SOUND AND VIBRATION MASTER’S PROGRAMME Sound and vibrations are part of our daily life. Sound and vibration properties are critical to the function and the quality of environments, products, and transportation. The Master’s Programme in Sound and Vibrations includes all parts of the chain from sound sources or struc- tural vibrations to sound propagation, and the influence on humans and society.


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Sound and vibrations are part of our daily life. Sound and vibration properties are critical to the function and the quality of environments, products, and transportation. The Master’s Programme in Sound and Vibrations includes all parts of the chain from sound sources or struc-tural vibrations to sound propagation, and the influence on humans and society.


Diana Gómez Olmedilla, student 2009-2011.

“As a student of the Sound & Vibration Master’s programme, I acquired broad

and advanced knowledge base, which I can apply to solve sound and vibrational

problems. The whole eduction gave me a solid foundation which will be useful for

the rest of my professional career.”

AIMSSound and vibrations are part of our daily life. Noise in society affects physical and mental health, and causes sleep disturbance, decreased task performance, and annoyance. Sound and vibration properties are therefore critical to the function and the quality of environments, products, and transportation. Today the design of high-speed trains, automotive vehicles, transport infrastructure, cities and buildings is strongly influenced by performance requirements with respect to sound and vibration properties. The aim of the programme is to educate specialists in the field of sound and vibration who will contribute to a competitive and innovative industry and also to a sustainable society, where the negative effects of noise and vibration are reduced.

WHO SHOULD APPLY?Sound and vibration is an interdisciplinary subject including fields such as physics, mechanics, physiology, signal processing, psychology, and electrical engineering. The programme is designed for students with high interest in this interdisciplinary work and in applying engineering skills for the comfort and health of people. The programme is suitable for students with a Bachelor’s degree or Major in Civil En-gineering, Urban Planning, Industrial Design Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Me-chanical Engineering, Physics, Engineering Mathematics, Architecture and Engineering, or Architectural Engineering.


RESEARCH CONNECTIONSThe division of applied acoustics is one of the leading acoustic laboratories in Europe. Over the years the Division has coordinated sev-eral European (EC) projects. We have good relations with regular exchange on both MSc- and PhD-student level with most of the well-established acoustic laboratories in Europe (e.g. ISVR in the UK, ITA Berlin in Ger-many, and INSA de Lyon in France). Industrial cooperation partners are the Swedish and European vehicle manufactur-ers such as Bombardier, Continental, Fiat, SAAB Automobile, Volkswagen, Volvo Cars, and Volvo Trucks. We also work together with major consultancies and research insti-tutes in Sweden and abroad, for example SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, WSP Sweden, ÅF Ingemansson, CSTB in France, and Müller-BBM in Germany.

CAREER OPPORTUNITIESThe educational profile will make it easy for you to find working opportunities as special-ist all over the world, but especially in Europe where there is a clear need for sound and vi-bration specialists. Graduates from the Sound and Vibration programme have typically started careers in:• Acoustic consultancies working with prod-uct development, environmental noise, ar-chitectural acoustics, or building acoustics;• Industries (especially the vehicle industry), which have their own divisions to manage sound and vibration; • The communication industry, where sound is important for the quality of products and services;• Public organisations concerned with envi-

ronmental issues, housing, traffic planning, and health.

EDUCATIONAL METHODSThe programme at Chalmers has a strong fo-cus on the link between theory and practical application. The focus is on identifying and solving problems by using experimental investigations, physical reasoning, analyti-cal models and numerical methods. This is accomplished through project work in small groups guided by experienced teachers, as well as through access to experimental fa-cilities especially suited to this purpose. The programme has over 10 years of ex-perience and is continuously developed. In student evaluations the Sound and Vibra-tion programme receive very good ratings. Almost 90 percent of the students were sat-isfied or very satisfied with our programme and it was stated by an overwhelming ma-jority that we clearly reach the goals of the programme. More details of the evaluations can be found at www.ta.chalmers.se.

PROGRAMME PLANThe Sound and Vibration programme comprises a block of fundamental courses, which are compulsory for all students. The programme offers both a broad education in acoustics as well as the opportunity to specialise in the field of Noise Control Engineering, Architectural Acoustics or Environmental Acoustics. In addition to the specialisations offered at Chalmers, cooperation within other Scandinavian Universities allows for a wider range of specialisation (e.g. underwater acoustics, flow acoustics, musical acoustics). The


Quarter 7 Quarter 8Quarter 6Quarter 5Quarter 4Quarter 3Quarter 2Quarter 1

Audio Technology & Acoustics

Technical Acoustics 1

Sound and Vibration Measurements

Individual Preparation Course

Human Response

to Sound & Vibrations

Building Acoustics & Community


Technical Acoustics 2

Room Acoustics

Design of SilentProducts

Marine Acoustics


MSc Thesis30 ECTS

MSc Thesis60 ECTS

Flow Acoustics


Active Noise


ElectroAcoustics &Ultrasonics


courses are designed to cover all parts of the chain from noise source and structural vibrations to sound-radiation, propagation and transmission, to the influence it has on humans and society.

COMPULSARY COURSESAudio Technology and AcousticsThe student will learn the fundamentals of acoustics and audio technology.

Individual Preparation CourseHelp the students to prepare for the pro-gramme offering topics which might not have been covered in their Bachelor degree, but are essential for the programme (e.g. signal processing, MATLAB programming, basic physics).

Sound and Vibration MeasurementsPrepare the students to handle typical measuremenent tasks in the field of sound- and vibration through laboratory work.

Technical Acoustics IFocuses on physical understanding of sound propagation in structures and the radiation of sound by structures. Analytical and numerical methods used for the pre-diction and control of vibrations and sound radiation.

TENTATIVE COURSESActive Noise ControlIntroduces the principles of active control of sound and vibration, including control strat-egies and filter design. The students design and implement their own ANC system to a real-life case.

Building Acoustics and Community NoiseAdvanced course on building acoustics and community noise preparing for working as a consultant in the area of environmental noise.

Design of Silent ProductsBy applying knowledge obtained in previ-ous courses, the sound and vibration prop-erties of a product provided by industry is analysed. Designs for improvement are proposed, experimentally investigated and discussed with the industrial partner

Electro Acoustics and UltrasonicsIn depth introduction regarding electrical transducers for acoustics and vibration, such as microphones, hydrophones, accelerom-eters, loudspeakers, vibrators and ultrasonic projectors.

Human Response to Sound and VibrationGives a fundamental understanding of the complexity of human response to sound

and vibration. The students will learn meth-ods for analysing data concerning people’s response to sound and vibration.

Room AcousticsIncludes subjective response to voice and music in rooms and methods for designing rooms with high acoustic quality. As a man-datory part of the course the students will participate in a building design project or-ganised by the Acoustical Society of Ameri-ca. The project is made in collaboration with students from Architecture.

Technical Acoustics IIGives the students the opportunity to train the theoretical base presented in Techni-cal Acoustics I by applying knwoledge and tools to a real life problem.

For further questions contact;Coordinator: Wolfgang [email protected]






en, C




Karin Markides, president

CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYChalmers conducts research and edu ca tion in engineering and natural scien ces, architec ture, technology-relat ed mathe mati cal scienc es and nautical sciences – in close collaboration with industry and society. Chalmers is one of Sweden’s largest universities of technology with about 12 000 students and 2 200 em ployees. Approximately 40 percent of Sweden’s graduate engineers and architects are educated here. Chalmers has formed partnerships with major industries mostly in the Gothenburg region such as Ericsson, Volvo and SKF.

The Master’s Programmes at Chalmers are strongly linked to advan c-ed research in areas of particular strength. Upon completion of studies, candidates will be granted a Master’s degree. The programmes are taught in English and open to applicants from the whole world. Chalmers has eight areas of advance where the aim is to bring together research, education and innovation across departmental boundaries and to co-operate with bodies and organisations out side Chalmers: Materials Science, Produ c tion, Information & Communica tion Technology, Transport, Built Environment, Nano science & Nano technology, Life Science and Energy. The eight key areas also have a firm foundation in the basic sciences. The pursuit of new knowledge and improved technology has characterized Chalmers ever since its foundation in 1829.

More info at: chalmers.se/en

THE SMALL METROPOLIS – GOTHENBURGMore than 60 000 are currently studying in Gothenburg. In many ways, their decision to choose Gothenburg when the time came to take the next step into the future isn’t surprising. Gothenburg is an attractive major city with a maritime atmosphere and within easy reach of outdoor activities in the rest of West Sweden. Gothenburg is an uncommonly inviting city for students, with a great deal to offer: You’ll find an exciting cultural and entertainment scene worthy of any major city, as well as a friendly atmosphere that will help you to quickly feel at home.

“Chalmers – for a sustainable future is a vision which exudes the long-term approach, the acceptance of re-sponsibility and the trust I feel is worthy of Chalmers. At the same time, it is obvious that this vision has to be shared by many and that Chalmers has to co-oper-ate across disciplines in order to promote the whole of society’s commitment to our future.”

Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden, Phone +46 31 772 1000

Founded in 1621, Gothenburg is a young city by European standards. Since formative years it has been an important port of international trade and today it is the largest in Scandinavia. With a population of about half a million, it is both friendly and cosmopolitan.

More info at: goteborg.com

SWEDEN – A CULTURE OF INNOVATIONOne of the world’s most modern countries, Sweden is the birthplace of many successful international corporations. Innovative research at Swedish universities and companies has resulted in a number of successful inventions. Some examples are: the computer mouse, Bluetooth for internet mobility, the pacemaker, the ball bearing, the Tetra Pak beverage packaging system, the dialysis machine and internet applications such as the online music streaming service Spotify and the free internet calling service Skype.These fairly recent inventions build on a long history of excellence in academia and research. Sweden is the home of the prestigious Nobel Prize, awarded in Stockholm every year. Sweden has a number of large multinational corporations, such as telecom supplier Ericsson, automotive companies Volvo and Scania, household appliances corporation Electrolux, bearing manufacturer SKF, and high-tech engineering groups Sandvik and Atlas Copco. The deep-rooted creative environment has made Sweden a strong nation in the areas of design, fashion and music, with well-known international brands such as furniture giant IKEA and clothes retailer H&M. Sweden is also one of the largest music-exporting countries in the world.

More info at: studyinsweden.se