1. Introduction It is now proven that natural fibres are excellent reinforcements for composite materials. Economic and environmental reasons have generated increas- ing interest to use ligno-cellulosic fibres in com- posite systems. New environmental legislation as well as consumer pressure have forced manufactur- ing industries (particularly automotive, construc- tion and packaging) to look for new materials that can substitute conventional reinforcing materials, which are non-renewable, such as glass fibre [1]. The main advantages of natural plant fibres com- pared to traditional glass fibres are economical via- bility, low density, reduced tool wear, enhanced energy recovery, reduced dermal irritation, reduced respiratory irritation and good biodegradability. Moreover these reinforcements [2–5] can reach mechanical properties such as specific strength and modulus comparable with glass fibres. Recently, natural fibres have been used to reinforce tradi- tional thermoplastic polymers, especially polypropy- lene in automotive applications [6–12]. As for fibre reinforced composites, the interfacial zone plays a leading role in load transfer between fibre and matrix and consequently in the mechani- cal properties such as strength. Different previous studies, which focused on model or technical insu- lating materials, show the effect of the electric charges on the dielectric properties (such as break- down etc.) on the mechanical properties (such as 171 * Corresponding author, e-mail: daniel.treheux @ ec-lyon.fr © BME-PT Mechanical and dielectric characterization of hemp fibre reinforced polypropylene (HFRPP) by dry impregnation process B. Kechaou 1 , M. Salvia 2 , B. Beaugiraud 2 , D. Juvé 2 , Z. Fakhfakh 1 , D. Treheux 2* 1 Laboratoire des Matériaux Composites Céramiques et Polymeres, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax (3018), Tunisia 2 Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systemes UMR CNRS 5513, Ecole Centrale de Lyon 69134 ECULLY Cedex, France Received 14 October 2009; accepted in revised form 14 January 2010 Abstract. Natural fibres such as jute, coir, sisal, bamboo and pineapple are known to have high specific strength and can be effectively used in composites in various applications. The use of hemp fibres to reinforce the polymer aroused great inter- est and expectations amongst scientists and materials engineers. In this paper, composites with isotactic polypropylene (iPP) matrix and hemp fibres were studied. These materials were manufactured via the patented FIBROLINE process based on the principle of the dry impregnation of a fibre assembly with a thermoplastic powder (iPP), using an alternating electric field. The aim of this paper is to show the influence of fibre/matrix interfaces on dielectric properties coupled with mechan- ical behaviours. Fibres or more probably the fibre/matrix interfaces allow the diffusion of electric charges and delocalise the polarisation energy. In this way, damages are limited during mechanical loading and the mechanical properties of the composites increase. The structure of composite samples was investigated by X-ray and FTIR analysis. The mechanical properties were analysed by quasistatic and dynamic tests. The dielectric investigations were carried out using the SEMME (Scanning Electron Microscope Mirror Effect) method coupled with the measurement of the induced current (ICM). Keywords: polymer composites, hemp, iPP, mechanical properties, electrical properties eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.4, No.3 (2010) 171–182 Available online at www.expresspolymlett.com DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2010.22

Mechanical and dielectric characterization of hemp fibre ... · PDF fileMechanical and dielectric characterization of hemp fibre ... method coupled with the measurement of the induced

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Page 1: Mechanical and dielectric characterization of hemp fibre ... · PDF fileMechanical and dielectric characterization of hemp fibre ... method coupled with the measurement of the induced

1. IntroductionIt is now proven that natural fibres are excellentreinforcements for composite materials. Economicand environmental reasons have generated increas-ing interest to use ligno-cellulosic fibres in com-posite systems. New environmental legislation aswell as consumer pressure have forced manufactur-ing industries (particularly automotive, construc-tion and packaging) to look for new materials thatcan substitute conventional reinforcing materials,which are non-renewable, such as glass fibre [1].The main advantages of natural plant fibres com-pared to traditional glass fibres are economical via-bility, low density, reduced tool wear, enhancedenergy recovery, reduced dermal irritation, reduced

respiratory irritation and good biodegradability.Moreover these reinforcements [2–5] can reachmechanical properties such as specific strength andmodulus comparable with glass fibres. Recently,natural fibres have been used to reinforce tradi-tional thermoplastic polymers, especially polypropy-lene in automotive applications [6–12].As for fibre reinforced composites, the interfacialzone plays a leading role in load transfer betweenfibre and matrix and consequently in the mechani-cal properties such as strength. Different previousstudies, which focused on model or technical insu-lating materials, show the effect of the electriccharges on the dielectric properties (such as break-down etc.) on the mechanical properties (such as


*Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]© BME-PT

Mechanical and dielectric characterization of hemp fibrereinforced polypropylene (HFRPP) by dry impregnationprocess

B. Kechaou1, M. Salvia2, B. Beaugiraud2, D. Juvé2, Z. Fakhfakh1, D. Treheux2*

1Laboratoire des Matériaux Composites Céramiques et Polymeres, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax (3018), Tunisia2Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systemes UMR CNRS 5513, Ecole Centrale de Lyon 69134 ECULLYCedex, France

Received 14 October 2009; accepted in revised form 14 January 2010

Abstract. Natural fibres such as jute, coir, sisal, bamboo and pineapple are known to have high specific strength and can beeffectively used in composites in various applications. The use of hemp fibres to reinforce the polymer aroused great inter-est and expectations amongst scientists and materials engineers. In this paper, composites with isotactic polypropylene(iPP) matrix and hemp fibres were studied. These materials were manufactured via the patented FIBROLINE process basedon the principle of the dry impregnation of a fibre assembly with a thermoplastic powder (iPP), using an alternating electricfield. The aim of this paper is to show the influence of fibre/matrix interfaces on dielectric properties coupled with mechan-ical behaviours. Fibres or more probably the fibre/matrix interfaces allow the diffusion of electric charges and delocalisethe polarisation energy. In this way, damages are limited during mechanical loading and the mechanical properties of thecomposites increase. The structure of composite samples was investigated by X-ray and FTIR analysis. The mechanicalproperties were analysed by quasistatic and dynamic tests. The dielectric investigations were carried out using the SEMME(Scanning Electron Microscope Mirror Effect) method coupled with the measurement of the induced current (ICM).

Keywords: polymer composites, hemp, iPP, mechanical properties, electrical properties

eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.4, No.3 (2010) 171–182Available online at www.expresspolymlett.comDOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2010.22

Page 2: Mechanical and dielectric characterization of hemp fibre ... · PDF fileMechanical and dielectric characterization of hemp fibre ... method coupled with the measurement of the induced

friction, wear, fracture etc.) of ceramics and poly-mers [13–16]. In fact, both mechanical and dielec-tric catastrophic effects could be due to thetrapping-detrapping of electric charges on intrinsicor extrinsic structural defects [13, 14]. Previouspapers have shown the significant role of thefibre/matrix interface (glass fibre E/epoxy matrix),on the motion of the electric charges related to theinterface nature: a material that favours the diffu-sion of electric charges along interfaces has bettermechanical and tribological properties [17, 18].In this study, this approach is applied and focuseson composites with isotactic polypropylene (iPP)organic matrix reinforced by hemp natural fibres,fabricated by a new dry impregnation process.

2. Materials and techniques2.1. MaterialsThese materials were manufactured via thepatented FIBROLINE [19] process that has beenbased on the principle of the impregnation of a fibreassembly (dried or not dried) with a thermoplasticpowder (iPP), using an alternating electric field.This process was developed in co-operation byFIBROLINE (France) and IFTH (Institut Françaisdu Textile et d’Habillement) Lyon, France.The application of an alternating voltage producedby electrodes creates ions between the two dielec-tric ones and forms plasma. These ions enter in col-lision with the polypropylene powder particles andcharge them electrically. Following complex physi-cal phenomena, the modification of the surface ofthe hemp fibres band the IPP powders can occur,that could induce an improvement of the adherenceon the matrix. Ultra high fluidity iPP of Lyondell-Basell group (Moplen HP500V) with melt flow rate(MFR) of 120 g/10 min is used. The polymer pel-lets are micronized. The micronized powder aver-age diameter is in the range 50–200 μm.Before impregnation, the fibres have the form of arandomly dispersed ‘non-woven (mat)’ in the planewithout any privileged orientation in the plane. Themat is provided by IFTH (Institut Français du tex-tile et de l’habillement). The average diameter andlength of the fibre are 26 μm and 25 mm, respec-tively. Two batches of composites were manufac-tured by Fibroline using the specific processdeveloped by IFTH. Following preliminary tests,the 30% average fibre volume fraction was chosen

to be in the range of classical short fibre GFRP den-sity used in automotive industry (weight fractionaround 40%). In this study, three samples werestudied: the polypropylene (PP) matrix, compositewith PP matrix and dried hemp fibre (CD), compos-ite with PP matrix and not dried hemp fibre (CND).For composite named CD, the mat was dried for72 h at a temperature of 60°C for one batch (dry)and immediately impregnated after drying. For theother system (CND) the reinforcement was used asreceived. The humidity content of the fibre beforedrying is 4%. The immediate impregnation afterdrying makes impossible the measurement of exacthemp humidity after drying, but the weigh loss isvery weak. In both cases, fibres did not receive anyspecific interface treatment. All the samples weretaken directly in the plates 1 or 2 mm thick,


Kechaou et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.4, No.3 (2010) 171–182

Figure 1. Microscopic observation (SEM) of the surface(CD or CND)

Figure 2. Microscopic observation (SEM) of the shape ofthe hemp fibres

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obtained after the impregnation, without machiningof surface.Figure 1 presents SEM pictures to the surface of thesample that show the random distribution of thefibre. The shape of the hemp fibres is given in Fig-ure 2.

2.2. Characterization methods

Physicochemical characterizations by FTIR andX-ray were carried out for comparing the structureof our composites, obtained by dry impregnation,with the results of the literature which use tradi-tional processes.

2.2.1. Infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR)

The spectra were obtained with a Perkin-Elmerspectrum one FT-IR spectrometer working inAttenuated Total Reflectance mode (ATR) per-forming a total of 8 scans and having a resolutionof 4 cm–1. All ATR spectra were plotted in trans-mittance vs. wave number. The analyzed zone is3 mm2.

2.2.2. X-ray diffraction (WAXS)

X-ray diffraction analyses of materials were per-formed at room temperature by using a NoniusFR590 diffractometer (operating at 30 kV and15 mA) with a CuKα monochromatic radiation(λKα = 0.154 nm). The scans were achieved withina range from 5 to 50° (2θ) with a scanning step of0.03° in symmetrical geometry (Bragg-Brentanoconfiguration). The spot size was about 10 mmhigh and 1 mm wide.

2.2.3. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)

Dynamic mechanical tests were carried out with aDMA 50 analyzer from 01 dB-Metravib working inthe tension-compression mode. The value of 0.01%for the strain magnitude was chosen that is in thelinear domain of viscoelasticity of the material. Thesamples were thin rectangular strips that havedimensions of about (35×5.8×1) mm3. Measure-ments were performed in isochronal conditions at10 Hz, at a rate of 2°C/min and the temperaturerange is –100 and 130°C. This setup measured thecomplex tensile modulus E*, i.e. the storage, E′,

and the loss, E″, as well as their ratio (E″/E′), i.e.tanδ.

2.2.4. Monotonous flexion test

The three-point bending monotonic tests, using anINSTRON testing machine (4300 type), allowed usto determine the apparent modulus (E), the maxi-mum stress (σmax) and the maximum strain εmax

[%]. The samples were about 100 mm long, 10 mmwide and 2 mm thick. The span to depth ratio (L/h)is greater than 20 in order to minimize shear stress.The tests were performed at 2 mm/min, underambient conditions (test temperature: 23°C; rela-tive humidity: 50%).

2.2.5. Induced Current Method (ICM) andScanning Electron Mirror Effect Method(SEMME)

The dielectric behaviour of insulating material isrelated to its aptitude to trap electric charges, i.e. tothe density and energy of traps present in the mate-rial. It is also related to its capacity to diffuse elec-tric charges without damage.Before dielectric study, each sample was ultrasoni-cated in ethanol bath during 5 minutes, and driedbefore its introduction in the vacuum chamber ofthe SEM at the ambient temperature.After the introduction of the sample into the micro-scope, the insulating material is charged by afocused or unfocused electron beam (LEO 440Electron Microscopy Ltd., Cambridge, UK) duringan injection time tinj and a well controlled accelera-tion voltage Vacc.Any evolution of the total electric charges in theSEM/insulating material system involves a flow ofinduced charges towards the ground of the SEM[20]. This evolution is recorded in the form ofInduced Current Ig. This current is measured usinga picoammeter (Keithley type). The curve Ig =f(times) permits to obtain the total quantity ofcharges QIC, distributed in the samples (bulk andsurface) during the injection.The injection conditions fixed for this study are:Vacc = 10 or 30 kV, tinj = 40 or 100 ms.The evolution of Ig during injection (Figure 3)gives information on the different steps of diffusionor trapping of charges present in the insulatingsample.


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Different parameters can be deduced from thiscurve (Figure 3):– Igmax: initial current that informs on the response

of material without any perturbation;– QIC: quantity of charges distributed in the sam-

ple;– Ig40 or Ig100: value of the induced current respec-

tively for 40 or 100 ms injection time.The SEMME method will be performed after theinjection step. The observation at lower energy(V = 100–200 V) of the irradiated zone makes itpossible to put in evidence the mirror effect (Fig-ure 4) [21, 22]. In fact negative charges Qt locallytrapped and stabilized near to the injection pointcan induce the deflection of incident electrons: themirror image is a view of the SEM chamber. Thequantity Qt of trapped charges can be deduced fromthe slope of the linear part of the ‘mirror’ curve1/d = f(V) according to an electrostatic law, estab-

lished by Vallayer [22], relating the real diameter d′of the last output diaphragm and the apparent one,d, measured on the mirror image (Equation (1)):


where L is the working distance of the SEM; d′ thediameter of the last output diaphragm, d the appar-ent diameter measured on the mirror image, K(h) aparameter dependent on SEM chamber and permit-tivity of the sample, and V the acceleration poten-tial of the electron beam.The comparison between QIC, measured by theICM method and Qt, measured by the mirrormethod, gives information of the charge state in thesample. In fact, if Qt/QIC = 1, the charges are stabi-lized and trapped near the injection point. How-ever, if Qt/QIC tends towards 0, the charges diffusein the sample from the injection point.

3. Results and discussion3.1. Infrared spectroscopy measurementsFigure 5 shows the spectra of neat iPP matrix,hemp fiber mat as received, composite CD andcomposite CND, obtained with infra-red spectrome-ter (FTIR) in Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR)mode.

The neat matrix:The isotactic polypropylene consists of propenerepeating units (CH2–CH(CH3)) linked together.



d t

r ·)·(



41 0 +επε=


Kechaou et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.4, No.3 (2010) 171–182

Figure 3. Parameters measured by Induced CurrentMethod (ICM)

Figure 5. FTIR spectra (transmittance T vs. wave numberν) of four samples: matrix, fibre of hemps nodried and dried, CND, CD (the scale is the samefor each spectrum)Figure 4. Mirror image

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The methyl groups (–CH3) are located on alterna-tion with a hydrogen (H) in the backbone chain andare all on the same side. The peaks correspondingto the methyl group occur at 2953, 2873 and1375 cm–1 (C). The two first peaks (A) are attrib-uted to the stretch vibration asymmetric and sym-metric of C–H. The last one is known as ‘umbrella’mode (symmetric bending mode) (C). The peaks at2913 and 2840 cm–1 (B) are related to methylenegroup (CH2) asymmetric and symmetric C–Hstretches. The peak located at 1453 cm–1 is due tothe overlapping of the asymmetric bending mode ofthe (CH3) and the methylene scissoring mode [23].The other peaks are of less intensity, but the occur-rence of the adsorption peaks at about 1160, 997,973, and 841 cm–1 is in agreement with the tacticityof the polymer [24, 25]. Moreover, even though themethine groups (CH) are present in the structuralunit, the peaks are not observed [23].

The hemp mat:Hemp fibre mat was analyzed (%T = f(ν)) in the asreceived (not dry) and dry state. Plant fibre such ashemp contains cellulose (about 70%), non cellu-losic polysaccharide (hemicellulose and pectin),lignin and wax. According to the literature [25], thenative cellulose consists of long chain of (1-4)-βlinked D-glucose units mostly aligned in parallel(cellulose Iβ).The spectra show the major bands classicallyobserved in other ligno-cellulosic fibres. The broadand strong peak at about 3300 cm–1 [25] is charac-teristic of O–H stretching for hydrogen-bondedhydroxyl group in polysaccharides. The weakabsorption peak observed at about 1730 cm–1 ischaracteristic of hemicelllulose. It is attributed tocarbonyl group (C=O) stretch. The weak broadpeak that occurs at around 1600–1650 cm–1 is asso-ciated with water adsorbed in cellulose [25]. Thelarge peak with maximum at about 1030 cm–1 islinked with C–O vibrations in cellulose. Finally, itappears that the absence of peak at around1500 cm–1 corresponding of aromatic symmetricalstretching points out that the fibres are practicallyfree of lignin. Probably, because of the low rate ofhumidity (<4%), there are no obvious differencesbetween as received and dry mats except the peakcharacteristic of waxes [26] (CH2 symmetricalstretching) at about 2850 cm–1.

The composites:The spectra of composite PP/hemp fibres (CD orCND) are finally analyzed. These spectra show thatPP matrix is modulated by the presence of hempfibres i.e. there is no new peak appearing in thecomposites and thus no bond formed between thematrix and the fibres. Although the two spectra aresimilar, it can be noted that the amplitudes of thepeaks at 3300 and 1030 cm–1 are higher for CD.This phenomenon is possibly due to the fact that thesurface of the CD composite exhibits more cellu-losic fibre characteristic than CND composite [27].The literature [28, 29] reports that the volume crys-tallinity index is proportional to A841/A973 ratiowhere A973 is the absorbance peak intensity at973 cm–1 that is insensitive to the amorphous/crys-talline ratio of isotactic polypropylene whereas A841

is the intensity of the band at 841 cm–1 linked tocrystallinity content. For the neat matrix and thetwo composites this ratio is close and thus the crys-tallinity rate too.Thus, the dry impregnation process does not mod-ify basically the results observed classically.

3.2. X-ray analysis

Figure 6 illustrates the WAXS patterns in conven-tional mode (θ–2θ) of the different samples. Thepeaks of semicrystalline polypropylene and an


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Figure 6. X-ray diffraction patterns of matrix, hemp fibresand composites. The figure is limited to theangular field presenting peaks of significantintensity.

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amorphous background noise between 12 to 24°(in 2θ), were observed. These peaks, in accordancewith JCPDS 00-050-2397, appear at 14.16, 17.06,18.65, 21.34 and 21.91° (in 2θ.) that are characteris-tics of the α-monoclinic crystal structure and corre-sponding to the (110), (040), (130), (111) and (–131)planes, respectively. No peak occurs at 2θ. = 16°that is characteristic of the β-hexagonal phase.The XR diffractogram of hemp fibres shows threepeaks at 15; 16.47 and 22.77° (in 2θ) correspondingto the (1–10), (110), (002) planes of the Iβ cellulosestructure [30] respectively as the cellulose isexpected to be the only crystalline constituent inplant fibre. Using synchrotron radiation and neu-tron diffraction, Nishiyama et al. [31] specifies thatthe structure consisted of two parallel chains hav-ing slightly different conformations and organizedin sheets packed in a ‘parallel-up’ fashion, with allhydroxymethyl groups.For composites, the presence of hemp fibres modu-lated the PP diffractograms. As for neat matrix, nohexagonal phase (β) is detected. Indeed β-hexago-nal form could appear in HFRPP according to theprocessing [12]. The broad peak at 2θ ~ 22.5° isdue to the overlapping of the diffraction peaks ofthe PP-crystals at 2θ = 21.34 and 21.91° with thepeak of the cellulose-crystals at 2θ = 22.77°. Theincorporation of hemp fibres involves a shift tolower 2θ of the other polypropylene peaks that cor-responds to a modification of the lattice parametersof the monoclinic α phase of the polypropylenematrix, most probably due to internal stress.

3.3. Dynamic mechanical thermalproperties

Experimental results of mechanical dynamic tests,are represented in Figures 7 (loss factor tanδ) and 8(tensile storage modulus E′) for the neat matrix andthe two composites at 10 Hz.The three classical relaxations of polypropylene areobserved named γ, β and α in order of increasingtemperature [32]:– Relaxation γ (Tγ ~ –65°C for neat PP) is related

to the local motions in the amorphous phase.– Relaxation β (Tβ ~ 10.5°C, for neat PP) is associ-

ated with the glass transition, that is to long dis-tance molecular motions.

– Relaxation α (Tα = 100°C for neat PP), thatappears only on neat matrix spectrum is attrib-

uted to the presence of the crystalline phase. Infact, this relaxation is not found on the curves oftanδ. of an atactic PP (amorphous) and it isknown to be sensitive to modifications of crys-tallites by thermal or mechanical treatments(annealing, drawing). Even this relaxation is apost-Tg transition the activation energy(~130 kJ/mole) is lower than the activationenergy of α-relaxation ~ (330 kJ/mole) and fol-lows an Arrhenius law that implies less coopera-tive motion than α-relaxation. The mechanismsgenerally proposed for explaining this relaxationinclude conformational defect diffusion withinthe crystal, and interaction between amorphousand crystalline phases, the translation of chainsin the crystal part involving modification ofchain segments at the interface between the twophases [32, 33].

The incorporation of the hemp fibres increases thestorage modulus of the matrix whatever the temper-ature range. Indeed the modulus of composite isdetermined by the moduli of the constituents (fibreand matrix) but also by the fibre-matrix interactionespecially in the case of off-axis and randomly ori-ented fibre composite. The slightly higher increaseof modulus for composites with dried fibres sug-gests improved adhesion between fibre and matrixprobably due to better wetting associated to thewax removal, leading to the slightly better transferof stress from matrix to the fibre in the case of com-posite with dried fibre. In fact, the modulus of thefibre is about the same whatever the treatment


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Figure 7. Mechanical loss factor log(tanδ) vs. temperatureof the neat matrix and the two composites at10 Hz

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(50 GPa [19]). The effect of fibre-matrix adhesionon tensile modulus of such composites has beenalready experimentally shown in different studies[34, 35] but this factor is generally not taken intoaccount for in the classical models [36] for which aperfect interface is considered. Therefore, theDMA results seem to indicate a medium adhesionat the interface.Moreover as shown by Figure 7, the intensity of theβ-relaxation is lowered in the composites comparedto the neat matrix and a slight shift in peak temper-ature of the β-relaxation can be observed towardshigher temperatures (Tβ ≈ 10.5°C for the matrixand ≈15.5°C for the composites). These behaviourscannot be attributed to an increase in crystallinityof PP matrix since IR results indicated no majormodification in crystallinity index with reinforce-ment. That is probably related to the reduction inthe molecular mobility due to the reinforcing effectof the fibres that indicates the applied stresses areexpected to be easily transferred from the matrix.The decrease of the amplitude of the relaxationassociated to the glass temperature is more impor-tant for CD composite that is consistent withenhanced polymer-fibre interaction.Hence, the non-appearance of the α-relaxationpeak in the tanδ spectra of the composites in thestudied temperature range can be related to higherconstraints through the interlamellar regions linkedthe presence of fibres that seems to be consistentwith WAXS results that suggest crystal rearrange-ment and internal stresses.

3.4. Monotonous flexion test

The Figure 9 shows typical flexural stress straincurves for the neat matrix and the two compositesobtained from the three-point bending experimentat room conditions. Three characteristic zones arepointed out:– A linear zone corresponding to the elastic behav-

iour of the material.– A nonlinear zone associated to the appearance of

the plastic deformation and damage.– A zone of failure. In all the cases the material

(neat matrix and composites) beams fail from thetensile side. It can be noted that both compositescan undergo loading after the maximum stress toa large extent whereas for the neat matrix, thefailure is more sudden.

The main mechanical properties determined byflexural testing are given in Table 1 (average valueson five samples). Improvements in both maximumflexural stress and modulus are well noticed for thetwo composites.The flexural modulus increases from 1.57 GPa forthe neat polypropylene matrix to about 5.50 GPafor the composites. However, conversely to DMA


Kechaou et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.4, No.3 (2010) 171–182

Figure 8. Tensile storage modulus (E′) vs. temperature ofthe neat matrix and the two composites at 10 Hz

Figure 9. Typical curve of three-point bending, strain-stress for the neat matrix and the two compositesat room conditions

Table 1. Flexural Mechanical properties of the tested com-posite materials Emoy apparent flexural modulus,σmax and εmax flexural stress and flexural strainrespectively at maximum of the stress-strain curve(the standard deviations are in parentheses)

Emoy [GPa] σσmax [MPa] εεmax [%]Matrix 1.57 (± 0.10) 43.8 (±1.4) 4.55 (±0.25)CND 4.54 (± 0.45) 51.8 (±1.2) 2.11 (±0.22)CD 4.51 (± 0.44) 56.8 (±2.7) 2.34 (±0.15)

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tensile storage modulus results, there is no differ-ence within experimental scatter between flexural

moduli of the CD and CND composites. This resultcan be explained in term of the non-uniform stressdistribution through thickness in the case of three-point bending loading.The composite reinforced with dried fibres displays(CD) slightly higher stress at maximum comparedto composites made with as received fibres (CND),probably linked to an improved fibre/matrix adhe-sion.SEM micrographs of typical fracture feature isgiven in Figures 10 (CND) and 11 (CD). The com-parative analysis of the fracture features highlightssome traces of matrix remaining on the fibres afterextraction (pull-out). These observations suggest amedium transfer efficiency or fibre/matrix adhe-sion. However the phenomenon is clearer for thecomposite with dried fibres (Figure 11) that is con-sistent with DMA results.

3.5. Mirror and Induced Current Methods(ICM)

To characterize the behaviour of the samples stud-ied in this work, with regard to the presence of theelectric charges, the ‘mirror method’ was used cou-pled with measurement of induced current.In a first stage, the injection of the electrons wascarried out under an accelerating voltage of 30 kVin focused mode. After injection, for low observa-tion tension, the injected zone shows a degradationof material as proved in Figure 12 (SEM micro-graphs a-b).


Kechaou et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.4, No.3 (2010) 171–182

Figure 11. Fracture topography (SEM): matrix traces onfibres (CD)

Figure 10. Examples of fracture topographies (CND) pullout and matrix rupture

Figure 12. Total damaging of the irradiated zone (CD or CND): (a) before injection, (b) after injection

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For these injection conditions, a collective electriccharges detrapping occurs, inducing a local destruc-tion of the material (explosive emission) [37].Therefore, a voltage of 10 kV was chosen, usingfocused or unfocused mode (diameter of injectionzone: 70 µm); the injection time is 100 or 40 ms.Figure 13 represents the ICM curves Ig = f(time) indefocused or focused mode for the matrix and forthe CD (similar CND).ICM curves present the same shape in focused ordefocused modes, (sharp slope of the curve at thebeginning of injection and a plateau at the end ofinjection). However, for the defocused mode, morefibres are concerned favouring the flow of the elec-tric charges, inducing a weaker slope at the begin-ning of the injection and higher current intensity atthe end.Figure 14 represents the ICM curves Ig = f(time) indefocused mode for the three samples: matrix PP;CD and CND. During the injection step, some unsta-ble micro relaxations appear (time > 50 ms) onlyfor the CD and CND composite (Figure 14). Thisphenomenon can probably protect the compositefrom catastrophic damages.Consequently, following measurements were car-ried out using a 10 kV accelerating tension in defo-cused mode and tinj = 40 ms. Figure 15 representsthe evolution of the ICM current Ig = f(time) for thethree samples and Table 2 summarizes the parame-ters measured by ICM and SEMME methods.Based on ICM measurements, we can note that theincorporation of dried or not dried fibres in PPmatrix increases the material capacity to store elec-


Kechaou et al. – eXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.4, No.3 (2010) 171–182

Figure 13. Curves Ig = f(time) in defocused or focused mode: (a) matrix PP, (b) CD composite

Figure 14. Ig = f(time) in defocused mode for the threesamples, PP matrix, composite CD and com-posite CND for tinj = 100 ms

Figure 15. Ig = f(time) in defocused mode for the threesamples, PP matrix, composite CD and com-posite CND for tinj = 40 ms

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tric charges (QIC composites > QIC matrix), butwith an easier diffusion of the charges (Ig40 com-posites > Ig40 matrix) (Figure 15 and Table 2). Atthe beginning of the injection, the slope of the ICMcurve is stronger for the matrix than for the com-posites and, for the matrix, the charges are morelocalised, near the injection zone.Confirming the results obtained by the ICMmethod, the observation at low voltage, after injec-tion of electrons, shows stable mirror images. Fig-ure 16 represents the mirror curves 1/d = f(V), forthe three materials. The potential Vd of disappear-ance of the mirror is 1200 V for the two composites(outspread of electric charges) as opposed to(1800 V) for the matrix (electric charges remainsmore stable and localised). This can, also, bededuced by the ratio Qt/QIC that represents the sta-bility of the charges which decrease under theeffect of incorporating fibres in the PP matrix

(Table 2). The comparison between the dielectricmeasurements (Table 2) shows that the compositespresents high aptitude to spreading of the electriccharges (high current at the end of the injection,faster disappearance of the mirror image and Qt/QIC

weak) compared to the matrix. We can think thatthe incorporation of fibres or the creation of thefibre/matrix interface supports this phenomenon ofdelocalization of the charges and, consequently, thereduction in the polarization energy. Such a phe-nomenon has the effect of increasing the mechani-cal properties as seen previously for compositeswith epoxy matrix reinforced with glass fibres E[18].In addition, a drying of fibres before the introduc-tion into the composite is favourable. But, theobserved difference remains weak compared to thecomposites including not dried fibres.

4. Conclusions

This work enabled us to confirm the correlationbetween dielectric behaviour and mechanical prop-erties of polymers reinforced by natural fibres.Several techniques are used to characterize thesamples and the fibre/matrix interface:– From FTIR analysis, it can be concluded that

there is no chemical bond formed between thematrix and the fibres, and that the crystallinityrate is similar for neat PP and composites.

– X-ray diffraction analysis of materials showsthat the presence of hemp fibres modifies the lat-tice parameter of polypropylene in compositematerials due to internal stresses.

– As for continuous E-glass fibres [18], tests per-formed on hemp fibre reinforced compositesprove that hemps fibres modify the dielectricresponse of the polymeric matrix. The fibres, ormore probably the fibres/matrix interfaces, allowa diffusion of the electric charges which delocal-izes the polarization energy. The drying of fibresis well differentiated by IR, X-ray, ICM andSEMME methods, because the drying modifiesthe fibre/matrix interface and, then the trappingand/or the motion of the electric charges.

– Consequently, from the mechanical point ofview, the drying of fibres is beneficial since itreinforces the fibres/matrix load transfer which,in addition, favours the diffusion of the electriccharges.


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Figure 16. 1/d = f(V) for the three samples, PP matrix,composite CD and composite CND fortinj = 40 ms

Table 2. Parameters measured according to the ICMcurves and the mirror method for the three sam-ples: matrix PP, composite CD and composite CND

for tinj = 40 ms

Matrix PP CD CND

Igmax [pA] 817 (±9) 898 (±10) 867Ig40 [pA] 206 (±9) 435 (±30) 406 (±36)QIC [pC] 14.73 (±0.4) 25.65 (±3) 23.31 (±1)Qt [pC] 12.8 (±0.1) 6 (±0.1) 9.51 (±0.1)Vd [V] 1800 1200 1600Qt /QIC 0.826 0.234 0.37

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In conclusion we see that it is possible to modifythe characteristic of composite by the nature offibre and the interfaces.

AcknowledgementsThe authors particularly thank Eric Forest and LaurenceCaramaro for the Fibroline Company for the fabrication ofthe samples used in this study.

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