Organizational Development and Interventions Presented by- PGDM 3 rd Sem Students

Meaning of Inter

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Organizational Development and Interventions

Presented by-

PGDM 3rd Sem Students

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Organizational Development 

OD can be defined as a technique for bringing changein the entire aspects of the organization so that 

change is easily absorbed.

 And the planned activities in which client & consultants participate during the course of an organizationdevelopment program are known as OD interventions.

 Actually it is an attempt to improve the ´ fitµ between the individual & organization between the organization & its 


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Steps in OD

Diagnosis of the problem. Planning strategy for change.

Implementing the change.


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OD Intervention Techniques

Behavioral techniques

i. Sensitivity training.

ii. MBO.

iii. Grid OD.

iv. Transactional Analysis.

Non-behavioral techniques

i. Changes in organization structure.

ii. Work design.

iii. Job Enrichment.

Miscellaneous techniques

i. Survey feedback.

ii. Process consultation.

iii. Team building.

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S urvey Feedback 

 As the title sugges ts the method used b  y consultants 

is to ´surveyµ th e situation as it curre ntly is and ´feedbackµ his ana lysis to the group. The  feedback 

information is then discussed and wor ked on by the 

team members .

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Survey Feedback has

emerged as an another approach to team development 

and involves

Systematic data collection from all levels of theorganization.

Sharing of the information.Interpretation/analysis of data.

Participants plays key role in developing solutions tothe problem.Transfers the ownership of the data from change agent 

to participants.

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Transactional AnalysisA method of analyzing and understanding interpersonal


To understand TA

Ego states, Life position and Analysis of Transactions should beunderstood.

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Ego States refer to persons way of thinking, feeling and behaving

at any time. There are three kinds of ego states-

Parent ego

Overprotective, references to laws and rules, upright and

reliance on past experiences.

 Adult ego

Look at people as equals, worthy and reasonable humanbeings.

Child ego

Creativity, attention seeking, anxiety, temper tantrums.

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L ife positions are based on specific assumptions that 

are made early in life. And such philosophies get tied 

into your identity, sense of worth and perceptions of  other people. And the four categories of life positions 

are as shown - 

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Transactions are said to occur when a stimulus from a person is being

responded by another person. It actually routes up from ego states .

 And d epending on the ego states of the persons involved in the

transactions, there can be following types of transactions-

C omplementary Transactions 

C rossed Transactions 

Ulterior Transactions 

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Features of sensitivity training

Psychological technique

Trained leader

Enhancement of trust and


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Process of sensitivity training

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It identifies a range of managementbehavior based on the different waysthat how production/service oriented

and employee oriented states interactwith each other.

The managerial grid focuses on theobservations of behavior in exercises

specifically related to work. Participantsin this training are encouraged and

helped to appraise their own managerialstyle.

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It¶s a combine approach for people and for production which is formulated into a grid.

 A 9 by 9 grid is suggested, with degrees of variation, but five positions are given as a

matter of simplicity .

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1,9: Task managementPeople are a commodity, just like machines. A manager'sresponsibility is to plan, direct and control the work of subordinates.

1,1: Impoverished managementEffective production is unobtainable because people are lazy,

apathetic, and indifferent and also sound and maturerelationships are impossible because human nature inevitablyleads to conflict.

9,1: Country club managementProduction is incidental to lack of conflict and good fellowship

9,9: Team management

Production is from integration of task and human requirements. 5,5: Dampened pendulum (middle of the road)

Push for production but not all out giving space and being fair butfirm.

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Team Building 

³ Teams are a useful business tool for process and quality improvement, which may lead to higher 

customer satisfaction or cost reduction. Many managers recognize the benefits teams may bring but do not properly consider what it takes to get a teamfunctioning in the direction management desires.´ 

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Reasons for Team Building include

Improving communication

Making the workplace more enjoyable

Motivating a team Getting to know each other 

Getting everyone "onto the same page", including goal setting

Teaching the team self-regulation strategies

Helping participants to learn more about themselves (strengths andweaknesses)

Identifying and utilizing the strengths of team members Improving team productivity

Practicing effective collaboration with team members.

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Stage 1. Forming Stage 2. Storming

Stage 3. Norming

Stage 4. Performing

Stage 5. Adjourning


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