Mechanical Design of a "Clam Shell" Type Dome For TÜBİTAK National Observatory BILKENT UNIVERSITY Project Description Milestones and Methods Results Abstract Conclusions Bibliography Turkey with a delicately innovated design 1 . First step consisted of dis9nguished technical perspec9ve and conceptual design. Other steps followed the predetermined technical perspec9ve and the design has achieved its current form. Pursuing such dis9nguished technical perspec9ve allowed us to succeed in finalizing the project, and perform prac9cal and experimental tests to prove our claims such as isola9ng the scien9fic instruments placed inside the dome from outer effects. Clamshell domes are used to protect the telescope from the environmental condi9ons. That is needed because, telescopes are immobilized at the observatories and they need to stay there in all weather condi9ons. 2 Domes are designed to be in spherical shape because, such geometry is the best against harsh environmental condi9ons, in terms of par9culate and fluid flow. The design consists of four slices and two motors that act on each half of the sphere. A belt mechanism is used to transmit the torque generated by the motor in terms of tension to allow mobility of slices. Technical Proper.es Resistant to 300 km/h wind Water and dust resistance Impact resistance (eg. hail) Reliability of slice mo9on through Scaled down, 3D printed version for a visual aid and mechanical analysis of the system. Proper mechanisms, motors, gears are selected suited for the condi9ons and requirements for the design Recogni9on of the design to build a full-scale product by our mentor. The main problem of tradi9onal clamshell domes is solved which was to prevent external factors such as dust, snow, water etc. from infiltra9ng inside of the dome and resultantly interfering with the proper opera9on of the telescopes and the dome itself. To test and evaluate the func9onality and competence of the dome, a prototype was manufactured via 3D printer. Several tests were performed on the joint area where slices meet around the pivot tube 3 . It was seen that the prototype succeeded and withstood the effects of wind, dust and low temperature. Several design changes such as thickness and orienta9on were made to improve the strength of the design. A tensile test on the PLA material was performed which showed that the prototype could withstand 27.3 MPa of stress. The comparison of the standard clamshell domes and our design can be seen aside. First figure contains gaps which is a problem solved in our design by a more compact and intelligent layout of the slices. Original design 4 implements grey gaskets that are added later by TNO as a way to block incoming par9cles meanwhile new design has a smoother surface on the outside for a beYer flow deflec9on and also has no external components. The produced clamshell dome is capable of preserving a small telescope to be used for DIMM observa9ons on the site of TÜBİTAK Na9onal Observatory, at top of the Saklıkent Mountain-Antalya. Alterna9vely, it can also be applicable for military cases. It is the first domes9c clam-shell dome ever designed and produced in Turkey, with much less produc9on cost than its foreign equivalents. Domes9ca9on will also eliminate the possible communica9on and transporta9on problems with foreign dome companies, where most of them are located in U.S.A. or Canada. Moreover, if the case of dome export trade may arise in future, it will provide revenue to na9onal economy and recogni9on in markets. The research and development (R&D) in this area is currently inac9ve. This project assures know-how accumula9on and will lead possible future R&D projects with the assistance of TNO. [1] “Solar - Differen9al Image Mo9on Monitor at the TÜBİTAK Na9onal Observatory”, TUG, [Online]. www.tug.tubitak.gov.tr/dokumanlar/ tug_sdimm/ [2] “Dome Types”, Vik Dhillon, University of Sheffield, [Online]. www.vikdhillon.staff.shef.ac.uk/ teaching/phy217/telescopes/ phy217_tel_domedes.html [3] “Introduc9on to Thermal and Fluids Engineering”, Deborah A. Kaminski, Michael K. Jensen, 2011 [4] “Astrohaven Domes”, Fiberglass clamshell domes for observatory, planetarium, radar tracking housing, portable backstand [Online]. www.astrohaven.com/ Milestones for this project are determined in coopera9on with TUG, and sa9sfied throughout the process of design and produc9on. Acquisi9on of our own project through personal aYempts and network capabili9es Sa9sfying the needs for ini9al documents and requirements of the project and obtaining BIDEB fund Complete literature search for intended clamshell dome type and establishing a final concept suited for all units and individuals involved. Successful design of components of the desired end-product and adequate solu9ons to the problems given in the defini9on. Mechanical Design of a Clamshell Dome for TÜBİTAK Na9onal Observatory (TNO and its common name of TUG) gets its mo9va9on from designing a clamshell dome with a diameter of 1.5 m with an integrated controller mechanism, and pursue unorthodox methods to increase isola9on at intersec9on points between slices and at joint sec9on around pivot tube which also coincides with the standards of TÜBİTAK Na9onal Observatory, and represents the name of both worm gear and break-motor Figure 3: Simula9on Analysis of the Wind Resistance Criteria. Wind can’t enter the dome Figure 5: Simula9on Analysis of the Wind Resistance Criteria done via COMSOL. Figure 4: Comparison of domes between the one in Antalya (leo) and our design (right) Figure 6:Mechanical assembly Görkem Kavak Oğulcan Temiz Osman Yalçınkaya Samet Barış Yılmaz Akmeşe Yiğitcan Coşkuntürk Academic Advisor: Prof. İlker Temizer Company Advisor: Spc. Kadir Uluç Figure 1: Dome we have designed Figure 2: Slices have more compact layout in our design

Mechanical Design of a Clam Shell Type Dome For TÜBİTAK ...sunum.uak.info.tr/2016/P09-003_Kadir.Uluc.pdf · Shell" Type Dome For TÜBİTAK National Observatory BILKENT UNIVERSITY

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Page 1: Mechanical Design of a Clam Shell Type Dome For TÜBİTAK ...sunum.uak.info.tr/2016/P09-003_Kadir.Uluc.pdf · Shell" Type Dome For TÜBİTAK National Observatory BILKENT UNIVERSITY

Mechanical Design of a "Clam Shell" Type Dome For TÜBİTAK

National Observatory


Project Description

Milestones and Methods Results


Conclusions Bibliography

Turkeywithadelicatelyinnovateddesign1.First step consisted of dis9nguishedtechnical perspec9ve and conceptualdes ign . Other s teps fo l lowed thepredetermined technical perspec9ve andthe design has achieved its current form.Pursuing such dis9nguished technicalperspec9ve allowed us to succeed infinalizing theproject,andperformprac9calandexperimental tests toproveour claimssuch as isola9ng the scien9fic instrumentsplacedinsidethedomefromoutereffects.

Clamshell domes are used to protect the telescope from the environmental condi9ons.Thatisneededbecause,telescopesareimmobilizedattheobservatoriesandtheyneedtostaythereinallweathercondi9ons. 2

Domes are designed to be in sphericalshapebecause,suchgeometry is thebestagainstharshenvironmentalcondi9ons,interms of par9culate and fluid flow. Thedesign consists of four slices and twomotorsthatactoneachhalfofthesphere.Abeltmechanism isused to transmit thetorquegeneratedbythemotorintermsoftensiontoallowmobilityofslices.

TechnicalProper.es• Resistantto300km/hwind• Wateranddustresistance• Impactresistance(eg.hail)• Reliabilityofslicemo9onthrough

•  Scaled down, 3D printedversion for a visual aid andmechanical analysis of thesystem.

•  Proper mechanisms, motors,gears are selected suited fort h e c o n d i 9 o n s a n drequirementsforthedesign

•  Recogni9on of the design tobuild a full-scale product byourmentor.

The main problem of tradi9onal clamshell domes is solved which was to prevent externalfactors such as dust, snow, water etc. from infiltra9ng inside of the dome and resultantlyinterfering with the proper opera9on of the telescopes and the dome itself. To test andevaluatethefunc9onalityandcompetenceofthedome,aprototypewasmanufacturedvia3Dprinter.Severaltestswereperformedonthejointareawhereslicesmeetaroundthepivottube3. Itwas seen that theprototype succeededandwithstood theeffectsofwind,dust and lowtemperature.Severaldesignchangessuchasthicknessandorienta9onweremadetoimprovethestrengthofthedesign.AtensiletestonthePLAmaterialwasperformedwhichshowedthattheprototypecouldwithstand27.3MPaofstress.The comparison of the standardclamshell domes and our design canbe seen aside. First figure containsgapswhichisaproblemsolvedinourdesign by a more compact andintelligentlayoutoftheslices.Originaldesign4implementsgreygasketsthatare added later by TNO as a way toblock incoming par9cles meanwhilenewdesignhasasmoothersurfaceontheoutsideforabeYerflowdeflec9onandalsohasnoexternalcomponents.

The produced clamshell dome is capable of preserving a small telescope to be used forDIMMobserva9ons onthesiteofTÜBİTAKNa9onalObservatory,attopoftheSaklıkentMountain-Antalya.Alterna9vely, it canalsobeapplicable formilitary cases. It is thefirstdomes9c clam-shell dome ever designed and produced in Turkey, with much lessproduc9oncostthanitsforeignequivalents.Domes9ca9onwillalsoeliminatetheposs ib le communica9on andtransporta9onproblemswithforeigndome companies, where most ofthem are located in U.S.A. orCanada. Moreover, if the case ofdome export trade may arise infuture, it will provide revenue tona9onaleconomyandrecogni9oninma r ke t s . T he r e s ea r ch anddevelopment (R&D) in this area iscurrently inac9ve. This projectassuresknow-howaccumula9onandwill lead possible future R&DprojectswiththeassistanceofTNO.

[1] “Solar -Differen9al ImageMo9onMonitor at the TÜBİTAK Na9onalObserva tory” , TUG, [On l ine ] .www.tug.tubitak.gov.tr/dokumanlar/tug_sdimm/[2] “Dome Types”, Vik Dhillon,University of Sheffield, [Online].www.vikdhil lon.staff.shef.ac.uk/t e a ch i n g / ph y217 / t e l e s c ope s /phy217_tel_domedes.html[3] “Introduc9on to Thermal andFluids Engineering”, Deborah A.Kaminski,MichaelK.Jensen,2011[4] “Astrohaven Domes”, Fiberglassclamshell domes for observatory,planetarium, radar tracking housing,portable backstand [Online].www.astrohaven.com/

•  Milestones for this project are determined in coopera9onwith TUG, and sa9sfiedthroughouttheprocessofdesignandproduc9on.

•  Acquisi9onofourownprojectthroughpersonalaYemptsandnetworkcapabili9es•  Sa9sfyingtheneedsforini9aldocumentsandrequirementsoftheprojectandobtainingBIDEBfund•  Completeliteraturesearchfor intendedclamshelldometypeandestablishingafinal

conceptsuitedforallunitsandindividualsinvolved.•  Successfuldesignofcomponentsof thedesiredend-productandadequatesolu9ons


Mechanical Design of a Clamshell Dome for TÜBİTAK Na9onal Observatory (TNO and itscommonnameofTUG)getsitsmo9va9onfromdesigningaclamshelldomewithadiameterof 1.5 m with an integrated controller mechanism, and pursue unorthodox methods toincrease isola9on at intersec9on points between slices and at joint sec9on around pivottube which also coincides with the standards of TÜBİTAK Na9onal Observatory, andrepresentsthenameof







Görkem Kavak Oğulcan Temiz

Osman Yalçınkaya

Samet Barış Yılmaz Akmeşe

Yiğitcan Coşkuntürk

Academic Advisor: Prof. İlker Temizer Company Advisor: Spc. Kadir Uluç

