A publication from Volunteer Services of Children's of Alabama May, 2013 Issue Volunteer Voice Volunteer Voice Volunteer Services Mission Statement We strive to put our hearts to work to enhance the service and mission of Children's of Alabama by serving the children, families, and visitors with respect, love, and compassion. In this issue... Strange Visitors... Volunteer Appreciation Comments... Volunteer Highlight... Greeter Things!... Outstanding COA Teen... The Amelia Center... Wagon Cleaners... PNO... Important Dates...

May 2013 Voice final - Children's of Alabama · The Amelia Center was founded 16 years ago to provide counseling for parents who ... Greg!Jenkins!is!ateenvolunteer!at!Children's!of

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A  publication  from  Volunteer  Services  of  Children's  of  Alabama  

May,  2013  Issue  

Vo lu n t e e r Vo i c eVo lu n t e e r Vo i c e

Volunteer  Services  Mission  Statement    

We str ive to put our hearts to work to enhance the service and miss ion of Children ' s of Alabama

by serving the chi ldren, famil ies , and vis i tors with respect , love, and compassion.



In  this  issue...                     Strange  Visitors...  Volunteer  Appreciation  Comments...     Volunteer  Highlight...  Greeter  Things!...             Outstanding  COA  Teen...  The  Amelia  Center...           Wagon  Cleaners...    PNO...                 Important  Dates...                        

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April  was  National  Volunteer  Appreciation  Month.  The  following  are  expressions  of  gratitude  toward  volunteers  

by  various  members  of  the  COA  family.      Please  pass  along  my  appreciation  for  all  of  the  hours  provided  by  our  volunteers.  They’re  a   critical   component   of   our  mission   to   provide   care   to   the   patients   and   families   of   our  state  and  surrounding  areas.  Thanks  to  them  and  to  you  for  your  leadership.    

-­‐-­‐Deborah  Wesley,  Senior  Vice  President    (Nursing)      

On  behalf  of   the  PT  &  OT  Departments   I  would   like   to  say  how  thankful  we  are   to  have  volunteers   willing   to   give   of   their   time   and   energy   for   the   benefit   of   the   patients   and  families  we  serve.  Every  task  they  perform  has  significant  meaning  and  value  regardless  of  the   importance   perceived.  Our   volunteers   help   support   and   enable   us   to   do   our   jobs,  which   is   to   focus   on   excellent   patient   care.  We   could   not   do   what   we   do   without  them.  Thanks   to   the   many   past,   present,   and   future   volunteers   who   have   served   our  department  so  well.    We  are  forever  grateful!            

-­‐-­‐Rhett  Wheeler,  Inpatient  Physical  Therapy  Coordinator    

The   Patient   Health   and   Safety   Information   Department   volunteer   is   AWESOME!!!!   Her  enthusiasm  is  infectious  and  she  will  be  an  asset  in  helping  train  future  puppeteers.  Thank  you  for  your  award-­‐winning  smile  and  for  loving  kids  the  way  you  do!!!!      

-­‐-­‐Puppet  Advocate!!!    Ginger  Parsons    

I  think  they  all  are  such  a  blessing  to  all  of  our  families  and  to  the  staff  also.  Thank  you.        

-­‐-­‐Kathi    (EVS)      

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Greeter  Things  Are  Happening!      Just  a  few  words  on  Ty,  one  of  Children's  greeters...        Ty   is   a   UAB   freshman   with   a   nursing   major.  She  graduated   from   Beauregarde   High   School   in   Opelika,  Alabama.  She   has   been   volunteering   as   a   Greeter   with  Children’s   of   Alabama   since   February   14th   of   2013…  Valentine's  Day…one  of  the  busiest  days  at  the  hospital!    A   greeter’s   duties   include   taking   guests   to   their  destination,   delivering   patient   mail   and   Gift   Shop  packages,  as  well  as  rounding  up,  cleaning,  and  placing  wagons  and  wheel  chairs  in  specified  locations  within  the  hospital.        Finding  wagons  can  be  quite  an  adventure  and  involves  searching  the  clinics,  hallways,  and   the  parking  decks.  Just   bringing   them   in   from   the  parking   lot   is   an   adventure   in  itself!  Greeters   brave   the   elements   as   they   travel   to   each   floor,   searching   between  parked   cars,   fitting   wagons   onto   the   elevators,   and   then   stacking   several   together,  tugging   them   across   one   crosswalk   or   another   to   their   destination.  Then   comes   the  cleaning.   Gloves   donned   and   anti-­‐bacterial   wipes   within   easy   reach,   a   greeter   will  empty  out  discarded  papers,   food  crumbs,  or   linens  and  then  wipe  down  each  wagon  so  that  it  is  clean,  disinfected,  and  ready  for  the  next  customer!        Ty   comes   to   the   hospital   at   5   p.m.   each   Friday   and   is   relentless   in   her   wagon  searching…often  interrupted  many  times  as  she  escorts  guests  to  the  new  Emergency  Room  in  the  BRHC  or  to  other  locations.      She  relates  that  she  has  received  many  thank  you’s  when  she  is  cleaning  the  wagons;  most  people  have  no  idea  that  the  wagons  are  cleaned/disinfected  on  a  routine  basis.    This  is  just  one  of  the  many  instances  of  infection  control  practiced  at  Children’s.      Thanks,  Ty-­‐-­‐and  all  of  our  wonderful  COA  greeters-­‐-­‐for  helping  make  Children's  a  safer,  healthier,  and  friendlier  place  for  our  patients  and  families!      

An  early-­morning  task!  

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V V      As volunteers, we are exposed to many aspects of the amazing complex that is Children's of Alabama. This reach extends beyond the walls of our campus, however, where there are other groups of people who work closely with COA, as well as with children and families of the community, to promote health and healing. One such organization is The Amelia Center, located just a block from the Russell Building, west of the Park Place parking deck.

The Amelia Center was founded 16 years ago to provide counseling for parents who have lost children through death and to help children (ages 5 and up) cope with the loss of a friend or family member. Through many creative activities, counseling sessions, and support groups, those who have lost loved ones are taught coping strategies and brought to a point in their lives where their children, parents, or friends who have died are remembered or honored in emotionally healthy ways. Thus, those who grieve are helped to move through the grieving process, which is vastly different for everyone.

Services are provided at no set fee, though many who have been helped by The Amelia Center choose to make donations. The United Way and COA are major sponsors and supporters.

COA volunteers are typically closely attuned to the needs of many we see--patients and families at Children's, our own family, and our friends at school or in the community. Any of us who become aware of someone who might benefit from The Amelia Center services can have those people call the center's main office (205-638-7481) for information or appointments. Additionally, school and church counselors oftentimes make referrals. Volunteers who have extra time and a desire to help would also be welcome at Amelia Center fundraisers, held periodically. To learn more or to be kept up to date, please visit their website at www.ameliacenter.org.

As part of your involvement with COA, keep The Amelia Center in mind as another invaluable resource--one available to those who may be struggling to cope with the death of a loved one. Their friendly and highly-qualified staff members are always eager to assist in whatever way possible.

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PNO  (a.k.a.  Parent's  Night  Out)    

Volunteer  Services  and  local  businesses  and  organizations  have  been  hosting  PNO  for  the  last  25  years  or  more!  (When  good  things  happen,  they  seem  to  stick  around!)  COA  and  our   families   are   surrounded  by  a   vast   group  of   caring   sponsors  who  want   to  doall  that  they  can  to  help.      Each  month,  a  sponsor  hosts  PNO  to  provide  a  hot  dinner  for  parents,  grandparents,  or  guardians   of   patients.   COA   volunteers   sit  with   the   children   so   the   parents   feel  more  comfortable  leaving  the  room,  thus  allowing  a  little  respite  for  the  caregivers.        Entertainment   is   provided   by   the  Big   Top   Clowns   along  with   Bingo.   It   is   a   fun-­‐filled  evening,  held  once  every  month!    COA  is  very  fortunate  to  have  such  devoted  sponsors  for  PNO!  Thanks,  sponsors!!!  



March/April  Sponsors      EBSCO  Industries  and  AT&T  Telephone  Pioneers  

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March  Special  Visitors  

Extra-­Ordinary  Guests  Pop  In  at  Children's!  






OMG...Aliens  invaded  Children's!  

~Lucky  Charms~  Do  you  know  these  Leprechauns?    

(Fortunately,  they  seem  to  be  the  friendly  kind.)  

The Aliens Are Coming Space Week!

Cats in Funny Hats!

"You were not born to just fit in,

you were born to stand out!"

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Volunteer  Spotlight            How  long  have  you  been  volunteering?  What  days/times  do  you  volunteer? I  have  been  volunteering  for  about  a  year  and  a  half.  I  received  my  100  hours  service  pin  last  year  and  will  receive  my  500  hours  service  pin  this  year.    Why  did  you  select  Children's  as  a  place  to  volunteer? The  reason  I  chose  to  volunteer  at  Children’s  was  to  try  to  give  back  what  was  given  to  me  when  I  was  a  patient  when  I  was  younger.  I  like  to  see  people  smile,  so  if  I  can  get  them  to  smile  for  a  second,  I  feel  I  have  accomplished  a  goal.    Where  have  you  volunteered?  I  am  a  greeter  at  Children’s.  I  take  patients  and  their  families  to  their  designated  area.  I  give  directions  to  different  clinics,  the  cafeteria,  and  doctors’  offices.    What  are  you  hobbies?  My  hobbies  are  sports  and  video  games.  I  collect  sports  cards.    What  is  something  most  people  don't  know  about  you?    

*I  received  my  BA  in  Mass  Communication  from  UAB.    *I  am  a  member  of  Phi  Beta  Sigma  Fraternity,  Incorporated.                                                                                            *I  volunteer  at  Samford  University  with  Coach  Pat  Sullivan  and  the  football  team.  *I  am  a  people  person  who  always  is  willing  to  help  and  give  my  best.    *I  work  out  3  days  a  week  at  Lakeshore  Foundation.                                                                                                      *I  did  horseback  riding  for  11  years.                                                                                                                                                          *I  met  Michael  Jordan  when  he  played  for  Chicago  Bulls.  *I  escorted  Michael  Jordan  on  the  field  when  he  played  for  the  Birmingham  Barons,            and,  *I  have  Michael  Jordan’s  signed  Chicago  Bulls  jersey.        

John  T.  Millhouse  

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Outstanding  Young  Man      Greg  Jenkins  is  a  teen  volunteer  at  Children's  of  Alabama.  He  began  volunteering  in  January,  2011,  in  what  was  the  7  NW  as   a   Hospitality   Associate   and   is   now   serving   in   the   same  unit  that  is  9  BRHC  as  a  Nursing  Ambassador.  Greg  has  been  a  very  devoted  and  dependable  volunteer  serving  a   total  of  262:46   hours   and   is   currently   active.   Greg   is   such   a   great  volunteer   that   one   of   the   nurses   saw   him   outside   the  hospital   and   advised   him   that   they   had   moved   to   the   9th  floor   of   the   BRHC   and   that   she   hoped   that   he  was   coming  back   for   the   fall   session.  Greg  assured  her   that  he  was  and  that  he  loved  being  here  as  a  volunteer.    Greg  is  also  a  student  at  Mountain  Brook  High  School.  It  is  really  impressive  with  all  of  his   other   activities   and   studies,   where   he   excels,   that   he   devotes   so   much   time   to  volunteering.  Greg  plays  football  for  Mountain  Brook  High  School,  is  in  the  Symphonic  and   Jazz   band,   and   is   first   chair   or   principal   chair   on   the   saxophone.   He   has   also  performed  with  the  Festival  UAB  Honors  Band  and  Birmingham  Jazz  Summit.    The  most  recent  of  Greg's  many  accomplishments  is  that  he  was  presented  the  Spirit  of  Community   Award   and   the   Presidential   Volunteer   Service   Award!   The   Presidential  award  was  signed  by  President  Obama.  Both  of  these  awards  are  for  the  great  service  he  has  given  to  our  community.    Please   join   me   in   recognizing   Greg   for   all   of   his   hard   work,   dedication,   and  perseverance.   We   are   so   glad   that   he   is   so   giving   of   his   time   here   at   Children's   of  Alabama!  Greg  will  be  one  of  our  great  leaders  of  the  future!    

-­‐-­‐Lisa  Howard                

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~Volunteer  Wagon  Cleaners~      



About   25   volunteers   from   JamJev  Gymnastics   in   Bessemer   visited  Children's   early   in   the   morning   on  Saturday,   April   27.   Not   only   did   they  work   really   hard   to   clean   dozens   of  wagons   for   our   patients,   they   also  donated  two  wagons  to  COA!  Both  were  beautifully   decorated-­‐-­‐one   in   Alabama    red   and  white   and  one   in   the  blue   and  orange  of  Auburn.  

The   Fairfield   High   School   DECA  organization   visited   Children's   on  May   4.   These   young   people   came  early   in   the  rain  and  cold   to  clean  over  150  wagons   for   the  patients,  families,   and   employees   of   the  hospital.  

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Important  Dates:    

May  13  -­  May  17     -­-­   Welcome  New  Volunteers  

Monday,  June  3     -­-­   Dinner  with  the  Clowns  

June  10  -­  June  14   -­-­   Welcome  New  Volunteers    

Thursday,  June  13     -­-­   Parent’s  Night  Out  

Monday,  June  24     -­-­   Auxiliary  Fun  Night  at  the  Harbor  


The  Volunteer  Staff:    Sherry  Scarborough   Director  Bonita  Bivins     Greeter  Coordinator  Kim  Crane         Project  Coordinator  Frank  Hrabe       Database  and  Compliance  Coordinator  Myla  Hodge       Greeter  Coordinator  Lisa  Howard       Student  Volunteer  Coordinator  Howard  Holmes     Adult  Volunteer  Coordinator  Suzanne  Reeves     Special  Programs  Coordinator    Volunteer  Voice    Danny  Culp                 Designer  and  Editor  John  Millhouse     Journalist                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Don't  Forget!    Volunteers  should  sign  out  at  the  end  of  their  volunteer  service.  It  is  a  departmental  rule  that  you  only  get  credit  for  one  hour  of  service  if  you  fail  to  sign  out.    

**Tuesday,  July  23  -­-­  Auxiliary  Board  Meeting  in  the  Bradley  Center**               (Dinner  5:30,  Meeting  at  6  pm)                    Let  us  know  if  you  plan  to  attend.  We  would  love  to  have  your  input!