Announcing the arrival of Yang Berusaha _________________________ To the English Language Co-Academic Carnival 2014 Assalamualaikum w.b.tv 1. Yang Berusaha / The Honourable ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________ 6. The Adjudicators 7. Committee members 8. Teachers and fellow students Welcome to the English Language Co-Academic Carnival for the year 2014. We are privileged to have ______________________________,

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Announcing the arrival of

Yang Berusaha


To the English Language Co-Academic Carnival 2014

Assalamualaikum w.b.tv

1. Yang Berusaha / The Honourable________________________________________________





6. The Adjudicators7. Committee members8. Teachers and fellow students

Welcome to the English Language Co-Academic Carnival for the year 2014.

We are privileged to have ______________________________, our________________________________, for allocating part of his precious time to be with us in this auspicious event.

So as to pray for blessings for this evening’s gathering, I would like to invite _________________________________ for the recital of Doa.

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Thank you.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This event is underlining the aim to improve the English proficiency among all students in the district of __________ while helping them to meet with the extra-curricular activities.

Gathering 17 schools participating in four events; the Public Speaking, Parliamentary Debate, Choral Speaking and Drama Competition are also hoped to enable students to enhance the mastery of English in all aspects namely the pronunciation, enunciation, fluency, intonation and grammar and at the same time increase the awareness among students on the importance of English in their daily lives.

*Ladies and Gentlemen, without delay, we cordially invite our respectful

_______________________________ to give a speech and to officiate the English Language Co-Academic Carnival 2014. Please welcome.

Thank You to ___________________.

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And now, the Prize Giving Ceremony. In our hands are the results.

*We would like to call upon ______________________________ to give out the certificates and prizes.

We will start off with the Certificates to the Committee Members of the English Language Co-Academic Carnival Secondary School 2014.Panel of Adjudicators.

Please welcome:

_______________________ as the representative to receive the certificates.

Next will be the certificates and tokens of appreciation to the Panel of Adjudicators.

Please welcome:

The adjudicators for the Public Speaking Competition:

1. _____________________________________

The adjudicators for the Parliamentary Debate Competition:

1. _________________________________________

The adjudicators for the Choral Speaking Competition:

1. _________________________________________

The adjudicators for the Drama Competition:

1. _________________________________________

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Now, inviting onto the stage, the representatives from the participating schools to receive the certificates of participation.

Please welcome:


And now, announcing the results for the Choral Speaking Competition.

Best Conductor : __________________________________________

We would like to invite the all of the winning choral speakers, the whole team to go up the stage and receive your prizes.

3rd place : ________________________________________________

2nd place : ________________________________________________

1st place : ________________________________________________

And now, announcing the results for the Drama Competition.

Best Performer : __________________________________________

We would like to invite all of the casts of the drama team to go up the stage and receive your prizes.

2nd Consolation prize : ______________________________________

1st Consolation prize: ______________________________________

2nd place : ________________________________________________

1st place : ________________________________________________

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And now, announcing the results for the Public Speaking Competition.

3rd place : ________________________________________________

2nd place : ________________________________________________

1st place : ________________________________________________

And now, announcing the results for the Parliamentary Debate Competition.

Best Speaker : ________________________________________________

2nd place : ________________________________________________

1st place : ________________________________________________


And to express our gratitude, we would like to invite ___________________________ to give a token of appreciation to our respected ___________________________.

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our event today is reaching its end. Thank you again to ____________________.

Thank you for each and every individual who has supported and shared their ideas throughout the English Language Co-Academic Carnival 2014.

Before we bid farewell, we would like to invite all for a delicious lunch prepared at the school canteen. See you again next year! Thank You.