seems to have a beneficial effect in cholestasis of preg- nan~y,7~ cholestasis of cystic fib~osis,’~, 21-23, 25, various other cholestatic diseases of childhood3 as well as cholestasis of total parenteral n~tr i t ion.~ Besides classic cholestatic diseases, UDCA also improves liver biochem- istry in alcoholic liver disease78 and in chronic viral hepatitis C.16, 31, 79 In chronic hepatitis, UDCA has no effect on liver histology, and its role is unclear; moreover, it is unclear whether UDCA has an effect when combined with interferon treatment. Of considerable interest is the ob- servation that survival of patients undergoing liver transplantation may be improved by treatment with UDCA.4 The main target of UDCA treatment is cholestasis, and consequently the mechanisms responsible for the beneficial effects in these diseases are of interest.


In cholestasis, bile flow and biliary secretion of bile salts and cho- lephilic substances are reduced. In humans, bile flow is mainly bile acid

From the Department of Medicine, Gastroenterology Unit, University of Heidelberg, Hei- delberg, Germany


VOLUME 28 * NUMBER 1 - MARCH 1999 195


196 STIEHL et a1


Primary effects Displacement of natural, toxic, endogenous bile salts from the enterohepatic circulation

Competition for receptors (at sites of cell organelles where toxic bile acids may lead to (competitive inhibition of the ileal absorption of endogenous bile salts)

cell damage) Primary consequences

Improvement of hepatic excretory function Cytoprotective effect with prevention of bile acid-induced cytolysis and apoptosis Membrane-protective effect with prevention if bile acid-induced membrane damage

Antioxidative effect with prevention of bile acid-induced peroxidation Immunomodulative effect

Secondary consequences Decrease of cholestasis Improvement of liver function and morphology

(mitochondria, basolateral and canalicular membrane)

dependent, and a shortage of bile salts may lead to cholestasis. Such a situation, however, occurs only in patients with inborn errors of bile acid synthesis, and in such patients replacement of bile salts leads to improvement of cholestasis and cholestasis-related liver cell damage.

The problem in the majority of patients with cholestatic disease is not a shortage but the accumulation of bile 36 In patients with cholestasis who do not have a defect in bile acid synthesis, increasing amounts of bile salts appear in peripheral blood and urine? 23, 98 and increased concentrations are found in liver 36 In the early stage of PBC, biliary secretion of bile salts is within the normal range,70 whereas plasma bile acids are markedly elevated. This means that the hepatic clearance of bile salts is reduced.48 The increased concentrations of bile salts in the hepatocyte are probably due to impaired canalicular secretion, and it seems likely that the uptake of bile salts into the hepatocyte becomes impaired sec~ndarily.~~ Because in the early stage of cholestatic disease hepatic synthesis and net hepatocyte transport of bile acids remain relatively unchanged, ileal absorption seems to be responsible for the load of bile acids to the liver with the consequence of bile acid

The fact that high bile salt concentrations in the liver may be related to the liver cell damage in cholestasis was first recognized by Greim et al.35, 36 In systematic studies in patients with extrahepatic cholestasis, Greim et a1 were able to show that a lesion that they called feathery degeneration correlated with the concentration of toxic dhydroxy bile salts in the liver tissue. Subsequently, it became apparent that not only feathery degeneration, but also cholate stasis (hydropic swelling of hepa- tocytes around the portal field) are bile salt-related forms of liver cell damage in cholestasis. Important was the recognition that it was not the accumulation of atypical monohydroxy bile salts, which are cholestatic in animals and had been extensively investigated for many years, but the accumulation of normal dihydroxy bile salts that was responsible



for the cell damage in cholestasis. Cholate stasis and feathery degenera- tion are probably the consequence of the detergent action of high concen- trations of bile salts in the liver and are observed only in severe cholesta- sis, as in extrahepatic biliary obstruction. As has been shown more recently, much lower concentrations of bile salts are sufficient to induce apoptotic cell death? 76, 77, 94 and it appears likely that this form of bile salt toxicity plays the major role in the less severe forms of cholestasis.


Displacement of Natural, Toxic, Endogenous Bile Acids from the Enterohepatic Circulation

UDCA changes the balance between toxic hydrophobic and non- toxic hydrophilic bile salts in the bile salt pool in favor of the nontoxic bile salts.22, 26, 29, 30, 48, 49, 88, 97, 98 This change in balance between toxic and nontoxic bile salts may represent the most important mechanism of action of UDCA (Table l).,, Consequently the UDCA molecules displace more toxic bile acid molecules from cell membranes and cell organelles and thus prevent the damage that can be induced by more toxic bile salts.

After administration of UDCA, the bile salt is absorbed passively by diffusion in the small intestine. Absorption is slow and incomplete.95, 96, lo6 After absorption, UDCA is transported via the portal blood to the liver, is conjugated with glycine or taurine, and is secreted into bile. Conjugates of UDCA are absorbed by an active process in the ileum and possibly in addition by facilitated diffusion in the jejunum.47 The conjugates of UDCA probably are responsible for the beneficial effect of UDCA in cholestatic diseases. In animal studies, glycine and taurine conjugates of UDCA were equally effective.52 Shortly after the start of treatment, the bile acid pool becomes enriched in UDCA, whereas the relative content of toxic bile acids is decreased.26* 29, 70* 88, 98

and is bacterially degradated in the large bowel to lithocholic acid and 7-keto-lithocholic acid.30* 33 7-Keto-lithocholic acid may be absorbed and transformed in the liver to chenodeoxycholic acid.30, 33 Lithocholic acid is poorly water soluble, and only small amounts are absorbed, partially sulfated in the liver and other organs, and excreted in bile and urine. In cholestasis, substantial amounts of UDCA and its metabolites are ex- creted in urine.6,98

The best way to treat bile acid-induced cell destruction seems to be to prevent the accumulation of toxic bile salts at places where they can destroy cell membranes and cell organelles. This prevention is not easy to achieve for several reasons. First, blockage of bile acid synthesis is not feasible because it leads to the accumulation of bile acid precursors, which cause diseases and cholestasis (i.e., cerebrotendinous xanthomato- sis). Second, binding of bile salts in the intestine leads to their decreased

Approximately half of UDCA administered orally is not


198 STIEHL et a1

reabsorption. Consequently, bile acid synthesis is increased, and the accumulation of bile salts is not prevented. Moreover, in cholestasis, the amount of bile acids in the intestine is reduced. Thus, the effect of bile acid binding resins on bile salt accumulation is little. Because bile acid binding resins cannot differentiate between good and bud bile acids, they decrease not only the absorption of toxic bile acids, but also, when given together with UDCA, decrease absorption of UDCA, an effect that is undesired. The only beneficial effect observed after treatment of patients with cholestasis with bile acid binding substances is the improvement of pruritus in some patients. Third, competitive inhibition of bile salt absorption represents another option. After treatment with UDCA, bile acid absorption is decreased by competitive inh ib i t i~n .~~ In contrast to the situation with bile acid binding resins, bile acid synthesis is essen- tially unaltered.88 Therefore the decreased intestinal absorption of poten- tially toxic endogenous bile acids may represent a factor contributing to the beneficial effect of UDCA.28, 69, 96 Finally, substances blocking the ileal bile acid transporter are being developed. The main goal of the pharmaceutical companies is to develop these substances for the treat- ment of hypercholesterolemia. It is unclear how such substances would affect the patient with cholestasis. It seems possible that in cholestatic patients, treatment with UDCA, which is absorbed by diffusion in the jejunum, conferring blockage of the active absorption of endogenous bile acid conjugates in the ileum may lead to an enrichment of the bile acid pool with UDCA to an extent that is unachievable at present. After UDCA administration to patients who had gallstones, the biliary enrichment with this bile acid increases only up to a dose of 10 to 12 mg/ kg and then reaches a plateau.97 In cholestatic diseases, and especially in cystic fibrosis, higher doses may be necessary to achieve sufficient biliary enrichment of UDCA.= Theoretically the combination of UDCA with a bile acid absorption blocking agent should be superior to the currently used combination of UDCA plus cholestyramine as far as the enrichment of UDCA in bile is concerned, whereas the effect on pruritus is unclear.

Effect of Ursodeoxycholic Acid on Hepatic Excretory Function (Bile Flow and Biliary Secretion of Bile Acids and Lipids)

In patients with cholestatic liver disease treated with UDCA, the hepatic excretory function is improved.21, loo The choleretic effect of UDCA is comparable to that of the naturally occurring dihydroxy and trihydroxy bile salts (chenodeoxycholic and cholic acids). In contrast to the naturally occurring dihydroxy and trihydroxy bile salts, UDCA is atoxic and in animal experiments can prevent the cholestatic effect of cholic and chenodeoxycholic acid conjugates. Moreover, cholic acid is bacterially degradated to deoxycholic acid, which is considered a hy- drophobic and toxic bile salt. Therefore UDCA, in contrast to endoge-



nous primary bile acids, can be considered a clinically useful choleretic agent.48

In healthy humans, the administration of 1 g of bile salts is small in comparison to the 3- to 5-g bile acid pool that circulates six to eight times, yielding a biliary secretion of 18 to 40 g/d of bile salts. In noncholestatic individuals, the administration of unconjugated bile salts induces only a slight increase in bile acid secretion and, consequently, probably little change in bile flow. The situation may be different in patients with cholestatic liver disease in whom the biliary secretion of endogenous bile acids may be considerably reduced and the administra- tion of 1 g of UDCA may lead to a substantial improvement in the biliary secretion of bile salts.'"

Taurine conjugates of UDCA induce vesicular exocytosis," which is impaired in cholestasis. In contrast to taurine conjugates of primary bile acids, UDCA conjugates cause a sustained stimulation of horseradish peroxidase excretion into bile in isolated perfused rat liver, indicating an improvement of vesicular exocytosis." The ability of taurine-conjugated UDCA to induce vesicular exocytosis depends on its ability to induce the influx of extracellular Ca2+, which activates protein kinase C.Q l3

Vesicular exocytosis may be essential for targeting and insertion of apical membrane transport proteins into the canalicular membrane and may represent a major pathway for bile acid transport in bile acid-loaded liver cells.

The molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial effect of UDCA, however, are still not completely clear, and controversy exists on the molecular signaling processes involved. Alternatively to the acti- vation via protein kinase C,I3 activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases may play a role:s9 In rat hepatocytes, tauro-UDCA (TUDCA) leads to an activation of MAP kinases, which are potential regulators of bile acid secretion into bile. TUDCA leads to rapid, micro- tubule-dependent increase in canalicular bile acid secretion and stimula- tion of exocytosis. This activity may reflect a microtubule-dependent apical targeting of vesicles containing bile acid transporters in response to MAP kinase activation. Protein kinase C is not involved in the activa- tion of MAP kinases. Therefore at present, two opposing concepts con- cerning the molecular mechanisms involved in the effect of UDCA exist-one in which protein kinase C plays a role and one in which it does not play a role-and it is not clear which hypothesis is correct.

An alternative way of increasing bile flow represents the direct stimulation of C1- efflux through opening of C1- channels in biliary cells.91 Such a direct stimulation of ductular secretion by UDCA may be involved in cystic fibrosis patients. Although it seems likely that the beneficial effect of UDCA is linked to the improvement of bile flow and of the biliary secretion of cholephilic substances, a positive effect of UDCA on liver histology has also been reported in bile duct ligated rat, in which bile flow and biliary secretion do not play a role.32,~o Provided that these observations are correct, the beneficial effects of UDCA on the liver might be independent of its effect on the biliary secretion.


200 STIEHL et a1

In patients with cholestatic disease, UDCA treatment leads to a markedly increased biliary secretion of phospholipids and a moderate increase of The increased secretion of phospholipids is of interest because these molecules seem to trap bile acids in the biliary canaliculus to form vesicles and mixed micelles and thus prevent their detrimental effect.5, 74, 85, Io5 The increase in the secretion of cholesterol is remarkable because in individuals without cholestasis UDCA reduces biliary cholesterol secretion and dissolves cholesterol gallstones. The increase in biliary cholesterol secretion in severe cholestasis indicates that UDCA improves the hepatic excretory function, although the effect is modest.loO

Effect of Ursodeoxycholic Acid on Bile Acid-Induced Cholestasis in Perfused Rat Liver

Naturally occurring bile salts, as cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid, increase bile flow in perfused rat liver when infused in physiologic amounts but induce cholestasis with reduction of bile flow when the infused amount exceeds a certain limit.55 Besides cholestasis, hepatocel- lular damage can also be demonstrated. The hepatocytes close to the portal triad are those that are mainly damaged by bile acid infusions, whereas the hepatocytes around the central vein remain relatively unal- tered.90 This situation is in good agreement with the early observation that cholestasis mainly affects the periportal hepatocytes. The hepatic injury is associated with an increased excretion of alkaline phosphatase and protein into the bile.55 Simultaneous infusion of UDCA prevents the cholestatic effect of toxic bile salts and reduces the morphologic alter- ations in periportal hepatocytes induced by lipophilic bile In addition, the biliary enzyme and protein excretion induced by toxic bile acids is reduced by coinfusion with UDCA.55 These were, the first observations that UDCA conjugates can directly prevent the toxic action of common bile salts.

Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Estrogen-Induced Cholestasis

Estrogens, such as contraceptives or postmenopausal replacement therapy, often cause intrahepatic cholestasis. Moreover, estrogens are implicated in the pathogenesis of recurrent jaundice in the last trimester of pregnancy. Metabolites of natural estrogens (i.e., estradiol-17 p-glucu- ronide) have been used to study drug-induced intrahepatic cholestasis.2* 53

In rats with bile fistulae, estradiol-17 P-glucuronide infused intrave- nously induces a marked reduction in bile flow. In ultrastructural stud- ies, the reduction of bile flow was accompanied by fragmentation and



loss of canalicular microvilli, dilation of canaliculi, and thickening of pericanalicular ectoplasm. Both reduction of bile flow and ultrastructural alterations induced by estrogen metabolites can be prevented by the simultaneous infusion of TUDCA.*, 53 TUDCA increased the biliary secre- tion of estradiol-17 P-glucuronide, and it was suggested that the benefi- cial effect of UDCA in this model is due to the enhanced biliary secretion of the estrogen metabolite.

Effect of Ursodeoxycholic Acid on Bile Acid-Induced Cell Death in Hepatocytes in Culture

At concentrations of greater than 100 pmol/L, hepatocytes are de- stroyed by the detergent action of bile s a l t ~ . ~ ~ , 40-43 In rat and human hepatocytes in culture, cytolysis is dose and time dependent.34, 43 Hepato- cytes in culture subjected to detergent bile salts in high concentration (> 100 pM) swell and finally disrupt. The toxicity of 3-, 7-, and 12a- hydroxylated bile salts increases with the detergent power of the mole- cule. In general, the toxicity increases with decreasing number of hy- droxyl groups, but the position of the hydroxyl group also plays a role. Of the common bile salts, deoxycholic acid (3a-12a-dihydroxy bile salt) is more toxic than chenodeoxycholic acid (3a7a-dihydroxy bile salt), and both are more toxic than cholic acid (3a-, 7a-, 12a-trihydroxy bile Bile salts with a 7P or 601 hydroxyl group (UDCA, hyodeoxycholic acid, muricholic acid) are not toxic and can prevent the toxicity of other bile salts. Thus the cytolysis induced by deoxycholic acid and chenodeoxy- cholic acid conjugates is markedly reduced by UDCA conjugates.34, 43

It has become evident that not only cytolysis, but also apoptosis, the programmed form of cell death, plays a role in bile acid-related cell toxicity.s, 58, 76, 77, 94 Hepatocytes undergoing apoptosis shrink and show nuclear condensation with DNA fragmentation. The finding that cell death by apoptosis is induced by bile acid concentrations far below those that induce cytolysis (<50 pM) appears irnp~rtant.~~, 94 Because bile salt concentrations in the livers of patients with cholestasis rarely reach concentrations greater than 100 pM, it seems likely that apoptosis represents the more important form of cell death in the majority of patients with cholestatic diseases. UDCA conjugates decrease apoptosis induced by toxic bile acids in rat and human hepatocytes in culture.*, This effect does not involve the Fas receptor system (Christine Benz, personal communication, January 1998) and probably is mediated by endonu~leases.~~ The protective effect of UDCA on bile acid-induced apoptosis in hepatocytes may represent one of the more important mechanisms of action of UDCA.

The toxic effects of bile salts on cholangiocytes have not been studied in detail, but it appears likely that the effects are similar to those in hepatocytes. UDCA conjugates reduce cytolysis as well as apoptosis


202 STIEHL et a1

induced by toxic bile acids. It seems, however, that the effect on apoptosis represents the physiologically more relevant effect.8

Effect of Ursodeoxycholic Acid on Membranes and Mitochondria

Bile salts exert their detergent action not only on hepatocytesIM but also on red blood leading to cytolysis of the cells. The membrane- damaging effect of lipophilic bile acids can also be demonstrated in model membranes.40, In all these models, the toxic effects of lipophilic bile acids are, in part, reversed by UDCA conjugates.

Studies with red blood cells and both canalicular and basolateral hepatocyte membranes using electron paramagnetic resonance spectros- copy show that the membrane-damaging effect of toxic bile salts is accompanied by an increased polarity of the apolar domain of the membranes.37 This polarity is accompanied by a loss of cholesterol and phospholipids from the membranes. UDCA pretreatment prevents this toxic effect of bile salts by binding to the apolar domain, whereas UDCA conjugates are incorporated into the interface of the membranes and thus protect them from the detergent action of lipophilic bile These findings indicate that UDCA and its taurine conjugate both have protective effects by decreasing the membrane polarity but exert their effects at different sites.

UDCA may have an influence on the membrane fluidity, which may be decreased in cholestasis associated with total parenteral nutrition

In an animal model using newborn piglets, UDCA infusion reduced cholestasis and prevented the decrease of basolateral membrane fluidity that was observed after total parenteral nutrition.27 In this model, there was no effect of UDCA on the fluidity of the canalicular membrane. The effect of UDCA has been attributed to the membrane-Stabilizing effect of UDCA. It seems likely that a membrane-stabilizing effect is also responsible for the beneficial effect of UDCA on the bile acid-induced preservation injury to bile ducts of explanted livers.39

Studies in model membranes composed of egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol indicate that such membranes disrupt with increasing bile salt concentration, hydrophobicity, and increasing ionic strength.40 UDCA and its conjugates reduced the disruption of cholesterol-rich model membranes.4o According to these data, UDCA can reduce the toxicity of other bile salts via a purely physicochemical mechanism.50

Mitochondria1 dysfunction may contribute to liver failure and chronic chole~tasis.~~, 63 Bile acids can disturb the lipid composition of biologic membranes, leading to decreased function of membrane-bound enzymes. Bile acids are particularly damaging to hepatocyte mitochon- dria and inhibit the activities of enzyme complexes of the electron transport chain, including succinate cytochrome C reducta~e.~~, 63 UDCA protects oxidative mitochondria1 metabolism from toxicity of lipophilic



bile acids. The protective effect of UDCA may partially be explained by decreased incorporation of bile acids into mitochondrial membranes.37

Toxic bile salts may induce mitochondrial membrane permeability transition characterized by a rapid permeability of the inner mitochon- drial membrane, mitochondrial swelling, and a collapse of the mitochon- drial p0tentia1.l~ This effect leads to necrosis of the hepatocyte. UDCA inhibits the bile salt-induced mitochondrial membrane permeability transition, and this indicates a protective effect of UDCA on bile acid- induced mitochondrial damage.15 Mitochondria1 membranes appear to represent an important target for the deleterious effects of toxic bile acids, and UDCA and its conjugates, at least in part, may prevent this detergent effect of lipophilic bile acids.

Ursodeoxycholic Acid as Antioxidant

Hydrophobic bile salts can damage hepatocytes by increasing the generation of reactive oxygen species.77, 93 Bile acid-induced apoptosis is associated with increased lipid peroxidation and can be inhibited by antioxidant^.^, 77, 93 Hydrophobic bile salts can oxidatively activate Kupf- fer 's cells. These cells, when stimulated, secrete reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, eicosanosoids, and cytokines. Some of these products are cytotoxic and attack nucleic acids, thiol proteins, or membrane lipids causing lipid peroxidation. UDCA can block the activation of Kupffer 's cells by toxic bile salts and reduce lipid per~xidation.~~ Therefore the beneficial effect of UDCA, at least in part, may be related to its ability to act as an antioxidant.

Ursodeoxycholic Acid and lmmunomodulation

The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system codes for genes that are believed to play a role in autoimmune diseases. In the normal liver, class I antigens are expressed by hepatic sinusoidal cells and biliary epithelial cells but not hepatocytes. In contrast, class I1 antigens are expressed by hepatic sinusoidal cells and dendritic cells but not biliary epithelial cells or hepatocytes. In patients with PBC, an increased expres- sion of class I antigens has been observed.', 17, l8 In patients with extrahe- patic cholestasis, there was increased class I expression on hepatocytes and bile ducts, whereas class I1 expression was increased only on bile

In patients with PBC treated with UDCA, HLA class I expression on hepatocytes was significantly reduced, whereas class I1 expression on biliary epithelial cells was unaltered.18, Io3 It has been suggested that the reduction in HLA class I expression may lead to a decrease in the cytotoxicity of T cells, which are involved in lobular necrosis in PBC. UDCA may interfere either at the levels of antigen presentation via MHC molecules or at the level of T-cell polarization into T-cell subsets. The problem is that it is not known what triggers the inflammatory bile


204 STIEHL et a1

duct processes in PBC.‘O Although bile ducts are mainly destroyed by T cells, there is still no convincing evidence that the cellular target is the autoantigen recognized by autoantibodies circulating in the periphery, because after liver transplantation antimitochondrial antibodies remain positive, but the grafted liver is generally not affected. Because the exact immunopathomechanism responsible for the progression of disease in PBC is not completely clear, it is not possible to clarify the immunopa- thomechanism, if one exists, responsible for the beneficial effect of UDCA in PBC.

Bile acids, such as chenodeoxycholic acid, have a profound effect on mononuclear cell cytokine production and inhibit secretion of in- terleukin-2 and other cytokines.” The immunosuppressive effects of endogenous bile acids could explain, at least in part, the occurrence of infections of various origins during cholestasis. UDCA inhibits cytokine release much less than hydrophobic bile ~a1ts.l~ By displacement of endogenous bile salts, UDCA might reduce the cholestasis-related immu- nosuppression, and it has been speculated that the beneficial effect of UDCA may, at least in part, be due to the prevention of immunosuppres- sion induced by endogenous bile ~a1ts.l~. 2o This hypothesis, however, is in contrast to reports of a decreased release of interleukin-2, interleukin- 4, and interferon-y according to which the effect of UDCA is due to its immunosuppressive effect.lo7 Depending on the experimental design, UDCA may stimulate56 or inhibit the release of cytokine~,’~ and at present the principles of immunomodulation by bile acids are unclear.


Studies in perfused rat liver indicate that a-muricholate and tauro- P-muricholate are as effective as TUDCA in preventing bile acid- induced liver damage.54 Although tauro-a-muricholate does not possess a 7P-hydroxyl group as UDCA and instead has a 6P-hydroxyl group, it was able to reduce the toxic effect of hydrophobic bile acids, indicating that the protective effect is not linked only to a 7P-hydroxyl group. These findings have been confirmed in studies with taurohyodeoxycholic acid (301, 6a, dihydroxy bile acid), in which this 6a-hydroxylated bile acid prevented hepatotoxicity induced by hydrophobic bile acids.86 It has been shown that both tauro-a-muricholate and tauro-P-muricholate, similar to UDCA, also protect against the cholestatic effect of estrogen metabolites.lo2 At present, bile acid molecules with a 7P-hydroxyl or 6a- hydroxyl group are candidates for hepatoprotection. The only bile acid, however, for which a beneficial effect has been shown in extensive clinical studies is UDCA, and it can be expected that similar effects will be obtained with its taurine conjugate TUDCA.


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Address reprint requests to Adolf Stiehl, MD

Medizinische Universitatsklinik Bergheimerstr.58

D-69115 Heidelberg Germany