Saskatoon Horticultural Society May 2018 Page 1 MISSION STATEMENT The Saskatoon Horticultural Society promotes the enjoyment, art, knowledge and public awareness of horticulture and safe environmental practices to its members and the public, of all ages. Web: www.saskatoonhortsociety.ca E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: facebook.com/SaskatoonHortSociety From the Editor Welcome to the May edition of our newsletter. We have for you some great information, stunning photo features, and a couple of new pages for you to enjoy. We now have a bulletin board where you can post informational items as well as items that you want to sell, buy, trade or give away. Just email me the information and it will go in the next scheduled edition. This issue we are proud to publish two letters one from a teacher of our youngest member of 13 years old and one from one of our oldest members at 95 ½ years young (his own words). Do take the time to read these delightful letters. The position of treasurer will be opening at the end of our fiscal year. If you are interested in becoming our treasurer please let us know so you can work with Edwin for the rest of this year to make it easier for the transition in the fall. Enjoy the spring season! Jennifer Osachoff All contributions to the newsletter are welcome ... articles, reviews, photos, columns, events. If you have anything to share just forward it to [email protected] Don’t forget to let us know if there are any changes to your address, email, or telephone numbers. S ASKATOON H ORTICULTURAL S OCIETY N EWS 105 Y EARS OF G ROWING May 2018

May 2018 SASKATOON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ......stunning photo features, and a couple of new pages for you to enjoy. We now have a bulletin board where you can post informational items

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Page 1: May 2018 SASKATOON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ......stunning photo features, and a couple of new pages for you to enjoy. We now have a bulletin board where you can post informational items

Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 1


The Saskatoon Horticultural Society promotes the enjoyment, art, knowledge and public awareness of horticulture and safe environmental practices to its

members and the public, of all ages.

Web: www.saskatoonhortsociety.ca

E-mail: [email protected]

Facebook: facebook.com/SaskatoonHortSociety

From the Editor

Welcome to the May edition of our newsletter. We have for you some great information,

stunning photo features, and a couple of new pages for you to enjoy. We now have a bulletin

board where you can post informational items as well as items that you want to sell, buy,

trade or give away. Just email me the information and it will go in the next scheduled

edition. This issue we are proud to publish two letters – one from a teacher of our youngest

member of 13 years old and one from one of our oldest members at 95 ½ years young (his

own words). Do take the time to read these delightful letters.

The position of treasurer will be opening at the end of our fiscal year. If you are interested in

becoming our treasurer please let us know so you can work with Edwin for the rest of this

year to make it easier for the transition in the fall.

Enjoy the spring season! Jennifer Osachoff

All contributions to the newsletter are welcome ... articles, reviews, photos, columns, events. If you have anything to share just forward it to [email protected]

Don’t forget to let us know if there are any changes to your address, email, or telephone numbers.


105 YE A R S O F GR O W I N G

May 2018

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Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 2

Message from the President

Spring has finally arrived! It has been a long winter and gardeners

are excited to get out and begin working on their gardens. The

Saskatoon Horticultural Society (SHS) Board of Directors has been

busy behind the scenes during these cold months. The SHS

membership program has been developed. I encourage people to

invite their friends and family to purchase a membership with the

SHS for $15. By doing so, you will get lots of discounts from our

business partners to assist you in your gardening ventures. You may

also purchase a one-year subscription for The Gardener Magazine to

assist you in developing your garden ideas.

In March we had a booth at Gardenscape. I would like to thank Nancy Hanson for all the work

she did in organizing this event. It is evident that lots of time and effort went into the

planning of the booth. This included the creation of new signage. The interactive feature of

planting a sunflower was an awesome idea! It got people engaged to come to visit and stop

at our booth. As well, it encouraged children to get interested with gardening. Thank you to

all the volunteers and other Directors who assisted Nancy in the setup and takedown of our


This year the SHS attended Seedy Saturday. This is a positive step as we begin to look for

opportunities to get more involved within the community. It gave us an opportunity to

generate awareness about our organization. We also sold 23 memberships at the event. Once

again, I would like to thank Nancy for her work in organizing the event.

In our March meeting, the Board of Directors has agreed with the SHS Home Grounds Award

Committee recommendation to suspend the competition for this year. The committee will be

looking at some new ideas such as having a People’s Choice Award instead. I am in

agreeance with this decision as it frees up manpower to focus on our other events. The

competition has had mixed results over the past few years. We are excited to take an

extensive look at the competition and see if we can incorporate it into a friendlier competition

with our current garden tours.

The Planning for our Spring Plant and Water Garden Sale on May 26th is in full-swing. The

committee has secured the parking lot of Co-op at Centre Mall. We encourage our members

to register and sell at the event. The SHS will take a small percentage of total sales which are

then used to help fund our scholarship and bursary options. Please visit our website for more

information on how to register. Register deadline is quickly approaching and is May 12th.

The Saskatoon Horticultural Society and the Pond Water Gardening Society (PWGS) has

decided to merge the two organizations together. As of now we are one organization. A

committee has been made called the Water Garden Committee under the SHS Organization

Structure. This will ensure the PWGS mandate is still achieved under the SHS umbrella. We

are excited at what we can achieve together! Stay tuned for new events as the committee

gets functioning.

Lastly the Document and Policy Committee has made it priority to complete the following

documents in time for our Annual General Meeting: Policies & Procedures and Roles &

Responsibilities. Lots of work has been achieved under the direction of Don Greer. The Board

of Directors has also placed emphasis on completing a Strategic Plan in the upcoming year.

We are constantly looking for new opportunities to pursue. If you have an idea or would like

to get involved with the SHS, feel free to send me an email!

Happy Gardening, Chris Zerebeski, President

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Scheduled events:

Spring Plant and Water Gardening Fundraiser – May 26:

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Passport Tour – July 21:

By Adrian Werner & Sandra Schweder

The SHS Passport Garden Tour needs your help!

We think your yard is beautiful and we want to show it to Saskatoon's gardeners. On July

21st 2018 the Saskatoon Horticultural Society's is hosting its annual passport tour. We are

passionate about home gardens and we know how much love and care you've put into your

yard. We like to see ponds and water features, raised beds, vegetable gardens, mixed

borders, xeriscapes, native plants and trees, beautiful containers and quiet getaways.

People who've hosted in the past talk about what a great experience it was. You can look

forward to conversations with other gardeners, the chance to give advice, and even ask for a

few tips! You know your garden better than anyone and we know it's exciting to talk about

what you've learned. This event is the perfect mixture of a garden party and a guided tour.

How could you say no?

Best of all, if your yard is on the tour you could win a People's Choice Award! This is a

friendly competition with fabulous prizes. We know that no one has a perfect yard so don't be

shy, this is your chance to shine! There is limited space on the tour so your entry will be

subject to review. Submit your yard before June 15th at [email protected] or

by calling Sandra Schweder at 306-514-8870 ([email protected]). Yard entries are

subject to approval.

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Recent events:

Gardenscape – March 23 to 25:

By Nancy Hanson

Gardenscape was held Mar 23-25 at Prairieland Park. Our booth looked great, thanks to our

new sign and a great plant display courtesy of our Director’s, Sandra, Marj and a few of my

own plants. The addition of plant stands and the edging stones “Live and Grow Together”

made the display interesting. Marj also purchased a couple of “spring planters” that were

donated to Sunnyside Nursing Home after Gardenscape.

Our merchandise table sold $940 worth of product, 18 cherry pitters, 9 bee nests and 10

packages of replacement springs or gaskets.

Our membership table was busy with sales of $4130. We also had donations of $2.50 given

to the planting activity.

The information tables had a slide show of various yards, a binder with the history of the

SHS, Home Grounds display with collages of the last four winners, and posters of four “Plant

of the Year”.

The door prize was a signed copy of Sara Williams and Bob Bors book, Growing Fruit in

Northern Gardens and it was won by Kyle Pochylko of Saskatoon.

The busiest area was our “Plant a Seed - Grow a ‘Teddy Bear’ Sunflower” table. This activity

was enjoyed by adults and children alike. It was great to see the smiles on children’s faces

as they walked away with their plants. Unfortunately, we ran out of containers and seeds

around 3 p.m. on Sunday.

Another successful activity was “Roses for Wheelchairs”, with “The Centre” Co-op supplying

one dozen roses each day. The roses are always received with a big smile.

I would like to thank all the volunteers that helped to set up, work and help take down the

booth after Gardenscape. It was a successful event!

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Workshop – April 7 – Growing Low Light Tolerant Plants Indoors:

By Angie Skiba

The workshop was presented by MPM Nair at the Glen at Crossmount with 25 people in

attendance. Nair explained the science behind developing plants for low light.

Nair provided a wonderful power point presentation chronicling his journey in developing the

low light tolerant plants that he grows in his home. He has spent decades developing lemons

that grow and flourish in his windowsill providing many fruits with exceptional flavour. His

other plants include tomatoes, amaranth (a type of spinach), lettuce, bananas and others. He

also brought a wide variety of his plants and provided samples of his lemons and bananas to


Nair also touched on growing food indoors using hydroponic systems. There was lots of time

for questions and answers as well as discussion on the various methods used for growing

food indoors in low light areas.

This workshop was very much enjoyed by all who attended.

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Workshop – May 5 – Growing Fruit in Northern Gardens – Cherries,

Haskap, Hazelnuts and More:

By Angie Skiba

The Saskatoon Horticultural Society hosted Sara Williams and Dr. Bob Bors in a workshop on

Growing Fruits in Northern Gardens. Sara and Bob are the authors of a book “Growing Fruits

in Northern Gardens”. The workshop took place on Saturday, May 5th at the Glen at


Sara and Bob covered many of the fruit trees, including Saskatoon bushes, Sour cherries,

Haskap, Hazelnuts (filberts), Pears, raspberries and many more. They explained the varieties,

the growth habits, diseases and pests and cultivation and care. They offered information on

the best varieties to grow, and the varieties suited to home gardens, and of those suitable in

an orchard setting. There was ample time for questions as well.

Bob graciously supplied samples of the different varieties of cherries as well as Haskap


There were 20 people in attendance and the workshop was a very positive experience for all.

Submitted by Nancy Hanson

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Feature Article: Plants of the Year for 2018

By Nancy Hanson

Almost everyone has heard of the “Colour of the Year” by Pantone, but did you know

that there are also plants of the year? There are a few different organizations that

name Plants of the Year. Some are The Perennial Plant Association, The American

Hosta Association and Proven Winners.

Allium ‘Millenium’ - Perennial Plant Association Plant of 2018

This perennial produces a compact clump of glossy

green leaves and bright rosy purple flower clusters

just above the foliage in mid to late summer. It is

long blooming and fragrant. It is also drought

tolerant. It grows 15-20 inches high and spreads 10-

15 inches. It grows in part sun to sun and tolerates

many types of soil. This plant will attract bees and

butterflies to your yard and it is resistant to deer and

rabbits. It may not be hardy in our area as it is hardy

to zones 4-8. Saskatoon is in zone 3b but this plant

may overwinter is a sheltered location. I have

successfully overwintered other zone 4 plants so am willing to give this one a try.

Allium is grown from a bulb, so watch your garden centers this fall to purchase this

plant. For more information refer to the Proven Winners website at


hybrid Photo is courtesy of Proven Winners

World Cup Hosta – American Hosta Association Plant of 2018

This hosta grows 24 inches high and spreads up to

44 inches. It has yellow cupped, wavy and

corrugated leaves and pale purple flowers in late

summer. The plant was registered in 2006 and is a

hybrid of H. ‘Komodo Dragon’ and H. ‘Superbowl’ by

D. Beilstein and M. Zilis. This plant is hardy in zones

3- 9 so it should be a perennial that we can add as a

feature plant to our shade gardens in Saskatoon. For

more information, refer to the website at


Photo is courtesy of Hostas Direct

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Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 9

Supertunia `Bordeaux`- Proven Winners Annual of 2018

I have grown this plant several years and love how it

performs all summer long. Supertunia Bordeaux has

soft plummy-pink flowers with deep, rich plum-purple

veins. The plant has a slightly mounded growth habit

and will grow 6-12 inches high, spread 18-24 inches

wide and can trail up to 30 inches. It grows in sun or

part sun. It can be grown as a landscape plant, near

the front of the flower bed or grown as a filler or

spiller in containers. It will bloom continuously and is

heat and drought tolerant. It also does not require

deadheading. This plant will attract butterflies and

hummingbirds to your yard. As with most annuals, especially ones grown in

containers, fertilize with a granular slow release fertilizer at planting time and then

every 2 weeks with a water- soluble fertilizer for the remainder of the summer. You

will not be disappointed if you grow this plant! For more information, refer to the

website at https://www.provenwinners.com/plants/petunia/supertunia-bordeaux-

petunia-hybrid Photo is courtesy of Proven Winners

Heuchera PRIMO `Black Pearl`- Proven Winners Perennial of 2018

This Heuchera has jet black leaves that are that are

rosy purple on the underside. It has white flowers

with pink calyxes in mid-summer. It grows 8-10

inches high and 18-20 inches wide. It prefers to

grow in part-sun but will grow in sun or shade. It

can be grown as a landscape plant or as a filler in a

container. It prefers humus rich, well drained soil.

It is hardy from zone 4-9 so may not be hardy in

Saskatoon but will be worth a try in a sheltered

location or even as an annual. It will attract

butterflies and hummingbirds to your yard and is

deer resistant. For more information, refer to the website at


heuchera-hybrid Photo is courtesy of Proven Winners

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Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 10

Feature Article: Gardening Under Glass

By Sandra Schweder, Inner Gardens Studio

Apothecary jar with ming aralia

Courtesy of Pink Serissa

Cloche with ferns

Courtesy of Katie Normal Girl

The concept of gardening under glass is certainly not a new

one. When the grandfather of terrariums, Nathaniel Ward, a

physician and hobby entomologist, made his accidental

discovery in 1829, little did he know the impact it would have

on our modern world. Ward had collected an insect pupa and

plant material in a closed glass container. Months later he

discovered that the plants were not only alive, but thriving.

Recognizing that the glass created a protective, self-sustaining

environment, he designed and commissioned sealed boxes

made of glass and wood. He called his invention a Wardian

Case, named after himself of course.

In the 1970s and most recently we have seen a resurgence in

terrarium gardening. The concept has evolved over the years

and today we have several options for gardening under glass.

Closed or true terrariums, including cloches, apothecary jars,

vintage bottles etc. are ideal for woodland and rainforest plants

like ferns, orchids, polka dot, and nerve plants, that thrive in

humid environments and prefer bright indirect light. The glass

acts as “babysitter” allowing you to showcase your creativity,

add a touch of whimsy and beauty to your space while

requiring very little in terms of maintenance. A balanced

terrarium with a drainage layer, well draining soil and the right

plants create a mini, self-sustaining ecosystem where the

water cycle is in full effect complete with evaporation,

condensation and precipitation.

Terrariums are the perfect choice for individuals who want to

enjoy nature indoors but think that they are horticulturally

challenged, are too busy, have curious pets, or live in smaller


Adding a bit of nature and beauty to your indoor space is “no

fuss” with terrariums; so there is no time like the present to

start terraring it up!

Wardian Case with ferns – Courtesy of Amazon

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Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 11

Photo Feature: Favourite Spring Plants

By Nancy Hanson

Since spring does not seem to be co-operating in our area, I would like to share some pictures of some of my favourite spring plants from previous years.

Tulipa tarda – a species tulip that only grows 4 inches tall

Anemone pulsatilla (Crocus)

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Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 12

Scilla siberica (Squill)

Fritillaria meleagris (Snake`s head Fritillary)

Tulipa `Don Quixote` with Dicentra

spectablis (Bleeding Heart) in


Dodecatheon meadia (Shooting star)

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Photo Feature: Vintage Seeds

Submitted by Kathy McMillan

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Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 16

Photo Feature: Signs of Spring in Ottawa

By Pat Heshka

[In early April] I stopped by the Experimental Farm to check out the spring plant growth and,

of course, everything is behind schedule by at least two weeks. Anyway, I will share what I

did find on my recent visit. The exception is the hen and chicks which my grandsons have

taken an interest in as we walk by them every day on the way to school. Oddly, they are

growing at the base of a tree trunk.

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Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 17

Photo Feature: Flowers That Even Darwin Can’t Explain

Submitted by Al Ritchie

Hooker’s Lips (Psychotria Elata)

Dancing Girls (Impatiens Bequaertii)

Swaddled Babies (AnguloaUniflora)

Flying Duck Orchid (Caleana Major)

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Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 18

Darth Vader (Aristolochia Salvadorensis)

Orchid That Looks Like A Ballerina

White Egret Orchid (Habenaria Radiata)

Happy Aliens (Calceolaria Uniflora)

Monkey Face Orchid (Dracula Simia)

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Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 19

Bulletin Board

Milkweed seeds will be available for free at

the SHS Spring Plant and Water Gardening

Sale on May 26.

Entice monarch butterflies to inhabit your

garden with this easy-to-grow monarch

magnet. Milkweeds (Asclepias sp.) are the

only food source for the endangered monarch


Seeds are courtesy of Al Ritchie.

For Sale:

I have 11 years of Gardens West magazines

for sale @ $10/ for one years collection. I am

moving from 80 acres to a city apartment,

and as much as I’d love to keep these

magazines, I won’t have any room.

This magazine is no longer in publication, but

was one of the best for the Canadian prairies.

I have copies from 2004 to 2014, their last

year of publication.

Shirley W. (306) 931-1152


Small plastic pots approx 2” (5 cm) of any

colour or shape suitable for starting small

cuttings and succulents. Early’s once sold

these but they tell me they can’t find pots of

this size any more. If you have saved any of

these I am willing to buy or trade for plants.

Call Jen at 306-934-4638 day times only


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Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 20

The new 2018 Saskatchewan Travel Guide is now available to

display and to share with visitors. Order your free bulk quantities of the

Guide or the 2017-2018 Official Saskatchewan Road Map by submitting

the Bulk Order Form to [email protected].

Are you looking for pails or bags of screened topsoil? Have you noticed that bagged topsoil and

black earth sold at grocery stores and garden centers tends to contain a lot of peat and little

humus? We used to buy 22 liter (5 gallon) pails of screened topsoil from the Saskatoon

Landscape store at $5/pail if we brought our own pails. Unfortunately, this year they have

doubled the price to $10/pail. We visited a few garden centers in search of this product with

no luck until we came to Wilson’s Lifestyle Centre. They sell screened topsoil in a 40 liter self-

fill bag or two 22 liter pails (bring your own pails) for $11.00.

Hopefully this tip may help some of you. Sylvan.

UofS Gardenline is open for 2018 from May to August. Need advice about gardening on the

Prairies? Trying to ID that plant, pest or disease? Trained professionals will help you with your

gardening questions, free of charge!

How to contact Gardenline:

Phone 306-966-5865

Email [email protected]

In person Room 1D30, Agriculture Building, 51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon (please call first)

Available weekdays: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm, closed for lunch

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Saskatoon Horticultural Society – May 2018 Page 21


1) From Cathy Swarbrick (printed with permission of Owen and his mom)

I love the diversity of the Saskatoon Horticultural Society community of members. Each of us

has our reasons for joining the Hort society but one characteristic seems to run true with

each member: we love to see things grow!

I would like you to meet Owen A., a new member of the Saskatoon Horticultural Society.

Owen is 13 years old and is in Grade 8 at Pope John Paul II School in Saskatoon. He has his

own greenhouse at home (asked for it for his birthday last year). He nurtures and waters all

the plants in the school - and we have a lot! He helped choose plants suitable for the

entrance, chapel and student study area. He even nurses some of the teachers’ plants back

to health under the grow lights in the science room. Our teachers are finding that some

plants do not thrive on neglect!

When it comes to growing plants, Owen is wise beyond his years. I learn new things from him

all the time! He is quite serious about his plants and so together we have come to realize that

all our plants are science experiments. Some live and some die. We try our best and are

having fun experimenting which plants grow best under each of the different ecosystems in

and around the school. This spring we will extend our efforts outside to the front flowerbeds.

Recognizing how valuable it is to connect with other gardeners, I purchased a one-year

membership to the Saskatoon Horticultural Society with a one-year subscription to the Prairie

Gardener. This was my way of thanking Owen for caring for our plants at school. Owen will

be able to learn from other members as well as share his knowledge. He was thrilled with his

gift and looks forward to taking part in Hort Society activities and reading the Prairie

Gardener. When you see him at our functions, please give him a hearty welcome!

Cathy Swarbrick

Office Coordinator

Pope John Paul II School

Saskatoon Horticultural Society member for 18 years

[Ed: Welcome to the SHS, Owen. We look forward to meeting you at some of our great

events this year. Happy gardening!]

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2) From Reg Harrison (printed with permission of Mr. Harrison)

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SHS Officers, Directors, and Committees for 2018

We are currently short of a few directors so if you or anyone you know would like to become

a Committee or Board member, just let any of the current Board members know. Directors’

meetings take place the second Thursday of each month except November, December, and


The position of treasurer will be opening at the end of our fiscal year. If you are interested in

becoming our treasurer please let us know so you can work with Edwin the rest of this year

to make it easier for the transition in the fall.


Executive: Chris Zerebeski (President), Don Greer (Vice President), Nancy Hanson

(Secretary), Edwin Zarycki (Treasurer)

Finance: Edwin Zarycki (Chair), Chris Zerebeski, Jackie Lysyshyn

Programs: Don Greer (Chair), Nancy Hanson, Marj Meger, Al Ritchie, Sandra

Schweder, Angie Skiba, Karen Trimble, Janelle Unrau, Adrian Werner

Membership: Norman Waters (Chair), Chris Zerebeski, Jennifer Osachoff

Communications: Karen Trimble (Chair), Harvey Heshka, Jennifer Osachoff, Angie Skiba

Social/Volunteers: Carol Lahey-Wiggs

Scholarships: Angie Skiba (Chair), Chris Zerebeski

Nominations: Don Greer (Chair)

Documents: Don Greer (Chair), Angie Skiba

Archives: Adrian Werner (Chair), Harvey Heshka, Marg Meger, Chris Zerebeski


Don Greer 306-242-7945 Angie Skiba* 306-242-2320

Nancy Hanson 306-227-6537 Karen Trimble** 306-222-1728

Carol Lahey-Wiggs*

306-978-8066 Janelle Unrau 306-477-0725

Jackie Lysyshyn** 306-373-8313 Norman Waters* 306-382-4061

Marj Meger 306-249-1329 Adrian Werner 639-470-3628

Jennifer Osachoff* 306-934-4638 Edwin Zarycki 306-373-6842

Sandra Schweder* 306-384-7793 Chris Zerebeski** 306-281-8921

*Master Gardener Certificate (MGC) **Prairie Horticulture Certificate (PHC) *** both MGC and PHC

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Membership Information

Memberships run from May 1-April 30. Make sure you sign-up prior to April 30, in order to

take full advantage of the benefits offered.

Choose the basic membership for $15 or include the subscription to The Gardener

Magazine for $30. If you want the newsletter snail mailed to you, please include an additional

$10 for printing and postage. The mailed version is an abbreviated black & white copy and

does not include photos and other selected items. Annual memberships can include two

people from the same address.

You can apply for or renew your SHS membership in the following ways:

1 - Visit us at Seedy Saturday or Gardenscape and sign up or renew your membership in

person! (Cheque or cash only)

2 - By mail

Download and fill out the membership form and mail to the address provided. Please fill

out the membership form and include a cheque payable to the Saskatoon Horticultural


3 - Online

Download and fill out the membership form and email

to: [email protected] Use our paypal/creditcard option below to select & purchase your membership.

Why you should become a member?

Funding from our membership is essential in helping us run our many program and events throughout the year. This includes:

To fund our Butterfield and Prairie Horticultural Certificate (PHC) scholarships. As

well, to fund our bursary with the University of Saskatchewan to a student in


Allow us to attend events such as Seedy Saturday and Gardenscape

Spring Garden & Plant Sale and Fall Garage Sale

Various educational workshops throughout the year. Members get in for free or at a

reduced price as listed.

Fund SHS Garden Tours Fund the SHS Home Grounds Award competition

At participating sponsors, show your SHS membership card at the time of purchase in order

to receive benefits. Discounted items are on regular-priced-horticultural-

products/services-only and not on special deals already in place. However, this varies according to each business. If you are not sure, please ask the business prior to purchase.

If you have any questions or concerns about our membership initiative you can send us an email: [email protected]

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Sponsors for 2018


About: We are the most trained arborist crews in the City. Our focus is not on removing

trees but instead we focus on keeping trees and shrubs alive through proper pruning

techniques and plant health care. We also provide tree and shrub spraying and injections,

yard renovations, proper tree and shrub planting, mulch delivery and installation, power

raking and aerating and much more.

Located: Saskatoon area south to Rosetown and north to Cottage country…and maybe


Phone Number: (306) 242-8733

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: arbourcrest.com or follow on Facebook

SHS Benefit: 10% off tree pruning, removals and stump grinding.

Boreal Aquatics

About: Boreal Aquatics specializes in the propagation and sale of native zone 0-3 boreal

wetland and aquatic plants.

Located: Saskatoon

Phone Number: (306) 227-7162

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: www.borealaquatics.com

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on water plants and aquatic fertilizers.

About: Family operated greenhouse and garden center growing quality seasonal plant

material for Saskatchewan gardeners.

Located: 10 minutes south of Saskatoon on Highway 11 SW18-35-04 west of the 3rd

Phone Number: (306) 374-6663

Webpage: clementfarms.ca or follow on Facebook

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on regular-priced-horticultural-products-only and not on special

deals already in place.

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Located: 401 Second Avenue, Langham, SK

Phone Number: +1 (306) 283-4376

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: Dietermartin.ca

SHS Benefit: $5 off on any purchase of $50 or more.

About: Follow us on our Facebook and Instagram pages that feature our sales, seminars and

gardening tips. We also provide a regular email newsletter which you can sign-up via our


Located: 685 Reid Road, Saskatoon, SK

Phone Number: (306) 249-1222

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: dutchgrowers.com or follow on Facebook and Instagram

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on regular-priced-horticultural-products-only and not on special

deals already in place.

About: Two locations in Saskatoon selling garden supplies, seeds, fertilizers, pet supplies,

livestock feeds, grass and forage seed, golf course supplies, statuary, fountains, pond

supplies and more since 1907!

Located: 1615 Lorne Avenue, Saskatoon, SK or 502 51st Street East, Saskatoon, SK

Phone Number: (306) 931-1982 (Head Office) or 1-800-667-1159 (Toll Free)

Website: earlysgarden.com or follow on Facebook

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on regular-priced-horticultural-products-only and not on special

deals already in place.

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About: All are welcome in Saskatchewan’s largest greenhouse and garden center! With over

1100 different varieties of flowering plants and about 420 different trees and shrubs, just ask

one of our knowledgeable staff, we would be happy to help! Come on in anytime from April

30th to September 30.

Located: 310 Valley Road, SK

Phone Number: (306) 382-7352

Email: [email protected] or follow on Facebook

Webpage: floralacres.ca

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on regular-priced-horticultural-products-only and not on special

deals already in place.

About: Ivan's Landscape Supply and Delivery is a local Saskatoon business that provides

online sales and local delivery of landscaping supplies.

Located: Saskatoon and Surrounding Areas

Phone Number: (306) 261-8855

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: ivanslandscapesupply.com or follow on Facebook

SHS Benefit: Enter ‘SHS promotion code’ found on SHS membership card when

purchasing via company’s website to receive $10 discount from purchase.

Located: Highway 16 & Boychuk Drive, Saskatoon, SK

Phone Number: (306) 477-0713

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: lakeshoregardencentre.com or follow on Facebook

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on regular-priced-horticultural-products-only and not on special

deals already in place.

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Mother Earth Greenhouses Located: Daisy Lane South, Clavet, SK

Phone Number: (306) 931-4133

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: motherearthgreenhouses.com

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on regular-priced-lawn-services and not on special deals already

in place.

About: Venture south on valley road to visit our garden centre. We carry hard to find

annuals, grasses, perennials, shrubs, and veggie and herb transplants. With so much to see

you'll want to stay awhile!

Located: 280 Valley Road, SK

Phone Number: (306) 242-1021

Email: inquiry@shaughnessygardens

Webpage: shaughnessygardens.ca or follow on Facebook

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on regular-priced-horticultural-products-only and not on special

deals already in place.


Located: 1215 Central Avenue or 502 51st Street (Early’s Greenhouse)

Phone Number: (306) 668-0313

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on regular-priced-horticultural-products-only and not on special

deals already in place.

WAYNE'S WORLD OF LAWN CARE About: Saskatoon lawn maintenance company with 17 years’ experience, offering residential,

commercial and condo living. We take care of it all with spring, holiday and fall cleanup

packages available.

Located: Saskatoon

Phone Number: (306) 241-0470

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: m.facebook.com/wbsaskatoon/

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on regular-priced-lawn-services and not on special deals already

in place.

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WB Landscaping

About: We are a locally owned company in Saskatoon offering you all your landscaping

needs from top to bottom. We specialize in sod and sprinkler installation. Winter time we also

offer snow removal services of all sizes, such as big/small sidewalk or lot clearing and


Located: Saskatoon

Phone Number: (306) 241-0470

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: m.facebook.com/wbsaskatoon/

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on regular-priced-landscaping-services and not on special deals

already in place.

About: “Discover a Refuge in Your Own Backyard” Wild Birds Unlimited nature Shop has all

your backyard bird requirements, the best birdseed in town, wild bird advice, optics, nature

books, garden accents, unique gifts, bat houses, regular guest speakers, and a lot more cool


Located: 2600 8th Street East, Saskatoon, SK

Phone Number: (306) 955-2473

Webpage: Follow on Facebook

SHS Benefit: 10% discount on regular-priced-bird/garden-products-only and not on special

deals already in place.

About: The new centre is located in Brighton (303 Owen Manor), 500 metres west of its

former location near the corner of Highway 5 and McOrmond Drive. The facility boasts

130,000 square feet of greenhouse and retail space.

It is one of the largest garden centres in North America, and has something that appeals to

all ages, year-round. The indoor go-cart track and rope course is Saskatchewan’s first indoor

track and features Bizkart electric carts from the UK. The new retail space includes a grow

your own section with all the latest in hydroponics and container gardening, an ample

selection of barbecues, fire pits, patio furniture, a pet department including a professional

grooming salon called Hollywoof, with two self serve doggie wash stations, unique home

decor items, gourmet foods, kitchenware and tropical plants. Canada’s first store within a

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store concept with Hillberg & Berk Jewellery, Greenhawk Equestrian and Papyrus cards

complete the space. The assortment of products from around the world was chosen for their

unique features and high quality. Besides the expanded and renewed retail departments,

Wilson’s increased their landscape and rental centre to offer better products and better

service to contractors and residential customers. Wilson’s collaborated with Stihl and Toro to

provide a full service dealership on these brands.

Located: 303 Owen Manor, Saskatoon, SK

Phone Number: (306) 955-9580

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: wilsonsgreenhouse.ca or follow on Facebook and Instagram

SHS Benefit: 10% Discount on regular-priced-horticultural-products-only and not on special

deals already in place.


If you are a business that would like to gain exposure by offering SHS members a

discount or benefit, please email: [email protected]

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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are always needed so join the fun and network with other garden-minded people.

Time commitment can be a little or a lot - it depends on you! Meet interesting people, see

gardens and get ideas for your own place whether you have a large yard or just a balcony.

You won’t be on your own, so don’t be shy about volunteering.

Gardenscape: Help out as a volunteer staffing our booth or as part of the organizing


Garden Passport Tours: Be a “greeter” at the gardens on the tour or help with other jobs.

Garden Selection Committee: These people “preview” gardens for inclusion on the tours.

If you know of a garden that might be suitable for a tour -- your own or someone else’s --

please let us know.

End of Summer Garage Sale: Come and help us sell donated household items, plants and

garden related items within a scenic corner of the City.

If you are interested in volunteering in any way or have ideas for the SHS to try,

please email the SHS at: [email protected] or contact one of the

Directors. Suggestions are always welcome.


As part of SHS commitment to the encouragement of horticulture in this area, we are proud

to provide scholarships to assist in horticultural education. Three scholarships are available:

SHS bursary: $1500 is awarded annually to a student of horticultural science at the

University of Saskatchewan. Application deadline: October 15.

Prairie Horticulture Certificate: $1000 scholarship awarded annually for a student in the

Prairie Horticulture Certificate Program through the University of Saskatchewan. Application

deadline: September 30.

Butterfield Scholarship: $600 awarded to a student in the Master Gardener Program at

either the University of Saskatchewan or the Saskatoon School of Horticulture. Application

deadline: April 30 and August 31.

The SHS is pleased to be selling Norpro Cherry Pitters to help in funding these

scholarships. These cherry pitters are excellent - easy to clean, quick (a 4 litre pail takes

about 10 minutes) and easy on the hands. The SHS is also raising funds and awareness in

support of pollen bees by selling Pollen Bee Nests.

If you would like more information, or are interested in supporting the Society’s fundraising

efforts by purchasing any of these items, please contact Bill at 306-249-1329. These items

are also available at Gardenscape (March) as well as the Garden and Plant Sale (May). You

can always check our Calendar of Events on the website at saskatoonhortsociety.ca for

more details on dates and times.

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SHS Events 2018

May 26: Spring Plant and Water Gardening Fundraiser: Donate your extra plants to the

SHS plant sale and buy a few new ones! Or register to set up a table to sell your plants and

other gardening items. Save your used gardening books and magazines and donate for use

by other gardeners. Details on our website.

July 6: Home Grounds Award Deadline: This event has been cancelled for this year.

July 21: Passport Tour: A “Drive Yourself” self-guided tour of some of Saskatoon’s finest

gardens. Passports are available for purchase at Early’s and Dutch Growers. Details on our


August 12: Volunteer Appreciation Barbeque: This event will be held at the home of

Angie & Ron Skiba. Further details will be made available on our website and in future


August 25: End of Summer Garage Sale: Clean out your garages, sheds, and

basements. Donate to the SHS garage sale. Proceeds from the sale go toward funding the

scholarships and other SHS events. Drop off donations after Aug 13. Details on our website.

November 17: Annual General Meeting: The meeting will be held at the Crossmount

Village Craft Barn located 13 km south of Saskatoon on Lorne Avenue. Details on our


Other Events Around the City

Canadian Prairie Lily Society: Annual Lily Show – July 20-21 at The Mall at Lawson

Heights. Annual Bulb Sales - TBA. Information on the website: www.prairielily.ca/

Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan: This group provides valuable resources for

education, workshops, field tours, and conferences for our area. Details at www.npss.sk.ca/

NatureCity Festival: Taking place from May 22 to May 27 NatureCity Festival is your

opportunity to explore the vitality of urban nature in our city. Details at


NEST Secret Garden Tour: Sunday July 29 at 1:00 pm. Tickets are available from

Anthology, Dutch Growers and McNally Robinson. Details at https://nestsaskatoon.net/

Saskatchewan Orchid Society: Monthly meetings are held at John Dolan School every 4th

Sunday at 1:30 with guest speakers, workshops, and orchids both for sale and raffle.

Newcomers are always welcome. Details at www.saskorchids.com/

SHS Board meetings are held the second Thursday of every month from January to October. Meetings are open to members.

Please check our website www.saskatoonhortsociety for any changes or

additions to our calendar.

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Saskatchewan Perennial Society: Monthly informational meetings are held at Emmanuel

Anglican Church on the 4th Wednesday at 7:30 with guest speakers. Everyone is welcome.

Garden tours, Labour and Learn, plant and seed exchanges make this an active society with

lots on the go. Plant and Seed Exchange (members only) – Tuesday May 29 at 6:30 pm and

September 9 at 1:00 pm. Garden Tours – Sunday June 10 at 2:00 pm and Sunday July 8 at

2:00 pm. Details at www.saskperennial.ca/

Saskatoon Nature Society: This active group promotes a wide range of nature programs,

events, and field trips throughout the year. Monthly meetings are held at the University on

the 3rd Thursday at 7:30 pm. Visit their website at www.saskatoonnaturesociety.sk.ca/

Saskatoon School of Horticulture: Horticulture education is the main focus of this school

but they like to have fun too and offer a number of social events through the year. Visit their

website at saskhort.com/

University of Saskatchewan: Workshops, educational activities and volunteer

opportunities happen all year round. Visit https://gardening.usask.ca/ for details of all

programs and offerings.

Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society: The Society’s Annual Perennial Exchange is

happening on May 16 at 7:00 pm. Enjoy a fun-filled evening as well as a guest speaker.

Details at http://www.vanscoyag.com/

Other Events: Regional and National

Honeywood Heritage Nursery: The season runs from May to September with numerous

activities planned: Artists in Bloom – Sunday June 24 10:00 to 5:00, Lilies in Bloom –

Sunday July 15 11:00 to 5:00, and A Touch of Autumn – Sunday September 16 1:00 to 4:00.

Details at www.honeywood-lilies.ca

Worldwide Ecotours: The remaining 2018 tour is Gardens of Ireland from September 9-20.

Details at https://www.worldwideecotours.com/gardens-of-ireland

National Tree Day: This event will be held on September 26, 2018. Plant a Tree! National

Tree Day serves as a celebration for all Canadians to appreciate the great benefits that trees

provide us – clean air, wildlife habitat, reducing energy demand and connecting with nature.

Details at https://treecanada.ca/engagement-research/national-tree-day/

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Great Eats

A handful of recipes from our own kitchens .....

CURRY VEGETABLE SOUP -- Recipe courtesy of Carol Lahey-Wiggs

1 Envelope Knorrs cream of leek soup mix

1 T Curry powder that you love

1-1/2 C of your own favorite garden vegs

(zucchini, cooked carrots, onions, cooked

beans, peas are good choices)

1 C milk

Combine soup mix, curry and milk in large

saucepan. Bring to a boil stirring often.

Reduce heat to Med- low and let simmer.

Add your vegs, stir occasionally and cook

until done.

This is a great recipe to use to finish off

any leftover vegs you may have.

Makes about 4 cups.

QUINOA CUCUMBER MINT SALAD -- Recipe courtesy of Carol Lahey-Wiggs

1 1/2 C Water

3/4 C quinoa

1 long cucumber from your garden

1/2 C finely chopped red or purple onion

1/4 C fresh parsley chopped

1/4 C fresh chopped mint

1 t minced fresh garlic

3 T fresh lemon juice

1/4 C olive oil

1T apple cider vinegar

1/4 t salt

Pinch of ground black pepper

Bring water and quinoa to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and let cook for about 10 mins. Take it

off the heat and let it sit for another 4-5 mins. Remove the lid and fluff. Set aside to cool.

Combine cooled quinoa with mint, parsley, onion and cucumber.

Make a dressing with the last ingredients. You may want to prepare this a bit earlier so the

flavors mix.

Pour this over the vegetables and quinoa mixture and serve immediately. Great for potlucks

and BBQs.

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POTATO GRATIN -- Recipe courtesy of Pat Heshka

1 tbsp olive oil

1 leek (white and light green parts only),

halved lengthwise and thinly sliced crosswise

4 slices bacon

1.35 kg yellow-fleshed potatoes, peeled and

cut in 1/4-inch thick slices

1 1/2 cups sodium-reduced chicken broth

1 cup whipping cream

1/2 cup milk

3 sprigs fresh thyme (or rosemary or sage)

2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

1/2 tsp each salt and pepper

Pinch nutmeg

1 cup shredded Gruyere cheese


1 cup fresh bread crumbs

1/2 cup shredded Gruyere cheese

2 tbsp unsalted butter, melted

In large skillet, heat oil over medium heat; cook leek, stirring occasionally, until softened and

light golden, about 4 minutes. Transfer to bowl; set aside.

In same skillet, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp, 6 to 8 minutes. Remove to paper

towel-lined plate. Chop bacon and set aside.

Drain fat from skillet; wipe clean. Add potatoes, broth, cream, milk, thyme, garlic, salt,

pepper and nutmeg; cook over medium heat just until mixture comes to simmer, about 10

minutes. Reduce heat to medium-low; partially cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, until

potatoes are fork-tender but still hold their shape, about 12 minutes. Discard thyme.

Using slotted spoon, transfer half of the potatoes to greased 13x 9-inch baking dish. Sprinkle

with Gruyere cheese, leek and bacon; top with remaining potatoes. Scrape cooking liquid

over top.

Topping: Stir together bread crumbs, Gruyere cheese and butter; sprinkle over potato


Bake in 400F oven until sauce is bubbly and topping is crisp and golden, 25 to 30 minutes.

Yield: 8 - 10 servings

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PEAR RASPBERRY CRUMBLE -- Recipe courtesy of Pat Heshka

4 cups sliced cored peeled pears

2 cups frozen raspberries

1/3 cup packed brown sugar

2 tbsp all-purpose flour

1/2 tsp nutmeg


3/4 cup all-purpose flour

3/4 cup packed brown sugar

3/4 cup quick-cooking rolled oats

1/3 cup butter, melted

In large bowl, gently toss together pears, raspberries, brown sugar, flour and nutmeg;

spread in 8-inch square baking dish.

Topping: In separate bowl, stir together flour, brown sugar and oats; drizzle butter over top.

Stir until crumbly. Sprinkle evenly over pear mixture.

Bake in 350F oven until golden and bubbly and fruit is tender, 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Serve with a dollop of fresh whipped cream or ice-cream.

Yiels: 6 servings

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Saskatoon Horticultural Society Corporate Membership

Become a Corporate Member with the SHS! By becoming a Corporate Member you get

opportunities to access our membership and generate awareness for your business. A

Corporate Membership costs $125. Corporate Memberships run for one year, starting at the

time of purchase. The benefits of becoming a member include:

Corporate logo and contact information included in our SHS newsletter (Four editions)

and on the SHS website as corporate members

One featured article in the SHS newsletter of your choosing

Advertisement via our SHS newsletter (Four editions)

Awareness generate via our Facebook Page (465 followers)

Two memberships (Voting) for employees (Value $30)

To become a Corporate Member, please fill out the Corporate Membership Form and include

payment. You many also visit our website and use our PayPal option.

If you have any further questions you can contact us at [email protected].