May 28, 2013 Okemah, Oklahoma Mandatory Biometric Enrollment

May 28, 2013 Okemah, Oklahoma Mandatory Biometric Enrollment

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Page 1: May 28, 2013 Okemah, Oklahoma Mandatory Biometric Enrollment

May 28, 2013Okemah, Oklahoma

Mandatory Biometric Enrollment

Page 2: May 28, 2013 Okemah, Oklahoma Mandatory Biometric Enrollment

• Kaye Beach• Full time activist• Member of the Board of Directors

of the Constitutional Alliance• 1 Mission - Stop Mandatory

Biometric Enrollment

The Constitutional Alliance



We are being enrolled into a Single Global Biometric Identification System

that Links A Person’s Body to their Ability to Buy Sell and Travel.

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US PATRIOT ACTPost 9 11 Era Characterized by fear and Government assumption of extraordinary powers

• Cultural changes-Political will, public acceptance

• Diversion of resources to military, national security, and corresponding industry

• Technological advancement

• More Government secrecy

• Suspicion-less surveillance of ordinary citizens

• Policy by Practice, not Principle. (Utilitarian)

FBI Guidelines NSL’s

State Secrets Total Information Awareness

Fusion Centers

NSA spying US citizensDepartment of Homeland Security

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Individual Opacityprivacy

Privacy or POWER?

Liberty & Justice

Government Control


Personal Freedom


• Independence• Economic

Prosperity• Innovation • Political and

social participation

The Balance of Power

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Biometric ID – Whatever the Problem, Biometric ID is the Remedy

Biometric identification, enables tracking, tracing, surveillance and control of the population.

Richard Perle: Single ID System Needed to Stop TerroristsThursday, 02 May 2013

The United States must adopt one identification system — a biometric system that scans eyes, palms, faces, or DNA — to curb the nation’s growing terrorism threat, a former assistant Secretary of Defense says.http://www.newsmax.com/US/perle-id-system-terrorism/2013/05/02/id/502560#ixzz2UW8F9Y8W

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Biometrics is used to establish a perfect connection between the body and personal data

associated with an individual














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The federal Real ID Act imposed federal guidelines that use INTERNATIONAL standards for state driver's licenses and ID documents

REAL ID licenses must be;-machine readable (RFID, Barcode, Mag. stripe)

-contain biometric data (facial biometrics)

-Databases must be linkedInformation is to be shared-nationally -internationally

REAL ID 2005-The Real ID Act passed with no debate as a rider on a ‘must pass’ military and disaster spending bill

**These two technologies enable tracking/surveillance

“REAL ID is. . .the current face of a far larger, international government and

private economic effort to collect, store, and distribute the sensitive

biometric data of citizens to use for the twin purposes of government tracking and economic control.” -PA Rep. Sam Rohr

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2D Bar code –

-Every state has a 2D Barcode on their DL AAMVA http://www.aamva.org/ID-Security-Technologies/

Not encrypted 2D barcode stores data along two dimensions, 2,000 bytes of data-much more data than 1D barcode or the magnetic stripe.

Includes all info on the license-driver's name, address, date of birth, physical attributes, medical impairments and donor information.

Some states include Social Security number, face recognition template or digital fingerprint. Read- ‘Best

Buy’s Worst Policy-Swiping ID’s and Destiny Management’

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Facial Biometrics is the Government’s biometric of choice because it can used to identify us

without our knowledge or consent.

Facial recognitionHigh resolution digital cameras are used to capture, map, digitize and database our facial features for use with facial recognition technology.

Facial biometrics is used for “at-a-distance identification and tracking”

Remote Biometric Identification The Berlin Resolution June 28, 2002

**All states in the United States are capturing a digital facial image/photograph that is facial recognition compatible.

High resolution digital cameras capture, map, digitize, and database our facial features and connect with our biographical information for the express purpose of being used with facial recognition technology.

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"Pairing crowd-scanning technology with DMV facial recognition databases would allow for the wholesale surveillance of innocent Americans — potentially tracking and databasing people's location and protected speech and associational behavior.”

--Ginger McCall, director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center's Open Government Project http://m.nbcnews.com/technology/facial-recognition-system-nets-2-500-identity-fraud-arrests-1C8692739


“Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority

... It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights, and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation--and their ideas from suppression--at the hand of an intolerant society.“McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Comm’n, 514 U.S. 334

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“The main ideology for defining the design of the DL/ID is the minimum acceptable set of

requirements to guarantee global interoperability” Personal Identification – AAMVA North American Standard – DL/ID Card Design, 2012


International Standards exist for one purpose:

to enable the global exchange of information

The standard for the digital image on our government issued DL and ID cards is the adopted international standard of the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) an agency of the United Nations

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The standard for the digital image on our ID cards is the adopted international standard of the ICAO

3.Link databases for global information sharing, global ID-tracking and surveillance

1.Enroll citizens (DL/ID cards, passports, national ID, school ID, etc.)

2.Adopt international Standards

A Single Global Biometric Identification System requires nations and states to do 3 things

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No statutory limitations on “official purpose”

REAL ID required for 3 Official Purposes

• Access federal facilities• Board a federally regulated commercial aircraft• Enter nuclear power plantsANDAny other purpose that the Secretary (of the Dept. of Homeland Security) shall determine. (Source Final Rules of the Real ID Act of 2005)

Real ID-Technically Voluntary, Practically MANDATORY

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What could possibly go wrong?

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Oklahoma – OKLA. STAT. ANN, tit. 47, § 6-110.3 (2007). The Department of Public Safety is hereby directed not to implement the provisions of the REAL ID Act of 2005. . .

2007 The Legislature finds that the . . “federal REAL ID Act of 2005 is inimical to the security and well-being of the people of Oklahoma. . .”

Read more; How close is Oklahoma to Real ID?

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Sad reality. . .

Historic Rebellion

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Feb. 2013, 19 states certified as REAL ID Compliant

Nearly Half of All States Now Deemed Compliant with REAL ID


18 Real ID Benchmarks-Material Compliance

“By . . .January 13, 2013, most states will be substantially or materially or fully compliant with REAL ID” --Janice Kephart, Feb. 2012

Benchmark #1 Mandatory facial image

capture and retention

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AAMVA- The American Association of

Motor Vehicle Administrators (publishes DL/ID standards for US states, Canada and MX)

“DHS has worked with the American Association of Motor Vehicle

Administrators (AAMVA) to coordinate state implementation of the

standards of the REAL ID regulation. In particular, DHS participated . . .in

the drafting of the Personal Identification – AAMVA North American Standard

– DL/ID Card Design. . . the design must meet or exceed REAL ID

requirements.” DHS, Aug. 2012 Secure Identification State Progress Fiscal Year 2012 Report to Congress

“The AAMVA standard is consistent with the requirements identified in the DHS [Real ID] regulation.” Personal Identification – AAMVA North American Standard – DL/ID Card Design 2011 http://www.aamva.org/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=752


“Serving an International Community of Motor Vehicle and Law Enforcement Officials”

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S. 744 Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Bill

• Applies to everyone, not just immigrants. Requires ALL potential employees to be authorized to work through the Dept. of Homeland Security.

• Authorization hinges upon biometric identification• Makes REAL ID MANDATORY A Real ID compliant driver’s license is

specifically named as one of the acceptable ID documents in the bill (but all ID documents specified in the bill are biometric ID’s.)You will not be able gain permission to work without it.

• Requires everyone to have a photo in a DHS national database and a matching national ID document (e.g. passport, enhanced drivers license). The two need to be matched by a "photo tool" (i.e. facial recognition technology)

• Access to DMV databases is a MUST

The Immigration Reform Bill – Prodding Forth Real ID, an INTERNATIONAL Biometric ID http://axiomamuse.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/the-immigration-reform-bill-prodding-forth-real-id-an-international-biometric-id/

You are being enrolled into a global identity scheme which controls your ability to buy, sell, travel and now work !!!

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FBI "Next Generation Identification"

• $1 billion project to be complete 2014• NGI system will be the largest biometric database in the world. • fingerprints, iris scans, DNA profiles, voice identification profiles, palm prints, and

photographs. • NGI is international in scope• FBI indicates DMV databases are a desired source of biometric data• NGI will contain biometrics of millions of innocent US citizens (criminal and CIVIL)• NGI is international in scope

The Department of Homeland Security has expended hundreds of millions of dollars to establish state and local surveillance systems, including CCTV cameras. . . The NGI system will be integrated with CCTV cameras operated by public agencies and private entities.

11 states, Arizona, Hawaii, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, South Carolina, and Tennessee, are actively participating in the NGI program.

Electronic Privacy Foundation http://epic.org/foia/fbi/ngi/

ReadMore about the FBI’s NGI

EFF Senate Testimony www.judiciary.senate.gov/pdf/12-7-18LynchTestimony.pdf

The FBI is Aggressively Building Biometric Database, International in Scope http://axiomamuse.wordpress.com/2011/12/27/the-fbi-is-aggressively-building-biometric-database-international-in-scope/

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FI- Facial Identification FR – Facial Recognition


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Biometrics do not PROVE identity Legal ID derived from the breeder document/birth



There is NO Secure Database!

January 28, 2013 Alan Gelb, Julia ClarkCenter for Global Development Working Paper No. 315

“Rapid DNA analysis deserves special mention. . . Because DNA is the only biometric that can be taken at birth and is stable over a lifetime, it offers the possibility that individuals can be definitively linked to the primary documentation of their existence—the birth certificate.”

Next Step – DNA Birth Certificate

Once it is clear that biometric ID does not live up to the hype and databases and ID documents are compromised the justification will exist to move the identification process from the identification document to directly "on" the person. 

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Bottom line “. . . physical objects like ID cards or birth certificates. . . cannot be depended upon as an infallible mechanism of identification.”

The Somark RFID tattoo  The Invisible RFID Ink Safe For Cattle And People, Company Says (InformationWeek January 10, 2007)

VeriChip, the only (FDA)-approved human-implantable microchip.

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Find out more -Religious Objections to Global ID

For the first time in history, the entire world is being enrolled into a single system of identification and financial control, based on one’s body.

For the first time both the political will and technology exist to fulfill prophecy.

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Authorization Required

"As Kaye Beach's case makes clear, failing to have a biometric card can render you a non-person for all intents and purposes, with your ability to work, travel, buy, sell, access health care, and so on jeopardized.“ --John Whitehead, President Rutherford Institute

A Biometric identification system is a tool that will be used to permit or deny us access to almost anything.

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2 Causes of Action

An Oklahoma woman has sparked a federal controversy after

she refused to renew her driver’s license

Lawsuit - 2 Causes of Action

• Oklahoma Religious Freedom Act

• Article II Section 30 OK Constitution

My legal petition as filed

Resistance is FERTILE!

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Government Surveillance is a Liberty Killer

It threatens to upset the balance of power necessary to preserve freedom.

Biometric ID is the foundation for truly pervasive surveillance and control

Control HIGH

Liberty LOW

We cannot reconcile a surveillance society with a free society

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