Measuring Inaccessible Residual Stresses Using Multiple Methods and Superposition P. Pagliaro & M.B. Prime & J.S. Robinson & B. Clausen & H. Swenson & M. Steinzig & B. Zuccarello Received: 22 April 2010 / Accepted: 10 October 2010 # The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract The traditional contour method maps a single component of residual stress by cutting a body carefully in two and measuring the contour of the cut surface. The cut also exposes previously inaccessible regions of the body to residual stress measurement using a variety of other techni- ques, but the stresses have been changed by the relaxation after cutting. In this paper, it is shown that superposition of stresses measured post-cutting with results from the contour method analysis can determine the original (pre-cut) residual stresses. The general superposition theory using Bueckners principle is developed and limitations are discussed. The procedure is experimentally demonstrated by determining the triaxial residual stress state on a cross section plane. The 2024- T351 aluminum alloy test specimen was a disk plastically indented to produce multiaxial residual stresses. After cutting the disk in half, the stresses on the cut surface of one half were determined with X-ray diffraction and with hole drilling on the other half. To determine the original residual stresses, the measured surface stresses were superimposed with the change stress calculated by the contour method. Within uncertainty, the results agreed with neutron diffraction measurements taken on an uncut disk. Keywords Residual stress . Contour method . Neutron diffraction . Superposition . Sectioning . Hole . Drilling . X-ray diffraction Introduction There are many important applications where it is very difficult to measure internal residual stresses with current technology. One example is axial stresses in girth (circum- ferential) welds on piping and pressure vessels. Circumfer- ential cracks cause the greatest concern for rupture in nuclear power plants [1, 2]. To remain in service, such defected components must be demonstrated to be safe against rupture. Axial residual stresses are a main driver for the growth of circumferential cracks and must be known for crack growth and leak-before-break analyses [35]. Mea- surement of those stresses is difficult. Neutron diffraction is the most commonly published technique for measuring internal stresses. However, some components are too thick for neutron measurement and welds are often problematic because of spatial variations in the reference lattice constant caused by chemistry changes in and around the weld [68] or the presence of microstresses [8]. The deep hole method [9] has had the most success on very thick components but measures only a 1D stress profile. The contour method [10] can measure a radial-axial cross-section map but only of the hoop stress instead of the axial stress, e.g., [11, 12]. There are many other examples of important applications where no one technique can perform the complete residual stress characterization. Currently, many larger parts are sectioned or otherwise altered in order to provide access and thereby exploit the capabilities of advanced neutron and synchrotron diffrac- tion instruments [1323] or laboratory X-rays [24]. Assumptions are often made that the sectioning does not P. Pagliaro: Visiting student at Los Alamos National Laboratory. P. Pagliaro : B. Zuccarello Dipartimento di Meccanica, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 90128 Palermo, Italy M.B. Prime (*, SEM member) : B. Clausen : H. Swenson : M. Steinzig (SEM member) Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA e-mail: [email protected] J. Robinson Department of Materials Science and Technology, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland Experimental Mechanics DOI 10.1007/s11340-010-9424-5

Measuring Inaccessible Residual Stresses Using …residual stress measurement using a variety of other techni-ques, but the stresses have been changed by the relaxation after cutting

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Page 1: Measuring Inaccessible Residual Stresses Using …residual stress measurement using a variety of other techni-ques, but the stresses have been changed by the relaxation after cutting

Measuring Inaccessible Residual Stresses Using MultipleMethods and Superposition

P. Pagliaro & M.B. Prime & J.S. Robinson & B. Clausen &

H. Swenson & M. Steinzig & B. Zuccarello

Received: 22 April 2010 /Accepted: 10 October 2010# The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract The traditional contour method maps a singlecomponent of residual stress by cutting a body carefully intwo and measuring the contour of the cut surface. The cut alsoexposes previously inaccessible regions of the body toresidual stress measurement using a variety of other techni-ques, but the stresses have been changed by the relaxationafter cutting. In this paper, it is shown that superposition ofstresses measured post-cutting with results from the contourmethod analysis can determine the original (pre-cut) residualstresses. The general superposition theory using Bueckner’sprinciple is developed and limitations are discussed. Theprocedure is experimentally demonstrated by determining thetriaxial residual stress state on a cross section plane. The 2024-T351 aluminum alloy test specimen was a disk plasticallyindented to produce multiaxial residual stresses. After cuttingthe disk in half, the stresses on the cut surface of one half weredetermined with X-ray diffraction and with hole drilling onthe other half. To determine the original residual stresses, themeasured surface stresses were superimposed with the changestress calculated by the contour method. Within uncertainty,the results agreed with neutron diffraction measurementstaken on an uncut disk.

Keywords Residual stress . Contour method . Neutrondiffraction . Superposition . Sectioning . Hole . Drilling .

X-ray diffraction


There are many important applications where it is verydifficult to measure internal residual stresses with currenttechnology. One example is axial stresses in girth (circum-ferential) welds on piping and pressure vessels. Circumfer-ential cracks cause the greatest concern for rupture innuclear power plants [1, 2]. To remain in service, suchdefected components must be demonstrated to be safeagainst rupture. Axial residual stresses are a main driver forthe growth of circumferential cracks and must be known forcrack growth and leak-before-break analyses [3–5]. Mea-surement of those stresses is difficult. Neutron diffraction isthe most commonly published technique for measuringinternal stresses. However, some components are too thickfor neutron measurement and welds are often problematicbecause of spatial variations in the reference lattice constantcaused by chemistry changes in and around the weld [6–8]or the presence of microstresses [8]. The deep hole method[9] has had the most success on very thick components butmeasures only a 1D stress profile. The contour method [10]can measure a radial-axial cross-section map but only of thehoop stress instead of the axial stress, e.g., [11, 12]. Thereare many other examples of important applications whereno one technique can perform the complete residual stresscharacterization.

Currently, many larger parts are sectioned or otherwisealtered in order to provide access and thereby exploit thecapabilities of advanced neutron and synchrotron diffrac-tion instruments [13–23] or laboratory X-rays [24].Assumptions are often made that the sectioning does not

P. Pagliaro: Visiting student at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

P. Pagliaro : B. ZuccarelloDipartimento di Meccanica, Università degli Studi di Palermo,90128 Palermo, Italy

M.B. Prime (*, SEM member) : B. Clausen :H. Swenson :M. Steinzig (SEM member)Los Alamos National Laboratory,Los Alamos, NM 87545, USAe-mail: [email protected]

J. RobinsonDepartment of Materials Science and Technology,University of Limerick,Limerick, Ireland

Experimental MechanicsDOI 10.1007/s11340-010-9424-5

Page 2: Measuring Inaccessible Residual Stresses Using …residual stress measurement using a variety of other techni-ques, but the stresses have been changed by the relaxation after cutting

change the stresses being measured. Those assumptionsshould then limit the subsequent measurements to regionsof the part unaffected by the sectioning.

This paper presents a procedure for accurately obtaininginternal stress access by first sectioning, i.e., cutting, a partin conjunction with a contour method measurement. Thenany technique, usually not contour, can be used to measurethe partially relaxed stresses at any location, surface orsubsurface, that is now accessible in the sectioned part. Thesame elastic finite element analysis that is used for thetraditional contour method data reduction also quantifiesthe elastic relaxation of all other stresses in the part.Therefore, superposition of the post-sectioning measure-ments with the appropriate results from the contour methodanalysis determines the original residual stresses at themeasurement locations. The contour method calculationsalso quantitatively identify regions of the part that areunaffected by sectioning.

The procedure is experimentally validated in thispaper for a particular application of the theory: thesurface-superposition contour method to measure thetriaxial stress state on a plane. After a contour methodcut to measure the out-of-plane stress component, theremaining in-plane stresses on the cut surface aremeasured using two independent techniques: laboratoryX-ray diffraction and incremental hole drilling. Superpo-sition of the measured surface stresses with the calculat-ed stress relaxation then determines the original, internalstresses. The results are compared with neutron diffrac-tion measurements.

Principle and Assumptions


As a review of previous work [10], Fig. 1 illustratesBueckner’s superposition principle [25] as applied tosectioning parts for residual stress measurement. Step Ashows the undisturbed part with the residual stresses thatare to be determined. The part is cut in two on the plane x=0 and deforms as residual stresses are released by the cut. Bshows half of the part in the post-cut state with partially-relaxed stresses. The surface contour is measured at thispoint. C is an analytical step that starts with a stress-freebody and then the surface created by the cut is displacedback to its original flat shape. Assuming elasticity, super-imposing the partially relaxed stress state in B with thechange in stress from C gives the original residual stressthroughout the part:

sAðx; y; zÞ ¼ sBðx; y; zÞ þ sCðx; y; zÞ ð1Þ

where σ without subscripts refers to the entire stress tensor.σA can be referred to as the original stress, σB as theremaining stress, and σC as the change stress since itquantifies how much the stress has relaxed from sectioning.

Traditional implementation of the contour method onlydetermines the normal stress, σx, and only on the plane ofthe cut. This paper presents the first use of the superpositionprinciple to measure other stress components and tomeasure stresses away from the cut plane. To qualitativelyillustrate superposition for such stresses, Fig. 2 represents asection taken through z=0 in Fig. 1. The figure was madefrom an elastic, plane strain finite element model withinitial stresses used to represent residual stresses. Each halfof Fig. 2 was taken from the same finite element analysis,but with different stress components plotted. The left half ofthe figure is colored by the magnitude of σx and the right byσz, which was initially equal to σx. Step B shows that faraway from the cut, both stress components are undisturbedfrom their original value in A. The amount of relaxationincreases closer to the cut surface, with σx fully relaxed onthe cut surface as required by the free surface condition. σzis only partially relaxed on the free surface. The stresses inC from forcing the surface back flat are equal to the stressesthat were relaxed by the sectioning.

For experimentally accessing other stress componentsand stresses away from the cut plane with this superposition



Force cut surface back to original state (A)

σ x(y)


x y

+ Original residual stress distribution


z Part cut in half, stresses relieved on face of cut


Fig. 1 Bueckner’s superposition principle applied to residual stressesin a sectioned part: A = B + C

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principle, the full stress tensor σC is calculated as shown inFig. 1 from the measured surface contour data with a single,3-D, elastic finite element (FE) analysis. In the sectionedpart, one or more components of the tensor σB are measuredat any location using any appropriate technique for residualstress measurement. Simple pointwise superposition withequation (1) returns the original residual stresses, σA, for thelocations and stress components measured in the sectionedpart. Stresses determined by this superposition are calledthe “reconstructed” stresses.

The contour method calculations also quantitativelyidentify regions of the part that are unaffected bysectioning. The bottom row in Fig. 2 shows the results ofthe contour calculations: the change stresses for all stresscomponents throughout the sectioned part. Anywhere thatthese stresses are of negligible magnitude, the stresses areunaffected by sectioning as can be seen by equation (1) andin Fig. 2. A measurement of the stresses at such locations inthe sectioned part gives the original residual stresseswithout any need for superposition.

It should be emphasized that only a single FE analysis isused for 1) the calculation of the normal stress σx from themeasured surface contour, 2) determining any componentof the stress tensor anywhere in the sectioned part bysuperposition with additional measurements, and 3) forquantification of regions unaffected by the sectioning. Theanalysis is the one at the bottom of Fig. 1. Displacementconditions are applied to the cut surface to return thematerial points to their original location. As detailedpreviously, the simultaneous solution for all of the stressesis unique because it is a Kirchhoff boundary value problemwith fully prescribed boundary conditions [10]. The accuracyof the unique solution depends on the validity of theassumptions used to experimentally implement the theory.


Standard assumptions apply for residual stress measure-ment using relaxation methods [26]. The stress relaxationafter material removal is assumed to occur elastically. Anytechnique used to section the part is assumed to notintroduce significant stresses. It must be assumed that thecut is constant width relative to the undeformed (step A inFig. 1) state of the body, a standard contour methodassumption about the cut [27]. Satisfying that assumptionrequires the part to be securely clamped during cutting sothat the material at the tip of the cut is not significantlystretched or compressed as cutting progresses and stressesrelax.

Additional assumptions unique to the contour methodshould be discussed considering the superposition approachproposed in this paper. Because the measured contour shapedoes not provide information about the transverse defor-mation, displacements in step C are only applied in the x-direction. Information about the shear stresses released onthe plane of the cut, tAxyð0; y; zÞ and tAxzð0; y; zÞ is lost. Forthe traditional contour method where only the normal stresson the cut surface, sA

x ð0; y; zÞ, is determined, averaging thecontours on the two sides is sufficient to remove errorscaused by the released shear stresses [10]. For the generalcase of measuring other stresses, one must measure theremaining stresses, σB, on both halves of the part andaverage them to ensure accurate results. Numerical simu-lations indicate, however, that this anti-symmetric shear-stress effect is insignificant for most practical applications[28] because those two shear stresses tend to have smallermagnitudes and their effect on σB is reduced relative tonormal stresses [29]. Because the contours on the two sidesare averaged, it is assumed that the part is geometricallysymmetric about the cut plane. Significant stiffness differ-ences on the two sides of the cut, such as cutting very nearone end of a long part, can cause errors if not treatedcorrectly.

Fig. 2 Two-dimensional plot of elastic superposition principle.Colored by σx on left half and σz on right half to show differentbehaviors of normal stress versus transverse stress. Deformations areexaggerated

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Special Case: Surface Superposition

The surface-superposition contour method, a particularimplementation of the broader theory, is experimentallyvalidated in this paper. In the surface-superposition contourmethod, multiple stresses can be determined on the cutsurface x=0. Equation (1) for this case becomes:

sAx ð0; y; zÞ ¼ sC

x ð0; y; zÞsAy ð0; y; zÞ ¼ sB

y ð0; y; zÞ þ sCy ð0; y; zÞ

sAz ð0; y; zÞ ¼ sB

z ð0; y; zÞ þ sCz ð0; y; zÞ

tAyzð0; y; zÞ ¼ tByzð0; y; zÞ þ tCyzð0; y; zÞ : ð2Þ

The first line of equation (2) corresponds to the traditionalcontour method to measure σx in which σx in step B ofFigs. 1 and 2 is zero because of the free surface condition. Todetermine the other stress components by superposition andequation (2), any or all of sB

y ; sBz ; and t

Byz are measured on

the cut surface using a technique such as hole drilling or X-ray diffraction.

Because stresses are measured on the cut surface, anadditional experimental step and assumption are required. Thecutting process generally induces additional stresses in a thinlayer on the cut surface [30]. The amount of stressed materialis usually too small to have a significant effect on the surfacecontour measured with the traditional contour method, andso does not invalidate the assumption of stress-free cutting inthat case. However, for the surface-superposition contourmethod, the cutting stresses can have a large effect onsurface stresses measured directly on the cut surface. In otherwords, one wants to measure the surface stresses after elasticrelaxation, not the cutting-induced stresses. Therefore, tosatisfy the stress-free cutting assumption, the thin layer ofmaterial affected by machining must be removed by a stress-free process such as electrochemical layer removal. Consid-ering that the problem is elastic and path independent,removing the layer is equivalent to a cut having been madeat the final surface location. It must therefore be assumedthat the original residual stresses were not significantlydifferent on the cut plane compared to the new surfacelocation displaced by the thickness of the removed layer, δ:

sAð0; y; zÞ � sAð0� d; y; zÞ ð3ÞConsidering the small thickness of the layer that must be

removed, this is usually a very reasonable assumption.

Experimental Validation


A specially designed specimen was used for validation. Asdescribed in detail elsewhere and illustrated in Fig. 3, a disk

was indented to introduce residual stresses from plasticdeformation [31–33]. The disk was 60-mm in diameter witha 10-mm thickness chosen to make the part accessible toindependent neutron diffraction measurements of residualstresses. Opposing hardened steel indenters loaded 13-mmdiameter regions centered on the faces of the disk, and thenthe load was removed. Plastic deformation resulted inresidual stresses of biaxial compression under the indenterand tensile hoop stress outside the indented region.

Disk specimens were fabricated for this study from12.7 mm thick plate of aluminum alloy 2024-T351. TheT351 temper indicates solution heat treat followed by rapidquenching and then plastic stretching of 1–3% in the rollingdirection for stress relief. Slitting method [34] tests on theas-received plate showed that the residual stresses hadmagnitudes of 10 MPa or less in both in-plane directions.The average grain width in the plate was 30 μm in theshort-transverse (plate thickness) direction, 340 μm in therolling direction, and 160 μm in the long transversedirection. Compression testing revealed no elastic anisotro-py but significant plastic anisotropy, with the yield strengthin stretching and through-thickness directions about360 MPa compared to 320 MPa in the in-plane directiontransverse to stretching.

The disks were indented quasi-statically with a peak loadof 99.6 kN [28]. Unlike the previous case of a stainlesssteel with isotropic plasticity [31], an accurate FE model ofthe indentation process in 2024-T351 has not yet beenconstructed because plastic anisotropy cannot be modeledat the same time as combined cyclic hardening in commoncommercial software.

Figure 4 illustrates the test configuration. The origin ofthe cylindrical coordinate system was the center of the disk.

Loading direction

Loading direction


Indenters (A2 steel)



Fig. 3 Schematic of indentation process used to produce residualstresses in disk specimen

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A diametrical plane oriented approximately normal to therolling and plastic stretch direction of the plate was theplane on which all measurements were taken and on whichthe disk was sectioned. For this cut plane and cylindricalcoordinates, equation (2) becomes

sAq ðq ¼ 0; r; zÞ ¼ sC

q ð0; r; zÞsAz ð0; r; zÞ ¼ sB

z ð0; r; zÞ þ sCz ð0; r; zÞ

sAr ð0; r; zÞ ¼ sB

r ð0; r; zÞ þ sCr ð0; r; zÞ

tArzð0; r; zÞ ¼ tBrzð0; r; zÞ þ tCrzð0; r; zÞ : ð4Þ

where for convenience in the equation, the entire cut planeis defined by θ=0. Although the superposition methodcould be applied to any location on the sectioning plane,time considerations limited the surface stress measurementsto a linear scan of σr and σz along the mid-thickness (z=0).The nearly axisymmetric nature of the stresses meant thatthe shear stresses released on the cut plane, trq , and tzq,could reasonably be assumed small. Therefore, the super-position results were considered separately on each half ofthe disk rather than averaged.

Sectioning and Contour Method

For the sectioning operation, established contour methodprocedure was used to map the hoop stresses. The cut wasmade using wire electric discharge machining (EDM) usinga 100-μm-diameter brass wire. Skim-cut settings were usedto minimize introduced stresses [30]. The cutting directionrelative to the coordinates used to plot results was such thatthe cut started at the r=+30 mm edge and completed atr=−30 mm. A test cut in the same material indicated thatthe cut width was 130 μm. The specimen was clamped onboth sides of the cut during cutting to minimize deforma-tion as the stresses relaxed. After cutting, the specimen wasremoved from the fixture and the contours of the cutsurfaces were measured on a 0.1-mm×0.04-mm grid using

a scanner with a confocal laser ranging probe [35]. Thecutting and contouring were repeated on an unindented diskas a control to confirm the cut flatness in stress-freematerial.

The raw contour data was processed to calculate residualstresses using established procedure [11, 31, 35]. The datafrom each of the two halves were interpolated onto arectangular grid and then the two were averaged. Theaveraged data was smoothed using quadratic splines withknot spacing of 3.33 mm, giving about 1-mm spatialresolution for the surface shape. A 3D mesh of half of thedisk was constructed using 51,920 linear hexahedral 8-nodeelements with reduced integration (C3D8R). To computeresidual stresses from the smoothed data, the initially flatsurface in the FE model was elastically deformed usingx-direction displacement boundary conditions into theopposite shape of the measured contour with the ABAQUScode [36]. From the results of the mechanical testing of thebase material, the elastic modulus was 73.2 GPa and aPoisson’s ratio was 0.33. From this single FE calculation,all of the σC stresses from equation (4) were determined onthe cut surface. The random uncertainties in the contourmethod residual stresses were estimated pointwise [35]with average one standard deviation uncertainties ofabout ±12 MPa for the hoop stress and about half that forthe in-plane stresses. Systematic errors of similar magnitudeare possible [27].

Surface Preparation

The cut surfaces were prepared for stress measurement.First, the EDM-affected layer was removed by wet polish-ing with 600 grit SiC paper. Wet polishing with 800 gritSiC paper was then used to remove scratches from the firstpolish. Finally, electropolishing for 6 min with 10 Vappliedin a 65°C mixed phosphoric/sulphuric acid bath was usedto remove approximately 115 μm from each surface.

X-ray Surface Stress Measurement

On one half of the disk, the radial and axial stresses alongthe mid thickness (z=0) of the cut surface were measuredusing a local strain technique on a Philips X’Pert X-raydiffractometer using Cu Kα radiation [37–40]. Measure-ments were taken approximately every 5 mm from r=0 tor=±25 mm. The irradiated area was 3 mm2. The position ofthe peak arising from diffraction from the Al {422} planeswas measured (136°<2θ<139°). Sixteen scans were per-formed for each stress measurement using different =

values within the range 0≤=≤60° (=—angle between thesurface normal and the bisector of source and diffractedX-ray beam). The resulting spectra were analyzed usingPhilips X’pert Stress Software (version 1.0a) with peak




plate rolling/stretchdirection

sectioning cut plane

Fig. 4 Contour method sectioning plane orientation in aluminumdisk. All residual stress measurements were performed on this plane.Locations of holes that were drilled later are shown on mid-thicknessof cut plane

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locations determined with a Pearson VII fitting technique.In all cases these 16 scans were used to calculate the curvefit in the d (lattice spacing) versus Sin2= plots. The X-rayelastic constant, (1/2)S2 was 19.07 (TPa−1) taken fromliterature for the {422} planes [41]. Errors displayed on thefigures were calculated from the standard error of the beststraight line fit.

Hole Drilling Surface Stress Measurement

On the other half of the disk, the radial and axial stressesalong the mid thickness (z=0) of the cut surface weremeasured using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry(ESPI) hole drilling [42, 43]. First, nine holes were drilledevery 6 mm (r=0, ±6, ±12, ±18, ±24 mm, see Fig. 4)using a 1.59-mm diameter drill with 15,000 RPMrotational speed and a feed rate of 0.05 mm/s. Next, 10holes were drilled between and outside the previous holes(r=±3, ±9, ±15, ±21, ±27 mm) using a 0.79-mm diameterdrill with a 10,000 RPM rotational speed. Rotationalspeeds and feed rates were selected by checking fordrilling-induced stress effects in stress-free material. Allholes were drilled in four 0.1 mm depth increments withESPI measurements taken between each increment. Basedon the analytic solution for the stress concentration arounda hole, the neighboring holes were expected to have lessthan 2% effect on measured stresses for the first 9 holesand 5% for the last 10 holes. Stresses were calculatedusing the full displacement field given by the ESPI data[44]. The stress from the shallowest (0.1 mm) depthincrement was taken as the surface stress for superposi-tion. One standard deviation random uncertainties forthese measurements were estimated at ±10–15 MPa withpossible systematic errors of similar magnitude [45, 46].

Neutron Diffraction Measurements

Neutron diffraction (ND) measurements were made usingthe SMARTS instrument [47] at the Los Alamos NeutronScience Center (LANSCE). Because neutron measurementswere performed after the other measurements, a separatedisk specimen that was nominally identical to the sectionedone was used. Measurement were taken along the mid-thickness line, z=0. Measurement locations were separated1.7 mm near the center of the disk and by 3.4 mm beyond aradius of 12 mm. The gauge volume was confined to 2×2×2 mm3 using incident slits and radial collimators. The counttime for each measurement was about 30 min. Because ofthe small gauge volume and the relatively weak scatteringfrom aluminum, the diffraction patterns were only analyz-able using full-pattern Rietveld analysis [48, 49]. Rietveldanalysis leads to the determination of an average latticeparameter, ai, based upon all available peaks, where i

indicates the direction relative to the specimen; i=r, θ, z forthe radial, hoop and axial directions, respectively. Thetypical error-bar on the measured lattice parameters, takenas the estimated standard deviation from the Rietveldrefinement, is about 75–150 με (microstrain, ×10−6 orequivalent to parts per million), depending on the positionwithin the sample.

One advantage of the Rietveld analysis is that the latticeparameters, and thus lattice strains, determined from therefinements are average values representative of the bulk,and hence the residual stress components can be evaluateddirectly using Hooke’s law employing the regular bulkelastic constants [50]. The lattice strains were calculatedfrom equation (5):

"i ¼ aia0i

� 1; i ¼ r; q; z: ð5Þ

Stress-free reference lattice parameters, ai0, were measuredon small cubes cut from the same plate as the indented disk.Based on additional neutron measurements through thethickness of the low-stress stretched plate compared withthe precise slitting measurements, one standard deviationrandom uncertainties were estimated at ±15 MPa. 15 MPawas about 50% larger than the estimate based on peakfitting uncertainties alone, and that was probably the resultof other error sources that were not accounted for. Becauseof the ai0 measurements, a systematic shift of similarmagnitude to the random uncertainties was possible.


Figure 5 shows the neutron diffraction residual stress resultson the mid-thickness of the plane indicated in Fig. 4.

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30-180










σ (M


r (mm)

Hoop Radial Axial

Fig. 5 Neutron diffraction stresses measured on the disk at mid-thickness

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Because of time limitations, not all planned measurementsfor positive radii were completed. Where measurementswere taken at the planned resolution with overlappingvolumes, data points are connected by lines in order toguide the eye. The stresses show the expected trends ofnearly biaxial compression in the indented region andtensile hoop stress outside that region. For axisymmetricstresses, the hoop and radial stress would need to be equalat r=0 by the equilibrium condition. However, because ofthe plastic anisotropy, the stresses are asymmetric and theobserved difference is allowed. The difference is approxi-mately equal to the difference between flow stresses in thetwo in-plane directions of the disk. The axial stresses aresmall magnitude because of the small disk thickness andbecause the plastic strains induced by indentation have lessspatial variation in the axial direction.

Figure 6 shows the average of the surface contoursmeasured on the opposing surfaces created by cutting thedisk in half. The surface contour was high in the centralregion of the disk with a peak-to-valley magnitude of about35 μm. The average surface contour measured on theunindented disk as a control was flat to within measurementresolution, confirming the quality of the EDM cut.

Figure 7 shows the 3D FE model of the half-disk after ithas been elastically deformed on the cut surface into theopposite of the measured contour (Fig. 6). In this state, thestresses are the change stresses, σC from equation (1). The xdirection stresses, which on the cut plane are the hoopstresses, are colored in Fig. 7. Note that the stresses decayto near zero away from the cut surface.

Figure 8 shows, on the sectioning plane of Fig. 4, thestresses returned by the contour method data analysis of

Fig. 7. These are the σC stresses from equation (4), andwithout superposition only the hoop stresses are equal tothe original residual stresses. In Fig. 9 the hoop stressesextracted along the mid-thickness are compared directlywith the neutron results. Based upon the spatial variationobserved for the contour method, see Fig. 8, the spatialaveraging of the neutron data over the 2-mm cube samplingvolumes does not significantly affect the comparison.Agreement is generally good, with most of the points beingwithin the one standard deviation uncertainties. The peakstress in the contour results is 1 mm off center. Because ofthe precision fabrication and indentation, the real stressesare expected to be centered to within 0.1 mm of the diskcenter. The error is postulated to be caused by deviationsfrom the assumption that the cut width is constant relativeto the undeformed part. A more robust clamping arrange-ment, e.g., [51], should reduce such errors, or it could becorrected for [27]. Metallographic examination revealedthat the rolling direction was about 20° away from thenormal to the cut plane for the specimen measured by thecontour method. The neutron specimen was alignedcorrectly as shown in Fig. 4. An analysis based on theplastic anisotropy measured in compression testing estimat-ed that the residual stress difference between these twoorientations to be 4 MPa or less, which is insignificantcompared to the uncertainties.

Figures 8 and 9 are the results from a traditional contourmethod analysis and where the measurement wouldtraditionally finish. To determine the original radial andaxial stresses with the new procedure proposed in thispaper, measured surface stresses were superimposed point-wise using equation (4) with contour results extracted fromFig. 8 at the appropriate point locations. Uncertainties fromindividual measurements were combined in quadrature toestimate the uncertainties in the sum. Figure 10 shows theradial stress superposition, with X-ray results on one half ofthe disk and hole drilling on the other half. The shapes ofthe stress distributions are quite different for the remaining

Fig. 7 3D finite element model used to calculate stresses for thecontour method. X-direction boundary conditions have forced the cutsurface into the opposite of the measured surface contour of Fig. 6.Displacements are exaggerated by a factor of 200

Fig. 6 Surface contour measured on cut plane (Fig. 4) of indenteddisk

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stresses, σB, and the change stress, σC, indicating theimportance of both of the contributions to superposition.Figure 11 shows the axial stress superposition with X-rayresults on one half of the disk and hole drilling on the otherhalf. The axial stresses are generally of small magnitude.

Figure 12(a) compares the radial stresses reconstructedusing superposition with the neutron results from thenominally identical second disk. The reconstructed radialstresses agree within uncertainty bars with the neutronresults at about 85–90% of the locations, which is betterthan expected for one standard deviation uncertainties. The

X-ray and hole drilling reconstructions agree better witheach other and with neutron results for positive radii thanfor negative. The +r/-r asymmetry in the contour results,see Fig. 10, which peaks at 30 MPa at r=±6 mm and isunder 10 MPa after r=±11 mm, explains only part of thedifference. Most of the difference is in the surface stressmeasurements, especially an apparent negative bias in theX-ray results for negative radii.

The small magnitude axial stresses, compared inFig. 12(b), are a good test of superposition becausemeasuring low stress levels accentuates errors. The holedrilling reconstructed stresses agree with the neutronresults within uncertainty bars about 85% of the time.The X-ray reconstructed stresses agree with neutron about74% of the time, still within expectations for one standarddeviation uncertainties, but seem to again have a notice-able negative bias for negative radii. The neutron results

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30-180










σ radi

al (



r (mm)

X-ray (σB) Contour (σC) Sum (σA)

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30-180










σ radi

al (



r (mm)

Hole Drill (σB) Contour (σC) Sum (σA)



Fig. 10 Radial stress superposition from equation (4), a X-ray and bhole drilling on opposite halves

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30-180










σ hoop



r (mm)

Neutron Contour

Fig. 9 The contour method measurements of hoop stress (from Fig. 8)along the disk mid-thickness (z=0 Fig. 4) compared with neutrondiffraction results from an identical disk

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30



5(c) Hoop stress

r (mm)

z (



-140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60


-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30



5(b) Axial stress

z (



-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30




z (


)(a) Radial stress

Fig. 8 Maps of the σC stress [equation (4)] determined by the finiteelement model analysis of the contour method data. The lightercolored contour line is zero stress

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also seem to have a slight negative bias, indicating apossible offset in the measured a0 values. The axialstresses show a subtle “M” shape near the center of thedisk with a compressive peak at r=0. This feature is seenin preliminary FE simulations where the predicted axialstress is about −70 MPa at r=0 and +30 MPa at r=±4 mm.The axial stress is expected to be within 10 MPa of zerofor |r|>10 mm, which is best matched by the hole drillingreconstructed stresses.


The experimental implementation of the superpositiontheory was validated by the independent neutron diffractionmeasurements. The agreement is impressive considering the

vastly different assumptions and biases inherent to the fourmeasurement methods included in the results: the contourmethod, hole drilling, X-ray diffraction, and neutrondiffraction.

Because σB stresses were measured on the cut surface,the validation involved probably the most challengingimplementation of the theory, so better results can beexpected when post sectioning stresses are measured sub-surface. As seen in Fig. 2, the change stresses, σC, arelargest on the cut surface and decay farther away in accordwith St. Venant’s principle. Since the change stress islargest on the cut surface, the correction to subsequentlymeasured stresses is at its largest and the sum is then moresubject to errors. Furthermore, surface stresses can beespecially challenging to measure accurately because of theeffects of surface preparation and irregularities, surfacecorrosion, etc.

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30-180










σ radi

al (



r (mm)

Hole Drill recon. X--ray recon. Neutron

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30-180










σ axia

l (M


r (mm)

Hole Drill recon. X--ray recon. Neutron



Fig. 12 Reconstructed stresses from Figs. 10 and 11 compared withneutron, (a) radial and (b) axial

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30-180










σ axia

l (M


r (mm)

X-ray (σB) Contour (σC) Sum (σA)

-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30-180










σ axia

l (M


r (mm)

Hole Drill (σB) Contour (σC) Sum (σA)



Fig. 11 Axial stress superposition from equation (4): (a) X-ray and(b) hole drilling on opposite halves of the disk

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The surface-superposition contour method demonstratedin this paper extends the traditional contour method to themeasurement of multiple stress components. Other techni-ques to measure multiple components with the contourmethod have different abilities and limitations. The “mul-tiaxial” contour method gives all the stress components bymaking additional cuts at 45° from the first cut, requiring anextruded cross section, and limiting the application to acontinually processed part [52, 53]. The multiple cutsmethod makes multiple orthogonal cuts and reconstructsthe original residual stresses using multiple superpositions[29]. Therefore, it gives the multiple stress components ondifferent planes. The surface superposition contour methodpresented in this paper gives multiple stress components ona single plane using a single cut. However, it requires asurface stress measurement technique in addition to thecontour method.

Under a certain condition, the surface-superpositioncontour method special case of the theory may be sensitiveto plasticity errors. Solving equation (2) for the remainingsurface stresses gives:

sBy ð0; y; zÞ ¼ sA

y ð0; y; zÞ � sCy ð0; y; zÞ

sBz ð0; y; zÞ ¼ sA

z ð0; y; zÞ � sCz ð0; y; zÞ : ð6Þ

Examination of Fig. 8 illustrates that the change stresses,σC, tend to be the same sign in all three directions, and, byequation (2), sC

x ð0; y; zÞ ¼ sAx ð0; y; zÞ. Therefore, if either of

the original in-plane stresses sAy ð0; y; zÞ or sA

z ð0; y; zÞ wereof opposite sign to sA

x ð0; y; zÞ, the remaining surfacestresses would increase in magnitude according to equation(6). At high enough magnitude, these stresses could exceedthe yield strength and potentially invalidate the assumptionof elastic superposition. However, this yielding issue isexpected to occur infrequently because residual stresseswhere the stress components have opposite signs arerelatively uncommon. Also, the change stress magnitudedecays rapidly away from the surface, so this should haveless effect on subsurface measurement superposition. Thislocalized surface plasticity in the transverse direction alsodoes not have a large effect on the measured surfacecontour. Therefore, the traditional contour method hasshown itself to be fairly insensitive to plasticity errors, asshown by the agreement with neutron diffraction results inwelds where the stresses tend to be high [11, 35, 54–57].

Applying the superposition approach to axial stresses ina girth weld, the example mentioned in the Introduction,would work best with an additional step, as illustrated inFig. 13. Because the hoop residual stresses across the ringthickness can have a net bending moment, one should firstsplit the ring by cutting through the thickness [Michael R.Hill, U.C. Davis, personal communication]. Measuring theamount the ring opens or closes then allows a simple

analytic or FE calculation of the moment stresses that havebeen relieved [26]. Another cut, which has negligible effect,is used to remove something like a 120° section of thecylinder to provide access for the final cut. That final cut,halving the remaining 240° section of the cylinder, is usedto measure the hoop stresses with the contour method. Nowthe cross section is exposed for measurement of surfaceaxial and radial stresses. The two-step procedure hasalready been validated for measuring the hoop stresses butnot the axial [58].


1. A theory was presented for using superposition todetermine internal residual stresses by sectioning withthe contour method and then measuring remainingstresses with other methods. This theory can allowmeasurements in parts where the internal stresses werepreviously difficult to access. This approach opens uppossibilities to combine the advantages of differenttechniques to obtain unprecedented measurements andunderstanding.

2. A special case of the theory was presented, the surfacesuperposition contour method, for measuring triaxialstress states on the plane of the cut. It was implementedon a test specimen using X-ray diffraction and holedrilling for surface stress measurement and then


wire EDMcut

Fig. 13 Proposed multi-cut process for measuring cylinders. Theamount of opening, measured after the first cut, is used to determinethe released bending moment prior to the final EDM cut used for thecontour method

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experimentally validated by comparing with neutrondiffraction measurements.

3. The surface superposition contour method may be moredifficult to implement accurately than subsurfacemeasurements. Care must be taken that the layeraffected by the cutting process is removed prior tosurface stress measurement. Furthermore, under certaindescribed conditions, surface stresses are more likely tobe affected by local plasticity.

Acknowledgements MBP would like to thank Iain Finnie of U.C.Berkeley for two decades of mentorship and friendship. ProfessorFinnie passed away in December 2009. Some of this work wasperformed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, operated by the LosAlamos National Security, LLC for the National Nuclear SecurityAdministration of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396. This work has benefited from the use of the LujanNeutron Scattering Center at LANSCE, funded by the Department ofEnergy’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences. Dr. Pagliaro’s work wassponsored by a fellowship from the Università degli Studi diPalermo.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which per-mits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in anymedium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.


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