MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF THE HEAVY GAS DISPERSION M. Markiewicz The Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology

Mathematical Modelling Heavy Gas Dispersion

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Mathematical Modelling Heavy Gas Dispersion

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Page 1: Mathematical Modelling Heavy Gas Dispersion


M. Markiewicz

The Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology

Page 2: Mathematical Modelling Heavy Gas Dispersion

Mathematical Modelling of the Heavy Gas Dispersion

Models and Techniques for Health and Environmental Hazard Assessment and Management



1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 281

2. Dispersion of heavy gas clouds................................................................................................................. 281

3. Classification of heavy gas dispersion models......................................................................................... 283

3.1. General remarks.................................................................................................................................. 283

3.2. Empirical models ................................................................................................................................ 283

3.3. Engineering models............................................................................................................................. 284 3.3.1. Box models for instantaneous releases........................................................................................ 285 3.3.2. Uniform or Gaussian plume models ............................................................................................ 287 3.3.3. The generalised plume models .................................................................................................... 288 3.3.4. The integral jet models................................................................................................................ 290 3.3.5. Shallow layer models .................................................................................................................. 293

3.4. Research models.................................................................................................................................. 294

4. Practical application of heavy gas dispersion models ............................................................................ 297

5. Evaluation protocol of heavy gas dispersion models.............................................................................. 297

6. Future directions of the model development........................................................................................... 298

7. Summary.................................................................................................................................................... 298

References.......................................................................................................................................................... 299

Page 3: Mathematical Modelling Heavy Gas Dispersion

Mathematical Modelling of the Heavy Gas Dispersion

Models and Techniques for Health and Environmental Hazard Assessment and Management


1. Introduction Large quantities of hazardous toxic substances are produced, stored or transported in a modern industry. Many of these gases form clouds heavier then air when accidentally released to the atmosphere. The gases may have a density greater than that of air for several reasons. These include the high molecular weight (for example chlorine), low release temperature (for example liquefied natural gas), high storage pressure (for example a failure of a containment of ammonia and subsequent formation of aerosol) or chemical reactions of the released substance with water vapour in the atmosphere (the polymerisation of hydrogen fluoride). The heavy gas clouds have the negative buoyancy. It affects and modifies their behaviour in relation to positively buoyant or neutrally pollution clouds. The differences include the additional gravity driven flow, wind shear at the heavy gas cloud interfaces, turbulence dumping, inertia of the released material. Special models are developed to describe the heavy gas clouds dispersion in the atmospheric air. They are called heavy gas dispersion models or dense gas dispersion models. In this publication mathematical modelling of heavy gas clouds is described. The dispersion of heavy gases in the atmosphere is presented in chapter 2. A classification of heavy gas dispersion models is given in chapter 3. In chapter 4 an application of models is listed. A need for future work is discussed in chapter 5. In chapter 6 an evaluation protocol for heavy gas dispersion models is characterised. 2. Dispersion of heavy gas clouds The releases of heavy gases differ from conventional pollutant releases. The reasons are as follows (Britter, 1989, 1998). The volumes of released gas may be large due to the storage of material in a liquid phase. There is a big variety of types of emission sources and the specification of emission parameters is usually difficult due to their time dependence and very diversified source geometry. The releases may consist of different component mixtures of gases and liquids. There may be heat and/or mass transfer with the ground surface and the ambient air. The phase changes of the released material during the cloud formation typically take place. The emission sources can be divided into classes based on different criteria. The release duration, release height, characteristics of the released material, characteristics of storage conditions and the source scenario are used as the criteria the most often. With regard to the release duration instantaneous and continuous sources are distinguished. With regard to the release height elevated and ground level releases are specified. With regard to the phase of released emissions there are gas phase, liquid phase and two-phase flows. With regard to the release composition of gases one-component and multi-component releases are known. With regard to the storage conditions pressurised and non-pressurised releases (typically refrigerated) are specified. There are low velocity jets, momentum jets, evaporation from the pools or explosion with regard to the source scenario. To determine a source emission rate or volume of released emissions different input data depending on a source type are needed. In general physical and chemical properties of the released material, geometry of a source, characteristics of the ground surface and mitigation measures should be supplied. The estimation of the source emission rate or the volume of released emissions is realised in an emission model. The density difference between the released heavy gas and the atmospheric air results in specific physical processes influencing the heavy gas dispersion in the atmosphere. Major physical processes specific for negatively buoyant clouds include the gravitational velocity field (the gravitational slumping), wind shear at the cloud interfaces, turbulence dumping and inertia of the released material (Britter, 1989). The gravitational velocity field is produced due to horizontal density gradients. It is an additional transport mechanism to the ambient wind field. It results in heavy gas clouds with increased in horizontal and reduced in vertical dimensions in comparison to passive pollution clouds. The gravitational flow causes the shear at the ground cloud interface and at the air cloud interface. It may result in intermingling of a heavy gas cloud with the surrounding air and eventually in the turbulence generation. This mechanism becomes important when the wind velocity is small and the self generated velocity large.

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Mathematical Modelling of the Heavy Gas Dispersion

Models and Techniques for Health and Environmental Hazard Assessment and Management


The stable stratification of heavy gas clouds is connected with vertical density differences. The heavy gas clouds have negative vertical density gradients. This results in dumping the turbulence and turbulent mixing in the clouds and in the wind flow over them. The inertia of the released material directly depends upon the material density. The inertia of heavy gas clouds depends upon the density difference between the released gas and the ambient air. If this density difference vanishes the dispersion of heavy gas clouds approaches this of passive clouds. It is obvious that the density difference between the released material and the atmospheric air is not the only parameter in delineating the cloud behaviour as the heavy gas or passive dispersion. In addition the volume or volume flux of the released substance, the parameter characterising the ambient flow such as the wind velocity and the parameter characterising the source dimension are needed. Combinations of these variables allow to define source Richardson numbers for continuous and instantaneous releases. The Richardson number Rio represents a ratio of the potential energy due to density excess inside a heavy gas cloud to the kinetic energy due to the ambient turbulence. In heavy gas dispersion studies slightly different forms of Rio are suggested in different publications. The most known are those of Hanna and Drivas (1989), Britter and McQuid (1985). Definitions of the source Richardson numbers for continuous and instantaneous releases proposed by Hanna and Drivas (1989) are




acoo uD


ρρρ −

= . (2.1)







ρρρ −

= , (2.2)

where: g - the gravitational constant, ρco - the initial cloud density, ρa - the atmospheric air density, Vco - the initial volume flow rate for the continuous plume, Dc - the specific length scale, (for grounded releases it is equal to the initial cloud width, for elevated releases the initial diameter of the rapture close to the source or the height of the release further downwind when the cloud touches the ground are used), u* - the friction velocity, Vio - the initial volume of the instantaneous puff. Britter and McQuid (1988) use slightly different forms of the source Richardson numbers for continuous and instantaneous releases. They are as follows




acoo uD


ρρρ −

= , (2.3)




acoo uD


ρρρ −

= , (2.4)

where uh is the wind velocity at the reference height h. If the value of Rio is greater then some critical number then the cloud motion is dominated by the internal buoyancy and the cloud dispersion is considered as the heavy gas dispersion. If the value of Rio is smaller than some critical number then the cloud motion is dominated by the ambient turbulence and the heavy gas effects are relatively unimportant. However the critical value of Rio should not be thought of as an absolute number which separates the heavy gas dispersion from the passive gas dispersion. It should be rather interpreted as an approximation that only provides a guidance about where these two effects may be roughly separated. In reality the heavy gas effects gradually become important with the increase of Rio and specific physical processes in heavy gas clouds are depended on a specific source configuration. Hanna and Drivas (1989) suggest the critical value of Rio about 50 for grounded releases and assume as the first approximation the same value for Rio for elevated releases. Britter and McQuid (1985) suggest different values of the critical source Richardson numbers for continuous and instantaneous releases. In the first case it is 0,153 and in the second 0,04.

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Mathematical Modelling of the Heavy Gas Dispersion

Models and Techniques for Health and Environmental Hazard Assessment and Management


The heavy gas cloud evolution can be divided into several phases depending on a the dispersion mechanism (figure 2.1). These include, with increasing distance from a source, the source emission phase, initial acceleration and dilution phase, internal buoyancy dominance phase, transition phase, passive dispersion phase (the ambient turbulence dominance phase). It is important to notice that in a specific emission release scenario some of the distinguished regions do not occur. However a sequence of the phases never changes. Evaporation from a pool serves as an example. In this emission release scenario the cloud slumping regime is omitted.

Figure 2.1. An illustration of different phases in the dispersion of heavy gas clouds. It has to be notice that heavy gas clouds during their transport and mixing with the surrounding air change their thermodynamic and chemical properties. The thermodynamic phenomena may include the latent heat exchanges due to phase changes (evaporation and condensation) in the cloud, the heat exchanges with the surface or due to the entrainment of air (natural and forced convection) to the cloud, the heat release or absorption due to chemical reactions. These processes are included to different degrees in heavy gas dispersion models. Simple models do not account for any of these processes. They are derived assuming that the clouds do not exchange heat with the environment and do not generate heat internally through latent processes or chemical reactions. There is an abundance of models dealing with one or two thermodynamic phenomena. In advanced models the thermodynamic and chemical processes are covered in thermodynamic and chemical modules separately from calculations of transport and mixing of the clouds. The thermodynamic behaviour of heavy gas releases of multi-component mixtures is very complicated and calculations involved can be very cumbersome. 3. Classification of heavy gas dispersion models 3.1. General remarks

The mathematical heavy gas dispersion models can be classified using different criteria. The mathematical principles, emission source type and model complexity are used as the criteria the most often (Britter, 1989, Hanna and Drivas, 1996, MEG Report, 1994, Borysiewicz et al., 2000, Borysiewicz and Markowski, 2000, Markiewicz, 2003, 2004). Based on this last criterion heavy gas dispersion models are divided into three groups. The models are known as phenomenological (empirical) models, intermediate (engineering) models and computational fluid dynamic (research) models. The intermediate models include box models for instantaneous releases, uniform or Gaussian plume models, generalised plume models, integral plume models, shallow layer models.

3.2. Empirical models

In the empirical models the description of the dispersion of heavy gas clouds is based on series of nomograms or simple correlations. They are constructed using results of measurements from many field and laboratory experiments. In these experiments releases from ground level instantaneous and continuous sources were studied. They concerned the grassy flat terrain, neutral atmospheric stability or slightly unstable conditions. Measured concentrations were averaged over the period of time of duration from 3 to 10 minutes. To derive the basic relationships the influence of the atmospheric stability state, surface roughness and averaging time was neglected

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Mathematical Modelling of the Heavy Gas Dispersion

Models and Techniques for Health and Environmental Hazard Assessment and Management


as the available data did not show the strong influence of these parameters on the dense gas dispersion. The centreline concentration of the heavy gas is calculated from different relationships for instantaneous and continuous releases in terms of the gravity constant, density difference between the gas and the ambient air, release volume or release flow rate, ambient wind velocity. These models are useful in a routine application as screening models. Examples of these models are described in the Workbook on the dispersion of dense gases (Britter and McQuid, 1988) and German VDI Guidelines VDI 3783 (1990). In the Britter and McQuid (1988) model the centreline ground level concentration (Cm) is evaluated in relation to the initial concentration (Co) as a function of two dimensionless variables: the dimensionless distance and the source Richardson number. Equations for continuous and instantaneous releases have the forms

( )




21 /ha












, (3.1)

( )
















, (3.2)

where: x - the downwind distance from the source, Vco - the release flow rate, uh - the wind velocity at the height h, ρco - the initial density of the released gas, ρa - the density of air, g - the gravitational constant, Vio - the release volume. The nomograms for both types of releases are given in figure 3.1. The dashed boxes in these figures marked as the full-scale data region indicate ranges of data covered by field observations. The vertical line marked as the passive limit indicates the transition from the passive to the stable stratified dispersion regime.

Figure 3.1. Nomograms to calculate a ratio of the mean concentration (Cm) to the initial concentration (Co) in the heavy gas cloud for continuous and instantaneous releases in the Britter and McQuid model (1989).

3.3. Engineering models

The engineering models can be divided into five groups (MEG Report, 1994): box models for instantaneous releases, uniform or Gaussian plume models, generalised plume models, integral plume models and shallow layer




C /Cm 0











IMIT Instantaneous releases

2 x 100



10 10 10-1 0 1

g( - )ρ ρo a







g( - )ρ ρo a








C /Cm 0













1010 10-1 0

continuous releases








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Mathematical Modelling of the Heavy Gas Dispersion

Models and Techniques for Health and Environmental Hazard Assessment and Management


models. These last ones are the most complex models among the engineering models. They differ from other models of this group in the ability to treat topography effects and in the dimensionality. 3.3.1. Box models for instantaneous releases

The box models for instantaneous releases are used to describe grounded puffs of heavy gases. In these models it is assumed that the pollution puff forms a uniform cylinder (figure 3.2). The main puff variables such as its radius, mass and enthalpy are obtained by numerical integration of basic ordinary differential equations with respect to time. The basic equations represent the puff horizontal spreading, mass and energy conservation. Other puff variables are calculated from additional equations. The horizontal spreading influencing the cloud radius is assessed using the gravitational front velocity. The exchange of mass between the puff and the atmospheric air taking place through the cylinder top and edge is described by entrance velocities. The values of these parameters depend on the turbulence intensity, difference of densities between the puff and the environment, transport velocity of the puff. The puff heating due to its contact with the ground and air is introduced straightforwardly. The puff spreads in still air or is moved downwind. The puff transport velocity is calculated based on the entrained momentum or on the wind velocity. The concentration averaged over the box volume is calculated as a ratio of mass of the substance released to the box volume. Assuming empirical similarity profiles in vertical and horizontal directions the concentration variation in the box can be later reintroduced.

Figure 3.2. A scheme of a box model for heavy gas releases, where H, R are the height and radius of a puff, uc is the puff transport velocity, ua is the wind velocity, ut, ue are the top and edge entrainment velocities of air, uf is the gravitational frontal velocity. The basic equations in a box model include the puff horizontal spreading equation


dR = , (3.3)

the entrained mass equation

( ) ( ) eataa uRHuR


dM πρπρ 22 += , (3.4)

the energy equation

( ) ( )2REhhdt



dhM fca

ac π+−= , (3.5)


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Mathematical Modelling of the Heavy Gas Dispersion

Models and Techniques for Health and Environmental Hazard Assessment and Management


R, H, M, hc - the puff radius, height, mass and enthalpy per unit mass respectively, ρa, Ma, ha - the atmospheric air density, entrained mass, and the enthalpy per unit mass, uf - the gravitational frontal velocity, ue, ut - the entrainment velocities for the edge and top of the puff respectively, Ef - the heat flux transferred to the puff per unit area of the underlying surface. The equations form a set of three coupled linear differential equations which may be solved numerically for the independent variables R, Ma and h. The gravitational velocity uf is usually calculated from the gravity current formula









, (3.6)

where ρc - the puff density. The edge entrainment velocity ue is typically scaled with uf and given by

fe ucu 2= , (3.7)

where c2 - the constant of the value 0,6<c2<0,9. For the top entrainment velocity generally the correlations of the following form are used









κ , (3.8)

where: κ - the von Karman constant equal to 0,4. c3 - the constant which value can be deduced from laboratory experiments, for example Britter (1978) suggests a value of 0,125. To determine when the transition to passive dispersion occurs it is enough if one of the following criteria is fulfilled. The difference of density is less then the specified value. The growth of the cloud radius is smaller then the specific value. The centre of the puff position equation is


dx = , (3.9)

where uc - the transport velocity of the puff. Box models based on this simple approach satisfactorily reproduce many aspects of field and laboratory experiments. Examples of box models include the GASTAR model (Britter, 1990), the HEGABOX model in the HGSYSTEM computer package (Witlox, 1994), the IIT Heavy Gas Model I (Mohan et al., 1995), the DENZ-EDF model (Kaiser and Walker, 1978) and many other models described in works of van Ulden (1987), Fay and Zemba (1985), Eidsvik (1980), Fay and Ranck (1982), Delvosalle et al. (1993), Cleaver (1994), Kunsch and Fannelop (1995), Kunsch and Webber (2000), Kumar and coworkers (2003), Webber (1993), Nielsen (1994). In general in most of box models the flat uniform terrain is assumed. Only in some of these models the dispersion on slopes (Webber, 2000, Kumar et al., 2003, Webber, 1993, Nielsen, 1994, Britter, 1990) or over the fences and obstacles (Cleaver, 1994) is described. Some of the models of this group have been adopted to continuous grounded releases of heavy gases. Then the plume is simulated by a series of puffs of a rectangular shape.

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Models and Techniques for Health and Environmental Hazard Assessment and Management


3.3.2. Uniform or Gaussian plume models

The uniform or Gaussian plume models are used for continuous steady state grounded releases of heavy gases. They are developed in a similar manner as box models for grounded instantaneous releases. All basic phenomena associated with heave gas releases such as the horizontal spreading, the mass exchange between the plume and the surrounding air, the plume heating are described by ordinary differential equations similar to the equations in the box models. However here these equations are integrated with respect to the downwind distance. The main variables are the average mass flux through the plume cross section, enthalpy flux, plume width. The plume moves downwind with the wind velocity. The plume cross section is assumed to be a rectangle (figure 3.3). The uniform or Gaussian profile is adjusted to this shape for concentrations. In uniform profile models the concentration averaged over a plume cross section is calculated as a ratio of the mass flow rate of the substance to the volume flow rate of the plume. In case of Gaussian profile models the concentration is allowed to vary in the cross section and is calculated directly from a Gaussian formula. The dispersion parameters σy and σz before transition are given by b/2,14 and H/2,14 respectively. The passive plume dispersion in the far field is described by the same Gaussian formula using the dispersion coefficients for passive releases.

Figure 3.3. A scheme of a plume model for heavy gas releases, where E is the emission rate from a source, H, b are the height and width of a plume cross section respectively, uc, ua are the plume and wind velocities respectively, uf is the horizontal spreading velocity, ut, ue are the top and edge entrainment of air velocities (Kunsch and Fannelop, 1995). The set of the basic equations in uniform or Gaussian plume models includes the balance equation of the entrained air mass

( ) ( )[ ]tcecaa ubuuHu


Md+= 2ρ


, (3.10a)

( )[ ]teaa buuH


Md+= 2ρ


, (3.10b)

the gravity slumping equation


db2= , (3.11a)




12= , (3.11b)

the energy equation

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Models and Techniques for Health and Environmental Hazard Assessment and Management


( ) buEhhdt



dhM cfca

ac +−=&

& , (3.12a)

( ) bEhhdx



dhM fca

ac +−=&

& , (3.12b)


b, H, M& , hc - the plume width, height, mass flux, enthalpy per unit mass respectively,

aM& , ρa, ha - the entrained air mass flux, density and enthalpy per unit mass respectively,

uf - the horizontal spreading velocity, ue, ut - the entrained velocities through the edge and top of the plume respectively, uc - the transport velocity of the plume, Ef - the heat flux transferred to the plume per unit area of the underlying surface. The edge and the top entrainment velocities are typically calculated from the relationships given by (3.7) and (3.8) respectively. Also the horizontal spreading is given by (3.6). The transition between the heavy gas and passive dispersion is evaluated using the tests for instantaneous releases. The plume cross section position equation is


dx = , (3.13)

where uc - the transport plume velocity. The models described in works of Delvosalle (1993), Fay and Zemba (1986) are examples of uniform plume models. The IIT heavy gas model (Mohan et al., 1994) is an example of a Gaussian plume model. 3.3.3. The generalised plume models

The generalised plume models can be considered as an extension of uniform or Gaussian plume models in the sense that the spatial variation of concentrations and other parameters in a plume cross section do not need to follow the Gaussian or uniform profile. Similarity profiles determined empirically are used to describe them. This allows to model some of physical processes more realistically. The concentration is expressed in terms of the centreline ground level concentration, vertical and horizontal dispersion parameters and plume width. These quantities are determined from a number of basic equations describing the heavy gas mass conservation, air entrainment, horizontal crosswind gravity spreading and crosswind diffusion. In the far field the models make a smooth transition to the passive gas dispersion. The HAGADAS model included into the HGSYSTEM computer package (Witlox, 1994) and the DEGADIS model (Spicer and Havens, 1984) are examples of generalised plume models. The release of the gas is at a rectangular ground level source. In both models a plume is represented as being composed of horizontally homogenous cross sections with Gaussian profile edges in the horizontal direction and the exponential profile in the vertical direction. The average transport velocity in the plume is determined adopting a power law profile for the wind velocity. The geometry of the plume cross section with the similarity profiles defining the decay of the concentration and its effective characteristics are shown in figure 3.4. Effective plume parameters which include the average velocity (ueff), effective half width (Beff), effective height (Heff) are given by


eff Sbdy)z,y,x(c)z,,x(c

B 50

0 2



1 π∫∞

+== , (3.14)

zeff Sdz)z,y,c(c),y,x(c


Γ== ∫





, (3.15)

( )[ ]( )




= ∫∫



zheff h









, (3.16)


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c(x,y,z) - the concentration of pollutant, x,y,z - the Cartesian coordinates of the coordinate system located at the middle of the pool in which the OX, OY, OZ axis correspond to the downwind, crosswind and vertical directions respectively, b - the half width of the middle part of the cross wind concentration profile, Sy, Sz - the horizontal and vertical dispersion coefficients, uh - the wind velocity measured at a height ha, α - the parameter in the wind profile, β=1+α, Γ - the Gamma function.

Figure 3.4. A scheme of a generalised plume model for heavy gas releases, where E is the emission rate from a source, Heff, Beff are the effective height and effective half width of the plume respectively, ueff, ua are the effective plume and wind velocity respectively, uf is the horizontal spreading velocity, ut, ue are the top and edge entrainment of air velocities, b is the crosswind half width along which the ground level concentration is equal to cA, Sy is the crosswind dispersion coefficient defining the Gaussian decay in concentration at longer crosswind distance, Sz is the vertical dispersion coefficient defining the vertical decay (Witlox, 1994) The set of the basic equations include the gas mass conservation equation

( )[ ]effeffeffAzy



h uHBcSSbch

/ucudydzE 2


112 150




== +∞



α πβα, (3.17)

the vertical entrained of the air mass equation

( )t















, (3.18)

the horizontal cross wind gravity spreading equation

( ) 50






eff zgHcu





, (3.19)

the horizontal crosswind diffusion equation

( )effey

yy Bk


dSS 2= , (3.20)


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Models and Techniques for Health and Environmental Hazard Assessment and Management


E - the rate of pollution emission, ut - the top entrainment velocity, uh - the wind velocity measured at a height ha, cA - the centreline ground level concentration of pollution, uf - the gravity spreading velocity in the horizontal direction, ρc - the cloud density, ρa - the air density, g is the gravitational constant, c4 - the spreading coefficient, ky

e - a function which relate the crosswind diffusion coefficient to the wind velocity. The top entrainment velocity ut is given by

( )*

*t Ri



= , 3.21)

where: κ - the von Karman constant, u* - the friction velocity, ϕ - the empirical function dependent on the bulk Richardson number Ri*

( ) )/(Ri,)Ri( ,** αϕ ++= 1801 50

for 0>*Ri , (3.22)

( ) )/(Ri,)Ri( ,* αϕ +−= − 1601 50

for 0<*Ri , (3.23)

( )20 *









ρρ, (3.24)

The set of ordinary differential equations is solved simultaneously to predict the basic solution variables Sz, Sy, cA, b provided that closure relations are given. The concentration c is calculated from the formulas

( )





zA for by < , (3.25)









for by > , (3.26)

In the process of updating of the model two additional basic equations can be added to take into account the heat transfer and water vapour transfer from the substrate into the cloud. This has been realised in the HEGADAS model (Witlox, 1986) of the fourth version. 3.3.4. The integral jet models

The integral jet models are used to describe continuous, elevated releases of heavy gases. They are based on the integration of conservation equations of mass, species, downwind and crosswind momentum and energy averaged over a jet cross section. These equations directly predict jet variables such as the concentration, jet velocity, radius, enthalpy. In steady state integral models the jet variables are evaluated as a function of the downwind distance. In more general time dependent models these variables are evaluated as a function of the downwind distance and time. A jet cross section is assumed to be a circle, ellipse or rectangle. The uniform, Gaussian or similarity profile is used to describe the space variability of jet variables in a cross section. First the profile is used to average the jet variables over the jet cross section and to simplify the equations. In the next stage the profile is used to introduce the spatial variability of the plume variables. A type of the emission source is the basic difference in the identification of integral models in relation to one dimensional shallow layer models used for grounded releases. The elevated release may remain the passive elevated jet in the far field or may touch the ground still being sufficiently dense. The gravity, drag force of the ambient flow and momentum of the entrained

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air influence the jet path. The entrainment rate in these models is different from that in the grounded release models. It mainly depends on a velocity shear between the elevated jet and the surrounding air. Examples of steady state integral plume models include the HMP model (Hoot, Meroney and Peterka, 1973), the Ooms model (1974), the Khan and Abassi model (1999), the AEROPLUME and HFPLUME models in the HGSYSTEM package (Witlox and McFarlane, 1994) and the models described by Epstein and coworkers (1990), Woodward and coworkers (1991, 1995), Tickle and coworkers (1992), Muralidhar and coworkers (1995). The CLOUD model can follow the steady state or transient conditions (Banerjee et al., 1996). An up to date review of two phase jet dispersion models is described by Bricard and Friedel (1998).

Figure 3.5. A scheme of an integral jet model for heavy gas releases, where s is the curve linear coordinate of the jet centreline, θ is the angle between the jet centreline and the horizontal axis, R is the jet radius, uc, ua are the jet and wind velocities, ue is the entrainment velocity of air (Khan and Abbasi, 1994). The set of the basic equations in integral models for steady state jet releases assuming that a jet centreline remains in the wind gravity takes the form (figure 3.5) (Bricard and Friendel, 1998) the mixture mass balance equation




cc =∫ ρ , (3.27)

the contaminant mass balance equation

∫ =A


d0 , (3.28)

the mixture enthalpy balance equation

∫ =A

accc EhdAhuds

d ρ , (3.29)

the mixture momentum balance equation along the OX axis

xacc FEudAcosuds

d +=∫ θρ 2, (3.30)

the mixture momentum balance equation along the OZ axis

∫ = zcc FdAsinuds

d θρ 2, (3.31)

the position equations


dx = , (3.32)

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dz = , (3.33)

where: s - the curve linear coordinate of the jet centreline, θ - the angle between the jet centreline and the horizontal axis, x,y,z - the Cartesian coordiantes such that wind and gravity are oriented along the OX and OZ direction respectively, A - the jet cross section area, ρc, uc, h - the jet density, velocity and specific enthalpy respectively, c - the contaminant mass concentration in the jet, E - the entrainment function, ua, ha - the velocity and specific enthalpy of the ambient air respectively, Fx, Fy - the forces which act on the jet in the horizontal and vertical directions respectively. A system of the ordinary differential equations is solved for uc, c, A, θ, hc, x, z (mean values when appropriate) provided that closure relations are given. For the ground level clouds formed by elevated jets which touch the ground additional transfer terms with the ground could be introduced in the momentum equations. For releases which are not in the wind gravity plane additional momentum equation in the OY direction is introduced (Pattison et al., 1998). The entrainment function E is an important item in the integral jet models because it controls a rate of dilution of the entrainment. The function is composed of several terms corresponding to different mechanisms. The jet turbulence, cross-flow perpendicular to the jet axis, atmospheric turbulence are usually taken into account. The test to determine when an elevated jet changes into a ground level cloud covers the following criteria. The lower jet boundary reaches the ground. The jet velocity is close to the ambient wind velocity. The total entrainment of air to the jet is sufficiently close to the entrainment as a result of vertical mixing at the top of the cloud. The test to determine when the elevated heavy gas dispersion changes into elevated passive dispersion includes the following criteria. The jet velocity is close to the ambient wind velocity. The total entrainment of air to the jet is close to the entrainment corresponding to the atmospheric turbulence. In the HMP model (Hoot et al., 1973) which is one of the very first models of this type it is assumed that the distributions of the variables within the jet of the circular shape are uniform at a given distance from the source. It is also assumed that the specific heats of the jet and air are equal. The model equations are solved analytically for an upward-pointing dense jet leading to the analytical expressions. The maximum initial rise (∆h) is given by

( )













o gR









, (3.34)

where: wo, Ro, ρco - the initial velocity, radius and density of the jet, ua - the wind velocity, g - the gravitational acceleration, ρa - the air density. The downwind distance at which the centreline of the jet strikes the ground (xg) is

( )[ ]

( )[ ]{ } 213



























, (3.35)

where hs - the stack height. The ratios of the maximum concentration (Cm) to the initial mass concentration (Co) at the downwind point where the maximum initial rise occur and at the point where the centreline strikes the ground are as follows

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= , (3.36)


















= , (3.37)

3.3.5. Shallow layer models

The one or two dimensional shallow layer models are used for grounded releases. They are based on partial differential equations describing the principles of conservation of mass, species, momentum and energy averaged over a cloud depth. This kind of averaging is convenient due to the cloud geometry. Its vertical dimension is small compared to horizontal dimensions. The pollutant cloud behaviour is described using the variables changing in one or two dimensions in space and in time. The cloud top is difficult to define in reality and a vertical concentration distribution is used to define it. Approximations of the shallow layer theory are adapted. They state that the pressure distribution is hydrostatic within the main body of the cloud and the dispensation is made only for special processes at the leading edge. The exchange of mass between the cloud and the atmospheric air is described by the entrainment velocity. The complex topography is introduced quit easily by adding some terms to the momentum equations. This is an advantage in comparison to the simpler models which in general are not suitable for complex topography. Shallow layer models allow for a realistic description of the behaviour of heavy gas clouds. The time to run them is somewhere between the time to run intermediate models and fluid dynamics models. The SLAB model, the DISPLAY 1 model are examples of one dimensional shallow layer models. The TWODEE model (Hankin and Britter, 1999) and the DISPLAY 2 model (Wurtzs et al., 1999) are examples of two dimensional shallow layer models. The set of basic equations in one dimensional shallow layer model such as the set from the SLAB model includes the mass conservation equation

( ) ( )ssseaea

ccc BWBwHvx



BH ρρρρρ++=



∂, (3.38)

the vapour conservation equation

( )BH







t c





eac ρ



ωρωω −+−−=


∂∂ 1

, (3.39)

the momentum equations

( )[ ]


































∂ 2

2, (3.40)

( )HBH





























, (3.41)

the energy equation



























∂, (3.42)

the rate equation for the cloud half-width

eg vvx



B +=∂∂+


, (3.43)

where: H, B - the height and half width of the perpendicular plume cross section,

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ρc, ω, uc, vg, Tc , cp - the layer averaged cloud density, mass fraction, velocity in the wind direction, cross wind cloud velocity at the side edges, temperature and specific heat respectively, we, ve - the vertical and horizontal entrainment rate respectively, ρa, Ta, ua, cpa - the density, temperature, velocity and specific heat of the atmospheric air, ρs, Ws, Bs - the density, velocity, half width of the source respectively, τx, τy, Q - the momentum fluxes in the OX and OY directions and the heat flux respectively. The vertical entrainment rate (we) and the horizontal entrainment rate (ve) are given by

( )( ) ( )Hg








e ρρρ




=350 52

, (3.44)

( ) ee wB


= 281 , (3.45)

where: κ - the von Karman constant, u* - the friction velocity, g - the gravitational constant, ρc, ρa, ρs - the cloud, atmospheric air and source densities respectively, B, H - the half width and height of the cloud respectively. The function dependent on the ambient Richardson number Ria is given by

( ) 41161 /aaa Ri)Ri( −−=φ for 0≤aRi , (3.46)

aaa Ri)Ri( += 1φ for 0>aRi , (3.47)


zRia = , (3.48)

where: z - the height above the ground, L - the Monin Obukchov length. The six coupled non-linear partial differential equations of the SLAB model are solved using the finite element collocation methods based on piecewise polynomials for the spatial discretization technique and standard implicit methods for the time integration.

3.4. Research models

The research models are the three dimensional models, in which a full set of partial differential equations depended on time and the three space coordinates describing the principles of conservation of mass, momentum, energy and substance are solved. These models can be applied to any emission scenario, terrain or meteorological conditions. The description of physical processes of the heavy gas dispersion is detail and complete. Some of these models include a concentration fluctuation model. In the models the turbulence description is usually based on the K theory closure or k-ε closure. However the k-l closure, k-ω closure, SST closure and SSG closure have been also tested. To simplify the model equations the hydrostatic, anelastic or Boussinesq approximations are introduced. The methods of solution of equations include the finite difference schemes, finite element methods or finite volume methods. The FEM3 model (Ermak et al., 1982), the MARIAH model, the MDPG model (Bellasio and Tamponi, 1993), the HEAVYGAS model (Deaves, 1985), the MERCURE- GL model (Dujim N.J., 1994), the ANDREA model (Wurtz et al., 1996) and the models described by Sklavounos and Rigas (2004), Pereira and Chen (1995) and Burman (1998) are the examples of research models. The set of the basic equations in K-theory turbulence closure model such as the set in the FEM3 model includes the mass continuity equation

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( )t


cc ∂


ρρ , (3.49)

the motion equations

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )GUKppUUt



cc ρρρρρ−+∇∇+−−∇=∇+


, (3.50)

the mass transport equation of the pollutant vapour

( ) ( ) ( )ph











∂ ρρρρ

ρρ 1, (3.51)

the mass transport equation of the liquid












∂ ρρρρ

ρρ 1, (3.52)

the energy conservation equation

( ) ( ) ( )ph







pcc t










+∇∇=∇+∂∂ ρθρθρ

ρθθ θ1

, (3.53)

where: ρc, ρa - the density of the cloud and the air respectively, Uc - the cloud velocity vector, p, pa - the pressure in the cloud and the pressure if the has been no cloud, G - the gravitational vector, Cv, Cl - the concentration of the hazardous gas (vapour) in the plume and the concentration of the hazardous liquid in the cloud respectively, θ - the potential temperature deviation from the adiabatic atmosphere, Lc - the heat of vaporisation of the liquid in the cloud, cp, cpn, cpa - the specific heats of the cloud mixture, hazardous gas and the air respectively, Km. Kc, Kθ

- the specific turbulent coefficient vectors (each K vector has the two horizontal components Kx, Ky and the vertical component Kz). The approximation of the state equation, equation defining the potential temperature and equations defining the K turbulent coefficients are added to close the system of equations. The state equation has the form















1ρ , (3.54)

where: M, Ma, Mg - the molecular weights of the cloud mixture, air and vapour respectively, R* - the universal constant, T - the absolute temperature. The vertical and horizontal turbulent coefficients are

( ) ( )[ ]( )Ri



**z ϕ

κ5022 += , (3.55)


zucK *

y ϕκ 5= , (3.56)

where: u*, w* - the friction and convective velocities respectively, l - the local length scale of the cloud (it is equal approximately to the cloud depth), z - the height above the ground, c5 - the constant, ϕ - the empirical function dependent on the ambient Richardson number Ria

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( ) RiRi 51+=ϕ for Ri≥0, (3.57)

( ) ( ) 41161 /RiRi −−=ϕ for momentum Ri<0, (3.58)

( ) ( ) 21161 /RiRi −−=ϕ for energy and species for Ri<0, (3.59)













ρρ, (3.60)

[ ]( )( )










aa , (3.61)

The value of the horizontal turbulent coefficient Kx is proportional to the Kz value. The main governing equations in the FEM3 model along with those for the submodels are solved numerically with appropriate initial and boundary conditions. Equations are spatially discretised by the finite element method in conjunction with the Galerkin method of weighted residuals. The time integration scheme is basically the explicit forward Euler method except for pressure which must be computed implicitly. The turbulence closure model based on K theory is also introduced in the MARIAH model and the MDPG model. The k-ε turbulence closure belongs to the family of eddy viscosity closures. It introduces two new variables into the system of conservation equations. These variables are the turbulence kinetic energy (k) and the turbulence dissipation rate (ε). These variables are directly calculated from the differential transport equations for the turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence dissipation rate. It is assumed that the turbulence viscosity is a function of the turbulence kinetic energy and the turbulence dissipation rate. This closure type has proven to be stable and numerically robust having the well established predictive capability. It is introduced in the following models the HEAVYGAS model (Deaves, 1985), the MERCURE model, the model of Pereira and Chen (1995), the model of Burman (1998). The k-l turbulence closure is also a kind of the eddy viscosity closure. The turbulent viscosity is assumed to be a function of the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and a turbulent length scale (l). The turbulent kinetic energy is found by solving a conservation equation where one of the most important terms is the turbulent energy dissipation. The dissipation is assumed to be a function of the turbulence kinetic energy and the length scale. This type of closure is introduced in the ANDREA model. It is interesting to notice that the conservation equations are formulated in this model in terms of the finite volume method in space and are fully implicit in time. They are solved by means of the method based on the SIMPLER algorithm. This method involves a transformation of the total mixture mass equation into a full pressure equation. The resulting linear equations are solved iteratively by a Gauss-Seidel point iteration method (Wurtz, 1996). In the modelling system of Rigas and Sklavounos (2004) three turbulence eddy viscosity closure models (the k-ε closure, k-ω closure, k-ω with a limiter) and one Reynold stress model (SSG) can be used. In the k-ω closure the turbulence viscosity is linked to the turbulent kinetic energy and the turbulent frequency (ω). These two variables are determined from the turbulence kinetic energy conservation equation and the turbulent frequency conservation equation. The k-ω with a limiter closure has been developed to remove a deficiency of both the k-ε and k-ω turbulence closures which do not account for the transport of the turbulent shear stress resulting in the over prediction of the eddy viscosity. It is based on the same equations as the k-ω closure but in addition a limiter to the formulation of the eddy viscosity is introduced. The Reynold stress model is based on transport equations for all components of the Reynolds stress tensor and the dissipation rate. These turbulence models are generally flexible but the increased number of transport equations leads to a higher degree of complexity, reduced robustness and increased computational costs. In the modelling system of Rigas and Sklavounos the finite volume method is used to discretise the governing equations. The governing partial differential equations are integrated over all the control volumes using the Gauss divergence theorem to convert volume integrals to surface integrals and the integral equations are converted to a system of algebraic equations. They are solved iteratively at nodal points inside each cell aiming at minimisation of the residuals until the prescribed convergence criteria are satisfied. The intercomparison results of the MERCURE and ANDREA models show that although a detailed analysis of the entire set of model output reveals some differences between the two model results they both agree fairly well with the available observations for all the different comparison performed. This indicate in particular that both

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the k-ε and k-l turbulence closure are capable, as implemented in the MERCURE and ANDREA models to reproduce the heavy cloud behaviour sufficiently well to simulate realistic concentration fields (Dujin, 1995). The results of the simulations carried out with the modelling system of Sklavounos and Rigas (2004) using the four turbulent closure modules show good agreement compared with the experimental data. The k-ω and k-ω with a limiter models show improved robustness. The SSG model entailed increase CPU time without significant enhancement of accuracy of results. The SSG, k-ε and k-ω with the limiter models appear to overestimate maximal concentrations recorded in the trials, whereas the k-ω model underestimates them. It is expected that the group of scientific models will be extended in the near future by the development of the Large scale eddy simulation models suitable for the heavy gases dispersion. 4. Practical application of heavy gas dispersion models The intermediate and empirical models are used in the West European countries and in the USA in routine calculations. They are important components of emergency response systems and valuable tool for environmental impact assessment and risk assessment. Input data needed by theses models are easy to obtain, their idea is simple and computer costs are low or reasonable. The fluid dynamic (research) models are usually used as a research tool to get to know better the heavy gas properties. However they are very attractive their usage is limited due to big computational costs and the input data requirements. 5. Evaluation protocol of heavy gas dispersion models The evaluation protocol for heavy gas dispersion model has been produced by the Heavy Gas Dispersion Expert Group (MEG, 1994). The evaluation is divided into 6 steps. They include the model description (the origin, type, documentation, etc.), database description (the reference, type, release conditions etc.), scientific assessment (the completeness of the description of the physical and chemical phenomenon, assumptions made, use of model constants, solution techniques), user oriented assessment (the user friendliness, guidance and computer requirements), verification of the code (the software errors), validation of the model by comparing model predictions with experimental observations. With respect to the statistical validation of the model any specific parameters have been proposed. These developed by Hanna and coworkers (1991) are used the most often. The data used in the model evaluation arise from laboratory and field experiments. The list of experiments on heavy gas dispersion included in the REDIPHEM database is presented in tab. 5.1. The REDIPHEM database contains easily accessible data. It is the extension of the Modeller Data Archive of Hanna (1991) as it contains the full time series of meteorological and concentration data. The Modeller Data Archive contains only time averaged meteorological parameters and maximum concentration and plume width as a function of distance. The REDIPHEM database focuses on data from experiments funded by the EC and on some data from USA (Nielsen et al., 1997). The well known Thorney Island data set is lacking because the original data are not transferred to the needed form. The data from the extensive experimental project coordinated by the US Petroleum Environmental research Forum (Hanna and Steinberg, 2001, Snyder, 2001, Robins et al., 2001, Havens et al., 2001, Briggs et al., 2001, Hanna and Chang, 2001) and the data from other projects carried out in EC lately (Donat and Schatzman, 1999, Ayrault et al., 1998, Davies and Hall, 1996, Papaspyros et al., 1995, Billeter and Fannelop, 1996) are not included in the REDIPHEM data base for the time being. The data sets from the REDIPHEM database are listed in table 5.1. Table 5.1 Data sets included in the REDIPHEM database (MEG report, 1994).

Name of the experiment Location/ Source

Phenomena involved References

Burro experiment China Lake CA., 1980 US Lawrance Livermore Laboratory

Atmospheric releases of LNG (liquid), Spill on water pond, Fast evaporation

Koopman, 1982

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Coyote experiment China Lake CA., 1981 US Lawrance Livermore Laboratory

Atmospheric releases of LNG (liquid), Spill on water pond, Fast evaporation Cloud ignition

Goldwire et al., 1981

Desert Tortoise experiment Nevada 1983 US Lawrance Livermore Laboratory

Atmospheric releases Flashing Ammonia jet, Dense to neutral clouds, Non-obstructed, Flat terrain

Goldwire et al., 1985

Eagle experiment Nevada 1983 US Lawrance Livermore Laboratory

Atmospheric releases Evaporation of N2O4, Chemical transformation to NO2 , Flat terrain

Koopman et al., 1984

FLADIS field experiments Landskrona 1993-1994 Riso, HydroCare, FOA, CBDE

Ammonia atmospheric releases, Flashing jet, Dense to neutral cloud, Non-obstructed

Nielsen et al., 1994, Nielsen, 1996

EC Major Technological Hazards- project BA and FLADIS wind tunnel experiments

Hamburg University

SF6, SF6 and air, Continuous and instantaneous, Flat, various obstacles, slopes

Schatzmann et al. (1991, 1993)

CEC MTH project BA field experiments

Lathen 1988-1989, TUV, Riso, FOA

Propane, Flashing jet/ cyclone, Atmospheric releases, Dense cloud, Flat terrain, Obstructions (fences)

Heinrich and Scherwinski, 1990

MT-TNO project BA wind tunnel experiments

Apeldoorn The Netherlands 1988-1990 TNO

Continuous plume, Instantaneous releases (Thorney Isl. No 17), Fence

Van Oort and Builties, 1991

STEP project FLADIS wind tunnel experiments

Apeldoorn The Netherlands 1992 TNO

Continuous plume, Many sensor, locations SF6 gas

Duijm (1994)

CEC MTH project BA wind tunnel experiments

Stevenage UK 1988-1991 Warren Springs Laboratory

Instantaneous isothermal release of Thorney Island type in 1:100 model scale Variable bulk release stability Solid fence/crenellated fence/ no fence Variable fence height 50-100 repetitions of each case

Hall et al., 1991

6. Future directions of the model development Despite the fact that common work of many institutions mainly from the Western European countries and the USA has resulted in big advances in the area of heavy gas dispersion during the last decade there are still some problems, which need the solution or improvement. This includes the modelling of the heavy gas dispersion under low wind conditions, in stable or unstable conditions, within the chemical complex and in complex terrain. Special attention should be given to the modelling the multi-component and multi-phase heavy gas releases (Britter, 1998). 7. Summary There are many different types of heavy gas dispersion models developed. They include empirical models, intermediate models and fluid dynamic models. The empirical and intermediate models are important components of emergency response systems and valuable tools for environmental impact assessment and risk

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assessment. The fluid dynamics models are usually used as a research tool to get to know better the heavy gas properties. The presented classification of heavy gas dispersion models is an idealisation. Some models described in the literature seem not to fit to any of the categories. There are also computer packages incorporating several gas dispersion models and then each of models has to be treated independently in this classification. Despite a big progress within the last decade taking place abroad in the area of the heavy gas dispersion modelling there is a need for further development of the modelling methods. They should be able to better describe the more realistic emission scenarios. References

Ayrault M. (1994) Effects of obstacles on the dispersion of continuous and instantaneous dense gas releases. STEP-FLADIS report, Lab de Mecanique des fluides et d’acoustique, URA 263 CNRS-ECL, BP163, 69131 Ecully, France.

Ayrault M. et al. (1998) Negative buoyancy effects on the dispersion of continuous gas plumes downwind solid obstacles. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 57, 79-103.

Bartzis J.G. (1991) ANDREA-HF: a three dimensional finite volume code for vapour cloud dispersion in complex terrain. CEC IRC Ispra Report EUR 13580 EN, Ispra, Italy.

Borysiewicz M., Furtek A., Potempski S. (2000) Guidance on risk assessment methods related to hazardous installations. Institute of Atomic Energy, Otwock (in Polish).

Borysiewicz M., Markowski A. (2000) Fundamentals of the gas dispersion modelling in the environment. Technical University of Lodz, Lodz (in Polish).

Bricard P, Friedel L. (1998) Two-phase jet dispersion. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 59, 287-310.

Bellasio R., Tamponi M. (1993) MDPG: a new Eulerian 3D unsteady state model for heavy gas dispersion. Atmospheric Environment, 28, 1633-1643.

Benerjee S, Martini R., Pattison M.J. (1996) CLOUD: A vapour-aerosol dispersion model accounting for plume 3d motion and heat and mass transfer between phases. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 46, 231-240.

Billeter L., Fannelop T.K. (1996) Concentration measurements in dense isothermal gas clouds with different starting conditions. Atmospheric Environment, 31, 755-771.

Briggs G.A. et al. (2001) Dense gas vertical diffusion over rough surfaces: results of wind tunnel studies. Atmospheric Environment, 35, 2265-2284.

Britter R.E. et al. (2001) The passive limit of dispersion in a turbulent boundary layer. Atmospheric Environment, 35.

Britter R.E. (1990) GASTAR user manual, CERC Cambridge, UK.

Britter R.E. (1989) Atmospheric dispersion of dense gases. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 21, 317-344.

Britter R. (1998) Recent research on the dispersion of hazardous materials. Report, University of Cambridge, EC EUR 18198 EN, Brussels, Belgium.

Britter R.E. (1994) Model evaluation. Materials from the Summer school, Trieste, Italy.

Britter R.E. (1988) A review of some experiments relevant to dense gas dispersion. In : Stably stratified flow and dense gas dispersion.(ed. Puttock J.S.), Clarendon. Oxford.

Britter R. E., McQuaid J. (1988) Workbook on the dispersion of dense gases. HSE Contract Research Report No 17/1988, Sheffield, UK.

Burman J. (1998) An evaluation of topographic effects on neutral and heavy gas dispersion with CFD model. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 74-76, 515-325.

Builtjes P.H. (1992) Research on continuous and instantaneous heavy gas releases TNO-ME report 92-135, TNO, Appeldorn, Netherlands.

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Cleaver R.P. et al. (1994) Further development of a model for dense gas dispersion over real terrain. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 40, 85-108.

Davies J.K.W., Hall D.J. (1996) An analysis of some replicated wind tunnel experiments on instantaneously released heavy gas clouds dispersing over solid and cranellated fences. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 49, 311-328.

Deaves D. M. (1985) Application of advanced turbulence models in determining the structure and dispersion of heavy gas clouds. Atmospheric Dispersion of Heavy Gases and Small Particles. IUTAM Symposium (eds. G. Ooms, H. Tennekes) Springer Verlag, Berlin.

Delvosalle C. et al. (1993) Major industrial hazards: The SEVEX project: source terms and dispersion calculation in complex terrain.

Donat J., Schatzmann M. (1999) Wind tunnel experiments of single phase heavy gas jets released under various angles into turbulent cross flows. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 83, 361-370.

Duijm N.J. (1994) Research on the dispersion of two phase flashing releases- FLADIS. Fladis final report R94-451, TNO Environmental and Energy Research, Appeldorn, Netherlands.

Eidsvik K.J. (1980) A model for heavy gas dispersion in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment, 14, 769-777.

Epstain M. et al. (1990) A model of dilution of a forced two phase chemical plume in a horizontal wind. Journal of Loss Prevention Process Industry, 3, 280-290.

Ermak D.L., Chan S.T., Morgan D.L., Morris L.K. (1982) A comparison of dense gas dispersion model simulations with Burro Series LNG test results. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 129-160.

Fay J.A., Ranck D.A. (1982) Comparison of experiments on dense gas cloud dispersion. Atmospheric Environment, 17, 239-248.

Fay J.A., Zemba S.G. (1985) Dispersion of initially compact dense gas clouds. Atmospheric Environment, 19, 1257-1261.

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