May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last

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Page 1: May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last
Page 2: May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last

Camp Activities

Cowboys for Christ ~ in the Dining Hall on the 1st Thursday of each month @ 7:30pm.

Come and enjoy! DMC Sunday Service @ 11:00am ****Everyone Welcome!**** Freedom Seminary ~ classes meet on

Thursday nights @ 7:00pm in the Retreat Center. Check out the Dunklin Website for more info on scheduled classes at www.dunklin.org

Women’s Co-dependency &

Boundaries classes Call Margie Rowland 772-597-0922











“But the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the Word,

and it becomes unfruitful.” (Mark 4:19)

During my relationship with my addiction, I “romanced” my chemicals. I was “love-struck” by the lifestyle. My addiction didn’t stop or even begin with chemicals though. The love of money and girls led the way. And no matter how far it dragged me down, I held on tight to that lifestyle. After obtaining a relationship with Christ, I feel like a new little child. I’m filled with as much joy as a child being thrown in the air, ready to be caught in his father’s hands. I still struggle with trust, but in the end, I know in my heart that my Father will catch me when I fall. ~H.L.

Page 3: May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me

to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the

opening of the prison to them that are bound…” to appoint unto them

that mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the Spirit of heaviness; that

they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the

Lord, that He might be glorified.” (Isa 61: 1 & 3)

This ancient prophecy perfectly described the mission and message of the Messiah, but when the Messiah appeared in Person at His hometown church their reaction was frightening! The so called “good people” violently rejected both the Message and the Messenger. So, the Messiah was forced to take His ministry outside of the synagogue and share it with the so called “bad people” who “heard him gladly”. Lepers, demon possessed people, the woman taken in adultery, the poor, the lame, the blind, and last but not least, Jesus received the thief on the cross into full citizenship in His eternal Kingdom in heaven. This same paradox seems to have followed Jesus down through the centuries. Perhaps He offended the “good guys” when He told His parables about prodigal sons being restored to their Father’s household and that “harlots would enter the

Kingdom of God before the Pharisees.” He boldly stated that, “He came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance, for they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.” When our teams go to the county jails on Christmas Eve to serve communion to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last year I was sitting where you are tonight and someone told me about how I could be received into God’s family. That is why we are here tonight to give back the blessing that was given to us! The response we receive is the paradox and the message and the messengers are “received gladly”. We send a team of men four days a week to Martin County Jail to lead Faith Based Substance Abuse Prevention Classes. You will be blessed to read the testimonies of some of the fifty men that are enrolled in the program. Some of the men who came through the jail program also came to Dunklin and are now in Servant Leadership Training and volunteer to go back to the jail to share their testimonies. Our dream is to train recovered addicts and ex-prison inmates to minister to the three million people who are presently incarcerated in prisons and county jails. Who better can speak their language and “be touched by the feeling of their infirmities”? The “fields are white unto harvest but the workers are few”. Thank you, Campfire readers, for your prayers and support for these who are being trained to carry the Messiah's Message.

Lester Berry Director So many men have sought to deal with the pain and confusion of life with the empty promises of drugs and alcohol, negative peer acceptance, and selfishness. They have sought purpose and meaning in a world full of false ideals and selfish values. Many men repeat those mistakes willingly over and over until they find themselves in a spiral of degradation. The spiral is extreme and the cost is devastating, ending up in jails and prisons, and even death. “But….. Praise God! He is the Father of Mercy. He lifted me out of the ditch, pulled me from deep mud. He stood me up on a solid rock to make sure I wouldn’t slip. He taught me how to sing the latest God-song, a praise-song to our God. More and more people are seeing this: they enter the mystery, abandoning themselves to God. Blessed are you who give yourselves over to GOD, and turn your backs on the world’s “sure thing”, ignoring what the world worships: (Psalms 40:2-4 The Message) That takes place abundantly as 50 men come together in the Dunklin Program in the Martin County Jail. It is a beautiful thing to watch God’s written and spoken Word come to life through the lives


Page 4: May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last

that are redeemed in the Body of Christ in that place. Men finally realize their true potential as responsible heirs to God’s goodness as His sons. It shows in their willingness to face the consequences of their choices and become givers instead of takers. These men respond to their families as blessings, not burdens. “Thus we have been set free to experience our rightful heritage. You can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted as his own children because God sent the Spirit of His Son into our lives crying out, ‘Papa! Father!’.” (Gal 4:5-6 Msg.) We are so thankful to be a part of these men’s lives as God faithfully restores each one and we stand with Him as He waits for the next one to look up, so He can do it again! To God be the Glory! ~ Lester ************************ Thanks to the training at Dunklin and God’s mercy in my life, I am blessed to go back four days a week and teach at the very same jail that once held me bound. It is such a privilege to be a blessing and not a curse to the guards. They can see God’s redemption power through my walk with Him. God has also allowed me to facilitate the Celebrate Recovery re-entry program for men’s aftercare. When they are released from jail or prison, this gives them a place to connect with others, outside of jail to continue their walk with Christ. God allows me to come a long side them to mentor them in the same way Christ mentored me. Family members can also join associated classes to learn how

they can begin to get healing from their hurts, and together the family becomes reconciled to each other. This creates a support structure for the recovery of the entire family. The most recent door God has opened is the opportunity to start working with troubled teens who are just beginning down the path to prison that I was on. My life just keeps getting better and better, since I’ve been on God’s path for my life. Also, my own family has welcomed me back home and the brother that couldn't stand me picks me up to take me there. The most amazing thing is that I now, after years of estrangement, have a wonderful relationship with my son!

God is an awesome God! ~Michael

Life today is filled with love, support, and accountability, only because of the relational work that God has done in my life. Before being impacted by the Dunklin Program in Martin County Jail, my life was anything but relational.

Alienation and isolation characterized my grim existence and darkness clouded my judgment. I pushed people away and others were afraid of the damage I would cause if they got too close. Today is a different story, because the Lord has brought me to a place that I know relationships are the key to my survival and sobriety. It’s

unbelievably rewarding to go back in the jail and get relational with the men in B4, sharing that relationships equal recovery. Today I want to invite people into my life and be willing to love them, no matter what. When I think back on what life was like before, I am reminded of a path filled with destruction and broken relationships. The Martin County jail was a regular stop on the road of rebellion that I traveled on. I spent years sowing bad seeds and taking for granted my life, as well as the lives around me. They said that I would never change, and that I was destined to live a life of bondage to my addiction. My situation seemed pretty bleak. Enter in God’s grace to my life and everything changed!


Michael Bass Counselor


Jeremy Payne Counselor

Page 5: May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last

Today the Lord has me sowing seeds

of life! I am blessed to be a part of the jail ministry. God has put me back into the same environment that He found me in. I can relate to the men in there, and I understand completely what they are going through. I am able to pour life into desperate men today, and for that I am very grateful. God has me building men of character, and teaching them how to live Godly lives. It feels good to be able to give back to a community that I took advantage of for so long. The real harvest comes from watching the lost and the hopeless regenerated by a personal relationship with God and the Body of Christ. From an outsider’s perspective their future may seem bleak. So once did mine. One thing I am certain of, once God’s grace is poured out “Everything Changes”! ~ Nick

John Purkey Counselor Well, my long journey began Dec. 15th, 2008 when I was arrested and put into the Martin County jail. It was there that I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart and my life changed dramatically. After spending a year in the jail and then coming into the program here at Dunklin, I felt the Lord telling me that there was still more. I thought back to one of my journal entries while I was locked up and the Lord had spoke to me that I was going to be working with the youth at a church called Grace Place. I wasn’t exactly sure how it was all going to work out so I just stayed obedient to what the Lord was speaking to me on a daily basis. After I completed the 10 month commitment to finish the program, I decided to stay on for SLT, Servant Leadership Training. While in SLT, I was given the opportunity to go to the Grace Place for Celebrate Recovery meetings. After attending for quite some time I became the co-facilitator of a men's group for men coming out of jail or a program called the Re-entry Group with Michael Bass. The most important thing we

stress in the group is relationships. With relationships the men can hold each other accountable on their attitudes or whatever else is going on in their lives. Just before I didn’t think it could get any better, I was approached by the CR ministry team leader about getting plugged into a new program at the church called the “Landing”. It’s a Celebrate Recovery meeting for teenagers. As soon as she asked me I was ready for commitment. I remembered instantly what the Lord had told me over a year ago sitting behind bars. Since working with the youth every Thursday night, I am getting more fulfillment out of watching their lives change right before my eyes than I could have ever imaged. We push the same onto the boys I work with, its all about relationships. I deal with the 11th and 12th grade boys who are all in the same spot I was in during high school. And that’s all I can really share with them, my own life experiences and try to point them in the right direction. The Lord has blessed me with two other ministries outside of the one I am involved in here at Dunklin and I have never had more joy than I do today. I ask that you pray for more troubled teens to find their safe place to be loved at the Grace Place. Thank you Jesus! ~ John


Nick DeRigo Counselor

Page 6: May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last


Dear Dope, It has been a little while since we have seen each other. I have been busy trying to put my life back together. I have had some time to think about our relationship and there are some things that I need to let you know. When I first met you, I fell in love. You had a way of making me feel good when it seemed like no one else cared. You gave me confidence and helped me with my self esteem. I could always count on you being there when no one else was. You made me feel like I could do anything. I found myself willing to do anything just to spend time with you, even when I knew it was wrong. I was shocked to find out you were trying to kill me all along. I didn’t want to admit it and I fought for you. Something changed about you and your effect on me wasn't the same. No matter how much time I spent with you, I was still miserable. I almost let you kill me when you were helping me to believe those lies about myself. I have some news for you. It’s OVER! I have somebody new who really does meet all my needs. His name is Jesus. Truth being told, He has been with me all along; I just had to ask Him for His help. He has already in a short period of time, given me back all the things it took you years to steal from me. He truly is always there for me and He is even ok with me hanging out with my friends and family. The best part is that He doesn’t want to kill me; as a matter of fact, He has given me eternal life. You could never live up to that promise. So this is farewell, my old “friend”. I want you to lie down and die next to my old man. I won’t be needing you in my life anymore! In Christ, Will

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Let me introduce myself. I’m Dirt, that’s right dirt. You see one day God reached down and grabbed me. I’ve seen Him do some great things for me and I want to share them with you. Out of dirt God formed a man and breath went into the man and created life. Life is what God has given me. He has also given me the choice to live in the flesh or the spirit. In the past I had always lived to please my flesh and my life became a big mess. My “life tree” became rooted in the evil soil of drugs and alcohol. I didn’t care about myself or others and I was headed down the path of destruction. However, one day a wind blew and suddenly I became aware of the path I was on and where it was headed. I began to look for help. I was told my only hope was to come to God, my Creator. So I cried out to God and He has restored my soul and planted me on solid ground. My roots have sprouted and now I am blossoming into a tree of life! This is what God did for me and He will do it for you too. ~ J. F.

I came to this program to find out why I used chemicals like I did. The Lord has shown me that I was using to cover up the pain that I experienced when I was a child. Since coming to this program, I’ve learned that I don’t have to use chemicals to relieve those feelings that I’ve held onto for so long. I simply need to give them to the Lord by getting open about it with others so I can release it. I’ve gone through a transformation since I’ve been here and know now that I can’t stay clean without the Lord in my life. ~G.S.

Page 8: May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last

In the heat of my addiction I was bound by pills. Unable to move forward or do anything. I was a slave, a prisoner to a prescription medication. I did not care about anyone else or anything else

as long as I had my pills. Once I reached my bottom and realized I had a serious problem, I saw that I was powerless over my addiction, and had to turn my addiction problem over to the Lord. Now that I serve God, and not a little blue pill, my quality of life has become so much better even behind bars. I finally have a good solid relationship with my family, probably the best ever. With out God this would not have been possible. I am now free to spread my wings and fly . ~ G.F. Before: Life was full of all the wrong things. Temporary “feel goods” - drugs, money, alcohol. All that garbage led me down the path of destruction, death and chaos, leaving me angry and empty. Searching for love and acceptance in all the wrong places…

After: Life!!! - Real Life! A life that means something now. Before finding Christ and inviting Him into my life, “life” was just a word with no meaning. Now, life is love and what better way to live it than to be loved by the One who made the ultimate sacrifice for me! Freedom, there’s no more chains—nothing left to hold me back and no void left to fill. Awesome. ~T.T.


Page 9: May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last


My life was in a downward spiral. I was drowning in the world and though my only “friends” were alcohol, money, sex and drugs. I thought they could save me. Finally the dam of deceit and shame broke, but amazingly I found myself afloat in the Sea of Redemption! I was rescued by the vessel of God’s Grace and the Captain was Jesus. He introduced me to Serenity and Peace, who are good friends of His. He brought me aboard, dried me out, and when I awoke, He had rescued my family as well!! Trials and tribulations are still all around us, the seas are rough, but God’s Grace is sturdy and I know that I can trust my Captain. ~ M.S. In my addiction life was all about the love of money—the root of all evil. The drugs, the binge drinking and chain smoking all went along with the lifestyle. It was killing me—a skull and crossbones had become the symbol of my life. Now instead of all the devil’s “toys” I’ve found real joy in a life with Jesus. I start out each day with Him and He

opens up the Word of God to me when I read. My God, my family and my friends are what I keep close to my heart now. ~ C.P.

“Dear” Drugs, No matter how many times I fell or was sick, I thought it was you that picked me back up, when in reality all you did was make me worse. I let you take complete control of my life. Everywhere I went I had to take you with me. Now, after all this time without you I have to say that I don’t miss you at all.

Page 10: May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last

Instead of you I have finally started believing in Someone who can actually help me. That Someone is Jesus and from now on I will be “using” that things that He gives to me—things like forgiveness, love and peace. So with that I will say my last “good-bye”. I won’t be needing you any more. ~ L.E. “Dear” Dope, We used to be lovers, except I didn’t really love you, I loved the way you made me feel. You helped me feel better about myself and cover up the pain of shame of my past I was in bondage to you. I didn’t see how you really wanted to keep me as your slave. But now through the love of my Savior, I have broken free of your bondage. He has cured my blindness and I will never be fooled by your false promises again. Goodbye. ~R.R. “Dear” Dope, I have walked with you in my life for over 32 years now. You were my best friend...my only friend.

I trusted you to help me get through life. Well you did—you kept me numb and silent. You helped me hide my problems and not work on finding solutions because I was always high.

Well, guess what Dope— I don’t need you anymore! I found a new friend a true best friend! His love for me is greater than I have ever experienced! His love is pure goodness and totally unselfish. His love for me taught me to be real. I can do all things with Him in my life. Thank you Lord, my Father, my Friend, for now with You in my heart, I no longer need alcohol and drugs. You saved me and You love me and there is nothing better than Your Love. ~ T.A.B. “Dear” Dope, This is where my life with you led me… in a bathroom, alone and broken. No longer will you control my life. I have found a new high and that is with the Lord. I am now none of the things I used to be, instead I am a new creation. No longer broken and alone. It’s time for my final farewell to you “friend”. It’s time to be with my Lord and Savior from now on. ~ E.G.


Page 11: May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last

Any questions or concerns about the Campfire or subscription please call

Carol Cox @ 772-597-4440 or email me at [email protected]

You can view the Campfire on our Website

in full color @ www.dunklin.org

How You Can Help

1. Prayer, prayer and more prayer 2. Scholarships for men in Servant Leadership

Training 3. Monthly donations 4. Sponsor a Family in SLT 5. Sponsor a man in the Regeneration program 6. Any working vehicles, golf cart, 4 wheeler,

etc... 7. Musical Instruments – guitars, banjo, sax,


May 1st ~ Graduation & Baptism

May 5th ~ National Day of Prayer. 10pm to 12 noon in Tabernacle.

May 8th ~ Mother’s Day

Communion Service

May 19th ~ Net Meeting Call Pastor Terrell for Details 772-597-2841

May 22nd ~ Sunday Celebration May 29th ~ Sunday Celebration June 5th ~ Communion Service

Mickey Evans Dunklin

Laura Maye Evans Dunklin

Hugh Murrow Dunklin

Nick Reynolds Dunklin

Todd Haskell Dunklin

Fred Beeson Chairman


Dr. Jim Forbes Clewiston

Advisory Board

Sonny Williamson Okeechobee

Advisory Board

Jerry Jolicoeur Vice Chairman


Lee Jolicoeur Okeechobee

Advisory Board

Alan Bryson Palm Beach


Randy Dressel Lorida

Advisory Board

Bob Rowland Boca Raton

Guy Strayhorn Ft. Myers

Roy Wiley Jupiter

Dan Jones Orlando

Bob Moody Duette

Paul Allen Belle Glade

Matt Moody Duette

Chuck Royal Belle Glade

Jesse Jones Okeechobee

Jim Tatem West Palm Beach

Rich Boggs Okeechobee

J.W. Adams Advisory Board

DUNKLIN MEMORIAL CHURCH Dunklin Memorial Church was founded by Mickey and Laura Maye Evans in 1962 when 160 acres were purchased in the western part of Martin County for the purpose of building an alcoholic regeneration center to minister to the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of addicted persons. Since that time, God has greatly blessed D.M.C. with an expanded ministry and with new additions as needs have arisen. We give thanks and all glory to Jesus Christ our Lord for what He has done and look forward to what He wants to accomplish through our various ministries.

CAMPFIRE The campfire is a monthly publication proclaiming what the Lord Jesus Christ can do, and has done, for men in bondage to alcohol and drugs. This publication does not represent any particular denomination, but seeks to encourage all believers “to keep the unity of the Spirit”, (Eph. 4:3), not in the letter of the law, but in the spirit of meekness and love. There is no subscription price. The Campfire is maintained by the freewill offerings of those who wish to share in its ministry.

FINANCING Our ministry is made possible by love offerings from churches, groups and individuals who share the burden and blessing of helping alcoholics and drug addicts help themselves. We strive through various self help projects to supplement the love offering and donations so as to be greater stewards of what God gives us in our expanding ministry. Because of our religious nature we are exempt from licensing by the state of Florida. However, D.M.C. is registered with the state of Florida as a nonprofit, religious corporation. All gifts are tax deductible.

Dates to Remember

Page 12: May 2011 Jail - Dunklin Memorial Church to the prisoners, they “gladly received with tears” the Christmas gift of the Communion Covenant. When our team members testify that “last

Lend me your hope for a while; I seem to have mislaid mine. Lost and hopeless feelings accompany me daily;

pain and confusion are my companions. I know not where to turn; looking ahead I see troubled times, pain-filled

days and more tragedy. Lend me your hope for a while; I seem to have mislaid mine.

Hold my hand, listen to all my fears; recovery seems so far away and the road to healing seems like a long and lonely path.

Lend my your hope for a while, I seem to have mislaid mine. Stand by me, offer me your presence, your love, your

acceptance. Acknowledge my pain; it is so real and ever present.

Lend me your hope for a while, Then a time will

come when I will heal and I will share

my Hope with others.