May 12, 2019 Holy Trinity Parish Fourth Sunday of Easter

May 12, 2019 Holy Trinity Parish Fourth Sunday of Easter 12, 2019.pdf · Mother’s Day today. We ask God to bestow special blessings on our mothers, living and deceased. We thank

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Page 1: May 12, 2019 Holy Trinity Parish Fourth Sunday of Easter 12, 2019.pdf · Mother’s Day today. We ask God to bestow special blessings on our mothers, living and deceased. We thank

May 12, 2019 Holy Trinity Parish Fourth Sunday of Easter

Page 2: May 12, 2019 Holy Trinity Parish Fourth Sunday of Easter 12, 2019.pdf · Mother’s Day today. We ask God to bestow special blessings on our mothers, living and deceased. We thank


Could you not watch one hour with Me?

Eucharistic Adoration Every First Tuesday

8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

All other Tuesdays 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

You are invited to commit to an hour’s adoration

for the first Tuesday of each month by signing

the schedule sheet located in the Narthex.

Congratulations to parishioners Mandy and Paul Si-

rofchuck, owners of Main Exhibit Gallery and Art Center

on West Main Street. The Ligonier Valley Chamber of

Commerce recently bestowed their "Business of the Year"

award to the gallery during the chamber's annual dinner at

The Cedars, Antiochian Village. Main Exhibit, celebrat-

ing its 25th Anniversary this year, was recognized for its

contributions to the Valley, including Paul's recent work

with re-purposing the Ligonier Diamond trees, and their

addition of an art center to offer classes to local residents.

The Second Envelope Next Weekend The Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) will be

taken at Masses on May 18-19. Half of the proceeds from

the collection stays in the diocese to support local com-

munications efforts. The other half is sent to the USCCB

to support national and international communications

projects. For more information about the CCC and its

projects, visit www.usccb.org/ccc.

This weekend, Roni Salsa representing the Bethlehem

Christian Families; a nonprofit organization through Land

of Peace will be with us speaking about the Christian

situation in the Holy Land and selling Crucifixes,

religious art work, and rosaries. For more information

please see Website: www.landofpeace.org and


Flowers on the altar this weekend were in Honor of the First Communion Class

Requested by Scott & Tina Malinish.

Holy Trinity Christian Mothers News The parish is invited to a potluck dinner hosted

by Christian Mothers on Wednesday, May 22 at

6:00 PM in the church atrium. Sister Collett Hanlon will

speak about, "Using humor to thrive and not just survive

as we age."

All are invited for an entertaining evening.

Prayer for Vocations God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as priests, dea-cons, religious, and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Page 3: May 12, 2019 Holy Trinity Parish Fourth Sunday of Easter 12, 2019.pdf · Mother’s Day today. We ask God to bestow special blessings on our mothers, living and deceased. We thank


BLESSED AND GLORIOUS EASTER!! Already we have come to the Fourth Sunday of Easter, commonly referred to as

“Good Shepherd Sunday.” Jesus is our Good Shepherd who leads us through the valley of death into our heavenly homeland of ev-

erlasting life. Jesus is calling us to follow Him. In a world full of noise, we may have a difficult time hearing His Voice. Don’t let

yourself be distracted! Wait to hear the Voice of the Lord and be determined to follow where He leads you.

On this Good Shepherd Sunday, the Church celebrates the “World Day of Prayer for Vocations.”

The Bishops of the United States write, “The purpose of this day is to publically fulfill the Lord’s

instruction to ‘Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest.’ Please pray that

young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the priesthood,

diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life, or secular institutes.” Pope Francis instructs

us today, “Let us join in prayer and ask the Lord to help us discover the plan of love for our

lives, and to grant us the courage to walk in the path that, from the beginning, He has chosen for

each of us.” Please see the prayer for vocations from the United States Conference of Catholic

Bishops elsewhere in the bulletin today.

Good Shepherd Sunday is the perfect day to celebrate First Holy Communion. We rejoice with four of our young parish-

ioners who will receive the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time at the 11:00AM Mass today. Congratulations to Evan

Anderson, Travis Kondisko, Savannah Oliver, and Alyssa Queer. We pray that these children and their families will draw

closer to the Lord and that this “First” Holy Communion will be the first of many. The Lord is constantly calling each of us

to a deeper relationship – this happens primarily through the Sacraments. Many of us have received Holy Communion “countless”

times. However, we probably need to be more intentional about this encounter with the Lord. Let’s make sure we are prepared –

fasting for at least an hour before we receive the Eucharist, being in a state of grace, and being disposed to receiving the graces God

wants to give us through our Communion with His Son.

Do you think we can squeeze another observance in the schedule today? We join our fellow Americans in celebrating

Mother’s Day today. We ask God to bestow special blessings on our mothers, living and deceased. We thank them for the many

sacrifices they have made or continue to make for us. May Mary, the Mother of our Lord and Savior, intercede for them and be a

source of aid and inspiration as they guide and love the children God has entrusted to them.

Just a reminder as our Easter Season continues to progress. This week will

mark the halfway point between Easter and Pentecost. Have you made your Easter

Duty? Catholics must receive Holy Communion at least once a year, if they are able.

The Church allows us to fulfill our Easter Duty from the First Sunday of Lent through

Trinity Sunday, which falls on June 16 this year. Also, we have the Easter Season

Holy Day of Obligation approaching in two and one-half weeks – we will celebrate

the Ascension of the Lord on Thursday, May 30. Masses for the Holy Day will be

celebrated on Wednesday, May 29 at 5:00PM and on Thursday, May 30 at 8:00AM

and 7:00PM. Please make this a priority.

Our parish has been promoting the FORMED Program for several months now. Have you noticed? FORMED is an op-

portunity to learn about our Catholic faith and to grow in faith. This program is free for all of our parishioners. We are investigating

various ways that we can use the FORMED resources communally; however, individuals can already use the resources. Parishioners

need to sign up for FORMED at www.htligonier.formed.org. Please take a look at the web page and start using the resources there.

Also, you have probably noticed the kiosk with books and cassette disks in the gathering space – this is part of FORMED. I truly

hope you will investigate what our parish is offering through FORMED.

In last week’s bulletin I mentioned that we would probably make our parish goal for the Diocesan Lenten Appeal within the

week. I am happy to say that we have! As of Monday, May 6, we are at $55,670 from 132 donors. This is great news as we have

surpassed the parish goal by $2,366. We also received our first 2019 Diocesan Lenten Appeal refund -- $1,062.63. Thanks for your

faithfulness. I continue to encourage all those who have not yet participated to consider making a contribution to our DLA. Your

contribution will be refunded for use here in our parish.

I have mentioned in this space three aspects of Stewardship – time, talent, and treasure. Sometimes one of these aspects

must be emphasized over the other two. Simply put, our offertory must increase. I respectfully ask you to consider prayerfully your

level of giving and support. Have you increased lately? The ideal is 10% of our income returned to God in thanksgiving for all of

His many blessings. I know this might seem monumental if our giving is not near that level. Perhaps we can increase little by little

until we achieve the goal to which God is calling us. One thing I do know, however, is that our income must increase if we are going

to be able to pay our bills.




Page 4: May 12, 2019 Holy Trinity Parish Fourth Sunday of Easter 12, 2019.pdf · Mother’s Day today. We ask God to bestow special blessings on our mothers, living and deceased. We thank

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Parish Activities Calendar for May & June, 2019

A=Atrium C=Church H=Social Hall L=Loft PL=Parish Library SL= Old School Library

PMR=Parish Meeting Room. All Times Are PM Unless Otherwise Indicated

12 2nd Collection

Catholic Accent

Children 1st Holy


during the

11:00 AM Mass

Holy Land

selling Crucifixes

after Masses

13 Mass at 7:15 PM

May Crowning

followed by an

Ice Cream Social

for CCD students

and family

members - C, A

14 Holy Hour

3:00 - 4:00 - C

Grief Support


6:00 - 7:30 - H


7:00 - 9:00


15 16 Choir Rehearsal

7:00 - 9:00 - L

17 18

19 2nd Envelope for



7th Grade



11:00 AM to

4:00 PM


21 Holy Hour

3:00 - 4:00 - C

Grief Support


6:00 - 7:30 - H


7:00 - 9:00


22 Christian



6:00 - A

23 Prayer Shawl

1:00-3:00 - PL

Choir Rehearsal

7:00 - 9:00 - L

24 25

26 2nd Collection

The Food Bank

27 Parish Office


28 Holy Hour

3:00 - 4:00 - C

Grief Support


6:00 - 7:30 - H

29 30 Parish Office


31 1

A Profound Thank You from Fr. Stephen !!!! This past Sunday was a profound Gift from all of you at Holy Trinity Parish and I am deeply grateful, more than words can say. I would like to especially thank your very kind pastor, Fr. Anthony, for insisting on transforming my intentions of a small gathering in the afternoon with a few friends to remember my 40th anniversary of Priesthood into the Blessed Celebration that it became. For all of you who helped, I am deeply grateful: to Bennett and Mandy (as well as my Godson Joshua) for the celestial music at Mass, to the four young men who volunteered to usher at mass, to my God Squad special altar servers, to Lisa Moeller and her helper Angels who arranged and labored for such a beautiful and elegant reception (& with cake with the REAL icing !!) to all of you who took the time to stop by and share the joy with me- your cards ,kind and loving words and lavish gifts touched my heart and I thank you most sincerely. On a very tiny pension your great charity helps me quite frankly to be able to pay the heating, electric, water bills, ( and food!) May God bless you abundantly for your great kindness in this and in so many ways . You have brought a great Joy back into my life and you hold a special place in my heart and in my daily prayers.

In Christ’s Unchanging Love, Fr. Stephen ( you know, the crazy ,white - haired one with braces)

Page 5: May 12, 2019 Holy Trinity Parish Fourth Sunday of Easter 12, 2019.pdf · Mother’s Day today. We ask God to bestow special blessings on our mothers, living and deceased. We thank

Saturday, May 11 5:30 pm + Peter & Barbara Vucina by Connie & Lou Vucina

Sunday, May 12 8:00 am For All Parishioners 11:00 am + John J. Serafin by Daughter-in-law, Carol Serafin

Monday, May 13 7:15 pm + Tai Van Phan by Family

Tuesday, May 14 8:00 am + Jean Glasstetter by Husband Tony

Wednesday, May 15 8:00 am + Michele Camp by Mother, Ellie

Thursday, May 16 8:00 am + Cecelia & Stephen Shepard by Cindy & Larry Busch

Friday, May 17 8:00 am + Nick & Anna Wancheck by Daughter, Anna Mae Beghini

Saturday, May 18 5:30 pm + Jozsef & Maria Bagoly by Daughter, Marta Molnar

Sunday, May 19 8:00 am For All Parishioners 11:00 am + Maria Vass by Sister, Marta Molnar

Liturgical Assignments Mass Intentions

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS Saturday May 18 5:30 pm Paul Trimeloni, Doug Poole,

Theresa Wigle Sunday May 19 8:00 am Denise Warren, Margie Horrell,

Carol Serafin 11:00 am Karen Erbe. Marge Moffat, Thomas Carney

Daily-Week of 5/13 – Bill Smith


Saturday May 18 5:30 pm Edward Conroy Sunday May 19 8:00 am Alma Johnson 11:00 am Greg Jablunovsky

Daily-Week of 5/13 – Mary Sidehammer


Saturday May 18 5:30 pm Caitlyn & Maria Carney Sunday May 19 8:00 am None 11:00 am Michael Hillen, Jack Petrof

CANTORS Saturday May 18 5:30 pm Bobbie Cramer Sunday May 19 8:00 am Mandy Sirofchuck 11:00 am Ursula Adams


5/19 Karen Erbe, Steve Williams

COLLECTION COUNTERS 5/19 John Sharbaugh, Lisle Conway, Cindy Tierno


Regional Sunday evening Mass will be 6:00 PM at Holy Family Latrobe

Holy Trinity Parish

Rev. Anthony J. Carbone, JCL Pastor

Parish Business Office: 724-238-6434. Mon.-Wed. & Friday

8:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Thurs. 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM.

Mass Attendance for May 4 & 5, 2019 5:30 p.m. 125

8:00 a.m. 102

11:00 a.m. 224

Total 451

YOUR GENEROSITY for May 4 & 5, 2019 Adult $6,630.00

Children $2.00

Loose Cash $492.75

Ascension of the Lord $60.00

Easter $70.00

Total Ordinary Income for Bills $7,254.75

Catholic Accent $100.00

Capital Reserve $140.00

Total for Specific Purposes $240.00

Communications Media $30.00

Total Diocesan Collections $30.00

Total Deposit $7,524.75

Attention Graduates of 2019! You are cordially invited to attend a Baccalaureate

Mass Sunday, May 26 at 11:00 AM here at

Holy Trinity Parish. Family, friends, and

fellow graduates are encouraged to join the

celebration as we honor the Class of 2019.

Refreshments will be served in the Atrium after Mass.

Please contact the Parish Office (e-mail or phone call)

by Friday, May 24 if you plan to attend. Students,

please arrive by 10:45 AM and meet in the church


And seniors ... wear your cap and gown

You’ve earned it!