Mastering 3D printing

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  • 8/10/2019 Mastering 3D printing


    pedit - poliline


    m114 check positionm302 enable cold extrusion

    avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00 - nezvisl poradenstv a sluby pro vyuit 3D tisku

    3dfactories - kompaktn tiskrna Visions3Dprinter a kreslc 3D pero 3Dsimo

    base48 - brnensk hackerspace uke open-source tiskrny RepRap

    Fillamentum - cesk vrobce ABS a PLA tiskovch strun pro 3D tiskrny FUTUR3D - 3D skenovn a tisk osob

    NC Computers - 3D tiskrny FELIX, 3D per YAYA a filament Pro3D

    Plasty Mladec - cesk vrobce ABS a PLA tiskovch drtu pro 3D tiskrny - Distributor 3D tiskren UP! , 3D tisk na zakzku - e-shop se vm pro 3D tiskrny Svet 3D tisku - e-shop s nejirm vberem filamentu pro 3D tiskrny - 17

    3D Gang - captures your body in fancy position and prints it in 3D 3dfactories - Easy3Dmaker printer Akemake - digatal printable 3D models market base48 - hackerspace form Brno will present open-source RepRap printers be3D - DeeOrange printer & 3D pen easyCNC - Fabbster-G printer Fedora Project - free operating system fully armed for 3D printing

    FUTUR3D - 3D scanning of humans and print Martin Marek - 3D scaning, 3D modeling and 3D fabrication NC Computers - 3D printers FELIX, 3D per YAYA and Pro3D filament part2print - custom printing in 3D Plasty Mladec - czech manufacturer of ABS and PLA print wires for 3D printers - e-shop that offers everything you need for 3D printing Svet 3D tisku - e-shop that offers everything you need for 3D printing - 14

    Print Started at: 16:21:57Print ended at: 20:24:28and took: 04:02:30echo:239 min, 54 sec

    blender - to edit stl files

    print ideas:

  • 8/10/2019 Mastering 3D printing

    2/2 - south park crew - mechanical clock

    microsd extender:

    46cm - 4db40cm - 4db36cm - 4db