Youth Perspectives Seminar Exploring creative youth art and development education methodologies for use in formal and non-formal education sectors. June 16th & 17th Youth Visions Seminar Dialogue between youth and local authority departments and city councillors to explore the visions of youth and the opportunities with the Cork City Council. June 21st Millenium Hall, Cork City Mayfield Arts Newbury House, Old Youghal Rd, Mayfield, Cork Ph: 00 35321 4530434 [email protected] www.mayfieldarts.org Mayfield Arts Newbury House Youth Seminars Resource Pack www.youthperspectives-youthvisions.com Youth Perspectives

Mayfield Arts Youth Perspectives Seminar

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This youth seminar took place on the 16th and 17th of June 2010 in the Camden Palace Hotel in Cork. The seminar was coordinated by Mayfield Arts Newbury House and explored creative methodologies in youth work and links and crossovers between the formal and non-formal education sectors.

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               Youth  Perspectives  Seminar

                   Exploring  creative  youth  art  and  

                   development  education  

                     methodologies  for  use  in  formal  

                     and  non-formal  education  


                       June  16th  &  17th

                         Camden  Palace  Hotel  Cork

                   Youth  Visions  Seminar

                       Dialogue  between  youth  and  local  

                     authority  departments  and  city  

                   councillors  to  explore  the  visions  of  

                 youth  and  the  opportunities  with  the  

               Cork  City  Council.

           June  21st

         Millenium  Hall,  Cork  CityMayfield Arts Newbury House, Old Youghal Rd, Mayfield, CorkPh: 00 35321 4530434 [email protected] www.mayfieldarts.org

Mayfield Arts

Newbury House Youth SeminarsResource Pack www.youthperspectives-youthvisions.com

Youth Perspectives

Page 2: Mayfield Arts Youth Perspectives Seminar

Youth Perspectives SeminarJune 16th & 17th Camden Palace Hotel Cork

Exploring creative youth art and development education methodologies for use in formal and non-formal education sectors

This seminar brought together youth and those involved in developing and delivering programmes in the formal and non-formal education sectors. It crossed between the fields of development edu-cation, youth arts and youth and community work.

This seminar gave the participants an opportunity to broaden perspectives through creative dialogue between young people and adults working across these fields. It also created a space to explore methodologies together, and ways in which we can promote and become active as local and global citizens.

The creative workshops and round-table discussions were facilitated by young people who took part in a peer education programme run in Mayfield Arts Newbury House.

The seminar workshops allowed the participants to see how theatre, visual arts, digital media and dance can be used to explore development education and encourage confidence, learning and teamwork.

The seminar presentations included a range of speakers from the formal and non-formal education sectors, including Leargas, the UBUNTU network, and the visiting volunteers from Cooperacion Renovacion Cultural from Medellin, Colombia

The Deputy Lord Mayor John Buttimer opened the European Citizenship Postcard Exhibition which included work by teenagers from Mayfield, and an evening of performances from the visiting Colombians and Inma Moya’s contemporary dance troup in the Camden Palace Hotel.

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 Youth  In  Action  presentation  by  Jessica  Carson  Mayfield  Arts

Presentation  by  Mary  McCarthy  from  the  Leargas  Worldwise  programme.

Presentation  by  Deirdre  Hogan  from  the  UBUNTU  NETWORK

Speach  by  Carmel  Madden  from  Irish  Aid

Speach  by  Cork’s  Deputy  Lord  Mayor  John  Buttimer

Speaches,  Presentations  &  Artwork  Youth  Perspectives  SeminarGo  to  http://www.youthperspectives-youthvisions.com  or  follow  the  links






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Mayfield Arts Youth Perspectives Seminar Camden Palace Community Art Centre Cork

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Graphic  Harvesting  Documentation

Mayfield  Arts  Youth  Perspectives  Seminar

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Mayfield  Arts  Youth  Perspectives  Seminar


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Key  Learning  MomentsFrom  Participants  attending  the  Mayfield  Arts  Youth  Perspectives  Seminar

Positive  attitudes  promote  learning.

To  facilitate  aworkshop.  -  James

I  loved  the  dance  workshop  and  I  want  to  do  more  in  future.  -  Tim

That  good  energy  conquers  all!

Learning  to  love  dancing!  PUYA!!!

Realising  that  getting  stressed  achieved  nothing.

I  learned  new  ideas  from  friends  I  made  

here  -  Jason.

I  learned  that  people  are  respecting  me.  This  was  a  great  

experience.  -  Patrick

Realising  there  was  so  much  support  when  I  had  

doubts  about  what  I  was  doing.

We  all  have  something  to  learn  from  each  other.  Regardless  of  age,  

education  or  background..

Live  through  scenarios  and  get  direct  feedback  at  the  time  -  encourages  

improvement.Noche  Colombiana  -  Por  que  las  demas  

personas  se  intergraron  con  nosotros  y  nos  divertimos  juntos.  

Isaac:  A  key  learning  moment  for  me  was  doing  the  jibbering,  acting  like  the  bigger  eejit  in  my  group  so  everyone  else  can  feel  

free  to  act  stupid.  

The  people.

Global  UnityPeace

Young  PeopleHope

Better  Opportunities

Supporting  the  teen  facilitators  was  

inspriring.  I  learned  so  much  from  them.

El  carino  de  los  chicos  con  diferentes  habilidades  tambien  

son  muy  divertidos.