Matrix reporting For FHPAP and LTH

Matrix reporting For FHPAP and LTH. wilderresearch.org Today’s Webinar You can listen using your computer or calling in by phone Phone: (914) 339-0021,

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Matrix reporting



Today’s Webinar

You can listen using your computer or calling in by phone Phone: (914) 339-0021, Access code: 370-622-529

Use the bar on the right side to ask questions. We will respond either directly, as part of the webinar to the audience in general, or follow-up after with you

─ It is a big group, so we may not get through all questions

Focus of today’s session is reporting

We will cover the data check and summary reports and a couple of basics of data entry

If you have other matrix related questions, we may be able to stay on the line at the end of the reporting session to cover those as well depending on time and the number of questions


Matrix Tool Overview

18 Domains of Self-sufficiency

Recorded in HMIS

PowerPoint Training tool should be reviewed by all staff

Staff should meet regularly to ensure consistent use

Management should be involved in implementation and review of outcomes


Important Reference Materials

Link to forms, training tool and additional information



Collecting Matrix Data

Best practice is to complete the matrix with the participant. Do not have participants complete on their own.

If you and the participant disagree or feel the best response is between two numbers, select the lower of the two numbers

Initial assessment should be based on status prior to entry

Exit assessment should be based on housing after exit


Collecting Matrix Data

The process for completing the assessment may vary. It may be entered directly into the computer or done on paper; in conversation with the participant, by observation and case notes. Do what works best!


LTH Matrix timeline

Complete matrix at entry, every 6 months, and at exit

Complete for all clients 18+ at program entry and youth on their own

As part of initial roll out, clients already in the program as of July 1st 2011 will have an initial assessment completed looking back to their program entry date

─ Complete interims on 6 month schedule starting 7/1/2011


LTH follow-up chart

Month participant entered program

 Complete follow-up assessments in…

January July AND JanuaryFebruary August AND FebruaryMarch September AND MarchApril October AND AprilMay November AND MayJune December AND JuneJuly January AND JulyAugust February AND AugustSeptember March AND SeptemberOctober April AND OctoberNovember May AND NovemberDecember June AND December


LTH Required domains

All domains except credit

Disability is included on form, but not in HMIS

─Make sure you are not recording the disability information in credit


FHPAP Matrix timeline

Enter initial matrix for heads of households (includes singles and youth heads) new to the program as of July 1st 2011

Complete interim assessments only for clients in the program 6 months or more

─ Complete every three months if still in program

No final matrix

─ Can record interim at exit for those in the program 6 months or more


FHPAP Required domains

Required: Housing, Employment, Income, Food, Child Care, Children’s Education, Adult Education, Life Skills, Family/Social Relations, Mobility, and Legal

─Others are optional, but select “NA” if you aren’t completing


HMIS data entry tip: Reminders (optional)

If you add a date to the “Projected Follow up Date” a reminder shows up on the Follow up List on your Home page

To turn this off (after you have completed the next matrix):

1. Return to the matrix with this date added

2. Record the date you completed the next matrix in the “Actual follow-up date”

3. Go to “Follow-up Made” and select Yes


Matrix report location

All Matrix Reports are located in Matrix folder

─ Both FHPAP and LTH use reports in same folder

─We have add notes to clarify which funding sources use which summary report

─ Data check reports are clearly labeled by funding source


Data Checking-ART

Wilder has designed a report to help check data quality and provide reminders of matrix dates

Make sure to run regularly as you enter information

Running monthly can also help you check for clients needing follow-ups (LTH especially)


LTH Matrix Data Check Report

Report prompts:

─ Start and end dates should cover the period of time you are interested in

Start date will need to include the first program entry date for clients you are recording matrix data for (ex: client entered in 2007)

Clients who exited before 7/1/2011 are excluded


FHPAP data check report

Prompt dates follow reporting periods

─ 7/1/2011 to 1/1/2012 for this report period


Matrix Data Check Report (all 3 versions)

Three Tabs:

─Matrix Data Check highlights matrix data entered for each client and clients without any matrix data

─ Entry Exit Check shows data from the Entry/Exit section with some matrix dates for comparison

─Matrix Time Period Check highlights matrix due dates and summarizes most recent matrix entries

Save reports as Excel


Matrix Data Check Tab

Section for each client: Client ID at top of section

─ If client has Entry/Exit but no Matrix, then only the top entry/exit table will have information-the matrix table is blank

Summary section on the right listing each matrix completed with IDs and count for reference

─Make sure each client is on list with correct entry and exit date and these match to matrix initial and final dates


Matrix Data check tab

Section for each client: Client ID at top of section (cont.)

─ Clients with Matrix data have section for each Matrix completed: separate table for initial, each interim, and exit matrix (depending on funder requirements)

─Make sure data entered is correct; terms going along with number ratings are given


Entry/Exit Check Tab-LTH specific

Lists entry/exit for each client

─ Highlights if age missing: Make sure to record so correct clients can be included in summary reports

─ Counts number of matrix records

─ Provides first and last matrix date to compare to entry and exit dates


Matrix Time Period Check Tab


─ Top table helps identify matrix follow-up months for clients (without final matrix)

For each client, give initial date, then months for first and second 6 month follow-ups each year

─ Second table lists most recent dates for initial, interim, and final along with how many of each

Help check for completeness and duplication of records

FHPAP: Can use time period check for clients staying longer than 6 months to track when 3 month follow-ups are needed


Understanding Matrix Summary Reports


Matrix reports

Why report on Matrix data?

─ Tracking over time to understand both how clients are progressing and in context of overall environment

How do reports look from year to year?

Are things like the economy affecting clients and programs?

As funding may change how are clients and programs seeing impacts?


Matrix reports

Why report on Matrix data? (cont.)

─Quantifying overall client progress as they are served over the years; understanding long-term program benefits

─ Identifying emerging/changing client needs

─ Help programs better understand their clients and outcomes

─ Help clients understand their progress over time

─We also may discover new reasons reporting is helpful


Matrix Reports

Current summary reports designed by Bowman based on matrix reports needs by other HMIS systems

Provider Level reports: Shows client progress and achievement

Summary reports: Shows program level scores for entry, exit and participant progress

Save reports as PDFs for your own use

─ LTH: send reports to funder in Excel

Save reports as PDFs for your own use

─ LTH: send reports to funder in Excel


Matrix reports

Three types of reports

─ Clients with final matrix (LTH only)

─ Client’s with initial matrix (LTH and FHPAP)

─ Clients with initial and interim (LTH and FHPAP)

Only includes data from Matrix Assessment

─ It is important to make sure all client’s entry/exits match up with Matrix data entered using data check report


Client level reports

1P Client-level Progress Report (LTH and FHPAP)

─ To be included in this report the client must have an initial matrix assessment and one interim assessment

One matrix must be in the report date range

─ Provides summary table and chart for each client comparing initial and most recent assessments (may be final matrix)

Calculates time period between in days

─ Also provides list of all matrix assessments completed, dates and scores for each client for reference


Client level reports

2P Client-level Achievement Report-with final Matrix (LTH)

─ Looks at clients who have an initial matrix assessment and a final matrix assessment on or after the report start date

─ Provides summary table and chart for each client comparing initial and final assessments

─ Also includes overall summary report for all clients with final matrix in that period

─ Does not look at any actual exit dates for clients, only final matrix information


Summary reports

Provide information for all clients in a specific time period of each Matrix domain

Include a number of statistical terms to help describe the matrix data. We hope these provide some useful information, but general frequencies and charts may be all you need

Only email summary reports

─ Don’t send client-level reports over email


Summary reports

1-2S Self Sufficiency Matrix Progress Summary (LTH and FHPAP)

Use to report on programs matrix report changes over time

─ Compares initial to other matrix assessments in three tables

Initial to Most recent (FHPAP and LTH)

Initial to Interim (FHPAP and LTH)

Initial to Final (LTH only)

Note: FHPAP only includes clients in program 6+ months for most recent and interim sections


Summary reports

3S Summary Report: Domains at Population Entry (FHPAP and LTH)

Includes all clients with an initial matrix

Summarizes each domain on a separate page including counts by score and statistical summary information

─ Note: 6=NA

Also includes summary info on client level data for each domain (only client IDs)


Summary reports

Domains at Population Entry:

─ Use prompt box to select time frame for report

Options to enter first assessment date and last assessment date for initial assessments

Will only report on clients with an initial assessment in the period you select

LTH Select start date to include first program entry for clients you are collecting matrix data for (i.e. 2007)

FHPAP start date= first day of report period (7/1/2011)


Summary reports

4S Summary Report: Domains at Population Exit (LTH)

Includes all clients with a final matrix

Summarizes each domain on a separate page including counts by score and statistical summary information

─ Note: 6=NA

Also includes summary info on client level data for each domain (only client IDs)


Summary reports

Use prompt box to select time frame for report ─ Will only report on clients with an interim and/or final

assessment in the period you select

─ Run for report period date range i.e. 7/1/2011 to 1/1/2012


Summary reports

3S and 4S follow same format

For both the 3S and 4S the two most useful sections will be:

─ Frequencies (table): listing the number of clients with each score

─ Histogram (chart): shows in a graph the number of people with each score


Statistical terms in reports

Mean: The average of the scores for each matrix domain. It is calculated by adding the scores and then dividing by the number of scores.

Median: The point that divides the your matrix scores in half. So there will be an even number of scores above and below this point.

Mode: The most common matrix score for each domain.


Statistical terms in reports

Range: The distance between the highest and lowest scores. Compares the minimum and maximum scores listed on the report.

Variance and Standard Deviation: Both are calculations of how much the matrix scores vary (statistical normalcy)

─ Usually most scores fall in the middle with a few outliers. If there are many high and low scores, it will show up in this data

─ Unless you already understand these, they are not key measures for now


Statistics summary

These measures provide a way to describe the distribution of each domain so that they can be more easily summarized and compared

Measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode) describe the location of the center of the distribution, while measures of dispersion (range, variance and standard deviation) describe how the distribution is spread out

Definitions are also included at the end of the summary reports


Summary reports

Last section includes client level summary information (by Client ID only).

─ Shows client ID and initial score

─ Provides a summary of clients with NA (notes as Other in report) or missing scores

Missing compares if they have a score at initial and do not have one for other matrix assessments

─ Best to use this along with Wilder data check report for complete understanding of matrix data quality


LTH reporting

Send Excel reports to your funder by report due date

First set of reports due by February 2


FHPAP reporting

Grantees let Minnesota Housing know when reports are ready

If you are a sub-grantee, grantees need to know when data is correct and reports are ready

─ Each FHPAP grantee has own process; contact your grantee if you have questions

They may ask you to send summary reports to them for review


Using the Reports Client level progress reports- use for discussion with

participant on needs, goals and progress.

Entry domains report- look at the scores for participants on each domain.

─ Do they make sense for your program participants? For example, housing scores range from 1-3…

─ Do you see status levels on any domains that surprise you?

─ Are you targeting the right population for your program?

─ Use the information to make the case for the level of service need for your program participants

─ Track trends over time- do needs change on any domains?


Using the Reports Exit report- look at the scores for participants on

each domain.

─ Do they make sense for your program participants? Do you see status levels on any domains that surprise you?

Very high or low scores on any domains?

Are there areas where you consistently see good progress and others where you don’t?

─ Use the information to show the impact of your program, housing and services for participant change in major life areas

─ Track Trends over time


Using the Reports Provider Summary Progress Report

─ Look at overall participant status and progress on each domain

─ What are service level needs for pool of participants? Do you need to access more resources to meet needs? Are some participants ready for step down services?

─ Does progress level off on certain domains after a period of time? Do you need to adjust services?

─ Program managers can see if different service staff have participants with better or worse progress on certain domains. Are there training needs or better matching of staff to participants? Case load issues?

─ Use the information to set program outcome goals and targets

─ Use the information to report to your board, in funding applications, advocacy efforts, etc.



Data entry and reports: HMIS Help Desk: 651-280-2780 / 800-328-2972

[email protected]

For help with data collection questions:

─ DHS LTH Supportive Services: Alison Niemi (651) 431-3848

─Minnesota Housing

LTH: Carrie Marsh 651-215-6236

FHPAP: Erin Schwarzbauer 651-296-3656
