Mathematical Lens Author(s): Dana Yancoskie, Ron Lancaster and Brigitte Bentele Source: The Mathematics Teacher, Vol. 101, No. 4, Mathematical Discourse (NOVEMBER 2007), pp. 265-267 Published by: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20876109 . Accessed: 24/04/2014 11:59 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Mathematics Teacher. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 11:59:15 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

Mathematical Discourse || Mathematical Lens

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Page 1: Mathematical Discourse || Mathematical Lens

Mathematical LensAuthor(s): Dana Yancoskie, Ron Lancaster and Brigitte BenteleSource: The Mathematics Teacher, Vol. 101, No. 4, Mathematical Discourse (NOVEMBER 2007),pp. 265-267Published by: National Council of Teachers of MathematicsStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20876109 .

Accessed: 24/04/2014 11:59

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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extendaccess to The Mathematics Teacher.


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Page 2: Mathematical Discourse || Mathematical Lens


1. Approximately what percentage of this photograph is red? Explain your estimation strategy. Discuss the accu

racy of your technique.

2. What is the ratio of the size of the

upper larger cluster of bracts to the size of the lower smaller cluster of bracts? Explain your reasoning.

3. The bracts, arranged on a central

connecting stem, create various acute

angles with the stem. What are the measures of these angles, and how are

they related?

4. When this collection of Heliconia

plants was originally planted at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, the gardeners would have been greatly concerned about the spacing between these plants (as between any plants). Gardeners consult books to determine

the recommended spacing for a par ticular plant, or they use their experi ence and powers of observation about what seems to work the best. Once

they know the spacing, the next issue is to determine how many plants will be needed for a particular area. Table 1 shows the maximum number of

plants arranged on a rectangular or

triangular grid in a garden whose area

is 100 square feet. The table data were

obtained using the plant calculator available at www.math.umn.edu/

~white/personal/plantcalc.html, cre

ated by Dennis White, professor of

mathematics, University of Minnesota.

(a) Without using the regression analysis features of your calcula

tor, develop an equation for^ in terms of x.

(b) Find an equation that expresses a

simple relationship between z and

y. Use this equation to determine an equation for z in terms of x.

(c) The following claims appear at the Web site Installation and Mainte nance of Landscape Bedding Plants,

www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/hil/ liil-555.html. For each, explain how the result was obtained.

For square spacing, the distance in inches between plants within rows

(X) equals the distance in inches between rows (Y), and X = Y.

For triangular spacing, the dis tance in inches between plants

within and between rows each

equals X and the distance in inches

between rows (Y) equals 0.886 times X.

The Heliconia plant, commonly called lobster claw, is a spectacular plant related to gingers, bananas, prayer plants, and

birds-of-paradise plants. It is also some

times known as false bird-of-paradise because of its flowers' close similarity to true bird-of-paradise flowers. The focus of these questions is the geometric attributes of this plant's smooth, red, boatlike bracts, or leaves. For example, we will look at

their size and the angles formed by differ ent bracts. We will also look at different

geometric arrangements that could be used for planting Heliconia in gardens.

Table 1

Plant Arrangements

x Distance between Plants




y Maximum Number of Possible Plants for a

Rectangular Grid








Maximum Number of Possible Plants for an

Equilateral Triangle Grid








"Mathematical Lens" uses photographs as

a springboard for mathematical Inquiry. The goal of this department Is to encourage readers to see patterns and relationships that they can think about and extend In a

mathematically playful way.

Edited by Ron Lancaster [email protected]

University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario M5S1A1 Canada

Brlqltte Bentele [email protected]

Trinity School New York, NY 10024

Vol. 101, No. 4 November 2007 | MATHEMATICS TEACHER 265

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Page 3: Mathematical Discourse || Mathematical Lens

f?i AT H E M AT IC A L LENS solutions

Some of these questions can be resolved

by pasting the digital image of the Heli conia into The Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP).

1. GSP was used to superimpose a rect

angular grid on top of the photograph (fig. 1). Each row was examined, and the squares that contained any red were marked with a red dot. Any squares that were at least 50 percent red were marked with a blue dot. The data were compiled in table 2.

With the rectangular grid, there are a

total of 20 x 15 = 300 squares. Let r be the amount of red in the photograph. Then

70 161 -< r <-,

300 300

so the value of r is roughly between 23 percent and 54 percent. The

accuracy of the estimate is inversely related to the size of the squares. That is, the accuracy increases as the size of the individual squares decreases; or, the more squares there

are, the better the estimate.

2. Since the photograph is two-dimen sional and the two sets of bracts are somewhat similar and therefore would take up equal proportions of a

circle circumscribing them, GSP was

used to construct circles on top of the photograph (fig. 2). Points were

placed on the tips of the bracts, four on the upper larger cluster and three on the lower smaller cluster. Chords were drawn, three on the upper

larger cluster and two on the lower smaller cluster. Perpendicular bisec

tors of the chords were constructed. The intersection of each of the two sets of perpendicular bisectors deter

mines the center of each of the two circles. The area of each circle was

calculated. The ratio of the areas is 3.00. The ratio of the lengths of different attributes is therefore the

square root of 3.

3. Figure 3 shows a central axis

Fig. 2 GSP is used to inscribe the Heliconia bracts in circles.

drawn down the main connecting stems at the center of each cluster of bracts. Rays were constructed by

Table 2

Squares Containing Color

Row Number













Number of Squares with a Red or a Blue Dot






Number of Squares with a Blue Dot



?I?^?f 3 10 15

Fig. 1 Heliconia and superimposed grid in GSP

266 MATHEMATICS TEACHER | Vol. 101, No. 4 November 2007

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Page 4: Mathematical Discourse || Mathematical Lens

Fig. 3 GSP can be used to measure angles

formed by the bracts and the main stem.

A I /?x

Fig. 4 In a triangular grid, a represents the

distance between plants and b represents the

distance between rows.

Have you ever seen a building, a bridge, a sign, or a natural

phenomenon that stimulated mathematical thoughts? Why not take a photograph and send it to NCTM, along with the mathematical questions that the

photograph inspires? The ques tions can be playful, imaginative, curious, and inventive; they can also be mathematical extensions

sparked by the photograph. If the photograph includes

identifiable people, the pho tographer must obtain signed release forms. Photographers must also obtain release forms if trademarked items are shown. Original photographs must be either in hard copy or supplied digitally as 300

dpi images in .jpg format. For details on releases and digi tal standards, please see the NCTM Web site. Photographs will not be returned.

Send the photographs, dia grams, list of questions, solu tions, and completed release forms to the "Mathematical Lens" editors.

Members who wish to use this month's

photographs in a classroom setting can download the image from NCTM's

Web site, www.nctm.org. Follow links to Mathematics Teacher, and choose Current Issue. Then select Mathemati cal Lens from the Departments, and look for the link to the image.

2 = 1.15 14,400 16,560

(c) On a square grid, the distance between the plants and between the rows would be the same. On a

triangular grid as in figure 4, the distance between the plants would be the lengths of the sides of

equilateral triangles, whereas the distance between the rows would be the altitude of the triangle. Let a represent the distance between

plants within and between con secutive rows. Let b be the dis tance between rows. Using basic

trigonometry, or the Pythagorean theorem, it can be seen that b =

a sin(60?), so that b is approxi mately equal to

\aS, or 0.886a, as claimed on the Web site.

Editors' note: For readers interested in other applications of mathematics to

botany, see the September 2007 issue of Mathematics Teacher, "Where Have All

the Flowers Gone?" pp. 88-92. ?o

identifying points on the tips of the bracts and points where the bracts meet the main stem. Angles were measured. The measures of three

of the angles on the upper cluster of bracts are very close, within one

degree of one another.

4. (a) Observe that as the value of x increases, the value of y decreases, bringing some sort of inverse variation to mind, such as

1 1 1 #

= = ?,or#

= ?. x x~ x

When the value of a* doubles

(from 6 to 12), the value of y goes from 400 to 100. This points to a function of the form



Substituting (6, 400) in this

equation to solve for a, we


400 = ?= 14,400.



14,400 #



(b) For any given row in table 1, the ratio of z to y is constant and

roughly equal to 1.15. Thus, z =

l.l5y, and so

Vol. 101, No. 4 November 2007 | MATHEMATICS TEACHER 267

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