9th May 2014 Network Newsletter Nursery Holiday Please note that Tuesday of next week, 13th May, is a holiday and all campuses of Network school will be closed that day. လာမည့္အပတ္ အဂၤ ါေန႕ (ေမလ ၁၃ရက္ေန႕) သည္ေကာင္းပိတ္ရက္ၿဖစ္ေၾကာင္း သတိၿပမိေစလိုပါသည္။ Boxes As we will be moving again over the Summer break we need many cardboard boxes in which to pack all our teaching resources. Can you help? Do you have suitable boxes, any size, which you are willing to give, or lend us? We are prepared to return boxes after the holidays if you wish – simply write on the box to whom it is to be returned. Boxes can be delivered at any time to the Sanchaung or Bahan campus. Thank you all very much for your help. Summer break တြင္ ေကာင္းေရႊ႕ေၿပာင္းၿခင္းမား ၿပလုပ္ရမည္ၿဖစ္ေသာေၾကာင့္ စာသင္ၾကားေရးသင္ေထာက္ကူပစၥည္းမားကို ထုပ္ပိုးရန္ အတြ က္ ကတ္ထူစကၠပံုးမား လိုအပ္ေနပါသည္။ သို႕ပါေသာေၾကာင့္ မိဘမားထံတြင္ သင့္ေတာ္ေသာပံုးမား (မည့္သည့္အရြ ယ္အစားမဆို) ကာင္းသို႕လွဒါန္းရန္ (သို႕) ငွားရမ္းရန္ရွိပါက ကူညီေစလိုပါသည္။ ေကာင္းပိတ္ရက္မားအၿပီးတြင္ ငွားရမ္းထားေသာပံုးမားအား ၿပန္လည္ရယူ ႏိုင္မည္ၿဖစ္ေသာေၾကာင့္ ပံုးမားေပၚတြင္ မိမိတို႕၏ အမည္မားကိုထင္ရွားစြ ာ ေရးသားထားရမည္ၿဖစ္ပါသည္။ ပံုးမားအား စမ္းေခာင္း(သို႕)ဗဟန္း တြင္လာေရာက္ေပးထားႏိုင္ပါသည္။ ေကးဇူးအထူးတင္ရွိပါသည္။ Art Shows Each campus will have a display of the students' art work in the next 2 weeks. All parents and friends are invited to come to see the work done by the students. The displays will be ready at the times shown below, but if parents cannot come at that time, much of the work will remain on display for a few weeks afterwards. Please come when you can. လာမည့္ရက္သတၱပတ္ႏွစ္ပတ္အတြင္း ေကာင္းသား/သူမားၿပလုပ္ထားေသာ art work မားအား campus တိုင္းတြင္ ၿပသမည္ၿဖစ္ပါသည္။ မိဘမားႏွင္သူငယ္ခင္းမားအားလံုးအား ေကာင္းသား/သူမားၿပလုပ္ထားသည္မားကိလာေရာက္ၾကည့္ရႈရန္ ဖိတ္ေခၚပါသည္။၄င္းၿပသၿခင္းမား ကိေအာက္ေဖာ္ၿပပါ အခိန္ဇယားရွအခိန္မားတြင္ ၿပသမည္ၿဖစ္ပါသည္။ အကယ္၍ မိဘမားမွ ၄င္းအခိန္မားတြင္ လာေရာက္ရန္ အဆင္မေၿပပါကလည္း a r t w o r k အမားစုအား ရက္သတၱပတ္အေတာ္မားမားထားရွိထားမည္ၿဖစ္ေသာေၾကာင့္ မိဘမားအဆင္ေၿပေသာအခိန္ တြင္ လာေရာက္ ၾကည့္ရႈႏိုင္ပါသည္။ Nursery - Friday 16th May, from 8:30 to 9:30am Foundation 1- Friday 16th May, from 9:00 am to 10:30 am Foundation 2- Friday 16th May, from 1:15 pm to 3:00 pm Years 1 and 2 - Thursday 22nd May from 2pm to 4pm, plus Friday 23rd from 8am to 9am Years 3 to 9 - Thursday 15th May, from 2pm to 4pm

May 8 Nursery 2014 - networkinternationalschool.com - 2014... · ယခုရက္သတၱပတ္၏သင္ခန္းစာေခါင္းစဥ္မွာ ၾကက္ကေလး၏

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Page 1: May 8 Nursery 2014 - networkinternationalschool.com - 2014... · ယခုရက္သတၱပတ္၏သင္ခန္းစာေခါင္းစဥ္မွာ ၾကက္ကေလး၏

9th May 2014

Network Newsletter Nursery

Holiday Please note that Tuesday of next week, 13th May, is a holiday and all campuses of Network school will be closed that day.

လာမညအပတ အဂၤါေန႕ (ေမလ ၁၃ရကေန႕) သညေကာငးပတရကၿဖစေၾကာငး သတၿပမေစလပါသည။

Boxes As we will be moving again over the Summer break we need many cardboard boxes in which to pack all our teaching resources. Can you help? Do you have suitable boxes, any size, which you are willing to give, or lend us? We are prepared to return boxes after the holidays if you wish – simply write on the box to whom it is to be returned. Boxes can be delivered at any time to the Sanchaung or Bahan campus. Thank you all very much for your help.

Summer break တြင ေကာငးေရႊ႕ေၿပာငးၿခငးမား ၿပလပရမညၿဖစေသာေၾကာင စာသငၾကားေရးသငေထာကကပစၥညးမားက ထပပးရန အတြက ကတထစကပးမား လအပေနပါသည။ သ႕ပါေသာေၾကာင မဘမားထတြင သငေတာေသာပးမား (မညသညအရြယအစားမဆ) ေကာငးသ႕လဒါနးရန (သ႕) ငားရမးရနရပါက ကညေစလပါသည။ ေကာငးပတရကမားအၿပးတြင ငားရမးထားေသာပးမားအား ၿပနလညရယ ႏငမညၿဖစေသာေၾကာင ပးမားေပၚတြင မမတ႕၏ အမညမားကထငရားစြာ ေရးသားထားရမညၿဖစပါသည။ ပးမားအား စမးေခာငး(သ႕)ဗဟနး တြငလာေရာကေပးထားႏငပါသည။ ေကးဇးအထးတငရပါသည။

Art Shows Each campus will have a display of the students' art work in the next 2 weeks. All parents and friends are invited to come to see the work done by the students. The displays will be ready at the times shown below, but if parents cannot come at that time, much of the work will remain on display for a few weeks afterwards. Please come when you can.

လာမညရကသတပတႏစပတအတြငး ေကာငးသား/သမားၿပလပထားေသာ art work မားအား campus တငးတြင ၿပသမညၿဖစပါသည။ မဘမားႏင သငယခငးမားအားလးအား ေကာငးသား/သမားၿပလပထားသညမားက လာေရာကၾကညရႈရန ဖတေခၚပါသည။၄ငးၿပသၿခငးမား က ေအာကေဖာၿပပါ အခနဇယားရ အခနမားတြင ၿပသမညၿဖစပါသည။ အကယ၍ မဘမားမ ၄ငးအခနမားတြင လာေရာကရန အဆငမေၿပပါကလညး a r t w o r k အမားစအား ရကသတပတအေတာမားမားထားရထားမညၿဖစေသာေၾကာင မဘမားအဆငေၿပေသာအခန တြင လာေရာက ၾကညရႈႏငပါသည။

• Nursery - Friday 16th May, from 8:30 to 9:30am

• Foundation 1- Friday 16th May, from 9:00 am to 10:30 am

• Foundation 2- Friday 16th May, from 1:15 pm to 3:00 pm

• Years 1 and 2 - Thursday 22nd May from 2pm to 4pm, plus Friday 23rd from 8am to 9am

• Years 3 to 9 - Thursday 15th May, from 2pm to 4pm

Page 2: May 8 Nursery 2014 - networkinternationalschool.com - 2014... · ယခုရက္သတၱပတ္၏သင္ခန္းစာေခါင္းစဥ္မွာ ၾကက္ကေလး၏


Last week our theme was "Summer". We talked about keeping safe in the sun by wearing hats, sun cream, sun glasses and using an umbrella to shade you.

This week’s topic has been the life cycle of a chicken. We had a live chicken in for the children to look at and observe, a drama show called Chicken & the fox and learnt a new song called ‘Down on the farm”

ကြနပတ႔အတႊက ျပးခသည သငခနးစာ မာေႏြရာသအေႀကာငး ျဖစပါသည။ ေနပဒဏမ ကာကြယရန ထးကအသးျပျခငး၊ေနေရာငကာ မကမနတပဆငျခငး၊ ဦးထပ၊ ထးတ႕က အသးျပတတရန စေပါငးခနမား၌ ေဆြးေႏြး ခၾကသည။

ကေလးမား ေကာငး၀နးအတြငး ေပာပြစားထြက ၍အရညရႊနးေသာ ဖရသးက စားသး ၾကျခငးျဖင ပျပငးေသာ ေန႔အတြက လနးဆနးမက ရရခၾကသည။

ယခရကသတပတ၏သငခနးစာေခါငးစဥမာ ၾကကကေလး၏ ဘ၀ေျပာငးလမ အဆငဆငအေၾကာငး ျဖစသည။ ကေလးမား ၾကညရေလလာႏငရနအတြက ၾကက အရငက ျပသျခငး၊ ၾကကကေလး ႏငေျမေခြး အမညရေသာ ျပဇာတအား ဆရာ၊ မ မား မ သရပေဖၚတငဆကျပသျခငးႏင ၾကကကေလးသခငးသစက ကေလးမား ႏငအတ သဆခၾကပါသည။

The children had a picnic and ate juicy watermelon which was very refreshing on a hot day.

The highlight for many children was making, freezing and then eating ice lollies. One child asked "Can we do this again tomorrow?

ကေလးမားအတြက ေရပနးအစားဆး လပေဆာငမတစရပမာ ေရခေခာငးျပလပ စားသးျခငးပငျဖစသည။ ကေလးတစဥးမ”ဒအစအစဥက မနကျဖနထပ လပေပး ပါလား” ဟ သ၏ ဆရာမအား ေတာငးဆခသည။

Page 3: May 8 Nursery 2014 - networkinternationalschool.com - 2014... · ယခုရက္သတၱပတ္၏သင္ခန္းစာေခါင္းစဥ္မွာ ၾကက္ကေလး၏

Happy Birthday

Very happy birthday wishes to:

Otto, Xing Xing, Thirisu & Victoria

Foundation Stage Visit The children have really enjoyed

their time visiting the Foundation

School. Please arrive promptly at

9am so your child doesn't miss

out on this play time. It is a very

important part of the transition

process. Please also provide a hat

on this day.

Thank you to all those

who have registered and

paid the registration fee

for Foundation One.

Today is the deadline, so

if you have not paid and

would like your child to

attend Foundation please

pay at the school office


Foundation ေကာငးသ႔သြားေရာကလညပတၾကျခငး

Foundation ေကာငးသ႔သြားေရာကလညပတႀက ျခငးက ကေလးမား ေပာရႊငၾကသည။ ေကးဇးျပ၍ သငကေလးအား ေကာငးတကခန၉း၀၀နာရ ေရာက ရျခငးျဖငကစားခနအျပညအ၀ကရရႏငမညျဖစသည။ ဤလည ပတျခငးအစအစဥသညအတနးကးေျပာငးျခငး အတြက အေရးၾကးေသာအစတအပငးတစရပျဖစသည။ Foundation ေကာငးသ႕သြားေရာကလညပတေသာ ေန႔ ၌ အမညတပထားေသာဥးထပကကေလးႏင တပါတညး ထည ေပးလကေစလပါသည။

Foundation 1 ေကာငးသ႕ ဆကလကတကေရာကရနအတြက အမညႏင မတပတငေၾကး ေပးသြငး ခၾကသည မဘမားအား အထးပင ေကးဇးတငအပပါသည။ ယေန႕သည မတပတငေၾကးေပးသြငးရန ေနာကဆးရက ျဖစပါသျဖင မမကေလးက Foundation 1တြငတကေရာက ေစလေသာ မဘမား အေနျဖင ေကးဇးျပ ၍ ေကာငး ရးခနး တြင သြားေရာက ေပးသြငး ႏငေၾကာငး အသ ေပးအပပါသည။

Registration for FI

Page 4: May 8 Nursery 2014 - networkinternationalschool.com - 2014... · ယခုရက္သတၱပတ္၏သင္ခန္းစာေခါင္းစဥ္မွာ ၾကက္ကေလး၏

Art Show We are very excited about our art show! The children have been busy painting using their feet, hands, balloons, spray bottles and more .They have created some big collaborative art pieces. Parents are invited to come into school and view the art on May 16th from 8:30-9:30am. We hope to see you all there.

ေကာငးမကငးပမည ေဆးေရးပနးချပပြအတြက ကၽြႏပတ႕အားလး အလြနပင စတလႈပရားမပါသည။ ကေလးမားသညသတ႕၏လကမား၊ ေျခမား၊ ေဘာလး၊ ေရျဖနးဘးမား အသးျပ ၍ တထြငဖနတးမႈမားျဖင အလပမားေနၾကပါသည။ ေမလ ၁၆ ရကေန႔ နနက ၈း၃၀ မ ၉း၃၀ အထ Nursery ေကာငးတြငကငးပမည ကေလး ပနးချပပြသ႕ မဘမား လာေရာကလညပတ ၾကညရခစားႏငေၾကာငး ဖတၾကားအပပါသည။ ကေလးမား ၏ ေရာငစပနးချပပြ၌ မဘမားအားလးႏင ေတြ႔ဆရန ေမာလငပါသည။