MASTERFUL MATHS · •Dylan William –Planning assessment without levels •Pupil Tracker. Pupil Tracker. Baseline Assessments •Statutory from Sept. 2016 •Which Baseline Assessment

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Page 1: MASTERFUL MATHS · •Dylan William –Planning assessment without levels •Pupil Tracker. Pupil Tracker. Baseline Assessments •Statutory from Sept. 2016 •Which Baseline Assessment

MATHS NETWORK24th June 2015



Page 2: MASTERFUL MATHS · •Dylan William –Planning assessment without levels •Pupil Tracker. Pupil Tracker. Baseline Assessments •Statutory from Sept. 2016 •Which Baseline Assessment

Your Feedback = Our Aims

• Welcome

• Updates

• Reception to KS1

• The Bar Method

• Fractions

• Maths Across the Curriculum

• Roman Numerals

• Blooms Taxonomy

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Updates• SATs…?

• ‘Kangaroo Maths’

• ‘Quizalize’

• ‘MyMaths.co.uk’

• ‘Studyladder’

• What is ‘mastery’?

• Teaching Assistants

• Assessment materials

• Baseline assessments

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Teaching assistants

Low impact for high cost, based on limited evidence

The average cost of employing a teaching assistant, including salary and on-costs, is estimated at about

£18,000. Overall, costs are estimated as high.

Educational Endowment Foundation – Sutton Trust

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Teaching Assistants

Negative• TAs provide general administrative or classroom support,

which on average do not show a positive• impact of TAs providing general classroom support suggests

that students in a class with a teaching assistant present do not, on average, outperform those in one where only a teacher is present.

• Pupils, particularly those who are low attaining or identified as having special educational needs, can perform worse in classes with teaching assistants.

• Where overall negative impacts have been recorded, it is likely that support from TAs has substituted rather than supplemented teaching from teachers.

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Effective TA SupportPositive

• lead to improvements in pupils’ attitudes

• positive effects in terms of teacher morale and reduced stress.

• TAs support individual pupils or small groups, which on average show moderate positive benefits.

• In the most positive examples, it is likely that support and training will have been provided for both teachers and TAs so that they understand how to work together effectively, e.g. by making time for discussion before and after lessons

• Research which focuses on teaching assistants who provide one to one or small group support shows a stronger positive benefit of between three and five additional months on average.

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Assessment materials

• Testbase

• Local arrangements i.e. Stoke LA – ‘Pathways’

• Rising Stars

• Assertive Mentoring

• Learning Ladders

• GL Assessment

• Tom Garner – ‘Assessing without levels’• Dylan William – ‘Planning assessment without levels’

• Pupil Tracker

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Pupil Tracker

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Baseline Assessments

• Statutory from Sept. 2016

• Which Baseline Assessment to use?

• Why have a Baseline Assessment?– The DFE wanted to create a National Standard

– Track progress through school and see what ‘value’ the school adds between Reception and Year 6

• First results/impact will be seen in 2023

• However, will it happen or be scrapped?

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OFSTED UpdatesBetter Inspection For All, Ofsted, February 2015 The key points• The Common Inspection Framework will apply to both state and independent sectors and all

remits from EYFS to post-16 (but will differ in relevant content).

• Outstanding schools, but not special schools, PRUs or nurseries remain outside inspection.

• Good schools will have more frequent short inspections by a single HMI. Approximately every 3 years. To confirm previous grading.

• A short inspection may trigger a full inspection if the HMI raises concerns or thinks the school is outstanding

• Schools that are not at least good will continue to have a full inspection. The short notice period remains but OFSTED retains the right to inspect without notice if there are concerns about safe-guarding.

• Ofsted will no longer contract with inspection service providers (ISPs). Instead, all inspectors will be managed in-house by Ofsted.

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The six judgements

Inspectors are already being trained on the four inspection areas, although the final shape of the framework will depend largely on what is learnt from this term’s pilot inspections. During a full inspection, graded judgements will be made on:

• Overall effectiveness• The Effectiveness of Leadership and

Management.• Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment.• Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare.• Outcomes for Children and Learners.• The effectiveness of Early Years.

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Leadership and Management• Ambitious vision

• Effective leadership of teaching

• Focus on the curriculum, the recent changes to the curriculum give this element increased importance.

• Safeguarding

• Equality, diversity and fundamental British values (FBV).

• Subject knowledge, pedagogy and knowing how children and young people learn.

• In line with overall strategic direction, teaching now explicitly includes learning and is strengthened by a greater focus on the use of assessment.

• Expect a much greater focus on mastery teaching and understanding how to promote deep learning rather than on progress at any price.

• Partnerships with parents

Quality of Teaching

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Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare

• Behaviour

• Attendance,

• Managing feelings,

• Keeping healthy and safe (ECM?)

• Self-confidence,

• SMSC Social, moral, spiritual and cultural

• FBV Fundamental British values

• The key to what we might be expecting in the new framework is the focus on how well all children and learners progress from their different starting points and achieve or exceed the expected age-related standards

Outcomes for children and learners

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OFSTED Report on Stoke on Trent

January 2015 OFSTED inspected the LA


Standards in Key Stages 1 and 4 are too low and not improving rapidly enough.

At Key Stage 2, pupils’ attainment has improved consistently for the last three years, pupils are making better progress and the achievement gaps between disadvantaged and other pupils are closing.


Improve rapidly the achievement of pupils in Years 1 and 2 in reading, writing and mathematics

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Bridging the gapReception to Year 1

• EYFS Goals compared to end of year expectations for Year 1.

• For example; • Number

– Recognise numerals 1 to 5 (40-60 month - EYFS)

– Counting reliably with numbers from 1-20 (ELG – EYFS)

– Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards (Year 1)

• Shape, Space and Measure– Using everyday language for time (ELG – EYFS)

– Measure and begin to record time in hours, mins, secs (Year 1)

– Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times (Year 1)

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http://www.ludworth.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Big-Maths-A-Parents-Guide.pdfMaths lessons contain each of these elements. COUNTING Children will count forwards, backwards, in steps of 3 6 or 25, read and write numbers and in multiples.

‘LEARN ITS’ Learn Its are addition facts and times tables facts. 36 addition 36 multiplication

IT’S NOTHING NEW This is the most important aspect of CLIC – the way children become successful and properly numerate. Ideas such as 5 things and 3 things are always 8 things. Eggs, counters, bananas, counters, tens, litres…

CALCULATINGThis aspect of CLIC is when the teacher will work on developing the class’ progress and understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Big Maths clearly maps out which steps children should do in a clear order and helps teachers to identify where to go back to if a child is struggling.

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Place value

• count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number

• count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in multiples of twos, fives and tens

• given a number, identify one more and one less

• identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least

• read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words.

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Number grids ITP

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Shanghai Maths?

Singapore Maths?

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Bar Model

Concrete Abstract (Our Way)

1 + 1 + 1 =3

Concrete Pictorial Abstract (Singapore)

1 + 1 + 1 =3

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BBC Article on Bar Model• Count things with objects• Get some interlocking cubes• Use cut-out pictures• Do basic arithmetic with objects• Use interactive blocks BBC Skillswise's interactive blocks: text

SKILLSWISE to 81010• Draw pictures• Don't rush to use figures be confident they can match objects and

pictures first and say the numbers before using abstract symbols• Start with figures 1 to 9• Brush up your own maths to help your kids• Go slowly to build confidence It takes time for children to get

really confident with the basics. The Singapore curriculum actually covers less than the UK national curriculum in the first few years, instead taking more time to build confidence in the basics. But this pays off in spades later on.

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3 + 2 = 5

3 2



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6 – 2 = 4

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4 44


4 x 3 = 12

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How many threes in fifteen?


3 3 3 3 3

15 ÷ 3 = 5

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Divide 15 into 3 groups?


5 5 5

15 ÷ 3 = 5

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What fraction is yellow?

What is 1

3of 15?

5 5 5


3of 15 = 15 ÷ 3 = 5


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What is a fraction?

• Understanding fractions is not simply a seamless journey from understanding the concept of whole number.

• It has been shown, however that primary-age pupils’ knowledge of fractions and division can predict the success in mathematics in later stages of their schooling. (Siegler et al, 2012).

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Fractions as part of a whole

One thing shared into equal parts

Year 1 Quarters – four equal pieces

Year 2 Fifths -

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Fraction as a quotient

What is 1

5(one fifth) of this shape?

What is 2

5(two fifths) of this shape?

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A fraction as a number

Cardinal value depends on the whole half of 4 is less than a quarter of 12

Do you count in fractions?

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Fractions as an operator

Halving this group of counters

Finding 1

3of these sweets

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What does the research say?

• Pupils need to experience the multiple forms of fractions (see above) to have a comprehensive conceptual understanding. Nuneset al (2006) found that although fractions were introduced in schools in the early years as part/ whole relations, pupils come into school with a varied understanding of fractions in the context of sharing and when primary pupils were provided with problems involving fractions they were more confident and accurate in solving problems involving quotient situations. i.e. fractions as a sharing/ division model than in part/ whole situations despite limited teaching of the former.

• Howe et al (2005) observed that pupils did not easily transfer knowledge of fractions in one context, across to another and therefore in teaching, a rich experience of multiple representations and with explicit links made should be provided for deep conceptual understanding

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Is this 3


Is this 1



4is bigger than


5because 5 is bigger than 4

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FractionsA hole or a whole

– a quarter of a piece of paper– a quarter of a cake– a quarter of a number line– The link to division divide equally into 4– The symbol 1 one whole divided into 4


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I’ll cut this cake into two pieces.

Would you like the bigger half?

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You can have half these apples

How many would you take?

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If this is a third.

How big is two thirds?

One whole?


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Which is a half?

Which cake would you like to eat half of?

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Fraction words, symbols, images












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If this is a whole.

What fraction is this?

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Equivalent Fraction Wall

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Paper Plates

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Election 2015

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Cut out and compare

Test out equivalence

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40 . . .


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Comparing Fractions

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Which is greater? or ? 5



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Which is greater? 1 or ? 25


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Decimal equivalent for ?89

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Subject Knowledge Audit

• NCETM website:

• Search ‘primary subject knowledge audit’

• Click on the first link for the next three pages

• ‘My PLS Timeline’

• Search ‘Maths in the Staff Room’

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Maths Across the Curriculum

• SMSC – Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

• NCETM:– ‘Where’s the Maths in that?’

–Maths and Science links

– ‘A little bit of History’ https://www.ncetm.org.uk/resources/35555

• Topic books/display

• Topic weeks – time for planning

• ‘Estimation Stations’

• Cross-curricular planning

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Maths Across the Curriculum

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Victorian Sweet Shop in KS1

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How many sweets do you think are in this jar?

How much do you think they weigh?

What fraction of the jar contain Haribo sweets?

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Totem Polein KS2

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What 2D shapes can you see?

How many eyes are there?

How many boxes do you think we would need toget the totem pole as tallas Big Ben?

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Tallest manand woman in


In the hall

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How much taller is that man thanthe woman?

Estimate the shoe size of the man.

Can you think of any objectsthat are the same heightas the woman?

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• Welcome

• Updates

• Reception to KS1

• The Bar Method

• Fractions

• Maths Across the Curriculum

• Roman Numerals

• Blooms Taxonomy

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Next Steps..

• Blooms Taxonomy• Level 6 • 2016 Tests• Marking• Maths Moderation

• What else?